willis insolvency scheme axa master schedule combined ... · willis insolvency scheme ......

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Willis Insolvency Scheme

AXA Master Schedule – Combined Policy version 3.2

This Master Schedule is issued under the terms and conditions of the Binding Authority Agreement granted to Willis Limited

(“Willis”) by AXA Insurance UK plc (“AXA”) in respect of AXA insurance policies (“Policy” or “Policies”) under the Willis

Insolvency Scheme (“the Scheme”). Criteria for acceptance of insurance placements under the Scheme shall be provided in

the “Operating Manual for the Willis Insolvency Open Cover Scheme for Insolvency Practitioners” (as issued or amended

from time to time) (“the Scheme Manual”) in respect of “Insolvency Practitioner Appointments”, as defined below

Insolvency Practitioner Appointment shall mean the appointment of any partner or authorised employee (an “Insolvency Practitioner”) in any of the following capacities;

(a) Liquidator in a Compulsory, Members' Voluntary or Creditors' Voluntary Winding-up;

(b) Receiver, Receiver and Manager or Special Manager;

(c) Trustee in Bankruptcy or Trustee under a Deed of Assignment or Deed of Arrangement;

(d) Provisional Liquidator or Trustee under Deed on behalf of Creditors or Trustee in Sequestration;

(e) Administrator or Administrative Receiver;

(f) Supervisor under a corporate or individual voluntary arrangement;

(g) Appointments under the Drug Trafficking Offences Act, Criminal Justice Act or Proceeds of Crime Act;

(h) Any similar capacity made by order of any Court, The Department for Business Innovation & Skills or by any other legally constituted Authority

and where the Insolvency Practitioner requires insurance cover under the Scheme insurance arrangements.

Cover provided under the Combined Policy described below is subject to notification of the risk information in accordance

with the timescales shown in the Scheme Manual.

Cover is subject to the limits, terms and conditions or endorsements issued on an individual Risk Schedule issued by Willis

in respect of a specific Insolvency Practitioner Appointment

The individual Risk Schedule shall be read in conjunction with the Master Schedule, the Scheme Manual and Policy

Wording as one document and the limits, terms, conditions or endorsements on an individual Risk Schedule amend the

limits, terms, conditions or endorsements on the Master Schedule where they differ.

Premiums, terms and conditions of the Policies provided under the Scheme for specific Insolvency Practitioner

Appointments are based on information provided to Willis including the completed questionnaire, declarations or any

additional information provided to Willis.

In accordance with the Appointed Insolvency Practitioner(s) instructions we confirm cover is bound subject to the terms,

conditions, limitations and exceptions of the Willis Insolvency Scheme AXA Master Schedule – Combined Policy (version

3.0) and the policy wording noted below unless specifically amended below by endorsement under the Master Schedule

Endorsements or more specifically amended on an individual Risk Schedule in respect of a specific Insolvency Practitioner


Master Policy holder: Insolvency Practitioner(s) who have been admitted to the Scheme

The Insured: Appointed Insolvency Practitioner(s) who have been admitted to the Scheme


Covered: As referred to in the individual Risk Schedule and as declared to and accepted by Willis on

behalf of the Insurers

Risk Address(es)

Covered: As referred to in the individual Risk Schedule and as declared to and accepted by Willis on

behalf of the Insurers

Period of Master

Schedule of Insurance: For:

(1) All appointments of the Insured within the terms of the Scheme which are made between 01st

November 2013and 31st October 2014 both days inclusive (GMT) and in respect of each

such appointment for a period of up to but no more than 12 months from the date of

appointment; and

(2) All appointments of the Insured in respect of which cover has been confirmed by Willis under

the Scheme prior to 01st November 2013 and where such coverage is required by the

Insured to be renewed during the period described in (1) above, subject always to a

maximum coverage period on such a renewal of 12 months from the date of renewal

Willis Insolvency Combined

AXA Master Policy Number NL BDX 6787406

AXA Policy Wording Combined Policy

AXA Policy Wording Reference ACLD0391P-B (11/2013)

Section 1 - Material Damage

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Material Damage Section, cover is in respect of all location(s) declared by

the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the purposes of the

Business or any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the

Material Damage section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Buildings, Contents, Communal Contents, Stock, Rent and Miscellaneous items as defined within the

Policy wording as declared by the Insured and for the Sum Insured declared by the Insured and shown on the individual

Risk Schedule for the Basis of Settlement declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule up to a total

combined sum insured for the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business Interruption

Sections of £15,000,000 at any one location for each and every loss, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are

occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA. The limit of

£15,000,000, or £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre includes any

uplift in the declared values included in the wording or in any Endorsements(s) which increases the indemnity provided by


Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business

Interruption Sections or the Insured has declared the sums insured under the Material Damage, Selected All Risks and

Business Interruption sections and the total combined sum insured by these sections is in excess of £15,000,000 at any one

location including any uplifts in value included within the policy wording, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are

occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre AXA shall only be liability up to £15,000,000 at any one location in

respect of each and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail

Shopping Centre

Section 2 – Theft

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Theft Section, cover is in respect of all location(s) declared by the Insured

and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the purposes of the Business or

any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Theft section

will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Contents, Communal Contents, Stock and Miscellaneous items as defined within the Policy wording

as declared by the Insured and for the Sum Insured declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule for

the Basis of Settlement declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule. The sums insured declared

under the Theft section must be less than or equal to the sum insured declared under the Material Damage section.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business

Interruption Sections or the Insured has declared the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks

and Business Interruption sections and the total combined sum insured by these sections is in excess of £15,000,000 at any

one location including any uplifts in value included within the policy wording, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises

are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre AXA shall only be liability up to £15,000,000 at any one location

in respect of each and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail

Shopping Centre

Section 3 - Business Interruption

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Business Interruption Section, cover is in respect of all location(s) declared

by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the purposes of

the Business or any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme,

the Business Interruption section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of

Gross Profit or Estimated Gross Profit or

Gross Revenue or Estimated Gross Revenue or

Gross Rentals or Estimated Gross Rentals or

Increased Cost of Working or

Additional Increased Cost of Work

as declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule for the Indemnity Period declared by the Insured and

shown on the individual Risk Schedule up to a total combined sum insured for the sums insured under the Material

Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business Interruption Sections of £15,000,000 at any one location for each and

every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre

unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business

Interruption Sections or the Insured has declared the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks

and Business Interruption sections and the total combined sum insured by these sections is in excess of £15,000,000 at any

one location including any uplifts in value included within the policy wording, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises

are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre AXA shall only be liability up to £15,000,000 at any one location

in respect of each and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail

Shopping Centre

Section 4 - Money

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the scheme under the Money Section, cover is in respect of all location(s)

declared by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the

purposes of the Business or any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under

the scheme, the Money section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under Part One - Money of the Money section the following

standard limits will apply to Part One - Money. Where the Insured has declared the sums insured under Part One - Money

section they may at their option increase the standard limits to the maximum sums insured shown unless otherwise

accepted and agreed by AXA

Where the insured has declared the sums insured under Part Two – Personal Accident – Assault under the Money Section,

the limits within the policy wording will apply unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA. Where the Insured has yet to

declare the sums insured under Part Two – Personal Accident – Assault under the Money Section, the limits within the

policy wording will apply.

Description (full wordings are detailed in the Policy


Standard Sum

Insured Any One


Maximum Sum

Insured Any One


Part One - Money

a loss of Money appertaining to the Business

occurring whilst

i) in transit £5,000 £30,000

ii) at the premises £5,000 £30,000

iii) in night safe at a bank £5,000 £30,000

iv) at the residence of any principal or authorised

employee of the Insured £500 £500

v) from gaming amusement or vending machines £300 £1000


any amount for which you become liable, under the

terms of issue, for any bank, debit, credit or cash

card used solely in connection with the Business

following fraudulent use by anyone unauthorised

any one Period of Insurance

£250 £250

vii) unexpired units in franking machines £25,000 £25,000

viii) from the premises out of business hours in

SPECIFIED locked safes or strong rooms

No automatic cover applies in excess of the safe

limits shown in ix) and x) applies unless details

of the safe make and model are declared and

accepted and the safe reference and safe limit

stated under viii) on the individual Risk


ix) from the premises out of business hours in any

other locked wall or floor safe £1,500 each safe £1,500 each safe

x) from the premises out of business hours in any

other locked freestanding safe £2,500 each safe £2,500 each safe

xi) from the premises out of business hours not

contained in a locked safe or strong room £500 £500

Section 5 - Selected All Risks

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Selected All Risks Section, , cover is in respect of territorial limits declared

by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) Where cover is provided for the specific

Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Selected All Risks section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk


Cover is in respect of the items specified in the individual Risk Schedule as declared by the Insured and for the Sum Insured

declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule for the Basis of Settlement declared by the Insured and

shown on the individual Risk Schedule.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business

Interruption Sections or the Insured has declared the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks

and Business Interruption sections and the total combined sum insured by these sections is in excess of £15,000,000 at any

one location including any uplifts in value included within the policy wording, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises

are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre AXA shall only be liability up to £15,000,000 at any one location

in respect of each and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail

Shopping Centre

Section 6 - Loss of Licence

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Loss of Licence Section, cover is in respect of all location(s) declared by

the Insured requiring Loss of Licence cover and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the

Insured for the purposes of the Business. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the

scheme, the Loss of Licence section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Loss of Licence or Registration for the indemnity declared by the Insured and shown on the individual

Risk Schedule at any one location for each and every loss unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the indemnity required under the Loss of Licence section the following standard limits

will apply. Where the Insured has declared the indemnity required under the Loss of Licence section the following are the

maximum indemnity provided unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA


(full wordings are detailed in the



Loss of Alcohol Licence – Hotels Up to £1,000,000 Any one loss or during the Period of

Insurance on the Risk Schedule

Loss of Alcohol Licence – Public

Houses, Cafes, Restaurants and

Retail Premises

Up to £500,000

Any one loss or during the Period of

Insurance on the Risk Schedule

Loss of Alcohol Licence – Any other


No automatic cover under the Scheme. Subject to reference to and

acceptance by AXA

Loss of Registration – Nursing Home £250,000 Any one loss or during the Period

of Insurance on the Risk Schedule

Any other loss of licence/loss of


No automatic cover under the Scheme. Subject to reference to and

acceptance by AXA

Section 7 Goods In Transit – Own Goods

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Goods In Transit – Own Goods Section, cover is in respect declared

sendings by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s). Where cover is provided for

the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Goods In Transit – Own Sendings section will be shown as

Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of the limits declared by the Insured up to the Indemnity shown below unless otherwise accepted and

agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Goods in Transit – Own Sendings Section the following

limits will be the maximum indemnity provided by the Scheme


(full wordings are detailed in the Policy) Indemnity

Any one load or consignment – vehicles operated by you Up to £250,000

Any one load or consignment – vehicles operated by a third party Up to £250,000

Any one postal package £500

Any one event Up to £250,000

Section 8 Goods In Transit for Haulage Contractors

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Goods In Transit for Haulage Contractors Section, cover is in respect

declared limit of liability by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) of the basis of

cover shown in the individual Risk Schedule. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the

scheme, the Goods In Transit for Haulage Contractors Section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of the limits declared by the Insured up to the indemnity shown below unless otherwise accepted and

agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the indemnity required under the Goods in Transit for Haulage Contractors Section the

following limits will be the maximum indemnity provided by the Scheme

Basis of Cover Indemnity

B £1300 per tonne based on the carrying capacity of the vehicle

C Up to £250,000

A, D-H No automatic cover under the Scheme. Subject to reference to and

acceptance by AXA

Section 9 - Theft by Employee

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Theft By Employee Section, cover is in respect of all employees declared

by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s). Where cover is provided for the specific

Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Theft By Employee section will be shown as Operative in the individual Risk


Cover is in respect of indemnity limit declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule for each and every

loss unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Theft by Employee Section, the Indemnity Limit shown will

be the maximum indemnity provided by the Scheme


(full wordings are detailed in the



Any one employee £150,000 Any one loss or during the Period of Insurance

on the Risk Schedule

Section 10 - Employers Liability

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Employers Liability Section, cover is in respect of statutory legal liability

based on the Limit of Indemnity declared by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s)

Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Employers Liability section will be

shown as Operative in the individual Risk Schedule.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the indemnity required under the Employers Liability Section the Indemnity Limit

shown will be the maximum indemnity provided by the Scheme


(full wordings are detailed in the



Employers Liability £10,000,000 Any one loss or during the Period of

Insurance on the Risk Schedule

Section 11 - Public & Products Liability

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Public & Products Liability Section, cover is in respect of legal liability

based on the Limit of Indemnity declared by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any

Endorsement(s). Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Public and

Products Liability section will be shown as Operative in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Public Liability or Public and Products Liability as declared by the Insured and shown on the individual

Risk Schedule unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the indemnity required under the Public and Products Liability Section for either Public

Liability only or Public and Products Liability, the Indemnity Limit(s) shown below will be the maximum indemnity provided

by the Scheme


(full wordings are detailed in the



Public Liability £5,000,000

Any one loss during the Period of Insurance shown on

the Schedule (subject to no further limitations under

the Scheme acceptance criteria based on Trade or

Activities shown in the Scheme Manual)

Products Liability £5,000,000

Any one loss and in aggregate during a period of 12

months from the date of the appointment within the

terms of the Scheme or any subsequent period

thereafter with the agreement of the Company (subject

to no further limitations under the Scheme acceptance

criteria based on Trade or Activities shown in the

Scheme Manual)

Section 12 - Public Liability – Building and Allied Trades

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Public Liability – Building and Allied Trades Section, cover is in respect of

the Limit of Indemnity declared by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s). Where

cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the Public Liability – Building and Allied Trades

section will be shown as Operative in the individual Risk Schedule.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the indemnity required under the Public Liability – Building and Allied Trades Section

the Indemnity Limit shown below will be the maximum indemnity provided by the Scheme


(full wordings are detailed in the



Public Liability £5,000,000

Any one loss during the Period of Insurance

shown on the Schedule (subject to no further

limitations under the Scheme acceptance

criteria based on Trade or Activities shown in

the Scheme Manual)

Section 13 – Contractors All Risks

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Contractors All Risks Section, cover is in respect of all Contracts declared

by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the purposes of

the Business or any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme,

the Contractors All Risks section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Permanent and Temporary Works, Temporary Buildings and Employees Tools as defined within the

Policy wording as declared by the Insured and for the Limit of Indemnity declared by the Insured and shown on the

individual Risk Schedule up to a total Limit of Indemnity of £4,000,000 any one non-communicating building or structure

other than civil work in or about tidal water, bridges, tunnels, airports or work involving blasting where the limit is up to £

500,000 unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the Limit of Indemnity under the Contractors All Risks Sections the maximum Limit in

respect of Permanent and Temporary Works, Temporary Buildings and Employees Tools as defined within the Policy will be

£4,000,000 any one non-communicating building or structure other than civil work in or about tidal water, bridges, tunnels,

airports or work involving blasting where the maximum limit will be £ 500,000. If the Insured has declared the Limit of

Indemnity under the Contractors All Risks section and the sum Limit of Indemnity in respect of Permanent and Temporary

works exceeds the limits noted above, AXA shall only be liability up to £4,000,000 any one non-communicating building or

structure other than civil work in or about tidal water, bridges, tunnels, airports or work involving blasting where the limit is £

500,000 in respect of each and every loss unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Section 14 – Contractors Plant and Equipment

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Contractors Plant and Equipment Section, cover is in respect of all

location(s) declared by the Insured and stated in the individual Risk Schedule or in any Endorsement(s) used by the Insured

for the purposes of the Business or any sites of contracts. Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment

under the scheme, the Contractors Plant and Equipment section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of Damage to Owned Plant and Damage to Hired in Plant as defined within the Policy wording as

declared by the Insured and for the Limit of Indemnity declared by the Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule

for a market value at the time of loss of £100,000 any one item of plant and/or any one accident or series of accidents

arising from one occurrence for both owned plant and hired in plant unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the Limit of Indemnity under the Contractors Plant and Equipment Section or the

Insured has declared the Limit of Indemnity under the Contractors Plant and Equipment Section and the Limit of Indemnity

for either Owned Plant or Hired in Plant is in excess of £100,000, AXA shall only be liability up to £100,000 for owned plant

and £100,000 for hired in plant in respect of each and every loss unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Section 15 - Terrorism

Where the Insured requests indemnity under the Terrorism Section, cover is in respect of all sections declared by the

Insured stated in the individual Risk Where cover is provided for the specific Insolvency Appointment under the scheme, the

Terrorism section will be shown as Insured in the individual Risk Schedule.

Cover is in respect of all items declared under the Material Damage Section and/or Selected All Risks Sections and/or

Contractors All Risks Sections and/or Contractors Plant and Equipment Section for the basis of settlement declared by the

Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule and for all items under the Business Interruption Section declared by the

Insured and shown on the individual Risk Schedule for the Indemnity Period declared by the Insured and shown on the

individual Risk Schedule for Business Interruption up to a total combined sum insured for the sums insured under the

Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business Interruption Sections of £15,000,000 at any one location for each

and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre

unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA. The limit of £15,000,000 includes any uplift in the declared values included

in the wording or in any Endorsements(s) which increases the indemnity provided by AXA. increased to £30,000,000 where

the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre The Contractors All Risks Section is for a limit up

to £4,000,000 any one non-communicating building or structure other than civil work in or about tidal water, bridges, tunnels,

airports or work involving blasting where the maximum limit will be £ 500,000 unless otherwise accepted and agreed by

AXA. The Contractors Plant and Equipment Section if for a Limit of £100,000 in respect of Owned Plant and £100,000 in

respect of Hired In Plant unless otherwise accepted and agreed by AXA.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and Business

Interruption Section or the Insured has declared the sums insured under the Material Damage, Theft, Selected All Risks and

Business Interruption sections and the total combined sum insured by these sections is in excess of £15,000,000 at any one

location including any uplifts in value included within the policy wording, increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are

occupied as Residential Flats or Retail Shopping Centre AXA shall only be liability up to £15,000,000 at any one location in

respect of each and every loss increased to £30,000,000 where the Premises are occupied as Residential Flats or Retail

Shopping Centre Where the Insured has yet to declare the Limit of Indemnity under the Contractors All Risks section, the

maximum limit insured by this section is to £4,000,000 any one non-communicating building or structure other than civil work

in or about tidal water, bridges, tunnels, airports or work involving blasting where the maximum limit will be £ 500,000.

Where the Insured has yet to declare the Limit of Indemnity under the Contractors Plant and Equipment section, the

maximum limit of indemnity by this section is £100,000 in respect of Owned Plant and £100,000 in respect of Hired In Plant.

Willis Limited is remunerated through brokerage received from AXA. The brokerage amounts as a percentage of the premium for each section are

Material Damage



Business Interruption


Selected All Risks

Goods in Transit (Sendings)

Loss of Licence

Employers Liability 15.0

Public and Products Liability


Public Liability – Building and Allied Trades

Contractors All Risks

Contractors Plant and Equipment

Goods in Transit for Haulage Contractors


Theft by Employee

Terrorism 10.0

Subject to AXA’s underwriting results, we may also receive a profit commission. The payment of a profit commission is dependent on the insurer making an annual underwriting profit on the entire portfolio of the business placed with them under certain sections of the binding authority and not on individual policies. This profit commission is not guaranteed and the net profit is determined after the insurer takes into account its underwriting costs and expenses. BINDING AUTHORITY

Please note that the facility is arranged through a binding authority, which provides Willis with delegated authority to

underwrite, prepare, sign and issue policy documentation on behalf of insurers. This enables Willis to improve the service to

you in delivering your insurance policy. Further, in performing this function for insurers, we act as their agent and for the

other services we provide them.

This is a specially agreed insurance arrangement exclusive to Willis. Should you appoint another broker during the currency

of the policy they will not have access to this Facility and therefore they will need to contact Willis to discuss the

arrangements should you require this cover to continue until its natural expiry.


Willis may cancel this Master Schedule by giving the Master Policy holder thirty (30) calendar days notice in writing at their

last known address. Where a specific Insolvency Practitioner appointment has been made under the Scheme prior to

cancellation of the Master Schedule, cover will continue in accordance with the limits, terms, conditions or endorsements on

an individual Risk Schedule issued by Willis in respect of a specific Insolvency Practitioner appointment until its expiry

unless specifically cancelled in accordance with the cancellation terms for the specific Insolvency Practitioner appointment

within the Policy wording.

PAYMENT TERMS All premiums should be settled as soon as possible upon receipt of an invoice.

By Willis Limited for and on behalf of AXA Insurance UK plc Willis Limited AXA Insurance UK plc Registered in

England No 78950

51 Lime Street Registered Office:5 Old Broad Street

London London,


Willis Limited is a Lloyds Broker,

authorised and regulated by the

Financial Conduct Authority.

181116 England and Wales

A member of the AXA Group of

Companies. AXA Insurance UK plc is

authorised by the Prudential Regulation

Authority and regulated by the

Financial Conduct Authority and the

Prudential Regulation Authority


Your Policy Terms and Conditions

November 2013 Edition


Contents Your Policy 4

Important Helplines 5

Definitions 6

Section 1 – Material Damage Section 7

Section 2 – Theft Section 25

Section 3 – Business Interruption Section 35

Section 4 – Money Section 55

Section 5 – Selected All Risks Section 62

Section 6 – Loss of Licence Section 65

Section 7 – Goods In Transit – Own Goods Section 68

Section 8 – Goods In Transit – Hauliers Section 75

Section 9 – Theft By Employee Section 85

Section 10 – Employers Liability Section 89

Section 11 – Public and Products Liability Section 95

Section 12 – Public Liability – Building and Allied

Trades Section


Section 13 – Contractors All Risks 116

Section 14 – Contractors Plant and Equipment 126

Section 15 – Terrorism Section 134

General Conditions of the Policy 137

Making a Complaint 139

Your Policy This Policy is issued under the terms and conditions of the authorisation granted to Willis by the Company The Company in consideration of the payment of the premium shall provide insurance against loss destruction damage or liability occurring at any time during the Period of Insurance (or any subsequent period for which the Company accepts a renewal premium) in accordance with the Sections of this Policy as shown as operative in the Schedule subject to the terms exclusions provisions and conditions of this Policy and Master Schedule plus any additional Endorsement or Special Clause shown on the Schedule This Policy and the Master Schedule and the Schedule should be read together as one contract and any completed questionnaire declaration or any additional information provided to Willis by the Insured shall constitute the basis of that contract

Important We recommend You read this Policy together with Your Master Schedule and Schedule to ensure that it meets with Your requirements Should You have any queries please contact Us or Willis Your attention is drawn to the Complaints procedure (Making A Complaint) on Page 139

The law applicable to this Policy You and We can choose the law which applies to this Policy. We propose that the Law of England and Wales apply. Unless We and You agree otherwise, the Law of England and Wales will apply to this Policy .


Important Helplines

Legal and Tax

Advice 0870 241 8178 Our advice line provides free confidential legal

and tax advice. Please quote scheme number

PRC200100 when You call.


Helpline 0870 241 8178 Our 24 hour emergency helpline service

provides help when You most need it. Please

quote scheme number PRC200100 when You

call. We will provide details of reputable

contractors who will be able to help.




0870 870 7171 A quick and efficient repair/replacement service

is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In order to maintain a quality service telephone calls may be monitored or recorded. * The Glass replacement service is provided by Glassolutions, Waterlands, Meadows Road, Brookfields Park, Manvers,Rotherham. S63 5DJ. ** The telephone legal advice is provided by Abbey Legal Services a division of Abbey Protection Group Limited and can advise on general UK law. The advice will primarily be provided by Abbey Legal Services and its teams of solicitors and barristers, who are ultimately managed by the Director of Legal Services (who is a lawyer). ** Tax telephone advice is provided by Abbey Tax Protection, Abbey Legal Protection makes no additional charges for providing these services. Abbey Protection Group Limited is authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in respect of legal servicesonly. Abbey Legal Services makes no additional charge for providing these telephone services. ** If you have any emergency, which is not subject to a potential claim under this policy. Our 24 hour emergency helpline service provides help when you most need it. Please quote scheme number PRC200100 when you call. We will provide details of reputable contractor who will be able to help. You agree that in all circumstances Abbey Legal Protection has permission to listen to any calls that may be recorded and you expressly authorise the legal adviser to provide these to Abbey Legal Protection.


Definitions The following words will have the same meanings wherever they appear in this Policy or Schedule

AXA Insurance/We/Company/Our/Us means AXA Insurance UK plc

Buildings means the building(s) including landlords fixtures and fittings therein and thereon annexes Outbuildings fixed signs canopies walls gates and fences foundations yards car parks service roads and pavements conveyors trunks lines piping ducting cables wires and associated control gear and accessories on the Premises and extending to the public mains but only to the extent of the Insured’s responsibility

Street furniture water oil gas and fuel tanks and associated equipment and pipe-work and landscaping If the Buildings is a block of flats or private dwelling this definition also includes swimming pools ornamental ponds and fountains and tennis courts squash courts hedges paved terraces patios paths and drives all on the same premises and in addition any private garage(s) owned and used in connection with the block of flats private dwelling or individual Flat and decorations Business means the business stated in the Schedule and a) the provision and management of canteen sports social or welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and fire security first aid medical and ambulance services b) private work undertaken with the prior consent of the Insured by Employees for any director or senior official of the Insured c) the ownership maintenance and repair of such premises within the territorial limits

Computer Equipment shall mean a) All electronic equipment used for the storage and communication of electronically processed data including peripheral devices interconnecting wiring fixed disks telecommunications equipment computerised telephone systems electronic access

equipment and Electronic Point of Sale Systems b) Ancillary equipment solely for use with the Computer Equipment comprising air conditioning equipment generating equipment voltage regulating equipment temperature and humidity recording equipment electronic access equipment heat and smoke detection equipment gas flooding cylinders and pipework and computer room partitioning (c) data carrying materials (d) All current and backup computer software and programs held on hard disks or data carrying materials Computer Equipment shall not include (i) Computer Equipment controlling manufacturing processes (ii) Computer Equipment manufactured for sale or held as stock for sale (iii) Facsimile or photocopying machines not used for the storage and communication of electronically processed data

Damage The word DAMAGE in capital letters shall mean accidental loss or destruction of or damage to the Property Insured Flat means a self contained unit of residential accommodation forming part of the block of flats Insured/You/Your(s)/Yourself means the person(s) or company named in the Schedule Outbuildings means any building that is subsidiary to the Buildings which does not incorporate permanent foundations below ground level and which is not capable of being properly secured Period of Insurance means the period as stated in the Schedule Premises means the location(s) as stated in the Schedule or in any endorsement(s) used by the Insured for the purposes of the Business or any sites of contracts and/or the location(s) as stated in the Schedule or in any endorsement(s) or any Unoccupied Buildings

Proposal means the questionnaire or declaration and any additional information supplied to Us by You or on Your behalf Policy means this Policy and Master Schedule and the Schedule and any endorsement attached thereto or issued Schedule means the Risk Schedule attaching to and forming part of this Policy Sum Insured means the Sum Insured as stated in the Schedule applicable to the particular Premises Item or Section Unoccupied means unoccupied or untenanted for the foreseeable future without any prospect of the Premises being reoccupied or tenanted within 30 consecutive days or temporarily unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days or where the Business has ceased and will not be recommencing Willis/Your Broker means Willis Limited

Material Damage Section Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule Property Memorandum 1. Definitions

Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings –

Fixed Glass means:

1 fixed glass and mirrors

2 window alarm foil ornamental glass lettering and silvering

3 fixed sanitary ware

in or at the Premises being the property of the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible.

2. Property Insured

Item 1.1 Buildings Item 1.2 Contents Machinery plant and contents belonging to the Insured or held by the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible excluding landlords fixtures and fittings but excluding Computer Equipment unless otherwise specified in the Schedule and except as otherwise described and insured under Items 1.3 to 1.6 inclusive Item 1.3 Communal Contents Machinery plant and contents belonging to the Insured or held by the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible in or on the stairs halls landings and other communal parts of the Premises Fixed Glass if not otherwise insured elsewhere but for which the Insured is responsible Contents of oil gas and fuel tanks belonging to the Insured or for which they are responsible Item 1.4 Stock Stock and materials in trade therein and thereon the property of the Insured or held by

the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible Item 1.5 Rent Rent which continues to be legally payable by the Insured whilst the Premises are rendered unusable as a result of DAMAGE which for the purpose of this Item only shall also include theft or attempt thereat as defined herein where the Theft Section is shown as operative for the Premises but only in respect of the period reasonably necessary for repair or reinstatement and not exceeding the maximum period stated in the Schedule Item 1.6 – Miscellaneous property as specified in the Schedule

Material Damage Section

3. Changes in Tenancy The Insured must advise the Company of all changes in tenancy or occupation within the Premises in accordance with General Condition 2 of this Policy If the premises is a private dwelling the Company need only be advised if the Premises becomes Unoccupied The Insured shall pay an additional premium if required

4. Architects Surveyors Legal and Consulting Engineers Fees Clause The insurance under Item Numbers 1.1 1.2 and 1.3 includes an amount in respect of architects surveyors legal and consulting engineers fees necessarily incurred in the reinstatement or repair or removal of debris of the Property Insured consequent upon its DAMAGE but not for preparing any claim it being understood that the amount payable under each Item shall not exceed in total its Sum Insured

5. Average Clause The Sum Insured by each Item of this Section (other than those applying solely to fees rent or debris removal costs) is declared to be separately subject to Average i.e. if such sum shall be at the time of DAMAGE less than the value of the property covered within such Sum Insured the amount payable by the Company in respect of such DAMAGE shall be proportionately reduced

Except that this memorandum shall not apply to: a) the Buildings of a private dwelling or

Contents or Communal Contents contained therein

b) a building used mainly for public religious

worship or for activities in connection therewith

c) agricultural produce on a farm in Great

Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man which will be subject to the Special Condition of Average

d) any Item of this Section subject to the

Special Basis of Settlement (Market Value)

e) any Item of this Section subject to the Day One Basis (Non Adjustable)

6. Capital Additions Clause The insurance by this Section extends to insure a) any newly acquired and/or newly erected

Buildings or Buildings in course of erection (excluding any property for which a building contractor is responsible) Contents and Communal Contents in so far as the same is not otherwise insured

and b) alterations additions and improvements to

Buildings Contents and Communal Contents but not in respect of any appreciation in value anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that

i) at any one Premises the cover shall not

exceed 10% of the Sum Insured by Items 1.1 1.2 and 1.3

ii) the Insured undertake to give particulars of

such extension of cover as soon as practicable and to effect specific insurance thereon retrospectively to the date of the commencement of the Company’s liability

7. Contents Clause

It is agreed that the term Contents is understood to include insofar as they are not otherwise insured a) money and stamps (including National

Insurance stamps) for an amount not exceeding £500

b) documents manuscripts and business

books but only for the cost of the materials and clerical labour expended in reproducing such records (excluding any expense in connection with the production of information to be recorded therein).

c) computer systems records but only for the

cost of the materials and clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of information to be recorded therein)

Material Damage Section

d) patterns models moulds plans and designs for an amount not exceeding the cost of labour and materials expended in reinstatement

e) contents of Outbuildings f) contents of open yards g) tenants improvements alterations and

decorations h) directors partners customers visitors and

employees personal effects of every description other than motor vehicles and for any amount of money exceeding £500 in respect of any one person

8. Contract Price Clause If goods sold but not delivered and for which the Insured is responsible are the subject of a contract of sale which is subsequently cancelled by reason of DAMAGE to those goods the liability of the Company shall be based on the contract price For the purpose of any condition of Average the value of all goods to which this Clause would in the event of DAMAGE be applicable shall be ascertained on the same basis

9. Debris Removal Clause The insurance by each Item of this Section extends to include costs and expenses necessarily incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Company in a) removing debris b) dismantling and/or demolishing c) shoring up or propping

of the portion or portions of the Property Insured as a result of DAMAGE hereby insured against

The Company shall not pay for any costs or expenses

i) incurred in removing debris except from the site of such property destroyed or damaged and the area immediately adjacent to the site

ii) arising from pollution or contamination of property not insured by this Section

The liability of the Company under this Clause in respect of any Item of this Section shall in no case exceed the Sum Insured thereby

10. Designation Clause For the purpose of determining where necessary the heading under which any property is insured the Company agrees to accept the designation under which such property has been entered in the Insured’s books

11. Exhibition Clause Stock and Contents are insured whilst at any exhibition in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man including temporary housing en-route loading on and unloading from any road or rail conveyance and transit to and from the exhibition and the Premises for a period not exceeding 15 days For the purpose of this Clause only the definition of Stock and Contents extends to include any exhibition stand furnishings and equipment belonging to the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible The liability of the Company under this Clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss

12. Mortgagees Clause The act or neglect of any mortgagor or occupier of any Building hereby insured whereby the risk of DAMAGE is increased without the authority of knowledge of any mortgagee shall not prejudice the interest of the latter party (or parties) in this insurance provided they shall notify AXA immediately on becoming aware of such increased risk and pay additional premium if required

13. Non Invalidation Clause This insurance shall not be invalidated by any act or omission or by an alteration whereby the risk of DAMAGE is increased unknown to or beyond the control of the Insured provided that the Insured immediately they become aware thereof shall give notice to the Company and pay an additional premium if required

Material Damage Section

14. European Community and Public Authorities (including Undamaged Property) Clause

Subject to the following special conditions the insurance for Buildings Contents and Communal Contents extends to include such additional cost of reinstatement as may be incurred solely reason of the necessity to comply with the Stipulations of a) European Community Legislation or b) Building or other Regulations under or

framed in pursuance of any Act of Parliament or Bye-laws of any Public Authority (hereafter referred to as the Stipulations) in respect of

- the loss destroyed or damaged property

thereby insured - undamaged portions thereof


a) the cost incurred in complying with the


i) in respect of DAMAGE occurring prior to the granting of this Clause

ii) in respect of DAMAGE not insured by this Section

iii) under which notice has been served upon the Insured prior to the happening of the DAMAGE

iv) for which there is an existing requirement which has to be implemented within a given period

v) in respect of property entirely

undamaged by any peril hereby insured against

b) the additional cost that would have been

required to make good the property lost destroyed or damaged to a condition equal to its condition when new had the necessity to comply with the Stipulations not arisen

c) the amount of any charge or assessment arising out of capital appreciation which may be payable in respect of the property or by the owner thereof by reason of compliance with the Stipulations

Special Conditions 1) The work of reinstatement must be

commenced and carried out without unreasonable delay and in any case must be completed within twelve months after the DAMAGE or within such further time as the Company may allow during the said twelve months and may be carried out upon another site (if the Stipulations so necessitate) subject to the liability of the Company under this Clause not being thereby increased

2) If the liability of the Company under any

part of this Section apart from this Clause shall be reduced by the application of any terms and conditions of the Policy then the liability of the Company under this Clause in respect of any such Insured Property so affected shall be reduced in like proportion.

3) The total amount recoverable under any

Item of this Section in respect of this Clause shall not exceed

a) in respect of the loss destroyed or

damaged property

i) 15% of the Sum Insured applicable to that Item

ii) where the Sum Insured by the Item

applies to property at more than one Premises 15% of the total amount for which the Company would have been liability had the Property Insured by the Item at the Premises where the DAMAGE has occurred been wholly destroyed

b) in respect of undamaged portions of

property (other than foundations) 15% of the total amount for which the Company would have been liable had the property insured by the Item at the Premises where the DAMAGE has occurred been wholly destroyed

4) The total amount recoverable under any

Item of this Section shall not exceed its Sum Insured

Material Damage Section

5) All the terms and conditions of the Policy

except insofar as they are varied hereby shall be incorporated herein

15. Basis of Settlement Reinstatement Subject to the following Special Conditions the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of Property Insured under Sums Insured marked R on the Schedule is to be calculated shall be the reinstatement of the property lost destroyed or damaged For this purpose Reinstatement means a) The rebuilding or replacement of property

lost or destroyed which provided the liability of the Company is not increased may be carried out

i) in any manner suitable to the

requirements of the Insured ii) upon another site

b) The repair or restoration of property damaged

In either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same as but not better or more extensive than its condition when new

If the Insured elects not to repair or rebuild the buildings then we will deal with the claim on the basis of Special Basis of Settlement (Market value)

Special Conditions 1) The liability of the Company for the repair

or restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

2) If at the time of reinstatement the sum

representing 85% of the cost which would have been incurred in reinstating the whole of the property covered by any Item subject to this memorandum exceeds its Sum Insured at the commencement of any DAMAGE the liability of the Company shall not exceed that proportion of the amount

of the DAMAGE which the said Sum Insured shall bear to the sum representing the total cost of reinstating the whole of such property at that time

3) No payment beyond the amount which

would have been payable in the absence of this memorandum shall be made

a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the costs of reinstatement have

been actually incurred

c) if the Property Insured at the time of its DAMAGE shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of reinstatement

4) All the terms and conditions of the Policy

shall apply

a) in respect of any claims payable under the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this

memorandum had not been incorporated

Special Basis of Settlement (Market Value) Subject to the following Special Conditions the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured marked SBS in the Schedule is calculated is the difference between the Agreed Value of the Property Insured prior to DAMAGE and its value immediately thereafter For this purpose the Agreed Value of the Property Insured means the market value of the Property Insured which will be ascertained as follows (a) prior to DAMAGE: by a valuation from an

Approved Valuer which has been prepared at commencement of the Period of Insurance But if at any subsequent time an offer is made for the Property Insured which is accepted by the Insured such offer will be deemed to have been the Agreed Value of the Property Insured throughout the Period of Insurance

Material Damage Section

(b) immediately after DAMAGE: by a valuation from an Approved Valuer that allows for the reduction in the Agreed Value consequent upon DAMAGE

Approved Valuer shall mean a suitably qualified member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or other similar professional body In addition We may at Our option pay

(a) Preventative Costs (b) all other costs and expenses as

described in any Clause as described herein

(c) debris removal costs Preventative Costs shall mean the reasonable costs and expenses necessarily incurred by You for

(i) temporary or permanent repairs to (ii) weatherproofing of (iii) shoring up or propping of

the portion or portions of the Property Insured suffering DAMAGE so incurred to prevent further deterioration to or to make the Property Insured safe excluding any costs or expenses

(i) as described in any Clause herein (ii) arising from pollution or contamination

of property not insured by this Section provided that

I. at Our option and expense We may require for any Property Insured to be reinstated or repaired without deduction for wear tear or deterioration

II. Our liability is limited to the Sum Insured

shown in the Schedule

III. this Policy does not extend to include the value of land

In the event that the Insured elects not to claim for a reduction in agreed value of the building as a result of damage subject to the following Special conditions the amount payable in respect of damage shall be the cost of reinstatement of the building damaged

For this purpose ‘reinstatement’ means 1. The rebuilding or replacement of

property lost or destroyed which provided the our liability is not increased may be carried out

a. in any manner suitable to the

Insureds r requirements b. upon another site

2. The repair or restoration of property

damaged. In either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same as but not better or more extensive than its condition when new. The most we will pay for reinstatement is 25% of the sum insured or £25,000 whichever is the greater plus all other costs and expenses as described in any Clause as described herein. ‘Debris removal costs’ shall mean the

reasonable costs and expenses necessarily

incurred by you with our consent in

1. removing debris 2. dismantling and/or demolishing 3. shoring up or propping of the portions

of the building 4. clearing drains sewers and gutters at

the building

as a result of damage covered under your


We will not pay for any costs or expenses

incurred in removing debris except from the

site of such property destroyed or damaged

and the area immediately adjacent to such site

provided that

a. at our option we may require at our own expense any building to be reinstated or repaired

b. the most we will pay is 15% of the sum insured in addition to the sum insured as stated in the schedule.

Material Damage Section

Special Conditions

1) The liability of the Company for the repair or restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

2) Any proviso contained in General

Condition 8 Contribution and Average which would otherwise import into this Policy any condition of average is deleted and is of no further effect

3) In the event that We require for any

Property Insured to be reinstated or repaired no payment beyond the amount which would have been payable in the absence of this memorandum shall be made

a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the costs of reinstatement have

been actually incurred c) if the Property Insured at the time of

its DAMAGE shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of settlement or reinstatement

4) All the terms and conditions of the Policy

shall apply

a) in respect of any claims payable under the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this

memorandum had not been incorporated

Debris Removal Costs Only The basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured under Sums Insured marked DR in the Schedule is defined as the reasonable costs and expenses necessarily incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Company in a) removing debris

b) dismantling and/or demolishing c) shoring up or propping

of the portion or portions of the Property Insured as a result of DAMAGE hereby insured against

The Company shall not pay for any costs or expenses

i) incurred in removing debris except from the site of such property destroyed or damaged and the area immediately adjacent to the site

ii) arising from pollution or contamination of property not insured by this Section

The liability of the Company shall not exceed the Sum Insured applicable to each Item insured hereunder Indemnity

The basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured marked I in the Schedule is to be calculated will be the value of the property at the time of its DAMAGE or at the Company’s option the cost to repair reinstate or replace such property or any part of it The liability of the Company shall not exceed the Sum Insured applicable to each Item insured hereunder Day One Basis (Non Adjustable) A. Subject to the following Special Conditions

the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured under Sums Insured marked DA in the Schedule is to be calculated shall be the reinstatement of the property lost destroyed or damaged

For this purpose Reinstatement means

a) The rebuilding or replacement of property

lost or destroyed which provided the liability of the Company is not increased may be carried out

i) in any manner suitable to the

requirements of the Insured ii) upon another site

Material Damage Section

b) The repair or restoration of property damaged

In either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same but not better or more extensive than its condition when new

B. The Insured having stated in writing the Declared Value shown in Schedule next to the Sum Insured for each of the said Items the premium has been calculated accordingly

Declared Value means the Insured’s assessment of the cost of reinstatement of the Property Insured arrived at in accordance with Paragraph A a) above at the level of cost applying at the inception of the Period of Insurance (ignoring inflationary factors which may operate subsequently) together with insofar as the insurance by the Item provides due allowance for

a) the additional cost of reinstatement to comply with Public Authority requirements

b) professional fees c) debris removal costs Special Conditions 1. At the inception of each period of insurance

the Insured shall notify the Company of the Declared Value of the Property Insured by each of the said Item(s) In the absence of such declaration the last amount declared by the Insured shall be taken as the Declared Value for the ensuing Period of Insurance

2. If at the time of DAMAGE the Declared

Value of the property covered by such Item be less than the cost of reinstatement (as defined in paragraph B above) at the inception of the Period of Insurance then the Company’s liability for any DAMAGE shall not exceed that proportion thereof which the Declared Value bears to such cost of reinstatement

3. The liability of the Company for the repair or

restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

4. No payment beyond the amount which would have been payable in absence of this memorandum shall be made a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the cost of reinstatement shall have

been actually incurred c) if the Property Insured at the time of its

DAMAGE shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of reinstatement

5. All the terms and conditions of this Policy

shall apply

a) in respect of any claim payable under the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this memorandum had not been incorporated except that the Sum(s) Insured shall be limited to 115% of the Declared Value(s)

16. Reinstatement of Sum Insured after Loss Clause In the event of loss any Sum Insured under this Section will be automatically reinstated from the date of loss unless written notice is given to the contrary either by the Company or by the Insured and the Insured undertake to pay such necessary premiums as may be required for such reinstatement from that date

17. Repairs and Alterations Clause Workmen shall be allowed on the Premises for the purpose of carrying out repairs decorations or alterations without prejudice to this Insurance

18. Rent Clause The insurance on Rent applies only if (any of) the said Building(s) or any part thereof is unfit for occupation in consequence of its DAMAGE and then the amount payable shall not exceed the proportion of the Sum Insured on Rent as the period necessary for repair or reinstatement bears to the term of the Rent insured

Material Damage Section

19. Subrogation Waiver Clause

In the event of a claim arising under this Section the Company agrees to waive any rights remedies or relief to which they might have become entitled by subrogation against a) any Company standing in the relation of

Parent to Subsidiary (Subsidiary to Parent) to the Insured as defined in the Companies Act or the Companies (N.I.) Order as appropriate current at the time of the DAMAGE

b) any Company which is a subsidiary of the

Parent Company of which the Insured are themselves a Subsidiary in each case within the meaning of the Companies Act of the Companies (N.I.) Order as appropriate current at the time of the DAMAGE

20. Temporary Removal Clause a) The Property Insured under this Section

(other than Stock and Rent) is covered whilst temporarily removed for cleaning renovation repair or similar purposes to elsewhere within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man than the Premises including transit thereto and there from

b) The liability of the Company under this

Clause in respect of each Item of this Section shall not exceed 10% of the Sum Insured for each Item

c) The Company shall not be liable for

DAMAGE to property more specifically insured herein or more specifically insured elsewhere

21. Temporary Removal of Documents Clause

a) Deeds and other documents (including

stamps thereon) manuscripts plans and writings of every description computer systems records and books (written and printed) are insured whilst temporarily removed to any premises not in the Insured’s occupation and whilst in transit thereto and there from all within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that

the liability of the Company shall not exceed 10% of the Contents Sum Insured

b) The Company shall not be liable for

DAMAGE to property more specifically insured herein or more specifically insured elsewhere

22. Transfer of Interest Clause If at the time of DAMAGE the Insured shall have contracted to sell their interest in any Buildings hereby insured and the purchase shall not have been but shall be thereafter completed the purchaser on completion of the purchase (if and so far as the property is not otherwise insured against such DAMAGE by him on or his behalf) shall be entitled to benefit under this Section without prejudice to the rights and liabilities of the Insured or the Company until completion

23. Temporary Repairs

The insurance by this Section extends to cover the costs incurred by the Insured in making temporary repairs the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £5,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

24. Inadvertent Omission to Insure Clause The Insured having intended to insure all Property Insured within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in which the Insured is interested and the Insured’s belief is that all such property is insured if hereafter any such Property Insured shall be found to have been inadvertently omitted the Company will deem it to be insured within the terms of this Section subject to payment of an additional premium on all such property as from the commencement of the Period of Insurance or from the date of the Insured’s interest in such property if erected or purchased after the commencement of the Period of Insurance. Provided that the limit of liability under this Clause shall for the purposes of the Average Clause and the Basis of Settlement proviso be added to the combined total of the Declared Value(s) and or Sum(s) Insured for Items 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 and 1.6

Material Damage Section

The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £5,000,000 any one loss

25. Drain Clearing Clause The insurance of this Section extends to include cover for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by the Insured in clearing cleaning and/or repairing drains gutters sewers and the like for which the Insured is legally responsible in consequence of DAMAGE insured hereby the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £5,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

26. Trace and Access Clause

The Company will pay the reasonable costs necessarily incurred by the Insured in locating the source of DAMAGE and subsequent cost of making good repairs as a consequence of locating the source of DAMAGE resulting from

i) the escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe

ii) accidental damage to cables underground pipes and drains serving the Premises

27. Other Interests Clause

In the event of the Insured having property under the terms of any hire purchase or similar form of agreement then the interest of such parties is noted in this Insurance, and the nature and extent of such interest is to be declared to the Company in the event of DAMAGE.

28. Property At Other Premises Clause

The insurance of this Section insofar as it relates to Contents and Stock extends to include such property whilst in or at the premises of another for temporary purposes including whilst in transit by road rail or inland waterway and temporary housing en route to and from such premises within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the

Isle of Man

The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed 10% of the Sum Insured by each Item on Contents and Stock subject to an overall limit any one loss of £250,000

29. Unauthorised Waste Deposits Clause

The insurance of this Section extends to include the costs necessarily and reasonably incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Company in clearing including site clearing to a depth of 1 metre or greater depth if the Company agrees (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) and removing any property deposited without the authority of the Insured in or around the Premises the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

30. Landscaped Grounds Clause

The insurance of this Section extends to include the costs necessarily and reasonably incurred by the Insured in making good the landscaped grounds of the Premises damaged by the Fire Brigade or any other emergency service in consequence of DAMAGE to the Property Insured the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

31. Failure of Other Insurances Clause The insurance of this Section extends to include DAMAGE to Buildings in which the Insured has an insurable interest but which under the terms of the lease or agreement is the responsibility of a third party to insure This clause only operates in the event of the failure of the third party’s insurance for the Building in whole or in part to pay for repairs or reinstatement or to provide an indemnity and only in respect of claims arising from contingencies specified in the lease not otherwise excluded herein but in no case greater in scope that the cover provided by this Section in respect of Buildings The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £2,500,000 any one loss

Material Damage Section

32. Metered Services Clause

This Section extends to include cover for additional metered charges incurred by the Insured resulting from

a) accidental escape of metered water from tanks apparatus and pipes

b) unauthorised use of gas or electricity

at the Premises during the Period of Insurance. The basis upon which the amount payable is to be calculated shall be the amount of the charges for the period during which DAMAGE occurs less the charge made to the Insured for the corresponding period in the preceding year adjusted for changes in the suppliers’ charges and for variations affecting the consumption of the Insured during the intervening period.

33. Changing Locks Clause

The insurance of this Section extends to include costs incurred by the Insured as a result of the necessary replacement of locks if any of the keys of the Premises are accidentally lost or stolen from the Premises or from the homes of principals partners directors or authorised employees of the Insured

Provided that under this clause

a) no cover applies for keys for a safe or strong-room left on the Premises overnight unless the Premises are in normal occupation twenty four hours a day

b) the Company’s liability is limited to £5,000 any one loss

c) no Excess or Deductible will apply

34. Accidental Discharge of Gas Flooding Systems Clause

The insurance of this Section is extended to include the cost of recharging gas cylinders installed solely for the protection of the Property Insured following accidental discharge. The Company shall not be liable for discharge arising

a) during repairs or alterations to the building in which the cylinders are situated

b) during installation repair removal alteration extension or testing of all or part of the gas flooding system

c) during the operation of the gas flooding system with the intention of preventing or extinguishing fire

35. Additional Sprinkler Costs Clause

The insurance of this Section extends to include the additional costs incurred following DAMAGE to or of the automatic sprinkler installation at the Premises as insured hereby in the event that on repair or reinstatement thereof the Company require the installation to confirm to the Loss Prevention Council Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations current at that time the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

36. Extinguishment Expenses Clause

The insurance of this Section extends to include reasonable reimbursement costs for

a fire brigade charges

b the refilling of fire extinguishing appliances

c the replacement of used sprinkler heads

d the replenishment of the Insured’s gas flooding fire extinguishing equipment (but only to the extent that this is excluded by 34. Accidental Discharge of Gas Flooding Systems Clause)

arising out of DAMAGE or arising out of accidental discharge the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

37. Seventy Two Hour Clause

DAMAGE arising from storm or tempest or flood shall constitute one loss

(a) if more than one storm tempest or flood should occur within any period of seventy-two hours sequential and

Material Damage Section

commencing during the Period of Insurance

(b) if any flood occurs within a period (longer than set out in (a) above) of the continued rising or overflow and subsidence of any river or stream or other body of water within the banks of such river or stream or other body of water

The commencement of any seventy-two consecutive hour period shall be decided at the discretion of the Insured it being understood and agreed that there shall be no overlapping of any two or more such seventy-two consecutive hour periods in the event of DAMAGE occurring over an extended period of time

Should a seventy-two consecutive hour period (or longer period as described in (b) above) extend beyond the expiry of this Policy yet commence prior to the expiry of this Policy the Company shall be liable as if such period fell entirely within the Period of Insurance

38. Deterioration of Stock Clause Deterioration of Stock Loss of or DAMAGE to perishable stock in refrigeration cabinets or compartments by deterioration or putrefaction caused by 1. DAMAGE to the refrigeration cabinets or

compartments 2. rise or fall in temperature as a result of

breakdown stoppage or failure from any inherent cause of the said appliance

3. action of refrigerant fumes escaping for

the said appliance 4. loss of refrigerant 5. failure to the mains supply of electricity

and/or gas due to any cause not following

a) deliberate act of the supply authority b) the exercise of such authority of its power

to withhold or restrict supply. The insurance of this Section extends to cover Deterioration of Stock for a limit of £2,000 any one loss and in respect of any one refrigeration cabinet or compartment

The Company shall not be liable for the first 20% of any loss if the refrigeration cabinet or compartment is over 10 years old For the purpose of this clause only Exclusions 2 a) 3 a) and 4 b) shall not apply

39. Theft Damage to Buildings Clause Where Buildings are not insured under Item 1.1 the insurance of this Section extends to include DAMAGE to Buildings for which the Insured is legally responsible as a result of theft or attempted theft involving forcible and violent entry to or exit from buildings at the Premises. The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed the total Sum Insured by this Section arising out of any one occurrence. Provided that if such DAMAGE is insured elsewhere no liability shall be admitted by the Company under this clause For the purpose of this clause only Exclusion 4 c) shall not apply

40. Date Recognition Clause

This Section does not cover DAMAGE directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from the failure of any computer or other equipment data processing service product microchip microprocessor integrated circuit embedded chip or similar device computer software program or process or any other electronic system or any design or advice in connection with any of the foregoing irrespective of ownership possession or use and whether or occurring before during or after the year 2000

i) correctly to recognise any date as its true

calendar date ii) to capture save or retain and/or correctly

to manipulate interpret or process any data or information or command or instruction as a result of treating any date otherwise than as its true calendar date

iii) to capture save or retain or correctly to

process any data as a result of the operation of any command which has been programmed into any computer software being a command which causes

Material Damage Section

the loss of data or the inability to capture save retain or correctly to process such data on or after any date

but this shall not exclude subsequent DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which itself results from fire lightning explosion aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom riot civil commotion strikers locked out workers persons taking part in labour disturbances malicious persons theft earthquake storm flood escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe or impact by any road vehicle or animal provided such contingency is insured by this Section

41. Terrorism Exclusion Clause

This Section does not cover

Loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection with:

1. Any act of Terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss

2. Any action taken in controlling preventing suppressing or in any way relating to any act of Terrorism

If the Company alleges that by reason of this exclusion any loss damage cost or expense is not covered by this Policy the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured

In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder shall remain in full force and effect

Definition - Terrorism

In respect of England Scotland and Wales Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto as certified by Her Majesty's Government or H M Treasury or any successor relevant authority

In respect of Northern Ireland Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in

connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or put the public or any section of the public in fear

In respect of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto In respect of elsewhere in the world Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or the threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or to put the public or any section of the public in fear

42. Unoccupied Premises Condition

Cover for Unoccupied freehold and leasehold Premises and Premises where normal trading has ceased to be on the same basis is subject to the following Code of Practice being complied with unless otherwise agreed or modified in writing by the Company a) Within 30 days of the appointment if the

Premises are Unoccupied at the time of appointment

b) Within 30 days of the Premises becoming Unoccupied

Code of Practice

1. All water supplies shall be turned off at the

mains and the system entirely drained down


For the period 1 November to 31 March

inclusive the heating system is to be kept in


This requirement applies whether or not a

sale of the Premises or disposal of the lease

has been negotiated

Material Damage Section

2. Any sprinkler system should be kept in

operation subject to weekly tests being


a) for water filled systems the heating must be kept in operation for the period 1 November to 31 March inclusive

b) for combined air and water systems the

system should be air filled for the period 1 November to 31 March inclusive

3. All gas supplies should be disconnected unless used to heat the Premises

4. All electricity supplies should be turned off at the mains unless required to maintain fire and/or theft protection/detection equipment The electricity supply may be reconnected for the duration of visits to the Premises

5. All fire and theft protection/detection

equipment shall be maintained in efficient working order and put into effective operation whenever there is no person lawfully on the Premises Existing maintenance contracts on such equipment must be continued

6. All letter boxes should be completely sealed

to prevent any insertions 7. Manned guarding or periodic visits by a

professional security company must be maintained at those times where stipulated by the Company in writing

8. The Premises should be cleared of all

combustible materials except i) Furnishings fixtures and fittings ii) Contents which forms part of Your inventory iii) Contents which You are not legally allowed

to remove 9. All basement ground floor and other

accessible windows and glazing to doors to be securely boarded up

10. The Building to be inspected internally and

externally at least once during every 14 day period by a representative of the Insured unless otherwise agreed by the Company

Where we are not covering Buildings but the

total sum insured in respect of Stock and Contents exceeds £75,000 and where normal trading has ceased we will cover for the same perils as for occupied buildings, subject to the following being completed;

Within 30 days of the appointment if the

buildings are unoccupied at the time of the appointment.

Points 5, 7 and 10 of the above Code Boarding is not required for buildings which

were previously occupied solely as Offices, or as a Hotels, Private Dwelling , Block of Flats, individual Flat or Motor Vehicle Showrooms

43 – Environmental Protection Clause

The insurance by this Section extends to

insure the additional rebuilding costs following DAMAGE covered by this Section if the Insured elects with the Company’s written consent to rebuild the damaged Building(s) in a manner that aims to reduce potential harm to the environment or improve energy efficiency

Provided that The Company will not cover the additional

costs of work the Insured had already planned to be carried out prior to the DAMAGE

If the Company’s liability is reduced by the application of any terms or conditions of this Policy then the Company’s liability shall be reduced proportionately

The Company will not pay any additional costs for replacing undamaged property

If the Insured elects not to rebuild the damaged Building(s) then this cover will not apply

The liability for the Company under this Clause shall not exceed 10% of the Sum Insured for any one loss

44 – Freezer Contents Clause

The insurance by this Section extends to include damage to frozen or chilled goods in any cold chamber due to a change in temperature from any cause except DAMAGE

Following deliberate act of any public

electricity authority in termination disconnection restriction or withholding the supply of electricity

Caused by neglect or misuse Provided that

Material Damage Section

The cold chamber must be maintained under an annual maintenance contract

Where the cold store is over 10 years old the Insured will be responsible for the first 20% of any claim up to the Sum Insured

The Sum Insured for any one loss is £5,000

45 – Loss Reduction Expenses Clause

The Company will cover the costs and

expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Company in

Preventing or reducing imminent DAMAGE

which would have been covered by this Section

Reducing mitigating or otherwise alleviating DAMAGE cover by this Section during and after the occurrence of such DAMAGE

Provided that The impending DAMAGE was not reasonably

foreseeable earlier and would be the natural outcome if the costs and expenses were not incurred

The impending DAMAGE did not arise from any defect in the property insured

The Company is satisfied that the DAMAGE which would have been insured by this Section has been avoided or reduced as a result of measures taken

The liability of the Company under this clause

shall not exceed £2,500 during any one period of insurance

46 – Patterns Clause

The Company will cover DAMAGE to patterns

jigs models templates moulds tools dies drawings or designs belonging to the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible at the premises of any machine makers engineers founders or other metal workers (excluding any Premises occupied by the Insured) within the Territorial limits

47 – Undamaged Stock Cover Clause

In the event of DAMAGE covered by this

Section the Company will cover the Insured for any additional costs and expenses they incur less the value of any salvage

In the event of the undamaged Stock deteriorating and/or being condemned or otherwise becoming unusable

For items that will form Stock which the Insured are obliged to accept from any other party but are unable to use

The liability of the Company under this clause

shall not exceed £5,000 for any one claim

48 – Undamaged Tenants Improvement


In the event that DAMAGE to Buildings or

Contents covered under this Section of the Policy results in the Your lease being terminated by the lessor under a valid condition in the Your lease, then we will indemnify You for the value of undamaged tenants fixtures fittings alterations installations or additions made at Your expense and for which You are responsible and which cannot be legally removed from the Building(s) occupied but not owned by You

Provided that We will not be liable for retaining walls

foundations or supports below the surface of the lowest floor or basement or for outdoor trees shrubs plants or lawns

The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £5,000 for any one claim

49 – Underground Pipes and Services


The Company will cover costs incurred

following DAMAGE for which the Insured is responsible to fuel or oil pipes cables including overhead electricity and telephone cables septic tanks and associated pipes underground pipes and drains including inspection covers on the Premises or connecting the Premises to the public mains

Provided that The Company will not cover DAMAGE caused

by gradual deterioration or wear and tear The liability of the Company under this clause

shall not exceed £5,000 for any one loss

Material Damage Section

The Cover – All Risks

Material Damage Section


The Company agrees that if any of the Property Insured shown in the Schedule suffers DAMAGE the

Company will pay the Insured the value of the Property Insured at the time of its DAMAGE in

accordance with the Basis of Settlement shown in the Schedule against each Item or at the

Company’s option reinstate or replace such property or any part of it

Provided that the liability of the Company under this Section shall not exceed

i) in the whole the total Sum Insured or in respect of any Item its Sum Insured or any other limit of

liability shown in the Schedule at the time of DAMAGE

ii) the Sum Insured (or limit) remaining after deduction for any other DAMAGE occurring during the

same period of insurance unless the Company shall have agreed to reinstate any such Sum

Insured (or limit)

Additional Definition

The words Defined Peril shall mean fire lightning explosion aircraft or other aerial devices or articles

dropped therefrom riot civil commotion strikers locked-out workers persons taking part in labour

disturbances malicious persons other than thieves earthquake storm flood escape of water from any

tank apparatus or pipe or impact by any road vehicle or animal


This Section does not cover

1. The amount shown below after the application of the condition of Average in respect of

i) DAMAGE by fire lightning explosion aircraft riot civil commotion strikers locked out

workers persons taking part in labour disturbances or earthquake..........................£NIL

ii) Escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe in an Unoccupied Premises if the

water system is drained………….£450

ii) Escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe in an Unoccupied Premises if the water

system is not drained………£550

iii) all other DAMAGE................£300

iv) Subsidence £1,000

1. DAMAGE caused by or consisting of

a) inherent vice latent defect gradual deterioration wear and tear frost change in water table

level its own faulty or defective design or materials

b) the bursting by steam pressure of a boiler (not being a boiler used for domestic purposes

only) economiser or other vessel machine or apparatus in which internal pressure is due

to steam only and belonging to or under the control of the insured

c) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic


but this shall not exclude subsequent DAMAGE which itself results from a cause not

otherwise excluded

Material Damage Section

2. DAMAGE caused by or consisting of

a) Faulty or defective workmanship operational error or omission on the part of the Insured

or any of the Insured’s employees

But this shall not exclude

i) such DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which itself results from a Defined Peril

ii) subsequent DAMAGE which itself results from a cause not otherwise excluded

b) acts of fraud or dishonesty by the Insured’s employees but this shall not exclude

DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which itself results from a Defined Peril

3. DAMAGE caused by or consisting of

a) corrosion rust wet or dry rot shrinkage evaporation loss of weight dampness dryness

marring scratching vermin or insects

b) change in temperature colour flavour texture or finish

c) theft or attempted theft

DAMAGE consisting of

d) joint leakage failure of welds cracking fracturing collapse or overheating of boilers

economisers super heaters pressure vessels or any range of steam and feed piping in

connection therewith

e) mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement in respect of the particular machine

apparatus or equipment in which such breakdown or derangement originates

Material Damage Section

but this shall not exclude

i) such DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which itself results from a Defined Peril or from

any other DAMAGE

ii) subsequent DAMAGE which results from a cause not otherwise excluded

4. loss or destruction of damage caused by pollution or contamination but this shall not exclude

DAMAGE to the Property Insured not otherwise excluded caused by

a) pollution or contamination which itself results from a Defined Peril

b) a Defined Peril which itself results from pollution or contamination

5. DAMAGE caused by or consisting of

disappearance unexplained or inventory shortage misfiling or misplacing of information

6. DAMAGE to a building or structure caused by its own collapse or cracking unless resulting

from a Defined Peril insofar as it is not otherwise excluded

7. DAMAGE in respect of movable property in the open fences and gates caused by wind rain

hail sleet snow flood or dust

Material Damage Section


a) caused by fire resulting from its undergoing any heating process or any process involving

the application of heat

b) (other than by fire or explosion) resulting from its undergoing any process of production

packing treatment testing commissioning servicing or repair

9. DAMAGE in respect of

a) jewellery precious stones precious metals bullion furs curiosities works of art or rare


b) property in transit unless where otherwise specifically mentioned as being insured by way

of a specific clause herein or hereunder

c) glass (other than Fixed Glass) china earthenware marble or other fragile or brittle objects

d) computers or data processing equipment

e) Money cheques stamps bonds credit cards or securities of any description

other than such DAMAGE caused by a Defined Peril in so far as it is not otherwise excluded

10. a) vehicles licensed for road use (including accessories thereon) caravans trailers railway

locomotives rolling stock watercraft or aircraft

b) property or structures in course of construction or erection and materials or supplies in

connection with all such property in course of construction or erection

c) land roads pavements piers jetties bridges culverts and excavations

d) livestock growing crops or trees

unless specifically mentioned as insured by this Section

12. property which at the time of the happening of DAMAGE is insured by or would but for the

existence of this Section be insured by any marine policy or policies except in respect of any

excess beyond the amount which would have been payable under the marine policy or policies

had this insurance not been effected

13. any property more specifically insured by or on behalf of the Insured

14. DAMAGE occasioned by war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared

or not) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military or usurped power nationalisation

confiscation requisition seizure or destruction by the government or any public authority

15. DAMAGE to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever of any loss or

expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss directly or

indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from

Material Damage Section

a) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any

nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear

assembly or nuclear component thereof

16. DAMAGE in Northern Ireland occasioned by or happening through or in consequence directly or

indirectly of

i) riot civil commotion and (except in respect of DAMAGE by fire or explosion) strikers locked-

out workers or persons taking part in labour disturbances or malicious persons

ii) Terrorism as defined in the Terrorism Exclusion Clause

In any action suit or other proceedings where the Company alleges that by reason of this

definition any DAMAGE is not covered by this Section the burden of proving that such DAMAGE

is covered shall be upon the Insured

17. Consequential loss of any kind or description except loss of rent when such loss is included in the

cover under this Section

18. DAMAGE to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes

stores transmits or retrieves data or any part thereof whether tangible or intangible (including but

without limitation any information programs or software) and whether the property of the Insured

or not where such DAMAGE is caused by programming or operator error Virus or Similar

Mechanism or Hacking

But this shall not exclude DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which results from a Defined Peril

save in respect of malicious persons other than thieves


For the purpose of Exclusion 18 the following Definitions apply

a) Virus or Similar Mechanism shall mean program code programming instruction or any set of

instructions intentionally constructed with the ability to damage interfere with or otherwise

adversely affect computer programs data files or operations whether involving self replication

or not

This definition of Virus or Similar Mechanism includes but is not limited to Trojan horses

worms and logic bombs

b) Hacking shall mean unauthorised access to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or receives data

General Provisions

1. Deductibles

This Section does not cover the amount as stated in Exclusion 1 in respect of each and every loss

as ascertained after the application of all other terms and conditions of this Section including any

condition of Average

Material Damage Section

2. Explosion

In respect of any vessel machinery or apparatus or its contents belonging to or under the control

of the Insured which requires to be examined to comply with any Statutory Regulations cover

against DAMAGE caused by an explosion thereof not otherwise excluded is subject to the proviso

that such vessel machinery or apparatus shall be the subject of a policy or other contract

providing the required inspection service

Special Clauses

(Each Special Clause only applies if the corresponding number is shown in the Schedule)


No Special Clauses apply at this stage


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Cover The Company agrees subject to the terms contained herein or endorsed hereon that in the event of 1. any of the Property Insured while within the

Premises being lost destroyed or damaged as the result of

a) theft or attempted theft involving entry to

or exit from the Premises by forcible and violent means

b) theft following assault or violence or

threat thereof to the Insured any employee of the Insured or any other person lawfully in the Premises

2. the Premises sustaining damage for which

the Insured is responsible as the result of theft involving entry to or exit from the Premises by forcible and violent means or any attempt thereat

the Company will by payment or at its option by repair reinstatement or replacement indemnify the Insured in respect of such loss or damage The liability of the Company during any one Period of Insurance shall not exceed in respect of 1. each Item of the Property Insured the Sum

Insured set against it and for all Items the total Sum Insured

2. damage to the Premises the sum equivalent

to make good such damage for which the Insured are responsible

2. Property Insured Item 2.1 Contents Machinery plant and contents belonging to the Insured or held by the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible excluding landlords fixtures and fittings and except as otherwise described and insured under Items 2.2 to 2.4 inclusive

If the Premises are a block of flats or private dwelling this definition also includes the contents of oil gas and fuel tanks belonging to the Insured or for which they are responsible Item 2.2 Communal Contents Machinery plant and contents belonging to the Insured or held by the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible in or on the stairs halls landings and other communal parts of the Premises Contents of oil gas and fuel tanks belonging to the Insured or for which they are responsible Item 2.3 Stock Stock and materials in trade therein and thereon the property of the Insured or held by the Insured in trust for which the Insured is responsible Item 2.4 Miscellaneous property as specified on the Schedule

3. Changes in Tenancy The Insured must advise the Company of all changes in tenancy or occupation within the Premises in accordance with General Condition 2 of this Policy unless is it occupied as or designed to be occupied as a private dwelling in which case the Company need only be advised if the Premises becomes Unoccupied The Insured undertakes to pay an additional premium if required

4. Exclusions This Section does not cover 1. Amount Excluded

the first £300 of each and every loss after the application of any condition of Average

2. Money Etc

bills of exchange promissory notes cash bank and currency notes cheques postal orders money orders crossed bankers drafts current postage stamps unused units in franking machines National Savings stamps

Theft Section

and Certificates National Insurance stamps Trading stamps Gift tokens Customer redemption vouchers VAT purchase receipts Credit Company sales vouchers credit card counterfoils travellers tickets and insofar as such are not otherwise insured Holidays with pay stamps and Luncheon Vouchers

3. Property Excluded

loss or damage a) to glass b) to property more specifically insured by

or on behalf of the Insured

5. Clauses

Average Clause The Sum Insured by each Item of this Section is declared to be separately subject to Average i.e. if such sum shall be at the time of loss or damage less than the value of the property covered within such Sum Insured the amount payable by the Company in respect of such loss or damage shall be proportionately reduced Except that this Clause shall not apply to: a) Contents or Communal Contents of a

private dwelling b) any Item of this Section subject to the

Special Basis of Settlement (Market Value)

c) any Item of this Section subject to the Day

One Basis (Non Adjustable)

Contents Clause It is agreed that the term Contents is understood to include insofar as they are not otherwise insured a) documents manuscripts and business

books but only for the cost of the materials and clerical labour expended in reproducing such records (excluding any expense in connection with the production of information to be recorded therein).

b) computer systems records but only for the

cost of the materials and clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the

production of information to be recorded therein)

c) patterns models moulds plans and designs for an amount not exceeding the cost of labour and materials expended in reinstatement

d) tenants improvements alterations and

decorations e) directors partners customers visitors and

employees personal effects of every description other than motor vehicles and for any amount of money exceeding £500 in respect of any one person

Theft Attractive Property Clause The Company’s liability for the under-noted property is limited to an amount not exceeding

£ 1,000 in respect of wines and/or spirits £25,000 in respect of aluminium billet strip

plate or other forms of raw and unprocessed materials and scrap

£ 1,000 in respect of other non-ferrous

metals billet strip plate or other forms of raw and unprocessed materials and scrap

any one loss or series of losses arising from the same original cause unless otherwise stated in the Schedule Contract Price Clause If goods sold but not delivered and for which the Insured is responsible are the subject of a contract of sale which is subsequently cancelled by reason of loss or damage to those goods the liability of the Company shall be based on the contract price For the purpose of any condition of Average the value of all goods to which this Clause would in the event of loss or damage be applicable shall be ascertained on the same basis Designation Clause For the purpose of determining where necessary the heading under which any property is insured the Company agrees to accept the designation under which such property has been entered in the Insured’s books

Theft Section

Explosives Clause This Section will indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to any property of any description not otherwise excluded by this Policy directly or indirectly caused by the use of explosives or an explosive device in the furtherance of theft or attempt thereof as herein insured at the Premises provided that a) such loss or damage is not otherwise

insured under any other Section of this Policy or any other policy effected by or on behalf of the Insured in respect of the same property

b) the Company’s liability to pay a claim

under this Clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one Premises any one Period of Insurance payable in addition to the total Sum Insured hereunder

Glass Clause This Section extends to cover destruction of or damage to glass (where the Insured is responsible for its replacement) whether internal or external plain or ornamental attached to and forming part of the Premises and the cost of boarding up the same resulting from theft or attempt thereof as insured herein but only if the glass is not otherwise insured Reinstatement of Sum Insured after Loss Clause In the event of loss any Sum Insured under this Section will be automatically reinstated from the date of loss unless written notice is given to the contrary either by the Company or by the Insured Provided that in the event of reinstatement of any Sum Insured the Insured will a) pay such necessary premiums as may be

required for such reinstatement from the date of reinstatement

b) effect any additional protective devices for

the further security of the Premises which the Company may reasonably require

Inadvertent Omission to Insure Clause The Insured having intended to insure all Property Insured within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in which the Insured is interested and the Insured’s belief is that all such property is insured if hereafter any such Property Insured shall be found to have been inadvertently omitted the Company will deem it to be

insured within the terms of this Section subject to payment of an additional premium on all such property as from the commencement of the Period of Insurance or from the date of the Insured’s interest in such property if erected or purchased after the commencement of the Period of Insurance. Provided that the limit of liability under this Clause shall for the purposes of the Average Clause and the Basis of Settlement proviso be added to the combined total of the Declared Value(s) and or Sum(s) Insured for Items 2.1 2.2 2.3 and 2.4 The liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £5,000,000 any one loss Exhibition Clause Stock and Contents are insured whilst at any exhibition in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man including temporary housing en-route loading on and unloading from any road or rail conveyance and transit to and from the exhibition and the Premises for a period not exceeding 15 days For the purpose of this Clause only the definition of Stock and Contents extends to include any exhibition stand furnishings and equipment belonging to the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible The liability of the Company under this Clause shall not exceed £10,,000 any one loss Temporary Removal Clause a) The Property Insured under this Section

(other than Stock) is covered whilst temporarily removed for cleaning renovation repair or similar purposes to elsewhere within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man than the Premises including transit thereto and there from- wider but OK

b) The liability of the Company under this

Clause in respect of each Item of this Section shall not exceed 10% of the Sum Insured for each Item

c) The Company shall not be liable for loss of

or damage to property more specifically insured herein or more specifically insured elsewhere

Temporary Removal of Documents Clause a) Deeds and other documents (including

stamps thereon) manuscripts plans and

Theft Section

writings of every description computer systems records and books (written and printed) are insured whilst temporarily removed to any premises not in the Insured’s occupation and whilst in transit thereto and there from all within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that the liability of the Company shall not exceed 10% of the Contents Sum Insured

b) The Company shall not be liable for loss of

or damage to property more specifically insured herein or more specifically insured elsewhere

6. Basis of Settlement

Reinstatement Subject to the following Special Conditions the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of Property Insured under Sums Insured marked RI on the Schedule is to be calculated shall be the reinstatement of the property lost destroyed or damaged For this purpose Reinstatement means a) The rebuilding or replacement of property

lost or destroyed which provided the liability of the Company is not increased may be carried out

i) in any manner suitable to the

requirements of the Insured ii) upon another site

b) The repair or restoration of property damaged

in either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same as but not better or more extensive than its condition when new

If the Insured elects not to repair or rebuild the

buildings then we will deal with the claim on the basis

of Special Basis of Settlement (Market value)

Special Conditions 1) The liability of the Company for the repair

or restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

2) If at the time of reinstatement the sum representing 85% of the cost which would have been incurred in reinstating the whole of the property covered by any Item subject to this memorandum exceeds its Sum Insured at the commencement of any loss destruction or damage the liability of the Company shall not exceed that proportion of the amount of the loss destruction or damage which the said Sum Insured shall bear to the sum representing the total cost of reinstating the whole of such property at that time

3) No payment beyond the amount which

would have been payable in the absence of this memorandum shall be made

a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the costs of reinstatement have

been actually incurred

c) if the Property Insured at the time of its loss destruction or damage shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of reinstatement

4) All the terms and conditions of the Policy shall apply

a) in respect of any claims payable under

the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this

memorandum had not been incorporated

Special Basis of Settlement (Market Value) Subject to the following Special Conditions the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured marked SBS in the Schedule is calculated is the difference between the Agreed Value of the Property Insured prior to DAMAGE and its value immediately thereafter For this purpose the Agreed Value of the Property Insured means the market value of the Property Insured which will be ascertained as follows

Theft Section

(a) prior to DAMAGE: by a valuation from an

Approved Valuer which has been prepared at commencement of the Period of Insurance But if at any subsequent time an offer is made for the Property Insured which is accepted by the Insured such offer will be deemed to have been the Agreed Value of the Property Insured throughout the Period of Insurance

(b) immediately after DAMAGE: by a

valuation from an Approved Valuer that allows for the reduction in the Agreed Value consequent upon DAMAGE

Approved Valuer shall mean a suitably qualified member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or other similar professional body In addition We may at Our option pay

(d) Preventative Costs (e) all other costs and expenses as

described in any Clause as described herein

(f) debris removal costs Preventative Costs shall mean the reasonable costs and expenses necessarily incurred by You for

(iv) temporary or permanent repairs to (v) weatherproofing of (vi) shoring up or propping of

the portion or portions of the Property Insured suffering DAMAGE so incurred to prevent further deterioration to or to make the Property Insured safe excluding any costs or expenses

(iii) as described in any Clause herein (iv) arising from pollution or contamination

of property not insured by this Section provided that

IV. at Our option and expense We may require for any Property Insured to be

reinstated or repaired without deduction for wear tear or deterioration

V. Our liability is limited to the Sum Insured

shown in the Schedule

VI. this Policy does not extend to include the value of land

In the event that the Insured elects not to claim for a reduction in agreed value of the building as a result of damage subject to the following Special conditions the amount payable in respect of damage shall be the cost of reinstatement of the building damaged For this purpose ‘reinstatement’ means 3. The rebuilding or replacement of

property lost or destroyed which provided the our liability is not increased may be carried out

c. in any manner suitable to the

Insureds requirements d. upon another site

4. The repair or restoration of property

damaged. In either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same as but not better or more extensive than its condition when new. The most we will pay for reinstatement is 25% of the sum insured or £25,000 whichever is the greater plus all other costs and expenses as described in any Clause as described herein. ‘Debris removal costs’ shall mean the

reasonable costs and expenses necessarily

incurred by you with our consent in

5. removing debris 6. dismantling and/or demolishing 7. shoring up or propping of the portions

of the building 8. clearing drains sewers and gutters at

the building

as a result of damage covered under your


Theft Section

We will not pay for any costs or expenses

incurred in removing debris except from the

site of such property destroyed or damaged

and the area immediately adjacent to such site

provided that

c. at our option we may require at our own expense any building to be reinstated or repaired

d. the most we will pay is 15% of the sum insured in addition to the sum insured as stated in the schedule.

Special Conditions

5) The liability of the Company for the repair or restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

6) Any proviso contained in General

Condition 8 Contribution and Average which would otherwise import into this Policy any condition of average is deleted and of no further effect

7) In the event that We require for any

Property Insured to be reinstated or repaired no payment beyond the amount which would have been payable in the absence of this memorandum shall be made

a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the costs of reinstatement have

been actually incurred c) if the Property Insured at the time of

its DAMAGE shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of settlement or reinstatement

8) All the terms and conditions of the Policy

shall apply

a) in respect of any claims payable under the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this

memorandum had not been incorporated

Indemnity The basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured marked I in the Schedule is to be calculated will be the value of the property at the time of its loss destruction or damage or at the Company’s option the cost to repair reinstate or replace such property or any part of it The liability of the Company shall not exceed the Sum Insured applicable to each Item insured hereunder Day One Basis (Non Adjustable) A. Subject to the following Special Conditions

the basis upon which the amount payable in respect of the Property Insured under Sums Insured marked DA in the Schedule is to be calculated shall be the reinstatement of the property lost destroyed or damaged

For this purpose Reinstatement means a) The rebuilding or replacement of property

lost or destroyed which provided the liability of the Company is not increased may be carried out

i) in any manner suitable to the

requirements of the Insured ii) upon another site

b) The repair or restoration of property damaged

in either case to a condition equivalent to or substantially the same but not better or more extensive than its condition when new

B. The Insured having stated in writing the Declared Value shown in Schedule next to the Sum Insured for each of the said Items the premium has been calculated accordingly

Declared Value means the Insured’s assessment of the cost of reinstatement of the Property Insured arrived at in accordance with Paragraph A a) above at the level of cost

Theft Section

applying at the inception of the Period of Insurance (ignoring inflationary factors which may operate subsequently) together with insofar as the insurance by the Item provides due allowance for

a) the additional cost of reinstatement to comply with Public Authority requirements

b) professional fees c) debris removal costs Special Conditions 1. At the inception of each period of insurance

the Insured shall notify the Company of the Declared Value of the Property Insured by each of the said Item(s) In the absence of such declaration the last amount declared by the Insured shall be taken as the Declared Value for the ensuing Period of Insurance

2. If at the time of loss destruction or damage the Declared Value of the property covered

by such Item be less than the cost of reinstatement (as defined in paragraph B above) at the inception of the Period of Insurance then the Company’s liability for any loss destruction or damage shall not exceed that proportion thereof which the Declared Value bears to such cost of reinstatement

3. The liability of the Company for the repair or

restoration of property damaged in part only shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable had such property been wholly destroyed

4. No payment beyond the amount which

would have been payable in absence of this memorandum shall be made a) unless reinstatement commences and

proceeds without unreasonable delay b) until the cost of reinstatement shall have

been actually incurred c) if the Property Insured at the time of its

loss destruction or damage shall be insured by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured which is not upon the same basis of reinstatement

5. All the terms and conditions of this Policy

shall apply

a) in respect of any claim payable under

the provisions of this memorandum except in so far as they are varied hereby

b) where claims are payable as if this memorandum had not been incorporated except that the Sum(s) Insured shall be limited to 115% of the Declared Value(s)

7. Additional Conditions

Unoccupied Premises Condition

Cover for Unoccupied freehold and leasehold Premises and Premises where normal trading has ceased to be on the same basis is subject to the following Code of Practice being complied with unless otherwise agreed or modified in writing by the Company a) Within 30 days of the appointment if the

Premises are Unoccupied at the time of appointment

b) Within 30 days of the Premises becoming Unoccupied

Code of Practice

1. All water supplies shall be turned off at the

mains and the system entirely drained down


For the period 1 November to 31 March

inclusive the heating system is to be kept in


This requirement applies whether or not a

sale of the Premises or disposal of the lease

has been negotiated

2. Any sprinkler system should be kept in

operation subject to weekly tests being


a) for water filled systems the heating must be kept in operation for the period 1 November to 31 March inclusive

Theft Section

b) for combined air and water systems the system should be air filled for the period 1 November to 31 March inclusive

3. All gas supplies should be disconnected unless used to heat the Premises

4. All electricity supplies should be turned off at the mains unless required to maintain fire and/or theft protection/detection equipment The electricity supply may be reconnected for the duration of visits to the Premises

5. All fire and theft protection/detection

equipment shall be maintained in efficient working order and put into effective operation whenever there is no person lawfully on the Premises. Existing maintenance contracts on such equipment must be continued

6. All letter boxes should be completely sealed

to prevent any insertions 7. Manned guarding or periodic visits by a

professional security company must be maintained at those times where stipulated by the Company in writing

8. The Premises should be cleared of all

combustible waste materials 9. All basement ground floor and other

accessible windows and glazing to doors to be securely boarded up

10. The Building to be inspected internally and

externally at least once during every 14 day period by a representative of the Insured unless otherwise agreed by the Company

Where we are not covering Buildings but the

total sum insured in respect of Stock and Contents exceeds £75,000 and where normal trading has ceased we will cover for the same perils as for occupied buildings, subject to the following being completed;

Within 30 days of the appointment if the

buildings are unoccupied at the time of the appointment.

Points 5, 7 and 10 of the above Code Boarding is not required for buildings which

were previously occupied solely as Offices, or as a Hotels, Private Dwelling , Block of Flats, individual Flat or Motor Vehicle Showrooms

Police Notification Immediately after the Insured becomes aware of any loss destruction or damage that is insured by this Section the Insured shall notified the Police and take all reasonable steps to cause the discovery and punishment of the guilty person or persons and to trace and recover the property lost

Theft Section

Special Clauses

(Each Special Clause only applies if the corresponding number is shown in the Schedule)

1. Alarm Clause

It is a condition precedent to liability under this Section in respect of loss destruction or damage as the result of theft (or attempted theft) involving entry to or exit from the Premises by forcible and violent means that a) The Premises are protected by an Intruder

Alarm System designed installed and maintained to British Standard BS4737 or EN50131 including where stipulated by the Company or the Police Code of Practice DD243 or any subsequent replacing or amending standards or codes

b) The Intruder Alarm System and

maintenance company must be both:

I. A member of an Alarm Inspectorate which is accredited by UKAS to EN 45011 or EN 45012 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard

and II. Accredited and operate a Quality

Management System in accordance with EN ISO 9000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard

c) The Intruder Alarm System shall be

maintained in full and efficient working order under a contract to provide both corrective and preventative maintenance, as per the requirements of BS4737 or EN 50131 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard with the installing company or such other company as agreed with the Company

Where remote alarm signalling is required the signal transmission must be transmitted to an alarm receiving centre fully compliant with BS5979:2000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard and operated by a company accredited and operating to a Quality Management System in accordance with EN ISO 9000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard

d) No alteration to or substitution of i) any part of the Intruder Alarm System

ii) the maintenance contract

iii) the structure of the Premises or

changes to the layout of the Premises which would affect the effectiveness of the Intruder Alarm System

iv) the procedures agreed with the

Company for Police or any other response to any activation of the Intruder Alarm System

is to be made without the written agreement of the Company

e) The Alarmed Premises shall not be left unattended without the agreement of the Company

i) unless the Intruder Alarm System is

set in its entirety with the means of communication used to transmit signals (including both alarm transmission systems for dual signalling systems) in full operation

ii) if the Police have withdrawn their

response to alarm activations

f) The Insured shall maintain secrecy of codes for the operation of the Intruder Alarm System and detail of such codes and all keys to the Intruder Alarm System shall be removed from the Premises when the Premises are left unattended

g) The Insured shall appoint at least two Key

Holders and lodge written details (which must be kept up to date) with the alarm company and either the Police or the alarm receiving centre

h) In the event of notification of any activation

of the Intruder Alarm System or interruption of means of communication including one or both alarm transmission systems in respect of dual signalling systems during any period the Intruder Alarm System is set a Key Holder shall

Theft Section

attend the Premises as soon as reasonably possible

i) In the event of the Insured receiving any


I. the Police attendance in response to alarm signals/calls from the Intruder Alarm System may be withdrawn or the level of response reduced or delayed

II. from a Local Authority or Magistrate

imposing any requirement for abatement of nuisance

III. that the Intruder Alarm System cannot

be returned to or maintained in full working order

the Insured shall advise the Company as soon as possible and comply with any subsequent requirements stipulated by the Company Definitions applicable to this Clause Intruder Alarm System An electrical installation to detect and indicate the presence entry or attempted entry of an intruder into the Premises including all devices and means of communication used to receive and transmit signals to an Alarm Receiving Centre Alarmed Premises The Premises or those portions of the Premises protected by the Intruder Alarm System Key Holder The Insured or any person or key holding company authorised by the Insured who is available at all times to accept notification of faults or alarm signals to the Intruder Alarm System attend and allow access to the Premises


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule



NOTE 1: To the extent that the Insured is

accountable to the tax authorities for Value

Added Tax all terms in this Section shall

be exclusive of such tax

NOTE 2: For the purpose of these

definitions any adjustment implemented in

current cost accounting shall be


Incident Loss or destruction of or damage to

property used by the Insured at the

Premises for the purpose of the Business


Loss destruction of or damage to the

Insured’s books of account or other

business books or records at the Premises

in respect of any item on Accounts


Indemnity Period

The period beginning with the occurrence

of the Incident and ending not later than

the Maximum Indemnity Period thereafter

during which the results of the Business

shall be affected in consequence thereof

Turnover The money paid or payable to the Insured

for goods sold and delivered and for

services rendered in the course of the

Business at the Premises

Maximum Indemnity Period as stated in the Schedule

Uninsured Working Expenses

are purchases (less discounts received)

and any additional Uninsured Working

Expenses specified in the Schedule

Unless otherwise defined herein the words

and expressions used in this Definition will

have the same meaning usually attached

to them in the Insured’s books of accounts

Gross Profit

The amount by which

1) the sum of the amount of the Turnover

and the amounts of the closing stock

and work in progress shall exceed

2) the sum of the amount of the opening

stock and work in progress and the

amount of the Uninsured Working


Note: The amounts of the opening and

closing stocks (including work in progress)

shall be arrived at in accordance with the

Insured’s usual accounting methods due

provision being made for depreciation

Gross Revenue

The money paid or payable to the Insured

for work done or services rendered in the

course of the Business

Gross Rentals The money paid or payable to the Insured

for tenancies and other charges and for

services rendered in the course of the

Business at the Premises

Estimated Gross Profit The amount declared by the Insured to the

Company as representing not less than

the Gross Profit which it is anticipated will

be earned by the Business during the

financial year most nearly concurrent with

the Period of Insurance (or a

proportionately increased multiple thereof

where the Maximum Indemnity Period

exceeds twelve months)

Business Interruption Section

Estimated Gross Revenue

The amount declared by the Insured to the

Company as representing not less than

the Gross Revenue which it is anticipated

will be earned by the Business during the

financial year most nearly concurrent with

the Period of Insurance (or a

proportionately increased multiple thereof

where the Maximum Indemnity Period

exceeds twelve months)

Estimated Gross Rentals

The amount declared by the Insured to the

Company as representing not less than

the Gross Rentals which it is anticipated

will be earned by the Business during the

financial year most nearly concurrent with

the Period of Insurance (or a

proportionately increased multiple thereof

where the Maximum Indemnity Period

exceeds twelve months)

Accounts Receivable

The total amount of the balances debited

to Customers in the Insured’s accounts

and declared in the statement last given

under the provisions of the Premium

Adjustment Clause after equitable

allowances have been made for bad debts

and for amounts debited (or invoiced but

not debited) and credited (including credit

notes and cash not passed through the

books at the time of the Incident) to

Customers accounts in the period between

the date of said statement and the date of

the Incident

Customers All customers of the Insured who obtain

goods or services from the Insured on a

credit or similar basis

Business Interruption Section

Rate of Gross Profit

The rate of Gross Profit earned on the

Turnover during the financial year

immediately before the date of the Incident

Annual Turnover

The Turnover during the twelve months

immediately before the date of the Incident

Standard Turnover The Turnover during the period in the

twelve months immediately before the

date of the Incident which corresponds

with the Indemnity Period

Annual Gross Revenue The Gross Revenue during the twelve

months immediately before the date of the


Standard Gross Revenue

The Gross Revenue during that period in

the twelve months immediately before the

date of the Incident which corresponds

with the Indemnity Period

Annual Gross Rentals

The Gross Rentals during the twelve

months immediately before the date of the


Standard Gross Rentals

The Gross Rentals during that period in

the twelve months immediately before the

date of the Incident which corresponds

with the Indemnity Period

to which such adjustments shall be made as may be necessary to provide for the trend of the Business and for variations in or other circumstances affecting the Business either before or after the Incident or which would have affected the Business had the Incident not occurred so that the figures thus adjusted shall represent as nearly as may be reasonably practicable the results which but for the Incident would have been obtained during the relative period after the Incident

Business Interruption Section

Basis of Loss Settlement

The under-noted terms of settlement apply

only if the paragraph title is shown as

Operative in the Schedule

3.1 Gross Profit/Estimated Gross Profit The insurance under this Item is limited to

loss of Gross Profit due to (a) reduction in

Turnover and (b) Increase in Cost of

Working and the amount payable as

indemnity hereunder shall be

(a) in respect of reduction in Turnover: the

sum produced by applying the Rate of

Gross Profit to the amount by which

the Turnover during the Indemnity

Period shall fall short of the Standard

Turnover in consequence of the


(b) in respect of Increase in Cost of

Working: the additional expenditure

necessarily and reasonably incurred

for the sole purpose of avoiding or

diminishing the reduction in Turnover

which but for that expenditure would

have taken place during the Indemnity

Period in consequence of the Incident

but not exceeding the sum produced

by applying the Rate of Gross Profit to

the amount of the reduction thereby


less any sum saved during the Indemnity

Period in respect of such of the charges

and expenses of the Business payable out

of Gross Profit as may cease or be

reduced in consequence of the Incident

Provided that

(i) if the Sum Insured by the Item on

Gross Profit be less than the sum

produced by applying the Rate of

Gross Profit to the Annual Turnover

(or to a proportionately increased

multiple thereof where the Maximum

Indemnity Period exceeds twelve

months) the amount payable shall be

proportionately reduced

(ii) if any working expenses of the

Business be not insured by this

Section (having been deducted in

arriving at the Gross Profit) then in

computing the amount recoverable

hereunder as Increase in Cost of

Working that proportion only of any

additional expenditure shall be

brought into account which the Gross

Profit bears to the sum of the Gross

Profit and the Uninsured Working

Expenses – why is this needed in


3.2 Gross Revenue/Estimated Gross Revenue

The insurance under this Item is limited to

(a) loss of Gross Revenue and (b)

Increase in Cost of Working and the

amount payable as indemnity hereunder

shall be

(a) in respect of loss of Gross Revenue:

the amount by which the Gross

Revenue during the Indemnity Period

shall fall short of the Standard Gross

Revenue in consequence of the


(b) in respect of Increase in Cost of

Working: the additional expenditure

necessarily and reasonably incurred

for the sole purpose of avoiding or

diminishing the reduction in Gross

Revenue which but for that

expenditure would have taken place

during the Indemnity Period in

consequence of the Incident but not

exceeding the amount of the reduction

in Gross Revenue thereby avoided

less any sum saved during the Indemnity

Period in respect of such of the charges or

expenses of the Business payable out of

Gross Revenue as may cease or be

reduced in consequence of the Incident

Provided that

(i) if the Sum Insured by the Item on

Gross Revenue be less than the

Annual Gross Revenue (or a

proportionately increased multiple

Business Interruption Section

thereof where the Maximum Indemnity

Period exceeds twelve months) the

amount payable shall be

proportionately reduced

3.3 Gross Rentals/Estimated Gross Rentals

The insurance under this Item is limited to

(a) loss of Gross Rentals and (b) Increase

in Cost of Working and the amount

payable as indemnity hereunder shall be

(a) in respect of loss of Gross Rentals:

the amount by which the Gross

Rentals during the Indemnity Period

shall fall short of the Standard Gross

Rentals in consequence of the


(b) in respect of Increase in Cost of

Working: the additional expenditure

necessarily and reasonably incurred

for the sole purpose of avoiding or

diminishing the loss of Gross Rentals

which but for that expenditure would

have taken place during the Indemnity

Period in consequence of the Incident

but not exceeding the amount of the

reduction in Gross Rentals thereby


less any sum saved during the Indemnity

Period in respect of such of the expenses

and charges payable out of Gross Rentals

as may cease or be reduced in

consequence of the Incident

Provided that

(i) if the Sum Insured by the Item on

Gross Rentals be less than the Annual

Gross Rentals (or a proportionately

increased multiple thereof where the

Maximum Indemnity Period exceeds

twelve months) the amount payable

shall be proportionately reduced

3.4 Accounts Receivable

The insurance under this Item is limited to

(a) loss of Accounts Receivable and (b)

additional expenditure and the amount

payable as indemnity hereunder shall be

a) in respect of loss of Accounts

Receivable: the difference solely due to

the Incident between the amount of the

Accounts Receivable at the date of the

Incident and the total amount received

in payment of them during the twelve

months after the Incident

b) in respect of additional expenditure: the

additional expenditure necessarily and

reasonably incurred for the sole

purpose of avoiding or diminishing the

loss of Accounts Receivable which but

for that expenditure would have

occurred in consequence of the Incident

but not exceeding the amount which

would otherwise have been payable

under (a) above

Provided that if at the time of the Incident

the Sum Insured by this Item be less than

the total amount of the Accounts

Receivable the amount payable shall be

proportionately reduced

3.5 Additional Increased Cost of Working

The insurance under this Item is limited to

such further additional expenditure beyond

that recoverable under paragraph (b) of

any of the above Items insured hereby as

the Insured shall necessarily and

reasonably incur during the Indemnity

Period in consequence of the Incident for

the sole purpose of avoiding or diminishing

a reduction in Turnover or Gross Revenue

3.6 Increased Cost of Working

The insurance under this Item is limited to

Increased Cost of Working and the

amount payable as indemnity hereunder

shall be

The additional expenditure necessarily

and reasonably incurred by the Insured in

consequence of the Incident in order to

prevent or minimise the interruption to the

Business during the Indemnity Period

provided that the Company shall not pay

more than 50% of the Sum Insured during

the first 3 months of the Indemnity Period

and the balance in equal proportions

monthly thereafter

Business Interruption Section

Business Interruption Section


72 Hour Clause DAMAGE arising from storm or tempest or

flood shall constitute one Incident

(a) if more than one storm tempest or

flood should occur within any period

of seventy-two hours sequential and

commencing during the period of


(b) if any flood occurs within a period

(longer than set out in a) above) of

the continued rising or overflow and

subsidence of any river or stream or

other body of water within the banks

of such river or stream or other body

of water

The commencement of any seventy-two

consecutive hour period shall be decided

at the discretion of the Insured it being

understood and agreed that there shall be

no overlapping of any two or more such

seventy-two consecutive hour periods in

the event of DAMAGE occurring over an

extended period of time

Should a seventy-two consecutive hour

period (or longer period as described in (b)

above) extend beyond the expiry of this

Policy and commence prior to the expiry

the Company shall be liable as if such

period fell entirely within the terms of this


Accumulated Stock Clause In adjusting any loss account shall be

taken and an equitable allowance made if

any reduction in Turnover due to the loss

is postponed by reason of the Turnover

being temporarily maintained from

accumulated stocks of finished goods

Alternative Trading Clause If during the Indemnity Period goods shall

be sold accommodation provided or

services shall be rendered elsewhere than

at the Premises for the benefit of the

Business either by the Insured or by

others on the Insured’s behalf the money

paid or payable in respect of such sales

accommodation or services shall be

brought into account in arriving at the

Turnover or Gross Revenue or Gross

Rentals during the Indemnity Period

Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause

The Sum Insured of each Item will be

automatically reinstated from the date of

any insured loss unless written notice is

given to the contrary either by the

Company or by the Insured and the

Insured undertake to pay such necessary

premiums as may be required for such

reinstatement from that date

Contract Sites Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

at any location within Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and

the Isle of Man not in the occupation of the

Insured where the Insured is carrying out a


Provided that the liability of the Company

under this Clause shall not exceed 20% of

the Sum Insured applicable to each Item

specified in the Schedule in respect of any

one occurrence

Business Interruption Section

Customers – Specified Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

at the premises of the Insured’s customers

specified in the Schedule

Provided that the liability of the Company

under this Clause shall not exceed 20% of

the Sum Insured applicable to each Item

specified in the Schedule in respect of any


Customers – Unspecified Clause

The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

at any premises situated within Great

Britain Northern Ireland the Channel

Islands and the Isle of Man of any of the

Insured’s customers other than those

premises specified in the Schedule

Provided that the liability of the Company

under this Clause shall not exceed 10% of

the Sum Insured applicable to each Item

specified in the Schedule in respect of any

one occurrence

Departmental Clause If the Business be conducted in

departments the independent trading

results of which are ascertainable the

provisions of parts (a) and (b) of Basis of

Claims Settlement shall apply separately

to each department affected by the

Incident except that if the Declaration

Linked Clause does not apply to this

insurance in the event that the Sum

Insured be less than the aggregate of the

sums produced by applying the Gross

Profit or Gross Revenue for each

department of the Business (whether

affected by the Incident or not) to its

relative Annual Turnover or Annual Gross

Revenue (or to a proportionately increased

multiple thereof where the Maximum

Indemnity Period exceeds 12 months) the

amount payable shall be proportionately


Exhibitions Clause

The Company shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss as insured herein which results from interruption of or interference with the Business consequent upon loss destruction or damage by any cause which would otherwise form the basis of indemnity under the Material Damage Section or Theft Section (if insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured) to i) property at exhibitions including the

stand its furnishings and equipment

belonging to the Insured or held by the

Insured in trust or on commission for

which the Insured is responsible or in

transit to any exhibition including

loading and unloading

ii) the premises at which the Insured is

an exhibitor

anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Fines and Damages Clause The amount payable by the Company as indemnity extends to include fines and damages incurred by the Insured during the Indemnity Period for late or non completion or breach of contracts following an Incident the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £25,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

Supply Undertakings – Premises Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

Business Interruption Section

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage by any cause which

would otherwise form the basis of

indemnity under the Material Damage

Section or Terrorism Section (if insured) to

property at the premises of the following

supply undertakings in Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and

the Isle of Man from which the Insured

obtains supplies or services

a) any generating station or sub-station

of the public electricity supply

undertaking from which the Insured

obtains electricity

b) any land-based premises of the public

gas supply undertaking or of any

natural gas producer linked directly

therewith from which the Insured

obtains gas

c) any water works or pumping station of

the public water supply undertaking

from which the Insured obtains water

d) any land-based premises of the public

telecommunications undertaking

Provided that

(i) the liability of the Company under this

Clause shall not exceed the amount

expressed either as a monetary sum

or as a percentage of the Sum Insured

applicable to each Item specified in

the Schedule in respect of any one


(ii) the maximum Indemnity Period under

this Clause shall not exceed 6 (six)


Murder Suicide or Disease Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon

a) the occurrence of any of the following

specified human infectious or human

contagious diseases:-

i) Acute Encephalitis

ii) Acute Poliomyelitis

iii) Anthrax

iv) Chicken pox

v) Cholera

vi) Diphtheria

vii) Dysentery

viii) Legionellosis

ix) Legionnaires Disease

x) Leprosy

xi) Leptospirosis

xii) Malaria

xiii) Measles

xiv) Meningococcal Infection

xv) Mumps

xvi) Opthalmia Neonatorum

xvii) Paratyphoid fever

xviii) Plague

xix) Rabies

xx) Rubella

xxi) Scarlet Fever

xxii) Smallpox

xxiii) Tetanus

xxiv) Tuberculosis

xxv) Typhoid Fever

xxvi) Viral Hepatitis

xxvii) Whooping Cough

xxviii) Yellow Fever

manifested by any person whilst in the

Premises or within a 25 mile radius of it

b) murder or suicide at the Premises

c) injury or illness sustained by any

person arising from or traceable to

foreign or injurious matter in food or

drink provided at the Premises

d) vermin or pests in the Premises

e) the closing of the whole or part of the

Premises by order of a competent

public authority consequent upon

defect in the drains or other sanitary

arrangements at the Premises

Business Interruption Section

The insurance by this Clause shall only

apply for the period beginning with the

occurrence of the event and ending not

later than three months thereafter during

which the results of the Business shall be


Business Interruption Section

New Business Clause

For the purpose of any claim arising from

an Incident occurring before the

completion of the first years trading of the

Business at the Premises the terms Rate

of Gross Profit Annual Turnover Standard

Turnover Annual Gross Revenue Standard

Gross Revenue Annual Gross Rentals and

Standard Gross Rentals shall bear the

following meanings and not as stated


Rate of Gross Profit

The rate of Gross Profit earned on the

Turnover during the period between the

date of the commencement of the

Business and the date of the Incident

Annual Turnover

The proportional equivalent for a period of

twelve months of the Turnover realised

during the period between the

commencement of the Business and the

date of the Incident

Standard Turnover

The proportional equivalent for a period

equal to the Indemnity Period of the

Turnover realised during the period

between the commencement of the

Business and the date of the Incident

Annual Gross Revenue

The proportional equivalent for a period of

twelve months of the Gross Revenue

realised during the period between the

commencement of the Business and the

date of the Incident

Standard Gross Revenue The proportional equivalent for a period

equal to the Indemnity Period of the Gross

Revenue realised during the period

between the commencement of the

Business and the date of the Incident

Annual Gross Rentals

The proportional equivalent for a period of

twelve months of the Gross Rentals

realised during the period between the

commencement of the Business and the

date of the Incident

Standard Gross Rentals

The proportional equivalent for a period

equal to the Indemnity Period of the Gross

Rentals realised during the period

between the commencement of the

Business and the date of the Incident

Business Interruption Section

to which such adjustments

shall be made as may be

necessary to provide for the

trend of the Business and for

variations in or other

circumstances affecting the

Business either before or

after the Incident or which

would have affected the

Business had the Incident not

occurred so that the figures

thus adjusted shall represent

as nearly as may be

reasonably practicable the

results which but for the

Incident would have been

obtained during the relative

period after the Incident

Business Interruption Section

Payments on Account Clause Payments on account will be made to the

Insured during the Indemnity Period as


Premium Adjustment Clause

a) The premium paid hereon may be

adjusted on receipt by the Company of

a declaration of Gross Profit Gross

Revenue or Gross Rentals earned

during the financial year most nearly

concurrent with the Period of Insurance

as reported by the Insured’s auditors

If any incident shall have occurred

giving rise to a claim for loss of Gross

Profit Gross Revenue or Gross Rentals

the above mentioned declaration shall

be increased by the Company for the

purpose of premium adjustment by the

amount by which the Gross Profit Gross

Revenue or Gross Rentals was reduced

during the financial year solely in

consequence of the Incident

If either declaration (adjusted as

provided for above and proportionately

increased where the Maximum

Indemnity Period exceeds 12 months) is

less than the Sum Insured on Gross

Profit Gross Revenue or Gross Rentals

for the relative period of insurance the

Company will allow a pro rata return of

premium not exceeding 50% of the

premium paid

N.B. Accountants may be substituted for

Auditors in respect of companies exempt

from credit requirements

b) It is a condition where Accounts

Receivable are insured by this Section

that the Insured shall within thirty days

of the end of each month deposit with

the Company a signed statement

showing the total amount of the balance

in the Insured’s accounts debited to

Customers and remaining unpaid as at

the end of the said month In the event

of the average amount of the said

signed statements during any annual

Period of Insurance being less than the

Sum Insured by the item on Accounts

Receivable a pro rata return of premium

not exceeding 50% of the premium paid

on such Sum Insured for such Period of

Insurance will be made in respect of the


Prevention of Access Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property in the

vicinity of the Premises by any cause

which would otherwise form the basis of

indemnity under the Material Damage

Section or Theft Section (if insured) or

Terrorism Section (if insured) which shall

prevent or hinder the use of the Premises

or access thereto whether the Premises or

property of the Insured therein shall be

damaged or not but excluding loss

destruction or damage to property of any

supply undertaking from which the Insured

obtains electricity gas or water or

telecommunications services that prevents

or hinders the supply of such services

Professional Accountants Clause

Any particulars or details contained in the

Insured’s books of account or other

business books or documents which may

be required by the Company under part (b)

of Special Condition 1 for the purpose of

investigating or verifying any claim

hereunder may be produced by

professional accountants if at the time they

are regularly acting as such for the Insured

and their report shall be prima facie

evidence of the particulars and details to

which such report relates

The Company will pay to the Insured the

reasonable charges payable by the

Insured to their professional accountants

for producing such particulars or details or

any other proofs information or evidence

as may be required by the Company under

Business Interruption Section

part (b) of Special Condition 1 of this

Section and reporting that such particulars

or details are in accordance with the

Insured’s books of account or other

business books or documents

The maximum the Company will pay

hereunder combined with any other

amount payable under the Section

corresponding to the same loss shall not

exceed the Sum Insured applicable to the


Suppliers – Specified Clause The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

at the premises of the Insured’s suppliers

specified in the Schedule

Provided that the liability of the Company

under this Clause shall not exceed 20% of

the Sum Insured applicable to each Item

specified in the Schedule in respect of any

one occurrence

Suppliers – Unspecified Clause

The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

at any premises situated within Great

Britain Northern Ireland the Channel

Islands and the Isle of Man of any of the

Insured’s suppliers other than those

premises specified in the Schedule

Provided that

(i) the liability of the Company under this

Clause shall not exceed 10% of the

Sum Insured applicable to each Item

specified in the Schedule in respect of

any one occurrence

(ii) the Company shall not be liable

hereunder in respect of premises or

facilities of any supply undertaking

from which the Insured obtains

electricity gas water or

telecommunication services

Storage Sites Clause

The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon loss

destruction or damage by any cause which

would otherwise form the basis of

indemnity under the Material Damage

Section or Theft Section (if insured) or

Terrorism Section (if insured) to premises

which are not occupied by the Insured but

where the property of the Insured is stored

or DAMAGE to Property Insured whilst at

such premises situated within Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and

the Isle of Man

Subrogation Waiver Clause In the event of a claim arising under this

section We agree to waive any rights

remedies or relief to which they might

have become entitled by subrogation


a) any Company standing in relation of

Parent to Subsidiary (Subsidiary to

Parent) to the Insured as defined in the

Companies Act or the Companies (NI)

Order as appropriate current at the time

of the loss

b) any Company which is a subsidiary of a

Parent Company of which the Insured

are themselves a Subsidiary in each

case within the meaning of the

Companies Act or the Companies (NI)

Order as appropriate current at the time

of the loss

Business Interruption Section

Exclusion Clauses

Terrorism Exclusion Clause This Section does not cover


nature directly or indirectly caused by

resulting from or in connection with

1. any act of Terrorism regardless of any

other cause or event contributing

concurrently or in any other sequence

to the loss

2. any action taken in controlling

preventing suppressing or in any way

relating to any act of Terrorism

If the Company alleges that by reason of

this exclusion any loss damage cost or

expense is not covered by this Section of

the Policy the burden of proving the

contrary shall be upon the Insured

In the event any portion of this exclusion is

found to be invalid or unenforceable the

remainder shall remain in full force and


Definition – Terrorism

In respect of England Scotland and Wales Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto as certified by Her Majesty's Government or H M Treasury or any successor relevant authority

In respect of Northern Ireland Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or put the public or any section of the public in fear

In respect of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto In respect of elsewhere in the world Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or the threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or to put the public or any section of the public in fear

Date Recognition Exclusion Clause

This Section does not cover


indirectly caused by or contributed to by or

arising from the failure of any computer or

other equipment data processing service

product microchip micro processor

integrated circuit embedded chip or similar

device computer software program or

process or any other electronic system or

any design or advice in connection with

any of the foregoing irrespective of

ownership possession or use and whether

occurring before during or after the Year


i) correctly to recognise any date as its

true calendar date

ii) to capture save or retain and/or

correctly to manipulate interpret or

process any data or information or

command or instruction as a result of

treating any date otherwise than as its

true calendar date

iii) to capture save or retain or correctly to

process any data as a result of the

operation of any command which has

Business Interruption Section

been programmed into any computer

software being a command which

causes the loss of data or the inability to

capture save retain or correctly to

process such data on or after any date

but this shall not exclude subsequent


excluded which itself results from fire

lightning explosion aircraft or other aerial

devices or articles dropped therefrom riot

civil commotion strikers locked out workers

persons taking part in labour disturbances

malicious persons theft earthquake storm

flood escape of water from any tank

apparatus or pipe or impact by any road

vehicle or animal provided such

contingency is insured by this Section

Business Interruption Section

Special Conditions

1. Claims Conditions

a) In the event of any loss destruction or

damage in consequence of which a

claim is or may be made under this

Section the Insured shall

– notify the Company immediately

– deliver to the Company at the

Insured’s expense within 7 days of

its happening or becoming aware

of its happening full details of loss

destruction or damage caused by

riot civil commotion strikers

locked-out workers persons taking

part in labour disturbances or

malicious persons

– with due diligence carry out and

permit to be taken any action

which may be reasonably

practicable to minimise or check

any interruption of or interference

with the Business or to avoid or

diminish the loss

b) In the event of a claim being made

under this Section the Insured at their

own expense shall

– (not later than 30 days after the

expiry of the Indemnity Period or

within such further time as the

Company may allow) deliver to the

Company in writing particulars of

their claim together with details of

all other insurances covering

property used by the Insured at

the Premises for the purpose of

the Business or any part of it or

any resulting consequential loss

NB The words in brackets do not apply

to any Item on Accounts Receivable

– deliver to the Company such

books of account and other

business books vouchers invoices

balance sheets and other

documents proofs information

explanation and other evidence as

may be reasonably required by

the Company for the purpose of

investigating or verifying the claim

together with if demanded a

statutory declaration of the truth of

the claim and of any matters

connected with it

c) If the terms of this condition have not

been complied with

– no claims under this Section shall

be payable and

– any payment on account of the

claim already made shall be

repaid to the Company forthwith

Business Interruption Section

Special Clauses

(Each Special Clause only applies if

the corresponding number is shown in

the Schedule)

1. Declaration Linked Clause a) The Insured shall prior to each Period

of Insurance furnish the Company with

the Estimated Gross Profit Estimated

Gross Revenue or Estimated Gross

Rentals as insured hereby for the

financial year most nearly concurrent

with the ensuing year of insurance

b) The first and annual premiums in

respect of each item on Estimated

Gross Profit Estimated Gross

Revenue or Estimated Gross Rentals

as insured hereby are provisional and

are based on the Estimated Gross

Profit Estimated Gross Revenue or

Estimated Gross Rentals

The Insured shall provide the Company

not later than six months after the expiry of

each Period of Insurance with a

declaration confirmed by the Insured’s

auditors of the Gross Profit Gross

Revenue or Gross Rentals earned during

the financial year most nearly concurrent

with the Period of Insurance

NB Accountants may be substituted for

Auditors in respect of companies exempt

from audit requirements

If any Incident shall have occurred giving

rise to a claim for loss of Gross Profit

Gross Revenue or Gross Rentals the

above mentioned declaration shall be

increased by the Company for the purpose

of premium adjustment by the amount by

which the Gross Profit Gross Revenue or

Gross Rentals was reduced during the

financial year solely in consequence of the


If the declaration (adjusted as provided

above and proportionately increased

where the Maximum Indemnity Period

exceeds 12 months) is

(i) less than the Estimated Gross

Profit Estimated Gross Revenue or

Estimated Gross Rentals as insured

hereby for the relative Period of Insurance

the Company will allow a pro rata return of

the premium paid on the Estimated Gross

Profit Estimated Gross Revenue or

Estimated Gross Rentals as insured

hereby but not exceeding 50% of such


(ii) greater than the Estimated Gross

Profit Estimated Gross Revenue or

Estimated Gross Rentals as insured

hereby for the relative Period of Insurance

the Insured shall pay a pro rata addition to

the premium paid on the Estimated Gross

Profit Estimated Gross Revenue or

Estimated Gross Rentals as insured


c) Notwithstanding proviso 2 in Indemnity

Clause A the liability of the Company

shall in no case exceed in respect of

Gross Profit Gross Revenue or Gross

Rentals 133 1/3% of the Estimated

Gross Profit Estimated Gross

Revenue or Estimated Gross Rentals

stated herein and in respect of each

other item 100% of the sums insured

by the said items or such other

amounts as may be substituted

therefore by memorandum signed by

or on behalf of the Company

Part a) of the Premium Adjustment Clause

is deleted

(iii) Proviso (i) of Basis of Loss Settlement

is deleted

2. Supply Undertakings – Failure of

Supply Clause

The Company shall indemnify the Insured

in respect of loss as insured herein which

results from interruption of or interference

with the Business consequent upon

Business Interruption Section

accidental failure in Great Britain Northern

Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of

Man of

a) the public supply of electricity at the

terminal ends of the supply

undertaking’s service feeders at the


b) the public supply of gas at the supply

undertaking’s meters at the Premises

c) the public supply of water at the

supply undertaking’s main stop cock

serving the Premises

d) the public supply of

telecommunications services other

than satellite services at the incoming

line terminals or receivers at the


but excluding any failure of supply

i) which does not involve a cessation of

supply of at least 12 (twelve)

consecutive hours

ii) caused by the deliberate act of any

supply undertaking or by the exercise

by any such undertaking of its power

to withhold or restrict supply or

services except that this shall not

exclude an act performed for the sole

purpose of safeguarding life or

protecting a part of the supply

undertaking’s systems nor shall this

exclude an act whereby at the

insistence of a gas supply undertaking

the electricity supply to the Premises

is disconnected at the mains due to an

apparent or actual accidental leakage

of gas from pipes within the immediate

vicinity of the Premises nor shall this

exclude a scheme of rationing which is

necessitated solely because of

damage to any property forming part

of the supply undertaking’s system

iii) due to strikes or any labour or trade

dispute or any industrial action

iv) due to drought

v) due to atmospheric or weather

conditions but this shall not exclude

failure due to damage to equipment

caused by such conditions

Provided that

(i) the liability of the Company under this

Clause shall not exceed the amount

expressed as a monetary sum

applicable to each Item specified in

the Schedule in respect of any one


(ii) the maximum Indemnity Period under

this Clause shall not exceed 6 (six)


Business Interruption Section

The Cover - All Risks

Indemnity Clause A (Applicable to all Items other than any Item

on Accounts Receivable)

The Company agrees that if any building or

other property used by the Insured at the

Premises for the purpose of the Business

be accidentally lost destroyed or damaged

and in consequence the Business carried

on by the Insured at the Premises be

interrupted or interfered with then the

Company will pay to the Insured in respect

of each Item in the Schedule the amount of

loss resulting from such interruption or

interference provided that

1. at the time of the happening of the loss

destruction or damage there shall be in

force an insurance covering the interest

of the Insured in the property at the

Premises against such loss destruction

or damage and that

i) payment shall have been made or

liability admitted therefore or

ii) payment would have been made or

liability admitted therefore but for the

operation of a proviso in such

insurance excluding liability for losses

below a specified amount

2. the liability of the Company under this

Section shall not exceed

i) in the whole the total Sum Insured or

in respect of any Item its Sum

Insured at the time of the loss

destruction or damage

ii) the Sum Insured remaining after

deduction for any other interruption or

interference consequent upon loss

destruction or damage occurring

during the same Period of Insurance

unless the Company shall have

agreed to reinstate any such Sum


Indemnity Clause B (Applicable to any Item on Accounts


The Company agrees that if any of the

Insured’s books of account or other

business books or records at the Premises

be so destroyed or damaged as to render it

impossible for the Insured to obtain from

Customers all the sums due to them and

outstanding at the date of the damage then

the Company will pay to the Insured the

amount they may be entitled to recover

under the provisions of this Section

provided the liability of the Company under

this Section shall not exceed

i) in the whole the total Sum Insured or in

respect of any Item its Sum Insured at the

time of the loss destruction or damage

ii) the Sum Insured remaining after

deduction for any other claim under this

Section consequent upon loss destruction

or damage occurring during the same

Period of Insurance unless the Company

shall have agreed to reinstate any such

Sum Insured

Business Interruption Section

Additional Definitions 1. The words CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS in

capital letters shall mean loss resulting

from interruption of or interference with

the Business carried on by the Insured at

the Premises in consequence of loss

destruction or damage to property by any

cause which would otherwise form the

basis of indemnity under the Material

Damage Section or Theft Section (if

insured) or Terrorism Section (if insured)

used by the Insured at the Premises for

the purpose of the Business

2. The words Defined Peril shall mean fire

lightning explosion aircraft or other aerial

devices or articles dropped therefrom riot

civil commotion strikers locked-out

workers persons taking part in labour

disturbances malicious persons

earthquake storm flood escape of water

from any tank apparatus or pipe or

impact by any road vehicle or animal

Exclusions This Section does not cover

1. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS caused by or

consisting of

a) inherent vice latent defect gradual

deterioration wear and tear frost

change in water table level its own

faulty or defective design or materials

b) faulty or defective workmanship

operational error or omission on the

part of the Insured or any of their


c) the bursting of any vessel machine or

apparatus (not being a boiler or

economiser on the Premises or a

boiler used for domestic purposes

only) in which internal pressure is due

to steam only and belonging to or

under the control of the Insured

d) pressure waves caused by aircraft or

other aerial devices travelling at sonic

or supersonic speeds

but this shall not exclude


results from a cause not otherwise



a) caused by or consisting of corrosion

rust wet or dry rot shrinkage

evaporation loss of weight dampness

dryness marring scratching vermin or


b) caused by or consisting of change in

temperature colour flavour texture or


c) arising directly from theft or attempted

theft unless the Theft Section is shown

as being operative in the Schedule in

which event this shall not exclude


results from

i) theft or attempted theft involving entry to or exit from the Premises by forcible and violent means

ii) theft following assault or violence

or threat thereof to the Insured any employee of the Insured or any other person lawfully in the Premises

d) consisting of joint leakage failure of

welds cracking fracturing collapse or

overheating of boilers economisers

superheaters pressure vessels or any

range of steam and feed piping in

connection therewith

e) consisting of mechanical or electrical

breakdown or derangement in respect

of the particular machine apparatus or

equipment in which such breakdown

or derangement originates

Business Interruption Section

3. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS resulting from

pollution or contamination but this shall


resulting from destruction of or damage

to property used by the Insured at the

Premises for the purpose of the

Business not otherwise excluded caused


i) pollution or contamination at the

Premises which itself results from a

Defined Peril

ii) a Defined Peril which itself results

from pollution or contamination

4. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS caused by or

consisting of

a) subsidence ground heave or

landslip unless resulting from fire

explosion earthquake or the

escape of water from any tank

apparatus or pipe

b) normal settlement or bedding down

of new structures

c) acts of fraud or dishonesty

Except that this shall not exclude CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS caused by or consisting of subsidence ground heave or landslip where Special Clause 1 under the Material Damage Section is shown as being operative in the Schedule

CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS arising directly

or indirectly from

d) disappearance unexplained or

inventory shortage misfiling or

misplacing of information

e) i) erasure loss distortion or

corruption of information on

computer systems or other

records programs or software

caused deliberately by rioters

strikers locked-out workers

persons taking part in labour

disturbances or civil commotion

or malicious persons

ii) other erasure loss distortion or

corruption of information on

computer systems or other records

programs or software unless

resulting from a Defined Peril in so

far as it is not otherwise excluded


from destruction of or damage to a

building or structure used by the

Insured at the Premises caused by its

own collapse or cracking unless

resulting from a Defined Peril in so far

as it is not otherwise excluded

6. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS in respect of

moveable property in the open fences

and gates caused by wind rain hail

sleet snow flood or dust


a) caused by fire resulting from its

undergoing any heating process or

any process involving the

application of heat

b) (other than by fire or explosion)

resulting from its undergoing any

process of production packing

treatment testing commissioning

servicing or repair

8. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS in respect of

a) fixed glass

b) glass (other than fixed glass) china

earthenware marble or other fragile

or brittle objects

c) computers or data processing


d) vehicles licensed for road use

(including accessories thereon)

caravans trailers railway

locomotives rolling stock watercraft

or aircraft

e) property or structures in course of

construction or erection and

materials or supplies in connection

Business Interruption Section

with all such property in course of

construction or erection

f) land roads pavements piers jetties

bridges culverts or excavations

g) livestock growing crops or trees

other than in respect of


Defined Peril in so far as it is not

otherwise excluded


by war invasion act of foreign enemy

hostilities (whether war be declared or

not) civil war rebellion revolution

insurrection military or usurped power

nationalisation confiscation requisition

seizure or destruction by the

government or any public authority


by or happening through or occasioning

loss or destruction of or damage to any

property whatsoever or any loss or

expense whatsoever resulting or

arising therefrom or any


indirectly caused by or contributed to

by or arising from

a) ionising radiations or contamination

by radioactivity from any nuclear

fuel or from any nuclear waste from

the combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or

other hazardous properties of any

explosive nuclear assembly or

nuclear component thereof


Ireland occasioned by or happening

through or in consequence directly or

indirectly of

i) riot civil commotion and (except in


LOSS by fire or explosion) strikers

locked-out workers or persons

taking part in labour disturbances

or malicious persons

ii) Terrorism as defined in the

Terrorism Exclusion Clause

In any action suit or other proceedings

where the Company alleges that by

reason of this definition any


covered by this Section the burden of

proving that such CONSEQUENTIAL

LOSS is covered shall be upon the


12. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS directly or

indirectly caused by or arising from any

programming or operator error Virus or

Similar Mechanism or Hacking in

respect of any computer or other

equipment or component or system or

item which processes stores transmits

or retrieves data or any part thereof

whether tangible or intangible

(including but without limitation any

information or programs or software)

and whether the property of the Insured

or not

but this shall not exclude


otherwise excluded which itself results

from a Defined Peril save in respect of

malicious persons other than thieves

For the purposes of this Exclusion the

following Definitions apply


a) Virus or Similar Mechanism shall

mean program code programming

instruction or any set of instructions

intentionally constructed with the ability

to damage interfere with or otherwise

adversely affect computer programs

data files or operations whether

involving self-replication or not This

Definition shall include but is not limited

to Trojan horses worms and logic


b) Hacking shall mean unauthorised

access to any computer or other

equipment or component or system or

Business Interruption Section

item which processes stores transmits

and retrieves data

Exclusion 12 is deemed to apply in

addition to Exclusion 4 (e)


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

Part 1 - Money

Definitions Wherever the following words and phrases

appear in Part 1 of this Section they will

have these meanings

Money Cash bank and currency notes cheques

postal orders money orders crossed

bankers drafts current postage stamps

unused units in franking machines

National Savings stamps and Certificates

National Insurance stamps Trading

stamps Gift tokens Customer redemption

vouchers VAT purchase receipts Credit

Company sales vouchers credit card

counterfoils travellers tickets phonecards

(excluding phonecards held in stock for

resale) and insofar as such are not

otherwise insured Holidays-with-pay

stamps and Luncheon Vouchers

Non-negotiable Money Crossed cheques crossed postal orders crossed money orders crossed bankers drafts National Savings Certificates Credit Company sales vouchers or receipts National Insurance stamps affixed to cards and VAT purchase receipts

Business Hours The Insured’s usual office hours and the working hours (including overtime) during which the Insured or his employees entrusted with Money are on the Insured’s Premises or sites of contracts for the purposes of the Business


The Company shall

1. indemnify the Insured against

a) loss of Money the property of the

Insured or for which the Insured is

legally responsible for or for which the

Insured has accepted responsibility for

occurring when

i) in transit

ii) on the Premises during Business


iii) in night safe at a bank

iv) at the residence of any principal or

authorised employee of the Insured

v) in any gaming amusement or

vending machine

vi) comprising unused units in franking


vii) on the Premises out of Business

Hours in any locked safe or

strongroom as specified in the


viii) on the Premises out of Business

Hours in any other locked wall or

floor safe

ix) on the Premises out of Business

Hours in any other locked

freestanding safe

x) on the Premises out of Business

Hours not contained in a locked safe

or strongroom

anywhere in Great Britain Northern

Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle

of Man up to

i) the Limits of Liability stated in the

Schedule any one loss


Money Section

ii) £250,000 any one loss of Non-

negotiable Money

b) loss of or damage to safes and

strongrooms resulting from theft of

Money or any attempt thereat

c) financial loss suffered as the result of

fraudulent unauthorised use of any

credit debit cash or charge card used

solely in connection with the Business

subject to a limit of £250 in respect of

any one card

2. pay for loss of or damage to clothing

and personal effects belonging to the

Insured or any employee of the

Insured caused by robbery or attempt

thereat occurring in the course of the

Business subject to a limit of £250 in

respect of any one person

Exceptions to Part 1

The Company shall not indemnify the

Insured against

a) loss from unattended motor vehicles b) loss arising from fraud or dishonesty of

the Insured’s employees unless such loss is discovered within fourteen working days of the occurrence

c) loss due to clerical or accounting errors d) loss insured (or which would but for the

existence of this Section be insured) by any Theft by Employee Fidelity Guarantee Crime or similar policy or Theft policy except for the excess of any amount recoverable (or which would but for the existence of this Section be recoverable) there under

Security Condition

It is a condition precedent to the Company’s liability that whenever Money (other than Non-negotiable Money) in transit exceeds £3000 at any one time it

a) will be accompanied by the following number of responsible adult persons


b) not more than the amount shown in the Schedule will be carried by any one person

Amount in Transit

Number of Accompanying Responsible Adults

i) from £3001 - £6000


ii) from £6001 - £10000


iii) A security company approved by the Company will be utilised for Money in transit in excess of £10000 up to £30000. If it is not possible to use a security company for transits above £10000 Money

i) up to £15000 must be carried by car and accompanied by at least four responsible adult persons

ii) in excess of £15000 must be divided equally between at least two cars and accompanied by at least four responsible adult persons per car

Security of Keys to Safes – Your

attention is drawn to Special

Condition 3

Money Section

Part 2 – Personal Accident – Assault

Indemnity If any principal or employee of the Insured within the age limits of 16 and 70 years inclusive (hereinafter called the Insured Person) shall suffer bodily injury sustained as the result of a) robbery or attempted robbery or b) hold-up or attempted hold-up in the course of the Business (which injury shall be the sole and direct cause of death or disablement as described in the Table of Compensations) the Company will pay the Insured in trust for the Insured Person or in the event of death for the personal representatives of the Insured Person compensation upon the basis of and in accordance with the Table of Compensations Provided always that a) any compensation payable in respect

of item 4 shall not exceed the Insured Person’s average weekly remuneration from the Insured over the period of 13 weeks immediately prior to the event giving rise to the bodily injury

b) the Insured Person shall not be entitled

to compensation under more than one of the items of the Table of Compensations in respect of the same injury

c) the Company shall not be liable to

make any further payments once a claim under one of items 1 to 3 has been admitted and become payable

1 Death* £25,000

2 Total loss or permanent and total loss of use of one or more limbs*


3 Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one or both eyes*



Total disablement from engaging in or giving attention to the Insured Persons usual profession or occupation – compensation (while the Insured Person shall be so disabled) for a period not exceeding 104 weeks in respect of any one injury calculated from the date thereof at the rate of

£200 per week


Reimbursement of incurred medical expenses* up to


*Occurring within 2 years of the event giving

rise to the bodily injury

Money Section

Special Conditions Applicable to Part 2 1. Notice of every injury in respect of

which a claim is to be made shall be

given to the Company in writing as soon

as possible but in any case within three

months of the event giving rise to the


2. All certificates information and evidence

required by the Company shall be

furnished at the expense of the Insured

and shall be in such form and of such

nature as the Company may prescribe

The Insured Person as often as

required shall submit to medical

examination on behalf of the Company

at its own expense in respect of any

alleged bodily injury

3. The Company shall in the case of death

of the Insured Person be entitled to

have a post-mortem examination

undertaken at its own expense

Exclusions applicable to this Section This Section does not cover

a) loss destruction or damage occasioned

by war invasion act of foreign enemy

hostilities (whether war be declared or

not) civil war rebellion revolution

insurrection or military or usurped


b) loss or destruction of or damage to any

property whatsoever or any loss or

expense whatsoever resulting or

arising therefrom or any consequential

loss or any legal liability of whatsoever

nature directly or indirectly caused by

or contributed to by or arising from

i) ionising radiations or contamination

by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel

or from any nuclear waste from the

combustion of nuclear fuel

ii) the radioactive toxic explosive or other

hazardous properties of any explosive

nuclear assembly or nuclear

component thereof

c) loss destruction or damage in

Northern Ireland occasioned by or

happening through or in consequence


i) civil commotion

ii) Terrorism as defined in d) below

d) loss damage cost or expense of

whatsoever nature directly or indirectly

caused by resulting from or in

connection with

1. Any act of Terrorism regardless of

any other cause or event

contributing concurrently or in any

other sequence to the loss

2. Any action taken in controlling

preventing suppressing or in any

way relating to any act of Terrorism

If the Company alleges that by reason of

this exclusion any loss damage cost or

expense is not covered by this Section of

the burden of proving the contrary shall be

upon the Insured

In the event any portion of this exclusion is

found to be invalid or unenforceable the

remainder shall remain in full force and


Definition – Terrorism

In respect of England Scotland and Wales

Terrorism is defined as an act of any

person(s) acting on behalf of or in

connection with any organisation which

carries out activities directed towards the

overthrowing or influencing by force or

violence of any government de jure or de

facto as certified by Her Majesty's

Government or H M Treasury or any

successor relevant authority

In respect of Northern Ireland Terrorism is

defined as an act including but not limited

Money Section

to the use of force or violence and or

threat thereof of any person or group(s) of

persons whether acting alone or on behalf

of or in connection with any

organisation(s) or government(s)

committed for political religious ideological

or similar purposes including the intention

to influence any government and or put

the public or any section of the public in


In respect of the Channel Islands and the

Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as an act

of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in

connection with any organisation which

carries out activities directed towards the

overthrowing or influencing by force or

violence of any government de jure or de


Special Conditions applicable to

this Section

1. The Insured shall take all reasonable

precautions for the safety of the Money

and immediately upon having

knowledge of any event giving rise or

likely to give rise to a claim under this

Section shall

a) give immediate notice to the Police

and to the Company and take all

practicable steps to discover the guilty

person or persons and to recover the

Money lost

b) give immediate notice to the Inland

Revenue of any loss of stamped

National Insurance cards

c) deliver to the Company as soon as

reasonably possible from the date on

which the event shall have come to

the Insured’s knowledge a detailed

statement in writing of the loss

d) furnish all explanations vouchers

proof of ownership and other

evidence to substantiate the claim

and the Company may if it deem

necessary require corroborative

evidence of the statements of the

Insured or of any of the Insured’s


e) the Insured upon becoming aware of

a loss of any credit debit cash or

charge card shall give immediate

notice to the organisation which

issued the card

2. The Insured shall keep a daily record of

the amount of Money contained in safes

or strongrooms and such record shall

be deposited in a secure place other

than the said safes or strongrooms and

be produced as documentary evidence

in support of a claim under this Section

3. The keys of safes or strongrooms shall

not be left on the Premises out of

Business Hours unless the Premises

are still occupied by the Insured or any

authorised employee of the Insured in

which event such keys if left on the

Premises shall be deposited in a secure

place not in the vicinity of safes or


Money Section

Special Clauses

(Each Special Clause only applies if the corresponding number is shown in the


1. Alarm Clause It is a condition precedent to liability under this Section in respect of loss destruction or damage as the result of theft (or attempted theft) involving entry to or exit from the Premises by forcible and violent means that a) The Premises are protected by an

Intruder Alarm System designed installed and maintained to British Standard BS4737 or EN50131 including where stipulated by the Company or the Police Code of Practice DD243 or any subsequent replacing or amending standards or codes

b) The Intruder Alarm System and

maintenance company must be both:

I. A member of an Alarm Inspectorate which is accredited by UKAS to EN 45011 or EN 45012 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard


II. Accredited and operate a Quality

Management System in accordance with EN ISO 9000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard

c) The Intruder Alarm System shall be

maintained in full and efficient working order under a contract to provide both corrective and preventative maintenance as per the requirements of BS4737 or EN 50131 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard with the installing company or such other company as agreed with the Company

Where remote alarm signalling is required the signal transmission must be transmitted to an alarm receiving centre fully compliant with BS5979:2000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard and operated by a company accredited and

operating to a Quality Management System in accordance with EN ISO 9000 or any subsequent replacing or amending standard

d) No alteration to or substitution of

i) any part of the Intruder Alarm System

ii) the maintenance contract iii) the structure of the Premises or

changes to the layout of the Premises which would affect the effectiveness of the Intruder Alarm System

iv) the procedures agreed with the

Company for Police or any other response to any activation of the Intruder Alarm System

is to be made without the written agreement of the Company

e) The Alarmed Premises shall not be left

unattended without the agreement of the Company

i) unless the Intruder Alarm System is

set in its entirety with the means of communication used to transmit signals (including both alarm transmission systems for dual signalling systems) in full operation

ii) if the Police have withdrawn their

response to alarm activations

f) The Insured shall maintain secrecy of codes for the operation of the Intruder Alarm System and detail of such codes and all keys to the Intruder Alarm System shall be removed from the Premises when the Premises are left unattended

g) The Insured shall appoint at least two

Key Holders and lodge written details (which must be kept up to date) with the alarm company and either the Police or the Alarm Receiving Centre

Money Section

h) In the event of notification of any

activation of the Intruder Alarm System or interruption of means of communication including one or both alarm transmission systems in respect of dual signalling systems during any period the Intruder Alarm System is set a Key Holder shall attend the Premises as soon as reasonably possible

i) In the event of the Insured receiving

any notification

I. the Police attendance in response to alarm signals/calls from the Intruder Alarm System may be withdrawn or the level of response reduced or delayed

II. from a Local Authority or

Magistrate imposing any requirement for abatement of nuisance

III. that the Intruder Alarm System

cannot be returned to or maintained in full working order

the Insured shall advise the Company as soon as possible and comply with any subsequent requirements stipulated by the Company

Definitions applicable to this Clause Intruder Alarm System An electrical installation to detect and indicate the presence entry or attempted entry of an intruder into the Premises including all devices and means of communication used to receive and transmit signals to an Alarm Receiving Centre Alarmed Premises The Premises or those portions of the Premises protected by the Intruder Alarm System Key Holder The Insured or any person or key holding company authorised by the Insured who is available at all times to accept notification of faults or alarm signals to the Intruder Alarm System attend and allow access to the Premises


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definitions

Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section or Schedule they will always have these meanings: Item The insured property as more fully described in the Schedule Location The Premises or territorial limits shown in the Schedule Great Britain Anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Europe Anywhere in Europe Worldwide Anywhere in the World 2. Indemnity The Company will indemnify the Insured against (accidental) loss of or damage or destruction to the property shown in the Schedule at any location shown in the Schedule provided that the Company’s liability shall not exceed

a) the Sum Insured on each item or b) the total Sum Insured or c) any other maximum amount

payable or Limit of Liability specified in the Schedule

not exceeding in respect of any one Item the Sum Insured thereon nor exceeding in the whole the total Sum Insured adjusted

3. Exclusions This Section does not cover a) the first £250 of each claim b) theft or any attempt thereat from the

Premises not involving entry to or exit there from by forcible and violent means

c) loss or damage arising from

gradual deterioration or wear and tear

corrosion, rust or wet or dry rot

shrinkage, evaporation or loss of weight

vermin or insects

mould or fungus

change in temperature colour flavour texture or finish


d) loss by official confiscation or detention

e) loss or damage to any electrically

driving machine or apparatus directly caused by its own overrunning short-circuiting self-heating or by the application of excess electrical energy or mechanical derangement not arising from external impact

f) loss or destruction or damage directly

occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds

g) loss or destruction or damage

occasioned by war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military usurped power

Selected All Risks Section

h) loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss or any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from

ionising radiations or contaminations by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof

i) loss of or damage to any computer or

other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or retrieves data or any part thereof whether tangible or intangible (including but without limitation any information or programs or software) where such loss destruction or damage is caused by programming or operator error Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking including where this results from the actions of malicious persons other than thieves

For the purposes of this Section Exclusion the following definitions apply i) Virus or Similar Mechanism shall mean

program code programming instruction or any set of instructions intentionally constructed with the ability to damage interfere with or otherwise adversely affect computer programs data files or operations whether involving self-replication or not

This definition of Virus or Similar Mechanism includes but is not limited to Trojan horses worms and logic bombs ii) Hacking shall mean unauthorised

access to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or retrieves data

4. Clauses Average Clause If at the time of loss or damage the value of the Item insured is greater than its Sum Insured the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable share of the loss accordingly. Reinstatement Clause Where the Item in the Schedule is marked RI the basis of claims settlement will be the cost of repair or the current replacement value without deduction for wear and tear provided that any necessary repair or replacement is carried out without delay. Terrorism Exclusion Clause This section does not cover loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection with: 1. any act of Terrorism regardless of any

other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss

2. any action taken in controlling

preventing suppressing or in any way relating to any act of Terrorism

3. civil commotion occurring in Northern

Ireland If the Company alleges that by reason of this exclusion any loss damage cost or expense is not covered by this Policy the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder shall remain in full force and effect

Selected All Risks Section

Definition - Terrorism In respect of England Scotland and Wales Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto as certified by Her Majesty's Government or H M Treasury or any successor relevant authority In respect of Northern Ireland Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or put the public or any section of the public in fear In respect of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as an act of any person(s) acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto In respect of elsewhere in the world Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or the threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and or to put the public or any section of the public in fear

5. Special Condition Police Notification The Insured shall give immediate notification to the Police of loss or damage by theft or malicious means

6. Date Recognition Exclusion This Section does not cover loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from the failure of any computer or other equipment data processing service product microchip micro processor integrated circuit embedded chip or similar device computer software program or process or any other electronic system or any design or advice in connection with any of the foregoing irrespective of ownership possession or use and whether occurring before during or after the Year 2000 i) correctly to recognise any date as its

true calendar date ii) to capture save or retain and correctly

manipulate interpret or process any data or information or command or instruction as a result of treating any date otherwise than as its true calendar date.

iii) to capture save or retain or correctly to

process any data as a result of the operation of any command which has been programmed into any computer software being a command which causes the loss of data or the inability to capture save retain or correctly to process such data on or after any date

but this shall not exclude subsequent loss or damage not otherwise excluded which itself results from fire lightning explosion aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom riot civil commotion strikers locked out workers persons taking part in labour disturbances malicious persons theft earthquake storm flood escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe or impact by any road vehicle or animal


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

Indemnity In the event of the licence or registration which has been granted in respect of the Premises or the Business carried on at the Premises being forfeited suspended or withdrawn the Company will pay the Insured at the request of the Insured 1. Loss in accordance with the following


a) By paying an amount representing the difference between the turnover of the Business at the Premises less relative purchases and the turnover of the Business at the Premises less relative purchases during the equivalent period immediately before the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal of the licence or registration

b) By paying any reasonable additional

expenses incurred in maintaining the turnover of the Business at the Premises but not more than what would otherwise be paid under a)

for a period of up to 12 months from the date of the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal of the licence or registration less any amount saved during this period in respect of reduced expenses due to the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal of the licence or registration In adjusting the amount paid all variations or special circumstances affecting the Business shall be taken into account in order that the amount paid shall represent as nearly as practicable the results which would have been expected if the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal had not occurred If the event occurs in the first trading year the payment under a) shall be based on the trading figures immediately before the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal of the licence or registration

2. The reduction in value of the Premises or the Business carried on at the Premises consequent on the forfeiture suspension or withdrawal of the licence or registration

3. All costs and expenses incurred by the

Insured with the written consent of the Company

The maximum amount payable during any Period of Insurance is the Limit of Liability shown in the Schedule Exclusions No claim shall arise under the Section if a) the Insured is entitled to obtain payment

of compensation under any legislation or Bye-law in respect of refusal to renew the licence or registration

b) alterations to the Premises requiring the

consent of the licensing or other authority are made without that consent

c) the Premises are closed for any period

not required by law d) the Premises are not maintained in a

good state of sanitary condition or repair

e) any direction or requirement of the

licensing or other authority is not complied with

f) the forfeiture or refusal to renew the

licence occurs wholly or partly by or through the misconduct procurement connivance neglect or omission of the Insured or by any omission by the Insured to take any step necessary to keep the licence or registration in force

g) prior or subsequent to the refusal to

renew or forfeiture of the licence or registration the Premises are required for any public purpose or if surrender or refusal to renew or forfeiture arises under or results directly or indirectly from any scheme of town or country planning improvement or

Loss of Licence Section

redevelopment or surrender reduction or redistribution of licences in connection with post-war reconstruction or from any alteration of the law affecting the grant surrender refusal to renew or forfeiture of licences or registration

Exclusions b) to f) inclusive shall not apply where the Insured or any other claimant under this Section proves to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company that the matter was completely beyond their power or control Professional Accountants Charges The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of reasonable charges payable by the Insured to his professional accountants for producing any particulars or details contained in the Insured’s business books or such other proofs information or evidence as the Company may require under the terms of General Condition 3 and reporting that such particulars or details are in accordance with the Insured’s business books or documents Value Added Tax To the extent that the Insured is accountable to the tax authorities for Value Added Tax all terms in this Section shall be exclusive of such tax Special Conditions 1. The Insured shall on becoming aware of


a) complaint against the Premises or its control

b) proceedings against or conviction of

the licence holder registered person manager tenant or occupier of the Premises for any breach of the licensing law or registration requirements or any other matter whatsoever where the character or reputation of the person concerned is affected or called into question with respect to his honesty moral standing or sobriety

c) change in the tenancy or

management of the Premises

d) transfer or proposed transfer of the

licence or registration e) alteration in the purpose for which

the Premises are used f) objection to renewal or other

circumstances which may endanger the licence or registration or its renewal

immediately give notice in writing to the Company and supply such additional information and give such assistance as the Company may reasonably require

2. In the event of the death bankruptcy or

incapacity of the Insured or registered person desertion of the Premises or conviction for any offence (where such conviction affects the character or reputation of the convicted person with respect to his honesty moral standing or sobriety) of the tenant manager occupier licence holder or registered person the Insured shall where possible and at the request of the Company procure a suitable person to replace him and one to whom the justices will transfer the licence or grant the licence by way of renewal or apply to the registration authority for registration of that person

3. In the event of the licence or registration

being forfeited or refused renewal the Insured shall –

a) give notice in writing to the Company

within 48 hours of receiving knowledge of such event stating the grounds upon which the licence or registration was forfeited or refused renewal

b) give all such assistance as the

Company may require for the purpose of an appeal against such forfeiture or refusal to renew and allow the Company and its solicitors full discretion in the conduct of such proceedings

c) Provided that it is economically viable

for the Insured to do so apply if possible and if required by the Company for the grant of such new licence or registration for the same or

Loss of Licence Section

alternative premises as may enable the Insured to continue the Business in a similar or alternative form

d) provide a statement of the insured

loss if any together with such documents statements and accounts as may be reasonably required by the Company to verify the same and also if required by the Company make a statutory declaration as to the truth accuracy and comprehensiveness thereof and give the Company free access to the Premises and the books and accounts thereof as may be necessary for ascertaining the value of the property and the goodwill of the Business


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definitions Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Any One Event Any one occurrence or series of occurrences attributable to one original cause Consignment All Property sent at one time in more than one Package but by the same Means of Conveyance to the same destination Enclosed Premises A locked building or a compound bounded on each side by a substantial wall fence or similar structure and having a locked gate. Excess The amount for which You are responsible as the first part of each claim or incident. F.O.B. Free on board. The seller agrees to deliver the Property over the ship’s rail and is responsible for all expenses and insurance up to that point. F.O.A. Free on aircraft. Terms same as F.O.B. Means of Conveyance As described in the Schedule Package All Property sent in one self-contained parcel. Property Goods and tools belonging to You or for which You are responsible and relating to the Business except for any property specifically excluded by this Section.

Territorial Limits England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the Channel Islands the Isle of Man and Eire including sea crossings in or between Vehicle Motor vehicles including trailers and semi-trailers belonging thereto

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

2. Indemnity We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property in transit to destinations within the Territorial Limits whilst carried by the Means of Conveyance Cover commences when the Property is lifted immediately prior to despatch or loading onto the first Means of Conveyance and continues until arrival at its destination including unloading from the Means of Conveyance Cover includes temporary housing in the course of transit whether on or off the Means of Conveyance. This does not include temporary housing of Property unloaded from a Vehicle at any premises owned or rented by You Cover includes incoming supplies and Property consigned to You from addresses within the Territorial Limits if it is Your responsibility provided that You include the value in the estimate You supply and declarations You provide. The maximum We will pay under this Section shall be i) Any one conveyance – the Sum

Insured shown in the Schedule ii) Any One Event including any

Extensions unless otherwise stated herein – the Sum Insured shown in the Schedule as the Limit Any One Event

3. Basis of Valuation The valuation of Property shall be the invoice value. If the Property is not the subject of an invoice the Basis of Valuation will be the value after allowing for wear tear and depreciation of the Property immediately prior to commencement of the transit

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

EXTENSIONS 1. Vehicles operated by You The following additional cover is provided subject to the limitations and requirements shown. a) Expenses

We will pay expenses reasonably incurred for which You are responsible in:

i) the removal of debris and site

clearance of Property damaged whilst in transit from the immediate area of the site where the damage occurred

ii) transferring Property to any other

Vehicle following fire, collision, overturning or impact of the conveying Vehicle including carrying the Property to original destination or to place of collection

iii) reloading onto the Vehicle any

Property which has fallen from the Vehicle

iv) re-securing the Property where there

is dangerous movement of the load in transit.

b) Ropes and Sheets

We will pay for loss or damage (excluding wear and tear) to tarpaulins, sheets, trailer curtains, ropes, chains, webbing straps and packing materials which belong to You or for which You are responsible whilst carried on any Vehicle described in the Schedule

c) Reinstatement of Sum Insured

We will automatically reinstate any the Vehicle Sum Insured as shown in the Schedule from the date of any loss, unless written notice to the contrary is given by Us. You may be required to pay extra premium and if the loss has resulted from theft We may require You to fit additional protective devices to the Vehicle.

d) Personal Effects In the event of the payment of a claim under this Section for Property We will pay up to £100 for loss of or damage (excluding wear and tear) to drivers’ personal effects whilst they are in Vehicles operated by You but We will not pay for audio/visual/ telecommunication equipment or clothing watches and jewellery whilst being or worn on the person

e) Temporary Vehicle Substitution

If Your Vehicles are individually specified in the Schedule We will insure Property carried in any similar road Vehicle subject to the Policy terms and security requirements when Your own Vehicle is out of use undergoing repair, maintenance or testing.

2. Travellers Samples We agree to insure You against loss or damage to travellers samples when they are temporarily removed from the Vehicle and kept in any stockroom, hotel or private dwelling house provided that they remain in the custody or control of You or Your employees subject to the value of the travellers samples being declared to Us.

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

EXCLUSIONS 1) loss or damage to Property directly or

indirectly caused by or arising from:

a) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices

b) ionising radiation or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

c) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or

other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component

d) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy,

hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power

e) delay.

2) this Section does not cover a) loss of or damage to money,

securities for money (which include certificates of bond, stock certificates, bills of exchange, promissory notes), stamps, watches, precious stones, jewellery, bullion, nuclear fuel, nuclear waste, or loss of or injury to living creatures

b) any indirect or consequential loss c) natural deterioration d) the deterioration of Property

conveyed in frozen, chilled or insulated condition due to:

i) faulty stowage ii) incorrect setting or operation of the

equipment iii) variations in temperature unless

directly caused by fire, accident (but not breakdown) to the conveying Vehicle, theft or attempted theft

e) electrical or mechanical derangement unless caused by impact to the conveying Vehicle

Limitations and Requirements i) We will not pay for loss or damage to

Property during any erection dismantling or installation.

ii) If at the time of any loss or damage the

value of the Property is greater than the Sum Insured shown in the Schedule then We will only pay a proportionate share of the claim. This will be the amount that the Sum Insured bears as a proportion to the value of the Property.

iii) If Your Vehicles are left unattended,

You must ensure that all doors and the boot are securely locked and windows and other openings are securely closed.

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

Claims Conditions and Procedure 1. Notification of Claims In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Section You shall as soon as practicable: a) give written notice with full particulars to

Us via Willis Limited including supporting documents and proofs

b) forward to Us via Willis Limited upon

receipt every letter, writ, summons or process

c) tell the Police if there has been a theft,

attempted theft or criminal damage d) if loss or damage is caused by a carrier

You should notify the carrier immediately You are aware of the loss or damage and You may be asked to complete the carrier’s claim form. Any compensation You subsequently receive from a carrier should be paid to Us if We have paid the claim.

2. Claims Control a) No admission, offer, promise, payment

or indemnity shall be made or given by You or on Your behalf without Our written consent.

b) We shall be entitled to take over and

conduct in Your name the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in Your name at Our own expense and for Our benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise.

c) We shall have full discretion in the

conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim.

d) You shall give all information and

assistance that We may require. e) We have the right to take possession

of Property insured under this Section which is affected by a claim. You cannot abandon Property to Us.

3. Basis of Claims Settlement This will normally be a payment in money in accordance with the Basis of Valuation but We have the option to repair, replace or reinstate Property lost or damaged. In the event of loss or damage to any part of a machine which when complete for sale or use consists of several parts, We will only pay for the value of the part actually lost or damaged including any replacement charges. We may, at Our discretion, make a cash settlement instead of providing a replacement, repair or reinstatement.

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

SPECIAL CLAUSES (Each Special Clause only applies if the corresponding number is shown in the


1. Property on approval with customers We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property whilst: a) in transit to or from Your customers

premises on approval b) on the customers premises within the Territorial Limits excluding loss or damage when in use. We will pay up to £20,000 under this extension for Any One Event. 2. Property on demonstration We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property whilst: a) in transit to or from any premises for the purpose of demonstration b) on the premises where the demonstration takes place within the Territorial Limits excluding loss or damage caused during the demonstration itself. We will pay up to £20,000 under this extension for Any One Event. 3. Exhibitions We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property and trade displays or stands belonging to You or for which You are responsible whilst at exhibition within the Territorial Limits including transit to and from the exhibition but excluding i) loss or damage due to atmospheric,

climatic or weather conditions of any kind or due to flood

ii) loss or damage to machinery due to its

own running or operation iii) breakage of china, glass, scientific

instruments or any other Property of a

brittle or fragile nature unless resulting from fire.

4. Packers premises We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property whilst: a) in transit to or from packers premises b) on the packers premises within the Territorial Limits excluding loss or damage caused during the process of packing. We will pay up to £20,000 under this extension for Any One Event. 5. Outworkers premises We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property whilst: a) in transit to or from Your outworkers premises b) on the outworkers premises within the Territorial Limits excluding loss or damage caused during any work process. We will pay up to £20,000 under this extension for Any One Event. 6. F.O.B./F.O.A. Consignments We agree to insure You against loss of or damage to Property which is consigned on F.O.B. or F.O.A. terms and whilst temporarily stored awaiting shipment on any quayside or in any dock or airport store up to but not exceeding a period of 30 days.

Goods in Transit – Own Goods Section

Each of the following Special Clauses only apply if the corresponding letter is shown in the Schedule and only applies in respect of Vehicles operated by You A Overnight Theft Restriction This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle between 9pm and 6am unless it is secured at all points of access and is garaged within Enclosed Premises which are securely locked or have a watchman in constant attendance. It will be up to You to prove that any theft or attempted theft occurred before 9pm or after 6am. B Forcible Entry to Vehicle Restriction This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle unless there are outward signs of forced entry to the Vehicle. C Immobiliser Requirement You must ensure that all Your Vehicles are fitted with a key operated immobiliser approved by Us, and that whenever the Vehicles are left unattended the immobiliser is put into operation. D Alarm Requirement You must have Your Vehicles fitted with an alarm approved by Us. The alarm system must always be switched on and operational when the Vehicles are left unattended. You must have the alarm system regularly serviced and maintained by a qualified person approved by Us. You must not make any alterations to the alarm system without Our agreement. E Never Left Unattended Requirement When Vehicles are carrying Property You must ensure that they will not be left unattended and will always be guarded by You or a responsible able bodied adult. F Exclusion of Overnight Theft Cover

This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle between 9pm and 6am. It will be up to You to prove that any theft or attempted theft occurred before 9pm or after 6am. G Exclusion of Theft Cover in London This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft which occurs within the perimeter of the M25. H Exclusion of travellers samples This Section does not cover travellers samples. I Exclusion of specified Property The value of Property in Vehicles operated by You can be omitted from the annual declaration

GOODS IN TRANSIT – HAULIERS SECTION Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule 1. Definitions Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Any One Event Any one occurrence or series of occurrences attributable to one original cause. C.M.R. The convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road. Consignment All Property sent at one time in one load to by the same conveyance to the same destination. Enclosed Premises A locked building or a compound bounded on each side by a substantial wall, fence or similar structure and having a locked gate. Excess The amount for which You are responsible as the first part of each claim or incident. Property Goods for which you are responsible, carried for a charge and not owned, hired or leased by You, except any property specifically excluded by this Section Sub-Contractor Any carrier (including his/their employees and agents) directly or indirectly engaged by You to carry the Property. Territorial Limits England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the Channel Islands the Isle of Man and Eire including sea crossings in or between These territorial limits are extended: (i) when the basis of cover F is in operation (ii) for Cabotage cover (iii) for Strike and Road Block cover.

as otherwise stated herein Transit The movement of Property from one place to another including loading and unloading and temporary storage in the course of such movements either on or off the Vehicle Temporary storage does not include Property stored: (i) subject to a contract for storage (ii) subject to a contract for storage and

distribution. Vehicle Motor vehicles including trailers and semi-trailers belonging thereto as specified in the Schedule Vehicle Sum Insured The maximum We will pay in respect of Property on any one Vehicle.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

2. Indemnity We agree to insure You in accordance with the basis of cover shown to be operative in the Schedule as defined below – A Liability under the C.M.R. convention for

traffic carried within the Territorial Limits.

B Liability under Road Haulage

Association conditions of carriage. C All risks of loss or damage to Property

(other than that which is subject to the C.M.R. convention) where You can choose to have claims paid in full, regardless of Your legal liability.

D Liability as a carrier or bailee at common

law only. E Liability under Your own conditions of

carriage, a copy of which You have lodged with Us.

F Liability under the C.M.R. convention for

traffic carried in the following European countries :- Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Holland Hungary Liechtenstein Luxembourg Monaco Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland and Turkey (west of the Bosporus).

G Liability for Property in the custody or

control of Sub-Contractors but the benefit of this insurance shall not pass to any Sub-Contractor

H Liability under Freight Transport

Association conditions of carriage.

3. In addition We will pay 1 Legal Costs (a) costs and expenses of claimants for

which You are legally liable (b) legal costs and expenses incurred with

Our written consent in respect of any claim made against You for loss of or damage to Property.

2 Own Goods

for loss of or damage (excluding wear and tear) to the following goods belonging to You or for which You are responsible whilst carried on any Vehicle described in the Schedule:- (a) tarpaulins, sheets, trailer curtains, ropes, webbing straps, packing materials and similar items (b) any other goods (but not containers, flats, demountables, accoutrements to any Vehicles or personal effects) up to a maximum of £10,000 any One Event. 3 Expenses expenses reasonably incurred by You in:- (a) the removal of debris and site

clearance of Property damaged whilst in Transit from the immediate area of the site where the damage occurred including disposal costs

(b) transferring Property to any other

Vehicle following fire, collision, overturning or impact of the conveying Vehicle including carrying the Property to its original destination or to place of collection including costs of demurrage

(c) reloading onto the Vehicle any Property

which has fallen from the Vehicle (d) re-securing the Property where there is

dangerous movement of the load in Transit.

4 Containers for loss of or damage to containers and flats (but not demountable bodies) for which You are responsible to the extent of Your liability, provided they are not owned, hired or leased by You, but not exceeding £35,000 per container or flat. An Excess of £250 applies.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

5 Consequential or Indirect Loss for financial loss suffered by a consignor or consignee (other than injury to any person) for which You are legally liable following accidental:- (a) loss of or damage to Property for which

the Section otherwise provides an Indemnity

(b) delay (other than failure to meet an

agreed delivery time or date) (c) mis-delivery. For this cover to apply You must contract for the carriage either (i) specifically excluding such liability or (ii) limiting liability to the amount of Your

carriage charges for the Consignment. We will pay up to £250,000 under this cover for any One Event. 6 Personal Effects up to £500 for loss or damage (excluding wear and tear) to driver’s personal effects whilst they are in one of Your Vehicles but We will not pay for clothing, watches or jewellery whilst being or worn on the person 7 Common Law Where a Consignment is carried subject to conditions of carriage, but by court ruling the terms of the conditions as specified in the basis of cover shown to be operative in the Schedule are held not to apply, We will insure You for loss of or damage to Property arising from Your liability at common law. We will pay up to £250,000 under this cover for Any One Event. 8 Reinstatement of Sum Insured We will automatically reinstate the Vehicle Sum Insured as shown in the Schedule and, if applicable, the limit payable under the Loss of Use extension, from the date of any loss, unless written notice to the contrary is given by Us. You may be required to pay extra premium. 9 Temporary Vehicle Substitution If the Policy is arranged on a specified Vehicle basis, We will insure Property

carried in any similar road Vehicle subject to the Policy terms and security requirements when Your own Vehicle is out of use undergoing repair, maintenance or testing. 10 Cabotage If the basis of cover C and/or F apply We will insure You for all risks of loss or damage to Property carried solely within the individual borders of the following countries – Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Holland Hungary Liechtenstein Luxembourg Monaco Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland and Turkey (west of the Bosporus) – for a sum insured of £50,000 or the Vehicle Sum Insured whichever the less. You must notify Us immediately if Your haulage charges in respect of Cabotage traffic exceed 10% of Your total charges in any one period of insurance. 11 Strike and Road Block We agree to compensate You for financial loss suffered by You (but not by Your customer) directly arising out of unforeseen delay in the ordinary course of Transit of Your Vehicle(s) whilst Your Vehicle(s) are at a standstill due to (a) the blocking of public roads, highways,

border crossings or ports caused solely and directly by strikes, industrial action, demonstration, riot or civil commotion or avalanche

(b) the cancellation of scheduled ferry

crossings because of adverse weather conditions within the Territorial Limits shown below.

Provided that the financial loss arose through circumstances You could not avoid and the consequences of which You were unable to prevent. In the event of a claim it will be up to You to prove that this proviso was met. Compensation Compensation shall be payable at the rate of £300 per day (24 hours) or pro rata per Vehicle up to a maximum of 21 days. We will pay up to £10,000 for One Event and

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

£20,000 in any one period of insurance. Compensation for the first 48 hours of any delay caused by strikes, industrial action, demonstration, riot or civil commotion, avalanche or the cancellation of scheduled ferry crossings is excluded. Territorial Limits England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the Channel Islands the Isle of Man Eire Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Holland Liechtenstein Luxembourg Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Section The maximum We will pay under this Section including any extensions clauses or endorsements for Any One Event shall be the amount shown in the Schedule as the Sum Insured Any One Event 4. Limitations 1 If basis of cover C applies and at the time of any loss or damage, the value of the property is greater than the Vehicle Sum Insured shown in the Schedule, then We will only pay a proportionate share of the claim. This will be the amount that the Vehicle Sum Insured bears as a proportion to the value of the Property. 2 If the basis of cover B, E or H apply You will not accept any liability beyond that provided by the Standard Conditions without first obtaining Our approval. 3 We will only insure You for theft, pilferage or shortages of the under-noted Property if left unattended and not guarded by You or a responsible able-bodied adult up to £40,000 for Any One Event. If the loss is from a Vehicle, the Vehicle Sum Insured shall apply if that is less:- • Bottled Spirits • Processed tobacco or tobacco products

(except that this Limitation shall not apply to raw leaf)

• Audio/visual equipment and/or

accessories • Computer equipment and/or accessories

• Non-ferrous metals in scrap sheet bar

ingot or similar form The above limitation will not apply if such

Property is carried unknowingly:- (i) in sealed containers or (ii) as part of a groupage load.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

SPECIAL CLAUSES (Each Special Clause only applies if the corresponding number or letter is shown in

the Schedule)

1. Household Removals This Section is extended to insure You for household removals in accordance with the basis of cover shown to be operative in the Schedule. 2. Livestock This Section is extended to insure You for death, loss of or injury to livestock whilst being loaded onto, carried by or unloaded from any Vehicle described in the Schedule anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man by either:- (a) fire or (b) accidental means or (c) theft Loading starts as the animal mounts the ramp and unloading finishes as the animal leaves the ramp. Additional conditions:- (i) any Vehicle used must be constructed specifically for the safe carriage of livestock (ii) the loading and unloading operations are done under adequate supervision and by means of a specially constructed ramp. We will pay up to £1,000 for any one animal. The exclusion of death of injury to living creatures in General Exclusion 2 (a) of this Section does not apply to livestock.

3. Loss of Use This Section is extended to insure You for loss of use of any Vehicle operated by You which is comprehensively insured by You under a motor policy. If any of these Vehicles are out of use as a result of fire or accidental damage whilst being used by You and loaded with at least one Consignment, We will pay for:- (a) the cost of actual hiring of a

replacement Vehicle of similar type and carrying capacity to Your own

or (b) hiring charges payable to Your

principal for which You are legally liable, provided Your principal sustains a financial loss and makes a claim against You

or (c) normal hire purchase payments that

are still due in respect of the damaged Vehicle, although a replacement is not required.

Weekly payments will be covered by Us until Your Vehicle is returned to You following repair, or until a replacement is purchased, subject to a maximum period of five weeks. Your claim must be reported to Us within three days of the loss or damage. We are not responsible for (i) the first three days of any period for

which payment becomes due under this extension

(ii) fire or accidental damage occurring

outside England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the Channel Islands the Isle of Man and Eire.

(iii) 20% of any claim

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

(iv) fire or accidental damage caused directly by theft or attempted theft of the Vehicle.

Please refer to the Schedule to see the maximum weekly payments. 4. Deterioration This Section is extended to insure You for the deterioration of Property conveyed in frozen, chilled or insulated condition provided that (a) the refrigeration equipment and

Vehicles is maintained and used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions and recommendations and is capable of maintaining the Property at the temperature specified by the consignor or consignee

(b) deterioration caused by delay is not

insured unless the delay arises as a result of fire, accident (but not breakdown) to the conveying Vehicle or theft or attempted theft

(c) in the event of any occurrence which

may give rise to a claim under this Policy You should immediately contact the Claims Helpline

General Exclusion 2 (d) of this Section is hereby deleted 5. Trailers This Section is extended to insure You for loss of or damage to trailers or semi-trailers owned, leased to or hired in by You. We will not pay for:- (a) wear and tear, scratching, bruising,

denting, mechanical or electrical breakdown or damage to tyres unless caused by a road accident

(b) theft of any trailer or semi-trailer whilst

detached from the prime mover unless

(i) it is left in attended or Enclosed Premises


(ii) it is fitted with an immobiliser approved by Us, which is put into effective operation.

The basis of claims settlement is market value. This is the most We will pay

A Overnight Theft Restriction This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle between 9 pm and 6 am unless it is secured at all points of access and is garaged within Enclosed Premises which are securely locked or have a watchman in constant attendance. It will be up to You to prove that any theft or attempted theft occurred before 9 pm or after 6 am. B Forcible Entry to Vehicle Restriction This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle unless there are outward signs of forced entry to the Vehicle. C Immobiliser Requirement You must ensure that all Your Vehicles are fitted with a key operated immobiliser approved by Us, and that whenever the Vehicles are left unattended the immobiliser is put into operation. D Alarm Requirement You must have Your Vehicles fitted with an alarm approved by Us. The alarm system must always be switched on and operational when the Vehicles are left unattended. You must have the alarm system regularly serviced and maintained by a qualified person approved by Us. You must not make any alterations to the alarm system without Our agreement. E Never Left Unattended and Guarded Requirement When Vehicles are carrying Property You must ensure that they will not be left unattended and will always be guarded by You or a responsible able-bodied adult.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

F Exclusion of Overnight Theft Cover This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft from any unattended Vehicle between 9 pm and 6 am. It will be up to You to prove that any theft or attempted theft occurred before 9 pm or after 6 am. G Exclusion of Theft Cover in London This Section does not cover theft or attempted theft which occurs within the perimeter of the M25. H Sub-Contractors If You pass Property on to a Sub-Contractor and there is then a claim for loss or damage to Property, You should direct the claim against the Sub-Contractor.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

GENERAL EXCLUSIONS 1. This Section does not cover any loss or

damage to Property directly or indirectly caused by or arising from:-

(a) pressure waves caused by aircraft or

other aerial devices (b) ionising radiation or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

(c) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or

other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component

(d) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy,

hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power

(e) delay – except as provided in the

Consequential or Indirect Loss cover, the Strike and Road Block cover, Extension 4 – Deterioration, or under Article 23(5) of the C.M.R. Convention.

2 This Section does not cover:-

(a) loss of or damage to money, securities for money (which includes certificates of bond, stock certificates, bills of exchange, promissory notes), stamps, watches, precious stones, jewellery, bullion, nuclear fuel, nuclear waste or loss or death of or injury to living creatures

(b) any consequential or indirect loss

which exceeds the carriage charge made by You to carry the Consignment, except as provided in the Consequential or Indirect Loss cover

(c) natural deterioration

(d) the deterioration of Property conveyed in frozen, chilled or insulated conditions due to:-

(i) faulty stowage (ii) incorrect setting or operation of

the equipment (iii) variations in temperature unless directly caused by fire, accident (but not breakdown) to the conveying Vehicle, theft or attempted theft.

3 Under the C.M.R. Convention We will

not be responsible for claims arising from:-

(a) Article 7(3) – omission from the

Consignment note of reference to the convention

(b) Article 21 – collection of cash on

delivery payments (c) surrender of right of recourse under

Article 37 by virtue of the liberty granted under Article 40

(d) undertakings given under Article 24

(values in excess of 8.33 SDRs per kilogram) or Article 26 (special interest)

(e) delay except as provided under

Article 23(5) (f) confiscation, requisition, destruction

or damage ordered by any government or other officials or authorities, or the consequences of inadequate or inaccurate documentation.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

4 This Section shall not apply to any claim directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from the failure of any computer or other equipment data processing service product, microchip, micro processor, integrated circuit, embedded chip or similar device, computer software program or process or any other electronic system or any design or advice in connection with any of the foregoing, irrespective of ownership possession or use and whether occurring before, during or after the Year 2000

i. correctly to recognise any date as its

true calendar date ii. to capture, save or retain and/or

correctly to manipulate, interpret or process any data or information or command or instruction as a result of treating any date otherwise than as its true calendar date

iii. to capture, save or retain or

correctly to process any data as a result of the operation of any command which has been programmed into any computer software being a command which causes the loss of data or the inability to capture, save, retain or correctly to process such data on or after any date.

Goods in Transit – Hauliers Section

CLAIMS CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURE 1. Notification of Claims In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Section You shall immediately (a) contact Willis by telephone with full

particulars of the loss or damage or give written notice with full particulars to Us via Willis including supporting documents and proofs

(b) forward to Us via Willis upon receipt

every letter, claim, writ, summons or process

(c) tell the Police if there has been a theft,

attempted theft or criminal damage.

2. Claims Control (a) No admission, offer, promise, payment

or indemnity shall be made or given by You or on Your behalf without Our written consent.

(b) We shall be entitled to take over and

conduct in Your name the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in Your name at Our own expense and for Our benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise.

(c) We shall have full discretion in the

conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim.

(d) You shall give all information and

assistance that We may require. (e) We have the right to take possession

of Property insured under this Section which is affected by a claim. You or Your Sub- Contractors cannot abandon Property to Us.


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definitions Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Employee Any person working for the Insured in connection with the Business who is a) engaged under a contract of service or

apprenticeship between such person and the Insured and

b) remunerated wholly or mainly by salary

or wages and c) named or otherwise described in the

schedule Territorial Limits Anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man 2. Cover The Company will indemnify the Insured against 1. loss of money or property belonging to

the Insured or for which the Insured is legally responsible as a direct result of any act of fraud or dishonesty committed by an Employee after the commencement date of the policy applicable to such Employee and during the Period of Insurance provided that

a) any loss is discovered not later than

twenty-four months after the termination of

(i) the employment of the Employee

or Employees concerned in such loss or

(ii) the insurance in respect of the

Employee or Employees concerned in such loss or

(iii) this Section

whichever occurs first b) the act of fraud or dishonesty is

committed within the Territorial Limits

2. the cost of any special professional audit necessarily incurred with the written consent of the Company solely to substantiate the amount of loss

3. Limit of Liability 1. The liability of the Company including

liability for Auditors fees shall not exceed

(a) in respect of any Employee the Limit

of Liability stated against his/her name or description and

(b) in respect of all claims under this

Section the Aggregate Limit of Liability shown in the Schedule

2. In the event of this Section continuing in

force for more than one Period of Insurance the liability of the Company shall not be accumulated or increased thereby and the aggregate liability of the Company during any number of Periods of Insurance under this Section shall not exceed the Limits of Liability as defined in 1(a) and (b) above

3. The Company agrees upon notification

of a claim to reinstate the Aggregate Limit of Indemnity by any sum or sums paid or payable under this Section provided that

a) such reinstated sum shall apply only

to Employees not the subject to such claim

b) such reinstated sum shall only apply

to acts of fraud or dishonesty committed after such date of notification

c) the Insured agrees to pay an

appropriate additional premium calculated on the reinstated amount

Theft by Employees Section

4. Exclusions The Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of 1. loss of interest loss of profits or

consequential loss of any kind 2. any loss arising from any act or acts of

fraud or dishonesty committed by an Employee or Employees after the discovery of a prior act of fraud or dishonesty committed by the same Employee or Employees

5. Improper Personal Gain Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary the Company shall not be liable for any loss under this Section unless such loss arises from the fraudulent or dishonest act of an Employee which is committed with the intent of making and which results in improper personal financial gain for any Employee whether committed alone or in collusion with others Salary fees commissions and other emoluments including salary increases and promotions shall not constitute improper financial gain Subject otherwise to the terms exceptions and conditions of the Policy

Theft by Employees Section

Special Conditions 1. Alteration of Risk The Insured shall comply with the following procedures for obtaining references from former employers and Stock and Money controls. a) Cover excludes any Employee with less

than two years unbroken service with Insured at the time of loss unless written references for an unbroken period of two years were obtained in respect of the Employee at the commencement of their employment

b) Cover excludes any Employee where

the Insured has not obtained written references for an unbroken period of two years with a period of employment which commences after the inception of this Policy and undertake the following checks

c) Stock and Money records are checked

by at least two members of staff on a monthly basis

Unless the Company has consented in writing to any alteration the Company shall not be liable to make any payment if there shall be any change in the nature of the Business of the Insured or any non-compliance with such system of check supervision and procedures 2. Notice of Loss Whether or not it is intended to make a claim the Insured shall give notice in writing to the Company within 14 days of discovery of a) any act of fraud or dishonesty

committed by any Employee or b) reasonable cause for suspicion of fraud

or dishonesty committed by any Employee which shall have come to the knowledge of the Insured or of any representative of the Insured to whom is entrusted the duty of superintendence or audit

3. Loss Prevention On discovery of any act of fraud or dishonesty or circumstances which could give rise to a claim under this Section the Insured shall immediately take all steps to prevent loss or further loss 4. Reimbursement The Insured shall give all information and assistance to enable the Company to sue for and obtain reimbursement of any monies which the Company shall have paid or become liable to pay under this Section 5. Deduction from Loss All monies which but for the fraud or dishonesty of the Employee would become payable to him/her by the Insured and any monies recovered from the Employee by the Insured shall be deducted from the loss 6. Recoveries Any recoveries effected by the Insured shall be applied in the following order a) in reduction of the loss suffered by the

Insured which would have been covered by this Section but for the application of the Specific Limit of Indemnity and/or Aggregate Limit of Indemnity as the case may be

b) in reduction of the loss suffered by the

Company c) in reduction of the loss suffered by the

Insured in respect of the Excess

Theft by Employees Section

7. Arbitration If the Company admits liability for a claim but the Insured cannot agree with the Company the amount to be paid the disagreement will be referred to an arbitrator appointed jointly by both parties in accordance with the law in force at the time The Insured cannot take action in law against the Company over this disagreement until the arbitrator has made his award 8. Condition Precedent It is a condition precedent to any liability on the part of the Company under this Section that – a) the terms so far as they relate to

anything to be done or complied with by the Insured are duly and faithfully observed and

b) the statements made and the answers

given in the proposal herein before referred to are true and complete

9. Check and Supervision Statement

and Business Activities Unless the Company shall consent in writing to any alteration the Company shall not be liable to make any payment under this Section if the nature of the business carried on shall be changed or if the system of Check and Supervision as detailed in 1. Alteration of Risk is not adhered to THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHALL NOT APPLY TO THIS SECTION OTHER THAN GENERAL CONDITION 10 CANCELLATION


Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definitions

Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Injury bodily injury death disease illness or nervous shock Business the business stated in the Schedule conducted by the Insured at or from premises in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man including a) the provision and management of

canteen sports social or welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and fire security first aid medical and ambulance services

b) private work undertaken with the prior

consent of the Insured by Employees for any director or senior official of the Insured

c) the ownership maintenance and repair

of premises within such territories. Employee a) any person under a contract of service

or apprenticeship with the Insured b) any person who is hired to or

borrowed from the Insured c) any person engaged in connection

with a work experience or training scheme

d) any labour master or person supplied

by him e) any person engaged by labour only

sub-contractors f) any self-employed person working on

a labour only basis under the control or supervision of the Insured

g) any voluntary helper while working for the Insured in connection with the Business Territorial Limits a) anywhere within Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man other than Offshore

b) elsewhere in the world other than

Offshore in connection with temporary visits undertaken in the course of the Business by any person normally resident in the territories described in a) above

Offshore From the time of embarkation onto a conveyance at the point of final departure from land to any offshore rig or any offshore platform and until such time of disembarkation from a conveyance onto land upon return from any offshore rig or any offshore platform 2. Interpretation Additional Persons Insured a) In the event of the death of any person

entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will indemnify in the terms of this Section the deceased’s personal legal representatives but only in respect of liability incurred by such deceased person

b) At the request of the Insured the

Company will indemnity in the terms of this Section

a) i)any principal in respect of liability

arising out of the performance by the Insured of any agreement entered into by the Insured with the principal to the extent required by such agreement

Employers Liability Section

ii) any director of the Insured or Employee in respect of liability arising in connection with the Business

provided that the Insured would have been entitled to indemnity under this Section if the claim had been made against the Insured

b) i) any officer committee or

member of the Insured’s canteen sports social or welfare organisations fire security first aid medical or ambulance services in their respective capacities as such

ii) any director or senior

official of the Insured in respect of private work undertaken by any Employee for such director or senior official

provided that

i) each such person shall as

though he were the Insured observe fulfil and be subject to the terms of this Section insofar as they can apply

ii) the Company shall retain the

sole conduct and control of all claims

3. Indemnity The Company will indemnity the Insured against all sums that the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages and Costs and Expenses in respect of Injury caused during the Period of Insurance to any Employee arising out of and in the course of employment by the Insured in the Business within the Territorial Limits

Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company under this Section for damages Costs and Expenses payable in respect of any one claim against the Insured or series of claims against the Insured arising out of one event shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity

Costs and Expenses shall mean 1) costs and expenses of claimants for

which the insured is legally liable 2) other costs and expenses incurred

with the Company’s written consent in respect of any claim which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section

3) solicitors fees incurred with the

Company’s written consent for

a) defence in any Court of Summary Jurisdiction of any proceedings brought against the Insured in respect of any breach or alleged breach of any statutory duty resulting in Injury

b) Representation at a Coroners Court

or Fatal Accident Inquiry in respect of any death which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section

4) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured and at the request of the Insured any director or Employee with the Company’s written consent and costs awarded against the Insured or director or Employee arising in connection with a prosecution as a result of an alleged offence occurring during the Period of Insurance under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 or similar safety legislation of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that

a) the proceedings relate to health

safety or welfare of employees b) the Company will not indemnify

the Insured in respect of

i) fines or penalties ii) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

Employers Liability Section

4. Exclusions Radioactive Contamination So far as concerns the liability of any principal or liability assumed by the Insured under agreement and which would not have attached in the absence of such agreement this Section shall not apply to any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from a) ionising radiations or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other

hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof

Vehicles This Section does not provided an indemnity in respect of any liability for which compulsory motor insurance or security is required under the Road Traffic Act 1988 as amended by the Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1992 and the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 as amended by the Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993 or any other compulsory Road Traffic Act Legislation

5. Extensions Compensation for Court Attendance In the event of the under-mentioned persons attending court as a witness at the request of the Company in connection with a claim in respect of which the Insured is entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will provide compensation to the Insured at the following rates per day for each day on which attendance is required a) any director or partner of the



b) any Employee £ 50

Unsatisfied Court Judgements In the event of Injury to an Employee sustained during the Period of Insured in the course of the Business which results in a judgement for damages being obtained by such Employee or his personal representatives and which remains unsatisfied in whole or in part six months after the date of such judgement the Company will at the request of the Insured pay to the Employee or his personal representatives the amount of any such damages and any awarded costs to the extent that they remain unsatisfied provided that a) the judgement for damages is


i) in a court of law within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

ii) against a company partnership or

individual other than the Insured conducting a business at or from premises within the territories described in a) i) above

b) there is no appeal outstanding c) if any payment is made under the

terms of this extension the Employee or the personal representatives of the Employee shall assign the judgement to the Company

Manslaughter Costs Extension The indemnity provided by this Section extends to include a) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured or any person entitled to indemnity with the prior written consent of the Company in

i) the course of an investigation

leading to the offence of ii) defending the Insured against

criminal proceedings in connection with a charge of

Employers Liability Section

iii) an appeal against any conviction resulting from a prosecution for

manslaughter corporate

manslaughter corporate homicide or culpable homicide as a result of any death happening during the Period of Insurance which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section

b) prosecution costs awarded against the

Insured or any person entitled to indemnity as a result of any conviction for such an offence

Provided always that 1) The maximum amount payable under

this Extension shall not exceed £1,000,000 in all during any one Period of Insurance

2) The Company shall not be liable to

make any payment under this Extension in respect of

a) the fees of any solicitor or counsel

appointed by or on behalf of any person entitled to indemnity unless consent to the appointment has been agreed by the Company

b) fines or penalties or the cost of

implementing any remedial order or publicity order

c) an appeal unless advice has been

obtained from a Queen's Counsel that such appeal has strong prospect of success

d) an appeal against any fine penalty

remedial order or publicity order

e) costs incurred as a result of the failure to comply with any remedial order or publicity order

f) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

g) any investigation or prosecution brought other than under the laws of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Employers Liability Section

Special Conditions 1. Material Facts It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall give immediate notice to the Company of any alteration in risk which materially affects this insurance

3. Reasonable Precautions It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall

a) take all reasonable precautions to prevent occurrences which may give rise to liability under this Section

b) take all reasonable steps to comply with statutory requirements obligations and regulations imposed by any authority

c) forthwith make good or remedy any defect or danger which becomes apparent or take such additional precautions as the circumstances may require

4. Notification of Claims It is a condition precedent to liability in the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Section the Insured shall immediately a) give written notice to the Company via

Willis with full particulars b) forward to the Company via Willis

upon receipt every letter claim writ summons or process

c) notify the Company of any knowledge of impending prosecution inquest fatal accident or ministry inquiry

5. Claims Control a) no admission offer promise payment or

indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Insured without the written consent of the Company

b) the Company shall be entitled to take

over and conduct in the name of the Insured the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Insured at its own expense and for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damage or otherwise

c) the Company shall have full discretion

in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim

d) the Insured shall give all information

and assistance the Company may required

6. Other Insurances The Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of liability which is insured by or would be but for the existence of this Section be insured by any other policy except in respect of any excess beyond the amount payable under such other policy or which would have been payable under such other policy had this insurance not been effected

Employers Liability Section

7. Right of Recovery This Section is deemed to be in accordance with the provisions of any law relating to compulsory insurance of liability to employees in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man but the Insured shall repay to the Company all sums paid by the Company which the Company would not have been liable to pay but for the provisions of such law THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHALL NOT APPLY TO THIS SECTION OTHER THAN GENERAL CONDITION 10 CANCELLATION

Public and Products Liability Section

Only applicable if this Section is shown as Operative in the Schedule

1. Definitions

Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Injury bodily injury death disease illness or nervous shock Business the business stated in the Schedule conducted by the Insured at or from premises in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man including a) the provision and management of

canteen sports social or welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and fire security first aid medical and ambulance services

b) private work undertaken with the prior

consent of the Insured by Employees for any director or senior official of the Insured

c) the ownership maintenance and repair

of such premises within such territories Employee a) any person under a contract of service

or apprenticeship with the Insured b) any person who is hired to or borrowed

by the Insured c) any person engaged in connection with

a work experience or training scheme d) any labour master or person supplied

by him e) any person engaged by labour only

sub-contractors f) any self-employed person working on a

labour only basis under the control or supervision of the Insured

g) any voluntary helper while working for the Insured in connection with the Business Insolvency Event shall mean where a) the Insolvent Party has become

insolvent and/or has a petition presented for its liquidation or administration or the appointment of a provisional liquidator or an order has been made or a resolution passed for its liquidation, administration or dissolution (otherwise than for the purposes of a bona fide solvent amalgamation or reconstruction); or

b) in the event that the Insolvent Party is a partnership (or limited partnership) any of the partners becomes insolvent or a resolution is passed for his or her bankruptcy; or

c) an administrative or other receiver, manager, trustee, liquidator, administrator or similar officer is appointed over all or any substantial part of the Insolvent Party’s assets or notice of intention to appoint an administrator is filed; or

d) the Insolvent Party or, where it is a partnership (or limited liability partnership), any of its partners, enters into or proposes any composition or arrangement with its or his or her creditors generally or the partnership is dissolved or an administration order is made or receiver or other similar officer is appointed (otherwise that for the purposes of a bona fide solvent amalgamation of reconstruction); or

e) in the event that the Insolvent Party is a sole trader or unincorporated person, an interim order is made or petition presented for his or her bankruptcy; or

f) the Insolvent Party is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 ; or

g) any event which has a similar or analogous effect to the matters set out in (a) to (f) above occurs in any

Public and Products Liability Section

jurisdiction in relation to the Insolvent Party

Offshore from the time of embarkation onto a conveyance at the point of final departure from land to any offshore rig or any offshore platform and until such time of disembarkation from a conveyance onto land upon return from any offshore rig or any offshore platform Products Supplied a) products including containers packaging or instructions sold or supplied b) work or services undertaken including goods or materials used by or on behalf of the Insured in the course of the Business Territorial Limits a) anywhere within Great Britain Northern

Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man other than Offshore

b) elsewhere in the world other than

Offshore in connection with temporary visits undertaken in the course of the Business undertaken by any person normally resident in the territories described in a) above

Public and Products Liability Section

2. Interpretation Additional Persons Insured a) In the event of the death of any person

entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will indemnify in the terms of this Section the deceased’s legal personal representatives but only in respect of liability incurred by such deceased person

b) At the request of the Insured the

Company will indemnify in the terms of this Section

a) i) any principal in respect of

liability arising out of the performance by the Insured of any agreement entered into by the Insured with the principal to the extent required by such agreement

ii) any director of the Insured or

Employee in respect of liability arising in connection with the Business

provided that the Insured would have been entitled to indemnity under this Section if the claim had been made against the Insured b) i) any officer committee or

member of the Insured’s canteen sports social or welfare organisations fire security first aid medical or ambulance services in their respective capacities as such

ii) any director or senior official of the Insured in respect of private work undertaken by any Employee for such director or senior official

provided that i) each such person shall as

though he were the Insured observe fulfil and be subject to the terms of this Section in so far as they can apply

ii) the Company shall retain the

sole conduct and control of all claims

iii) where the Company is

required to indemnify more than one party the total amount of indemnity payable to all parties in respect of damages shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity

Cross Liabilities If more than one Insured is referred to in the Schedule this Section shall apply to each one as if a separate policy had been issued to each (provided that the total amount of indemnity payable to all parties in respect of damages shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity)

Public and Products Liability Section

Part 1 – Public Liability

Indemnity The Company will indemnify the Insured against all sums that the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of accidental a) Injury to any person b) loss of or damage to material property c) nuisance or trespass obstruction loss or

amenities or interference with any right of way light air or water

d) wrongful arrest detention imprisonment

or eviction of any person or invasion of the right of privacy

occurring within the Territorial Limits during the Period of Insurance and happening in connection with the Business

Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company for all damages payable to any claimant or number of claimants as a result of any one occurrence or all occurrences of a series consequent upon or attributable to one source or original cause shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity for Part 1

Costs The Company will pay in addition to the Limit of Indemnity 1) all other costs and expenses incurred

with its written consent in respect of any claim which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

2) solicitors fees incurred with its written

consent for

a) defence in any Court of Summary Jurisdiction of any proceedings brought against the Insured in respect of breach or alleged breach of any statutory duty resulting in Injury

b) representation at a Coroners Court or Fatal Accident Inquiry in respect of any death

which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

3) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured with the Company’s written consent and at the request of the Insured legal costs and expenses incurred by any director or Employee with the Company’s written consent and costs awarded against the Insured or director or Employee arising in connection with a prosecution (including an appeal against any conviction resulting from a prosecution) as a result of an alleged offence occurring during the Period of Insurance under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 or similar safety legislation of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that

a) the proceedings relate to the health

safety or welfare of persons other than Employees

b) the Company will not indemnify the

Insured in respect of

i) fines or penalties ii) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

Public and Products Liability Section

Exclusions to Part 1 This Part does not provided an indemnity in respect of any liability 1. Aviation and Craft

arising out of

a) work in or on aircraft b) work in or on airport or aerodrome

runways manoeuvring areas or aprons or those parts of airports or aerodromes to which aircraft have access

c) the ownership possession or use by

or on behalf of the Insured of any

i) aircraft ii) watercraft (other than watercraft

not exceeding 8 metres in length or any hand-propelled boat or pontoon)

2. Vehicles

arising out of the ownership possession or use by or on behalf of the Insured of any mechanically propelled vehicle or trailer attached thereto in circumstances where compulsory insurance or security is required or where insurance is provided by another policy

3. Products Supplied

in respect of Injury or loss of or damage to property caused by or in connection with any Products Supplied which have ceased to be in the custody or control of the Insured other than food or drink provided as a service at the Insured’s Premises to Employees or visitors

4. Asbestos

The indemnity under this policy will not apply to legal liability directly or indirectly arising from or contributed to by

A) inhalation and/or ingestion of asbestos

or exposure to asbestos or the existence

of or the harmful nature of asbestos or

health hazards associated with asbestos

or any allegation or concern in relation


B) the presence of asbestos in any

building and/or structure and/or on land

and/or in the ground or the removal or

mitigation of such asbestos or any

obligation to investigate control or take

action in respect of such asbestos

It is further agreed that this insurance shall

not apply to

i) any obligation to defend any claim

proceedings or suit brought against the


ii) costs or expenses of whatsoever nature

as a result of any matter referred to in

paragraphs A) or B) above

The term asbestos shall include asbestos

fibres derivatives of asbestos or any

substance or compound containing

asbestos or asbestos waste

Public and Products Liability Section

Part 2 – Products Liability

Indemnity The Company will indemnify the Insured against all sums that the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of accidental a) Injury to any person b) loss of or damage to material property occurring anywhere in the World during the Period of Insurance and caused by any Products Supplied for a period of twelve months from the date of the Insolvency Event or any subsequent period thereafter with Our agreement.

Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company for all damages payable as a result of all occurrences during any one Period of Insurance shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity for Part 2

Costs The Company will pay in addition to the Limit of Indemnity 1) all other costs and expenses incurred

with its written consent in respect of any claim which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

2) solicitors fees incurred with its written

consent for

a) defence in any Court of Summary Jurisdiction of any proceedings brought against the Insured in respect of breach or alleged breach of any statutory duty resulting in Injury

b) representation at a Coroners

Court or Fatal Accident Inquiry in respect of any death

which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

3) legal costs and expenses incurred by the Insured with the Company’s written consent in the defence of any criminal proceedings brought or in an appeal against conviction arising from such proceedings in respect of a breach of Part II of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 provided that

a) the proceedings relate to an

offence alleged to have been committed in the course of the Business during the Period of Insurance

b) the Company will not indemnify

the Insured in respect of

i) fines or penalties ii) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

Exclusions to Part 2 This Part does not provided an indemnity in respect of any liability 1. Excluding Pre-Appointment Products

where the Products Supplied occurred or commenced or left the custody or control of the Insured prior to the date of the Insolvency Event

2. Products under Insured’s Control

caused by or in connection with any Products Supplied which are in the custody or control of the Insured

3. Aviation Products

caused by or in connection with any Products Supplied which to the knowledge of the Insured are for use in or on any aircraft and which are critical to the safety or airworthiness of the aircraft

4. Export to USA or Canada

caused by or in connection with any Products Supplied which to the knowledge of the Insured are directly or indirectly exported to the United States of America or Canada

5. Asbestos The indemnity under this policy will not apply to legal liability directly or

Public and Products Liability Section

indirectly arising from or contributed to by

A) inhalation and/or ingestion of asbestos

or exposure to asbestos or the existence

of or the harmful nature of asbestos or

health hazards associated with asbestos

or any allegation or concern in relation


B) the presence of asbestos in any

building and/or structure and/or on land

and/or in the ground or the removal or

mitigation of such asbestos or any

obligation to investigate control or take

action in respect of such asbestos

It is further agreed that this insurance shall

not apply to

i) any obligation to defend any claim

proceedings or suit brought against the


ii) costs or expenses of whatsoever nature

as a result of any matter referred to in

paragraphs A) or B) above

The term asbestos shall include asbestos

fibres derivatives of asbestos or any

substance or compound containing

asbestos or asbestos waste

Public and Products Liability Section

Exclusions to this Section This Section does not provided an indemnity in respect of any liability 1. Injury to Employees in respect of Injury to any Employee 2. Property under Insured’s Control in respect of loss of or damage to a) property belonging to the Insured b) property which is leased let rented

hired or lent to or which is the subject of a bailment to the Insured

3. Rectification Costs a) in respect of the cost or value of any

Products Supplied or replacement repair removal rectification or reinstatement thereof where legal liability arises from a defect in or the unsuitability of such Products Supplied

b) for any costs incurred in recalling or

modifying any Products Supplied c) for the costs of remedying any defect

or alleged defect in land or premises sold or disposed of by the Insured or for any reduction in the value thereof

4. Liability under Agreement assumed by the Insured under agreement unless the conduct and control of claims is vested in the Company but indemnity shall not in any event apply to a) liquidated damages fines or penalties b) legal liability which attaches by virtue of

an express warranty indemnity or guarantee given or entered into by the Insured in connection with any Products Supplied and which would not have attached in the absence of such warranty indemnity or guarantee

5. War Risks arising from any consequence of war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military or usurped power 6. Radioactive Contamination of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from a) ionising radiations or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other

hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof

Public and Products Liability Section

Exclusions and Limitations to this Section 1. Pollution or Contamination a) this Section excludes all liability in

respect of Pollution or Contamination other than caused by a sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected incident which takes place in its entirety at a specific time and place during the Period of Insurance

All Pollution or Contamination which arises out of one incident shall be deemed to have occurred at the time such incident takes place

b) The Liability of the Company for all

compensation (which for the avoidance of any doubt also includes claimants’ costs and expenses) payable under Parts 1 and 2 of this Section in respect of all Pollution or Contamination which is deemed to have occurred during the Period of Insurance shall not exceed in the aggregate the amount shown in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity for Part 1

c) For the purpose of this Exclusion and Limitation Pollution or Contamination shall be deemed to mean i) all Pollution or Contamination of

buildings or other structures or of water or land or the atmosphere and

ii) all loss or damage or injury directly or

indirectly caused by such Pollution or Contamination

2. USA and Canada In so far as this Section applies to legal liability arising in the United States of America or Canada or if an action for damages is commenced therein or in any subsequent action in connection therewith is brought elsewhere in the world a) the liability of the Company in respect of

all damages payable together with the costs and expenses of claimants and any other costs and expenses incurred with the Company’s written consent shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity

b) the indemnity will not apply in respect of

punitive damages and/or exemplary damages and/or aggravated damages and/or any additional damages resulting from the multiplication of compensatory damages or by way of fines or penalties

Public and Products Liability Section

Extensions to this Section Compensation for Court Attendance In the event of any of the under-mentioned persons attending court as a witness at the request of the Company in connection with a claim in respect of which the Insured is entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will provide compensation to the Insured at the following rates per day for each day on which attendance is required a) any director or partner of the



b) any Employee £50 Rented Premises General Exclusion 2 b) shall not apply to premises leased let rented hired or lent to the Insured provided that the indemnity will not apply to legal liability in respect of a) loss or damage the responsibility for

which has been accepted under agreement unless liability would have attached to the Insured in the absence of such agreement

b) loss of or damage to premises caused

by fire or any other peril against which a tenancy or other agreement stipulates that insurance shall be effected by or on behalf of the Insured

Defective Premises Act Legal liability in respect of Injury loss or damage arising solely by reason of Section 3 of the Defective Premises Act 1972 or Article 5 of the Defective Premises (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 in respect of any premises previously owned for purposes pertaining to the Business and since disposed of by the Insured is included within the terms of the indemnity provided in Part 1 of this Section but indemnity will not apply if the Insured is entitled to indemnity under any other insurance Contingent Motor Liability Notwithstanding Exclusion 2 of Part 1 the Company will indemnify the Insured in the terms of Part 1 against legal liability in respect of Injury loss or damage arising out of the use in connection with the

Business of any motor vehicle not owned or provided by the Insured The indemnity will not apply to legal liability a) in respect of loss of or damage to any

such vehicle or to goods conveyed therein or thereon

b) in respect of Injury loss of or damage

arising while such vehicle is being

i) driven by the Insured ii) driven with the general consent of

the Insured or of his representative by any person who to the knowledge of the Insured or his representative does not hold a licence to drive a vehicle unless such person has held and is not disqualified from holding such a licence

iii) used elsewhere than in Great

Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

c) in respect of which the Insured is

entitled to indemnity under any other insurance

Overseas Personal Liability The Company will indemnify the Insured and if the Insured so requests any director or partner of the Insured or any Employee or spouse of such person against legal liability incurred in a personal capacity whilst temporarily outside Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man The indemnity will not apply to legal liability a) arising out of the ownership or

occupation of land or buildings b) in respect of which any person referred

to above is entitled to indemnity under any other insurance

Public and Products Liability Section

Manslaughter Costs Extension

The indemnity provided by this Section extends to include a) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured or any person entitled to indemnity with the prior written consent of the Company in

i) the course of an investigation

leading to the offence of ii) defending the Insured against

criminal proceedings in connection with a charge of

iii) an appeal against any conviction

resulting from a prosecution for

manslaughter corporate manslaughter corporate homicide or culpable homicide as a result of any death happening during the Period of Insurance which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section

b) prosecution costs awarded against the

Insured or any person entitled to indemnity as a result of any conviction for such an offence

Provided always that 1) The maximum amount payable under

this Extension shall not exceed £1,000,000 in all during any one Period of Insurance

2) The Company shall not be liable to

make any payment under this Extension in respect of

a) the fees of any solicitor or counsel

appointed by or on behalf of any person entitled to indemnity unless consent to the appointment has been agreed by the Company

b) fines or penalties or the cost of

implementing any remedial order or publicity order

c) an appeal unless advice has been

obtained from a Queen's Counsel that such appeal has strong prospect of success

d) an appeal against any fine penalty remedial order or publicity order

e) costs incurred as a result of the failure to comply with any remedial order or publicity order

f) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

g) any investigation or prosecution brought other than under the laws of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Legionellosis Extension

Exclusion 1 of General Exclusions and Limitations under the Public and Product Liability Section of the Policy will not apply in respect of the Insured's legal liability to pay damages for accidental Injury to any person other than an Employee arising out of the release of legionella bacteria happening in connection with the Business and occurring within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man Provided that a) any claim for damages costs and expenses or b) any notification of any circumstance which (i) has caused or is alleged to have caused Injury or (ii) can be reasonably expected to give rise to a claim which may be the subject of an indemnity provided by this Extension is first made in writing to the Insured during the Period of Insurance and is notified to the Company during the same Period of Insurance or within 30 days after the expiry of the same Period of Insurance c) the Insured takes all reasonable precautions to comply with the

Public and Products Liability Section

Health and Safety Commission approved Code of Practice and Guidance entitled "Legionnaires' Disease - The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems L82000" d) the indemnity provided by this Extension will not apply to liability arising under contract whether by virtue of express agreement or otherwise Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company for all damages costs and expenses payable as a result of any one occurrence or in any one Period of Insurance will not exceed the Limit of Indemnity shown in below This Extension will not apply to claims first made against the Insured by reason of accidental Injury arising out of the release of legionella bacteria committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the Retroactive Date shown below Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000 Retroactive Date: date of the Insolvency Event The indemnity provided under this Extension is subject otherwise to the terms Exclusions and Conditions of the Section and this Policy Environmental Clean Up Costs The following definitions are hereby added solely in respect of this clause Clean Up Costs Costs and expenses of remediation of environmental damage or environmental harm Pollutants Any solid liquid or gaseous pollutant contaminant or irritant substance or any biological agent that is a danger to human health Sudden Incident Sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected incident that does not

originate from a gradual continuous or repetitive cause Enforcing Authority Any government or statutory authority implementing or enforcing environmental protection legislation in the Territorial Limits The Company will cover the amount of Clean Up Costs which You are legally liable to pay under a notice order imposed on You by an Enforcing Authority arising from a release of Pollutants onto or into land surface water or ground water We will only indemnify you in respect a Sudden Incident which happens at a specific time and place during the Period of Insurance in connection with the Business within the Territorial Limits The liability of the Company for all Clean Up Costs as a result of one Sudden Incident or all such incidents occurring during an one Period of Insurance is £1,000,000 Where a claim for damages arises in addition to Clean Up Costs as a result of the same Sudden Incident Our maximum liability for the total amount of damages and Clean Up Costs added together will not exceed the Public Liability Limit of Indemnity shown in Your Schedule The Company will not cover any part of a claim for Clean Up Costs At or upon property that is or was owned by You or in Your possession or in Your custody or control To achieve an improvement or alteration in the condition of the land or any surface or ground water beyond that Necessary to meet the standards required by law at the start of the remediation Existing at the time of a Sudden Incident for which a claims is made under this Section.

Public and Products Liability Section

Fire Precautions Condition It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured should organise a hot work permit detailing the safety measures to be adopted and with provision for signed acceptance by the employer. Gas bottles, welding sets and the like should be left in a secure place after the work in order to prevent unauthorised use. Bonfires or the burning of waste shall be permanently attended and shall be situated not less than 50 feet from buildings or similar flammable structures. Combustion must be extinguished before leaving the site. It is recommended that in respect of use away from the Insured’s premises of blow lamps blow torches flame guns hot air guns electric oxyacetylene or other welding or cutting equipment and angle grinders (in circumstances where sparks are emitted) the undernoted precautions are complied with –

Blow lamps blow torches flame guns and hot air guns i) the area in which work is to be carried

out to be examined and combustible property within the vicinity of the work either removed or as far as practicable covered by non-combustible materials

ii) suitable fire extinguishing appliances

to be kept available for immediate use at the point of work or as near as is practicable

iii) blow- lamps blow torches and flame

guns not to be lighted until required for use and extinguished immediately after use

iv) lighted blow lamps torches and flame

guns not to be left unattended v) hot air guns to be switched off when


vi) upon completion of each period of work a thorough fire safety check to be made of the vicinity of the work

Electric oxy-acetylene or other welding or cutting equipment and angle grinders i) the area in which the work is to be

carried out including adjoining shafts or openings and the area on the other side of any wall or partition to be inspected to see whether any combustible property other than the property to be worked upon is in danger of ignition either directly or by conduction of heat

ii) all combustible property to be

removed to a distance of not less than 6 metres from the point of work and property which cannot be moved to be covered and fully protected by overlapping sheets of non-combustible material or equivalent protection

iii) the Insured shall arrange for a person

who is competent in the use of fire extinguishing appliances to work in conjunction with the operative using the equipment to act as a firewatcher and to remain in attendance at all times until lighted flame equipment is extinguished

iv) suitable fire extinguishing appliances

to be made available for immediate use at the point of work

v) gas cylinders not in use to be kept

outside the building in which the work is taking place where practicable but in any event at least 15 metres from the point of application of the heat

vi) upon completion of each period of

work a thorough fire safety check to be made of all areas referred to in paragraph i) above The fire safety check to be undertaken at regular intervals for a period of at least one hour after completion

Public and Products Liability Section

Special Conditions 1. Material Facts It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall give immediate notice to the Company of any alteration in risk which materially affects this insurance

2. Reasonable Precautions It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall a) take all reasonable precautions to

prevent occurrences which may give rise to liability under this Section

b) take all reasonable steps to comply

with statutory requirements obligations and regulations imposed by any authority

c) forthwith make good or remedy any

defect or danger which becomes apparent or take such additional precautions as the circumstances may require

3. Notification of Claims It is a condition precedent to liability that in the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Section the Insured shall immediately a) give written notice with full particulars to

the Company b) forward to the Company upon receipt

every letter claim writ summons or process

c) notify the Company of any knowledge of

impending prosecution inquest fatal accident or ministry inquiry

4. Claims Control a) no admission offer promise payment or

indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Insured without the written consent of the Company

b) the Company shall be entitled to take

over and conduct in the name of the Insured the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Insured at its own expense and for

its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise

c) the Company shall have full discretion

in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim

d) the Insured shall give all information

and assistance the Company may require

5. Discharge of Liability The Company may pay the Limit of Indemnity or any lesser sum for which any claim or claims against the Insured can be settled and the Company shall be under no further liability in respect of such claim or claims except for costs or expenses incurred prior to the date of such payment

6. Other Insurances The Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of liability which is insured by or would but for the existence of this Section be insured by any other policy except in respect of any excess beyond the amount payable under such other policy or which would have been payable under such other policy had this insurance not been effected

7. Fraud If a claim is fraudulent in any respect or if fraudulent means are used by the Insured or by anyone acting on their behalf to obtain any benefit under this Policy all benefit under this Policy shall be forfeited THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHALL NOT APPLY TO THIS SECTION OTHER THAN GENERAL CONDITION 10 CANCELLATION

Public Liability –

Building and Allied Trades Section Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definitions

Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this Section they will always have these meanings Injury bodily injury death disease illness or nervous shock Business the business stated in the Schedule conducted by the Insured at or from premises in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man including a) the provision and management of

canteen sports social or welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and fire security first aid medical and ambulance services

b) private work undertaken with the prior

consent of the Insured by Employees for any director or senior official of the Insured

c) the ownership maintenance and repair

of such premises within such territories Employee a) any person under a contract of service

or apprenticeship with the Insured b) any person who is hired to or borrowed

by the Insured c) any person engaged in connection with

a work experience or training scheme d) any labour master or person supplied

by him e) any person engaged by labour only


f) any self-employed person working on a labour only basis under the control or supervision of the Insured

g) any voluntary helper while working for the Insured in connection with the Business Insolvency Event shall mean where a) the Insolvent Party has become

insolvent and/or has a petition presented for its liquidation or administration or the appointment of a provisional liquidator or an order has been made or a resolution passed for its liquidation, administration or dissolution (otherwise than for the purposes of a bona fide solvent amalgamation or reconstruction); or

b) in the event that the Insolvent Party is a partnership (or limited partnership) any of the partners becomes insolvent or a resolution is passed for his or her bankruptcy; or

c) an administrative or other receiver, manager, trustee, liquidator, administrator or similar officer is appointed over all or any substantial part of the Insolvent Party’s assets or notice of intention to appoint an administrator is filed; or

d) the Insolvent Party or, where it is a partnership (or limited liability partnership), any of its partners, enters into or proposes any composition or arrangement with its or his or her creditors generally or the partnership is dissolved or an administration order is made or receiver or other similar officer is appointed (otherwise that for the purposes of a bona fide solvent amalgamation of reconstruction); or

e) in the event that the Insolvent Party is a sole trader or unincorporated person, an interim order is made or

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

petition presented for his or her bankruptcy; or

f) the Insolvent Party is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 ; or

g) any event which has a similar or analogous effect to the matters set out in (a) to (f) above occurs in any jurisdiction in relation to the Insolvent Party

Offshore from the time of embarkation onto a conveyance at the point of final departure from land to any offshore rig or any offshore platform and until such time of disembarkation from a conveyance onto land upon return from any offshore rig or any offshore platform Territorial Limits a) anywhere within Great Britain Northern

Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man other than Offshore

b) member countries of the European

Community other than Offshore in connection with temporary visits undertaken in the course of the Business by any person normally resident in the territories described in a) above

c) elsewhere in the world other than

Offshore in respect of business journeys or the supervision thereof

Works Executed Works executed including goods or materials used by or on behalf of the Insured in the course of the Business

2. Interpretation Additional Persons Insured a) In the event of the death of any person

entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will indemnify in the terms of this Section the deceased’s legal personal representatives but only in respect of liability incurred by such deceased person

b) At the request of the Insured the

Company will indemnify in the terms of this Section any principal in respect of liability arising out of the performance

by the Insured of any agreement entered into by the Insured with the principal to the extent required by such agreement

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

a) i) any director of the Insured or

Employee in respect of liability arising in connection with the Business

provided that the Insured would have been entitled to indemnity under this Section if the claim had been made against the Insured

b) i) any officer committee or member of

the Insured’s canteen sports social or welfare organisations fire security first aid medical or ambulance services in their respective capacities as such

ii) any director or senior official of the

Insured in respect of private work undertaken by any Employee for such director or senior official

provided that

i) each such person shall as though he

were the Insured observe fulfil and be subject to the terms of this Section in so far as they can apply

ii) the Company shall retain the sole

conduct and control of all claims iii) where the Company is required to

indemnify more than one party the total amount of indemnity payable to all parties in respect of damages shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity

Cross Liabilities If more than one Insured is referred to in the Schedule this Section shall apply to each one as if a separate policy had been issued to each (provided that the total amount of indemnity payable to all parties in respect of damages shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity)

3. Indemnity The Company will indemnify the Insured against all sums that the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages and costs and expenses of claimants’ in respect of accidental a) Injury to any person b) loss of or damage to material property c) nuisance or trespass obstruction loss or

amenities or interference with any right of way light air or water

d) wrongful arrest detention imprisonment

or eviction of any person or invasion of the right of privacy

occurring within the Territorial Limits during the Period of Insurance and happening in connection with the Business Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company for all damages payable to any claimant or number of claimants as a result of any one occurrence or all occurrences of a series consequent upon or attributable to one source or original cause shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

Costs The Company will pay in addition to the Limit of Indemnity 1) all other costs and expenses incurred

with its written consent in respect of any claim which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

2) solicitors fees incurred with its written

consent for

a) defence in any Court of Summary Jurisdiction of any proceedings brought against the Insured in respect of breach or alleged breach of any statutory duty resulting in Injury

b) representation at a Coroners Court

or Fatal Accident Inquiry in respect of any death

which may be the subject of indemnity under this Part

3) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured with the Company’s written consent and at the request of the Insured legal costs and expenses incurred by any director or Employee with the Company’s written consent and costs awarded against the Insured or director or Employee arising in connection with a prosecution (including an appeal against any conviction resulting from a prosecution) as a result of an alleged offence occurring during the Period of Insurance under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 or similar safety legislation of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man provided that

a) the proceedings relate to the health

safety or welfare of persons other than Employees

b) the Company will not indemnify the

Insured in respect of

i) fines or penalties

ii) costs and expenses insured by any other policy

Exclusions The indemnity will not apply to legal liability 1. Injury to Employees

in respect of Injury to any Employee 2. Property under Insured’s Control

in respect of loss of or damage to

a) property belonging to the Insured b) property which is leased let rented

hired or lent to or which is the subject of a bailment to the Insured

c) property comprising the permanent

or temporary works undertaken by the Insured in the course of any contract or agreement and which are under the control of the Insured or for which the Insured is responsible

3. Rectification Costs

a) in respect of the cost or value of any Works Executed or replacement repair removal rectification or reinstatement thereof where legal liability arising from a defect in or the unsuitability of such Works Executed

b) for the costs of remedying any defect or alleged defect in land or premises sold or disposed of by the Insured or for any reduction in the value thereof

4. Aviation and Craft

arising out of a) work in or on aircraft b) work in or on airport or aerodrome

runways manoeuvring areas or aprons or those parts of airports or aerodromes to which aircraft have access

c) the ownership possession or use by

or on behalf of the Insured of any

i) aircraft ii) watercraft (other than watercraft

not exceeding 8 metres in length or any hand propelled boat or pontoon)

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

5. Vehicles

arising out of the ownership possession or use by or on behalf of the Insured of any mechanically propelled vehicle or trailer attached thereto in circumstances where compulsory insurance or security it required or where insurance is provided by another policy

6. Liability under Agreement

assumed by the Insured under agreement unless the conduct and control of all claims is vested in the Company but indemnity shall not in any event apply to

a) liquidated damages fines or penalties

b) an agreement to arrange

insurance under the terms of clause 21.2.1 of the JCT Conditions of Contract or of any other contract condition requiring insurance of a like kind

c) liability which attaches solely by

reason of any agreement relating to the performance of work outside Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

7. War Risks

arising from any consequence of war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military or usurped power

8. Radioactive Contamination

of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from

a) ionising radiations or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other

hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof

9. Excluding Pre-Appointment Works


where the Works Executed occurred or commenced or left the custody or control of the Insured prior to the date of the Insolvency Event

10. Asbestos The indemnity under this policy will not apply to legal liability directly or indirectly arising from or contributed to by

A) inhalation and/or ingestion of asbestos

or exposure to asbestos or the existence

of or the harmful nature of asbestos or

health hazards associated with asbestos

or any allegation or concern in relation


B) the presence of asbestos in any

building and/or structure and/or on land

and/or in the ground or the removal or

mitigation of such asbestos or any

obligation to investigate control or take

action in respect of such asbestos

It is further agreed that this insurance shall

not apply to

i) any obligation to defend any claim

proceedings or suit brought against the


ii) costs or expenses of whatsoever nature

as a result of any matter referred to in

paragraphs A) or B) above

The term asbestos shall include asbestos

fibres derivatives of asbestos or any

substance or compound containing

asbestos or asbestos waste

Exclusions and Limitation Pollution or Contamination a) this Section excludes all liability in

respect of Pollution or Contamination other than caused by a sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected incident which takes place in its entirety at the specific time and place during the Period of Insurance

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

All Pollution or Contamination which arises out of one incident shall be deemed to have occurred at the same time such incident takes place b) The liability of the Company for all

compensation (which for the avoidance of any doubt also includes claimants’ costs and expenses) payable in respect of all Pollution or Contamination which is deemed to have occurred during the Period of Insurance shall not exceed in the aggregate the amount shown in the Schedule to this Section as the Limit of Indemnity

c) For the purpose of this Exclusion and

Limitation Pollution or Contamination shall be deemed to mean

i) all Pollution or Contamination of

buildings or other structures or of water or land or the atmosphere and

ii) all loss or damage or injury directly or

indirectly caused by such Pollution or Contamination

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

Extensions Compensation for Court Attendance In the event of any of the under-mentioned persons attending court as a witness at the request of the Company in connection with a claim in respect of which the Insured is entitled to indemnity under this Section the Company will provide compensation to the Insured at the following rates per day for each day on which attendance is required a) any director or partner of the Insured


b) any Employee £50 Rented Premises General Exclusion 2 b) shall not apply to premises leased let rented hired or lent to the Insured provided that the indemnity will not apply to legal liability in respect of a) loss or damage the responsibility for

which has been accepted under agreement unless liability would have attached to the Insured in the absence of such agreement

b) loss of or damage to premises caused

by fire or any other peril against which a tenancy or other agreement stipulates that insurance shall be effected by or on behalf of the Insured

Defective Premises Act Legal liability in respect of Injury loss or damage arising solely by reason of Section 3 of the Defective Premises Act 1972 or Article 5 of the Defective Premises (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 in respect of any premises previously owned for purposes pertaining to the Business and since disposed of by the Insured is included within the terms of the indemnity provided by this Section but indemnity will not apply if the Insured is entitled to indemnity under any other insurance Contingent Motor Liability Notwithstanding Exclusion 5 the Company will indemnify the Insured in the terms of this Section against legal liability in respect of Injury loss or damage arising out of the use in connection with the Business of any motor vehicle not owned or provided by the Insured

The indemnity will not apply to legal liability a) in respect of loss of or damage to any

such vehicle or to goods conveyed therein or thereon

b) in respect of Injury loss of or damage

arising while such vehicle is being

i) driven by the Insured ii) driven with the general consent of the

Insured or of his representative by any person who to the knowledge of the Insured or his representative does not hold a licence to drive a vehicle unless such person has held and is not disqualified from holding such a licence

iii) used elsewhere than in Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

c) in respect of which the Insured is

entitled to indemnity under any other insurance

Manslaughter Costs Extension

The indemnity provided by this Section extends to include a) legal costs and expenses incurred by

the Insured or any person entitled to indemnity with the prior written consent of the Company in

i) the course of an investigation

leading to the offence of ii) defending the Insured against

criminal proceedings in connection with a charge of

iii) an appeal against any conviction

resulting from a prosecution for

manslaughter corporate manslaughter corporate homicide or culpable homicide as a result of any death happening during the Period of Insurance which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section

b) prosecution costs awarded against the

Insured or any person entitled to

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

indemnity as a result of any conviction for such an offence

Provided always that 1) The maximum amount payable under

this Extension shall not exceed £1,000,000 in all during any one Period of Insurance

2) The Company shall not be liable to

make any payment under this Extension in respect of

a) the fees of any solicitor or counsel

appointed by or on behalf of any person entitled to indemnity unless consent to the appointment has been agreed by the Company

b) fines or penalties or the cost of implementing any remedial order or publicity order

c) an appeal unless advice has been

obtained from a Queen's Counsel that such appeal has strong prospect of success

d) an appeal against any fine penalty

remedial order or publicity order

e) costs incurred as a result of the failure to comply with any remedial order or publicity order

f) costs and expenses insured by

any other policy

g) any investigation or prosecution brought other than under the laws of Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Overseas Personal Liability

The Company will indemnify the Insured and if the Insured so requests any director or partner of the Insured or any Employee or spouse of such person against legal liability incurred in a personal capacity whilst temporarily outside Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man The indemnity will not apply to legal liability

a) arising out of the ownership or occupation of land or buildings

b) in respect of which any person referred to above is entitled to indemnity under any other insurance

Legionellosis Extension Exclusion 1 of General Exclusions and Limitations under the Public and Product Liability Section of the Policy will not apply in respect of the Insured's legal liability to pay damages for accidental Injury to any person other than an Employee arising out of the release of legionella bacteria happening in connection with the Business and occurring within Great Britain Northern Ireland the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man Provided that a) any claim for damages costs and expenses or b) any notification of any circumstance which (i) has caused or is alleged to have caused Injury or (ii) can be reasonably expected to give rise to a claim which may be the subject of an indemnity provided by this Extension is first made in writing to the Insured during the Period of Insurance and is notified to the Company during the same Period of Insurance or within 30 days after the expiry of the same Period of Insurance c) the Insured takes all reasonable precautions to comply with the Health and Safety Commission approved Code of Practice and Guidance entitled "Legionnaires' Disease - The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems L82000" d) the indemnity provided by this Extension will not apply to liability arising under contract whether by virtue of express agreement or otherwise

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

Limit of Indemnity The liability of the Company for all damages costs and expenses payable as a result of any one occurrence or in any one Period of Insurance will not exceed the Limit of Indemnity shown in below This Extension will not apply to claims first made against the Insured by reason of accidental Injury arising out of the release of legionella bacteria committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the Retroactive Date shown below Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000 Retroactive Date: date of the Insolvency Event The indemnity provided under this Extension is subject otherwise to the terms Exclusions and Conditions of the Section and this Policy Environmental Clean Up Costs The following definitions are hereby added solely in respect of this clause Clean Up Costs Costs and expenses of remediation of environmental damage or environmental harm Pollutants Any solid liquid or gaseous pollutant contaminant or irritant substance or any biological agent that is a danger to human health Sudden Incident Sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected incident that does not originate from a gradual continuous or repetitive cause Enforcing Authority Any government or statutory authority implementing or enforcing environmental protection legislation in the Territorial Limits The Company will cover the amount of Clean Up Costs which You are legally liable to pay under a notice order imposed on You by an Enforcing

Authority arising from a release of Pollutants onto or into land surface water or ground water We will only indemnify you in respect a Sudden Incident which happens at a specific time and place during the Period of Insurance in connection with the Business within the Territorial Limits The liability of the Company for all Clean Up Costs as a result of one Sudden Incident or all such incidents occurring during an one Period of Insurance is £100,000 Where a claim for damages arises in addition to Clean Up Costs as a result of the same Sudden Incident Our maximum liability for the total amount of damages and Clean Up Costs added together will not exceed the Public Liability Limit of Indemnity shown in Your Schedule The Company will not cover any part of a claim for Clean Up Costs At or upon property that is or was owned by You or in Your possession or in Your custody or control To achieve an improvement or alteration in the condition of the land or any surface or ground water beyond that Necessary to meet the standards required by law at the start of the remediation Existing at the time of a Sudden Incident for which a claim is made under this Section.

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

Fire Precautions Conditions It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured should organise a hot work permit detailing the safety measures to be adopted and with provision for signed acceptance by the employer. Gas bottles, welding sets and the like should be left in a secure place after the work in order to prevent unauthorised use. Bonfires or the burning of waste shall be permanently attended and shall be situated not less than 50 feet from buildings or similar flammable structures. Combustion must be extinguished before leaving the site. It is strongly recommended that in respect of use away from the Insured’s premises of blow lamps blow torches flame guns hot air guns electric oxyacetylene or other welding or cutting equipment and angle grinders (in circumstances where sparks are emitted) the undernoted precautions are complied with –

Blow lamps blow torches flame guns and hot air guns i) the area in which work is to be carried

out to be examined and combustible property within the vicinity of the work either removed or as far as practicable covered by non-combustible materials

ii) suitable fire extinguishing appliances

to be kept available for immediate use at the point of work or as near as is practicable

iii) blow- lamps blow torches and flame

guns not to be lighted until required for use and extinguished immediately after use

iv) lighted blow lamps torches and flame

guns not to be left unattended v) hot air guns to be switched off when


vi) upon completion of each period of work a thorough fire safety check to be made of the vicinity of the work

Electric oxy-acetylene or other welding or cutting equipment and angle grinders i) the area in which the work is to be

carried out including adjoining shafts or openings and the area on the other side of any wall or partition to be inspected to see whether any combustible property other than the property to be worked upon is in danger of ignition either directly or by conduction of heat

ii) all combustible property to be

removed to a distance of not less than 6 metres from the point of work and property which cannot be moved to be covered and fully protected by overlapping sheets of non-combustible material or equivalent protection

iii) the Insured shall arrange for a person

who is competent in the use of fire extinguishing appliances to work in conjunction with the operative using the equipment to act as a firewatcher and to remain in attendance at all times until lighted flame equipment is extinguished

iv) suitable fire extinguishing appliances

to be made available for immediate use at the point of work

v) gas cylinders not in use to be kept

outside the building in which the work is taking place where practicable but in any event at least 15 metres from the point of application of the heat

vi) upon completion of each period of

work a thorough fire safety check to be made of all areas referred to in paragraph i) above The fire safety check to be undertaken at regular intervals for a period of at least one hour after completion

Public Liability – Building & Allied Trades Section

Special Conditions 1. Material Facts It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall give immediate notice to the Company of any alteration in risk which materially affects this insurance

2. Reasonable Precautions It is a condition precedent to liability that the Insured shall a) take all reasonable precautions to

prevent occurrences which may give rise to liability under this Section

b) take all reasonable steps to comply with

statutory requirements obligations and regulations imposed by any authority

c) forthwith make good or remedy any

defect or danger which becomes apparent or take such additional precautions as the circumstances may require

3. Notification of Claims It is a condition precedent to liability that in the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Section the Insured shall immediately a) give written notice with full particulars to

the Company b) forward to the Company upon receipt

every letter claim writ summons or process

c) notify the Company of any knowledge of

impending prosecution inquest fatal accident or ministry inquiry

4. Claims Control a) no admission offer promise payment or

indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Insured without the written consent of the Company

b) the Company shall be entitled to take

over and conduct in the name of the

Insured the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Insured at its own expense and for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise

c) the Company shall have full discretion

in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim

d) the Insured shall give all information

and assistance the Company may require

5. Discharge of Liability The Company may pay the Limit of Indemnity or any lesser sum for which any claim or claims against the Insured can be settled and the Company shall be under no further liability in respect of such claim or claims except for costs or expenses incurred prior to the date of such payment

6. Other Insurances The Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of liability which is insured by or would but for the existence of this Section be insured by any other policy except in respect of any excess beyond the amount payable under such other policy or which would have been payable under such other policy had this insurance not been effected

7. Fraud If a claim is fraudulent in any respect or if fraudulent means are used by the Insured or by anyone acting on their behalf to obtain any benefit under this Policy all benefit under this Policy shall be forfeited


Contractors All Risks

Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

1. Definition

Wherever the following words and phrases

appear in this Section they will always

have these meanings


The agreement under which the

Permanent or Temporary Works are


Permanent and Temporary Works

Permanent works undertaken in

performance of the Contract including

Structures and their materials that are

necessary for access to or support of the

works and will be removed from the

contract site on or before the date of

completion of the works and not normally

be used again in connection with other


Free issue materials supplied by the

Employer or their agents for which the

Insured is responsible under the terms of

the Contract and for which the value has

been declared to the Company.

Territorial Limits

Shall mean anywhere within Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Channel Islands or

the Isle of Man

2. Indemnity

The Company agrees (subject to the terms

exceptions and conditions contained

herein or endorsed hereon) to indemnify

the Insured by payment or at its option by

reinstatement or repair in respect of loss

or damage to the Property Insured

described in the Schedule to this Section

The Company will also reimburse costs

and expenses necessarily incurred by the

Insured with the consent of the Company


a) removing debris

b) dismantling and/or demolishing

c) shoring up propping and fencing off

d) clearing and/or repairing drains and

service mains on site

e) architects surveyors and consultants

fees in connection with the

reinstatement of the Permanent and

Temporary Works consequent upon its

destruction or damage but not for

preparing any claim

Provided that the liability of the Company

shall not exceed the sum insured or limit of

liability shown in the Schedule plus any

additional amount shown in the escalator

clause of the extensions

3. The Property Insured

Where the following words appear in this

Section they will always have the following


The Permanent or Temporary Works

The Permanent or Temporary Works

executed in performance of the Contract

and materials for use in connection


Temporary Buildings

Site huts and temporary buildings office

furniture fixtures and fittings the property

of the Insured for use in connection with

the Contract

Employees Tools

Employees Tools and other personal

effects for which the Insured is responsible

Contractors All Risks

and for an amount not exceeding £500

any one employee after the application of

the Amount Excluded

All intended for use in connection with the

Contract whilst on or adjacent to the site of

the Contract

4. Exclusions

This Section does not cover

1. Amount Excluded

a) The first £50 in respect of loss of or

damage to each employee’s tools

and personal effects

b) The first £500 in respect of loss of

or damage to all other Property

Insured except for loss or damage

by theft or malicious act when the

amount excluded is increased to


This will increase to £5,000 in

respect of loss or damage to Insured

Property following theft or malicious

act prior to completion of Special

Condition 4 – Security Condition.

2. Vehicles

Loss of or damage to any

mechanically propelled vehicle

intended for conveyance of persons

materials or plant and for which

Insurance or Security under the Road

Traffic Acts is necessary but this

exclusion shall not apply to any

vehicle primarily intended for use at

Contract sites nor any vehicle used

solely at Contract sites and which is

not licensed for road use

3. Craft or Vessels

Loss of or damage to any waterborne

vessel or craft exceeding 8 metres in

length or to any aircraft

4. Deeds Etc

Loss of or damage to deeds bonds

bills of exchange promissory notes

money stamps securities or

documents of title precious metals

precious stones or articles made


5. Vehicles Machinery or Plant Breakdown Loss of or damage to any vehicle or

item of plant or machinery caused by

its own electrical or mechanical

breakdown or its own explosion other

than in respect of new and unused

machinery forming part of the Contract

Works caused by electrical or

mechanical breakdown or explosion

Cover in respect of new and unused

machinery forming part of the Contract

Works will be excluded after

i) seven days from the

commencement of the application of

power or driving force to an item of

machinery prior to the introduction of

feedstock or raw materials or the

application of a load

ii) one calendar month from the

commencement of operational

testing commencing either with the

introduction into the Contract Works

of feedstock or other materials for

processing or handling or when

supply to the system commences.

This does not include any

processes involving chemical action

or reaction unless the prior

agreement of the Company has

been obtained.

6. Existing Property

Loss of or damage to any existing

property including any existing

property being altered or repaired

7. Marine Rigs and Platforms Any damage to marine rigs or

platforms or damage to equipment

mounted on and fixed to such


8. Tunnels Etc Any work on eurotunnels and nuclear installations

Contractors All Risks

9. Defective Design Material or Workmanship The cost necessary to replace repair

or rectify any of the Property Insured

which is in a defective condition due

to a defect in design plan specification

materials or workmanship

notwithstanding anything contained

herein to the contrary this exclusion

shall not apply to the remainder of the

Property Insured which is free of such

defective condition but is damaged as

a consequence of such defect

10. Normal Upkeep

The cost necessary for normal

upkeep or normal making good

11. Wear and Tear

Loss or damage due to wear and tear

or gradual deterioration rust wet or dry

rot contamination vermin and insects

12. Certificate of Completion

Loss of or damage to any part of the

permanent works

a) after such part has been completed

and delivered up to the owner

tenant or occupier or

b) after such part has been taken into use by the owner tenant or occupier or

c) for which a Certificate of

Completion has been issued other

than where such loss or damage

i) be occasioned during the

Defects Liability Period specified

in the Contract and arising from

a cause occurring prior to

commencement of such period

ii) is in respect of materials or other

Insured Property on site for the

purpose of carrying out remedial

works during the Defects Liability

Period specified in the Contract

and for which the Insured are

responsible under the terms of

the Contract during the said

Defects Liability Period

iii) within 14 days of the time of

issue of such Certificate of

Completion and which the

contractor is required by the

terms of the Contract to insure

13. Conditions of Contract

Loss or damage for which the Insured

is relieved of responsibility by the

Conditions of Contract

14. Penalties Under Contract Penalties under Contract for delay

detention or loss of use or losses

arising in connection with Guarantees

of Performance or efficiency or

consequential loss or damage of any


15. Disappearance or Shortage

Loss of any property by

disappearance or by shortage where

such loss is substantiated only by the

making of an inventory or a periodic

stocktaking or is not traceable to an

identifiable event

16. Pressure Waves

Loss destruction or damage directly

occasioned by pressure waves caused

by aircraft and other aerial devices

travelling at sonic or supersonic


17. War Etc Risks Loss or damage occasioned by or

happening through war invasion act of

foreign enemy hostilities (whether war

be declared or not) civil war rebellion

revolution insurrection or military or

usurped power or confiscation

nationalisation requisition or

destruction of or damage to property

by or under the order of any

Government or Public or Local


18. Nuclear Risks

Loss or destruction of or damage to

any property whatsoever or any loss

or expense whatsoever resulting or

arising therefrom or any consequential

loss directly or indirectly caused by or

contributed to by or arising from

Contractors All Risks

a) ionising radiations or contamination

by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel

or from any nuclear waste from the

combustion of nuclear fuel

b) the radioactive toxic explosive or

other hazardous properties of any

explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear

component thereof

19. Terrorism

Loss damage cost or expense of

whatsoever nature directly or indirectly

resulting from or in connection with

1. any act of Terrorism regardless of

any other cause or event

contributing concurrently or in any

other sequence to the loss

2. any action taken in controlling

preventing suppressing or in any

way relating to any act of terrorism

If the Company alleges that by reason

of this exclusion any loss damage cost

or expense is not covered by this

Section of the policy the burden of

proving the contrary shall be upon the


In the event any portion of this

exclusion is found to be invalid or

unenforceable the remainder shall

remain in full force and effect

Definition – Terrorism

In respect of England Scotland and

Wales Terrorism is defined as an act

of any person(s) acting on behalf of or

in connection with any organisation

which carries out activities directed

towards the overthrowing or

influencing by force or violence of any

government de jure or de facto as

certified by Her Majesty's Government

or H M Treasury or any successor

relevant authority

In respect of Northern Ireland

Terrorism is defined as an act

including but not limited to the use of

force or violence and or threat thereof

of any person or group(s) of persons

whether acting alone or on behalf of or

in connection with any organisation(s)

or government(s) committed for

political religious ideological or similar

purposes including the intention to

influence any government and or put

the public or any section of the public

in fear

In respect of the Channel Islands and

the Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as

an act of any person(s) acting on

behalf of or in connection with any

organisation which carries out

activities directed towards the

overthrowing or influencing by force or

violence of any government de jure or

de facto

In respect of elsewhere in the world

Terrorism is defined as an act

including but not limited to the use of

force or violence and or the threat

thereof of any person or group(s) of

persons whether acting alone or on

behalf of or in connection with any

organisation(s) or government(s)

committed for political religious

ideological or similar purposes

including the intention to influence any

government and or to put the public or

any section of the public in fear

20. Electronic Risks

Loss of or damage to any computer or

other equipment or component or

system or item which processes stores

transmits or retrieves data or any part

thereof whether tangible or intangible

(including but without limitation any

information or programs or software)

and whether the property of the

Insured or not where such loss

destruction or damage is caused by

programming or operator error Virus or

Similar Mechanism Hacking including

where this results from the actions or

malicious persons or thieves

Contractors All Risks

For the purpose of this Section

Exclusion the following Definitions


i) Virus or Similar Mechanism shall

mean program code programming

instruction or any set of instructions

intentionally constructed with the

ability to damage interfere with or

otherwise adversely affect computer

programs data files or operations

whether involving self-replication or


This definition of Virus or Similar

Mechanism includes but is not

limited to Trojan horses worms and

logic bombs

ii) Hacking shall mean unauthorised

access to any computer or

component or system or item which

processes stores transmits or

retrieves data

21. Date Recognition

Loss or damage directly or indirectly

caused by or contributed to by or

arising from the failure of any

computer or other equipment data

processing service product microchip

micro processor integrated circuit

embedded chip or similar device

computer software program or process

or any other electronic system or any

design or advice in connection with

any of the foregoing irrespective of

ownership possession or use and

whether occurring before during or

after the Year 2000

i) correctly to recognise any date as

its true calendar date

ii) to capture save or retain and

correctly to manipulate interpret or

process any data or information or

command or instruction as a result

of treating any date otherwise than

as its true calendar date

iii) to capture save or retain or

correctly to process any data as a

result of the operation of any

command which has been

programmed into any computer

software being a command which

causes the loss of data or the

inability to capture save retain or

correctly to process such data on

or after any date

but this shall not exclude subsequent

loss or damage not otherwise

excluded which itself results from fire

lightning explosion aircraft or other

aerial devices or articles dropped

therefrom riot civil commotion strikers

locked out workers persons taking part

in labour disturbances malicious

persons theft earthquake storm flood

escape of water from any tank

apparatus or pipe or impact by any

road vehicle or animal provided such

contingency is insured by this Section

22. Northern Ireland

Loss destruction or damage in

Northern Ireland occasioned by or

happening through or in consequence


a) civil commotion

b) Terrorism as defined in the



In any action suit or other proceedings

where the Company alleges that by

reason of the provisions of this

exclusion any loss destruction or

damage is not covered by this Section

the burden of proving that such loss

destruction or damage is covered shall

be upon the Insured

23. Multiple Lifting Operations

Damage to Insured Property arising

out of any lifting or lowering operation

in which a load is shared between two

or more machines unless the prior

Contractors All Risks

consent of the Company has been


Contractors All Risks

5. Extension Clauses Sub-Contractors

In respect of any Contract awarded under

the JCT Standard Form of Building

Contract incorporating the 1986

Amendment to Insurance and related

Liability Provisions (or equivalent thereof)

and insured under this Section the

following alterations to this Section shall

apply but only in respect of the Permanent

and Temporary Works

In respect of loss or damage to the

Permanent and Temporary Works by any

of the Specified Perils defined in the

Contract it is agreed that so far as is

required by the sub-contract the Company

will not pursue any rights of subrogation

against sub- contractors directly engaged

by the main contractor provided that the

sub-contractor shall as if he were the

Insured observe fulfil and be subject to the

Terms Exceptions and General Conditions

of this Policy

Indemnity to Principals

The insurance by this Section extends to

include the interest of the Insureds

Employer/Principal solely to the extent

required by the Conditions of Contract in

force between the Insured and his

Employer/Principal provided always that

such Employer/Principal shall as if he

were the Insured observe fulfil and be

subject to the Terms Exceptions and

General Conditions of this Policy

Reinstatement of Sum Insured

In the event of loss the sum insured by this

Section will be automatically reinstated

from the date of the loss unless written

notice is given to the contrary either by

AXA Insurance or by the Insured and the

Insured undertake to pay such necessary

premiums as may be required for such

reinstatement from that date

Immobilised Plant

This Section extends to include the

payment of necessary costs incurred in

the recovery of property described in the

Schedule to this Section which may

become immobilised or immovable whilst

being used in connection with the Contract

Provided always that the cause of such

immobilisation or immovability is the

subject of a claim covered by this Section

Public Authorities Clause The insurance in respect of the Permanent Works includes such additional cost of reinstatement following loss or damage to the Property Insured thereby as may be incurred solely by reason of the necessity to comply with Building or other Regulations under or framed in pursuance of any Act of Parliament or Bye-Laws of any Municipal Local or European Authority but excluding a) such costs incurred

i) which can be recovered elsewhere

ii) where notice has been served upon

the Insured under any of the

aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws

prior to the happening of the loss or


b) the amount of any rate tax duty

development or other charge or

assessment arising out of capital

appreciation which may be payable in

respect of the property or by the owner

thereof by reason of compliance with

any of the said Regulations or Bye-Laws

Provided that the work of reinstatement

shall be commenced and carried out

without unreasonable delay

Escalator Clause

In the event of an increase in the value of

any Contract the Sum Insured in respect

of the Permanent and Temporary Works is

automatically increased for such Contract

provided that the amount of the said

increase shall not exceed 20% of the said

Sum Insured


The insurance extends to include loss of

or damage to the Property Insured whilst

Contractors All Risks

in transit within the Territorial Limits other


a) by sea or air

b) any mechanically propelled vehicle

under its own power

c) employees tools and personal effects

Off-Site Storage a) The insurance in respect of the

Permanent Works extends to apply to

materials and goods whilst not on the

site of any contract but intended for

inclusion in any Contract Works covered

by this Section where the Contractor is

responsible under any standard printed

contract conditions provided that the

value of such materials and goods has

been included in an interim certificate

and the materials and goods are

separately stored and identified as

being designated for incorporation in a

specific contract

The maximum liability of the Company

under this extension shall not exceed:–

i) £1,000 in respect of non ferrous metals

ii) £100,000 in respect of any other


b) Where the insurance by this Section

includes Constructional Plant and

Equipment Temporary Buildings and

Hired in Plant such property is insured

whilst at the Insureds own premises or

in a securely locked compound or store

Expediting Costs

This Section extends to include payment

of extra charges for overtime nightwork

work on public holidays express freight air

freight and the like necessarily incurred by

the Insured following reinstatement or

replacement of any damaged property

forming the basis of a claim under this


Re-drawing Plans/Documents

The Company will reimburse costs and

expenses necessarily incurred in re-writing

or re-drawing plans drawings or other

contract documents following loss or

damage thereto up to a maximum amount

for any one claim of £25,000

Showhouses and Contents The insurance by this Section extends to

include showhouse properties and

showhouse contents until sold provided

that the liability of the Company under this

extension in respect of showhouse

contents shall not exceed £5,000

Speculative Building

It is agreed that

a) the property insured in respect of

Permanent Works includes such

property being built or erected by the

Insured other than under Contract

b) in respect of property being built or

erected other than under Contract the

insurance by this Section shall cease to

apply from

i) the date such property is sold or let


ii) three months after the date of

substantial completion of the work or

building or erecting such property

whichever is the earlier

Where the property comprises several

units within one block then b) i) shall apply

to each individual unit but cover in respect

of the whole block shall not exceed 3

months from the date of substantial

completion if parts of it are still unsold or


c) if from any cause work on The Contract

site shall cease for a period in excess of 3

consecutive months then this Section shall

be avoided unless its continuance be

agreed in writing by the Company

Substantial Completion for the purposes of

this Extension shall mean completion

apart from a prospective purchasers or

Contractors All Risks

tenants choice of decoration and/or final


Seventy Two Hour Clause

DAMAGE arising from storm or tempest or

flood shall constitute one loss

(a) if more than one storm tempest or flood

should occur within any period of

seventy-two hours sequential and

commencing during the Period of


(b) if any flood occurs within a period

(longer than set out in (a) above) of the

continued rising or overflow and

subsidence of any river or stream or

other body of water within the banks of

such river or stream or other body of


The commencement of any seventy-two

consecutive hour period shall be decided

at the discretion of the Insured it being

understood and agreed that there shall be

no overlapping of any two or more such

seventy-two consecutive hour periods in

the event of DAMAGE occurring over an

extended period of time

Should a seventy-two consecutive hour

period (or longer period as described in (b)

above) extend beyond the expiry of this

Policy yet commence prior to the expiry of

this Policy the Company shall be liable as

if such period fell entirely within the Period

of Insurance

Joint Names or Multiple Insureds

Indemnity to any party that is required

under the terms of the Contract to be joint

named insured to this Section.

If there is more than one insured party

each operating as a separate and distinct

entity then cover shall apply in the same

manner and to the same extent as if

individual policies had been issued to each


Provided that

a) the total liability of the Company to all of

the Insured parties collectively does not

exceed the Limit of Liability shown on

the Schedule.

b) any payment or payments by the

Company to any one or more insured

party shall reduce to the extent of that

payment the Companys liability to all

arties arising from one one event giving

rise to a claim under this Section

c) the insured parties shall at all times

preserve any available contractual

rights and remedies in the event of loss

or damage

d) the Company shall be entitled to avoid

liability to or claim damages from any of

the insured parties in circumstances of

fraud material misrepresentation

material non disclosure or breach of any

Condition in this Section each referred

to in this clause as a vitiating act

e) the Contact is performed in Great

Britain Northern Ireland the Isle of Man

or the Channel Islands

It is however agreed that

i. a vitiating act committed by one insured

party shall not prejudice the right to

indemnity of any other insured party

who has an insurable interest and who

has not committed a vitiating act

ii the Company agree to waive all rights of

subrogation which they may have or

acquire against any insured party

except where the rights of subrogation

arise from a vitiating act

iii) any lenders to the project shall not be

entitled to any indemnity under this

Section for loss or damage in respect

of which the Company are by reason of

a vitiacting act no longer liable to

Contractors All Risks

indemnity any one or more other

insured party

Avoidance of Impending Damage

The reasonable costs incurred in taking

exceptional measures to prevent or

mitigate impending loss or damage for

which indemnity is provided by this

Section provided that

a) loss or damage would reasonably be

expected if such measures were not


b) the Company are satisfied that loss

or damage has been avoided or

mitigated by means of the

exceptional measures

c) the amount payable will be limited to

the cost of los or damage which

would have otherwise occurred

d) the terms and conditions of this

Policy apply as if the loss or damage

had occurred

e) the liability of the Company in the

event of loss under this extension

shall not exceed the sum insured

Payments On Account

Payment as agreed between the Insured

and the Company in advance of final

settlement of a claim under this Section

where the Company has admitted liability.

Fire Brigade Charges

The insurance of this Section extends to include the costs necessarily and reasonably incurred by the Insured in making good the Insured Property damaged by the Fire Brigade or any other emergency service in consequence of damage to the Property Insured the liability of the Company under this clause shall not exceed £10,000 any one loss or during any one period of insurance

6. Special Conditions 1. Reasonable Precautions

The Insured shall take all reasonable

precautions to safeguard the Property

Insured and prevent loss or damage

including any additional precautions

necessary as the result of partial or total

cessation of work by the Insured at any

Contract site

2. Notification to Police of Theft or

Wilful Damage

In the case of theft or wilful damage the

Insured shall immediately notify the Police

and shall take all reasonable steps for the

discovery and punishment of any guilty

person and to trace and recover the

property lost

3. Other Insurances

This Section does not cover any loss or

damage which is insured by or would but

for the existence of this Section be insured

by any other policy or policies except in

respect of any excess beyond the amount

paid under such other policy or policies or

which would have been payable

thereunder had this insurance not been


4. Security Condition

The Company shall not pay for claims for

theft or attempted theft or malicious

damage unless the following security

measures have been introduced within

forty-eight (48) hours of the notification to

Willis informing them of the details and

location of the Owned, Hired in Plant and

Employees Tools

Owned Plant Hired in Plant and

Employees Tools is secured by the

following when not in use and left


A) by being retained within a fixed and

locked compound yard or enclosure

comprising Perimeter Fencing Gate and

Lock defined as:

Perimeter Fencing

with a minimum height of no less than 2

Metres of brick/ concrete block or

Contractors All Risks

Chain-link or metal-mesh or palisade

fencing on concrete or steel uprights set

in concrete at no more than 3 Metres



single or double leaf gates of steel

construction with anti lift hinges on

concrete or steel uprights set in

concrete and fitted with a Lock secured

at all times


A centrally positioned security closed

shackle padlock and matching padlock

bar to at least CEN grade 5 standard

fitted in accordance with the

manufacturers instructions


B) is retained within a compound yard or

enclosure protected by permanent on-

site security personnel including

periodic patrols and checks not less

than every Two hours

Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the


Contractors Plant and Equipment

Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule


DAMAGE The word DAMAGE in capital letters shall

mean physical loss destruction or damage

Property Insured

The property detailed in the Schedule

Deferred Purchase An arrangement whereby the Insured

enters into an agreement which entitles

the Insured to defer payment for Property

Insured for a period in excess of usual

trade credit

Notice of Adjudication

Any notice issued by a party to a contract

to which the Housing Grants Construction

and Regeneration Act 1996 applies

stating an intention to refer a dispute

under contract to adjudication

Owned Plant

Property owned by the Insured as

described in the Schedule comprising

constructional plant tools and equipment

Hired in Plant

Property hired in by the Insured as

described in the Schedule

Part 1 – Damage to Owned Plant Indemnity

The Company agrees that in the event of

DAMAGE (other than DAMAGE hereby

excluded) to the Property Insured which is

owned by or on Deferred Purchase or

leased to the Insured whilst situate or in

transit anywhere in the Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Isle of Man or the

Channel Islands and at the time of such

DAMAGE the Property Insured

a) is less than or equal to 1 year old from

the date of sale as new the amount

payable shall be Reinstatement as

detailed in the Reinstatement Clause

b) is more than 1 year old from the date

of sale as new the Company will pay to

the Insured the value of the Property

Insured at the time of the DAMAGE or

the cost of repair of the DAMAGE to a

condition substantially the same as but

not better or more extensive than the

condition at the time of the DAMAGE or

at its option reinstate or replace such

Property Insured

Exclusion applicable to Part 1

This part does not cover


DAMAGE to Property Insured by its own

explosion mechanical or electrical

breakdown failure breakage or

derangement including but not limited to

DAMAGE caused by any failure to maintain

the Property Insured in accordance with

manufacturers recommendations but not

including DAMAGE caused by the error or

omission of the driver(s) or operator(s) of

the Property Insured other than in respect

of failure to maintain

Extension applicable to Part 1

Additional Property

The Insurance extends to include

additions to the Property Insured occurring

after the commencement of the Period of

Insurance for the period up to the next

renewal date subject to a maximum of

£10,000 (in the aggregate) above the

sums insured stated in the Schedule

provided that the Property Insured is on a

specified item basis

Contractors Plant and Equipment

Clause applicable to Part 1 Reinstatement In the event of DAMAGE to the

Property Insured the amount payable

shall be the reinstatement of the

Property Insured

For this purpose “reinstatement” means

a) where any item of property suffers

DAMAGE to the extent that it cannot

be economically repaired

replacement by new property of

equal performance and/or capacity

or if such be impossible replacement

by property having the nearest

higher performance and/or capacity

to the property which has suffered


b) where the property suffers

DAMAGE the repair of the DAMAGE

and the restoration of the portion of

property suffering DAMAGE to a

working condition substantially the

same as but not better or more

extensive than its condition when


Special Provisions

1) No payment beyond the amount which

would have been payable in the

absence of this memorandum shall be


a) unless reinstatement commences

and proceeds without unreasonable


b) until reinstatement has been carried


c) if the Property Insured at the time of

its DAMAGE shall be insured by any

other insurance effected by or on

behalf of the Insured which is not

upon the same basis of reinstatement

2) If at the time of reinstatement the sum

representing eighty-five per cent of the

cost which would have been incurred in

reinstating the whole of the Property

Insured exceeds the sum insured

thereon at the commencement of any

DAMAGE the liability of the Company

shall not exceed that proportion of the

amount of the DAMAGE which the sum

insured shall bear to the sum

representing the cost of reinstating the

whole of the property at that time

3) All terms exclusions and conditions of

this Section shall apply

a) in respect of any claim payable under

the provisions of this memorandum

except in so far as they are varied


b) where claims are payable as if this

memorandum had not been


Part 2 – Damage to Hired In Plant Indemnity The Company agrees that in the event

of DAMAGE (other than DAMAGE hereby

excluded) to the Property Insured hired

in by the Insured whilst situate or in transit

anywhere in Great Britain Northern Ireland

the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands

The Company will indemnify the Insured

against all sums they shall become legally

liable to pay for

a) DAMAGE to the Property Insured hired

in by the Insured

b) continuing hiring charges levied upon

the Insured in consequence of such


Clauses applicable to Parts 1 & 2 Payments on Account In the event of DAMAGE the Company will

make monthly payments on account to the

Insured if desired

Indemnity to Principal The insurance provided by this Section is

extended to indemnify the Insureds

employer/ purchaser/principal solely to the

extent required by the conditions of

contract in force between the Insured and

Contractors Plant and Equipment

the employer/ purchaser/principal provided

always that such employer/ purchaser/

principal shall as if they were the Insured

observe fulfil and be subject to the terms

exclusions and conditions of the Policy

Own Surrounding Property and Goods Lifted The insurance provided by this Section

is extended to include

a) DAMAGE (other than DAMAGE hereby

excluded or DAMAGE to the contents or

load being handled by the Property

Insured) to property not described in the

Schedule belonging to the Insured or in

his custody or control caused by

accidental external impact with any item

of Property Insured described in the

Schedule or with the contents or load

being handled by such Property Insured

b) The insurance provided by this Section

is extended to include DAMAGE (other

than DAMAGE hereby excluded) to

goods in the custody or control of the

Insured caused by accidental external

impact whilst being handled by any item

of Property Insured described in the


provided that the liability of the

Company shall not exceed £10,000 in

respect of such DAMAGE during any

Period of Insurance

Limit of Liability

The liability of the Company shall not


a) if cover is provided by this Policy in

respect of Part 1 the sums insured

stated in the Schedule or the balance of

such sums insured remaining after

deduction for any other DAMAGE

occurring during the same Period of

Insurance unless the Company shall

have agreed to reinstate any such sum

insured provided that the Property

Insured is on a specified item basis


b) if cover is provided by this Policy in

respect of Section 1 and/or 2 in total in

respect of any one incident of DAMAGE

or series of incidents of DAMAGE from

a common cause the Limit of Liability

stated in the Schedule

If more than one Insured is referred to in

the Schedule this Section shall apply to

each one as if a separate Policy had been

issued to each provided the total amount

of indemnity payable to all parties in

respect of DAMAGE shall not exceed the

sum insured

Security Condition

The Company shall not pay for claims for

theft or attempted theft or malicious

damage unless the following security

measures have been introduced within

forty-eight (48) hours of the notification to

Willis informing them of the details and

location of the plant

All Owned Plant Hired in Plant and

Employees Tools is secured by the

following when not in use and left


A) by being retained within a fixed and

locked compound yard or enclosure

comprising Perimeter Fencing Gate and

Lock defined as:

Perimeter Fencing

with a minimum height of no less than 2

Metres of brick/ concrete block or Chain-

link or metal-mesh or palisade fencing on

concrete or steel uprights set in concrete

at no more than 3 Metres spacing


single or double leaf gates of steel

construction with anti lift hinges on

concrete or steel uprights set in concrete

and fitted with a Lock secured at all times


A centrally positioned security closed

shackle padlock and matching padlock bar

to at least CEN grade 5 standard fitted in

accordance with the manufacturers



B) is retained within a compound yard or

enclosure protected by permanent on-

Contractors Plant and Equipment

site security personnel including

periodic patrols and checks not less

than every Two hours

Unless otherwise agreed in writing with


Extensions applicable to Parts 1 & 2

The insurance by this Section extends

to include

Expediting Costs and Temporary


Costs necessarily and reasonably incurred

in making temporary repairs upon and/or

expediting the repair reinstatement or

replacement of the Property Insured as a

result of DAMAGE provided the liability of

the Company shall not exceed 50% of the

normal cost of repair or £2,500 whichever

is the less

Repair Costs Investigation

Additional costs relating to repair

investigations and tests following

indemnifiable damage to the Property

Insured by consulting engineers not

exceeding £25,000 in any one Period of

Insurance with the prior written agreement

of the Company The Company shall not

be liable under this Extension for fees

incurred in preparing a claim under this


Debris Removal Costs

Costs incurred with the Company’s

consent in the removal of debris and

protection of the Property Insured

consequent upon DAMAGE for which

indemnity is provided by this insurance but

provided the liability of the Company shall

not exceed £25,000 or 20% of the

DAMAGE whichever is the lower

Legal Proceedings

Legal costs incurred in the defence of

proceedings against the Company

provided that the written consent of the

Company must be obtained before any

costs are incurred and the Company

shall be entitled to nominate a solicitor

to represent the Insured

Loss Avoidance Procedures

The reasonable costs incurred in taking

exceptional measures to prevent or

mitigate impending DAMAGE for which

indemnity is provided by this Section

provided that

a) DAMAGE would reasonably be

Contractors Plant and Equipment

expected if such measures were not


b) the Company are satisfied that

DAMAGE has been avoided or

mitigated by means of the exceptional


c) the amount payable will be limited to

the cost of DAMAGE which would have

otherwise occurred

d) the terms and conditions of this Policy

apply as if DAMAGE had occurred

e) the liability of the Company in the event

of loss under this extension shall not

exceed the sum insured

Automatic Reinstatement of Sum


The reinstatement of the sum insured from

the date of occurrence of any claim at

additional premium The Company will

waive the additional premium if the cost of

the claim does not exceed £25,000

Immobilised Property

Costs necessarily and reasonably incurred

by the Insured to recover Property Insured

which has become accidentally

immobilised during normal operations

other than by its own explosion

mechanical or electrical breakdown failure

breakage or derangement (including but

not limited to DAMAGE caused by any

failure to maintain the Property Insured in

accordance with the manufacturers

recommendations but not including

DAMAGE caused by the error or omission

of the driver(s) or operator(s) of the

Property Insured other than in respect of

failure to maintain) provided that

a) the liability of the Company shall

not exceed £25,000 in respect of all

recoveries during any Period of


b) such costs do not exceed the sum

which would otherwise have been

payable under the terms of this

Section had such costs not been


c) the Company shall not be liable in

respect of DAMAGE in order to

effect recovery of Property Insured

Damage to Security Devices

The cost incurred in repairing or replacing

any immobiliser locating tracking or other

security device permanently fitted to the

Insured Property following loss or damage

due to theft or attempted theft for which

the Company has admitted liability.

Provided that

a) the liability of the Insurers shall not

exceed £1,000

a) no Excess will apply

Loss of Keys

The insurance of this Section extends to include costs incurred by the Insured as a result of the necessary replacement of locks if any of the keys of the Premises are accidentally lost or stolen from the Premises or from the homes of principals partners directors or authorised employees of the Insured

Provided that under this clause

b) no cover applies for keys for a safe or strong-room left on the Premises overnight unless the Premises are in normal occupation twenty four hours a day

c) the Company’s liability is limit to £1,000 any one loss

d) no Excess will apply

Special Conditions applicable to Parts 1 & 2

Multiple Lifting Operations

For the insurance provided under this

Section to be operative during any

operation in which a load is shared

between more than one item of machinery

classed as lifting plant or lifting equipment

(of which at least one item of the

equipment involved in such lifting

operations is insured by this Section) the

lifting operation must be conducted in

accordance with BS7121

Contractors Plant and Equipment

Notice of Adjudication

In the event of the Insured receiving a

Notice of Adjudication relating to any

circumstance which has given or may give

rise to a claim under this Section the

Insured shall give immediate notice (or on

the first working day thereafter) thereof

Claims Notification and


In the event of DAMAGE for which a

claim is to be made under this Section

the Insured shall retain any damaged

Property Insured or parts for inspection

Minor Repairs

The Insured may without prejudice to

liability proceed with minor repairs subject

to compliance with General Condition 3


If any Item has an individual Sum Insured

set against it and at the time of any loss or

damage to the item its value exceeds that

Sum Insured then the Insured shall be

considered his own insurer for the

difference and shall bear a rateable

proportion of the loss or damage



The Insured shall take

a) all reasonable precautions to prevent

DAMAGE and shall maintain the

Property Insured in efficient working


b) comply with any statute or order


The Company or their representatives

shall have right of access to the Property

Insured at reasonable times

Alteration or Modification

The Insured shall notify the Company

of any proposed alterations or

modifications to the Property Insured

Suspension of Cover

The Company reserves the right to

suspend the insurance at any time by

written notice to the Insured until the

Company requirements have been


General Exclusions

The insurance by this Section does not


1. Excess

The first £500 of each and every loss

except for DAMAGE by theft or malicious

damage where the amount excluded is

increased to £1,000

This will increase to £5,000 in respect of

loss or damage to Insured Property

following theft or malicious act prior to

completion of Special Condition 4 –

Security Condition.

2. War Risks

DAMAGE directly or indirectly occasioned

by or in consequence of war invasion acts

of foreign enemies hostilities (whether war

be declared or not) civil war rebellion

revolution insurrection military or usurped

power or confiscation or nationalisation or

requisition or destruction of or damage to

property by or under the order of any

government or public or local authority

3. Nuclear Risks

DAMAGE to property or loss expense or

consequential loss directly or indirectly

caused by or arising from

i) ionising radiations or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from

any nuclear waste from the combustion of

nuclear fuel

Contractors Plant and Equipment

ii) the radioactive toxic explosive or other

hazardous properties of any explosive

nuclear assembly or nuclear component

4. Sonic Bangs

Any loss directly caused by the pressure

waves of aircraft or other aerial devices

travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds

5. Intentional Acts

DAMAGE caused by

a) the intentional act or wilful neglect of

the Insured

b) i) intentional overloading

ii) testing or experiments involving the

imposition of any abnormal


6. Wear and Tear

DAMAGE solely due to

a) wear and tear gradual deterioration or


b) gradually developing defects

c) scratching or chipping of painted or

polished surfaces

d) erosion or corrosion

but this shall not exclude subsequent

DAMAGE not otherwise excluded

7. Guarantee of Performance

Penalties for delay or detention or in

connection with guarantees of

performance or efficiency

8. Date Recognition

DAMAGE directly or indirectly caused by

or contributed to by or arising from the

failure of any computer or other equipment

data processing service product microchip

micro processor integrated circuit

embedded chip or similar device computer

software program or process or any other

electronic system or any design or advice

in connection with any of the foregoing

irrespective of ownership possession or

use and whether occurring before during

or after the Year 2000

Contractors Plant and Equipment

i) correctly to recognise any date as its

true calendar date

ii) to capture save or retain and/or

correctly to manipulate interpret or

process any data or information or

command or instruction as a result of

treating any date otherwise than as its

true calendar date

iii) to capture save or retain or correctly to

process any data as a result of the

operation of any command which has

been programmed into any computer

software being a command which

causes the loss of data or the inability

to capture save retain or correctly to

process such data on or after any date

but this shall not exclude subsequent

DAMAGE not otherwise excluded which

itself results from fire lightning explosion

aircraft or other aerial devices or articles

dropped therefrom riot civil commotion

strikers locked-out workers persons taking

part in labour disturbances malicious

persons theft earthquake storm flood

escape of water from any tank apparatus

or pipe or impact by any road vehicle or

animal provided such contingency is

insured by this Section

9. Terrorism

Loss damage cost or expense of

whatsoever nature directly or indirectly

caused by resulting from or in connection


1. Any act of Terrorism regardless of any

other cause or event contributing

concurrently or in any other sequence

to the loss

2. Any action taken in controlling

preventing suppressing or in any way

relating to any act of Terrorism

If the Company alleges that by reason of

this exclusion any loss damage cost or

expense is not covered by this Section of

the Policy the burden of proving the

contrary shall be upon the Insured

organisation(s) or government(s)

committed for political religious ideological

or similar purposes including the intention

to influence any government and or put

the public or any section of the public in


In respect of the Channel Islands and

the Isle of Man Terrorism is defined as

an act of any person(s) acting on behalf

of or in connection with any

organisation which carries out activities

directed towards the overthrowing or

influencing by force or violence of any

government de jure or de facto

In respect of elsewhere in the world

Terrorism is defined as an act including

but not limited to the use of force or

violence and or the threat thereof of any

person or group(s) of persons whether

acting alone or on behalf of or in

connection with any organisation(s) or

government(s) committed for political

religious ideological or similar purposes

including the intention to influence any

government and or to put the public or any

section of the public in fear

10.Northern Ireland

DAMAGE in Northern Ireland occasioned

by or happening through or in

consequence directly or indirectly of

i) civil commotion

ii) TERRORISM as defined in 9. Terrorism


In any action suit or other proceedings

where the Company alleges that by

reason of this definition any DAMAGE is

not covered by this Section the burden or

proving that such DAMAGE is covered

shall be upon the Insured

11. Electronic Risks

DAMAGE to any computer or other

equipment or component or system or

item which processes stores transmits or

retrieves data or any part thereof whether

tangible or intangible (including but without

limitation any information programs or

software) and whether the property of the

Insured or not where such DAMAGE is

caused by programming or operator error

Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking

Contractors Plant and Equipment

but this shall not exclude DAMAGE not

otherwise excluded which itself results

from a Defined Peril save in respect of

malicious persons other than thieves

For the purposes of this Section Exclusion

the following Definitions apply:


a) Virus or Similar Mechanism shall mean

program code programming instruction

or any set of instructions intentionally

constructed with the ability to damage

interfere with or otherwise adversely

affect computer programs data files or

operations whether involving self-

replication or not

This Definition of Virus or Similar

Mechanism includes but is not limited to

Trojan horses worms and logic bombs

b) Hacking shall mean unauthorised

access to any computer or other

equipment or component or system or

item which processes stores transmits

or retrieves data

12. Riot Strike and Civil Commotion

DAMAGE resulting from riot strike lock-

out or civil commotion

13. Airborne and Waterborne Craft

DAMAGE to any airborne or waterborne

vessel craft platform or rig nor any of the

Property Insured situate thereon

14. Consequential Loss

Financial loss loss of profits loss due to

delay or consequential loss of any kind not

more specifically insured by this Section

15. Transit by Sea and Air

DAMAGE occurring whilst the Property

Insured is in transit by sea or air

16. Rubber Tyres

DAMAGE to rubber tyres unless such

DAMAGE forms part of other DAMAGE for

which insurance is provided under this

Section or unless such DAMAGE arises

out of a malicious act

17. Excluded Parts


a) tools cutting edges moulds dies

patterns non-metallic linings glass

pulverising and crushing surfaces

flexible pipes trailing cables drive belts

or parts requiring periodic renewal

unless forming part of other insured loss

or damage for which liability has been

accepted by the Company under this


b) underground buried or flexible piping

c) safety or protective devices due to their


18. Excluded Items

DAMAGE to scaffolding access towers or

ladders and aluminium trackway

19. Application of Tools

DAMAGE caused by the application of any

tool or process during the course of

maintenance inspection modification or


20. Underground Damage and


a) DAMAGE occurring underground

b) Recovery costs and abandonment of

the Property Insured underground

21. Pollution or Contamination

DAMAGE caused by pollution or

contamination (unless otherwise excluded)

except DAMAGE caused by

a) pollution or contamination which itself

results from any DAMAGE insured

b) any DAMAGE insured which itself

results from the pollution or


22. Unexplained Losses

The Company shall not be liable

for unaccountable losses or losses

discovered on the occasion of checks or

inventories unless the Insured can

produce reasonable proof that such losses

are as a result of DAMAGE

Terrorism Section

Only applicable if this Section is shown as insured in the Schedule

In consideration of the payment of the

Premium in respect of the Period of

Insurance, the cover provided under the

Sections shown under the Terrorism

Section of the Schedule of this policy is

extended to include loss destruction or

damage to the property insured or


occasioned by or happening through or in

consequence of Terrorism as hereinafter

defined for the purposes of this Terrorism


In respect of any Property located in

England Wales and Scotland Terrorism is

defined for the purposes of this Section

only as:

An act of any person(s) acting on behalf

or of in connection with any organisation

which carries out activities directed

towards the overthrowing or influencing by

force or violence of any government de

jure or de facto as certified by Her

Majesty's Government or H M Treasury or

any successor relevant authority

In respect of any Property located in the

Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Terrorism is defined for the purposes of

this Section only as:

An act of any person(s) acting on behalf or of in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of any government de jure or de facto

In respect of Property in any other territory Terrorism is defined as an act including but not limited to the use of force or violence and or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political

religious ideological or similar purposes

including the intention to influence any

government and or put the public or any

section of the public in fear

A. Provided always that the insurance

provided by this Terrorism Section is

subject to the following exclusions :-

(1) War and Allied Risks exclusion

Damage occasioned by riot civil commotion war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war is declared or not) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military or usurped power nationalisation confiscation requisition seizure or destruction by the government or any public authority

(2) Electronic Risks Exclusion

This insurance does not cover any losses whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from or occasioned by or resulting from: Damage to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or retrieves data or any part thereof whether tangible or intangible (including but without limitation any information or programs or software) and whether the property of the Insured or not, where such Damage is caused by Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking or Denial of Service Attack

For the purposes of this exclusion the

following definitions shall apply:

Virus or Similar Mechanism

Virus or Similar Mechanism means program code, programming instruction or any set of instructions intentionally constructed with the ability to damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect computer programs, data files or operations, whether involving self-replication or not. The definition of Virus or Similar Mechanism includes but is not

Terrorism Section

limited to Trojan horses, worms and logic bombs

Terrorism Section


Hacking means unauthorised access to

any computer or other equipment or

component or system or item which

processes stores transmits or retrieves


Denial of Service Attack

Denial of Service Attack means any actions or instructions constructed or generated with the ability to damage, interfere with or otherwise affect the availability of networks, network services, network connectivity or information systems. Denial of Service Attacks include, but are not limited to, the generation of excess traffic into network addresses, the exploitation of system or network weaknesses and the generation of excess or non-genuine traffic between and amongst networks (3) Excluded Property

This insurance does not cover any losses

whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by

or contributed to by or arising from or

occasioned by or resulting from Damage

in respect of:

i) any nuclear installation or nuclear


ii) any property which is specifically

excluded elsewhere in this policy

iii) any property which is insured by or

would but for the existence of this policy

be insured by any form of transit, aviation

or marine policy

B. This Terrorism Section is also subject to

the following terms and conditions:

(1) In any action or other proceedings

where the Company alleges that any

Damage is not covered by this Terrorism

Section the burden of proving that such

Damage is covered shall be upon the


(2) The Company's liability in respect of

all losses arising out of any one

occurrence and in the aggregate in any

one period of insurance shall not exceed

the limits as otherwise specified under this


(3) The insurance provided by this

Terrorism Section is subject otherwise to

all the terms definitions conditions and

provisions of this policy

General Conditions

General Conditions

1 Policy Voidable This Policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation mis-description or non-disclosure in any material particular 2 Alteration This Policy shall be avoided with respect to any Item thereof in regard to which there is any alteration after the commencement of this insurance a) by removal or b) whereby the risk of loss or damage is increased or c) whereby the interest of the Insured ceases except by will or operation of law unless admitted to the Company in writing 3 Claims Conditions 1) In the event of any loss destruction or damage or event likely to give rise to a claim under this

Policy the Insured shall a) notify the Company via Willis Limited as soon as practicable b) notify the Police Authority immediately if it becomes evident that any loss or damage has been

caused by theft or malicious persons c) carry out and permit to be taken any action which may be reasonably practicable to prevent further

loss destruction or damage d) deliver to the Company at the Insured’s expense

i) full information in writing of the property lost destroyed or damaged and of the amount of loss destruction or damage

ii) details of any other insurances on any property hereby insured within 30 days after such loss

destruction or damage or such further time as the Company may allow iii) all such proofs and information relating to the claim as may be reasonably required iv) if demanded a statutory declaration of the truth of the claim and of any matters connected with it

2) No claim under this Policy shall be payable unless the terms of this condition have been complied

with 4 Fraud If You or anyone acting for You: 1 knowingly make a fraudulent or exaggerated claim under Your Policy; 2 knowingly make a false statement in support of a claim (whether or not the claim itself is genuine); or

General Conditions


3 knowingly submit a false or forged document in support of a claim (whether or not the claim itself is genuine), We will: a) refuse to pay the claim; b) declare the Policy void, treating it as if it had never existed without any refund of premium; and c) recover any sums that we have already paid under the Policy in respect of the claim and any previous claims. We may also inform the police of the circumstances 5 Reinstatement If any property is to be reinstated or replaced by the Company the Insured shall at their own expense provide all such plans documents books and information as may reasonably be required The Company shall not be bound to reinstate exactly but only as circumstances permit and in a reasonably sufficient manner and shall not in any case be bound to expend in respect of any one of the items insured more than its Sum Insured 6 Reasonable Precautions The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss destruction or damage 7 The Company’s rights following a claim On the happening of any loss destruction or damage in respect of which a claim is made the Company and any person authorised by the Company may without thereby incurring any liability or diminishing any of the Company’s rights under this Policy enter take or keep possession of the premises where such loss destruction or damage has occurred and take possession of or require to be delivered to the Company any property insured and deal with such property for all reasonable purposes and in any reasonable manner No claim under this Policy shall be payable unless the terms of this condition be abandoned to the Company whether taken possession of by the Company or not

General Conditions


8 Contribution and Average If at the time of any loss destruction or damage there is any other insurance effected by or on behalf of the Insured covering any of the property lost destroyed or damaged the liability of the Company hereunder shall be limited to its rateable proportion of such loss destruction or damage If any such other insurance shall be subject to any average condition this Policy if not already subject to any such condition of average shall be subject to average in like manner If any such other insurance is subject to any provision whereby it is excluded from ranking concurrently with this Policy either in whole or in part or from contributing rateably the liability of the Company under this Policy shall be limited to that proportion of the loss destruction or damage which the Sum Insured under this Policy bears to the value of the property 9 Subrogation Any claimant under this Policy shall at the request and expense of the Company take and permit to be taken all necessary steps for enforcing rights against any other party in the name of the Insured before or after any payment is made by the Company 10 Cancellation Our Rights We shall not be bound to accept any renewal of this Policy and may at any time give 21 days notice of cancellation by recorded delivery to Your last known address Thereupon You shall be entitled to the return of a proportionate part of the premium paid in respect of the unexpired term of this Policy This termination will be without prejudice to any rights or claims of the Insured or the Company prior to the expiration of such notice Your Rights You may cancel this Policy in the first year of insurance during the 14 days after the Contract has been concluded by giving notice in writing to Your Insurance Adviser at the address shown in their correspondence or to the AXA Insurance address shown on Your Policy schedule This right does not apply at the first or any subsequent renewal of the Policy Provided that there have been • no claims made under the Policy for which We have made a payment • no claims made under the Policy which are still under consideration • no incidents likely to give rise to a claim but are yet to be reported to Us during this 14 day period We will give a refund for the proportionate part of the premium paid in respect of the unexpired term of this Policy, subject to a minimum premium of £50 If a claim has been submitted or there has been any incident likely to give rise to a claim during the current Period of Insurance, no refund for the unexpired portion of the premium will be given 12 Proceedings The Insured shall not except at their own cost negotiate pay settle admit or repudiate any claim without the written consent of the Company The Company shall be entitled to undertake in the name and on behalf of the Insured the absolute conduct and control of any proceedings and any settlement of the same The Insured shall render to the Company all necessary information and assistance to enable the Company to settle or resist any claim or to institute proceedings 13 Warranties

General Conditions


Every warranty to which this Policy or any item thereof is or may be made subject shall from the time the warranty attaches apply and continue to be in force during the whole currency of this Policy Non-compliance with any such warranty in so far as it increases the risk of loss destruction or damage shall be a bar to any claim in respect of such loss destruction or damage provided that whenever this Policy is renewed a claim in respect of loss destruction or damage occurring during the renewal period shall not be barred by reason of a warranty not having been complied with at any time before the commencement of such period Nothing in this Policy shall be construed as a warranty unless it is expressly stated to be one in this Policy

General Conditions


14 Arbitration If any difference arises as to the amount to be paid under this Policy (liability being otherwise admitted) such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with statutory provisions Where any difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration the making of any award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Company 15 Condition Precedent Nothing in this Policy shall be construed as a condition precedent unless it is expressly stated to be one in this Policy omission or by an alteration whereby the risk of DAMAGE or any other contingency of a shall immediately upon becoming aware hereof shall give notice to the Company and pay any additional premium if required by the n

16. Non Invalidation Clause This insurance shall not be invalidated by any act or omission or by an alteration whereby the risk of DAMAGE or any other contingency of a type insured by this Policy is increased unknown to or beyond the control of the Insured provided that the Insured shall immediately upon becoming aware thereof shall give notice to the Company and pay any additional premium if required by the Company

Making a Complaint


Making a Complaint AXA Insurance aims to provide the highest standard of service to every customer. If our service does not meet Your expectations we want to hear about it so we can try to put things right. All complaints we receive are taken seriously. Following the steps below will help us understand Your concerns and give You a fair response. Who to contact? The most important factors in getting your complaint dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible are -- to be sure you are talking to the correct person, and -- that you are giving him/her the correct information So we begin by establishing your first point of contact Step One - Initiating your complaint In the first instance you need to contact Willis Ltd who sold you your policy. You will need to call the number on your policy document and state your complaint. -- Please provide your name and a contact telephone number -- Please quote your policy and/or claim number, and the type of policy you hold -- Please explain clearly and concisely the reason for your complaint If you wish to provide written details, the following checklist has been prepared for you to use when drafting your letter -- Head your letter ‘COMPLAINT’ -- Give your full name, post code and contact telephone number(s) -- Quote the type of policy and your policy and/or claim number -- Advise the name of your insurance agent/firm (if applicable) -- Explain clearly and concisely the reason(s) for your complaint The letter should be sent to the person dealing with your complaint along with any other material required If your complaint is about Willis Ltd and the service we have provided Willis Insolvency will deal with the complaint The Manager Willis Insolvency Services Willis Ltd 40 St Pauls Square Birmingham B3 1FQ Tel 0121 214 1717 Fax 0121 214 1600 If your complaint is about the product you have been sold or a claim on your policy Willis Insolvency will pass the details of your complaint to AXA Insurance UK plc or the relevant Claims Office to deal with the complaint

Making a Complaint


It is expected that the majority of complaints will be quickly and satisfactorily resolved at this stage, but if you are not satisfied, you can take the issue further Step 2 – Beyond Willis and AXA Insurance UK plc If Willis or the Insurer(s) have given you its final response and you are still dissatisfied you may be able to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) The FOS is an independent body that arbitrates on complaints about general insurance products. It will only consider complaints if -- The Insurer(s) has provided you with written confirmation that its internal complaints procedure has

been exhausted The Ombudsman can be contacted at: Insurance Division Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR Tel: 0845 080 1800 Fax: 020 7964 1001 Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk Web: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk * free for people phoning from a ‘fixed line’ (for example, a landline at home) ** free for mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02 Referral to the Ombudsman will not affect your right to take legal action against the Insurer(s) Insurer(s) promise to you The Insurer(s) will: -- Acknowledge written complaints promptly

-- Investigate quickly and thoroughly

-- Keep you informed of progress

-- Do everything possible to resolve your complaint

-- Use the information from complaints to continuously improve its service

Financial Services Compensation Scheme AXA insurance UK plc are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation in the unlikely event we cannot meet our obligations to you. This depends on the type of insurance, size of the business and the circumstances of the claim. Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS (www.fscs.org.uk).

Making a Complaint

Willis Limited Willis Limited is a Lloyds Broker, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 181116 England and Wales 51 Lime Street London EC3M 7DQ

AXA Insurance UK plc Registered in England No 78950. Registered Office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. A member of the AXA Group of Companies. AXA Insurance UK plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.









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