why do you love christ church? i love christ church past sunday, may 7 “good ... finally, the...

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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Page 1 / The Visitor /Easter-Pentecost 2017

Easter/Pentecost 2017

Why do you love Christ Church?

We invite you to share that gratitude with the community so that we may give thanks together for the goodness of God in this place. Send your response to Donna Vello (donna.vello@gmail.com) and to Nick (nick@ccneedham.org). You may also fill out an orange sheet in Upper Parish Hall, or send one from home to the church address. The invitation continues through the spring—share more than once! Answers are being shared in the eBlast, the Sunday Bulletin, the Visitor, and eventually the Website. The Stewardship Team is also supporting the addition of online giving to be placed on the Christ Church homepage.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

Though Resurrection morning may seem a distant memory, Eastertide lasts 50 days—(until the Feast of Pentecost, Pentecost being Greek for “50.”) During the Easter season, we remind each other every Sunday of the powerful truth that the Church lives to proclaim and proclaims to live: Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

Our glorious Easter worship would not have been possible without the talent and dedication of our singers and musicians, under the leadership of Pam Goody, our music director and Charles Raines, our organist; of our Altar Guild, under the direction of Barbara Brailey; of our liturgical lay ministers, under the coordination of Myra Anderson; and of you, the people of God, upon whose praises the Lord is pleased to dwell. Thanks be to God for all of you!

During this Easter season, I am so grateful for the developments that the Spirit has been pleased to nurture already: the hearty gathering of over twenty Christ Church men to deepen fellowship (see page four); the inspiring gathering of common artists for worship, fellowship and exhibition (see page five); the marvelous gathering of forty honored elders at the annual Senior Brunch (see page six), to name a few. These are aspects of our common life to be celebrated and lifted up. They illustrate our mission to love God and neighbor.

In addition, a number of the efforts flowing from the Vestry’s February retreat are beginning to bear fruit. At

Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, your vestry decided to form three teams to address issues that are close to our heart and health: a Stewardship Team to look at how we live and give out of our gratitude; an Elder Care Team to look at how the Church can nurture connections with our seniors both within the congregation and in the wider community; and a Visibility Team, to draw attention to the vibrancy of this parish and build community in the process. The Visibility Team is in fact in action planning a float for the 4th of July parade. (see page 8))

Your vestry is also preparing to undertake a Mutual Ministry Review in the fall. This process, a standard part of the clergy/vestry relationship, provides a facilitated structure by which clergy and lay leadership assess their mutual responsibilities, determine common goals, and agree to the best ways to support one another in achieving those goals for the benefit of the parish and the Gospel. All of these efforts will help us better love God and neighbor.

There is much to be grateful for in this congregation. We have significant pockets of liveliness. Think of the sixty or so parishioners and others involved with Shelter Cooking each month; the thirty or so parishioners in our Wednesday Bible Study; the eight families in our Confirmation program, and the faithful teachers who serve them and the rest of the Church School. We are also grateful for the young adults who worship in this parish.

The Rev. Nicholas

Morris-Kliment, Rector

A recent submission:

“I love Christ Church because we serve alongside the poor and unhoused at our Cathedral in Boston." (See page seven to learn how vestry members answered this question, Why do you love Christ Church?)

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Greetings, dear Beloved of Needham,

As I prepare to conclude my too-quick six months as your interim quarter-time associate, I take seriously my greeting to you all. I have learned from you that hearing the word ‘Beloved’ really does make me think about Nick’s sermon last Sunday: God is chasing me and all I have to do is turn around and ‘catch’ the Beloved God. Our words and our gestures, our thoughts and our beliefs can show others, as well as ourselves, the faith we hold in our beloved God and Jesus the Son. You have! Thank you for strengthening my faith.

In March, about a dozen of us gathered in the Chapel for a Saturday of quiet with God. We studied and prayed with the stained-glass windows listening for God’s words to us through the stories and art portrayed. Each of us was richly blessed. Those

windows have lots to teach us!

My gratitude will forever be deep and thick for Nick’s invitation to me to join you for this brief part of our lives together. I have appreciated Nick’s collegial honor and I have been buoyed by parishioners’ gracious welcome. You are good at this, Christ Church! And I encourage you to continue, even into new paths and new peoples and new ways of being in church community. Spiritual lives always seem to be asking for more courage and trust and love from us. But we can do it, we can continue even while going our separate ways. With Love always guiding us.

I look forward to “bumping into” as many of you as I can after I leave you. Be well. Walk in peace. Beloved.

Faithfully yours,


Jennifer Beal, Interim Associate Rector

The disciples gather together to break bread with Jesus; they talk, laugh, eat, drink; they dispute among themselves; all men, or are there women, too? Even the naysayers nod and wink.

- by MaryAnn Ryan

(from Lenten Retreat)

This gratitude and trust in God’s faithfulness are what I turn to when I become aware of, as some of you likely have as well, the thinning of attendance at worship and Church School since Christmas. The potential factors contributing to this trend are several and a responsible analysis is complex. There are, however, a few factors worth noting briefly with clarity, and not alarm. For one, our culture pulls at families, in many directions on Sundays, youth sports and other worthwhile activities among them. This is a trend seen nationwide. Even now, our Worship and Arts Team is exploring options for services that could be more compatible with the busy pace of 21st century life.

Congregations also undergo natural cycles during their lives. People age, people move away, people arrive. While change can be challenging, it also offers opportunities for growth. Also, the yearlong vacancy in the second clergy spot, despite the HR team’s diligent conversations with over half a dozen serious candidates, taxes the resources necessary to sustain

the pastoral and programmatic energy of the parish. We all look forward to welcoming a full-time assistant to our parish community soon. In all this, there are no easy solutions; but there is prayerful, thoughtful, community action, and, especially there is gratitude.

Gratitude gives us the spiritual resources to think and act from a place of strength and confidence, rather than a place of fear and anxiety. Gratitude opens us up to the power of the Spirit. I believe we as a congregation have this resource. Take note of the answers to “Why do you love Christ Church?” within this Visitor. How do you answer this question? Share it with the community.

I am so grateful for this congregation, and, if I may be so bold, I believe God is as well.

Faithfully and affectionately yours,


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Dear Christ Church Family,

Summer is almost here, when we go in many directions, taking time off from our regular routine. Vacations with sandy beaches and mountain views await. They call us, pull us toward them for a time of respite, relaxation and rejuvenation. We can hardly wait, but wait we must.

We still have everyday things to do until then, so, for awhile longer, we must keep our minds on the tasks at hand while planning for the future. Musical highlights are as follows:

This past Sunday, May 7 “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Psalm 23 was experienced in several ways: the spoken psalm, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” Choir’s Offertory Anthem, “The Lord is My Shepherd” from ‘Requiem’ by John Rutter, with guest oboist, Michelle Wofford and our bass soloist, Mark Anderson, sang an ancient Hebrew tune, “Mizmor L’David” (23rd Psalm of David). Finally, the hymns were versions of the Shepherd theme. This is one way in which music reflects the scriptural lesson of the day. Thank you to all who made this a memorable morning.

Choir Appreciation Day is on May 21. The choir has prepared two anthems for the 10am service:

Pam Goody,

Music Director

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

Bach gave us God’s word Mozart gave us God’s laughter Beethoven gave us God’s fire God gave us music That we might pray without words.

From a German opera house

“If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” by Tallis, conducted by Charles Raines, as well as a jazzy arrangement of “Amazing Grace” by Ed Lojeski, conducted by Lea Peterson. Bruce Goody, flutist, will play “Siciliana” by J.S. Bach and “In the Garden” arranged by Brent Olstad. We thank our musicians for sharing their music ministry with us this past year.

Summer Chapel services are at 9:00am, beginning Sunday, June 18 through and including Labor Day, September 3. We return to the regular 8:15am and 10am services on September 10 in the main Sanctuary.

Peace, Pam

I offer a special thank you to the Rev. Jennifer Beal for her ministry at Christ Church over the last six months. Through the proclamation of the Gospel, as well as her deep faith, preaching, retreat leading, and pastoral care, Jennifer has been a steady and nurturing priest, and a helpful colleague.

Her last Sunday with us will be May 28th. Join us at coffee hour to say thank you and Godspeed.


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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Lord is risen, Christ is risen, indeed! We hope you found Holy Week and Easter services solemn and joyful, prayerful and uplifting. With the beginning of May, we look forward to Pentecost, Spring and the Summer warmth. A walk to enjoy the flowers, trees and nature in general is always good for the mind and soul, reminding us of the many cycles in our lives.

The Vestry continues its work on goals identified earlier in the year. Look for calls to get involved building a Christ Church float for the Fourth of July Parade and then to walk or ride the route. This project is open to all ages and skill levels. Join in for the fun and fellowship of working

together and getting to know your fellow parishioners better. Community takes a little effort, but rewards well beyond the effort. Take time to get to know someone better outside of the church buildings.

If you have any questions about how you can get involved in any activity or have an idea for one, please feel free to contact us or Nick. Never hesitate to contact us. We are here to serve.

Please review the calendar and mark yours for the end of year activities including the recognition of Church School teachers and the annual cookout. Remember, enjoy each day with family and friends.

Peace and love,

Joe and Rich, Wardens

Rich Gatto, Warden

Joe Leghorn, Warden

“Try to become involved with the Christ Church programs. As a result, you will develop lasting friendships and oh so much warmth. Ken and I, 48 years ago did this and we have no regrets. This is our home of love.” - Fran Morrison on “Why I Love Christ Church”

Thanks to the more than twenty of you who were able to attend a planning meeting on Wednesday, April 26 to explore the expansion of a Men’s Fellowship Group. We want to

build upon the good connections that happen at Cuttyhunk and create spiritually grounded opportunities throughout the year. The hope is to deepen the connection between men, to see how men can share more of their gifts with the larger community and create more opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. Ultimately, we trust that we will have offerings for men, women, families, the larger parish community and beyond.

Rev. Nick Morris-Kliment, Joe Barr, David Carnahan, John Carr, Stan Hitron and Michael Niden began the brainstorming process and then opened it up to other men and we are currently in the process of generating a SurveyMonkey to see where the interests and energy lie. The ideas solicited and the ultimate offerings will focus on four Christian pillars: Prayer, Study, Service and Fellowship.

Our plan is to have the full survey go out Monday, May 15. The survey will be published as a link in an email from the church to everyone on our Cuttyhunk Men’s group list. We are asking that people complete and submit the survey by Friday, May 19, so that we can put together a program of events and activities before the beginning of summer for the 2017-’18 church year.

The deadline for submitting ideas is Saturday, May 13 to David Carnahan: dcarnahan@nano-lab.com and should attempt to answer the following questions:

What is it? Which pillar(s) does it fall under? Where and how often it meets? What’s the format? Who is it open to?

If you have any questions please contact any one of the following:

Joe Barr: jbarr@partners.org Stan Hitron: s.hitron@gmail.com

Michael Niden: michaelniden@comcast.net David Carnahan: dcarnahan@nano-lab.com

John Carr: johncarr268@gmail.com

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May 17—Godly Play Demonstration Nancy St. John, certified Godly Play trainer will be offering an introduction to this powerful method of Christian education for children. All in the parish are invited to join us to learn more about this program. We will gather in the Chapel at 7:30pm.

May 24th—Choir Appreciation Sunday Join us after the 10am worship service at coffee hour to celebrate our dedicated choir.

June 11—End of year picnic Join us after the 10am worship service to celebrate the year! We will have a cookout on the patio with hotdogs and hamburgers provided. Please bring a side-dish to share.

July 30 & August 27—Outdoor Communion During summer there will be two services held on the patio. Please join us on July 30th and August 27th for a late Sunday afternoon gathering at 5pm.

Visibility Team: Rich Gatto, Nardin Baker, Dave Carnahan, Tim Lysaght, Stefano Migliuolo Elder Care Team: Joe Leghorn, Stan Hitron, Ellen Volpe, Linnea Wren Stewardship Team: Nick Morris-Kliment, Bob Begin, Kim Conrad, Jeff Murphy, Phil Trussell

On April 30, we were blessed to welcome fifteen sisters and brothers from common art/common cathedral for worship, fellowship, and art. Truly, the kingdom of God was at hand.

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The Pastoral Response Ministry (PRM) members provide confidential outreach and support for parishioners during illness or times of transition, supporting our clergy in their pastoral work. The members of this ministry serve at the invitation of the Rector, with current members including Barbara Baker, Barbara Brailey, Liz Dennett, Barbara Murphy, Isabel Nickerson, Patty Smith, and Rev. Nick Morris-Kliment. Services include providing meals to individuals and families during a crisis period (many members of the congregation show caring by cooking these meals, or providing take-out food), providing rides to appointments with doctors or for procedures, which must be scheduled well in advance, and sending cards and handwritten notes to parishioners throughout the year. Visits to members who are shut-ins and isolated are provided when desired, as is home Communion. PRM also hosts a Spring Brunch for Seniors, and delivers Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies and cards to those in need.

We invite you to reach out to any member of PRM if you are in need of pastoral support, or call the office at 781-444-1469.

“Over the last 15 years or so I have experienced the joys of both giving and receiving assistance from PRM. As a member of the PRM group I have been able to provide rides to medical appointments, and send cards and notes and deliver meals to those in the parish who needed them. During the summer of 2011 I went through long and extensive chemotherapy treatments. The faithful, dedicated members of the PRM as well as many other parishioners brought a meal to me and my family several times a week. I am, and will continue to be, eternally grateful to the outpouring of generosity from an incredible number of our Christ Church family. God bless each and every one who continue to volunteer their services”

- Liz Dennett

On May 7th forty longtime friends gathered for a time of sharing at the Senior Brunch

The Christ Church Youth Group were on the road again, with a spring vacation mission trip to help the town of Nichols, South Carolina, recover from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. The kids departed the Monday of the public school vacation week and returned home Saturday evening. They talked about their experiences and impressions during the sermon time at the 8:15am and 10am services on Sunday, April 23. Each year, the Youth Group takes a trip to a place in need around the eastern United States. Previous recent locations have included New Orleans and rural West Virginia. This is part of our

parish mission to love God and neighbor as Jesus teaches.

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Drop-off hours:

Monday 9am-11am

Tuesday 9am-11am 3pm-5pm

Wednesday 9am-11am 3pm-5pm

Thursday 9am-11am

Saturday (Sept-June) 9am-11am

Recently, Circle of Hope sent out an urgent Go-To Crew request for toddler clothing in sizes 2T for boys and 3T for girls. Our supply was dangerously low and six young children living in a family shelter in Framingham needed clothing the following week. Within 24 hours of sending out the request, we had already received three monetary donations and clothing donations in the correct sizes. A Circle of Hope volunteer purchased gently-used items to complete the spring wardrobe for all six young children.

We are so proud of our ability to respond quickly to these urgent requests. Our Go-To Crew helps families displaced by house fires, domestic violence, or other emergencies. We are grateful to this generous group of volunteers for their immediate, thoughtful responses to the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community. Thank you!

If you are interested in joining the Go-To Crew and receiving emails when we have urgent requests for particular items, please email Carolyn at Carolyn@circleofhopeonline.org.

All are welcome!

Friday, May 12, 5:00pm 24 Willow St. Needham. For more information please contact Jeanette Duvall at: johnneeo@verizon.net) or 781-444-6055.

Donated clothing in toddler sizes.

“When I think about the reasons why I love Christ Church, it is hard to pinpoint a specific moment or an event but rather a feeling that I have whenever I am here. Christ Church has always been another home to me. I have grown up in this church, participating in church school and youth group as a child and now in other rolls as an adult. When I went away to college and was no longer going to church as frequently as I was used to I really missed it. However, after I graduated and moved back home and began attending church again more regularly, I realized that although I had been gone for a few years, that the loving community that I was a part of didn't change at all. Christ Church has been there for me through the good, like weddings and baptisms and the bad, like funerals and goodbyes. Through it all, the community and the people have been the reason that I feel so fortunate to be a part of the community and the reason why I love Christ Church.” - Kimberly Conrad

Stay tuned for how the rest of your Vestry has answered that question…

“My wife and I were searching for a church after our children had left the "nest" and in visiting Christ Church we found the friendliest, warm, and loving people. We are blessed that Christ Church is such a wonderful home to support and nurture our Christian faith.” Phil Trussell “I love Christ Church for being such a wonderfully supportive and caring community

of truly special people!”- Jeff Murphy

“I love Christ Church because it is always a haven for any of us seeking solace and guidance. I am not good enough to do all things on my own without the guidance and strength which is always forthcoming from Christ Church.” - Bob Begin

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Christ Church is jumping into the summer season with both feet. We have a float entry in this year’s Fourth of July Parade which is sponsored by the Needham Exchange Club. The theme of our entry is “Christ Church – Serving our Community” which is meant to highlight the ways our church reaches out to support and serve our community. We want to connect with the town and show people how we are integrated in the fabric of Needham. Also, building the float is a good project for our Church community, one that affords a chance to pitch in, have some fun and get a sense of accomplishment. We want to engage with other organizations in the town that we already partner with and demonstrate our connections. This fits with the Exchange Club’s theme this year as the celebrate their “70 Years of Service” to our town.

How will we build a float? First, it is much simpler than building an Ark! Second, constructing a float is much easier and likely to be successful with the help of experienced float builders. We have recruited some local friends who are Master Floaters to help us. They have volunteered to help us plan our efforts and have already given us some great tips. This group of experience float builders won the grand prize trophy for the float entered in the 300-year celebration of the founding of Needham.

In 1995 Christ Church put together a great float to celebrate the church’s 100th year. Many of our members helped pull that together. Fran Morrison tells good stories about how much fun it was to plan and build. A full-size music organ was positioned on the trailer and played along the route which helped make that float a great entry.

This year, we want to highlight and promote Christ Church’s connections to those that share our building space, work closely with us—like Circle of Hope, and groups we serve, both in Needham and out in the wider community. Several service organizations are already interested in participating. We plan to highlight our

energy saving solar panels as part of our Green Needham efforts.

To make a float look great, many parts of it are covered in colorful tissue paper. This is done by building wooden frames that are light weight. Chicken wire is then stapled to these frame panels to create surfaces. Tissue paper squares are then stuffed and glued into the chicken wire holes, creating bright designs. This technique makes the float look great. Everyone, from 5 years to 85 years old can help stuffing the tissue covered structures.

The basic plan for our float this year will be a representation of the church that is built on the trailer. We will show the church, and raise the steeple and open the doors to see all the people. We plan to have parts of the float move, sound effects, music and many people riding on the float as well as walking along beside. Please plan to join in: riding, walking, building and just coming to watch as all the pieces come together for a great parade entry.

Everybody can help out as we building the float on the three weekends before July 4th. Tim Lysaght has found a sponsor to donate the use of a big dump truck which will pull a 28-foot-long trailer. This combination of truck and flatbed trailer gives us lots of space. We will get everyone together to

work on the construction on these weekends with people pitching in on parts of the construction they find interesting. Many hands make putting the float together a chaotic pleasure as everyone finds a way to contribute. Food and refreshments are important will be provided for these family friendly construction parties.

Our church is located at the parade judges’ station and at the end of the Charles River YMCA Road Race. This is a great place to hand out water bottles from our church property. Passing out candy and other things from the floats is no longer permitted along the parade route.

The float committee will present a scale model display of the float during coffee hour in the next few weeks. Come learn more about the plans, make suggestions, and figure out how you want to jump in!

Want to join in the fun? Contact Nardin Baker at nardin@rcn.com

Christ Church relies on regular member giving, principally through annual pledges, for about 70 percent of its operating expenses. As of the end of April, we have received just shy of 30 percent of our expected pledge and regular support income for the year, as shown in ‘thermometer’ form. After a soft start in the first quarter, things picked up in April, and we are just a bit behind where we’d like to be. The treasurer asks that members check where they stand against their plans for the year, and make an effort to ‘catch up’ if they are behind and it is practical do so. Pledging members will be sent statements within the next few weeks. The support of all our members is greatly appreciated.

Rich Gatto, Tim Lysaght, Stephano Migliuolo, David Carnahan and Nardin Baker, Vestry Float Committee

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On Sunday, April 2, this year’s Confirmation students, some of their parents, and teachers, were warmly received by two congregants at the Islamic Center of Boston at Wayland. Having read the Old Testament story of Abraham, Sara, Hagar and Ishmael and God’s promise to bring forth a great nation of believers through Hagar and Ishmael as He also promised Abraham, Sara and Isaac, we decided to visit our Muslim brothers and sisters to learn more about their faith. We gathered in the prayer room where our hosts, Sonia Nguyen and Aijaz Muncif told us about the five pillars of Islam. We also learned the difference between a mosque and a cultural center, the former open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be available for the five times a day observant Muslims pray. The center we visited is primarily a Sunday school for over 250 Muslim children and teenagers. They are also open for the Friday prayer service. The center and its programs are funded entirely by donations and fully staffed and administered by volunteers.

We were there in time for the 1:00pm call to prayer, ably sung by one of the school’s students, and to hear a brief lesson by Wellesley College’s Muslim chaplain on the Qur’an’s teachings on peace. As she pointed out, the traditional Islamic greeting “As-Salaam-Alaikum” (peace be onto you) is a reminder that the

peace of God should always be foremost in our hearts and minds and that we are called by God to be peacemakers.

By coincidence, we were there on the day that the Center was having an open house for all people in the area. We saw interesting exhibits on Islamic architecture and the rich tradition of science and learning in the Islamic world. We were also treated to delicious Middle Eastern food

prepared by a Syrian refugee family who are part of the Center’s congregation. We had a great time learning about the rich contributions of Muslim people to world culture and experiencing the peace, love, and hospitality of our brothers and sisters in the God of Abraham. As-Salaam-Alaikum, the peace of God be with you.

by Stan Hitron

Confirmation class visit to the Mosque in Wayland

Six young people from Christ Church arrived at a snow covered Barbara C. Harris Camp for a pre-Confirmation overnight retreat on April 7. The ladies had premier accommodations in one of the special leaders’ cabins. The gentlemen were thrilled to have a lakeside cabin with living room and fireplace until after compline when another ten guys and their chaperons arrived to play a late night game of Uno (aka Oh, no!).

After a night’s “rest,” our group participated in Saturday’s activities: discussing in small groups, meeting and asking questions of Bishop Harris, and learning about different ways to worship by making prayer beads, hiking, baking bread for the closing Eucharist, or drumming. Our kids had a great time meeting Confirmands from other Episcopal Churches and sharing their spiritual journeys in the New Hampshire woods. As usual the Diocesan Youth Council did a great job in leading the retreat -- oh yeah, and the food was pretty good too.

(Left to right:) Hadley Winslow, Sarah Jensen, Lyla Carr

Luca Mancino Colin Murphy Sam Morris-Kliment

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Men's Group members, Paul Kingston, Mike Beagan, Bob Begin, Bob Bell (pictured below, l-r) and Joe Leghorn are helping to install a new irrigation system at the Needham Community Farm. (needhamfarm.org)

The Farm offers vegetable gardening classes, and grows produce to stock the food pantry at the Needham Community Council. It also operates a mobile market to deliver fresh, sustainably grown, vegetables to housing provided through the Needham Housing Authority. If you want to know more about volunteer opportunities, please visit the Farm's website or contact Joe.

All ages are welcome!

Worshiping We are a vibrant, growing congregation, fed and strengthened when we gather in worship. We offer an array of worship and learning opportunities to reach and inspire people of all ages. We seek to deepen our Christian faith and live it out every day.

Caring Christ Church is a caring community. We seek to love God and neighbor as Jesus teaches. We offer a genuine welcome to newcomers and long term members alike, and support each other through prayer and acts of kindness.

Responding We are dedicated to responding to the needs of neighbors in our local community and region. We also actively support national and global causes. Newcomer involvement in our ministries is encouraged and welcomed.

Giving Christ Church is a giving community. We commit resources to reach out to others. We are fiscally responsible and give generously in many ways. We equip people to serve.

Please consider volunteering for one or more weeks this summer. Tasks are light- weeding, dead-heading and keeping walkways and benches clean.

NO WATERING OR LAWN CARE REQUIRED. Your support is very much appreciated.

If you have any questions please contact Winnie West at: 781-444-8739 or wawest1@verizon.net

A Sign-Up is posted in the Upper Parish Hall

Additional Easter flower memorials: Kenneth M. Morrison Henry J. Lysaght Felix & Sophie Kliment Anne Marie Carleo

The Human Resources Team, headed up by Jeff Murphy, has set up interviews with another very promising candidate for our Family and Youth Minister position. We hope to have good news by the end of the month.

Refreshing Prayer List—June 5th After Pentecost Sunday (June 4) we will refresh the prayer list. Beginning June 5, please call or email the office with the names of loved ones you would like to have prayed for in the prayers of the people. The prayer list will be refreshed again the first Sunday in Advent (December 3).

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May 14 – Mothers’ Day Lay Readers

May 21 Circle of Hope

May 28 – Memorial Day Volunteers needed

June 4 Pastoral Response Ministry

June 11 Website and Visitor

May 1 – Monday 10am Knitting 11:00am Staff Meeting 3:30pm Study Buddies

May 2 – Tuesday 9:30am Pastoral Response Ministry 7:00pm Property Committee

May 3 – Wednesday 10:00am Bible Study Noon Holy Eucharist 7:00pm Bible Study 3:30pm Study Buddies

May 4 – Thursday 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

May 7 – Sunday 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:00am Shelter Cooking 9:30am Childcare 9:45am Church School 10:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:30am Senior Brunch (UPH)

May 8 – Monday 11:00am Staff Meeting MANNA Lunch-Cathedral 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:15pm Worship & Arts Meeting

May 9 – Tuesday 6:30am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00pm Finance Committee

May 10 – Wednesday 10:00am Bible Study Noon Holy Eucharist 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:00pm Bible Study

May 11 – Thursday 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

May 12 – Friday 5:00pm Intercessory Prayer

May 12/13 – Friday/Saturday Parent Talk Sale

May 14 – Sunday Mother’s Day 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:30am Childcare 9:45am Church School 10:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II

May 15 – Monday 11:00am Staff Meeting 3:30pm Study Buddies

May 16 - Tuesday 9:30am Pastoral Response Ministry 6:00pm Investment Committee 7:15pm Vestry Meeting

May 17 – Wednesday 10:00am Bible Study MFA Trip 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:00pm Bible Study 7:30pm Godly Play Presentation

May 18 – Thursday 3:30pm Study Buddies 6:00pm Choir Potluck Dinner 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

May 21 – Sunday Choir Appreciation Day 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:30am Childcare 9:45am Church School 10:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:30am Intercessory Prayer Group 5:30pm Youth Group (last meeting)

May 22 – Monday 11:00am Staff Meeting 3:30pm Study Buddies

May 23 – Tuesday 6:30am Men’s Prayer Group 9:30am Pastoral Response Ministry

May 24 – Wednesday 10:00am Bible Study (last meeting) Noon Bible Study Lunch 3:30pm Study Buddies 7:00pm Bible Study (last meeting)

May 25 – Thursday 3:30pm Study Buddies 6:00pm Altar Guild Potluck Dinner

May 28 – Sunday 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I (No Childcare or Church School) 10:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II

May 29 – Monday Memorial Day – office closed

June 4 – Pentecost Sunday 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:00am Shelter Cooking 9:30am Childcare 9:45am Church School

June 5 - Monday 10:00am Knitting Ministry 11:00am Staff Meeting

June 6 - Tuesday 9:30am Pastoral Response Ministry 7:00pm Property Meeting

June 7 - Wednesday 7:30pm Solar 101 Info Session

June 11 – Sunday Last Sunday of Program Year 8:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:00am Shelter Cooking 9:30am Childcare 9:45am Church School 10:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:15am End of Year Picnic

June 12 - Monday MANNA lunch – Cathedral 11:00am Staff Meeting

June 13 - Tuesday 6:30am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00pm Finance Meeting

June 18 – Sunday Father’s Day Summer schedule starts—One 9am service! 9:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Chapel) 11:30am Intercessory Prayer Group

June 19 - Monday 11:00am Staff Meeting

June 20 - Tuesday 7:15pm Vestry Meeting

June 25 – Sunday 9:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Chapel)

June 26 - Monday 11:00am Staff Meeting

June 27 – Tuesday 6:30am Men’s Prayer Group

Page 12 / The Visitor /Easter-Pentecost 2017

The Deadline for the summer issue of The Visitor is Monday, June 19th.

1132 Highland Avenue Needham, MA 02494 781- 444-1469 www.ccneedham.org

The Visitor is the newsletter for and about members and friends of Christ Episcopal Church in Needham, MA. Story ideas, written articles and photos with captions are encouraged and greatly appreciated. All efforts will be made to include submissions received on or before the deadline date. The Visitor staff reserves the right to edit articles when space is limited. All submissions, including digital photography, should be e-mailed to The Visitor editors, Harding Ounanian, Jr. at hardingo@verizon.net and Donna Vello at donna.vello@gmail.com. To view The Visitor in color, visit ccneedham.org and click on quick link.

The Rev. Nicholas Morris-Kliment, Rector nick@ccneedham.org

The Rev. Jennifer D. Beal, Interim Associate Rector jennifer@ccneedham.org

Pamela Goody, Music Director pamela.goody@ccneedham.org Kathleen Ganz, Parish Administrator office@ccneedham.org

Charles W. Raines, Organist Michael Beagan, Sexton facilities@ccneedham.org Maryann Badejo, Bookkeeper control@ccneedham.org

Shaheen Baloch, Professional Child Care Provider

Rich Gatto & Joe Leghorn, Wardens Duncan Allen, Treasurer Janet Haines, Assistant Treasurer David Carnahan, Clerk

Nardin Baker Bob Begin Kimberly Conrad Dusty Hecker Stan Hitron David Keener Tim Lysaght Stefano Migliuolo Jeff Murphy Phil Trussell Ellen Volpe Linnea Wren

Christ Church will be the host of an information gathering evening event called Solar 101. Please join us on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:30pm in Upper Parish Hall to see how solar could work for you! Green Needham Collaborative is dedicated to and working toward the goal of Needham reaching a net-zero carbon footprint.

Christ Church is viewed as being one of the leaders of bringing solar to Needham! Our solar panels are the most prominent display around town! See how panels can benefit you as they are Christ Church.

The solar system continues to generate savings for the Church and carbon-free energy for our power needs. In April, the Church generated more power than we used and our meter ran backwards! The system generated about 4,681 KwH of electricity in April. For 2017 so far, the system generated about 15,856 KwH and saved the Church about $1,480.

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