why bitcoin will change everything

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Why Bitcoin will change everything

Tom Ding, Founder @Coinify!yourstruly.dinglei@gmail.com!http://angel.co/coinify!

because history is about shift in power structure

They say Bitcoin … •  Has no intrinsic value!•  Is not a legal tender!•  Doesn’t solve any problem!

(1) Money as a service!Bitcoin is Dollar 2.0!

2000 years ago …

Chunfa – founder of ChowFarm, producing vegetables and crops !

Bao - Technical nerd. Full-stack Hunter!

Balanced diet, Happier life

Value Exchange of Three parties

Life simplified with cows

Yet, Cow get ill

Let’s tokenize Cow

100 HuangDollar = 1 Cow!


Aha moment: Villagers never redeem cow.

Let’s print more HuangDollars

Sad story of Zimbabwe •  First Dollar: ZWD (1980)!

1.47 USD: 1 ZWD!


•  Third Dollar!

1 ZWR = 10 billion ZWN!

A 100-trillion-dollar bill, it turns out, is worth about $5.!

Worldwide inflation

Recap "- Money = debt!

- Dollar is a technology!

- Cryptocurrency is Dollar 2.0: Solving for Principal-Agent risk!

Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency!

■  Predefined supply algorithm!

■  Vote by money!

Central Bank!

✍  Create money!✍  Set interest rate & reserve

requirement!✍  NO opt-out!

(2) Permission-less Innovation!

Innovation accelerates with decentralization

1430s: Press!

1980s: Personal


1984: 3D

Printing -


1989: Web!

2000s: Blog/


2009 : Bitcoin –


How can cryptocurrency help?

❖  Decentralized financial innovations - e.g. pool insurance !

❖  5th protocol: Value exchange layer (e.g. Uber)!

❖  MaidSafe: Decentralizing Internet!

(3) Social contract and enforcement!

- Thomas Hobbes <Social Contract>!

“… that a man be willing, when others are so too, … , to lay down this right to all things; and be contented with so much liberty against other men as he would

allow other men against himself.” !Constitution!




Business Contracts!

Non-profit! LLP!

Cryptocurrency enabling new org structure

❖  Why: Principal-Agent-Customer!❖  Distributed software foundations!

❖  Charity / Investment Vehicle!

❖  Autonomous public service!

❖  Crowd Jury!

Recap – 3 layers of innovation

Money as a service: Bitcoin & Altcoins!

Permission-less innovation: "Maidsafe, Counterparty!

Social contracts: Ethereum !

–Steve Jobs!

“Life can be much broader once you discover …Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, …” !

Questions? !!

Email me at yourstruly.dinglei@gmail.com!

Thought Experiment 2!If X never invented, given X and Y, would Y be a no brainer? !

Appendix: Evaluating Disruptive Technology

Often disguised as cheaper but inferior, or better but too expensive!

Thought Experiment 1!Assuming 100% adoption,, would it be a better world? !

Thought Experiment 3: What if it becomes 100x cheaper, AND 100x faster?!

Appendix: Further Resources

❖  Bitcoin-Dev Mailing List !

❖  JayWSalon BitCoin SIG!

❖  Sillicon Valley Bitcoin Meetup : Every Tue @ Plug n Play!

❖  Stanford Bitcoin Meetup (Palo Alto)!

❖  Ethereum Meetup!

❖  SV Counterparty Meetup (In progress) !

Appendix: Further Resources

❖  Bitcoin-Dev Mailing List !

❖  JayWSalon BitCoin SIG!

❖  Sillicon Valley Bitcoin Meetup : Every Tue @ Plug n Play!

❖  Stanford Bitcoin Meetup (Palo Alto)!

❖  Ethereum Meetup!

❖  SV Counterparty Meetup (In progress) !

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