whodunit by youngsters

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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A collection of 7 detective short stories written collaboratively by Students from France (Collège Pasteur and Lycée Bazeilles) and from Poland, in the course of an eTwinning project run between March and April 2012.


Whodunit According to Youngsters

Łódź 18.06.2012

Seven detective short stories

written by French-Polish teams

Collège Pasteur, Vrigne aux Bois, France

Lycée Bazeilles, Bazeilles, France

Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 16 im. Ofiar Katynia w Łodzi, Łódź , Poland

eTwinning project,

March – April 2012

Team 1: Kamelia, Imane, Jimmy

Wiktoria, Kasia,

Alexis, Arthur, Dusty, Marjorie, Naomie

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home ...

He was driving, there was nobody outdoors because of the early hour. He went back home and took a look at his cellphone. It was 1:30 a.m, now.

John sat in his little flat, he was very tired of his long day. Right now, he was working on a very complicated case as a F.B.I. agent.

He went to sleep. The next day was Saturday so he rode his bike to his aunt. She lived in a small house in the suburbs. It was a cold and windy day. When he got there he knocked the door. Nobody opened but he had a key. He came into the house and he saw blood. Next to the blood he saw a knife. He was frightened because next to the sofa he saw a dead woman. He didn't know her. He couldn't see any murderer traces.

John called the police, he searched clues in all the house. He saw the window which was open so he conclueded the murderer's escape was evident.

The police arrived with dogs, and observed the crime scene, they were suprised because the victim was Britney Forks, a famous rock star.

John was anxious for his aunt, where was she ?

John finaly found fingerprints on a dark chair. He went to his bureau and analyzed the prints. It was Ben Harper's prints. After some researchs, John learnt that Harper was just 17 years old, that he was a student in Reagan's College, and that he was a fervent fan of Britney Forks. He went back to the aunt's house and he found her. She was crying, and said that she was the eye-witness of the crime, the murderer was threatening so she ran away.

One of the police dogs found a rope used to tie victims. The surprising thing about was that they found that rope in the garbage out of John's house. The detective said that he could be one of the main suspects in this case.

After making more research the police laboratory found drugs on the corpse. So they concluded the victim was implied in a drugs smuggling. In the aunt's house they found a letter; " 107 birch street, behind the cinema, the third of december at 6.00 PM, for our buisness".

When John discovered in the newspaper that he was suspected, he was furious. He tooks his glasses and opened his computer to make researchs. Suddently, he had an idea and took his phone to call the forensic scientist. He was not gonna let the english police accuse him.

Next day he drove to a forensic scientist. When he was driving he saw through the window a crazy man opposite the church. He had a chainsaw and he was cutting a big piece of French cheese. He was frightened because next to the psychopath there was a woman tied up to the cross. John got out of the car and ran to the man and hit him with a bunch of flowers.

John searched some clues in the pocket of the man and he found a key with an address on a paper. He went to this address and it was a little house next to the church. He opened the door; he saw a little bedroom and he found a kettle with blood on it. John switched on the computer and found a research about "unicorn's blood". So he continued his way and found a huge rocket in the garage painted with rainbow colors.

Disturbed, he returned to his car and arrived at the forensic scientist bureau. He told him about the newspaper and asked him to analyzed the corpse of Britney one more time. Finally, the scientist proved that John was innocent. John started to make researchs about the rock star Britney and discovered that her sign was an unicorn. He went to the police and he told them about the unicorn and the blood on the kettle. But the policemen said that they were working on a new case : a mugging with a broken bottle of alcohol. Annoyed, he decided to go to the adress he found. Maybe he'll find Ben Harper's tracks or footsteps...

John decided to take a break from the investigation and went fishing. When he was fishing he saw a bird. It was chasing a Centaur who was driving a car with bombs. The bird had to defend himself with nitroglycerine.

Jonh woke up and realized he had had a stupid nightmare. So, he decided to continue the investigation. He went to the address he had found two days ago; and saw footsprints of boots. They led to a fridge; he opened it and found women's clothes. Directly after that, he called the forensic scientist because he thought it was Britney's. When he came back to his car, he saw a van with two men inside who were parked in front of the garage...

The men went out of the van and John, really scared, recognized Harper. He was with an other man John didn't know. Afraid, he coudn't moove and realized the men had a gun in their hands.

- I kill him ? asked the man.

Harper saw Britney's clothes in John's hand and acquiesced.

- Quickly, said Harper, watching around them.

Terrorised, John watched the man turn his gun in his direction. But he heard the police siren comming in the street...

Harper got scared so he shot John twice and injured his leg. John ran away and screamed for somebody to help him. After a moment the police arrived. And then something strange happened - two policeman put him in chains and kicked him a few times. John asked them what they were doing when Harper was escaping. They explained that he was accused of shooting John Carlington.

- But I am John - told John almost crying from anger

- Don't even try to lie. We will take you to the police station and you will get life sentence.

John was badly hurt, but he wanted to escape. Policemen shot him in the neck. John was almost dying and saw Harper gave some money to the policemen. He understood that the policemen were false policemen and he died. When Harper and his accomplice went away, an FBI helicopter arrived and arrested them and had to await trial...

The students from Pasteur wrote in blue,

the students from Łódź wrote in brown,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in black.

Team 2: Laetitia, Marwa, Franzi,

Ania, Sebastian, Igor,

Christopher, Clothilde, Manon, Solène

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home he felt something unusual. He went in front of a house. The house was closed. A dog barked in front of the house and a girl was lying on the ground. The girl was tall. She had long black curly hair. She hadn't glasses. She had a white tee-shirt and blue jeans. There was blood on the ground next to her.

John was surprised of what he saw. He didn't know what had happened, he didn't know if that was a suicide, he didn't know if there was a murderer. The man saw someone walking towards him. He was scared and decided to take a bike that was close and ride away as fast as he could. He was riding along the road untill he arrived to his aunt's house. He knocked her door and a sleepy woman opened it. He told her his terrifying story. Walking through the kitchen he saw a knife covered in blood.

When his aunt saw John , who was looking at the knife strangely , she knocked out him and suddenly , he felt down in a deep sleep. He was in a mysterious dream , and in this one , he was in a jeep and he was doing a safari. When suddenly , the car broke down. He got out of his car to look at what had happened, but he felt that a strange thing was behind him. This thing attacked him at his leg : it was a crocodile.

All of a sudden, he woke up and he was totally scared when he discovered that his leg it's cut. He heard the neighbours. He asked for help. The aunt told him with a threatening air to be silent. Then, she took her car and go away. The neighbours arrived, the woman took a chair and sit down the victim on it. He took her hand. His fingers were covered of blood. They were in a dark room, and the two eye witnesses decided to ... take wounded John to the hospital. He lost much bood and was in very bad condition. John and the aunt's neighbours arrived at hospital. There he had an immediate leg operation. After several hours he woke up. The neighbours were standing next to his bed. They decided to introduce themselves. As John's condition was getting better they decided to hire a private detective. After a month John finally left hospital and the neighbours drove him to that detective. His name was Billy. He was just 24 years old. The neighbours, John and Billy were in the detective's office for five hours. The next day Billy and John went to investigate the aunt's house. They broke a window and got inside. They saw a terryfying and surprising thing. It was a dog hanging on a rope from the ceiling. At the moment they both realised that John's aunt was a prime suspect.

It looked like a cinema film. A horror film. John and Billy decided to take the dog to drive him at the police laboratory. They would practise an autopsy. After several analysis, they saw a strange thing ... It was 5 bags of drugs. So, they concluded that the John's aunt was the leader of a smuggling of drugs. But it wasn't finished. On the dog, there was small and mysterious residue. It was some pieces of bark of birch in his hairs.

... After John and Billy discovered why the dog was hanged. They began to search with the forensic scientist where was the drog laboratory. They went in the forest because they found the pieces of bark of birch. They saus a man with glasses he was reading a newspaper, he was next to a bulding where there are computers...

... Billy and John approached the man with glasses and asked shyly:

- "Hello, what are you doing here all alone?"

- "Can't you see? I'm reading a newspaper" - the man replied

- "Sorry, we didn't mean to offend you ..." - they apologized

- "It's nothing, really".

- "What's that you're sitting on?"

- "Awww... That's just my chainsaw..."

- "Don't you think it's a bit strange?"

- "Yeah, I know but I ate too much cheese and I'm not feeling well".

- "OOOKEY.... - said John and Billy looking stangely at that guy - "... do you know what's inside that building here?"

- "It used to be an old flower shop but they left this place and moved somewhere near a church"

John and Billy looked inside through the window and they saw ....

When they looked inside the window, they saw a strange room, in which there were 2 mugs of coffee on a old table, then they realized a kettle was on. That's why, they understood that the building was inhabited.They suddenly saw that the door was oppened... They

entered and they saw a little key on the floor, they took the key and they discovered a stranger laboratory with a mysterious residue of blood unicorn in a glass. John and Billy left the building and they saw a big garden in which they was a residue of Rocket... In spite of this mystery, he looked at the sky and saw a beautiful rainbow.

... After he went to the lab to see the results of the tracks he found in the lab. John and Billy discovered foot steps the door was open.John and Billy decided to enter the lab they discovered papers on the floor, broken windows and bottles of alcohol.

When they saw mess in baboratory they thought someone had been looking for something in there. They went outside and saw the man they had been talking a minute before... It was the man with the chainsaw, now he was dead and his chainsaw covered in blood. Something murdered him... They decided to come back in the lab and look for any clues. There were some words on the papers on the floor: "TOP SECRET", "Project Centaur".

- "Billy, come here at once" - shouted John - "I've found something interesting."

- "What's that?"

- "Some strange government papers saying something about top secret military project."

- "What are they saying? Read them. Read!

- "It's just too creepy to be real... The project was about converting people into special elite killing machines based on mythical creatures".

- "This is just insane..."

They found some door that were locked. They had some nitroglycerine back in the lab's shelf.

3...2...1... KABOOM!

The door disappeared. They saw a giant cage with a Centaur plate. There were also several other empty cages, car engine and dead birds probably to feed the creature. The Centaur was on the loose.

John and Billy were horrified and stepped back , then they saw a fridge and in it they discovered little boots. They decided to leave the strange building and they escaped in a big Van. Billy had his driving licence, they went to Big Ben and saw the Centaur at the top of the tower. They decided to leave the city for their protection and to go to Brussels to alert NATO.

... In Brussels, John explainded what he saw. The persons in NATO were not surprised beacause they were investigating about John's awnt. They suspeted her to be at origine of "Project centaur", but they had not clues.

- "I have clues!" - said John throwing government papers on a table.

- "Yes, you see, we must take any action to stop this inhuman project".

- "This is madness" - added Billy

- "Madness?"

- "This is a war! Everyone in the hall shouted! - Red alarm! Pack your things. We are going to war!"

It was a bloody war. Two years later, at the end of this war, Billy and John concluded John's aunt was at the origin of everything. They looked for her for several months ... And after a while, they at last found her. After a fight, billy lost his life and Jonh killed his aunt...

Georges Lucas it is an idea for you !!

The students from Pasteur wrote in pink,

the students from Łódź wrote in dark blue,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in blue.

Team 3: Joane, Laura, Joris, Léo

Dominik, Konrad, Mateusz,

Anais, Carole, Louis, Maxime, Nais

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home. He walked his dog. He went in a small street when he heard shouts. A boy killed a woman with a knife. John was scared and he hid behind a bin. His dog barked and the murderer came to him.

He was so fearful he has never seen so much blood before. The murderer was walking closer with bloody knife when John decidet to get back home. He ran as fast as his dog. When he got home, he closed every door and windows. He couldn't sleep all night. In the morning his telephone rang. The speaker said: "Don't call the police or it will end badly". He got his bike and rode to his uncle. The Uncle wasn't at home so his aunt opened the door.

His aunt welcomed him thinking it was her husband :

-" Your uncle is disappeared "

-" What do you think ? Call the special forces to make a investigation. "

- " No, i fear threat "

- " It is a real mystery "

John was going back home to search the information on this case.

He try to call his uncle but his uncle answered not. A threatening man said: "If you try to call in this phone or if you searched to found him you are dead". With a ingenious software, John localised the call. He went in a dark cellar and he saw a finger on the floor. He is very scared ! He went down in the cellar and he found his uncle attached in a chair. His uncle said he is an eye-witness to the murder that John saw yesterday.

John cut the ropes and start running with his uncle. Then someone attacked him. John avoided the strike and hit the enemy straight in his chest. They were running through the forest when they heard some dogs and a man who wanted to catch them. The stranger ordered them to come with him. John, his uncle and the man got into a car and drove away. The man said that he was a detective rented by John's aunt.

He drove for long time until he arrived at the cinema next to the parc with birches.

-"How did you find us ?"

-" The murder you have seen was a settling of scores between two smuggling bands of drugs"

John understood that he was in a bad situation and he would be obliged to call the police laboratory to find the fingerprints in the cellar.

John, his uncle and the detective went in a costumes shop and rented three costumes of policeman. They were very discrete and they were not recognizable. They went in a bar, requested a directory and three glasses of whisky. John found the phone number of the forensic scientist of the scientist police of USA. The agent discovered, with a computer the place to the cellar and went here. The detective went to the cellar and found today's newspaper.

John saw a man eating some cheese. He took a chainsaw and slaughtered him. He wanted to go home but he lost his key. John took a pot of flowers and broke the window. He was sad and went to church to pray. When he saw the priest ....

John went into the church, when he saw a kettle because the priest made a tea. he saw also blood on the jacket of the priest. John understood that the priest was the murderer. He ran very fast to go back home. He found his key ina broken pot of flowers. He went to sleep because he was tired. In his dream, he saw a rainbow with a unicorn and rockets.

John waked up and he think his dream is strange because he had drank a bottle of alcohol. His phone rang, it's the detective in the cellar. He said he has discovered footsteps and a track of murderer(s): today's paper. John went in the cellar where is the scientist. He talk about the blood on the jacket of priest and his adventure in the church.

It was weekend so John decided to take two days off. He went to a hotel by the sea. In the morning he saw a Centaur running around the hotel. He knew that something was wrong. John was eating breakfast when he discovered a bottle with strange liquid substance. There was also a small watch next to it. John immediately threw the bottle away. It hit a small bird which dropped in the water and exploded. A man who was fishing started screaming because all the fish went away.

The man put his boots and went back home with his van. John took a bottle of beer in the fridge and drank it. Then, he went to his friend's and when he arrived they talked together. Then, they decided to go to London by car, When they arrived, they saw Big ben and the London Eye. They were walking when they saw a dead man in a phone box. John opened the door and he saw rats eating the man.

John is disgusted, he said:

- It's very scary! I need to call army, police, detective!

John stopped looking at the scene of crime, he think the murderer is the priest: he was a member of smuggling bands disguised in priest. Maybe the priest killed the man in the phone box. John saw the man in the phone box, he looks like him. John think the priest wanted to kill him but he has confounded with him.

John was thinking about all this mystery. He went back home and went to sleep. He woke up at about 2 o'clock and picked a bottle of Jack Daniels when the telephone started ringing. He picked up the phone and he heard a mysterious voice.

It's the priest : "You have escaped the first time, but it won't happen again."

The priest put the phone down. John's phone rang again and a policeman told him his phone was taped and that he had located the priest who was the leader of the sect.

The police arrested tall the members of the sect and John was reassured.

John went back to his uncle's who thanked him for all the dangers he had been through to save him.

The students from Pasteur wrote in green,

the students from Łódź wrote in brown,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in blue.

Team 4: Marine, Antonin, Jason Joo

Remigiusz, Micha,

Justin, Lisa, Margot, Maxime, Oumou

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home. He walked in a small dark street. He saw a girl in the ground. She was dead. There was blood. He knew the victim, her name was Violette. Violette was medium. She had long brown straight hair.

In this moment her phone rang. John took the phone from her hand and heard strange voices saying: "Congratulatkion, you have won 1 million dollars - you must just answer one question - how did she die? You got 24 hours to solve the mystery and if you won't you will regret it."

It was a winter-evening. John was watching tv when he saw a butcher who had won at the lottery. He recognized the voice of the person who had called him. The next day, he went to the butcher's, he saw a big knife whith blood. Therefore, John realized that the butcher was probably Violette's murderer. So he decided to work on the case.

He went to the butcher .He didn't see the butcher. He decided to close the shop. The shop was dark. The butcher arrived, John sat him on the chair. He was threatening and he cut the finger of the butcher. There was no eye-witness.

- "Now tell me" said John, "Why have you murdered her? You are the only suspect in this case." The butcher started to laugh in a scary way. "What did you think? You came to my place and cut my finger. Probably you didn't tell anyone where you are, did you?" The butcher laughed again. "I'm not alone you dog-detective!". At this moment John heard some footsteps behing him and felt pain in his head. The last thing he saw was a rope. John woke up in a very small heavily jumping place. In a dim light he saw very surprising words: "I'm alive". then he saw a violet coat.

The room looked like a cinema. The two men came into the room and obliged John to take drugs. They were -in a drug smuggling. there was another person to kill and they obliged John to kill him. A film was shown in the room, the film was a picture of birches in a park and the police laboratory was in the park. There was a murder in the park. But in fact it was not real : John was simply under the influence of drugs.

The butcher put his glasses. In the lab, the forensic scientist analysed the D.N.A, then he discovered the identity of the murderer. The murderer was Paul, he was in the computer. Paul saw his name in the newspaper.

John woke up and was informed about the situation. He went to the local church for some clues. There he met a buther wearing priest's clothes. At first he wanted to ran away but he was frozen with fear. The butcher gave him a white flower made of metal.

On the flower there were two words: "Violette's grave". He went there and met Paul. Paul said: "I don't want to take lives but i must. Sorry." He picked up a chainsaw. John started to run away and while he was running he got into a cheese factory.

John was terrified, he was running like a rocket, but he didn't know where to go, he just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Paul came closer with a key in his hands. At this moment Jonh saw a kettle on a table, next to it there was a large door with a unicorn on it, surprised he opened this door and he arrived outside, breathless. In the sky there was a rainbow.

Paul was not fine he was drunk a bottle of alcohol. A woman , Barbara gave him a paper he read the paper, he discovered the name of victim he had to kill. He wen't to the first address and he found footsteps and tracks.

John hit the Centaur by car. John was scared so he took nitroglycerine and blew the centaur in the woods. Returning home he saw a bird sitting on a branch. He was angry so he hit the bird with a dead fish.

John decided to hand Paul over to the police because the story was going too far, he didn't wont Paul to kill an other innocent. But the problem was Jonh didn't know where was the murderer, he was terrified but he felt compelled to discover where he was.

John went to butcher's to find paul tracks.Then he found some clues that prove that paul could be the murderer.

Paul run away because he understood that john suspects him.

John went to a bar for some clues about the place where Paul hid. He sat down and asked the barman for some information. The barman said: "If you want to catch him you must make him leave his hiding place". John gave the barman $100 for the information and was about to leave the place when suddenly the barman said: "He is behing you!"

John turned round and he was suprised ! He said " So, It was you ?!!!!!! " . The barman left the bar but somebody was behind the door and arrested him. John ran towards the man and handed him over to

the police. The murderer was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment. John won the 1 million dolars which had been promised. But he had lived a tragedy and the money would never compensate that. Life was going to be difficult.

The students from Pasteur wrote in green,

the students from Łódź wrote in brown,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in black.

Team 5: Kelly D , Djalel, Darenn,

Dawid, Przemek, Micha,

Baptiste, Charlotte, Dorine, Margaux, Léo

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home and he watched tv , when he heard strange cries , he looked in the street by the windows and he saw somebody covered in blood.

He was surprised because the street is usually calm.He saw someone run, probably the killer. John ran to help the man, then he called the police.

After the crime, the police arrived on the crime scene.

When the police arrived on the crime scene they didn't find any clues. Next John went to his aunt. When he was at her home he saw a knife covered in blood.

Scared, John thought that his aunt could be the murderer. John hid the knife and he escaped. When his aunt noticed he was missing she got onto her bike and started to look for him.

She went to his house, but he wasn't there. So she went to the morgue, where he worked.

Over there, she saw the man she had killed. She destroyed the corpse with the axe to hide the clues. Before going away, she left tooth-picks and she stole a gun on a shelf, which combined stupidity with inexperience because without realizing it, she had left her mark.

The police and the scientists arrived on the crime scene and they saw the finger of an eye-witness on a chair. The crime scene was dark and his aunt had a threatening air , she looked for john ...

The aunt couldn't find him so she rented a detective. When he saw that he was being followed he planned a trap. When the detective entered the room where the trap was, John jumped onto him and hang him on the rope. Next he ran away. The police arrived on the crime scene with a dog. John said that his aunt is a suspect. That was a surprising turn of events.

John was under drugs, he did not feel good so he went in the street and walked and stopped next to a birch then slept. He waked up in the police laboratory . He learned that he was accused of smuggling. Feeling threatened , he escaped to the laboratory . After lot of times of walk he saw a deserted cinema and hid himself .

In front of cinema , John discovered a newspaper, he took glasses, and read that he was accused of killing the victim. When he was trying to hide his aunt he left his DNA,and the forensic scientist found the knife which was registred in a computer as a clue.

He found some bad cheese. He didn't feel well after the whole night party. He took a chainsaw and began to cut flowers at the cemetery near the church.

But suddenly a priest fell from the window of the church. The priest had bad cheese in his pocket. When the police arrived they arrested John.

His aunt, who worked in shop named "The Rainbow Unicorn", knew John was in the police. She made a rocket with a bomb inside to help John escape. Meanwhile the housekeeper was heating the kettle, the aunt threw the rocket on the wall and released John. The police came back to the crime scene where they found a new clue : a key.

Once escaped, his aunt help him to hide, and forgave him. But, the police chase him with bycicle and discovered a foootsteps in the place and alcohol where John was hidden. John is a suprised because he was asleep and the police wake him up. He fought with the policeman. The policeman left a track of blood on a piece of paper where there was an adress.

John went to the lake. In his car he had a gun and a fishing rod. On the first day he couldn't catch anything so he shot a bird because he was very hungry. A forester, who lived in a hut with a centaur, saw it and was very angry with John. In revenge for the death of the bird the forester blew up John's car with nitroglycerine.

John discovered that the forester was his oncle. His aunt persuaded her husband to forgive John and helped him to escape the police. The couple had a chalet abroad, so they wanted to leave the country because, the sheet of paper where the adress was, was in fact the hut where the forester lived. BUT ! John didn't know the couple were informers collaborating with the police ...

John returned at home, to make research about his aunt. Then John discoverd that his aunt was just hiding the crime weapons because she was working with the police. He went to his aunt and broke a window , he saw some papers on a table. He decided to look at it and realized that she wasn't the murderer because she wrote the cimetery adress and several names of suspects.

John was scared when he realised that his aunt was called Dorota L. He was afraid of her because she was a double agent who killed his parents. She was working for Tadjikiststan.

At a moment , his aunt arrived in the house , John tried to understand why she had killed his parents But she took a gun and shot him without giving him any explanations. . After the murder , she

escaped and changed identity and decided to go abroad to start a new life. But a few years later, the police found where she was hiding . So, she was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for all her murders.

The students from Pasteur wrote in red,

the students from Łódź wrote in blue,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in green.

Team 6: Modestie, Laura D, Kelly T

Mikoaj, Ukasz

Clara, Corentin, Louison, Théo

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home .

Suddenly, he saw strange things in a small street. Two people hit a man. He saw the two people leaving. One man was small and fat and he didn't see the second, it was a woman. He called the Police. The victim was covered in blood , it was a black man.

John wanted to help this black man, so he came closer to him, but he lost his mind and waving his Ontario knife the man shouted "Go away you dammed thief or I'll slice you like pork". Carlington was shocked. he didn't know what to do. The police wasn't arriving, so John hit his head. It was an idea, he called his aunt to come here. He got onto a bike, and rode the bike to search the murderer.

The victim was always alive so he was not a murderer but a criminal. The black man had a folder of secret files when John hit this man a page of this document fell.

It was a picture of a woman with a man who looked like a gorilla. At the back of this picture there was an address so Jonh went there. When John arrived, I saw the door was open and he entered and he found a paper on the floor and it was written with blood. "You are a loser and you paid for what you did !"...

The threatening message had been writen with a finger. The house is the gorilla's house. In the hause , it's a kitchen dark. In the kitchen a boy is attach on the chair. the boy is an eye witness. The boy name is Anthony. He is 24 years old. He has got small brown hair. He has got blue eyes.

John came closer to the boy. Then he saw that this boy was attached to the chair with a rope. John was angry because he had spent the whole day on solving the mysteries so he took of the

headphones from his bag and started to listen to the music. He wanted to listen to some good heavy metal stuff but instead he heard only "who let the dog out? whoof, whoof, whoof, whoof" It was surprising but also annoying. It was enough for him. John forgot about this damned black man and the boy attached to the chair. He wanted to find the suspect who destroyed his mp3 player. So as a good detective he jumped off by the window and ran to his house for his backup mp3 player.

He went to save Anthony. And the victim said: "I just want to say 3 things to you: birch, cinema, park. They are the only words I have heard from my kidnaper." John went to the park next to a cinema, he saw the birch where there was drug smuggling, then he went to the police laboratory to tell them.

The forensic scientist discovered drug on the birch and broken glasses, in the glasses there were prints. John read the newspaper, he read a Man stole a computer , in the computer there was drug. The man was Dylan. He was 27 years old. He was the best dealler.

John was confused about what had happeded this day and he needed some help. So he went to church to pray. When he was praying, somebody started screaming with heavy metal accompaniament. Then suddently an enourmous man jumped through the window. He had a flower in his hair, a chainsaw in his hand and he smelled liked cheese.

"bzbzzz' said the chainsaw.

"aaaaa" said all the people in the church

"bzbzzz" repeated the chinsaw and started to cut everything on its way. Then a priest appeared and said: "Please leave this place, you evil force!" The big man didn't stop to cut. He looked at the priest and replied: "In the name of sex, drugs, and rock and roll go back to where you are from." and with a little help of this chainsaw the priest disappeared.

All the people in the church were scared and started singing.

And then John heard the noise of a kettle, steam was coming out of it and it made was a rainbow on the stain-glass windows. On one of the windows there was a unicorn which had a key around the neck. After a few seconds, John heard steps and turned around . He saw a man who run as a rocket towards the exit.

The man wore a wig pink. He left tracks behind him: a piece of cheese . John took the cheese in a paper and smelt . He thought : "it smells socks and alcohol". The enourmous man go to the exit and the chain saw fell. John collected the chain saw and cut his hands. he discovered footsteps.

He also saw a Centaur fishing with a bird. Then he felt he was in a trance and his spirit was leaving his wounded body. He couldn't understand why but it was a very dangerous situation and he realised that he had to start to smash his face with his knee.

At the beginning he wasn't feeling anything, so it was sure that for some reason he was on a high.

After some time of this treatment he realised he was on the street next to the black man from the beginning of this stange day. He was healthy but his nose was broken. The black man looked like death. He had a case with nitroglycerine in his hand and car keys.

John went back to the gorilla's house where he spoke with a butler who told them that the black man was against NATO, and was pushed in the van but there were some boots on the road when the van drove away.

A butler told him they would find some clues in front of Big Ben at The King Of Fridge.

John went to The King Of Fridge. John looked in the King of Fridge, he saw two men. He remembered! They were the two men he saw in the small street. He went to speack with the men. He wanted explenations. The two men said they exploded bomb, and John became crazy.

John went so crazy that he started to gesticulate with his ears and his hands. He also said some words but he didn't remember what they meant. His words were interweaved with female warble. People were looking at him and they barely hold back the laughter.

The two men died in the explosion.Then the police arrived and saw John had become crazy, they arested him and took him to an asylum and stayed there all his life.

The students from Pasteur wrote in purple,

the students from Łódź wrote in brown,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in blue.

Team 7: Jason, Allan, Dylan

Szymon, Jakub, Piotr

Fiona, Joséphine, Tatiana, Théo

London, December 1st, 2010. 1.00 am. John Carlington was going back home. He was drunk and suddenly he saw a man who was going to attack a young woman. Then the man killed her. He saw the man. He was tall, heavy weight and had short hair. He had black clothes.

The murderer got on a bike and left the crime scene. John walked to the dead body. he saw a knife covered in blood. He recognised his aunt in her. John couldn't believe it and he lost his consciousness.

After this first shock, he realized the murder had happened next to his family's jewellery where they sold many beautiful rings . He called the police and after few minutes they arrived. The coroner told him to go back home. The next day, he read in the newspaper that it was a robbery which went wrong. And he received a call of the police to testifiy as a witness.

John went to the police station. It was late; it was dark. The police officer look John with a threatening air and told him to sit down on the chair.John is eye-witness and say that the victim had a missing finger.

That was very surprising to him. After one hour he went back home. When he tried to remind himself the crime scene he lost his mind and tried to commit suicide. But he failed as the rope broke and he fell on the floor. After about 2 hours his dog woke him up. While he was lying he suddenly realised who the murderer was. He called the detective to talk about the suspect.

The detective called John to go to the police laboratory to speak about the murderer: " I've recognised the murderer, it was my dealer long ago, Birch, It's his nickname, but don't worry I don't buy drugs anymore " . The policeman answered: " Don't worry, it will not be included in my report. But where do you buy your drugs ? " . John said: " Behind the cinema, everybody know his smuggling " .

The forensic scientist discovered glasses. He used a computer. It revealed DNA and blood. The police wrote in a newspaper "John Carter is back!".The police hoped the dealer contact John.

He was dreaming about a church and a murder with a chainsaw. He jumped through the window to the church and trampled some flowers which were there. After this he started killing people with his chainsaw. Next he found some cheese and ate it because he was hungry. At the end John woke up. He knew it was only a dream.

John woke up and put water in the kettle to make some tea. It was 3:00 pm. Then, he decided to go back to the cinema because there was a pub but in the street he dropped his key and collapsed on the pavement. When he arrived, there was lot of people and he asked the barman if he hadn't seen Birch. Next to him, there was a man completely drunk and under drug, he was speaking of a little unicorn in a red rocket and running under a rainbow. John decided to ask questions to this man

He drunk to much alcohol. John asked this man: "Where is Birch?". This man had a paper whitch was in his pocket. There was an adress on the paper. John discovered footsteps and tracks on the ground next to the adress which was written on the paper.

The man answered: "He went fishing! he gave me this bottle of nitroglycerine and said - Feed my Centaur and birds! He took my car!"

John decided to go to the address on the paper . When he arrived, there wasn't anybody but the door of the house was open. He entered the house and called "Birch!? Is there anybody!?" Nobody answered, so he decided to look in the house. John didn't know what he was looking for, he went to the kitchen and opened all drawers even the fridge. When he arrived in the sitting-room, he found a little safe. Inside, there were a lot of jewells and especially, a ring. It was the ring of his aunt, he was sure of that! What was it doing here? Suddenly, he heard a noise in the house and went to the window. There was a van in front of the gate of the house. John felt frightened and decided to hide.

Birch arived and John understood that Birch is the murderer. John ran away.He decided to go police station. He explained about his aunt, the finger, the ring... . The police decided to go to Birch.

John stayed at the police station for about 3 hours. Next the sergeant came back and said: "Birch ran away to the jungle and now he is dead but his evil twin brother is alive. He wants to kill you John. We know that he is abroad now."

The evil twin brother decided to come to London to kill John but the police, aware about the plan of the evil man waited for him at the airport . When the twin got out of the plane, he saw the police and he took his gun, but the police kill him before he had the time to use his gun ... At the end, John came back home to rebuild his life. At last, it was finished. He felt exhausted: will he be able to forget all this one day? Probably yes but it will take much time.

The students from Pasteur wrote in red,

the students from Łódź wrote in blue,

the students from Bazeilles wrote in pink.

Drawings by the Polish students and by the

students from Collège Pasteur, France.

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