wing design project

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Who is Daniel Bernoulli? Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss Mathematician and Physicist. He studied fluid

mechanics and discovered the Bernoulli Principle, which is an example of conservation of energy. The Bernoulli Principle was used to create 2 mandatory technologies that helped the world develop motor vehicles and planes. He wanted to know about the relationship between the speed at which blood flows and its pressure so, he experimented by puncturing the wall of a pipe with a small open ended straw and noted that the height to which the fluid rose up the straw was related to fluid's pressure in the pipe. He realised that when he increased the speed of the fluid, the pressure dropped. For an example, When you put your thumb overtop of a running hose, the water coming through the end of the hose speeds up. At the point of which the water is getting compressed, the pressure is lower than before compression. Bernoulli’s Principle sometimes also works with gases, as long as there is no kinetic or potential energy transfer while expansion takes place.

What is the Lift Equation? The lift formula is L = (1/2)dv2sCL. “L” stands for the Lift

“d” stands for Air Density“v” stands for the Velocity of the aircraft“s” stands for the Area of the wing“CL” stands for the Coefficient of Lift

When air moves over the wing it creates 2 pressure points, a high air pressure below the wing and a low air pressure on top of the wing. When this happens, the high pressure side is pushed up and exceeds the pressure of the low pressure side, causing the wing to go up.

What is important about Air Flow?

Air flow is an essential part of flight. If there isn't a sufficient amount of air flow, no lift will be generated, therefore, no flight. In order to maintain the highest possible amount of air flow, the aircraft must be kept clean and free of any dents or cracks. Some aircraft have unique add-ons to the wings or fuselage to increase the air flow around the aircraft. I have noted below that some aircraft have vortex generators, which are little squares that are on top of the wing which purposely create vortices. When these vortices hit the wing, they allow the air to stick to the wing, therefore, allowing the plane to climb at a higher angle of attack.

Wing #1

This wing is my deep camber wing and it generated 4.5 grams of lift.

Wing #2

Wing #3

Wing #4

Wing #5


I decided to use 3d printing technology because this is what the future has in store for us.

During testing phase, I found that a higher angle of attack generated more lift.

I also found that the heavier wings generated more lift than the lighter wings.

Research and Development

I used a program called Sculpris to mold my wings using computers. Then I gave the files to Mr. Bill Henderson and he took them to his second job to get them 3D printed. During my testing phase, my second and third wings, I found to be too heavy, so I got them recreated and made them lighter and slightly bigger.

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