why experience matters to privacy: how context...

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Why Experience Matters to Privacy: How Context-BasedExperience Moderates Consumer Privacy Expectationsfor Mobile Applications

Kirsten MartinStrategic Management and Public Policy, School of Business, George Washington University, Washington, DC20052. E-mail: martink@gwu.edu

Katie ShiltonCollege of Information Studies, University of Maryland, 4121H Hornbake Building, South Wing, College Park,MD 24971. E-mail: kshilton@umd.edu

Two dominant theoretical models for privacy—individualprivacy preferences and context-dependent definitionsof privacy—are often studied separately in informationsystems research. This paper unites these theories byexamining how individual privacy preferences impactcontext-dependent privacy expectations. The papertheorizes that experience, provides a bridge betweenindividuals’ general privacy attitudes and nuanced con-textual factors. This leads to the hypothesis that, whenmaking judgments about privacy expectations, individu-als with less experience in a context rely more on indi-vidual preferences such as their generalized privacybeliefs, whereas individuals with more experience in acontext are influenced by contextual factors and norms.To test this hypothesis, 1,925 American users of mobileapplications made judgments about whether varied real-world scenarios involving data collection and use mettheir privacy expectations. Analysis of the data suggeststhat experience using mobile applications did moderatethe effect of individual preferences and contextualfactors on privacy judgments. Experience changed theequation respondents used to assess whether data col-lection and use scenarios met their privacy expecta-tions. Discovering the bridge between 2 dominanttheoretical models enables future privacy research toconsider both personal and contextual variables bytaking differences in experience into account.


Individuals use mobile applications to socialize, commu-nicate, play, shop, bank, and search for information. As ofJanuary 2014, 90% of American adults have a cell phone(Pew Research Internet Project, 2013), 63% of adult cellowners use their phones to go online (Pew Research InternetProject, 2013), and 50% download mobile applications(Duggan, 2013). During these activities, mobile applicationscollect personal data to facilitate both services and advertis-ing. According to the Wall Street Journal, mobile advertis-ing grew 110% in 2013 to a $7.1 billion industry, whichmarks the third year of triple-digit growth (Perlberg, 2014).This industry relies on user data to track consumer behaviorand target advertisements.

As the technical possibilities for data collection expand,and the prevalence of data sharing in the mobile industrygrows, it is unclear what data uses consumers will tolerate.In the US, consumer privacy expectations are a commonindicator of whether corporate data collection and use areconsidered acceptable to users (Strickland & Hunt, 2005).Consumers, organizations, and regulators struggle toaddress privacy expectations for these new forms of datacollection across a diverse set of activities (Boyles, Smith, &Madden, 2012; Urban, Hoofnagle, & Li, 2012). Addition-ally, perceived privacy violations can cause consumer back-lash against technology developers (Jackson, Gillespie, &Payette, 2014; Kang, 2013). Providing better guidance onconsumers’ privacy norms and expectations can supportdevelopers and firms as they work to create both innovativeand fair technologies.

The information systems literature, and privacy scholar-ship in general, is divided as to how to examine users’privacy expectations: privacy expectations are understood

Received November 4, 2014; revised December 16, 2014; accepted Decem-

ber 17, 2014

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of the Association for Information Scienceand Technology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf ofASIS&T • Published online in Wiley Online Library(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/asi.23500

JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ••(••):••–••, 2015This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use anddistribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.

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US or U.S. -- not consistent throughout the paper. KM - Please make all "US".

both as individual, highly variable preferences of a staticdefinition of privacy (Buchanan, Paine, Joinson, & Reips,2007; Chellappa & Sin, 2005; Westin, 1970; Yao, Rice, &Wallis, 2007) as well as social norms that depend on thecontextual factors such as the type of information collected,who receives the information, the purpose of the informa-tion, and how the information is handled (Barth, Datta,Mitchell, & Nissenbaum, 2006; Nissenbaum, 2009; Vasalou,Joinson, & Houghton, forthcoming). These two bodies ofprivacy literature are often examined separately or even pre-sented in opposition. Little work has been done to identifyhow these two theoretical approaches might intersect.

This paper examines the relationship between individualprivacy dispositions and contextual privacy judgments in themobile application space. Inspired by theory that explainshow experience in an industry modifies consumers’ trustjudgments, we hypothesize that consumers’ experiencewithin a context impacts not only their trust judgments butalso their privacy expectations. In other words, we hypoth-esize that experience provides the bridge between generalprivacy attitudes and nuanced contextual factors in privacyjudgments. We surveyed American users of mobile applica-tions and asked them to make judgments about whethercontext-specific scenarios met their privacy expectations.We chose to investigate the privacy expectations of mobileapplication users because the mobile application space pre-sented both innovative forms of data collection and use, aswell as difficult questions about whether or how that datacollection and use should be controlled or regulated (FederalTrade Commission, 2012). The survey used a factorialvignette method to ask respondents to judge whethercommon and realistic forms of data collection (e.g., harvestof application usage, location, image, and contact data) anddata use (tracking and targeting) by mobile applications mettheir privacy expectations.

Analysis of these data illustrated significant relationshipsbetween individual factors (e.g., consumer experience andgeneral privacy attitudes) and contextual privacy expecta-tions. While the reported frequency of app use did not impactindividuals’ privacy expectations directly or their generalbelief that privacy is important, more frequent users ofmobile apps relied less on their general privacy disposition inmaking particular privacy judgments and gave greater weightto contextual factors. Frequent users of mobile applicationsshowed greater sensitivity to contextual variables; less fre-quent users relied primarily on their general privacy attitudeto make judgments. Experience impacted how vignettes metprivacy expectations by changing the equation respondentsused to assess whether vignettes met their expectations.

First, the Literature Review discusses related work onindividual privacy preferences as well as contextual integrity,and discusses the role of experience in the related domain ofconsumer trust. Next, the Methods section describes thesurvey procedures. We explore the findings in the Resultssection, and the implications in the Discussion section.Finally, the Conclusion explores the impact of these findingsfor mobile application developers and policymakers.

Literature Review: Privacy and Trust in MobileApplication Use

Consumers and Privacy Judgments

In information systems research, two major approachesto understanding consumer privacy expectations focus on (a)individuals’ privacy attitudes and (b) situational or contex-tual privacy expectations. The first approach exploresprivacy expectations as individual dispositions, beginningwith Westin’s (1970) surveys that categorized individuals ona spectrum between privacy fundamentalists and the privacyunconcerned. This approach continues in surveys andstudies which ask consumers general questions about theirprivacy preferences (Boyles et al., 2012; Urban et al., 2012)or in privacy research focused on privacy concerns of con-sumers as an individual attribute (Buchanan et al., 2007;Smith, Milberg, & Burke, 1996; Yao et al., 2007). Surveys inthis space range from asking about broad concerns, such asHow concerned are you about threats to your privacy . . .(Nguyen, Bedford, Bretana, & Hayes, 2011), to more spe-cific concerns about particular issues, such as surveys whichmeasure aspects of concern for information privacy (CFIP)(Smith et al., 1996). In addition to concern for privacy,studies have asked about individuals’ valuation of privacy,interpreted as the general value that individuals assign to theprotection of their personal data (Acquisti & Varian, 2005;Acquisti, John, & Loewenstein, 2013; Chellappa & Sin,2005). Importantly, privacy is defined independently ofcontext in this research, and investigators measure thedegree to which individuals value, or are concerned with, afixed definition of privacy.

The second approach to privacy scholarship definesprivacy as a collective (rather than individual), contextuallydependent phenomenon. This approach posits that privacyexpectations are based on social norms within particularinformation contexts (Nissenbaum, 2009). Those privacynorms dictate what data are acceptable to collect, who canhave access to it, whether it should be kept confidential, andhow it can be shared and reused. Called “privacy as contex-tual integrity” by Nissenbaum (2009), this approach sug-gests that instead of measuring privacy concerns orexpectations as static attributes of individuals, we measureprivacy as responses to context-specific rules. When privacyexpectations are context-specific, norms around what infor-mation should be disclosed and gathered and for whatpurpose are developed within a particular community orcontext. A context-specific definition of privacy is consistentwith a social contract approach to privacy expectations(Culnan & Bies, 2003; Li, Sarathy, & Xu, 2010; Martin,2012; Xu, Zhang, Shi, & Song, 2009), in which rules forinformation flow take into account the purpose of the infor-mation exchange as well as risks and harms associated withsharing information. The process of taking contextual vari-ables into account is also known as the privacy calculus,where privacy norms are developed with the costs and ben-efits of sharing information in mind. However, because“contexts” can be difficult to precisely define (Vasalou et al.,


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forthcoming), it is a challenge to measure contextual vari-ables (Shilton, 2012).

Integrated Model of Privacy Judgments

These two approaches to understanding privacyexpectations—one focused on individual beliefs or attri-butes and one focused on contextual definitions—are nor-mally studied independently, as shown in Figure 1 (arrows Aand B). Limited work has sought to identify how individualbeliefs and contextual factors work in tandem. Scholars haveexamined how individuals’ concerns for privacy can beshifted or modified by context (Malhotra, Kim, & Agarwal,2004), yet work on context-dependent definitions of privacyhave yet to consider how individual attributes may impacthow contextual factors are considered. In fact, previouswork suggests that contextual factors do not explain all ofthe variance in individuals’ privacy judgments (Martin,2013; Shilton & Martin, 2013), and individual differences inperceptions, beliefs, and attitudes remain important toprivacy expectations. We model the possibly moderatingrelationship of individual factors on consideration of con-textual factors in Figure 1 (arrow C).

Experience, Institutional Trust, and Privacy

To investigate how individual differences might moderatecontextual considerations, we turned to a related branch oftheory discussing consumer trust. Trust is defined as thewillingness to accept vulnerability to the actions of an orga-nization (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995), and may bedirected towards an individual, group, organization, or insti-tution (Pirson, Martin, & Parmar, 2013). Trust has beenfound to be closely related to privacy (Pavlou, 2011). Trustmay be a more salient predictor of behavior than privacyconcerns (Eastlick, Lotz, & Warrington, 2006; Sultan &Rohm, 2004; Van Slyke, Shim, Johnson, & Jiang, 2006),leading to scholars to call for privacy research to include the

effects of trust (Belanger, Hiller, & Smith, 2002; Pavlou,Liang, & Xue, 2007; Van Slyke et al., 2006).

Generalized trust is a nonreflective attitude of the publictowards a social institution and is measured by surveys ofpublic trust in congress or public trust in business(Stevenson & Wolfers, 2011). Institutional trust capturesindividuals’ assessment of “favorable conditions” for par-ticipating in transactions through norms, procedures, andcontrolling mechanisms, and is specific to a context suchas industry or type of business (e.g., banking, social net-working) (Pirson, Martin, & Parmar, 2014). Finally, stake-holder trust is an individual’s willingness to acceptvulnerability to the actions of a particular organization.Stakeholder trust is reflective, informed, and influenced bythe actions of the firm (e.g., with enough bad actions, firmscan destroy stakeholder trust). Importantly for thisresearch, experience facilitates individuals’ transitionsfrom generalized trust to stakeholder trust. Individuals relyon generalized and institutional trust to make decisionswhen they have limited experience with a firm (Pavlou &Gefen, 2004). Through familiarization and experience,individuals begin to form stakeholder trust by taking intoaccount the firm’s behavior.

We began to draw analogies between this literature and aprogression from individual privacy preferences to reactionsto the context-appropriateness of data use scenarios. Notingthis similarity led to the hypotheses we will explore here:that experience is not only an important influence on trust,but also an influence on the progression from generalizedprivacy beliefs to contextual privacy judgments. Similar tohow experience modifies trust judgments, this projecthypothesizes that individuals with less experience in acontext rely more on generalized privacy beliefs, and indi-viduals with more experience in a context are increasinglyinfluenced by contextual factors and norms. This hypothesisis explored in more detail in the following section.

Hypotheses on the Moderating Effect of Experience onPrivacy Judgments

Trust develops over time. Initial trust is not based onexperience, but instead on an individual’s general disposition(McKnight, Cummings, & Chervany, 1998). Interactionsbetween an individual and firm then increase the knowledgeon which individuals base judgments (Pirson et al., 2014). Ina similar manner, we hypothesize that as consumers becomemore experienced in a context, they learn more about andbecome accustomed to the context’s informational norms.As they learn these norms through experience, they need notrely on their general privacy beliefs and will begin to takecontextual factors into account while making privacy judg-ments. Therefore, we hypothesize:

H1: Frequency of application use moderates the role of indi-vidual dispositions in making specific privacy judgments:more frequent users of mobile apps rely less on generalprivacy dispositions in making particular judgments aboutmeeting privacy expectations.

FIG. 1. Conceptual model of privacy judgments.


H2: Frequency of application use moderates the relativeimportance of contextual factors in making specific privacyjudgments: more frequent users of mobile apps rely more oncontextual factors in making particular judgments aboutmeeting privacy expectations.

An individual’s decision to transact with a firm is based ontheir perceived trust in the firm or in a broader institution, aswell as perceived risk (Gefen & Pavlou, 2012). Individualsare more willing to transact, and with greater frequency, ifthey perceive lower risk based on an understanding of the“rules of transaction conduct” (Gefen & Pavlou, 2012,p. 942). These hypotheses frame privacy norms and expec-tations as an important “rule of conduct” for mobile appli-cations, and predict that individuals who transact withmobile applications more frequently will have a betterunderstanding of, and agreement with, rules of engagement.Insiders have a better understanding of contextual privacynorms compared to outsiders (Martin, 2012). We thereforepredict that high-frequency users of mobile applicationshave less variance in the privacy judgments across respon-dents (i.e., show more agreement with each other regardingprivacy expectations), as well as more certainty in their ownjudgments, leading to the following hypotheses:

H3: Users with more frequent use of mobile applicationswill show less variation in their contextual privacy judgmentsacross respondents.

H4: Users with more frequent use of mobile applicationswill show greater certainty in their contextual privacyjudgments.

Our hypotheses are summarized in Figure 2.


To measure the effects of contextual variables in additionto personal variables, we conducted a survey using factorialvignette methodology (Wallander, 2009). Factorial vignettesurvey methodology was developed to investigate humanjudgments (Jasso, 2006; Rossi & Nock, 1982; Wallander,2009). In a factorial vignette survey, a set of vignettes isgenerated for each respondent, where a set of vignette

factors (the independent variables) controlled by theresearcher are randomly selected, and respondents are askedto evaluate the resulting hypothetical situation. The evalua-tion is accomplished through a rating task designed tocapture the level of an outcome corresponding to the sur-vey’s unit of analysis (Jasso, 2006). The factorial vignettemethodology enables researchers to simultaneouslyexamine multiple factors (Ganong & Coleman, 2006). Usingvignettes enables researchers to capture respondents’equations-inside-the-head (Jasso, 2006) about judgments ofcomplex constructs such as privacy expectations. In thisstudy, the rating task included factors such as types ofmobile applications, data type, and data uses, and askedrespondents to indicate the degree to which an application inthe vignette met their privacy expectations. Statistical tech-niques were used to identify the relative importance of eachvignette factor in driving the respondents’ outcome.

We constructed vignettes by varying several contextualfactors comprising our independent variables, as will bedescribed here. A software interface created a deck ofvignettes for each respondent randomly with replacement asthe respondent took the survey. Vignette rating, factor levels,the vignette script, and the vignette sequence number werepreserved. We tested vignette wording for clarity withgraduate students in several courses at the University ofMaryland, College Park.

Control Variables

The factorial vignette survey methodology captures therelative importance of contextual factors for respondents.By capturing individual attributes separately, we were ableto examine the relative impact of both individual and con-textual privacy factors. Before beginning the vignettes, thesystem supplied respondents with several questions tomeasure individual attributes, used as control variables tocompare respondents. We collected respondents’ age andgender, as well as responses to two rating tasks importantto the hypotheses. The first asked participants to rate on ascale from strongly disagree to strongly agree their agree-ment with the statement: “In general, I trust mobile appli-cations.” This rating captured respondents’ institutionaltrust in the mobile application industry. The second ratingtask asked for their agreement with the statement: “Ingeneral, I believe privacy is important.” This rating cap-tured respondents’ general privacy belief.1 Finally, respon-dents reported their frequency of use of mobileapplications (Table 1), given a scale of options rangingfrom never to frequently.

1Although individual privacy belief has traditionally been measuredwith a multi-question indicator (Buchanan et al., 2007) such as the InternetUsers’ Information Privacy Concern (IUIPC) scale, recent research hasshown that responses to these questions are highly correlated, and a singlequestion can capture generalized privacy belief. See (Garg, Benton, &Camp, 2014) for details.

FIG. 2. Hypotheses of the role of mobile application experience inprivacy judgments.


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Independent Variables

Defining meaningful social contexts is a challenge forresearch into privacy as contextual integrity. We chose todefine contexts according to industry, which replicates thestructure of how mobile phone software is built and deliv-ered. Applications are usually developed and marketed for asingle purpose: communicating with your bank, playing agame, keeping your calendar, etc. We first classified industrycontexts according to their identification by the two majorapplication stores: the Apple iTunes store and Google Play.We also sought industry data on dominant uses of mobileapplications. According to an industry survey, e-mail andcalendaring, instant messaging (IM), office and personalproductivity, web conferencing, and e-commerce are themost popular uses of mobile applications (Columbus, 2013).

Using these data, we chose mobile application industrycontexts based on a combination of popularity and diversity.We chose the most popular application contexts, as well asthose known to have sensitive data in face-to-face transac-tions, such as medical and banking contexts.

• Games• Weather• Social networking• Navigation• Music• Banking/Finance• Shopping/Retail• Productivity

After choosing industry contexts to test, we chose a seriesof other independent variables based on the factors thatNissenbaum (2009) identifies as relevant to privacy as con-textual integrity: who the data collection actors are, the typeof data collected, how the data are used, and why the data arecollected (see also Martin, 2012). Each survey respondentwas shown a series of vignettes that varied based on:

• Who: The primary organization collecting information, suchas application developer, mobile phone provider, or a thirdparty;

• What: The type of information received or tracked by theprimary organization, including location, accelerometer,demographic, images, keywords, name, friends, or contactlists;

• Why: The application purpose—playing games, checkingweather, participating in social networking, navigating usingmaps, listening to music, banking, shopping, and organizingpersonal productivity.2

• How (used): The transmission principles (Nissenbaum,2009)—for example, how the data are reused or stored, andwhether it is used to target ads or track users over time.

We developed realistic scenarios by choosing organiza-tions, types of information, application purposes, and trans-mission principles known to be employed in today’s mobilesector (Urban et al., 2012). Figure 3 contains an example ofthe vignette survey given to respondents. For example, typeof information included location, accelerometer, demo-graphic, contacts, keywords, name, images, and friends, allof which are currently collected by mobile applications inthe marketplace. Targeting vignettes contained ad type(what the organization does with the information, eitherusing it to target their own ads or selling it to a third party).Scenarios about tracking mobile data also included retention(the length of time data were stored, in months), personal-ization (whether data were tied to a unique identifier for yourmobile device), collection (who collects the information,such as the primary organization, your wireless provider,your platform provider, third-party tracking), and secondaryuse (what the collecting organization does with the informa-tion, such as retargeting, data exchange, or social advertis-ing). This list of factors generated vignettes like thefollowing (italics highlight factors that systematicallychanged) in Figure 4:

Dependent Variable: Vignette Ratings

For each vignette, respondents were instructed: “Tell ushow much you agree with the statement below. Using asliding scale from −100 to 100, with −100 indicating stronglydisagree and 100 indicating strongly agree.” For eachvignette, respondents rated their agreement with the prompt,

2This survey includes two distinct measures of frequency of applicationuse. Before rating vignettes, respondents provided a self-reported fre-quency of application use. A hypothetical measure of frequency and tenurewas used and was also included as an independent variable in vignettes.Neither hypothetical frequency nor tenure was found to be a significantfactor in meeting privacy expectations.

TABLE 1. Respondent self-reported frequency of application use distribution.

Targeting Survey Tracking Survey Combined

Respondents in Sample Respondents in Sample Respondents in Sample

Frequency AppUse # % # % # %

Never 1 13 1.3% 18 1.9% 31 1.6%Rarely 2 80 8.2% 76 8.0% 156 8.1%1–2 Weekly 3 28 2.9% 29 3.1% 57 3.0%1–2 Daily 4 256 26.2% 238 25.1% 494 25.7%All the time 5 592 60.7% 572 60.3% 1,164 60.5%


“This application meets my privacy expectations.” Ratingswere used as the dependent variable to analyze what indepen-dent or control variables made a difference to their ratings.


The surveys were deployed four times (May, August, andNovember of 2013 and February of 2014) to a total of 1,925respondents who rated over 77,000 vignettes through Ama-zon’s Mechanical Turk (see Table 1).3 Although use of

Mechanical Turk for survey deployment is controversial(Lease et al., 2013; Ross, Irani, Silberman, Zaldivar, &Tomlinson, 2010), studies have shown that mTurk workersare more representative of the U.S. population than thesamples often used in social science research (Behrend,Sharek, Meade, & Wiebe, 2011; Berinsky, Huber, & Lenz,2012). Given resource constraints and the need to use aweb-based platform for survey delivery, Mechanical Turkprovides the best available platform for this survey. In aseparate survey on privacy expectations for websites using asimilar method, we compared Mechanical Turk results withresults from a nationally representative sample from Knowl-edgeNetworks (GfK). The mTurk sample produces the same

3Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk) is an online labor market whererequestors post jobs and workers choose jobs to complete. For a fulldescription, see Mason and Suri (2012). For details on how mTurk samplesare more representative of the U.S. population than in-person conveniencesamples, see Berinsky et al. (2012). For the external and internal validity ofmTurk, see Horton, Rand, and Zeckhauser (2011). In sum, respondent

samples on mTurk are found to be representative of the general populationwith high internal and external validity.

FIG. 3. Screenshot of a vignette survey question. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

SAMPLE VIGNETTES (additional in Appendix):Targeting Sample Vignette:While using your phone, you check updates on a social networking application that you have used

occasionally for less than a month.

The social networking app shows you an advertisement for another application they sell based on your phone contact list.

Tracking Sample Vignette:While on your phone, you update your to-do list on a scheduling app that you have used infrequently for 3


Through the scheduling app, your phone contact list is collected by the app store company and will be stored for less than a week.

The app store company then uses the information to show future ads to your friends and contacts.Rating Task: This website meets my privacy expectations (strongly dis

FIG. 4. Sample vignettes.


theoretical generalizations as the GfK survey, illustrating theability to build generalizable theory from Mechanical Turksamples in online privacy studies (Martin, 2013).

Sample demographics are provided in Table 2. Theaverage age of the respondents was 31.4 years old and thesample was 56.3% male. On average, respondents trustedapplications generally with an average score of 20.34 whentaking the targeted advertising survey and 15.58 when takingthe tracking survey. In addition, the respondents foundprivacy to be important with an average score of 80.27 and78.95, respectively, for targeting and tracking surveys.4


We analyzed data on two levels: at the vignette level totest independent variables (contextual factors: level 1), andat the respondent level to test control variables (individualfactors: level 2). If I is the number of the respondents withlevel 2 individual variables and J is the number ofvignettes answered with level 1 factor variables, thegeneral equation is:

Y e e V R u eij k jk h hi i j= + + + +0 Σγ (1)

where Yij is the rating of vignette k by respondent in, Vjk isthe kth factor of vignette j, Rhi is the hth characteristic ofrespondent i, β0 is a constant term, sk and γh are regressioncoefficients for k vignette factors and h respondent factors, ui

is a respondent-level residual (random effect), and ek is avignette-level residual. The model conceptualized theratings as a function of the contextual factors described inthe vignette (ΣVk) and the characteristics of the respondent(ΣRh) as hypothesized earlier.

As the data can be modeled at two levels—the vignettesand the individual respondents—multilevel modeling was

used to control for and measure individual variation inprivacy judgments. Both OLS regressions as well as hierar-chical regressions (xtmixed in STATA) were used to analyzethe data to account for the possibility that the error termswere not equal across individuals. Finally, a respondent-specific equation (Jasso, 2006) was developed by regressingthe rating task on to the contextual factors for each respon-dent (N = 40). A new data set was formed with 976 rows forthe targeting vignettes and 949 rows for the trackingvignettes with a privacy equation for each respondent. Therespondent-specific equation includes the respondent’sintercept, the relative weight for each contextual factor, anda respondent-specific R2 as in equation (2) below and used totest H4.

Y V ei i k k i= + +β βΣ (2)

The hypotheses and findings are summarized in Table 3.


On average, the scenarios presented did not meetuser privacy expectations: Average ratings of both the

4Respondent fatigue was checked by controlling for later vignettes inthe respondents’ sequence (the sequence number of the vignette was cap-tured and ranged from 1–40). While respondent fatigue was not a factor, wefound a respondent learning curve to be important to check; respondentsappear to take 1–2 vignettes to acclimate to the format. The analysis wasrun minus the first two vignettes for each respondent and the resultsremained the same.

TABLE 2. Respondent statistics.


Targeting Tracking

Users 976 949Vignettes 39,320 38,160Age 31.6 32.1Male 58.5% 55.5%Privacy is Important 79.82 79.24I trust mobile apps 20.26 12.97Mean (DV) −18.01 −42.70R2 of Users 0.84 0.80ICC 22.1% 34.1%

TABLE 3. Hypotheses and results.

Hypothesis Findings

H1 Frequency of application usemoderates the role ofindividual dispositions inmaking specific privacyjudgments

Supported. Frequency of app use isassociated with less reliance ongeneral privacy belief whilemaking privacy judgments asshown in Tables 4a and 4b andFigure 5—particularly forscenarios around targetedadvertising.

H2 Frequency of application usemoderates the relativeimportance of contextualfactors in making specificprivacy judgments.

Supported. Frequency of app use isassociated with greater relianceon contextual factors whilemaking privacy judgments asshown in Tables 4a and 4b. Themore frequently a respondent usesapplications, the greater weightthey place on contextual factors inmaking privacy judgments.

H3 Users with more frequentapplication use will showless variation in theircontextual privacyjudgments acrossrespondents

Supported. Individuals with morefrequent application use had lessvariance across respondents intheir privacy judgments as shownin Tables 4a and 4b. In otherwords, high-frequency users havegreater agreement acrossrespondents.

H4 Users with more frequent useof mobile applications willshow greater certainty intheir contextual privacyjudgments.

Supported. Individuals with morefrequent application use hadgreater certainty in their privacyjudgments. In other words,respondents with more frequentapplication use showed greaterinternal consistency in theirprivacy judgments as shown inFigure 6.


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targeting and tracking vignettes were negative, indicatingthat respondents did not agree with the statement “Thisapplication meets my privacy expectations.” Although therange of scenarios presented was representative of data col-lection and use in the mobile sector, respondents found thescenarios to be surprising. This finding bolsters research thatindicates American consumers are concerned aboutcommon forms of data collection and use in the mobilesector (Urban et al., 2012) and the broader data marketplace(Madden, 2014).

The dependent variable—the degree to which a vignettemet the respondent’s privacy expectations—was regressedon the vignette contextual factors as well as the individualcontrol attributes. This multilevel analysis allows therespondents’ intercept and error terms to vary: 22.1% of therating task variance for targeting scenarios, and 34% fortracking scenarios, were attributable to individuals.

In order to understand the relationship between generaltrust and application use, the respondent’s trust in applica-tions rating (the degree to which the respondent agreedwith the statement “In general, I trust mobile applications”)was regressed on the frequency of applications use(1 = never, . . . 5 = all the time). For each increase in thefrequency of application use, the respondents’ trust in appsincreased +9.23 (p = .00) for the targeting survey and +9.44(p = .00) for the tracking survey, even while controlling forindividual attributes such as age, gender, and the individu-al’s general privacy belief. The more frequently respondentsreported using applications, the higher their general trust inapplications.

Next, to examine how respondents’ use of mobile appli-cations related to their specific privacy judgments, thereported frequency of application use was included as acontrol variable in a general regression of the rating taskcontextual and individual factors; reported frequency ofapplication use was not found to be significant. In addition,the average rating of vignettes was regressed on reportedfrequency of application use for targeting (β = −0.702,p = .52) and tracking (β = 0.680, p = .57), further reinforc-ing the finding that reported frequency of application use isnot significant for privacy judgments. When measured overall respondents, greater frequency of application use wascorrelated with meeting privacy expectations to a greaterextent, but when individual attributes were included—suchas age, gender, general trust in applications, and generalbelief that privacy is important—the relationship betweenfrequency of application use and privacy judgments aboutspecific scenarios was not significant.

Hypotheses 1 and 2 suggested the reported frequency ofapplication use moderated respondents’ balance betweenrelying on their general beliefs about privacy versus con-textual privacy factors when making privacy expectationjudgments. Specifically, H1 suggested that reported fre-quency of application use moderated the role of individualdispositions in making specific privacy judgments: themore experience users reported with mobile applications,the less impact their individual general privacy belief had

on their specific judgments. To test H1, the sample was firstsplit into low- (1–3), medium- (4), and high-frequency (5)users. The privacy judgment rating task was regressed onthe vignette factors and individual variables as inTable 4a,b for each of the subsamples. The coefficient forthe individual general privacy belief rating was the relativeimportance of this indicator in making a particular judg-ment. After comparing the coefficients across samples, thatis, a Chow test (Chow, 1960), the results in Table 4a,b sup-ported H1: the relative importance of individual generalprivacy belief in making particular judgments decreased(the coefficient trends towards zero) for targeted advertisingvignettes (βlow = −0.37; βmed = −0.32; βhigh = −0.19;prob(χ2) = 0.00) and decreased somewhat for trackingvignettes (βlow/med = −0.37; βhigh = −0.24; prob(χ2) = 0.00).Second, this moderating impact of reported frequencyof use was also tested with an interaction term(AppUseLow*PrivacyImport) and graphed in Figure 5. Fortargeting vignettes, Figure 5 shows the steeper slope for

TABLE 4A. Regressions for low-, medium-, and high-frequency users fortargeted adverting vignettes.*

Targeting vignettes

Low use Med use High use

ContextBankingCxt −6.68 −7.00 −10.77SocialCxtGamesCxtMusicCxt 6.04ProductivityCxt −2.60WeatherCxtNavigateCxtActivityCxt n/aSymptomCxt n/a −6.28

(null = RetailInformation

AccelInfo −10.92 −10.10 −18.32ContactInfo −60.04 −61.02 −76.19KeywordInfo 5.01 11.26 12.65FriendsInfo −27.80 −15.91 −21.16ImageInfo −65.03 −73.14 −84.28LocationInfo −8.03 −11.90 −14.93NameInfo −6.44 −14.05 −24.78

(null = Demo)AdType

ThirdPartyAd −2.82(null = Primary

Control VariablesMaleAge −1.33 −0.50AgeOver30 12.95TrustApps 0.20 0.19 0.21PrivacyImportant −0.37 −0.32 −0.19_cons 49.44 60.20 43.61Average Rating −20.25 −17.79 −15.71

N 3,600 7,120 18,160ICC 24.2% 25.7% 20.0%

Note. *Key for Table 4a,b: bold p < .05; gray p < .10; blank p > .10 andnot significant.


low-frequency users (Use <4), which illustrated a greaterreliance on individual general privacy beliefs in makingprivacy judgments (p = .02). The results suggested that theimpact of individual general privacy beliefs on privacyjudgments varied based on the respondent’s experiencewith applications. The less frequently a respondent reportedusing applications (and so the less experienced they were),the greater weight they placed on their general beliefsabout the importance of privacy while making privacyjudgments.

Hypothesis 2 suggested that reported frequency of appli-cation use also moderates the relative importance of

contextual factors in making privacy judgments. To testH2, we conducted a Chow test comparing the relativeimportance of contextual factors across low-, medium-, andhigh-frequency respondents in Table 4a,b. The graphs belowillustrate the impact of reported frequency of app useon the relative importance of contextual factors. The resultssupport H2: contextual factors had greater importancein particular privacy judgments for high-frequency userscompared to low-frequency users. Significant factors such ascontact information (Δβ = | βhigh—βlow| = 16.15), image(Δβ = 19.25), and name information (Δβ = 18.34) for tar-geted advertising vignettes, as well as selling to a dataexchange for tracking user vignettes (Δβ = 12.06), increasedtheir relative importance in driving privacy judgmentsas frequency of app use increased (for each Δβ,prob(χ2) = 0.00).

Taken together, H1 and H2 suggested that individualswho use applications frequently placed a greater emphasison contextual factors such as data type and data use injudging specific scenarios and placed less emphasis on theirgeneral belief about privacy. Respondents with low-frequency application use (less than daily) placed lessimportance on contextual factors and greater emphasis ontheir general privacy belief while making particular privacyjudgments.

Hypothesis 3 suggested that users who reported greaterfrequency of mobile application use would show less varia-tion in their contextual privacy judgments across respon-dents (i.e., would show more agreement with otherrespondents about privacy expectations). Hypothesis 3 wasexamined by comparing the intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC) produced in multilevel regressions, which measuredthe percent of variation in the dependent variable (meetingprivacy expectations) attributable to the grouping variable(the individual). Table 4a,b includes the ICC for both tar-geted advertising vignettes and tracking user vignettes forlow-, medium-, and high-frequency user samples. The

TABLE 4B. Regressions for low-, medium-, and high-frequency users fortracking user vignettes.

Tracking vignettes

Low use Med use High use

ContextBankingCxt −8.43 −8.40 −8.90SocialCxtGamesCxtMusicCxtProductivityCxtWeatherCxtNavigateCxtActivityCxtSymptomCxt −8.66 −3.14 −5.48

(null = Retail)Information

AccelInfo −6.76 −2.48ContactInfo −18.66 −21.69 −22.63KeywordInfo −4.30 −3.26FriendsInfo −5.74 −7.94 −8.05ImageInfo −23.43 −28.19 −30.64LocationInfo −4.37 −7.20 −7.63NameInfo −3.61 −8.42 −9.84

(null = Demo)Collecting Actor

ThirdPartyCollect −3.99 −8.42 −4.75PlatformCollectWirelessCollect −2.05 −2.21

(null = PrimaryPersonalization

DevicePersonal −2.08 −1.40(null = Null)

Second UseDataExchange2nd −37.51 −47.16 −49.57SocalAd2nd −18.98 −18.90 −23.41

(null = RetargetStorage Months −0.71 −0.93 −0.59Control Variables

Male 15.98 10.41Age −0.55AgeOver30TrustApps 0.16 0.21 0.23PrivacyImportant −0.29 −0.37 −0.24_cons 36.74 34.70Average Rating −49.55 −43.05 −40.66N 4120 7320 16840ICC 45.2% 34.7% 31.5%

FIG. 5. Interaction between low frequency of app use and role of generalprivacy-is-important disposition. [Color figure can be viewed in the onlineissue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


results suggested that the variance in privacy judgmentsdiverged less across respondents who reported greater fre-quency of mobile application use (24% for low-frequencyand 20% for high-frequency users for targeting vignettes,and 45% for low- and 31% for high-frequency users fortracking vignettes). High-frequency mobile applicationusers had less variation attributable to individual differencescompared to low-frequency users, supporting H3. In otherwords, high-frequency users had greater agreement witheach other about privacy expectations.

Hypothesis 4 suggested that users with more frequent useof mobile applications will show greater certainty intheir contextual privacy judgments. To test H4, arespondent-level privacy equation was created by regressingthe privacy judgment rating task on contextual factors(where N = 40 = number of vignettes rated by each respon-dent). A new data set was created, comprised of one row foreach respondent with their own intercept, coefficients for thevignette factors, and respondent-level R2. The results aregraphed in Figure 6a,b showing a nonlinear relationshipbetween reported frequency of application use and respon-

dent certainty in privacy judgments. Specifically, nonusersrated contextual factors inconsistently, demonstrating thatthey were less certain of their privacy judgments (1 = neveruse mobile applications) than users of mobile applications.


Experience using mobile applications moderated theeffect of individual preferences and contextual factors onprivacy judgments. While reported frequency of app use didnot impact either individuals’ overall privacy expectations ortheir general belief that privacy is important, more frequentusers of mobile apps relied less on their general privacydisposition in making particular privacy judgments, andgave greater weight to contextual factors. Experienceimpacted how vignettes met privacy expectations by chang-ing the equation respondents used to assess whethervignettes met their expectations.

These results have important implications for practice.The results suggest that frequent users (a) trust applicationsmore and (b) consider the application context while makingprivacy judgments. This suggests that a firm’s changes inprivacy practices or deviations from industry data use normsmay be less meaningful to novices but important to high-frequency users. Firms may need to respect contextualprivacy norms to avoid alienating high-frequency (and pre-sumably high-value) users.

Results from this study have important implications forresearch on mobile applications in particular and privacymore generally. Since both the importance and certainty ofcontextual privacy judgments may vary according to indi-vidual attributes like experience, sampling strategies inprivacy research may be critically important to studies ofcontextual privacy. Privacy studies which rely on samples of“insiders” (e.g., frequent mobile application users or evenage-similar cohorts such as students) could be limited intheir generalizability. The results further validate a socialcontract approach to privacy (Culnan & Bies, 2003; Martin,2012) where privacy norms are better understood by thosewho contract within the community. For example, experi-ence impacts the degree to which individuals agree witheach other about privacy judgments, as well as the degree ofindividual certainty in judgments. In the language of a socialcontract approach to privacy, high-frequency users are con-tractors within the community with a better understanding ofthe internal privacy norms of that context.

Finally, the findings suggest that empirical privacyresearch should take into account both contextual variablesand individual-level attitudes, concerns, and beliefs. Theseresearch trajectories are related, and privacy researchersshould pursue them in tandem, as neither individual factorsnor contextual factors can explain all of the variation inusers’ privacy expectations. While both individual attributesand contextual factors matter; how much each matter toprivacy judgments may depend on the individual’s experi-ence in the context and should be the subject of futureresearch.



FIG. 6. a,b: Respondent level R2 by frequency of application use. [Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]


A limitation of this study is that we surveyed expressedpreferences (and the factors which impact those prefer-ences), rather than revealed preferences (Garg, Benton, &Camp, 2014). Although consumers may express particularprivacy preferences, they do not always act in a way that isaligned with these expressions (Acquisti & Grossklags,2008). We believe that expressed preferences are relevantand important to the mobile sector in particular, and privacyresearch in general, because they reveal factors that arelikely to upset consumers. Comments in the free-text por-tions of our surveys recorded participants’ general dismay atthe (realistic) data use scenarios included in our vignettes.Although individuals may not stop using mobile applica-tions because of perceived privacy violations, consumersmay lose trust in firms who repeatedly violate expressedprivacy preferences. We believe it is critical, therefore, tocontinue to measure and report on the factors that impactexpressed privacy preferences.

This work has also not fully defined or measured expe-rience in technology use. Future work should explore whatfactors contribute to users’ increasing reliance on contextualnorms. Do consumers learn contextual norms throughfeedback from applications, through positive or negativeexperiences with platforms or applications, or learningways of navigating privacy settings? Probing the compo-nents of experience will help us better understand the rela-tionship between experience, trust, and contextual privacyexpectations.


Understanding the ways that individual experiencewithin a context moderates the relationship between indi-vidual privacy preferences and reliance on contextual normsprovides a new lens for empirical privacy scholarship. Thispaper suggests that context-dependent investigations ofprivacy could be strengthened by taking into account indi-vidual differences in experience, usage frequency, andgeneral trust in the context under investigation. The resultssuggest that individual privacy preferences and contextualintegrity are not completely separate theories, but instead aretwo important factors impacting people’s privacy judg-ments. Finally, this difference can be measured with richvignette methods and reported to developers and firms con-cerned with keeping consumers’ trust while collecting datafrom mobile applications. Understanding the nuancesbehind variations in users’ privacy preferences can enablefair and innovative technology development.


This work benefited from feedback from participants inthe Technology Policy Research Conference, the PrivacyLaw Scholars’ Conference, and the Future of PrivacyForum. We also thank Helen Nissenbaum, Mary Culnan,and Mary Madden for constructive feedback and continuedsupport to develop the ideas explored here. This project was

funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant # SES-1311823) and the University of Maryland ADVANCEProject seed grant program.


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