win a $500 tim card report

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Win a $500 Tim Card ReportClient: Black Flag Deals & Sweepstakes.caCampaign Dates: Nov. 14, 2016 – Mar. 31, 2017Date Prepared: April 4, 2017Prepared By: A. Page


Campaign ReportCampaign Statistics

• 225,036 visitors (total response)

• 5,624 PURL visitors

• 158,436 share/social response

• 60,976 other (unmeasurable response)

• 112,465 submissions (49.98%)

• 934 unique opt-ins (11.95%)

• 712 new opt-ins

• 183 shares (19.59%)

Overall Results Notes

Google Audience

• Google indicates 92,036 visits

• 40,284 unique visitors

• 43.8% new visitors

• 340,060 page views

• 3.69 pages / visit

• Average time on site was 00:02:02 minutes

• 18.15% bounce rate

Google Results

Email Creative

Email Statistics

Campaign Date Sent Opens OpenRate Clicks ClickRateIntro 11/17/2017 41,062 3,879 9.45% 786 20.26%MDZ- WinaTim 01/11/2017 159,580 11,028 6.91% 1,726 15.65%BFD- WinaTim 01/30/2017 91,067 6,088 6.69% 661 10.86%BFD- WinaTim 02/08/2017 90,932 5,167 5.68% 542 10.49%LastChance 03/27/2017 142,074 8,407 5.92% 897 10.67%TOTAL 524,715 34,569 6.59% 4,612 13.34%

Traffic Results

Sharing Vehicles

RAVEN5 tracks conversions generated from website traffic, social media traffic & email traffic. We've applied the following average figures for the purpose of applying value to the associated and varied online activity generated.

Conversion & Engagement Value

Website views – 340,060 - $10,201.80Website visit – 92,036 - $92,036.00

Email opens – 34,569 - $3,456.90Email clicks – 4,612 - $4,612.00New email opt ins – 16,355 - $98,130.00

Social impression – n/a - n/aSocial Facebook – n/a - n/aSocial Twitter – n/a – n/a

Total Value $208,436.70

Website views $0.03, visit $1.00, time on site $1.00 / Email - open $0.10, click $1.00, opt in $6.00 / Social - impression $0.001, Twitter follower $3.00, Facebook Like $5.00, Coupons Activated $1


Congratulations!Yah You!

RAVEN5 works with clients solving their primary business challenge, finding new prospects and new customers. We

provide services in creative, design, branding, digital, strategy and communications. We work with our clients to find new customers, build online engagement and in-store sales.

Creating Experiences as Unique as your Customers

The primary objective of contest marketing is to build brand marketing

channels. RAVEN5 programs will:

• Increase brand awareness

• Build email lists• Develop social following

• Collect consumer data• Distribute coupons

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