winter 2014

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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An update for the congregation, friends, and supporters of Grace Cathedral


Grace NotesGrace cathedral

winter 2014

exper ience worship, arts ,

education and service this winter at

San FranciSco’S cathedral For all

Dear Friends, A recent report on church growth in England found that, while some part of the church may be in decline, cathedrals are growing. That is our experience here on the West Coast of the United States. Grace Cathedral is growing in every way and I invite you to join us in our worship, our conversations, our arts and education programs, and our outreach to the community.  2014 is the Year of Sustainability here at Grace Cathedral, as together we learn about the challenges of sustainability that we all face, and consider the actions we need to take. We will begin our conversations on that theme at our Forum, with Lisa P. Jackson, former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, on the environmental challenge; Majora Carter on urban revitalization; and Berkeley historians Rebecca McLennan and David Henkin on food and the environment in American history. We will officially launch the Year of Sustainability at Carnivale, our elegant fundraiser in the cathedral on Thursday, February 27, when chefs and food writers Michael Chiarello and Bryant Terry will be encouraging us to plant the seeds of transformation in all areas of our lives and communities.  We are delighted to welcome Anna Deavere Smith back to Grace Cathedral on Monday, March 10, when she will perform the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail with violinist Robert McDuffie. Our Lenten program considers the relationship between the arts and empathy. Anna and Robert will be speaking about the arts and human rights at The Forum on March 9, and I will be teaching two classes on the arts and empathy, on the first and last Thursday evenings in March. We are so pleased also to welcome the Rev. Mpho Tutu on the evening of Thursday, March 20 when she will talk about The Book of Forgiving, the new book she co-authored with her father, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  Thank you for being a part of Grace Cathedral. We so much appreciate your support for all that we do here. I look forward to seeing you at this house of prayer for all people very soon.  With warmest wishes,  

The Very Rev. Dr. Jane ShawDean

dean’s MessaGe

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winter hiGhliGhts

GRACe Notes wiNteR 2014 | 3

additional event inFormation:

graced with light inStallation This stunning visual art installation from 2013’s resident artist Anne Patterson is so popular, we’ve extended it into 2014. The installation includes over 20 miles of red, blue and green ribbons hanging from Grace Cathedral’s vaulted ceiling arches and will be on view through the end of February.

On View nOw:

*letter From Birmingham Jail: march 10, 7:30 P.m. Actor and playwright Anna Deavere Smith returns to Grace Cathedral with renowned violinist Robert McDuffie for a performance of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham Jail. Information and tickets:

carnivale: FeBruary 27, 6:30 P.m. Don’t miss Grace Cathedral’s fourth annual gala featuring chef and Emmy-winning TV host Michael Chiarello and chef and food justice activist Bryant Terry. This dinner and festive party launches our Year of Sustainability and benefits cathedral life. Information and tickets:

winter interFaith Shelter: FeBruary 16 – 22 Volunteer to cook and serve a healthy meal to those housed through the Winter Interfaith Shelter program, which provides dinner, breakfast and a dry place to sleep for 60–100 homeless men during the coldest part of the year. Volunteer:

*the rev. mPho tutu: march 20, 6:30 P.m. An Episcopal priest and Executive Director of the The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation, Mpho Tutu will discuss The Book of Forgiving, which she recently co-authored with her father, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

*Presented as part of Grace Cathedral’s series on the Arts and Empathy. See page 4.







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4 | Grace notes winter 2014

FeBruary 16 Lisa P. Jackson, V.P. of Environmental Initiatives for Apple and former Administrator of the EPA The Environmental Challenge

FeBruary 23 Sara Miles, Author City of God 

march 2 Professor David Henkin and Professor Rebecca McLennan University of California, Berkeley Food, the Environment, and the History of America

*march 9 Anna Deavere Smith, Actor and Playwright and Robert McDuffie, Violinist  Arts and Human Rights

march 16 Majora Carter, Urban Revitalization Strategist and Social-Enterprise Pioneer Home(town) Security

*march 23 Jane Clementi, the Tyler Clementi Foundation and Dr. Timothy Seelig, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Music: the Power to Change Hearts and Minds

2014 winter ForumSunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Gresham Hall. Hosted by the Very Rev. Dr. Jane Shaw, Grace Cathedral’s flagship conversation continues. Free and open to all. Information:

connectinG Mind & spirit

*Presented as part of Grace Cathedral’s series on the Arts and Empathy

the Forum SerieS iS SPonSored By BarBro and Bernard oSher.

march 26, 6:30 P.m. A jazz recital, featuring The Equity and Social Justice Quartet and Markus Hunt, to benefit the Homeless Children’s Network.

march 27, 6:30 P.m . Arts and Empathy IV: Using our Imaginations (Lecture by Dean Shaw)

artS and emPathy SerieS Information and location:

march 20, 6:30 P.m. Arts and Empathy III: Forgiveness The Rev. Mpho A. Tutu discusses The Book of Forgiving, the book she co-authored with her father Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

march 6, 6:30 P.m. Arts and Empathy I: Why Empathy, now? (Lecture by Dean Shaw)

march 13, 6:30 P.m. Arts and Empathy II: A Practical Reflection (Lecture by the Rev. Jude Harmon)

Grace notes winter 2014 | 5

Our regular worship schedule includes four services on Sundays — 8:30 a.m. Eucharist; 11 a.m. Choral Eucharist; 3 p.m. Choral Evensong and 6 p.m. evening Eucharist on the labyrinth — as well as Choral Evensong sung by our Choir of Men and Boys on Thursdays at 5:15 p.m.

highlightS oF holy weeK & eaSterFree and open to all. Information:

CelebRAte the joy of eAsteR! Easter Vigil Services on Saturday, April 19 at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., and on Easter, Sunday, April 20, at 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. or 6 p.m. The Choir of Men and Boys will sing Let All the World in Every Corner Sing by Ralph Vaughan Williams and other festive music, accompanied by brass and organ, at the 11 a.m. Choral Eucharist on Easter Sunday.

ApRil 13 At 11 A.m. pAlm suNdAy Procession with palms, featuring the Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys singing Thomas Weelkes’ Hosanna to the the Son of David.

ApRil 16 At 6 p.m. teNebRAe A simple, yet powerful choral service featuring the Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys singing Francis Poulenc’s 4 Lenten Motets.

ApRil 17 At 6 p.m. mAuNdy thuRsdAy Foot washing ceremony and the Holy Eucharist, featuring the Cathedral Camerata choir sing-ing Kenneth Leighton’s Drop, Drop, Slow Tears, Maurice  Duruflé’s Ubi caritas and William Byrd’s Miserere mei.

ApRil 18 At 3 p.m. Good fRidAy Choral meditation on the Cross and the death of Jesus, and prayers for the world.

l e n t

obseRve the beGiNNiNG of leNt oN Ash wedNesdAy Wednesday, March 5. Holy Eucharist and imposition of ashes at 7:30 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 6 p.m.

ARts ANd empAthy leCtuRe seRies Presented as a part of Grace Cathedral’s series on Arts and Empathy. See page 4.

leNteN book study Sundays, March 9 – April 6. Book study on Norman Wirzba’s Living the Sabbath: Discovering the Rhythms of Rest and Delight at 12:40 p.m. in Wilsey Conference Center and 4:30 p.m. in the Chapter Room.

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febRuARy 9 Lawrence Thain, Assistant Director of Music at Grace Cathedral

mARCh 2 Elmo Cosentini, renowned Austrian organist, educated at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

yoga on the laByrinth One of the unique ways Grace Cathedral ministers to our community is through Yoga on the Labyrinth. Almost every Tuesday evening throughout the year, over 500 people join yoga teacher Darren Main and the Rev. Jude Harmon, Minor Canon at Grace Cathedral, inside the cathedral for a time of spiritual connection and gentle, nurturing yoga. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend. Suggested donation: $10; Information:

organ recital SerieS Selected SundayS, 4 P.m. Concerts by accomplished musicians playing one of America’s finest organs, a 7,466 pipe Æolian-Skinner organ. Suggested donation: $10.

6 | Grace notes winter 2014

cathedral liFe

Jane Shaw carPenter New ChAiR of the GRACe CAthedRAl boARd of tRustees Jane Shaw Carpenter began serving as the new Chair of the Grace Cathedral Board of Trustees on January 1 of this year. Dr. Carpenter is the retired Chairman and CEO of Aerogen, Inc., the former Chair of the board of Intel and a current member on the boards of McKesson and AeroSurgical Limited. She is a member of the Grace Cathedral congregation and lives with her husband Peter Carpenter in Atherton. Welcome, Jane!

ApRil 6 Benjamin Bachmann, Canon Director of Music at Grace Cathedral


ri o


Board oF truSteeS

the rt. rev. Marc handley andrus president

the very rev. dr. jane shaw vice president

jane shaw carpenter chair

eliza Brown vice chair

valerie crane dorfman vice chair

anne casscells treasurer

david w. walker secretary

jamie nicol Bowles

Gabriela strand Bruce

lee Mcenany caraher

dorena chan

jane a. cook

donald w. derheim

lokelani devone

peter M. drake

vance y. George

Zane o. Gresham

samuel hocking

steven n. holland

judith droz keyes

Mary ryan Mccarthy

charles l. Moore

Meridee Moore

lori ogden Moore

john oxaal

james pannell

Michael j. patterson

Bob peck

Garrett a. h. price iii

l. Gregory scott

rita semel

Michael sippey

anna deavere smith

thomas F. steyer

patrick s. thompson

trevor traina

Mary vargas

susan von herrmann

Mrs. diane B. wilsey

Grace notes winter 2014 | 7

annual GiFts to support cathedral liFeGrace Cathedral means something to everyone, offering connection to God and each other though worship, art and music, education and compassionate service. Make your gift to the Community Fund (undesignated support) or The Ghiberti Foundation (for arts and culture) via the enclosed envelope or online at To make a stewardship pledge for congregational life, visit thANk you!











coMinG up! wedneSdayS, aPril 30 – may 21, 7 P.m Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus, will teach a class on ecology and theology for Grace Cathedral’s Year of Sustainability. Information and location:





FEBRUARY 27, 20146:30 PM


Stay updated and involved by signing up for our weekly e-newsletter, Highlights, at

Th e programs of Grace Cathedral and the Ghiberti Foundation for arts and culture are made possible by the generous support of its trustees, congregation and friends.

the cathedral iS oPen daily

Grace cathedral is an episcopal church, a MeMBer oF the worldwide anGlican coMMunion.

CoveR photos: top photo By aMritendu Maji; BottoM riGht photo By keane li.





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