why your content marketing strategy needs a dam plan

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Content marketing was the top digital marketing buzzword of 2014. Every publisher, marketer, SEO strategist and agency couldn’t stop talking about it.We all needed infographics and listicles and whitepapers and e-books and video (we cannot forget about VIDEO!!!). And it needed to be snackable! And we were going to curate and newsjack! And automate everything and do real-time marketing!It was going to be amazing. So, what happened?

It turns out, content marketing is more than just making more content – it means hiring more content creators, developing a strategy, planning more promotion, and investing in tools to share and organize all those new, shiny assets. And then there’s the whole business of finding someone to actually manage the entire process.

Ultimately, what we saw last year was a disconnect between content marketing strategy and execution, which resulted in a lot of missed goals and surprising findings – if any. Marketers failed to clearly define their goals and were completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of content for owned, paid and earned channels.

If we want to tame the beast that is content marketing, we need to invest in tools that allow us to measure effectiveness, produce consistent engaging content and manage a large arsenal of digital assets.

If you want your content marketing strategy to drive results, you need a DAM plan! In order to deliver content in an authentic and strategic way, you’ve got to stay organized.Digital hoarding is expensive, inefficient, time-consuming and ineffective. Smart content marketing needs a vision and strategy and the technology to make it happen. A DAM solution allows marketers to manage the sheer volume of content landing in their laps.Here are 4 ways a DAM plan supports content marketing:Integration: When marketers use DAM, they can create a seamless customer experience by delivering more content in a more timely and fluid manner.Optimization: With DAM, marketers can ensure each asset is being used in the right way at the right time for the right audience. They finally have control over the sea of assets in their organization.Collaboration: Whether it’s getting design updates from creative, new copy from writers, or high level approval, teams who use DAM are more agile, responsive and proactive in delivering on needs.Accessibility: DAM solutions give teams across distinct channels the ability to contribute to one centralized digital asset management solution – no more storing assets in emails or desktop files.

Part of the reason content marketers haven’t adopted DAM systems is that they are traditionally expensive, clunky and difficult to implement.

Old DAM systems typically move very slowly in a governed way, meaning one person acts as a gatekeeper and manages the entire system.

New DAM is different. New DAM solutions, like Brandfolder (time to toot our own horn here), are simple, easy to manage and offer a much more user-friendly interface. New DAM isn’t as cost-prohibitive and offers more flexibility – users aren’t bogged down by expensive, clunky systems that are hard to use. The shift from old DAM to new DAM allows companies to adapt quickly to the new world of multichannel, real-time marketing.

DAM supports the entire lifecycle of your assets!

And it doesn’t stop there: new DAM makes real-time advertising and programmatic buying more effective because there will be more access to relevant digital content that can be published at a much higher velocity.Ultimately, DAM solutions are going to bring together all organizations to create a cohesive customer experience. From brand management to creative to social media to legal, teams across organizations will be able to collaborate and optimize every digital asset that shapes the buyer’s journey. And content marketing will be the light that shines the way.

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