why the travel and leisure industry needs its own advertising media!

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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In the future, there will be two types of companies, those that are alert and adapt to consumers changing behavior and those that go out of business. -Consumer patterns have changed, our industry needs to ‘Mirror’ those patterns and go where consumers go. Marketers that don’t follow will find themselves as part of the past. Necessity and innovation have always been the ‘key’ factors in driving our industry forward and Right now it’s necessary for our industry to have it’s own intelligent custom built Advertising Media that is in complete ‘Sync’ with consumers. Now and in the future.


Why the travel & leisure Industry�NEEDS its OWN Advertising Media! �

Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Proliferate. Create. Synergize. Surge. Lead. Progress. Accentuate the Positives. Create the future. Rule. Arise. Evolve. Be Seen. Advance. Exceed. Excel. Lead. GROW. GAIN. PROSPER. PROFIT. DRIVE. THRIVE. Consolidate. Accelerate. Innovate. Elevate. Evolve

STOP wasting valuable resources reaching people who cannot even be your customers.

Why the Travel & Leisure Industry


Advertising Media.

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase


A. Current methods are Ineffective & ‘OBSOLETE’

B. Customers need a ‘VIRTUAL REPLICA’ of the industry in their digital worlds.

C. General Media gives us ‘PATHETIC’ results at ‘EXORBITANT’ costs.

The Travel & Leisure Industry NEEDS its own Advertising Media because..

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

In the future, there will be two types of companies, those that are alert and adapt to consumers changing behavior and those that go out of business. Adaption really implies the ability to grow. Many people cling to what used to work instead of embracing change. It’s not just the travel industry that’s changing, the entire world is changing. World economics are shifting and where money is going is shifting. As consumers continue to evolve into digital media, marketing is being changed forever. In this new world, there is greater demand for media across multiple platforms. Marketers must forge relationships with those at the frontier of New media and Technology in order to stay relevant. Consumer patterns have changed, the industry needs to ‘Mirror’ those patterns and go where consumers go. Marketers that don’t follow will find themselves as part of the past. Whether it’s the birth of the travel agent or GDS, one thing is clear, our industry has always evolved to keep up with the times. Necessity and innovation have always been the ‘key’ factors in driving our industry forward and Right now it’s necessary for our industry to have it’s own intelligent custom built Advertising Media that is in complete ‘Sync’ with consumers. Now & in the future.

Marketers must ADAPT Or PERISH.

The World is changing ((Rapidly)) and we ‘MUST’ change with it.

"Consumer patterns have Changed.

Necessity and Innovation have always been the KEY factors in driving our industry forward

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

The industry must ‘MIRROR’ those patterns and go where consumers go”

And right now it’s NECESSARY for our industry to have it’s own intelligent Custom-built Advertising Media.

My initial research paper established 2 things that Travel & Leisure customers need today:    

Customers need a ‘VIRTUAL REPLICA’ of our industry in their digital World.

Customers need to make the right buying decision, and to do this, they need to ‘Know’ of all the best deals available in the industry at that point in time. It’s impossible to make the best choice from limited options ‘Without even Knowing’ what’s available in the industry. They also need to know enough about the offers to filter the good from the bad. But, how do they find out all the Hottest Deals available in the industry right now? They can’t possibly put their entire life on hold to research, discover & list all the hottest deals from across the industry. Can they? Well, Guess What?? That’s what they do, or rather that’s what they try to do. They call friend’s, acquaintance's, suppliers and agents on one hand, and on the other they spend hours researching the internet, jumping from one suppliers Website to another. The sheer clutter of information they are exposed to with everyone trying to sell them something often leaves them confused & frustrated. Customers can STOP these frustrating practices once our industry’s Media starts living inside their digital worlds showing them everything they need to know at a glance.

I notice all the Travel & Holiday Advertisements when I’m busy working projects… and when its ‘my time’ for travel and leisure I don’t see any.

Just give me a ‘MENU’ & Buyers guide to choose from that represents the ENTIRE industry whenever I want to travel or need some pampering …

We need ONE Marketplace… a ‘virtual’ Industry alive and vibrant 24/7 …

a) The Hottest Deals from ALL travel & leisure suppliers in ONE place. b)  No Fluff, No Clutter, No Travel Stories, No Blah Blah, Just the Hottest Deals updated everyday.



The local newspapers may be perfect for advertising a common household commodity that’s RELEVANT to all the readers. But, when it comes to advertising Travel & Leisure, ‘MOST’ of the readers CANNOT be our customers even if they wanted to, due to financial and social factors. Hence, our advertisement will be relevant only to a small fraction of readers, who, by the way, ‘May Not’ be interested in travel & leisure during the time of seeing the advertisement. Quite surprisingly, the tables turn as soon as it’s ‘Their Time’ for travel & Leisure, they’re all eyes and ears for advertisements and go to great lengths searching for the best offers, often with much frustration, pain and limited success.

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

General Media gives us ‘Pathetic’ results at ‘Exorbitant’ costs..

To sum it up, There is ‘NO’ common platform between the industry and customers that is rock solid and there all the time as a common and well known meeting place. We end up using general media because we have NO OTHER CHOICE. We are totally ((subjected)) to General media. and seem to have accepted our situation and settled for fleeting, temporary, inconsistent and inefficient attempts to connect with new customers resulting in the ‘catch 22’ explained in the last paragraph of the previous page, thus leaving both sides dissatisfied and disgruntled.

Well, NOT ANY MORE! These primitive practices are now part of the PAST. The Travel & Leisure industry is now Custom Making the PERFECT common meeting platform in the form of it’s OWN media, an industry ‘showcase’, a marketplace and exhibition that’s LIVE, VIBRANT, and OPEN ‘all the time’, a place where CUSTOMERS flock to, to buy travel & leisure.

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase


The White dots symbolize people who are ‘INCAPABLE’ of being ‘customers’ due to their financial/social class. Or not looking to buy travel or leisure at the time of seeing the advertisement. The Blue dots represent people who are ‘CAPABLE’ of being ‘CUSTOMERS' and looking to buy at the time of seeing The Advertisement.


Currently, ‘MOST’ of our resources are wasted on reaching people who cannot even be our customers.  

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase



CUTS through the clutter and establishes a ‘SOLID’ & ‘PERMANENT’ CONNECTION with travel and leisure Customers. As far as the customers are concerned it’s the Industry Showcase, an Exhibition of travel, leisure, hospitality, tourism & wellness that’s open, valid and in their lives all the time. Imagine dropping an advertisement in this channel and it instantly reaches millions of Travel & leisure customers. A continuous flowing channel. We can drop a new product into the channel every week, month, or even ‘EVERYDAY’.

Our Own Media will ‘DRAW OUT’ the Genuine Customers from the masses.


Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

Amin’s career ‘took off’ in 1982 as a ticketing agent in International Travel Service, West End Hotel. Bangalore. An eager 17 at the time, he remembers his first salary of Rs 150/- with much joy and pride. He later joined Imperial Travels as Sales Manager. Imperial Travels belonged to the well known and respected Minocher family. Amin then ‘set up’ SOTC in Bangalore from ‘scratch’ at the age of 24. He recollects doing ‘booming’ business whilst sitting on the outside steps of the new office along with his team because the office interiors were still on. He considers it a ‘great’ privilege to have worked with ‘the boss’ Mr. Ranjit Malkani, who he believes played a critical role in shaping his career and personality. Amin then moved to Dubai to find his pot of gold. He joined Kanoo Travel, ‘The largest Travel Company in the Middle East’ as ‘Marketing Head’ and lived happily ever after on Jumeira Beach in Dubai. It was during one of his board presentations that it flashed to him that the industry needed it’s own media. The thought wouldn’t go away and after many a sleepless nights and ((EUREKA)) moments he packed his bag and came back home to start his dream of building ‘The travel & leisure industry’s OWN Advertising media and Non-Stop Marketing channel. Amin looks forward to bringing ‘Value’ into your business and believes that he can give back to the industry that made him.


about A Glimpse

CEO & Founder Travel Industry Showcase

Copyright 2011. Travel Industry Showcase

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