wisdom of prophet muhammad

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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A presentation sharing a small sampling of the wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad and how we can as a humanity, benefit from His teachings as human beings.


The wisdom

of the Prophet muhammad

Javed Mohammedk2film@live.com

A K2Vista Production

“Protect and honor the earth, for the earth is your


“Avoid three qualities: Jealously, Greed, and


“Actions are based on intentions .”

“ The best people are those who are most useful to


“Seeking knowledge is better than worship.”

“There are as many ways to God as there are souls.”

“O people turn to God in repentance and seek forgiveness

of God. Indeed I repent a hundred times a day.”

“Those who go out in search of knowledge are on the path

of Goduntil they return.”

“One hour of contemplation is worth sixty years of


“Worship God as if you see him, and remember that even if you do not see God, God still sees


“Those who do not express their gratitude to people will

never be able to be grateful to God.”

“Oh people all my instructions are according to the Qur’an. And if you come across anything that does not agree with the Qur’an. It is not my


“ Oh people your God is one and you have a single father Adam. Whoever is more pious is more elevated. And no

one is superior because he is an Arab or Non-Arab but only through his piety.”

“The learned are like the stars in the sky and guide travelers on sea and on earth. When the stars disappear, even those who have found their way may

lose their direction.”

“The cure for ignorance is to ask and learn.”

“Goodness will neither grow old nor fade away: Wickedness will not be forgotten.

And the God of a just person will never die. Do whatever you wish, but remember that you will receive whatever you cultivate.”

“ God likes generosity and forgiveness and dislikes an

ill temper and jealousy.”

“The most ignorant among you is the one who does not learn from the changes in the world. The richest among you is the one who is not

entrapped by greed.”

“True servants of God, the most gracious, are they who walk gently

on the earth, and who, whenever the ignorant address them, reply with

words of peace.”

“Jihad is not taking a sword and fighting on the way of god. Jihad is

taking care of your parents and children and being free from needing


“Knowledge that is not beneficial is like a treasure

that you cannot spend.”

“God will not have mercy upon a person who has no

mercy upon others.”

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All Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad have an implied Peace Be Upon Him, a respect shown to all the Prophets of God).

All images are from public domain and copyright of respective owners

Reference: The Wisdom of Islam by Robert Frager PhD

A K2 Vista Projectk2film@live.comCopyright 2012

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