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Wimberley Presbyterian Church Newsletter June, 2011

At the end of this month, we will host “Home Town Nazareth” this year’s version of Va-cation Bible School. It is important in the life of the church for lots of reasons, but let me give you a few: 1 It is part of our baptismal vows. Every time we baptize a baby, we make prom-ises and enter into covenant with that child and their family to help raise their child to know, love, and serve Jesus. What a great promise and what an awesome responsibil-ity. 2 It is part of fulfilling the “Great Commission.” Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. VBS is a strategic way to reach out the community and present the gospel to children and invite them into a life of following Jesus together. 3 Children are the life-blood of the church. For a church to remain vital, it must have solid Children and Youth ministries. It is great to see so many children come up front for the Time for Young Disciples, and we must provide a consistent ministry of teaching and service for them and with them. 4 Families need all the help they can get. It is no secret that these are challenging times to raise children. There are influences and voices of all kinds that vie for their at-tention. Some of those influences and voices are not mere diversions but are down-right destructive and dangerous. Children and families need safe places to learn, laugh, and just be together. The church can be that kind of oasis for families. So if you get an email or a phone call asking if you can volunteer some time and energy to VBS this year, give it some very real thought and prayer. This is important stuff. And it can be a lot of fun too! Yours in Christ, Pastor Clint

Inside this Issue: Session Page 2 Worship Page 3 Youth Page 4/5 Announcements Page 6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 7 Calendar Insert

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The following are highlights of session work and actions from the May meeting: 1. Property Committee reported that the AC units have been repaired and re-charged. 2. Discipleship Committee reported that the youth room renovation is complete. 3. Outreach Committee reported that there would be a John Knox Ranch workday on 5/14. 4. Worship Committee reported that attendance for Lent and Holy Week were: Ash Wednesday 81 people attended, Maundy Thursday 58 people attended, Easter Sun-day 1st service 95, second Service 169 for an Easter total of 264 . Anniversary Sunday May 1st Service 155. Please continue to hold up in prayer our session. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for eve-ryone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

What is the Pentecost Offering?

One of the four special offerings of the PC(USA), the Pentecost Offering was first received by congregations in 1998. Its gifts provide nurture and hope to young members of God’s family. Congregations keep 40 percent of the Of-fering to support work on behalf of children at risk. The General Assembly invests its share of 60 percent in the church through faith-focused ministries with youth and young adults and through programs that benefit children at risk in this country and around the world. Give to the Pentecost Offering on Sunday, June 12. Your dollars do make a difference!

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May 1 - 31, 2011

Monthly Requirement Received $19,660 $18,688 Designated Offerings Received Purpose $679 SF Urban Ministries Presbyterian Women OGHS

Ushers for the Month…

5th Sally Pool

Harold Tannahill

12th Matt McNeil

Jan Fulkerson

19th Matt McNeil

Linda Richter

26th Chris Callow

Harold Tannahill

Liturgists for the Month…

5th Bill Hull

12th Richard Barnett

19th Judy Padgett

26th Dallas Laumbach

Head Usher for the

Month …

Gordon Butler

From the Pulpit… June 5 God’s Good Work in Us Philippians 1:6-11 June 12 Rejoicing in the Gospel Philippians 1:12-18 June 19 A Manner Worthy of the Gospel Philippians 1:19-30 June 26 Kenosis Philippians 2:1-11

Podcasts • Free podcasts of the sermons are available on iTunes. Search for Wimberley Presbyterian in the iTunes store.

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Cooks Needed!

If you would like to pro-vide dinner for the youth on Sunday evenings, please sign-up in the Fellowship Hall.

June Children’s Church Teachers


June 2011

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4


6 7 8 9 10 11


13 14 15 16 17 18

19 Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser 12:00

20 21 22 23 24 25

26 All Youth Group 12:00

27 VBS

28 VBS

29 VBS

30 VBS

The youth will be having their 2nd annual meal auction fundraiser benefiting their summer mission trip to Heifer Project in Arkansas on Sunday, June 19. If you are interested in opening your house up for food, fun, and fellowship, sign up by either emailing Rachel McCarty (rachelamccarty@gmail.com) or by filling out the form on the church website (www.wimpres.org) and letting us know how many people can attend your event and what the menu will be. At the lunch, your meal will be auctioned off and all proceeds will go to the youth group to help get them to Arkansas. Start getting your meals planned and your bidding teams together! Rachel McCarty

The Discipleship Committee has had a very busy Spring. We have made over the Youth Room and it looks marvelous and people of all ages are loving it. If you haven’t had a chance to see it please stop by and check it out. Youth Sunday was a major success!! We are so proud of all our Graduates!! We wish them the best!!! The end of the year swim party was enjoyed by all that attended. Thank you to the Tannehill’s for providing the yummy meal. We are still look for meals for the staff for VBS during the 27-30. If you are interested in providing a meal please email Rachel McCarty (rachelamccarty@gmail.com) or Linda Richter (lrichter@wimberley.txed.net). VBS is quickly approaching and we are looking forward to a great week of Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus was a Kid. You may register your child, grandchild or neighbor online at www.wimpres.org . We are still in need of many volunteers to make our VBS the success it has been in the past!! The dates are June 27-30 from 9:00am to Noon!!! Linda Richter

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If you have any questions or wish to volunteer please contact Linda Richter lrichter@wimberley.txed.net or Rachel McCarty rachelamccarty@gmail.com

June 27 thru 30 Monday thru Thursday

9:00 till 12:00

VBS Volunteers Still Needed

Lunch Providers for VBS Staff


Market Place Volunteers

Tribe Leaders Ferry children between their four activity centers Be kind and caring Make sign to carry around for your “tribe” Show up early and be ready to greet your “tribe” Quickly learn the names of your “tribe” kids

Register your child,

grandchild, neighbor

or friend .

Registration forms are


• Online



• Church office

Ages 4 year-olds through

completed 5th graders

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Sunday, June 5………… Several women from WPC will prepare and serve a meal for the people at the homeless shelter in San Marcos, Southside Community Center. We will serve 25 to 40 people. The shelter is always in need of donations. They accept and appreciate all kinds of food donations. Another need of the shelter is toiletries. They are always in need of soap, shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner for their showers. They also give away "hygiene packs" to their clients that include a personal sized soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, razor, deodorant, comb, socks, and whatever else has been donated. These packs are one of the things that their clients are most grateful for, as most of them do not have the means to purchase them on their own. They are constantly running out of these things, so every little bit helps! If you can donate toiletries or food for us to take on June 5, please bring them to the church. There is a basket marked Presbyterian Women – Southside Community Center, in the fellowship hall, for these items.

Women of Joy Conference………….. Seven of us are currently registered to attend this conference October 7-9, 2011 (3 days, 2 nights) at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, in San Antonio. Guest speakers include Kay Arthur, Gretchen Carlson, Anita Renfroe, and Sheri Rose Shepherd. Michael W. Smith concert on Satur-day night. Early Bird discount before July 13. If you are interested in attending, please contact Nita Bagby, 847-2173, ronsrowdy06@yahoo.com.

Registration for Summer Camp at John Knox Ranch is now open!

Simply visit the JKR website to view the camp schedule, and to reg-ister your children and youth for another wonderful, exciting, and transforming summer experience of Christian community in God’s creation. .

We look forward to another great summer! Rev. Kathy Anderson Executive Director 830-935-4568 www.johnknoxranch.com

Community Support Monday: Alanon 12 Noon Thursday: Alanon 7:30 pm

1st Wed: Quilters Guild 12:30 to 3:30 pm 2nd/4th Wed: Quilters Guild 11:00 to 3:00 pm 3rd Wed: Herb Group 9:30 to 12:00 pm 1st Thurs: Duplicate Bridge 10:00 am 2nd Thurs: Alzheimer Support Group 1:00 pm Fridays: Margaret’s Lunch Group 11:30 am (Every 2 weeks) Mon, Wed, Fri: Aerobics 7:30 am

1 Jason Brazil Teresa Junkin 4 Bo Kidd 6 Alex Calkins 7 Fred Hagemeier 9 Anne Dobbs 10 John Wilton 16 Dick Eck Andy Watson 18 Trison Boggs Pam Drake 20 Annanette Harper Jud Prince 21 Jim Rutherford 23 Melanie Cagle 24 Joel Barks Wellborn Gregg Joyce Hendrix 26 Joan Goetz 29 Mac Stevenson 2 Janet & Jim Casper 8 Shondra & Harris Frampton 23 Ginny & Dick Eck 24 Mariana & Bob Kerr 25 Catherine & Clint Regen 26 Ann & Conway Wharton 30 Liz & Paul Rathbun

Visit the church website often...


Provide inputs thru committee chairs to

the webmaster, Teresa Ward.

Continuing Prayers:

Members: Bettye Webb

Deployed Service Member: Douglas Presley

When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.

Acts 1:9

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Wimberley Presbyterian


P. O. Box 1854 956 RR 2325

Wimberley, TX 78676 Phone: 512-847-5292 Fax: 512-847-9715

Website: www.wimpres.org

Rev. Clint Regen

Email: cregen@wimpres.org secretary@wimpres.org



Pam Drake & Matt McNeil Administration

John Easley, Keith Haney & James Higgins

Building & Grounds

Kari Byers Fellowship

Keith Haney

Clerk of Session

Dawn Kidd Congregational Care

Linda Richter Discipleship

Ron Bagby


Dallas Laumbach & Kim Hyde Stewardship

Annanette Harper


John Easley Dallas Laumbach Board of Trustees

WPC Staff

Rev. Clint Regen………………………………………………………………….Pastor Rev. Conway Wharton………………………………………………Pastor Emeritus Ms. Rachel McCarty…………………………………………………...Youth Director Mr. Tom Gabrielsen…………………………………………………...Music Director Ms. Janice Herreth………………………………………………….……….Secretary Ms. Kim McMillan, Ms. Diane Zeitler, Ms. Emily Junkin………………...Nursery Mr. Robert Miller……………………………………………………...…………Sexton Ms. Sandra Haney……………………………………………………………Treasurer

Information for publications is due in the church office on the 20th of each month. Please e-mail your announcements or articles to the office at

jherreth@wimpres.org. This edition produced by Janice Herreth.

Adult Sunday School ………………………………………………...9:45 AM

(Pre K - 5th Grade - Resumes in August) Children’s Church……………………………………………………11:00 AM (Pre K - 5th Grade) Worship Service…………………………………………………….. 11:00 AM

(Followed by Fellowship & Refreshments) Sr. High Youth…………………… …………………………………....4:30 PM

(1st & 3rd Sundays) Jr. High Youth………………………………………………………… .4:30 PM

(2nd & 4th Sundays) Prayer Group………………………………………………Monday, 10:30 AM

(Room 8) Youth “Mystery Bus” Bible Study………………….Wednesday, 6:45 PM

(Grades 6-12 - Resumes in August)


Together we worship and serve, living God’s Word and sharing God’s love.

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