wide a wake...group questions.. what can you create? what is it in your that lurks and begs to be...

Post on 25-Jan-2021






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  • Wide AwakeC R E A T E

  • You can live a life worth remembering.

    We shouldn’t be driven to achieving fame but rather to greatness

    Doing something in life that will effect the entire course of human history

    effecting one life can impact history

  • What will you be remembered for ?

    A life wasted or a life given ?

  • Will you be proof that the impossible was possible ?

    the risk of creating, taking on that insane posture of “the impossible being possible” ?

  • It isn’t without risk.

    If you give up something you are good at to reach for something you can be great at, you’ll probably be “bad” at it for a while.

    but if the dream to create is compelling, it will drive you beyond the short-term pain.

  • The dream will challenge you to take great risks.

    The bigger the dream, the bigger the risk, the bigger the potential humiliation but yes, the bigger the celebration.

    Many of us opt not to be creative but rather imitative because we don’t want to fail, we don’t want to stand out, we don’t want to risk.

  • What is it that you now must risk ?

    That you now must engage in to take this act and make it your life as a creative ?

  • Many of us never think we can be creative...

    that we’re not the instruments of creative change, that’s someone else

    creativity is more than a dream, it is an action...

    more than an idea, it is an act.

  • To take a dream and make it your life, you have to risk, sacrifice and act.

    The artisan of life not only has to believe it is possible but also will be consumed by the possibility, consumed by the urgency of it, consumed by the possibility.

  • “greatness is not simply the result of genetics but hard work. Often, the person who has the most luck is the person who won’t quit. To live a life that takes your breath away, you have to be willing to get winded. While God created through a word, we create through work. God creates by simply speaking, we create by carefully listening. There is an inner voice that calls and compels us to create. When we know what to do, we must then act on that truth. Every great life begins at the same place - the beginning.” (page 164)

  • Gary Player

    1,200 sit ups a day...with a 100 pound weight on his chest. He’s 77 years old. 70% vegetarian. No bacon,

    no sausage, no butter. “If you don’t watch you eat,you’ve had it. Period.” Takes no medicine at all.

    Would you give “anything” to look/feel like Gary Player at 77?

  • So...what if...

  • So...what if...

  • So...what if...

  • So...what if...

  • to dream and imagine and create doesn’t have to mean we invent the next Google...

    it doesn’t mean we’ll change the entire world...

    it can mean, we change one man’s life through a labor of grace - unasked for, undeserved, a free gift

    when we create for the good of others, we are truly empowered

  • “God designed you to be an expression of his goodness. Every time you perform a loving act; every time you choose an act of mercy, kindness, and servanthood; every time you alleviate human suffering and bring hope and joy into a person’s life, you’ve expanded the good and increased the honor God receives for creating you in his image. God loves when his children reflect his character. What matters to God is the good we do toward others on his behalf.” page 178-179

  • Next week

    Chapter 7 - ENJOY

    Group questions..

    What can you create?

    What is it in your that lurks and begs to be set free from your imagination into reality?

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