why everyone else writes bad code

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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ColdFusion Summit 2016

Dan Wilson…

I’ve done lots of: • Open source• Start ups• Troubleshooting• Project Rescue

Currently:• Product Marketing for NativeScript• NCDevCon• Various conference boards

What is NativeScript?



Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with Angular, TypeScript or JavaScript.


For Example:


MeWatt™ is a revolutionary ‘appliance to mobile’ device that provides near real-time energy monitoring and analysis of your home appliances’ energy usage. It’s simple and fast to install.

Your MeWatt™ continuously collects and analyzes the energy usage, providing you with actionable recommendations and alerts so you can take control of your home’s energy consumption, reduce your carbon footprint, and save money.

Let’s define the problem

I don't write bad code, my co-workers do!

Misunderstanding the problem

Surfing – You are doing it wrong

Misunderstanding the solution

Misunderstanding the tools

Bluetooth – You are doing it wrong

Common approaches to writing code

One approach to writing code

Eating – you are doing it wrong

One approach to writing code

One approach to writing code

One approach to writing code

One approach to writing code

What can the world of construction teach us?

Proper communication is key

Just get it done

Of course it’s secure

But why do we do these things?


Cognitive Overload

Cognitive Overload

Tunnel Vision

Bad code example, in English

Quick ROIImplementing a physical activity intervention in the work-site including goal setting, public tracking of performance data, weekly meetings, educational tools, and incentives increased physical activity 113% by week 12.

Bad code example, in English

Quick ROI

Physical activity intervention tools show payoffs in as early as 3 months.

Show the code

Thank you!

Thanks! Fill out your surveys!

Twitter: @DanWilson

Web: Nodans.com

Work: NativeScript.org

Conference: ncdevcon.com

Thank you!

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