why won't my stained yellow teeth turn white

Post on 17-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Why Aren’t My Stained Yellow Teeth Turning White?

By DentistsHateMe.com

why Why WHY?!

It seems like no matter how hard you brush your teeth, it won’t go from yellow to white. There are several reasons for this. Unfortunately, for some people, brushing may not be enough to get rid of any stains. The damage on your teeth may already be too great.

That doesn’t mean there is no way back. There are several other factors that may also affect your teeth whitening progress. From eating habits to brushing techniques, here is some food for thought when it comes to teeth whitening remedies.

#1 Flossing

Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth. It helps you get rid of dirty food debris and bacteria along the sides of your tooth. Without the effects of flossing, your teeth enamel will remain prone to bacterial growth and yellow stains.

There are several ways to floss. You can either do it the common way using dental flosses or get yourself a water pick and spray away. Water picks are very effective at getting rid of all the gunk that gets stuck in your mouth. Start flossing now!

#2 Tea Coffee

Unfortunately, there are certain drinks that leave stains on our teeth. These drinks include coffee, tea, and certain types of wine. This doesn’t mean you should stop drinking them though. There is no way I can go through a day without drinking at least one cup of coffee.

A solution is to simply use a drinking straw. Most of you are probably thinking, now why did I never think of that? Drinking straws reduces the amount of liquid that splashes onto your teeth. Start using them today!

#3 Visit Dentist

Some of us may think dentist visits are pointless but it is ever so important to see one at least once a year. If you tried all the available teeth whitening remedies out there, it’s time for a professional to take action. Get rid of any plaques that may impede your teeth whitening progress.

Dentists can also give you advice that is specific to your dental situation. Perhaps you have some sort gum disease going that you weren’t aware of previously. Take note and make the necessary changes in order to maintain healthy teeth.

#3 Brushing Teeth

Are you really brushing your teeth meticulously? Are you covering all bases? Revise your teeth brushing technique and make sure each tooth is given a nice scrub for at least a few seconds. Yes, it may take a bit more time but all your efforts will be eventually rewarded.

A different toothpaste may also help your cause. Try a different brand or a toothpaste that is specific to whitening purposes. Give it at least a few weeks. You may be surprised by the final result. Electronic toothbrushes may help too!



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