why trainers charge so much?

Post on 30-May-2018






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8/14/2019 Why Trainers Charge So Much?

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Why out-sourced trainerscharge so much more?

?By Brooklyn Vijay

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Why out-sourced trainers charge so much more?

This is usual query / doubt, very often manytrainers come across.

Once I was asked, since you fly, may be

charges are more. I did tell him, I do notfly, if distance from Mumbai is less than 600kms. But at Jaipur, another Marketing Manager of a reputed firm, gave very good reply to thisquery to one of his customer, where luckily I waspresent. He said, Mr. Chopra - I believe you

stay in 3 bedroom row house and if your customer says, since you stay in such a grand house,you charge more, how you feel? Then he said,you have SKODA car , some one says, if yougo by cycle, product cost can come down! But

can you do that? No. May be 3 decades back,before starting your this organisation, you diduse cycle and even made deliveries by cycle,but today, your every hour / every minute costsyou and hence you need to use, above things.

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 Answer is, rarely trainers can work - non-stop for 25 days a month; as they need to prepare for thetraining / workshop. They need to travel. Theycan

So usually they work for once in 3 days, say10 days a month. Then only they can keep fitand prepare for next day, after 3 hours session, or else,after six hours, he or she will be too muchexhausted and some guys, like this Brooklyn Vijay,

can not sit and conduct session. So will be standing,roaming for whole time, for effect of body language, the posture, the eye contact, theimpact, the excitement, the enthusiastic approachetc. Or if one keeps talking for six hours, nextday, his or her throat will be out of order and voicewill become hoarse!

not speak daily 6 hours - with great enthusiasm

and so much excitement, for 25 days a month!.

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 Also a CEO, who was really smart, said, if youare earning for yourself only say Rs.2 lakh per month, average per day [ 25 days / working /month]Rs.8,000/- then why some are charging Rs. 30,000

to Rs. 50,000 a day?

 Also, when some one postpones a session, hehas to simply waste the day, as at that short notice,rarely other company people would invite him / her.

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 Also there are some trainers like this BrooklynVijay, who offer 

This we can do, only when other days we earn enough.

CHARGES CAN NEVER BE MORE or Cost toyour organisation. As what your people

and also own experience andothers experience too.

Once one GM said, he knows one another trainer 

from Bangalore- who was not successful in hisown life, but is now offering guidance / consultancy,is he right?

I told him,Some people go for 

material success, some are happy for helping others, some are more happy toshare their knowledge, some are still morehappy to take much more efforts to gather knowledge, from experience of hundreds of 

free workshop / guidance toOrphanage boys and girls / Sr. Citizen assocations / Destitute women's organisations and jail mates

i.e. the prisoners.

gain, ismost precious knowledge comes from not just

few books but after meeting 1000s of people,during decades

definition of Success, depends onperson to person. 

definition of Success, depends onperson to person. 

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others and then to share with people and thuswho are we to judge, whether he was successfulor not? And on what parameters?

I know, one family in Sangli [ a small district placein Maharashtra ], where one family of 4 i.e. parentsand two kids stay happily in just Rs.8,000/-pmsalary of the person. Yes, today also he usescycle, wife takes children to school, even sheteaches - many other ladies, "how to keep

happiness in home". Children behave respectfully,husband treats his wife respectfully and theyhave real, true feeling of i.e. each and every guest to their home is likeGod to them and thus simple dishes such as

Poha, Upama, or Bhakari - Shengachi chatani,or poli - bhaji ... etc. are served with so muchaffection that, one forgets all his or her own problemsand relaxes with them. Which I could not find, withsome of my known people - who have multi foldincome than this family!

 Also I did tell him, has he read Dale Carnegie's" How to make friends and influence people"? Hesaid not only he has read, but more than 15 million


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people have read it, got lessons and improvedlife. Then I had to ask him a shocking but 100%true a matter.... whether he is aware that

He said,

no! and No chance!! But I had to tell him to refer books and he himself can find out the truth.


from his suchguidance.

Failure is first step to Success.


DaleCarnegie had divorce from first wife!

Butwas he un-successful?

Millions of people got benefitted

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One good question came from a Bank Manager,he said, as per this Brooklyn Vijay, this field of guidance [ training ] is so pious, then why wehave, far fewer trainers in our Country?

I did tell him experience of one of my friend,who can be called as ex-trainer. He

.. yethe quit this field and went back to job! B'coz...

had fantasticknowledge, great way of expressive power.

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he said, he felt insulted many a times, when hewas treated like a product seller and not asa Guru... who provides precious knowledge.

He being not a marketing professional, he hadexpected, people to respond to his letters, emails,his phone calls, his sms etc. Less than 20% didwhat he had expected but 80% of the places, he

and yethad to be after accounts for the payment!

He felt totally dejected, when for follow upworkshop [ for No charges ], he did not get evenan acknowledgment from those firms and had

to ring up and do more than door to door salesman's work [ from the people

and so on.... ]

 Also he felt bad for their making judgementof his charges, even before they knew, whathe is going to offer or how powerful it is for their people etc.

felt he had to keep pestering to share his lakhsof rupees worth knowledge, for peanuts

who hadsaid, they got life changing direction, veryprecious matters, great way of training, mosteffective training

[He felt - they need to know, why Amitabh or Amir 

are paid so much - when a new comer can charge 1/100 for same work! ]

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I said, when we preach about forgetting past,making changes and positive way of life, shouldwe think as above?

Yes, many top level personalities do acknowledge mails,but its true, some top level personalities do nothave habit of using laptop or elderly guys do notknow properly typing and many a times, they areso much burdened with own works, although have

feeling, they are not able to do that.

Reg. follow up, no charges sessions, the firms,may be having pressure from markets, for supplyof extra quantity of goods and hence production

people can not spare people, even for few hours;and that's the truth. Why to carry

HR guys negotiate, yes they are there to do thatand its part of their duty and if that is done for 

their organisation, how can we say they are wrong? Again, some earlier guy, if did not deliver - theexpected way and thus they can not be held asnegative or wrong or de-valuing you etc.right?

bitter feelings or get dejected?

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Regarding follow-up before even first session,by phone calls,emails,sms,letters etc. is bitawkward, but then think - if you were in their sit, in their position, whether you would have

paid some one, Rs.20,000/- for one day, withoutknowing real worth of him or her?

So dear, do not take it personal, or do not takeit as an insult; but take it right way. As your very

idea is to share your precious knowledge tomake betterment in lives of others.

Yes, customers do forget that, when chargesare offered, those are to be shared with localcounter-parts, also translators when are to be

brought in, they need to be of high quality andare to be paid too, and above all for 3 hoursprogram, what guidance is offered

] and also

comes frommay be few pages from different 100 books,[ and any trainer is bound to invest lakhsof rupees in books excerpts frommeeting 10,000 experienced, different levelpeople, from diversified industries, takesgreat amount of time and the expenses,which go in multi lakhs and this comes

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 Also as rightly said by many, HR guys [ junior level]do not understand plight of a trainer. I did experiencethis at a Kolhapur unit and the HR guy made me guidetheir 7 batches in a day! But was kind enough to say

1 to 1.30 hours each batch is more than enough!!Next day, no, same day night had to gobble Strepsilsto keep up throat normal for next day talks!  Althoughclearly it was informed to HR people that maximum4 hours a day, speaker or trainer or guide can speak,

with a break of 2 hours - after 2 or 3 hours session, toset right the throat! But his feeling was this knowledge is

essential for everyone and can not be delayed!

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