winter 2013 mb e-direct issue # 5

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E-newsletter Winter 2013


800 Troy-Schenectady Road

Latham, NY 12110

800-626-8101 M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

NYSUT Member Benefits Trust

NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation

©Copyright 2013

Winter 2013 Designed specifically to keep NYSUT members informed Issue 5

Member Benefits E-Direct

It’s tax timeagain... what’s your plan?

Inside this issue:

Don’t Put Your Home at Risk! 5

6 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft 6

Senior Fitness 8

Baby On The Way? 9

Table of Contents

From the Director........................................................................................................................................ 3Director Lynette Metz gives you the scoop on the year that was along with updates

regarding some of our newest endorsed programs.

It’s tax time again... what’s your plan?................................................................................. 4Find out if it makes more sense to hire a professional to do your taxes or do

them yourself.

Don’t put your home at risk! ......................................................................................................5 Are you regularly updating your inventory of household possessions?

6 ways to prevent identity theft................................................................................................6Check out our suggestions to help better protect yourself against this threat.

Knowing is half the battle ...........................................................................................................7Learn why regular monitoring of your credit report is so important.

Fit at 50... and beyond! ................................................................................................................8We’ve got some great ways to look and feel your best at any age.

Kids Korner: Get ready for that baby......................................................................................9Five tips to help you keep your composure during this exciting time.

Are you protecting your smile? ...............................................................................................10Do you know which foods will keep your smile sparkling and which ones will wreak

havoc on it?

Member Benefits E-Direct is a quarterly publication produced by NYSUT Member Benefits designed to

educate NYSUT members about a variety of topics and issues of importance to them and their families.

The goal of this e-newsletter is to serve as an educational and informative piece that helps our hard-

working members to make better informed decisions in their lives.

For information about any of our programs or about contractual endorsement arrangements with

providers of endorsed programs, please contact NYSUT Member Benefits at 800-626-8101 or visit Agency fee payers to NYSUT are eligible to participate in NYSUT Member

Benefits-endorsed programs.

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Happy New Year fromyour friends at NYSUTMember Benefits, andwelcome to the Winter2013 issue of MemberBenefits E-Direct!

As we celebrate our 30thanniversary, we’d like totake the time to thank allNYSUT members for

your continued support over the years.

2012 was quite a busy year for MemberBenefits and we’re showing no signs of slowingdown in the New Year! We know that ourmembers love discount programs so we arecontinually working to expand our offerings.We’re currently piloting a number of excitingnew discount programs.

With the cold temperatures out there, it’s a greattime to hit the slopes. Well, you’re in luck! Werecently began offering discount ski tickets for avariety of locations throughout the Northeast.

NYSUT members and their families canpurchase all-day passes for Killington Resort,Pico Mountain, Gore Mountain, BelleayreMountain, Jiminy Peak, Whiteface Mountain,Willard Mountain, and West Mountain.

Our newly-endorsed programhas quickly hit the ground running andaccumulated more than $23,000 in sales in justthe first two months since its launch.

Meanwhile, GE Capital Retail Bank (asubsidiary of GE’s finance unit, GE Capital)recently finalized its deal to assumeapproximately $6.5 billion in deposits fromMetLife Bank, including the NYSUT MemberBenefits Corporation-endorsed PreferredSavings Plus accounts.

We have received word from GE Capital RetailBank that it is very interested in growing thisprogram and will be looking to provide excellentinterest rates to our members.

As we quickly approach tax season, now is agreat time to ensure that your legal and financialmatters are in place. Don’t forget that NYSUTmembers can get quality legal and financialassistance for themselves and their families by purchasing the Member Benefits Trust-endorsed Legal Service Plan or MemberBenefits Corporation-endorsed FinancialCounseling Program.

Both of these low-cost programs provide greatopportunities to get the unbiased legal orfinancial advice that you need. Best of all,there is the opportunity for even furthersavings by using our payroll or pensiondeduction payment options – providing bothconvenience AND savings!

And while you’re getting ready for tax season,be sure to check out our feature story this issue as we tackle that ancient question –“Should I hire a professional to do my taxes ordo them myself?”

We offer some interesting points from both sidesof the fence to help better inform you before youmake your decision this tax season. This issueof Member Benefits E-Direct also features avariety of other articles that we think you’ll findboth interesting and useful.

We encourage you to call us at 800-626-8101or visit to learnmore about the endorsed programs andservices that we offer. Thanks again foryour continued support!

-- Lynette A. MetzDirector, NYSUT Member Benefits Trust

CEO, NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation

From the Director

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When to hire atax professional

You don’t want to make a mistake oroverlook an important deduction. The right taxprofessional can help you find all of the deductionsthat apply to you – saving you even more money(Source:

You recently got married, divorced or hada child. If this is the case, you probably want someassistance finding the best filing status for that year(Source: Careful Cents).

You own property or investments orrecently started a new business. It can be difficultto stay up-to-date with the various laws regardingacquiring property, investments or retirementaccounts. Consider hiring a professional if this isthe case (Source: Careful Cents).

When to file your own tax return

You’re a numbers person who keepsmeticulous track of financial information such as transactions, receipts, etc. If this is the caseand you feel comfortable doing your own taxes,go for it! (Source:

Your tax situation has not changed from theprevious year (Source: Careful Cents).

You rent your residence, don’t own a homeor other vacation property, and don’t have anychildren or other dependents (Source: Financial

Planning Association).

You don’t want other people to know yourfinancial situation (Source:

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W e all know the eternal question that pops up each year right around this very time: “Should I

hire a professional to do my taxes or should I do them myself?” Philosophers (and taxprofessionals) have debated this topic for centuries... going all the way back to the days of Socrates and Aristotle.

It all comes down to comfort level. Yes, you may be great with math and might save a little money doingyour own taxes... but have there been any changes in your life in the past year?

• Maybe you got married or divorced? • Bought or sold a home? • Had a child?

These are all important questions to consider when making this important decision. That’s why we havecompiled a number of points from both sides of the fence to help you decide what is best for you.

It’s tax time again...

what’s your plan?

“Average cost of hiring a tax professional to prepare a Federal & state return: $229”(Source: National Society of Accountants)

“Average time it takes to prepare and file a Form 1040 on your own: 23 hours.”(Source: IRS)

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Don’t put yourhome at risk!

#1: Get valuables appraised

– Make sure to have high-valuebelongings such as jewelry,collectibles and artprofessionally appraised to

document their worth. If you received antiques orfamily heirlooms as gifts, be sure to get thoseappraised as well.

#2: Update your digital

inventory – Take photos ofyour new belongings and labeleach with important detailsabout the gift. You also could

shoot a video and narrate this information asyou’re recording.

#3: Update your written

inventory – Add all of your newpossessions to your currenthome inventory – no matter howsmall. Write down a general

description of each item, and list specifics suchas cost, brand, model, and serial number.

#4: Keep your inventory in a

safe place – Store a copy ofyour inventory away from yourhome in a safe-deposit box orwith a trusted friend or family

member. Back up digital files to a CD or externalhard drive, and keep those copies in a secureoff-site location as well.

And when you’re conductingyour home inventory, makesure to protect family heirloomsthat cannot be easily replacedsuch as family photos. Keep

these important items in a safe or use a secure

off-site location if possible.

For more information or to request a freehomeowners insurance quote, contact MetLifeAuto & Home toll-free at 866-NYSUT-22 (866-697-8822).

Special thanks to MetLife Auto & Home for

providing the content for this article.

With a new year upon us, you may have a numberof goals that you’re looking to achieve. Well, onethat you may not be thinking about could be themost important – updating your inventory ofhousehold possessions.

A home inventory is your master record of all yourpossessions in the event that a fire, theft or naturaldisaster should occur.

Your insurance claim is based on that record andhelps you create your proof of loss; so if it isn’tup-to-date, you may not be fully protected.

4 steps to get you started

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6 ways to preventidentity

theftIdentity theft continues to be a major problem for the general public, affecting

hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Scammers are constantly inventing new ways to trick us into disclosing valuable information that canlead to disastrous consequences.

Keep the following tips in mind to help better protect yourself against this threat:

Special thanks to Herb Kramer, Esq. of Feldman, Kramer & Monaco, P.C. for providing the content for this article.

Tip #1:Less is more – Do not carry your SocialSecurity card in your wallet or purse, and neverhave the number printed on your checks.Consider removing your home address fromyour printed checks as well.

Tip #2:Trust your instincts – Never answer anyemails, letters or phone calls asking for yourSocial Security number, bank accounts orpersonal information even if it appears to be from an entity such as the IRS.

Tip #3:Prepare for trouble – Make a list of all the toll-free numbers for your credit card companiesin case notification of a lost or stolen credit card is required.

Tip #4:Don’t take a chance – Keep a copy of yourpassport with you when you travel in case itgets lost or stolen.

Tip #5:Use your four-digit number – Never put yourcredit card account number on the memo line ofchecks that you use to pay your credit card bill.You only need to insert the last four digits of theaccount number; the same is true when payingyour mortgage.

Tip #6:Contact authorities immediately – It isadvisable to file a police report immediately inthe area where the loss occurred. The same istrue for a lost or stolen cell phone.

The Member Benefits-endorsed Legal Service Plan can offer advice on identity theft preventionand assistance for identity theft victims. In addition, the Member Benefits-endorsed Equifax CreditWatch Gold program helps to prevent identity theft by acting before serious damage can be done.

For more information about either of these programs, please call 800-626-8101 or visit

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We always hear that we should be checkingour credit report, but do you know whyregular monitoring of it is so important?

Checking your report on a routine basis letsyou know your credit score and helpssafeguard against identity theft by makingyou aware of any suspicious activity on it.

And, with the three main credit bureaus –Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – eachoffering one free credit report per year toconsumers, there’s no excuse not to takeadvantage of this offer.

You can visit each credit bureau’s respectivewebsite directly to obtain your credit report oruse a site such as fora free view of your report from each of thesethree bureaus.

Inaccuracies are often reported to the creditbureaus and can have a significant impact onyour credit rating – making it essential toreview your report from all three major creditbureaus at least once per year.

If you find something that you believe to beinaccurate on your report, use the disputessection for each occurrence. Don’t skip thisstep as you don’t want an undeserved errorto stay on your report!

If the creditor is not able to provide proof orrespond to the dispute within 60 days, theitem in question will be removed from yourcredit report. Make sure to dispute anyinaccuracies with all three credit bureaus,as disputing with just one of them will notcause a change in the others.

Member Benefits has endorsed relationshipswith both ClearPoint Credit CounselingSolutions and Equifax Credit Watch Gold –providing a variety of opportunities to ensurethat your credit report remains free of errorsand protected from thieves.

For more information about either of theseprograms, please call 800-626-8101 or

Knowing is 1/2 the battle...Your credit report is your unique thumbprint and an essential way to find out

where your credit currently stands and what you need to do to improve it.

Special thanks to ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions

for providing the content for this article.

We all know the importance of regular exercise and thebenefits that it provides to the body.

Whether you are 25 years old or 85 years old, a regularworkout regimen is essential for building muscle, keepingdangerous fat at bay and safeguarding against thenumerous illnesses associated with obesity.

Check out the following tips from

to help you look and feel your best during your golden years:

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Mobile Device Users: Member Benefits has an endorsement relationship with Philips Lifeline that offers NYSUTmembers and their families a variety of products and services to improve their daily lives.

One such service from Philips Lifeline is a brand new app for iPhone and Android userscalled CarePartners Mobile. This free resource enables caregivers to more easilycoordinate the care of their loved ones. Click here for more information.

#1: Plan an exercise

regimen – Make sure toinclude endurancetraining, strength training,balance, and stretching inyour workout regimen. Exercises such aswalking, biking, jogging, and swimming can helpto increase your stamina and heart rate.

#2: Explore new pursuits – There are a

variety of activities that seniors can take part into stay in shape and feel great. Yoga, pilatesand tai chi are just a few options that canimprove balance, flexibility and strength.

#3: Proper form is essential – It’s always

important to use safe and stable exerciseequipment. If you’re workingout at home, make sure youknow how to do each of theexercises that you’reattempting. If you’re at agym, ask one of the staffmembers of the facility forassistance if necessary.

#4: Watch for pains and shortness of breath

– If you ever develop tightness or pain in yourchest while exercising, stop immediately. It’snormal to have some shortness of breath duringexercise as your heart rate increases, but stopthe activity if you can’t catch your breath.

#5: Find a partner –

It’s a smart idea to find afriend or family member toexercise with. Not only canyou motivate each other,but you’ll also have someone nearby in theevent of a problem.

If you don’t have someone to join you, let afamily member or friend know where you’ll be.And if you’re exercising by yourself outside or athome, keep a phone with you to be safe.

Remember to always consult your doctor

before beginning any exercise program.

Fit at 50... and beyond!

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#1: Be careful with that new

baby – Don’t become a catch-all for family and friendsunloading their “preciousgems” on you. Yes, grandmaand grandpa’s stroller in thebasement may have been state-of-the-art in1974... but does it really sound like a good ideato use it today? Safety regulations forstrollers, cribs and other baby itemschange on a regular basis so be carefulwith what you’re using for your little one.

#2: Keep an eye on the

weather – This is especiallyimportant during the bittercold winter months. Yourbaby can’t communicatewhether he or she is hot orcold very well so make sure to keep littleSammy or Sally bundled up if you’re headingoutside. And don’t forget to put a hat on theirlittle head!

#3: Don’t forget about

you – You’re going to needa lot of energy to care foryour new child so make sure to take care of yourself.Maintain a healthy diet,drink plenty of water and rest when you can. Ifyou get sick, who’s going to care for the baby?

#4: Everyone is different –

Keep this in mind as conflicting advice pours infrom all sides. Your familyand friends may “have allthe answers,” but you needto do what works for you and your baby.

#5: Set the household

rules – Now is the time toset rules for the many,many visitors (both familyand friends) that are goingto want to see your newborn. Don’t be afraid toask visitors to wash their hands before holdingthe baby and ask anyone who’s sick to stayhome until they’re healthy again.

Kids Corner: Get ready for that baby!

What’s that you say? You’re getting ready to bring home a new baby? Congratulations on this joyous moment! But are mom and dad ready for theirnew little one?

And what about grandma and grandpa (yes, we know you’re old hats at this but there have been just afew changes to child care in the past 20 or 30 years)? Are you ready for this special time in your lives?

Check out the following tips from the Mayo Clinic to help keep your composure during this new chapter in your life:

Are you protecting your smile?Do you know how much sugar and starch are inthe foods that you eat and drink?

Did you ever wonder why we never see or hear an advertisement for a“delicious sugary beverage” or “comforting starchy food?” The answeris simple: who would want to eat or drink that?

But, as a consumer, you need to watch what you’re eating... not just forthe calories but also for what’s in the product that could damage yourteeth or gums.

And while some foods invite tooth decay, others help combat plaquebuildup and keep teeth and gums healthy. Learn more about the foodsto seek out (and those to avoid) to help keep your smile sparkling.

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Four good guys...

1. Fiber-rich fruits &

vegetables – Crisp fruitsand vegetables likeapples, carrots and celerynot only stimulate salivaflow, but also help cleanplaque from teeth andfreshen breath.

2. Sugarless chewing gum – Chewing sugar-free gum (key word: sugar-free!) after mealsand snacks can rinse harmful acid off your teethand preserve tooth enamel.

3. Green & black teas – Tea containscompounds that interact with plaque andeither kill or suppress bacteria, preventingthem from growing or producing tooth-attacking acid.

4. Water – It’s important to haveflouride in your drinking water.Bottled water may not contain asmuch fluoride as tap water, somake sure to use fluoridatedtoothpaste and ask your dentistabout fluoride supplementation ifthis is your main source of water.

And three bad guys...

1. Sugary candies & sweets – If you do eatsweets, stick to those that clear out of yourmouth quickly. Those that stick around likelollipops, caramels, jelly beans, and hardcandies make it difficult for saliva to wash thesugar away.

2. Starchy, refined

carbohydrates – Weall know that foodssuch as chips, breadand pasta can bedetrimental to ourwaistline... but didyou know they can affect your teeth aswell? Bacteria feed on the simple sugarsin these foods and produce acid, causingtooth decay.

3. Fruit juices – Although fruit is an importantpart of a healthy diet, fruit juices can causemajor problems for your teeth. Like soda, fruitjuices often have a ton of sugar added to them and can wreak havoc on your smile (and waistline).

Special thanks to Delta Dental for providing the content for this article.

For more information about the Member Benefits-endorsed Dental Plan, please call 800-626-8101 or visit

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