why do people own pets?

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The story of Alex, and the domination of animals

Alex lives in a house all alone

Society has given her a typical human lifestyle:

The life of isolation.

Alex thinks* her species is dominant to all others.

* This is what culture has taught her

*Any animal captured and domesticated by humans

So, as a substitute for human love she decides to buy a pet*

A pet is a convenient solution for her need of affection and control, as she can:

OwnTrade, and Dispose of it whenever and however she pleases

So she goes to a store that profits off of selling animals for companionship

The store clerk recommends the 'prettiest' puppy they have.

He reminds her that only attractive animals are worth anything

So what happens to the unattractive ones? Alex asked

Well they rot in shelters, or are killed. He replied, It's not like they're any use to us

This concept of killing animals disturbed her, and reminded her of something she had learned in history class...

Nazi men had kept, and sold the 'attractive' Jewish girls as prostitutes in their brothels

And the unattractive ones?

They were useless, and so kept captive and killed.

Their body parts used as soap, lamp shades, and dog food

The similarities disturbed her, and made her rethink other common human practices like...

Slaughterhouse workers: Murdering, dismembering bodies

Beauty Pageants: Selecting the prettiest, and most obedient to be pampered

Masculinity: Dominating, and controlling women to avoid vulnerability

Hey!, are you going to buy something?

Alex was so in thought that she had forgotten she was still in the pet store

She left quickly, and did some research

After hours of research she realized she had to treat all other animals as equals

& so she reformed her life

She stopped wearing, eating and owning other creatures

Her conscience, health, and environment thanked her

And she lived her life as a happy vegan

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