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OCTOBER 2018 HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE 31 30 healthyfoodguide.com.au






HFG dietitian Melissa Meier pinpoints common nutrition mistakes that produce poor workout results — and shares tips to overcome them.



1Having an unnecessary sports drink

Clever marketers claim you need fancy sports drinks for hydration, but that’s not usually the case. The truth is sports drinks can add a lot of kilojoules, with some popular brands containing about eight teaspoons of sugar per bottle! This extra energy comes in handy for extremely active people who exercise at high intensity for long periods, but for the average person who is simply exercising for good health, water is the best choice. HFG FIT TIP Carry a water bottle with you to help you reach your daily water target of two litres, particularly as the weather starts to warm up.

OCTOBER 2018 HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE 33 32 healthyfoodguide.com.au


are taken up by the muscle at a faster rate, which then helps you to recover effectively. HFG FIT TIP Forget about protein bars and shakes — opt for real food instead (turn to page 84). A tub of yoghurt or homemade smoothie provides the perfect nutritional balance you need for a post-workout snack.

4Overeating for the rest of the day

Do you often say, “I’ve earned this extra glass of wine”, or allow yourself a larger than usual meal portion at dinner because you exercised earlier during the day? Using food as a reward is a habit often established when we’re children, but you might end up consuming far more kilojoules than you actually expended! Food rewards also can create feelings of guilt, which can

Get it done earlyLay out your exercise clothes the night before and get out of bed when the alarm goes — before your brain works out what you’re doing!

Use your lunch breakGo for a 10—15 minute walk around the area you work in — every little bit adds up!

Take the stairsIncidental activity is a great way to increase the number of steps you take each day. Stand up when you’re on the phone, or walk to colleagues rather than email them.

Buddy upGo for a walk with a friend, hit the gym with your partner, or involve your colleagues in your exercise routine.

Multi-taskNext time you need to make a phone call, walk and talk at the same time. When you drop the kids off to sports training, walk around the oval or the shops — don’t wait in the car.

Put it in the diarySchedule exercise like you would an appointment — and make it non-negotiable!

2Treating yourself after a workoutDo you order the pancakes with maple syrup

after a walk with friends, or stop by a smoothie bar for a supersized green juice and raw treat after a spin class? While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the occasional treat, regularly overindulging after exercise could be the reason your results have stalled. Instead, you can harness those post-exercise, feel-good endorphins and nourish your body with a healthy meal — like poached eggs and avocado on wholegrain toast when you’re at a café, or a well-stocked fruit bowl waiting for you at home. HFG FIT TIP Choose healthy meals and snacks most days after you exercise, and enjoy your favourite treats on special occasions, and really savour them.

3Going overboard on proteinProtein is crucial to building, maintaining

and repairing your muscles, and it’s particularly important after a workout. However, relying on protein alone isn’t ideal — you should combine it with carbs to get the most benefit. That’s because you have a ‘window of opportunity’ immediately after you exercise, where muscle is rebuilt and carbs

AND MORE … ✽ Vegetable omelette with a slice of grainy toast ✽ Chicken and roasted vegie wrap ✽ Tuna and salad sandwich ✽ Glass of Milo made with reduced-fat milk ✽ Banana and a handful of nuts ✽ Wholegrain toast with peanut butter and sliced banana ✽ Canned tuna or cheese on grainy crackers

then lead to over-exercising to ‘burn off’ the extra kilojoules. It’s a dangerous cycle to get into. Break the habit and treat yourself to some non-food-related rewards for sticking to your exercise regime. HFG FIT TIP Book yourself a massage or a pedicure, or shop for a new outfit when you have reached your latest health and fitness goals.

5Being too restrictive While some people overcompensate, others often take the opposite approach and get

caught up in fad diets and restricting certain foods. Low carb? Dairy free? Paleo? There’s really no need to stretch to these. You’ll get the best results from your workout by fuelling your body properly with a varied diet that incorporates foods from every food group. Beware of taking advice from a misinformed personal trainer, a social media wellness guru, or even your own well-intentioned Google search. HFG FIT TIP See a qualified nutrition expert, such as an Accredited Practising Dietitian or Sports Dietitian to help you strike the perfect diet/exercise balance.


TIPSfor the



Smoothie made with fruit & reduced-fat milk

Small bowl of natural yoghurt, fruit &

untoasted muesli

Poached eggs & avocado on

wholegrain toast

Toasted cheese & tomato


These easy, tasty meals and snacks combine muscle-building protein with energising, slow-release carbs.


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