winter 2013

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Celebration in the Oaks Lark in the Park 2014 Equest Farms: Holiday Horseback Riding Camps Park Perks - Your Park, Your Perks Ghosts in the Oaks Thank You City Park Carousel Facts Martini Madness Thank You


Wi n t e r 2 0 1 3

“ E v e r y g r e a t c i t y n e e d s a g r e a t p a r k t h a t n e e d s g r e a t f r i e n d s ! ”

It’s that time of year again when the Botanical Garden, CarouselGardens Amusement Park and Storyland are transformed into the winterwonderland known as Celebration in the Oaks. Celebration continuesnightly through January 4, 2014 and Friends’ members get in free!

This spectacular display is a festival of lights that captures the spirit ofthe season and brings joy to all who attend. In addition to the walkingtour, hop aboard the miniature train and see the dazzling lights as youwind through the park on a two-mile journey. An animated pirate shipwith loaded cannons, the Loch Ness Monster, jumping fish and a host ofother exciting creatures are waiting along the way.

Julie LaCour, Director of Special Events and Celebration in the Oaks,is excited about the new displays:• “Mr. Bingle’s Arabian Night”• “Jackson Square Holiday” depicting a replica of Jackson Square

complete with a horse and buggy• “Celebration is Out of this World” featuring astronauts and a Martian

on the moon• “Sealabration” depicting with wonders of the sea• “Irish You Happy Holidays” complete with leprechauns and shamrocks

Mr. Bingle is back and better than ever. He was recently refurbished forthe holiday event. To add to the atmosphere, there will be nightly holidaymusic performed by more than 100 community schools, choirs, bands anddance groups.

Admission is free for FOCP members, $8 for non-members. Childrenunder 3 get in free. There is free ample parking for cars and bus groups. For more information log on to

Holiday Dates: Now through January 4, 2014Closed December 24 and December 31

Hours of Operation: Sunday – Thursday 6 – 10 p.m.Friday and Saturday 6 – 11 p.m.

Admission: Free for Friends’ Members$8 per person (Children under 3 are free)

Minor Escort Policy: All 17 years and younger must be escorted by an adult of 21 years or older

This year’s ornament depicts the beloved Langles Bridge where many New Orleaniansfed the ducks and swans, got engaged or took their wedding photos. The ornaments are$20 each and available online at A $2 shipping and handling charge is added to each order. Pick up yours today at the Friends of CityPark Office, City Park Gift Shop at Morning Call, Botanical Garden Gift Shop orEarthsavers locations. For further information, call 504-483-9376.

Trim Your Tree for FOCP

2 0 1 3F r i e n d s o f C i t y P a r k

B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s

O F F I C E R SP re s i d e n t

M a r y J o h n s o n

P re s i d e n t - e l e c tJ a c k i e P a l u m b o

Tre a s u re rR o n O ’ R o r k e

Tre a s u re r - e l e c tK a t h l e e n S m i t h

R e c o rd i n g S e c re t a r yL a n a L o v i c k

I m m e d i a t e Pa s t P re s i d e n tD e s s a G i f f i n

B o a r d M e m b e r sL i s e t t e B a y l e

R o b i n B o r d e l o n B o r n eJ o e y M a r c o t t e B r o w n

K a r e n D e B l i e u xTa n i a H a h n

S u z e t t e H e r p i c hN i n a K i l l e e n

L u c i l l e M c D o n n e l lA d a m M c N e i l

M a r y H a s s i n g e r S c h m i d tH e l e n R e a d S m i t h

A n n i e O r i l l a c T h i b o d e a u xL e i g h M o r g a n T h o r p e

E d i t o rL i s e t t e B a y l e

E x e c u t i v e D i re c t o rC a s i e D u p l e c h a i n

M e m b e r s h i p / M a r k e t i n g / E v e n t sS t e p h a n i e K a s t o n G u t i e r r e z

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t

N a t a l i e R o b i n s o n

A c c o u n t a n tM i c h e l l e B a r k e m e y e r

1 P a l m D r i v eN e w O r l e a n s , L A 7 0 1 2 4

5 0 4 - 4 8 3 - 9 3 7 6

Dear Members,Happy Holidays to you!

Celebration in the Oaks is in full swing. Use your member-

2 • Friends of City Park • Winter 2013

ship perk to receive free admissionto this spectacular holiday display.You will find new exhibitsthroughout the Botanical Gardensand the Park thanks to the Park’screative staff lead by Julie LaCour.

Martini Madness, chaired byShon Cowen Baker and AshleyBarocco, was a fabulous night in the Arbor Room and PoppFountain. We raised moniestoward the purchase of a foodtruck. Many thanks to those whosupported and attended the event.

Ghosts in the Oaks had anothersuccessful year both in terms ofnon-scary fun for the children andin raising money for improve-ments in amusements. Thank youto Lauren Kenney and LanaLovick for chairing the event andto Entergy for its sponsorship.

Membership to Friends of CityPark has many park perks. Pleasebe sure to check out the list ofperks later in the newsletter –

Mary Johnson, President Friendsof City Park


The mission of Friends of CityPark is to maintain and increasethe value and importance of CityPark as a place of natural beauty,culture, recreation, and educationfor the public. All monies raisedby Friends of City Park (FOCP)will be used for the capital needsof City Park at the discretion ofthe FOCP Executive Board. FOCP is a tax-exempt, non-profitorganization pursuant to section501(c)(3) of the Internal RevenueCode and is a registered charitywith the Louisiana Secretary ofState’s Office.

and use them when you visit thepark.

The limited edition ornamentthis year is an original master-piece of the Langles Bridge created by India Stewart. See the design on the front cover.Consider pairing the ornamentwith the beautiful coffee tablebook for a truly unique holidaygift.

Thanks again to you, theFriends’ Members, for supportingour beloved City Park. It is apleasure to serve you. See you at Celebration in the Oaks!

Mary JohnsonPresidentFriends of City Park

Fun for Your Four-Legged Friends

City Bark has begun earlyrenewal and new permit salesfor 2014. Get your dog parkaccess early and beat theChristmas rush. New permitholders will get their swipecard activated now and allpasses will expire onDecember 31, 2014. Come tothe park on December 14from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. for theCity Bark Renewal Event fea-turing sales of T-shirts, whis-tles, Frisbees and dog shirts aswell as the opportunity toadopt a dog. Stop by, renewyour permit for next year, buya t-shirt or two and possiblyadd a new member to yourfamily. Woof!

City Bark also offers giftcertificates for those hard toshop for people on your list. Access the application forms online at or stop by the office located at 1 Palm Drive, New Orleans,LA 70124 and get yourstoday.

Winter 2013 • Friends of City Park • 3

City Park and its treasured Carousel have dazzled generations of NewOrleanians both young andold alike. Friends of CityPark and the 2014 Lark in thePark Committee invite you tojoin us in the effort to restorethe City Park Carousel.“There is something magicalabout the Carousel that keepschildren of all ages comingback,” said Beau Bassich,City Park’s ExecutiveDirector and Honorary Chairfor the 2014 Lark in the Park.“It is a beloved iconic figurethat captures the heart andbrings out the child in all ofus.”

Friend, please join us in supporting the

restoration of the Carouselby participating as a patron

of the 32nd annual Lark in the Park on

Friday, March 14, 2014.

The Carousel has been apart of City Park since 1906.It is one of City Park's oldeststructures and attractions.Countless visitors have mar-veled at the vibrantly colored,hand-carved creation. CityPark is proud to own one ofthe remaining 100 woodencarousels in the country. Thecarousel has drawn nationalpraise and is listed on theNational Register of HistoricPlaces.

“The horses and figuresneed extensive work that willrequire out-of-state, in-shoprepair which is quite costly,”according to Robert Becker,CEO of City Park. The 2014Lark in the Park sponsorshiplevels provide a meaningfulopportunity to assist Friendsof City Park in contributingto the restoration of one of

Capital One stepped up as the top sponsor of Lark in the Park by donating a total of $30,000 to Friends of City Park. The donation fundsLark in the Park for $25,000 and Celebration in the Oaks at $5,000.Pictured: City Park CEO Bob Becker, Lark co-chair Andrea Frischhertz,Capital One representative Leigh Thorpe, Rodney Thoulion, Friends’President Mary Johnson and Lark co-chair Ann Heslin.

Friends of City Park presented City Park CEO Bob Becker with thelargest amount netted from a Friends’ fundraiser to date. Lark in thePark netted over $293,000 last year. Pictured are City Park CEO BobBecker, past Lark chair Kimberly Zibilich, Rodney Thoulion, BoardPresident Elect Jackie Palumbo and Board President Mary Johnson.

New Orleans’ most treasuredlandmarks.

Patron Party7 p.m. until 8 p.m.Pavilion of the Two Sisters• Passed hors d’oeuvres by

City Park Catering• Specialty Cocktail by the

Hotel Monteleone

Gala Party8 p.m. until 11 p.m. New Orleans BotanicalGarden• Live music by Flow Tribe• Upscale cuisine provided

by more than 40 local restaurants

• Live Auction by Mistress of Ceremonies Juli Miller Hart & Master of Ceremonies Mark Romig

• Vespa Raffle Drawing presented by Terminix

• Festive libations by Republic National Distributing Company

Please support ourfundraising efforts to ensurethat future generations willhave that same privilege ofcreating lasting memories onthe Carousel. City Parkreceives few state and localresources, and raises 85% ofits operating funds, leavinglittle for park improvements.It is through Friends of CityPark and private donationsthat the beautification of thepark continues.

For more information and to purchase tickets,please visit the website www.friendsofcitypark.comor call 504-483-9376. If you have any questions,please contact StephanieKaston by email at

Bob Becker, CEO

Persistence pays off! I amhappy to report that after yearsof effort to prove to FEMA thatthe damage to the Lady BugRoller Coaster was caused bythe coaster sitting in brackishwater after Katrina, FEMA hasagreed that the hurricane wasthe cause of the damage and isfunding a new roller coaster.Paper work has yet to be fully

In December, Equest Farms offers Holiday Horseback Riding Camps. This would make agreat stocking stuffer along with lesson packages or riding apparel from Tack in the Park.Friends members receive a 10% discount. For more information call 504-483-9398 or theTack Shop 504-286-3063 or visit the website,

executed but we hope to have the new coaster in place by thistime next year. Major credit forthis accomplishment goes to Rob Deviney, the Park’s ChiefOperating Officer, who nevergave up in his effort to convinceFEMA of the extent and cause ofthe damage.

Celebration in the Oaks willbegin the day after Thanksgivingand we are once again proud ofthe exhibits and displays in thisholiday staple. Attending anevent like Celebration is one significant way you and yourfamily can support the Park.

I am sure all of us are grateful to have gone through the hurricane season with no significant event. The Park stillhas outstanding damage claimsfrom Katrina, Gustav and Isaacso we were happy not to add tothat list! Construction has begunon the permanent pump station atthe Park’s northern border on the Orleans Canal. When thatfacility is finished it will provideadditional protection from stormsurge in the Canal.

Letter fromthe CEO

4 • Friends of City Park • Winter 2013

2 0 1 3 N e w O r l e a n s C i t y P a r kI m p r o v e m e n t A s s o c i a t i o n

O F F I C E R SP re s i d e n t

M r. B i l l H o f f m a nVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r s . K a r e n D e B l i e u xVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r. R o n n i e S l o n eVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r. E d m o n d S c h r e n kTre a s u re r

M r. L a r r y K a t zS e c re t a r y

M r s . J a c k i e S h r e v e s

B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r sM r. S t e v e n B i n g l e r

M r s . J a n e S . B r o o k sM r s . J o h a n n a h B r o w n

M r. E d g a r C h a s e M s . J a c q u e l y n C l a r k s o n

M r. B i l l y C r a w f o r d M r s . K a r e n D e B l i e u xM r. S . S t e w a r t F a r n e tM s . K a r e n F e r n a n d e zM r. T h o m a s G . F i e r k e

M r s . D e s s a G i f f i nM r s . S u s a n G u i d r y

M r. B e n H a l e sM r s . S u s a n H e s s

M r. Wi l l i a m D . H o f f m a nM r s . M a r y J o h n s o n

M r. L a r r y K a t zM r. E r r o l L a b o r d eM r. T i m L a F r a n c a

M r s . A n d r e a L e G r a n dM r. R o b e r t E d w a r d S m i t h L u p o

M r. P a u l M a s i n t e rM r s . M a r i a S o n i a t M c K a yM r s . M a r j o r i e M c K e i t h e n

M s . J a c k i e P a l u m b oM r. D a v i d P a y t o nM r. S t e v e n P e t t u s

M r. C l e l a n d P o w e l lM r. M a r k C . R o m i g

M r. E d m u n d S c h r e n kM r s . J a c q u e l i n e S h r ev e s

M r. R o n n i e S l o n eM r s . E l i z a b e t h S l o s s

M r. Wi l l Tr e g r eM r s . R i t a Ve s i c h

M r. E u g e n e P r e a u sRepresent ing Botanical Garden Foundat ion

C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e rM r. R o b e r t W. B e c k e r , P h . D .

E x e c u t i v e D i re c t o rM r. B e a u L . B a s s i c hC h i e f O p e r a t i n g O f f i c e r M r. R o b e r t D e Vi n e y

C h i e f D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e rM r. J o h n H o p p e r

C h i e f A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O f f i c e rM r. G e o r g e P a r k e r

C h i e f Fi n a n c i a l O f f i c e rM r. K e v i n C o x

I want to thank the Friendsfor their strong support of thePark, invite you to come andspend part of your holiday season with us at Celebration in the Oaks and wish everyonea safe and prosperous holidayand New Year!

Robert W. Becker Ph.D.Chief Executive OfficerCity Park

Holiday Horsing Around at Equest Farm

Follow Friends of City Park on

Winter 2013 • Friends of City Park • 5

Your Park, Your Memories!

Friends of City Park scared upsome fun at Ghosts in the Oaks onOctober 18 and 19 in the CarouselGardens Amusement Park andStoryland. Children of all agesenjoyed unlimited rides, airbrushtattoos by Pirate Ink, music byCatalyst Event Solutions, arts andcrafts, a pumpkin patch and trick-or-treating in Storyland. CarmenRose & the Storyland Players pro-vided live entertainment in theStoryland Castle.

Trick or treating was sponsoredin part by Entergy New Orleans,and our volunteer refreshmentswere sponsored by Dorignac’sFood Center.

Special thanks to our eventchair, Lauren Kenney and boardmember Lana Lovick for spear-heading this event. Without ourvaluable volunteers, Friends of CityPark could not make the magichappen. Thanks to our many volunteers including:• Entergy New Orleans• Sacred Heart Academy• Mount Carmel Academy• Postlethwaite & Netterville• Phi Alpha Delta of LoyolaUniversity

Also thanks to our Friends’volunteers: RJ Buras,Brian Burst,Ruth Burns, Jeanie Favret,Christine Fournier & MikeMauer, RJ Gutierrez, MaryJohnson, Mary Moises and KenSalazar and Kathleen and TomSmith.

Ghosts netted over $45,000 forcapital improvements in the amuse-ment park and Storyland areas.

Ghosts in the Oaks

6 • Friends of City Park • Winter 2013

Are you wondering what to get family and friends this holiday?Consider these great items which would not only be well appreciated but would also benefit Friends of City Park:

Friends of City ParkMembership: This is the perfectgift for family and friends whohave almost everything!Members enjoy park perks yearround and membership is fun andaffordable. Members receiveFREE ADMISSION to Celebration in the Oaks, the Carousel GardensAmusement Park, Storyland, Botanical Garden, Spring and Fall Gardenshows as well as valuable discounts at Morning Call, boating & bikerentals at Big Lake, City Putt and more. Go online for a complete list at or call 504-483-9376

Tickets to Lark in the Park:Come join in the festive celebration in the beautiful and elegant Botanical Garden as Lark in the Park raises funds to restore the City Park Carousel. Enjoy food from more than 40 restaurants with entertainment by Flowtribe. Go online to or call 504-483-9376.

City Park Coffee Table Book:You’ll feel like you’re in the Park while athome looking through the pages of thisbeautiful book written and photographed by Kerrie McCaffety. Kerri spent monthsphotographing the Park, capturing all itssplendor for everyone to enjoy. Visit to order your copy online or stop by City Park Administration Building,Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to purchase a copy. Cost is $40 each plus$5.50 shipping and handling.

• The Carousel or “Flying Horses” as they are sometimescalled is the oldest ride in the Amusement Park. It dates backto 1906; however, some of the figures date back to 1885.

• The Carousel is only one of 100 hand-carved carousels left inthe United States and is the only one in Louisiana. The animalswere carved and hand-painted by Charles Looff and CharlesCarmel.

• The Looff figures contain fake gem stones on them, settingthem apart from the Carmel figures, and they are the older ofthe two types.

• The Carousel was originally located on a plot of land alongCity Park Avenue closer to Carrollton near the McDonogh Oaktree.

• The Carousel was moved to its current location in 1928, andthus began the creation of the City Park Amusement Park.Today the Amusement Park is officially called the William B.Hines Carousel Gardens Amusement Park.

• The Carousel contains fifty-four animals: all horses exceptfor the charming lion, giraffe and camel. The lion weighs 500pounds. There are also two chariots for lower, stationary riding. The horses have real horse hair tails.

• Thirty of the horses are flyers, meaning they move up anddown.

• The Carousel is operated by a huge gear and belt that aremotor operated. The original components and motor are stillbeing used today.

• The circular platform on which the animals sit is suspendedoff the ground by 40 metal rods which attach to a hub andgear shaft that whirl the Carousel in motion.

• The Carousel had a few owners over time, including HarryBatt, Sr. of Pontchartrain Beach fame.

• In the late 80s, William B. Hines, a friend of Beau Bassich,loaned Friends of City Park $300,000 to purchase the Carouselfrom Harry Batt and another $50,000 to renovate the Carousel.Eventually, Mr. Hines forgave all loans to Friends of City Park.

• Many New Orleanians remember trying to grab the brass ringon their trips around the Carousel. Lucky riders who snaggedthe ring were given a free ride.

• Pre-1987 paintings on the inner porti on of the Carouseldepicted Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme characters.

• The Carousel building is made up of 4,716 panes of glass,and 725 light bulbs outline the perimeter. On the inside, thereare 165 mirrors to reflect the light from 160 light bulbs.

Facts about the City Park Carousel

Your Park, Your Perks!

Holiday Gift Ideas

Friends of City Park

Celebration in the Oaksfree admissionAmusement Parkfree admission +10% off amusement park season passStorylandfree admissionCity Putt$2 off per person per round of golfBotanical Gardenfree admissionBoating and Biking20% off boat/bike rental

Enjoy your PERKS this holiday season!Nola City Bark$5 off membershipCity Park/Pepsi Tennis Center10% off court rental & city park merchandiseGolf at the North Courselarge bucket of ballsEquest Farms10% off individual riding lessonsSpring and Fall Garden Festivalsfree admissionMorning Call10% discount on purchases

Winter 2013 • Friends of City Park • 7

The threat ofbad weatherthe night of

Martini Madness didn’t dampenthe spirit of the event or the rev-elry. The 10th Annual MartiniMadness went off without a hitch or a single dropof rain on September 20. Theevent featured over 24 differentmartinis at 12 specialty bars.Highlights of the evening werethe Martini Girl who greetedevent-goers at the entrance andDJ Matty who kept spinning theoldies to dancers’ delight.

Martini Madness raised over$19,000 toward the purchase of aCity Park food truck. Specialthanks goes out to event chairsShon Cowen Baker and AshleyBarocco. A huge thanks is inorder for Republic NationalDistributing and Fred Holley forthe donation of event libations!

Event Sponsors and Partners:• Republic National Distributing

Company • Audi New Orleans• Louisiana Lottery• Richard’s Disposa• Accent on Arrangements• Catalyst Event Solutions• Coca-Cola• NOLA Project• NOMA

Participating Restaurants:• Angelo Brocato Italian Ice Cream

and Pastry• Banana Blossom• Chick-fil-A of Lakeside Shopping

Center• City Greens• Commander’s Palace• Crescent City Steaks• Dooky Chase• Dorignac’s Food Center “Jezz’s

Kitchen”• Dots Diner• Fellini’s Café• Galatoire’s Restaurant• Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant• LA Thai Uptown• Lagenstein’s Uptown/Old Metairie• Mojo Coffee House• Mosca’s Restaurant• Theo’s Neighborhood Pizza• Sucré New Orleans• Zapps Potato Chips

Your Park, Your Memories!

Martini Madness

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