winning college profiles 2015/2016 - association of colleges · 2016-03-08 · winning college...

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Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Design and Development

Leadership and Quality Improvement

Responsiveness, Partnership and Impact

Winning College Profiles 2015/2016

3 Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

The Awards

Award for Innovation in Further Education

OCR Award for Innovation in FE

Awards for Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Design and Development

CoLRiC Award for the Effective Integration of Libraries/LRCs in Curriculum Delivery

Edge Award for Practical Teaching and Practical Learning

Jisc Award for the Effective use of Technology in FE

Microlink and AoC Charitable Trust Award for Students with Learning Difficulties

and/or Disabilities

Vtct Award for Sport in the Curriculum

Awards for Leadership and Quality Improvement

Association of Colleges Award for Outstanding Leadership of Improvement

City & Guilds Award for Staff Development

Awards for Responsiveness, Partnership and Impact

AQA Award for the Development of Transferable Skills

Association of Colleges Award for College Engagement with Employers

Gateway Qualifications Award for Widening Participation in Learning

Pearson Award for the Promotion and Delivery of Successful Apprenticeships

UCAS Progress Award for Careers Education and Guidance

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

OCR Award for Innovation in FE

Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Sport and Outdoor Education Team, Exeter College Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre: A pioneering innovation in partnership and collaboration

This project is a national exemplar of how a pioneering partnership between a local authority

and a further education college enabled the development of a world-class outdoor education

centre for the local and regional community. This project has resulted in job creation, an increase in

participation of minority groups, the creation of an outstanding teaching and learning environment,

an increase in apprenticeships and skills training and a contribution to the regeneration of the Exeter

City’s historic quayside.

Further education has long been thought of as an essential element in providing social cohesion and

mobility, however when Devon County Council faced the challenge of having a £5.6m project being

scrapped it was clear that a truly radical and pioneering approach was needed. The existing centre

based in the city canal basin was outdated and at capacity. The risk of losing the investment to

local schools, the youth services and the wide range of disabled groups that used the centre was

significant and in some cases life-changing.

With this in mind Devon County Council and Exeter College formed a game-changing strategic

partnership that ensured the centre would not only receive the investment but also become

a beacon of excellence in innovation and an iconic statement on the city landscape.


”“It is a major boost for Exeter

and I am delighted that we have been able to enter into a long term partnership with Exeter College to run the whole operation.

John Hart, Leader of Devon County Council

CoLRiC Award for the Effective Integration of Libraries/LRCs in Curriculum Delivery

Edge Award for Practical Teaching and Practical Learning

Jisc Award for the Effective use of Technology in FE

Microlink and AoC Charitable Trust Award for Students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities

Vtct Award for Sport in the Curriculum

Awards for Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Design and Development

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy5

CoLRiC Award for the Effective Integration of Libraries/Learning Resources Centres in Curriculum Delivery Council for Learning

Resources in Colleges

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

LibraryPlus Team, Weston College LibraryPlus – an integrated, innovative and holistic approach to learning resources centres

LibraryPlus is a holistic and integrated approach to a college library service, delivering a vibrant

learning experience outside the classroom through a range of services, support and resources.

The open-plan and technology-enhanced LibraryPlus facilities available at each campus provide

a collaborative learning environment; all driven by a team focussed on delivering a comprehensive

range of support and skills development for both learners and staff.

LibraryPlus Learning Mentors deliver a personal, social and employability programme branded

as ‘CollegePlus’. This is tailored to the needs of core curriculum, themed weeks and embeds

academic study and digital skills to further promote LibraryPlus resources.

LibraryPlus Learning Technologists work alongside curriculum staff to improve learning

technology skills and confidence as well as providing front-line technology and Moodle

support for all learners and staff at the college.

Throughout the team, several Academic Graduate Internship roles gain experience in all areas

of LibraryPlus whilst completing a teaching qualification within a range of subject areas. This ‘grow

your own’ programme forms a key feature in developing a digitally competent teaching workforce

as well as enhancing links with academic staff.

Working collaboratively across the college to engage with learners and curriculum staff,

LibraryPlus is designed to be a learning experience for a digital future in further education.

6 ”

“The location, resources and availability of technical and professional support encourage students and staff to use LibraryPlus. The place is busy, buzzing and welcoming. The area is a central focus for other student activities such as the student run IT helpdesk (TechGenius). I was impressed at the leadership of LibraryPlus and its support to staff and students. The idea of centralising and leading learning of technology in this way seems to be working very well for the college. Ofsted HMI

Edge Award for Practical Teaching and Practical Learning

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

Department of Media, Hair and Make-up, Rotherham College NHS Moulage links with special effects

The Rotherham College Media, Hair and Make-up department developed an exciting link with the

Clinical Simulation Department of the local NHS Hospital. This was the first partnership of this kind

nationally and focused on providing realistic simulation training for medical professionals with

regards to injuries and diseases. The success of this partnership has led to requests from other

hospitals nationally to share best practice. This partnership has also been showcased at national

conferences and at the Tour De Yorkshire, where the students created accident scenes as a training

opportunity for medical professionals working at the event.

This initiative enables students to research and create moulage effects on hi-tech manikins for

medical scenarios which are created by the Clinical Lead for A&E and Palliative Care.

Students work alongside leading medical professionals sharing skills and gaining new medical

knowledge within the clinical simulation suites. They work under pressure to industry standards

ensuring work is anatomically correct and realistic. This develops student anatomical knowledge

and terminology.

Students also network and liaise with medical professionals which build their self-confidence

and provide them with the opportunity to use their course modules in a learning by doing



”“Working with the college in the growing

area of simulation training has been made so much more realistic and valuable as a result of our excellent partnership.

Clinical simulation lead

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

ILT Pedagogy Mentoring and Essential Skills Team, South Eastern Regional College BLADES – Blended Learning and Assessment Designed for Essential Skills

A significant proportion of school leavers exit post primary with poor standards of literacy and

numeracy. International comparison studies, the Programme for International Student Assessment,

and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies highlight the need to

improve provision for numeracy and literacy; furthermore, learners need digital skills, otherwise they

are at risk of being socially excluded from the world of work and lifelong learning.

South Eastern Regional College has been at the forefront of developments in blended learning to

support students studying Essential Skills (ES) in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. Blended Learning and

Assessment Designed for Essential Skills (BLADES) is the dynamic initiative developed to re-engage

learners in ES programmes by harnessing the advantages of technology.

Within the college every literacy, numeracy and ICT course has a virtual presence on the Moodle VLE

and a range of approaches, including game-based learning, e-assessment and collaborative group

work are used. In 2015 there were over 4 million Moodle hits. Teachers have been supported to

improve their technological and pedagogical skills through an innovative peer mentoring programme

which has been rolled out across the college and has seen more than 400 staff take part.

BLADES has had a positive impact within the college, with achievement rates improving by

13% since it was first implemented.


”“The mentoring gives you the

confidence and support to try out new things that you wouldn’t normally try.


Jisc Award for the Effective use of Technology in FE

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

Continuing Studies Department, Leicester College Promoting progression for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities

Promoting Progression for Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities describes the

college’s specialist curriculum that offers person-centred educational opportunities that maximise

the potential of individuals with a wide range of abilities and develop sustainable, transferrable skills

to prepare them for adulthood, life and work.

The three-stranded approach focuses on Learning for Work, Learning for Living and innovative,

intensive interaction provision for young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties; it

is a multi-agency and partnership approach incorporating individualised programmes, realistic work

experience and continuous review.

The college aims to prepare learners for life after college so that they can engage with society and

improve their life experiences. This is done through:

• An inclusive learning journey informed by the individual ‘learner voice’

• Focusing on employability skills, confidence and independent living preparation

• Integrating contextualised, tailored maths and English

• Offering work experience and enterprise activities that are representative of local opportunities

• Constantly measuring distance travelled and progression

• Using the latest assistive technology to ensure accessibility for learners with PMLD

• Provision for adult learners enabling them to support their children and improve their employability

• Supporting parents and carers to become empowered

• Extended transition programmes for learners moving into and progressing out of college.

9 ”

“This unique partnership between the voluntary/commercial sector and education provides young people with special needs fantastic real-work experience.

Local Charity

Microlink and AoC Charitable Trust Award for Students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy

Sports Department, Bridgwater College Inspiring students through coaching, learning and volunteering opportunities

The project inspires learners studying level 1 to level 3 Sport, Coaching and Fitness courses, that

not only enables them to embark on their full time programme of study but also to enhance their

qualification and employability skill set. This is done by undertaking productive, effective and industry

recognized supplementary courses that will enlighten and enhance their student experience whilst

at college.

The college takes great pride in ensuring a proactive approach to contributing and developing sport

and learning within the college and immediate communities, for example; delivering cross-college

physical activity programmes to both able and less able students and co-ordinating cardiac

rehabilitation programmes with the local NHS Trust.

The project enables each student community-focussed coaching, leading and volunteering

opportunities across the local, national and international communities, which include: the local

district council health and well-being department, NHS Trust, a consortium of local primary schools,

College Academy Trust, local YMCA, the county cricket club, coaching in a South African Township

and a vast array of community-based sports clubs and organisations, that include the

ECFA award winning football partnership with the local town club.


”“The college is driven to provide

a valuable opportunity for our students to make a positive contribution to their local, regional and international communities, utilizing the model of sport as a platform to develop, motivate and inspire these regions.

Vtct Award for Sport in the Curriculum

Association of Colleges Award for Outstanding Leadership of Improvement

City & Guilds Award for Staff Development

Leadership and Quality Improvement

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy11

City of Wolverhampton College A college transformed – facing the challenges and building success

City of Wolverhampton College has been on a remarkable, transformational journey. Being adjudged

Inadequate (February 12) when “Too many students make insufficient progress and fail to achieve to

their full potential”, to achieving Good (October 14), having two ‘Notices to Improve’ lifted, ‘sign off’

by the FE Commissioner and after losing Investors in People status, GOLD accreditation was attained

in June 15.

The transformation is led by a relentless drive for quality improvement focused on the development

of the skills employers need. The ethos ‘careers, not just courses’ has permeated the whole college

resulting in strong levels of progression into employment and to higher levels of study. Strong

partnerships with a range of stakeholders and employers underpin the curriculum that fills skill

gaps in the local economy and communities.

There is a strong culture of continuous improvement delivering much improved teaching and

learning, which has greatly improved levels of success, value added with gaps being almost

eliminated with groups of students achieving, irrespective of background.

Staff dedication and adaptability have ensured a transformation in the students’ experience.

As a result, students have a purposeful learning experience that is designed to develop their

aspirations, career prospects and life chances.

”“I am really proud to be part of this

college … I am really enjoying my time at college with my teacher and classmates because we all enjoy learning together.

Employability and PSD student

Association of Colleges Award for Outstanding Leadership of Improvement

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy12

Reading College Pass It On

Pass It On is a professional development programme, shaped and delivered by college staff, through

which knowledge and skills are shared in an endeavour to achieve ongoing quality improvement.

The model is based on the belief that all staff are learners and everyone has a skill they can share.

It is rooted in a learning philosophy, which recognises the important relationship between the

brain, emotions and motivation in effective learning.

The intended outcome is that, as staff engage in their own learning, become reflective practitioners

and develop their expertise, there will be a positive correlation in the success rates and learning

experience of students.

The Pass It On programme recognises that technology is a great enabler. Web-based learning

technologies are used to share teaching and learning ideas and resources. This enables sharing

of good practice to occur with greater agility and pace.

Engagement in Pass It On is proving to have a real impact on student outcomes. In the last year

this has included a five per cent increase in achievement rates and a significant increase in

lessons judged to be outstanding.

”“Pass It On has enabled a continuous

dialogue of teaching, learning and assessment which is vital for teachers’ ongoing reflection and development. Teachers are talking about teaching and learning more than ever before and the programme has injected a more positive and ambitious mind-set throughout the college.


City & Guilds Award for Staff Development

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy13

AQA Award for the Development of Transferable Skills

Association of Colleges Award for College Engagement with Employers

Gateway Qualifications Award for Widening Participation in Learning

Pearson Award for the Promotion and Delivery of Successful Apprenticeships

UCAS Progress Award for Careers Education and Guidance

Awards for Responsiveness, Partnership and Impact

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy14

Curriculum Team, Abingdon and Witney College The Futures Programme

Two years prior to the sector-wide introduction of Study Programmes in 2013, Abingdon and Witney

College developed, with employers, an innovative college-wide curriculum model called the Futures

Programme. This programme has required all of the college’s 16-18-year-old students, and their

course leaders, to radically change their approach to full-time study. Following significant resistance

from across the board, the Futures Programme is now embedded fully throughout the college. Full

time 16-18 retention has improved from 87% to 94%, success from 83% to 86% and positive

destinations from 87% to 95%.

The Futures Programme is an innovative approach to curriculum design and ensures that students

not only graduate with a high-quality vocational qualification but also develop the key transferable

skills that employers and higher education institutions demand. All 16-18 students follow the Futures

Programme where, amongst others, communication, team work, leadership, decision making and

enterprise skills are integrated and promoted as a matter of course. Level 3 learners also hone their

project based learning skills through cross-curriculum projects. Students work with peers from

different faculties on employer-led live brief projects where they have to meet and achieve key

deadlines and deliverables just as they would in the workplace.

The Futures Programme was established, initially as a pilot, in September 2011 and, due to its

success, was rolled out across all 16-18-year-old students in the college. Now some 1,500 students

are studying with the college on a Futures Programme.

”“At times it has been really

challenging; it has helped me to grow and develop as a person, getting me ready to get the job I want.

L3 Travel and Tourism Futures student

AQA Award for the Development of Transferable Skills

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy15

Employment Skills and Commercial Team, City of Wolverhampton College Employer engagement

Employer engagement informs every aspect of the college’s provision, including:

• External work experience for learners enrolled on Study Programmes and on

Prince’s Trust Team programmes

• 1,800 apprentices each year in LEP priority sectors for large employers, SMEs and micro-businesses

• Pre-employability courses for JCP clients in key sectors where vacancies outstrip labour market supply

• High quality bespoke courses for employers and inward investment companies

• A comprehensive range of vocational first-steps, community-based provision designed to make

local residents work ready

• Commercial provision through the college’s Polymer Training and Innovation Centre – the UK’s

largest specialist provider of plastics training and consultancy, attracting UK customers and also

employers from 23 overseas countries

• Significant levels of investment from multi-national and local employers, including equipment

and shared facilities

• Employer involvement in course development, delivery and review processes to ensure content

and assessment meets industry requirements

• Flexible and responsive delivery, supported by effective recruitment and assessment teams,

enabling over 5,000 learners to succeed in 2015

• Robust monitoring, ensuring no significant gaps in achievement as well as very high learner

and employer satisfaction rates across all aspects of the provision.

“The tutors are very knowledgeable and flexible to work with us. We feel that the college provides the most thorough training as required.

Employer comment from FE Choices Employer survey

Association of Colleges Award for College Engagement with Employers

”Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy16

Access to HE Diploma Team, Barking & Dagenham College High expectations, no excuses: how the legal clinic is creating an environment of success and achievement for second chance students

The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham has high unemployment and low educational

attainment. Widening participation is a key focus for Barking & Dagenham College, addressing

deprivation challenges and giving local residents the opportunity to enhance their life chances.

By returning to education, the adult students on the Access to Higher Education Diploma in Law

are aiming for a career in a highly selective sector.

In addition to delivering high-quality teaching and learning, the college recognised the need for

additional activities to help students develop the skills and qualities, such as self-confidence and

self-belief, to sustain them through university and beyond.

With no local Citizens Advice Bureau, and little legal aid available, the college’s legal clinic has

delivered considerable benefits to both students and residents. Staffed by Access to Law students,

the clinic opens once a week offering free information/guidance on issues including employment

rights, benefits, housing and immigration.

The clinic is supported by the charity LawWorks and The Law Society: solicitors and barristers

provide pro-bono support on complex cases. In addition, LawWorks has trained students in areas

including client service, confidentiality, safeguarding and researching the law.

The Access Law programme has a 90% success rate and a 100% retention rate and, having

enhanced their skills by working in the free legal clinic, all students have progressed onto their

first choice of university. “Our Legal Clinic gives Access to HE (Law) students the chance to apply their knowledge to real life legal challenges including housing, immigration, and employment. It’s both a valuable community service, and a catalyst for boosting students’ self-confidence and passion for their subject.

Ann McDaniel, Curriculum Director

Gateway Qualifications Award for Widening Participation in Learning; increasing vocational progression and employability

”Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy17

Work-based Learning and Schools Partnership Team, City College Plymouth Apprenticeship/trainee programme

Working with over 1,300 employers, the programme offers exemplary practice in supporting the

development, promotion and delivery of Apprenticeship frameworks, including Traineeships, which

is responsive to both the needs of employers and students and also aims to support employers

recovering from the recent hard period of economic recession. The college fosters outstanding

partnerships with employers, which has enabled the development of a skilled workforce by:

• supporting impartial advice and guidance

• developing new Apprenticeships in response to industry feedback and employer needs

• designing bespoke Higher Apprenticeships in partnership with employers

• creating flexible entry routes into Apprenticeships to reflect the needs and skills of a diverse

local population

• supporting employers with ‘hard to fill’ vacancies, particularly in STEM sectors

• creating high-quality, bespoke training relevant to employers thus making it easier for them

to place apprentices with the college

• involving the team and college in promotional activities, such as ‘Women into Technology’,

which improves participation from female students in STEM.

The bespoke Apprenticeship programmes developed by the college can be adapted and rolled

out at a national level.

”“I am enjoying every moment

of my Electrical Apprenticeship and new career. I have worked on HMS Ocean, super yachts and submarines; where else would you get training like that?

Apprentice, 2015

Pearson Award for the Promotion and Delivery of Successful Apprenticeships

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy18

Careers Education and IAG Team, Weston College ASPECT

ASPECT is a unique approach to careers and learner recruitment that focuses on an accessible,

needs-led, individualised approach to careers education with a strong focus on recruiting learners

with integrity. This unique model sees the following areas come under one team:

• School liaison and learner recruitment

• UCAS coordination and advice and guidance

• Careers and employability

• Community outreach

One key success for the service was creating a brand that ensured that all college learners and

external stakeholders would know what ASPECT (Advice, School, Progression, Employability, Careers,

and Transition) was responsible for, and raised the profile of careers education and employability.

The team, with the support of the college’s corporate management team and governing body, has

invested in exploring technology to improve the service, as well as embedding a quality assurance

and management process that ensures a high-level of delivery and a drive for continual improvement.

In 2014/15, ASPECT coordinated a record UCAS cycle for the college, with applications and offers well

above national benchmarks. The team carried out over 900 advice and guidance 1:1s with young

people (up 119% on the previous year) and they engaged over 12,000 young people and their parents

through a relevant and engaging outreach offer. More importantly, ASPECT now means something

to the learners and community.

”“The work of ASPECT is

invaluable in informing our students’ applications and progression to post-16.

Assistant Head of local school

UCAS Progress Award for Careers Education and Guidance Progress

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy19

Further education - serving the needs of a better society and strong economy21

AoC Beacon AwardsNational Presentation Ceremony2015-2016

12.00 – 12.30



14.30 Onwards

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Arrival of Guests Reception in the Great Hall

Presentation of 2015-2016 AoC Beacon Awards in the Telford Theatre

Welcome and Introduction

Dame Pat Bacon Chair, AoC Beacon Awards

Presentation of Parchments

Nick Boles MP Minister of State for Skills

Presentation of the Eleventh Annual Leading Light Award

Baroness Sharp of Guildford

Vote of Thanks

Carole Stott Chair, Association of Colleges

Buffet Lunch in the Great Hall


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email: Website: #AoCBeacon

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