wireless ethernet ieee 802.11 standard overview

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Wireless Ethernet IEEE 802.11 Standard Overview. Dirk Grunwald Assoc. Professor Dept. of Computer Science University of Colorado, Boulder. What’s Covered. High level overview of the 802.11 standard Motivation Organization Station Services MAC-level protocol Power Saving. Resources. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Wireless EthernetIEEE 802.11 Standard


Dirk GrunwaldAssoc. Professor

Dept. of Computer ScienceUniversity of Colorado, Boulder

What’s Covered

High level overview of the 802.11 standard Motivation Organization Station Services MAC-level protocol Power Saving



IEEE 802 standards group http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/ 802.11 Specification is ~$450 or so

We have some copies

Differences Between WLANs and Wired LANs

Obviously, no wires Data is broadcast through free space, people can snoop Vagaries of electromagnetic propagation

Signals are not consistent Multipath and blocking may cause dead spots, even within open


Mobility The problems that mobility brings

Problems Of Mobility

Orders of magnitude slower than fixed network Higher transmission bit error rates (BER) Uncontrolled cell population Difficult to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) Asymmetric duplex bandwidth Limited communication bandwidth exacerbates the

limitation of battery lifetime.

Limitations Imposed by Mobility

Lack of mobility-awareness by applications Inherently transparent programming model (object-,

components-oriented, but not aspect-oriented) Lack of environment test and set API support

Lack of mobility-awareness by the system network: existing transport protocols are inefficient to use

across heterogeneous mix of fixed/wireless networks session and presentation: inappropriate for the wireless

environment and for mobility operating systems: lack of env. related conditions and signals

• “you’ve lost your network” client/server: unless changed, inappropriate and inefficient

802.11 Design

Seemingly complex, but designed to overcome some of the complications of mobility

Components The station Access Point (AP) Wireless medium Basic Service Set (BSS) The Distribution System (DS) Extended Service Set (ESS) Station and Distribution Services

802.11 Design

Based on 802.2 LLC protocol Many similarities with other protocols Allows “seamless bridging” with other protocols using 802.2

LLC protocols

Supports variety of PHY IRDA 2.4 Ghz band

• 2 Mbit/s FHSS (802.11)• 1 / 2 / 5.5 / 11 Mbit/s DSSS (802.11b)

5.4 Ghz band• 24, 54 Mbit/s

The station

The station is a component that connects to the wireless medium

Consists of MAC and PHY Generally represented by a network interface card (NIC)

Station can be mobile, portable or stationary Each station supports station services such as

Authentication Deauthentication Privacy Deliver of Data Describe later..

The Basic Service Set

A BSS is a set of stations that communicate with one another

Does not refer to a physical area / region

If all the stations are mobile and there is no connection to a wired network, the BSS is called an independent BSS or IBSS

Also called “adhoc mode” IBSS is typically short-lived (“adhoc”)

IBSS Organization

IBSS / Adhoc Organization

Stations send messages directly to other stations Only stations within the transmission range are “in the


There’s still an association / disassociation service

There is no centralized coordination for transmission

Infrastructure BSS (or just BSS)

When a BSS contains an access point, it’s a BSS Also called “Infrastructure mode”

Infrastructure BSS

In Infrastructure mode, each station sends messages only to the access point

The access point redistributes or retransmits the messages

Both on the wireless network and an associated wired network

Stations must associate with an access point and possibly authenticate themselves

The access point can control when stations transmit Power savings mode only possible when using an access point

Extended Service Set (ESS)

Extended Service Set

An ESS is a set of infrastructure BSSs where the AP’s communicate amoung themselves to forward traffic from one BSS to another

Allows movement of stations from one BSS to another

The AP’s communicate via a “distribution system” (DS) DS may be either wired or wireless E.g., access points can directly form a distribution system or

access points can be connected via a wired network

Access points can “hand-off”

Extended Service Set (ESS)


Inter-ESS Coordination

Inter-Access Point Protocol Not part of 802.11 & no documentation available But not rocket science – access points know the IP address of

different access points. Access points inform other access points when a station associates. Maps are maintained and messages forwarded

Bridging Must be on same subnet If a destination is a broadcast or

unknown MAC address, the AP sendsit to the wired network

AP records MAC for all stations,grabs all frames with those MACs



Full IEEE 802.11 Architecture

Station Services

Authentication – used to prove identity of one station to another

Deauthentication – eliminate previous authorized user from use of network (security revocation)

Privacy – wired equivalent privacy, similar to that of in-wall wiring

Data Delivery – reliable deliver of data frames from one MAC to another, with minimal duplication or reordering

Distribution Services

Association – make a logical connection between a mobile station and an access point. Necessary for the distribution system (DS) to know where and how to deliver data.

Reassociation – as above, but includes information on prior association within the same ESS.

Disassociation – forces a node to associate (again) or to inform an AP that it station longer needs service

Distribution – used by AP to determine if frame should go to current BSS or be send to DS (another AP or portal)

Integration – connects 802.11 to other LAN.

Association & Authentication

Each station must maintain two state variables for each other station with which it communicates

Each station may be authenticated with many stations at the same time, but is associated with only one at a time.

There are three classes of frame types – the station must respond to certain classes in different connection states.

Relationship Between State Variables and Services

State 1Unauthenticated


State 3Authenticated


State 2AuthenticatedUnassociated



or Re-association

Class 1Frames

Class 1 & 2Frames

Class 1, 2 & 3Frames




I think this should be “associated”, but both text & standard show “authentication”.


IBSS can only be in State 1, and can thus process data messages.

Normally, data transmission only occurs in State 3.

Stations must be able to react to all message classes in each state, but should only initiate certain message classes according to their state.

MAC Layer Functions

Provide reliable data delivery Hidden node & exposed node problem Solutions

Fairly control access to shared media Distributed coordination function Point coordination function

Protect the data that is delivered WEP

Wireless Ethernet Is Not Ethernet

Can typically on transmit or receive at the same time Use collision avoidance rather than collision detection

Just because I can hear someone talking doesn’t mean I’ll interfere with the receiver

My signal may be so attenuated by the time it hits them there’s no meaningful interference.

Hidden Node Problem In CSMA



Exposed Node Problem In CSMA



802.11 MACA Protocol

Contention reduction RTS – Request to send CTS – Clear to send

Reliability DATA frame ACK frame

Reliability frames act as a unit – if you see data, you’re not to transmit until ACK is seen.

Likewise, if you see RTS, you must wait out CTS, DATA and ACK

802.11 MA/CA





802.11 MA/CA Protocol

Not all frames must use RTS / CTS Lots of overhead for small messages Control entry in MIB (mandated by 802.11) sets message above

which CTS/RTS is used – dot11RTSThreshold On Aironet driver – See e.g. /proc/aironet/eth1/Config

RTSThreshold: 2312

Frames carry state that let stations determine when a CTS/DATA/ACK has been dropped or missed.

A failure of the frame exchange protocol detected at the source is treated as a “collision”, and a randomized exponential back off is used to delay retransmission.

NAV / Virtual Carrier

Unlikely that all nodes can be heard by each other How do you know how long to wait for a transmit to finish? Message sender can’t tell you, you can’t here them

Messages contain a Network Allocation Vector (NAV) Value that indicates how much time remains before the media is


Although you don’t hear sender, you do hear receiver You listen to NAV and know when to try again

Timeline of RTS / CTS & NAV

Timing Intervals

Collision avoidance is done using timing intervals Slot time SIFS – short interframe space PIFS – priority interframe space

= SIFS + slot time

DIFS – distributed interface space = PIFS + slot time

EIFS – extended interface space

Some IFS Relationships

Media Control

Distributed Control Function Obviously distributed Uses media access timing & contention

Point Control Function PC = Point Controller, always located in access point PCF operates by stations requesting that the PC register them

on a polling list PC then regularly polls the stations for traffic while delivering

traffic Every station is required to be able to respond to operation of


DCF Operations

When MAC gets request to xmit, check of physical and virtual carrier

Medium not in use for interval of DIFS (or EIFS if previous frame had errors), the MAC can begin transmission

If medium is in use• MAC will backoff.• Backoff count is decremented each time that physical & virtual carrier

indicate no carrier for one slot time.• Once backoff has expired, MAC begins transmission.• If transmission is not successful, collision has occurred.

Model of Contention in DCF Mode

PCF Operations

PCF uses PIFS, which is shorter than DIFS to “grab hold” of the media for Contention Free Period (CFP)

Competition for media means that CFP may be delayed from ideal start time. Hence only “near isochronous”.

PC gains access to media and broadcasts a “beacon” frame

Transmitted periodically Stations can request “contention free service” when a poll

request is sent Each station is capable of receiving frames and ack’ing them.

PC uses NAV to hold onto the media for the needed CFP time

PC Polling

PC sends a “contention free poll” (CF-Poll) to stations requesting contention-free service

If station has traffic, it may send one frame for each CF-Poll

Can piggy back both ACK and the CF-Poll on data frames during CFP

“PC Can combine CF-Poll and ACK with data frame as well”hence, PC may be sending a frame to one station, along with a CF-Poll and ACK a frame received from an entirely different station.

Holding Media in PCF

NAV is primary mechanism to hold media Announced in Beacon at beginning of CFP

PIFS is secondary mechanism in case some station did not hear Beacon

During CFP, PC assures no interval on medium less than PIFS. If response not received within SIFS, PC will send frame before

PIFS expires

PC announces end of CF period using a CF-End frame Once NAV is reset, stations compete using DCF

Timeline of PCF & DCF Operations

Example of PCF Frame Transfer

Station Identifiers

SSID is the service set identify 32 byte “network name” Zero length “name” is broadcast (I.e. any network)

BSSID is the Basic Service Set ID Shorter numeric value, randomly generated

Frame Formats

Data to be delivered is the MSDU == MAC Service Data Unit Converted into MPDU (MAC Protocol Data Unit) for wire

MAC may fragment an MSDU



Durationor ID





Seq.Cntl Frame FCS

2 6 6 6 2 6 0-2313 4

Frame Control



Durationor ID





Seq.Cntl Frame FCS

2 6 6 6 2 6 0-2313 4

Identifiesthe frame



Type SubtypeToDS






WEP Order

If “11”, using wireless DS

Station uses to announce power state after this frame.

Frame is buffered at AP for station

Strictly ordered service requested

Fragment bursts get efficient use of media

RTS / CTS with Fragmented MSDU

Frame Type & Subtype

Management (re)Assoc/Auth request / response Probe request / response Breacon / Announcment Traffic Indication Message

Control Power save Poll RTS / CTS / ACK / CF-End

Data Various combinations of CF, ACK, Poll, etc


Duration & Addresses



Durationor ID





Seq.Cntl Frame FCS

2 6 6 6 2 6 0-2313 4

During Power Save Poll, this contains the ID of a station to retrieve frames

Otherwise, it’s the NAV.Magic value (32768) used to

mark a CFP. Units not stated?

Following address types:Source address – original (“Pre-DS”) sourceDestination Address – final destination of frameTransmitter Address – only individual allowedReceiver Address – individual / groupBSS Identifier – unique ID for BSS. MAC of AP if infrastructure, else local random address.

Frames may contain 1,2,3 or 4 addrs. Uses 48bit address. In that, 1 bit individual / group MAC (for multicast)1 bit is universal / local (who assigns address – IEEE or local)

Only used in wireless DS

Power Save Poll

PS poll is 20 bytes Purpose is to request an AP to deliver frames that are

queued on the AP while station was in power save mode.

BSSID identifies AP to which poll is directed (should be associated device)

Beacon Frames

Transmitted periodically to allow mobile stations to locate and identify a BSS

Allows device to the BSS (in time & PHY) at any time I.e., sync clocks & select media

Allows conveys info about buffered frames Frame contains

Timestamp of stations synchronization timer when frame was transmitted

Beacon interval Capabilities – SSID, supported rates, one or more PHY

parameter sets, optional CFP parameter set, optional IBSS parameter set and optional traffic indication map

Probe Request / Response

Used to locate a WLAN with a particular SSID or to locate any WLAN at all.

Contains SSID of requested WLAN Supported rates

In BSS, AP will always respond to beacon In IBSS, station that send last beacon will respond Probe frame contains almost all the same info as a

beacon frame

Traffic Indication Map (TIM)

May be from 6 to 256 bytes Carries information about frames that are buffered at AP AP buffers all multicast when there are any stations

operating in low power mode. DTIM (Delivery TIM) inform mobile stations when

multicast frames that have been buffered at AP will be delivered and how often that delivery will occur. Value is in terms of beacon frames

There’s also a bitmask, indexed by an Association ID (AID) that is assigned at Assoc. Used to indicate if station has messages waiting.

Security (WEP)

2 mechanisms Set of up to 4 default keys shared by all stations

Distributed to all stations

“Key Mapping” relationship with another station Key mapping lets you create a key used only with a single other

station. Not required in standard.


Normally between station & AP 2 Mechanisms “Open System Authentication”

For people who do not use WEP Authentication always works

“Shared Key Authentication” Shared WEP key Uses WEP to encrypt and decrypt a “challenge text” Mobile station A sends identity assertion to B, B sends text to

A, A encrypts, returns to B, B decrypts and returns success / failure.

Only authenticates A to B, not B to A.

Hacking Authentication

Rogue could adopt SSID of the ESS Announce presence through beacon Stations attempt to authenticate Rogue always replies with success


Association request includes information on the capabilities of a station, etc.

Policies and standards for accepting an association not specified in standard

Power Management in IBSS

Power management fully distributed in IBSS Station enters low power mode turns of receiver and

transmitter Must complete handshake with any other station and set the

power mode bit

Station must awake to receive every beacon Must stay away after the beacon to receive the ATIM

(adhoc traffic announcement message window) Other stations announce frames during that window

Sending Frames to Power Managed IBSS

To send, you must estimate power saving state of station (based on last frame)

If you think it’s asleep, you wait until next ATIM period and send an ATIM frame. You can’t xmit until you get ACK on ATIM.

Multicast frames also announced during ATIM

May require several attempts until an ATIM is acknowledged

Power Management in IBSS

AP keeps info on power modes of all stations Much greater power savings

Stations do no wake for every beacon, and can tell AP how many beacon periods they will be in sleep mode

Mobile station must also awake for multicast frames, as specified by AP in DTIM. If you want multicast, you must wake up for every DTIM.

An AP that is a PC will use CFP to deliver buffered frames


AP announces time in beacon frame All stations set to that time. Within a room, it’s close

enough to synchronized

In IBSS, station that starts BSS will begin by resetting timer and then transmitting that and setting retransmit time.

This establishes basic beacon

Beacon Transmission in IBSS

Infrastructure Power Management Operation (no PCF Operating)

Power Management in an IBSSBasic Operation

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