why youth brands should focus on mobile video ads?

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Why Youth Brands Should Focus

On Mobile Video Ads?

By the end of 2015, the total Digital Video Ad spending in US is

expected to surpass $7.7 billion, with about $2.6 billion to be

contributed by Mobile Video Ads.


As far as Mobile Videos are concerned, these are

more inclined towards the young viewers.

Reports suggest that the majority of mobile video viewers consist

of smartphone and tablet users in the age bracket of 16-30.

Is it a hint for

youth-centric brands to

invest more in

Mobile Video Ads?

To Know Why Mobile Video Ads For

Youth Brands.

The Answer


YES and here are some

Great Reasons

They Connect with ‘Modern’ Brands


Creative Engagement

Better Chances to Get Shared

Multiple Distribution Platforms

Making Calls and Generating Actions

Easy Tracking


They Connect With ‘Modern’ Brands

Living in the modern world, youthful era basically neglects to join

with anything traditional.

If you are still adhered to the conventional advertising platforms,

you are missing out the opportunity to get connected with your

young potential buyers.

Using mobile video help you to pose yourself with the modern



Young audience love to be involved in everything they come

across, advertising being not a special case.

This is the place video ads fit in flawlessly. Some extraordinary

thoughts to trigger the viewers' intuitiveness are to utilize touch

spots, swipe features and play contests.

When you succeed to communicate and interact with the youth

audience segments, you naturally create their enthusiasm in

your brand.

Creative Engagement

The creativity on the video ads plays an vital role and enhances

the video ads campaign engagement with the target audience.

The creative Video Ads can attract all the segments of people.

Young viewers are instantly attracted towards videos

incorporating well-thought and engrossing stories and themes.

Including humour is another incredible approach to lock in and

get engaged. Yet another strategy is to create suspense by

revealing the feature content.

Better Chances To Get Shared

Text ads have generally lower opportunities to get shared

among the groups than images or videos.

Remember the fact that young mobile users have simultaneous

access to video messaging and social video sharing tools.

Any interesting videos audience don’t mind sharing them, these

kind of audience will become the ambassadors for your brand’s.

Multiple Distribution Platforms

When you choose to utilize Mobile Videos for Advertising, an

array of multiple platforms opens up to appropriate your


A few samples include:

Mobile video advertising platforms like Vungle.

Video streaming websites like YouTube.

Mobile news outlets like BBC.

Social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Mobile apps and games.

It is clear that the fragments of viewers you wish to target are

dynamic on each of these stages in full force and huge strengths.

Making Calls And Generating Actions

Video ads aim directly at creating activities which may incorporate

visiting a website, registering to a service, downloading software,

ordering a product or anything else.

In other words, calls to action incorporated in mobile videos are

most likely to return the desired outputs.

Easy Tracking

Unlike TV ads, digital ads are easier to track so that you assess

their performance and tweak advertising campaigns accordingly.

For example, you can undoubtedly generate statistics like what

number of individuals viewed the video ads per hour or per day

and through which channels.

Keep in mind the awesome fact that

the youthful viewers have entry

to Mobile Advertising throughout

their daily routines. You

subsequently have an amazing

platform to draw their consideration

towards youth brand.

Which Platform Should Brands, Developers, And Publishers

Choose In Order To Engage Global Consumers

Through Mobile Advertising:


Let’s Connect!





Would Like to know more?

Write to us at: hello@spocto.com

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