windsor terrace brooklyn, n y · 5:00pm irish step, shep. hall ... religious congregation as...

Post on 23-Aug-2018






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SUNDAY EUCHARIST - MISA DOMINICALESSaturday: 5:30pm.Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 (Spanish), 10:30am &12:00 Noon

WEEKDAY EUCHARIST - MISAS DE LA SEMANAMonday thru Friday: 9:00am.Saturday: 9:00am.Holidays: as announced in this bulletin.

BAPTISM OF INFANTSIs celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Span-ish baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of the monthat 1:30 pm. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment tomeet with one of the clergy and bring the child’s birth certificateto the appointment.

CHRISTIAN INITIATIONFor school age children, teens or adults follows the RCIA pro-cess, also called the Catechumenate, for those thinking and join-ing the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Baptism, Confir-mation and/or first Eucharist: inquiries may be made by callingthe Religious Education Office.

PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICKCall the Rectory to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharistto someone homebound or in the hospital. In cases with thoseof the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness orold age, please contact one of the priests to celebrate the Sacra-ment of the Anointing of the Sick.

CHRISTIAN MARRIAGEEngaged couples call the Rectory for an appointment with oneof the priests or deacons at least six months in advance of thesacramental celebration.

CATHOLIC CEMETERIESFor information, call 718-894-4888.


DEVOTIONS - DEVOCIONESMiraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00am mass.Sacred Heart: Fridays after the 9:00am mass.Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:Thursdays 9:30am to11:45 am followed by Benediction.

LOS BAUTISMOS DE INFANTES.Seran celebrados en Espanol el Segundo Domingo del mes a la1:30 pm y en ingles, el primer Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm.Por favor de, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con unmiembro del clero y, de traer el certificado de nacimiento delniño a la cita.

INICIACION EN LA VIDA CRISTIANANiños de edad escolar, jovenes y adultos que esten interesadosen sequir el proceso de RICA, aquellos que quieren pensar enenvolverse en la iglesia Catholica Romana, en clases sobrecelebracion del bautismo, confirmacion, primera comunion ycontinuar activos en nuestra parroquia, llame a las Oficinas deEducacion Religiosa.

CIUDADO PASTORAL A LOS ENFERMOSLlame a la Casa Parroquial para los arreglos, que unos de losministros de eucaristia brindara la Comunion a quien la necesiteen el hogar o en el hospital. En casos particulares de ancianos oenfermedad de condicion seria, por favor pongase en contactocon los sacerdotes para los sacramentos de uncion.

MATRIMONIOSLos preparativos de matrimonios deben hacerse con seis mesesde anticpacion. Deben llamar con anticipacion para hacer unacita con los sacerdotes.



HOLY NAME RECTORY245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-3071 • Fax (718) 369-2039

SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC ACADEMY241 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-7629 School Website: WWW.SJWCA.ORG • School Fax: (718) 768-3007

Fr. Lawrence D. Ryan, PastorDeacon Abel Torres

Deacon Michael SaezMost Rev. James Massa, In Residence

Rev. Austin Emeh, In ResidenceREV. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, Weekend Assistant

Mrs. Louise O’Connor, Office Manager

Mrs. Ann Dolan, Parish TrusteeMr. Philip Lehpamer, Parish Trustee

Mrs. Kathryn Sisto, Religious Education CoordinatorMs. Ivonne Rojas, Director of Music

St. Joseph the Worker Catholic AcademyMs. Kathleen Schneck, Principal

Ms. Jennifer Gallina, Assistant PrincipalMrs. Louise Witthohn, Academy Secretary

Website: www.holynamebrooklyn.comWe are also on Facebook and Twitter


CCD OFFICE HOURS IN SCHOOL: Sunday 8 – 12Noon Monday 10-2PM Tuesday 10-2PM Wednesday 10-2PM Thursday 1:30-5:30PM Friday No Office Hours

February 4, 2018 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

WELCOME! To register as a member of the parish, please use the form on the table in the back of the church or stop in the Rectory during office hours.

SUNDAY, February 4th 10:00AM Cursillo Grp., St. Joseph’s Convent 2PM-4PM SAT, Rectory Base. MONDAY, February 5th 5:30PM Cheerleading, Shep. Hall 7:00PM Irish Parade, Shep. Hall 7:00PM Bible Study, Boardman Rm. TUESDAY, February 6th 1:00PM Rosary Society, Shep. Hall 6:00PM Irish Step, Shep. Hall WEDNESDAY, February 7th 9:30AM Bible Study, Rectory Base. 1:00PM Seniors, Shep. Hall 6:30PM Al-Anon, Rectory Base 7:00PM RCIA, Boardman Rm. 8:30PM AA Open Mtg. for anyone, Rectory Base.. THURSDAY, February 8th 12:00PM Al-Anon, St. Joseph’s Convent 1PM-3PM Cancer Guild, Rectory Base. 5:00PM Girl Scouts, Rectory Base. & Sch. Mtg. Rm. 7:00PM Boy Scouts, School Base. FRIDAY, February 9th 5:00PM Irish Step, Shep. Hall 6:30PM Cub Scouts, School Base. 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Gp, Rectory Base. SATURDAY, February 10th 9:00AM Quilters, Shep. Hall 7:00PM Persons interested in joining AA, Rectory


SUNDAY, February 11th 7AM-2PM Hospitality Sunday, Rectory Base. 9:00AM Comm. Prox Prep, Shep. Hall 10:00AM Cursillo Grp., St. Joseph’s Convent 11:15AM Holy Name Society, Sch. Mtg. Rm. 6PM-8PM SAT, Rectory Base. Food Pantry

The Food Pantry will distribute food from the rectory basement on Feb. 17 and March 3 & 17 between 2 and 3 PM. At this time, tomato sauce, cans of tuna, and cereal are needed. Thank you to an anonymous donor who

sent large boxes of cereal from C-Town and to all who support our community food pantry.


TOTAL TO PARISH: $5,979.75 (Includes: $4,841.00 Regular First Collection; $923.75 Faith Direct; $162.00 Renovation and Repair; $53.00 Faith Direct) The total to the Diocese for Churches In Need will be posted in a future bulletin. Thank you for your continued support to Holy Name of Jesus Parish.

Welcome to Fr. Patrick Burns As we announced during last weekend’s Masses, Fr. Patrick Burns has taken up residence in Holy Name Rectory as of January 31st. He will be working in the Brooklyn Diocese’s Office of Parish Giving, which is located right next store in the former Brothers House. He will be helping with Masses here as his Diocesan duties allow. We are very happy to have Fr. Patrick with us in the Rectory and I know you join me in welcoming him to Holy Name.

World Day for Consecrated Life This Sunday, February 4th, we celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life. We recognize and give thanks for those who have consecrated their lives to God and the Church through vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Some join a religious congregation as sisters, brothers or religious priests. Some join a secular institute. Others remain single and make profession to God through the local bishop and are known as consecrated virgins. May the light of Christ shine brightly through men and women who choose the consecrated life to live out their baptismal commitment, especially those who serve in the Diocese of Brooklyn now or who have been part of our history. .

Arise Together in Christ is an international, diocesan-sponsored, parish-centered endeavor to renew and strengthen our faith, in which groups of 5 - 10 people meet for 6 weekly 1.5 hour sessions starting the week of February 12th, at mutually convenient times, to share personal faith experiences. Our groups are open to all including non parishioners. The main topic of discussion for Season 4 “New Heart, New Spirit” will be forgiveness today and in biblical times. Additional topics for sharing and discussion will be: temptation, transformation, cleansing, awakening, resurrection, and renewal. Sign-up weekends will be at all Masses on February 3rd/4th. If you would like more information, please contact Alayne Cox at, or email


Many thanks to our ARISE Together in Christ witnesses Diane Larkin, Joe Cox, Jim Mola and Lillian Betancourt who spoke so well at last weekend’s Masses about the ARISE program. Please consider joining an ARISE group that will meet for just 90 minutes once a week during the six weeks of Lent. Also congratulations and thanks to everyone who helped with last Sunday’s 10:30AM Family Mass and the Open Houses for St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy and our Parish Religious Education Program that took place immediately after that Mass. It was a great day for Catholic Education. Some Important Information about the Sacrament of Matrimony While we are still fairly early in 2018 I would like to (as I have done at about this time in the past two years) again offer the following information about the Sacrament of Matrimony: The Catholic Church rightfully places tremendous emphasis on the importance Jesus Christ placed on marriage not merely as a social institution but as a sacrament. Valid Catholic marriages are tremendous sources of grace to help carry couples through the challenges that all marriages face. Valid Catholic marriages are powerful examples that parents can offer their children to encourage their children to enter into valid Catholic marriages of their own. The Church offers two important processes to help couples enter into valid Catholic marriages. The first is called “convalidation”. This is the process that enables couples who have been married civilly, but not in a valid Catholic wedding, to have their marriage “convalidated” (i.e., recognized as valid) by the Church. The second process is the annulment process. There are many aspects of the annulment process that are beyond the scope of this brief note. The aspect that I want to focus on is that, if a Catholic who was previously married to some other person in a Catholic marriage that ended in a civil divorce, and the Catholic now wishes to enter into a Catholic marriage with another person, the annulment process offers the possibility of the Church examining the first Catholic marriage to determine if it can be “annulled” (i.e., determined to not have been valid), and thereby no longer be a bar to a valid Catholic marriage. At the direction of Pope Francis, the Church has streamlined the annulment process. The Church wants to offer assistance to all Catholics in resolving marriage problems or issues. These frequently are complex matters, but there may well be solutions that are neither overly difficult nor costly. Again, this is not the place for a detailed discussion. However, if you or anyone you know is interested in addressing marriage issues further, please encourage them to contact their own parish priests or me. If we cannot help them at the parish level, we can refer them to experts within the Church for more in-depth assistance. Reading Reflections

Please consider the following commentary on this Sunday’s Readings (Job 7:1-4; 6-7; I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39):

“Today’s readings remind us of our constant need for healing and of the Salvation that can be found in Jesus. The Greek word for salvation is soteria, meaning “rescue,” “deliverance,” or “wellbeing.” In the First reading, Job, once a wealthy and highly respected man, now finds himself undone through no fault of his own. His oxen and asses were stolen, lightning killed his sheep, and a great wind blew down his house while his kids were partying inside, and everyone was killed. Now he has come down with the worst case of boils that anyone could imagine! And so he laments his very existence and the apparent meaninglessness of life. The Gospel provides a counterpoint to Job’s lament as we see Jesus first raising Peter’s mother-in-law from her sick bed, healing the crowds of people who came to the door later that evening, rising early the next day to go off to pray, and then telling his disciples that they must be off to the nearby villages to preach. What is Jesus preaching? In words and actions, he is preaching the Good News that God’s reign is at hand. God’s salvation is upon us! In today’s Second Reading, Paul reminds us of what ought to motivate the preaching of the Good News. It is an obligation given by God, not so that he can boast of his own powers, but as a means of salvation for himself and as many as he can reach in this world. How will he do that? By becoming the vehicle for others to encounter the saving power of God. Will you also take up the challenge?” (At Home with the Word 2018, Liturgical Training Publications, p. 43) The Dark Side of Chocolate (As part of a Deanery initiative, parishioners in several parishes in our Deanery may be exploring social justice issues during the coming weeks and months. This Deanery initiative is still being organized; but because Valentine’s Day is so close, some of the participants asked that the below information be presented now.) Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and we would like to raise awareness of the 'Dark Side of Chocolate' which refers to the unjust conditions attributed to the Cocoa industry, the Sugar industry and the Coffee industry. It is referred to collectively as FAIR TRADE issues. The goal of Fair Trade is to provide a fair and sustainable environment for the farmers but most importantly, the Fair Trade Organizations protect children by banning child labor and forced labor which is something we all can support. So, when you are buying your Valentine's Day chocolate (or any Chocolate) please be mindful to look for the FAIR TRADE LOGO on the package. It’s a small thing we can all do to help support this valiant effort. FYI, the worst offenders in the Chocolate Industry are Nestle and the Mars Companies. For more information, please check out While many grocery stores carry FAIR TRADE items, Whole Foods definitely carries FAIR TRADE chocolates if you want to look for them. Thank you, and God Bless.

“Own a piece of Holy Name History!”

We have located a limited number of Oak Pews

formally used in Holy Name’s Convent Chapel. We’d like

to make these available to Holy Name Parishioners and friends on a “first come, first serve” basis for a

donation. They are in good condition and measure approx. 5 foot

long and 20 inches wide.

They are a great addition to a Basement, Play or Family Room or Sun Room or Porch setting.

If you are interested, please contact the Rectory

at 718.768-3071 or the Holy Name Buildings Committee at

Inquiry Session for the Diaconate Formation

Program The Brooklyn Diocese has scheduled Inquiry Sessions for married or single men ages 35 to 60 years old who feel that they may be called to serve as permanent deacons. The inquiry session is two hours long and provides the opportunity for interested men (and their wives, if they are married) to learn more about diaconal ministry, the discernment of God’s call, the 5-year formation program, the life of a deacon, a wife’s place in her husband’s discernment and ministry, and the spiritual, intellectual, human and pastoral growth toward reception of the Sacrament of Holy Orders as a Deacon. There are a total of six opportunities to attend an Inquiry Session on various dates: Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston NY 11362 - Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:00am-12:00pm - Monday, February 12, 2018 7:00pm-9:00pm 310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn NY 11215 -Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:00am-12:00pm - Thursday, February 15, 2018 7:00pm-9:00pm To attend one of these sessions, men must first meet with their pastor and then submit a registration form. All interested men are urged to contact their pastor as soon as possible to discuss their interest in the Diaconate program so that the Inquiry Session registration process can proceed.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Please pray for the health and wholeness of all the sick and all who give them care, especially for Madeline Artz, Juliet Mahoney, Arlene Mulrane, Abagail Soto, Anna Svitan, Kevin Shea, Kerry Shea, Laura DiDonna, Fr. James Sweeney, Kerry Shea,

Mary Cottingham Leonard, Herbert O’Brien, Ann Quigley, Edward DeRosa, Carmen Rodriguez, Joan DiCostanza, Richard Day, Kimberly Landau, James Flanagan, Marie Racioppo, Michael Horan, Eileen Austin, Patrick Cregg, Katherine Byrnes, Marilyn Bloom, Joan O’Malley, Joe Gallagher, Jean Thomas, Liam Budgell and Michelle Brady

For our departed loved ones…. We ask your prayers for those of our community who have gone before us into the fullness of life and also for those they have left behind, especially Daniel Arrieta. Please remember those enrolled in our Purgatorial Society on Sundays at 7:30am, especially Alfred Berger. LET US PRAY……For these Mass intentions during the Week of February 4, 2018…. Sunday, February 4th Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Purgatorial Society & Michael J. Cain, Sr. 9:00AM People of the Parish & William Polanco 10:30AM Mary, Anthony, Rosemarie & Peter Camastro 12 Noon Michael Perrotta (Birthday) Monday, February 5th St. Agatha 9:00AM Marie Dalton Tuesday, February 6th St. Paul Miki and Companions 9:00AM Josephine Formisano Wednesday, February 7th 9:00AM Patrick & Ruth McCarthy Thursday, February 8th St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita

9:00AM Louise Miller Friday, February 9th 9:00AM Anna Cooke (Birthday) Saturday, February 10th St. Scholastica 9:00AM William & Mary Dolan 5:30PM The Horan Family James Boyd (7th Anniversary) Robert Boyd (52nd Anniversary) Michael Lavelle Sunday, February 11th Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Purgatorial Society & Colleen McGowan 9:00AM People of the Parish 10:30AM Mary & Jimmy Boutross 12 Noon Eva & Pablo Sierra

Please Continue To Pray For

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