whitechapel gun club - karwansaray publishers

Post on 02-Apr-2022






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The Whitechapel Gun Club

~The great marengo Illusionist

Special ability HYPNOTISM: When in contact, before hand to hand combat commences, Marengo rolls 1D6. On a 4-6 he successfully mesmerises his opponent, who is unable to fight back.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

Lady Euthanasia Pokingham-Proditt

Special ability GLAMOUR: Men cannot resist her beauty. Momentarily distracted, men’s die rolls against her - shooting or in combat - always minus 1. Lesbians are also susceptible.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Scratch Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Miss Florrie Nightingale D0-Gooder

Special ability HEALING: Each turn, Miss Florrie can expend 1 point of vim to heal one wound to herself or a colleague on her action, on a die roll of 4 - 6.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Scratch Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Fanny Daley Ladies’ Maid

Special ability STEALTH: Accustomed to stealing from the pantry in the dead of night, Fanny can silently incapacitate a single enemy without risk of an alarm – if she wins the combat.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Scratch Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Dr John Watson MD and sleuth

Special ability HEALING: Each turn, Dr. Watson can expend 1 point of vim to heal one wound to himself or a colleague on his action, on a die roll of 3 - 6.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Captain Ishmael Spoons Mariner

Special ability AGILITY: Raised amongst the rigging and wharves, nothing presents an obstacle to Ishmael Spoons. He may cross any difficult terrain without using up any of his vim.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Professor Pottering Inventor

Special ability INGENUITY: Each turn, the ingenious Professor Pottering’s group can move up one place in the initiative order without expending any vim. He’s that clever.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Lady Penelope Fondling Daredevil

Special ability BRAVADO: Hot air balloonist, explorer and adventurer, Lady Penelope rides her luck and laughs in the face of danger. Once per turn, she can re-roll one of her dice.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

~Father Erasmus Unorthodox Patriarch

Special ability SANCTITY: Only Father Erasmus can slay the Vampire, such is the strength of his soul. He is impervious to the Vampire’s glamour, and the Vampire cannot negate his sanctity.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a - - - -

Combat 6 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 4e

The Whitechapel Gun Club

Doktor Mordechai Hzardcy

Special ability PIETY / REMOVE GLAMOUR He is not only impervious to the Vampire’s glamour, he can remove the glamour at will from others within 12” of him.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a - - - -

Combat 6 + 1d6


It’s only a scratch

Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3e

The Transylvanian EnemyCount Ordog ~ The Vampire

Special abilities - VAMPIRE GLAMOUR: Once per turn, Count Ordog can mesmerise any one opponent within line of sight, robbing them of all volition. But human special abilities have no affect against him.

Move Walk 6” Runs 10”

Range - - - -

Hit on a - - - -

Combat 2 + 2d6


Count Ordog cannot be wounded – only slain by a stake through the heart.He may only move outdoors after sundown.He may not cross a crossroads, nor road leading to it.


Vim: 4eCount Ordog

The Transylvanian EnemyOne-eyed Ivan

Special ability NONEThe Count’s loyal dog, One-eyed Ivan is a lousy shot but fearsome in a hand-to-hand fight…

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 4 - 6 5 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 5 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 2eIvan

The Transylvanian EnemyOleg the castle gatekeeper

Special ability NONE

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 4 - 6 5 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 3 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 2eOleg

The Transylvanian EnemyTatiana Bigova, housekeeper

Special ability NONETatiana Bigova, castle housekeeper, flourishes the wolf’s head standard of the Principality…

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 4 - 6 5 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 3 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 2e

The Transylvanian EnemyBrum Shtoka, the chauffeur

Special ability DRIVER - Brum Shtoka, the Count’s ancient chauffeur is permanently drunk on the Old Tokay. But he can drive any vehicle like a demon. In fact, he is a demon. Just not a very good one.

Move Walks 4” Runs 6”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 6 6 6 6

Combat 1 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 1 eBrumShtoka

The Transylvanian EnemyColonel Székely

Special ability - ELECTRO-LANCE FORCE GENERATOR Upon activating his electro-lance at a cost of 1 vim, the Colonel immediately creates an impenetrable force field with a 6” radius around himself.

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3eSzékely

The Transylvanian EnemyCaptain Kurtz

Special ability – CRACK SHOT Once per turn, Captain Kurtz may expend 1 vim and re-roll his shooting dice

Move Walks 6” Runs 10”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3eKurtz

The Transylvanian EnemyCaptain Sofia Pavlova

Special ability GLAMOUR: Men cannot resist her beauty. Momentarily distracted, men’s die rolls against her - shooting or in combat - always minus 1. Lesbians are also susceptible.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 4 + 1d6


Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3eSofia

The Transylvanian EnemyThe Bridal Guard (4)

Special ability: NONEThe Bridal Guard are the Count’s bodyguard – as well as handmaidens to his unwilling brides.

Move Walk 6” Run 8”

Range Close< 6”

Short< 18”

Long< 36”

Distant< 48”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 3 + 1d6


Vim: 2e

Fortitude Soldier 1 Soldier 2 Soldier 3 Soldier 4

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow



The Transylvanian EnemyVehicle Commander Miriam

Special ability ENGINEER: Only Miriam Vyrzhenko can operate the Infernal Steam Vehicle - the ‘Pokol’ class steam-driven machine-gun-carriage.

Move Walks 6” Runs 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 4 + 1d6

Fortitude Flesh wound

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Vim: 3eMiriam

The Transylvanian EnemyThe Infernal Steam vehicle

‘Pokol’ class steam-driven machine-gun-carriage. It has a crew of 4 including a commander, driver, gunner and stoker. To move it requires at least a qualified engineer + a stoker.

Moves8” (uses 1 vim by the driver)

Before moving, from a cold start it takes one entire turn to build up a head of steam

Range Close6” - 12”

Short< 24”

Long< 48”

Distant< 72”

Hit on a 2 - 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6

Combat Can crush opponents – roll 1D6 to determine the number of wounds per victim

Note 1: Under 6”, the machine gun lacks sufficient downward elevation, so cannot hit targets at such close range.Note 2: The portholes are armoured glass - cannot be fired through


Vim: 3e

The Transylvanian EnemyInfernal Steam Vehicle Crew

Special ability: NONE: The lesbian crew of the ‘Pokol’ steam-driven machine-gun-carriage are good shots with their pistols, but don’t have much by way of initiative…

Move Walk 6” Run 8”

Range Close< 3”

Short< 12”

Long< 24”

Distant< 36”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 3 + 1d6


Vim: 2e

Fortitude Crew 1Tara

Crew 2Lara

Crew 3Kara

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


The Transylvanian EnemyCarpathian Rifle Section (7)

Move Walk 8” Run 10”

Range Close< 6”

Short< 18”

Long< 36”

Distant< 48”

Hit on a 3 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 6 6

Combat 2 + 1d6


Vim: 2e

Fortitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow


Special ability: NONEDumb, unquestioning cossacks in the Count’s unlovely service…


The Transylvanian EnemySnivelling Lackeys (5)

Special ability: NONEThe Count’s misshapen slaves may lack weapons, but will attack savagely in defence of their master

Move Walk 6” Run 8”

Range - - - -

Hit on a - - - -

Combat 2 + 1d6


Vim: 2e

Fortitude Lackey 1 Lackey 2 Lackey 3 Lackey 4 Lackey 5

Mortal injury

Near fatal blow



~The Whitechapel Gun Club House Rules

VimEach figure is blessed with an amount of ‘vim’ (spirit, energy) each turn.

1 vim = 1 action: walk; run; fire a shot; fight hand-to-hand; issue an order; recover; cross an obstacle; use a special ability needing vim. A figure may use any combination of any actions in any sequence.

MovingEach figure walks or runs the distance shown on its card - expending 1 vim.

A figure that runs twice in succession must use 1 vim to recover as his next available action.

Obstacles: Move up to it. Stop. It takes a separate action to cross it.

ShootingEach figure can fire the distance shown on its card according to weapon

Subject to the range, throw the required number on a D6 to hit.Target in hard cover? Deduct 1.

One hit = one wound (see ‘fortitude’ below).


Each figure can fight hand to hand using skill + luck (1D6) shown on its card.

One-on-one combats only. Highest wins. Loser suffers a wound.

Deduct 1 against a second concurrent opponent, 2 against a third, and so on.

FortitudeEach figure is blessed with fortitude (resilience) as shown on its card.

There are 4 levels of wound (depending on fortitude). No remaining fortitude = death.

A figure sustaining any wound must recover as its next available action.

Status Each figure is either a leader, a follower or a henchman.

Leaders can issue orders. Followers can issue and follow.Henchmen can only follow orders.

Orders audible up to 24” Orders remain in force until a new order is issued.

eDraw one playing card per group of figures to determine initiative. Aces High, naturally

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