william shakespeare actor, playwright, poe t 1564-1616

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • William Shakespeare Actor, Playwright, Poe t 1564-1616
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  • History - born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England and was baptized on April 26, 1564 -father was a glove maker and wool merchant and his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a well-to-do local landowner -Records suggest that he only completed grammar school and would have studied the classics and Latin -Married Anne Hathaway in 1582, he was 18 and she was 26. The couple wed because Anne was pregnant -The had three children: Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith -The Lost Years (1582 1592): there is no record of Shakespeare in this time, some scholars believe that he was on the run from the law while others believe that he was a teacher
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  • History continued - Shakespeare reappeared as a member of the Lord Chamberlains Company, a theater group which was later renamed the Kings Company to please King James - Wrote and acted for the company, most notably at the Globe theater, until 1611 - Shakespeare spent the last 5 years of his life in Stratford
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  • Poetry and Plays -Shakespeare published at least 154 poems -He is best known for his sonnets -One of his most famous sonnets is Sonnet 130 -Shakespeare also published about 38 plays -Some of his most well-known plays are: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, and The Tempest -Shakespeare wrote tragedies and comedies
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  • Shakespearean Theater -Shakespearean theater was based off the the theater productions of ancient Greece -Shakespeare largely performed at The Globe Theater in London -The Globe presented theater-in-the-round, an open air theater in the shape of a circle or crescent, the shape lends itself to dramatic productions and audience participation -Shakespeare opened his production to all classes, royalty had designated seats, nobility and the wealthy sat while peasants or the poor stood near the stage
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  • The Globe Theater
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  • Controversy -Some scholars believe that Shakespeare was not educated enough to author the work that was published under his name -However, these scholars cannot agree on who the real Shakespeare may be -One candidate is: Edward de Vere, Lord Chamberlain - educated in poetry and the classics, raised with the theater from an early age, would have used a pen name because acting and writing plays would have been considered inappropriate
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  • In your groups, write any questions that you have about Shakespeare so far. Be prepared to share.
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  • The Bubonic Plague -T he Bubonic Plague (Black Plague) occurred at least 3 times in Europe in the 6 th and 7 th centuries and killed 40 percent of Constantinople, between 1348 and 1350 when it killed between 30 60 percent of Europe, and in 1890 in China -The Black Plague causes sores which become infected, high fever and vomiting and death in about a week -The Plague was carried throughout Europe by fleas and poor hygiene
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  • The Plague continued -Shakespeare, like others, was terrified of the plague -He lost his sisters Joan, Margret, and Anne to the plague when they were children, his brother Edmund when he was 27 and his son, Hamnet, when he was 11 -The theaters were shut down three times during Shakespeares life time due to plague 1593, 1603 and 1608 -Theaters encouraged the spread of the disease because of the close proximity of people
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  • Julius Caesar -July 100 BC March 15 th 44 BC -Roman general, statesman, Consul (second in command under the Emperor) and author -Shakespeare would have read some of Caesars writings while in school -Played a critical role in the downfall of the Roman Republic (like a democracy) and the rise of the Roman Empire (autocracy like Animal Farm)
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  • Julius Caesar -Invaded modern day France and Britain to increase the size of the Roman Empire -Is suspected of having an affair with Cleopatra -Declared himself dictator for life -Seen as too powerful but members of Roman politics, assassinated by a group of senators on the Ides of March (March 15 th on the Roman calendar)
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  • Julius Caesar Important Themes: -Fate vs. Free Will -Public Self vs. Private Self -Misinterpretations and misreadings of important symbols -Language and Power

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