why do we learn math

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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why do we learn math


Why do we learn math?Nathan Sigulas

Why other people think we learn


1. Use in everyday activities

We use math every day weather we know it or not . In counting change or counting what things we have left to task, and certainly knowing when to reload…


2. Architecture Architecture is very important because the people who build our buildings need to know the right dimensions so an arch doesn’t collapse or the whole structure


3. JobsEvery working person in the world uses math even if they are uneducated about it. Even planting crops you need to know the square feet for one crop. Cashier(obvious), office worker knowing the fax numbers .

Why I think we learn math..

1. sociably acceptable

Knowing math is key to everyday life. Live is simpler with math.

In other countries no one is educated beyond their own language at birth so it depends on where you come from and the same with some areas in America .

2.Math is a part of life

Math is a part of life . Time , money, weather stations, school subjects etc.

People learned math and invented all of these with math

3. FinancialMath is crucial to ones personal banking and financial bill payments. It helps organize and ‘get things squared away’ which results in a relieve to stress ‘keeping sane’

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