why to learn programming

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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ProgrammingThe word that scares every student

Why to learn Programming ????

Advantages Make your own websiteStart your own companyGet job at big game changers like Google, Microsoft, Nvidia etc. The most important thing is to

Earn Dollars $$$

How to get started ???

What you think when to try to learn Programming

No helpful resource available on InternetNo Mentor availableA lot of time left. I will try to learn this some other day. No idea that how to get startedNo personal computer/laptop availableDiscouragement by some crazy programming keywordsWhich technology to start withAnd lot more …….

What you should do while you are getting started

Get in touch with any mentorLearning alone is painful. So, accompany your friendsJoin the Tech Fests, Hackathons, Workshops Try to build some apps and real time websites that will get you started.

Getting Started Lot of resources available on Internet to learn programming.

For Competitive ProgrammingCodechef SpojProject EulerTopCoderCodeforces

For Web and App DevelopmentCodecadmeyCodeschool

Other useful resources: QUORA What are the best resources (sites, books or tutorials) for learning programming?

So, what is the KEY to excel ?

Be a Cockroach :P

Be blind like cockroaches. Try as much you can before you die.

A lot of technologies are available out there

What to learn ???

Start with what interests you initially

What is next ???

(Keep trying learning new technologies and eventually you will get to know that what

interests you actually)

Keep learning and don’t give up

Thanks for watching

Deshraj http://www.deshraj.in


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