widener law summer abroad march 2011 newsletter- widener law school

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Widener Law Summer Abroad March 2011 Newsletter


Widener University School of Law

Widener University School of Law was founded

in 1971 and is fully ap-proved by the American Bar Association and a member of the Association of American

Law Schools.

February-March 2011

Volume 4, Issue 2

Applications accepted until April 1, 2011


Financial Aid is available.

Please visit our website: law.widener.edu

Applicants from other law schools accepted.

Students may take up to 6 credits.

ABA approved program.

Summer International Law Institutes

What’s Inside…. European Option












Widener School of Law

For additional information, contact: Arlene Trapuzzano, Coordinator, International Programs 4201 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803 Phone: 302-477-2248 Fax: 302-477-2257 E-mail: artrapuzzano@widener.edu

What Are You Doing This Summer?.... As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, an understanding of the international legal climate is es-sential. Widener has been a leader in the development of innovative and ex-citing opportunities for foreign legal study. Think about traveling

abroad to Sydney, Nairobi, Lausanne or Ven-ice and earn credits while enjoying an enrich-ing academic experience and the history and culture of a foreign country. Consider adding a law-related experience to your resume’ that stands out to perspective employers. Widener’s 2011 Summer Law Insti-tutes provide participants with a cultural and academic experience that will be remembered for many years.

Special Points of Interest



Fall in love with Europe, Africa, or Australia

this summer !

Widener University School of Law summer institutes in Europe provide law stu-dents with the unique opportunity to build their own "Summer International Law Experience".

Widener's programs in Lausanne, Switzerland and Venice, Italy have been de-signed with the student in mind. Each program consists of two 2-week segments and students have numerous options when enrolling in courses. Students can select from the following options: ■ Students with a limited amount of time in the summer can select any one of the two week segments and spend 2 weeks in Europe studying international law and then return home for the rest of the summer. ■ Students with more time can select one two-week segment in Lausanne and one 2-week segment in Venice or take 2 segments in one location for a month long summer experience. Students can also apply for an externship in Lausanne. Please email Arlene Trapuzzano at artrapuzzano@widener.edu for information. ■ Students with time for adventure can select the first two-week segment in Lausanne, spend the next 2 weeks traveling through Europe, and then select the last 2-week segment in Venice for a complete summer European experience. The myriad of options available in our European Summer Law programs mean that almost every student can build a personal program to meet educational, fi-nancial, and personal goals.

Venice Lausanne

The European Summer International Law Experience at

Widener University School of Law

The options are many!! Europe is waiting!!

Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 2

Lausanne Lausanne is an intellectual center so it at-tracts an inter-national mix of students and professionals.

This city is a short train ride from the capital of Geneva, home to numerous international organizations such as the International Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization. Imagine studying the law in a picturesque setting on Lake Geneva surrounded by a myriad of cultural opportunities. We hope to provide an enriching academic experience, oppor-tunities to enjoy the history and culture of Lausanne and the sur-rounding countryside, and to expand your horizons for personal growth. You can study and live at the University of Lausanne; and have the chance to meet students, faculty, and international civil servants from a variety of different cultures, which may challenge your thinking and enlarge your view of the world. We offer international law classes, tours of various interna-tional organizations in Geneva, and an introduction to Swiss cul-ture. But the most lasting impressions from the summer may well be the friendships you make with the people of Lausanne, other international students and your classmates, and a new found appreciation for Europe and its role in the global community. There are also several opportunities for externships in Switzerland for the right candidate. Please email Arlene Trapuzzano at artrapuzzano@widener.edu for more information.

Page 3Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2

Widener Studies Abroad in Lausanne

Learn $915/credit

Lausanne International Law Institute

June 5 - July 2, 2011

Session I (June 5–June 18) (1 Credit each)

● Comparative Bioethics

● International Investment

● Comparative & International Health Law

Session II (June 21—July 2) (1 Credit each)

● Comparative Disability Law

● International Organizations

● Trading In and With Europe

University of Lausanne


Clock with animated figurines in Old Town, Lausanne

A covered medieval staircase

Gilded Gargoyles

The Town Hall

Government Seat Old Warehouse District converted

into new Metro center

Painted Buildings in the new Metro Center

Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 4

If you’re interested in art or cultural history, then Venice is filled with attractions that should satisfy your interests. You will have ample opportunity to travel through Italy and since Venice is well situated in the center of Europe, you can easily visit many other European cities, opening numerous possibili-ties for fun and exciting exploration. Our program will give you an enriching academic experience and ample opportunities to enjoy the history and culture of Venice and the Veneto region. Our new location at Venice International University will

give you the chance to meet other students and faculty from different locales. VIU also offers air-conditioned housing if you choose The program will offer international law classes, tours, and an introduction to Italian culture. You will have the opportunity to travel this summer. Weekend journeys to Paris, Vienna, Prague, Rome and other world capitals will contribute to the memorable sum-mer. When you return home, you may be surprised at how much your perspective has been enriched and changed. Widener's programs in Venice and Lausanne consist of two 2-week segments and students have numerous options when enrolling in courses. Our shorter course format allows you to choose among several options including taking courses in our Lausanne program first and then studying in Venice. Widener’s European Summer Law programs mean that almost every student can build a personal program to meet educational, financial, and personal goals. Justice Holland of the Delaware Supreme Court will teach Comparative Corporate Law. The Delaware Supreme Court is the leading corporate law court in the United States. This is a fabulous opportunity for those interested in corporate law.

Summer International Law Institutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 5

Venice International Law Institute

June 24 - July 24, 2011

Session I (June 24–July 7) (1 Credit each)

● Global Issues in Commercial Law I

● Comparative Civil Litigation

● Comparative Corporate Law

What Are You Doing This Summer?...Why Not Join Us?

Bridge of Sighs



Session II (July 11–July 23) (1 Credit each)

● Global Issues in Commerical Law II (CISG) ● European Union Law ● International & Comparative Labor & Employment Law



Glass Factory

Rialto Bridge at night &

St. Mark’s Square

Summer International Law Institutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 6

Widener Studies Abroad

Summer International Law Institutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 7

Sydney In association with the Law School of the University of Technology in Sydney, Widener Law offers you a unique oppor-tunity to study law while abroad in Sydney. Australia is a fas-cinating and diverse nation. Its original inhabitants, Aborigi-nes, are said to have arrived between 40,000 and 80,000 years ago and constituted approximately 500 distinct language groups (tribes). Aboriginal culture is still thriving in many parts of Australia, particularly in the Northern Territories and Western Australia. During your stay in Sydney you will see many aspects of how the Aboriginal culture influences daily

life. Many changes have occurred in Sydney since its formation as a convict settlement, historical buildings and places that tell stories of the past have been preserved through time and are waiting for you. Sydney and its surrounding areas offer a multitude of fun and en-gaging activities for you. Enjoy a performance at the famous Sydney Opera House or an exciting climb over the Harbour Bridge. You might also find time to visit other exotic locales in Australia. Picture yourself snorkeling or scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef, hiking in the Outback, or walking the beaches with kangaroos. Students also often visit New Zealand, Fiji, and other Pacific Islands in conjunction with their trip to Sydney. Included in the program is a day-trip to Canberra, Australia’s capital city, where you will tour the High Court and observe the “grilling” of the Prime Minister and his cabinet during Question Time in Parliament. Whatever your interests, Australia boasts attractions to suit them. Although we did not have our program in 2010 due to low enrollment, we are excited to offer the Australian Legal Perspectives course this year. It will be a joint course with students from University of North Carolina and Widener taught by Australian Faculty.

Sydney International Law Institute

June 20 - July 22, 2011


● Comparative Corporate Law (3 credits)

● Australian Legal Perspectives (3 credits)

Sydney Harbour Bridge & Opera House

Adventure $915/credit

Judge’s Chambers in Canberra Bottle Tree Wallaby

The Three Sisters


Summer International Law Institutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 8

University of Technology

Nairobi Enjoy the cultural experience of living in a beautiful country with world famous wilderness reserves and beauti-ful beaches on the Indian Ocean while studying the law with both Kenyan and American faculty. The program has been arranged to help you get the most out of your experience. We have expanded the number of group activities and more closely tied them to the material you will be studying in your courses. We have scheduled group safaris and a trip to the

Indian Ocean. There will be tours of the United Nations Environ-ment Programme (UNEP) and the Kenyan law courts. Nairobi is a cosmopolitan international city that is a center for many interna-tional institutions such as the United Nations. Students will be able to explore the cultural diversity of Kenya. The curriculum at the Nairobi International Law Institute is aug-mented by lectures on Kenyan history. Kenya, like many develop-ing countries has been going through growth pains on the road to true democracy. The unique program immerses students in international legal problems. You will find that Ken-yans are as generous and friendly as any group of people in the world. Several members of our Institute’s Kenyan faculty have helped lead the fight for comprehensive constitutional re-form and are members of the Constitutional Review Commission. On weekends students travel in groups to game parks, visit the unspoiled beaches on the Indian Ocean for snorkeling, go on a relaxing hike in the mountains, or visit newly made friends. You may be interested in visiting or volunteering with Water is Life, Kenya, an NGO devoted to providing clean water to remote villages to reduce disease and improve the pros-pects for rural women. There is far more to see and do than one person could possibly enjoy in a summer while experiencing varied differences in culture and perspective.

Page 9 Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2

Enrich Your Life—Study Abroad

Explore $915/credit

Nairobi International Law Institute

June 12 - July 15, 2011

Courses: 2 credits each

Comparative Family Law

The Law & Literature of Colonialism & Post-Colonialism

TBA (taught by Kenyan Faculty)

Samburu Villagers

On Safari

By the Hippo Pool

More Safari Pictures



Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 10

Application Requirements

To be eligible for Widener’s programs you must:

Complete one year of full or part-time law studies com-prising the required first-year law courses at any ABA-approved law school.

Widener students must have a 2.3-2.5 GPA.

Fill out and submit a formal application.

Provide a $100 non-refundable application fee.

Provide a letter of good standing from your law school.

Tuition must be paid before arrival at the program.

Page 11 Summer Internat ional Law Inst i tutes Volume 4, Issue 2

Formal acceptance into the program can only be granted once all application requirements are fulfilled.

All of our programs are approved by the American Bar Association. Our courses may be credited toward your law degree at an ABA approved institution if your law school accepts credits from summer programs. A transcript of grades will be sent to each stu-dent and to their home law school. Accep-tance of any credit or grade for any course is subject to determination by the student's home school. It is unlikely that participation in a Study Abroad Program may be used to accelerate graduation. Consult with your school's registrar. Students are permitted to take from one to six credits during the sum-mer. Typically 15 to 25 students attend each of our programs.

ABA Approved

If you’re an extended-division student, please contact the Coordinator o f S t u d y A b r o a d Programs at 302-477-2248 fo r fu r ther information.


For additional information, contact: Arlene Trapuzzano, Coordinator, International Programs 4201 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803 Phone: 302-477-2248 Fax: 302-477-2257

In the event of a cancellation of a program, Widener will make our best efforts to arrange for applicant to attend a similar program not just a similar Widener program or all money advanced by the student to Widener University School of Law will be refunded within twenty (20) days after the date of cancellation.

Cancellation Policy

Application Deadline is April 1, 2011

Widener University will not be responsible for personal injury or illness, or for loss or dam-age to personal property in the program. We advise participants to take out insurance for their trip against lost or damaged baggage as well as against accident and trip cancellation.

Liability & Insurance

Where applicable, students who contract to stay in the host institution’s housing are required to pay their housing fees and re-lated expenses directly to the host institution. Failure to pay may result in penalties to the non-paying student, including but not limited to the withhold-ing of the student’s grades and transcripts until payment has been made.

Housing Policy

Widener School of Law offers students an op-portunity to study abroad during the summer of 2011. Students may travel to Lausanne, Nairobi, Sydney, or Venice and earn credits while enjoying an enriching academic experience and the history and culture of a foreign country.

Summer is the perfect time to earn credits while experiencing

international cultures and learning different per-spectives of faculty and students from foreign coun-

tries. With the global-ization of the world econ-omy, an understanding of international busi-ness, trade, and jurisdiction has become essential for the modern lawyer. Why not consider adding a law-related experience to your resume’ that stands

out to employers and may open opportunities in an increasingly global world of law practice.

Each program is really different and each pro-vides amazing opportunities not just to visit for-eign countries but to live there, to learn about dif-ferent cultures, and to learn something about your-self.

All programs are organized to allow students to balance class work with time to explore and learn about the country.

Some of you are already captivated by one of these fascinating cities so why not add this learning experience to your knowledge base. Contact the Coordinator of International Pro-grams at 302-477-2248, by email at artrapuzzano@widener.edu, or you can visit our website at http://law.widener.edu/summer



For additional information, contact: Arlene Trapuzzano, Coordinator,

International Programs 4201 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803

Phone: 302-477-2248 Fax: 302-477-2257

E-mail: artrapuzzano@widener.edu

Summer International Law Institutes Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 12





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