wjlefsfmbi. barpin columns. - nys historic...

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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mmmt* ftn» *»« *#?»

T E R M S * $*s n i l ma ''m \<umma. 9. aiftaao*

**«*» §ttis<«ls*As|ia W««*bai«i>, orlorWM*-««tor mmll, P<*u«eifrej*. as followmj das jrearA-.»*.*****-.*****l****.****»***'»**.***4 * P» a t stttit&ft.. IMS* '

tnb«crt)?«on» cot t»4d ta »dT*Bot will W

mm atl^t7»sVaJDAtt s»LK»»C»*.

CUtWM «f tn* Watted State* who wfcftt to brush t ip their knowledge of

th*ir own country method in

made bjr the Be-in cariyina; oat

tfonn with the acltmlitstoattop*.

nwntnat 9i cents



political history fa would Bad aa la comparing; tbe publican party in the pledgee of if

33bepledge* oTt&s flatfomi, » will be ttNtwsmberedj wert art l*0aest effort to t»rof or laterostioia* bimetallism, * re-£<*m of.tbe tariff,;» J eform of the. cur-Wncysjrstettt, the )pf< tectiott of Ameri-e*a rftteena In Cab* aitd ih« rostcra ttoti, if possible, b f W o e that*, u d the control of the Hawaiian ' Islands tor the United Statw. Erery otoe of these pledges b « teen either carri­ed out or Is m far npdw way as io ten-

timmmi WihlrprcbilHe. AOomml*. jricm l a i been sent a t road to neco i ia te <or international Wm«4»Ul»m; t b e d o o m of Cub»n prisons h a i e been opened to Auiencdn citlaen* iwho were oonflned ibsrerfn; the Raoerjal Cuban policy i» beini; outlined in i fray to Inattreim­provement in condition k in that unhappy kind;» Hawaiian annejattlon treaty hat been signed; recommeniatioa for a cur-reacy cbmmteaion to pr epaw plana for a general revision of the currehoy system 'will be tent to CoOgrsMMtoonae the tariff bm pa»««, and the protective tariif jaeMure la likely to bjj a law within a fortnight Ottt anybojdy find in the poUtical history of « i » United 8 U t « more rapid work to carrying out party

Thoee who are impatient that w e are a p t enjoying Mood-Me proeper%, and would arraign the Eepiblicaos for not bain*" able in four mOcths to undo all fjhe: harm dime by the jpn imocrats in four yeaW/are both* tboughtl see and unjust. They should remember thatit Is easier *i>1mt town than to b llld up, to dissi­pate prosperity than to create i t . ' The ful l measure of damage [done the d5un-*ty by Cievelandism ^annot, with the -wisest statesmanship, b> repaired In a month or a year, and hi rdly in a presi­dential term, Tbe electic a of McKInley 3>aved ^ e way for a return t o the pros­perity antedaticg Democratic misrule by creating confidence, but confidence could n o t wipe the deficit-creating Wilson bill Off the statute books. TmV requires time, hut under Republican management the work is being e*ped|ited, with the hright promise that in a. few! aayathe »ation will have a tariff bill that will provide sufficient revenue to meet the winning expense of % government. "Whereas &d Democrail agreed to dis­agree, the Bepublicana have shown their /ability to get together on ja line of gov-sjmmental policy. When; they fail as their opponents failed, or i are unable to apply a remedy,' i t will be time to con­demn tbem, dad not before.

All that is needed at this time la the exercise by the people of a little patience and common aense#


To cure disease because thejr attack the disease itself-without thinking df the cause* Back­ache, lame back, stomach trouble*, dizrincss, for instance, are all everyday symptoms of kidney trpubles—-can't ht cured except by brirjjjitig the kldtieyi back to health and vigor.

DOAN'S KIDNEVPILLS frequently cure diseases o f these delicate organs after aU else has lailed. They are the natural enemy of tvety form of kidney disease.

M r . e A *omr,*m—fimcdr AM atm # Wuu«iBRo,lV>«*ASnuUtt.wril.k»own rsst Butwatsir street, £ n u x H . T - n w i - UM

ttOltmiMii mad orinarr tmaUes enrSaMtbt war. XbaTaloo<IaitbtT«oatiacUdUiediMaa» wnUe la thaanayraaa.lt Juut jrsdaallr iwaa

&**&£&*& J^W*.A« ** «iwiii», with a ^ryd^catt^eeahtosadilmiartohrtek taUat-eotdoroUMroaiiN^ 1 n i i a r i l r «N# SaoiUM^attdwMalwanMitiJsetS to m a t ItfawhM adnata. i W a d ^ S U w S f i

jay».. I#nkth«ial]«arf>aKl>ttrDnasfM rwafdy. Uar fears ttsMdalrdswawsliajr

D«a«'a Kiawr PtiuCa*

I awCMtsataayDragstsas.

Fostef-Milburn Co., Agigv.

WJlEfSfMBi. J»*w.iW Mai ^ ^ a f a

hrorided Spain Ykida to Our „ KCgBftCt

•a^l, l . l ,T%t.Mla,Jl,


Considering that he was in Philadel­phia, President McEinle;j- had a very l ively day lately. He reaciied the Qua­ker town from Washington at 11 f30 a, i n . Fifteen minutes later m was mak­i n g a speech before the A # erican Med­ical association. At 12 o'clock he was visiting Philadelphia's Coty mercial Ma-eenms show. He saw the wonders there and finished his luncheon in time to go to the Academy of Music and make a speech at 3:80. Four o'clock found h im at the School of Industrial Art, and at 4:80 he had a reception a i d a tremen­dous handshaking time at tj le Academy of Music. Even this was not enough. A t half past 6 those relentless Philadel­p h i a ' s picked up what wag left of the president and obliged i t to |jo to a ban­quet and make another speem.

Indications are still favorjaBIe for the completion and final enactment of the tariff measure by July 4th. I t is also likely that the House'rates on wool, augar, rice, and other agricultural: pro­ducts will be fully restoml, since the Kepublicans of; the Senate hum already agreed to bring the wool sche lute back to within one cent of the House rates, and i t is likely that the conference com­mittee will fu'iyrestore the Hjouse sched u'ea on both wool and sugar.

The workers in the cotton mills of New Englapd are already able to n )te thecon-trast between a Bepublipan m \A a Demo­cratic administration in thejfi fit that the tisual summer spapensfon of « mk, which Jtaspretafled each year undbthe Wil-adniaw, is to ha omitted this reason and 1&.,^$jt$$W , | tt l l ,^j% curttuf:,-the '-jfennniiiri '*"'" , '*>*'

Tiie am um hut #« mm state* «ver had was signed by Preaidtnt Wash­ington on the 4th of July. Ifiheijptng JeybiUcouldbepaa^iaothst JfcKinley could aire it to on the commaiFoorai tha • waalawv'Mkaft^V^aaaJaiUa -S^attH^

Do you get What you want when, you ask for goods advertised in this news­paper? The publisher would be glad to he i r of any ease where substitution has been practiced or attempted.

G. O. Taylor WhUidti, sooafor long celoa.

Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poison i t with blue-mass; but aid Nature by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, bil­iousness and stomach and liver troubles. They are purely vegetable. .Mrs. D . K. Gilbert, Plattsburgh; W. E. Clodgh, West Chary r H. E. dillespie, Ausable Forks; J L. Burton, Keeseville.

»'If taken into tbe head by the noetnita two or three times a week, Thomas' Eclectric Oil wi l l positively relieve the most offensive case of catarrh,*' Rev. E. F. Crane, Dunkirk, K Y.

y IMawBMasawanaaMw

Don't neglect a cough because the weather i s pleasant; before the next storm rolls round it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair, One Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and wilt do what its name implies. Mrs.D.K. Gilbert, Plattsburgh; W. B . d o u g h . West Chazy; H. 1/. Gillespie, Ausable Forks; J . 1. Burton, Keeseville.

Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured bjr DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, but eczemr, scalds, bums, bruises, boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. Mrs. D. K. Gilbert, Plattsburgh; W. B. Clough, West Chasy; H. E. Gillespie, A u » b l e Forks; J. L. Burton, Keeseviils,

6. O. Tartar WbUklM, sM MfuUw, tnn.

Standard, reputable articles are. not dear at the prices asked for them. Sub­stitutes offered by unscrupulous and ir­responsible makers tee costly at the figure. Be sure that no humbug is prao ficed on you when yougQ to buy,

" t h e y are dandies" said Thos. Bowers of the Crocket, Texas. Enterprise, WbHe writing about DeWitt's Little ifiarly Risers, tbe famous little pill* for sick headache and disorders of tbe stomach and liver. Mrt» D K.Gilbert, Plattsburgh; W. E. Clough, WeetCnazy; H. E , Gilles­pie, Ausable Forks; J. L. Burton, Keese­ville.

G, 0. Taylor ..WhhklM, bintfit tbs whole «jntaw G 0 TaylorWftUkiM,igt«Rd purfty estabUshadfaets

G. O. Tartar WalsU**, or «apsriwr CXMIIMM.

SniTered 27 Years w i t h Kidney D i s ­ease.

Hr.G.A, StiilsoD,a merchant of Tamploo/111., writes August iota, 3891: "Foley's Kidney Cure la meeting- with wonderful success. It has cured some cases iere that physicians pro­nounced incurable, rmyself amsble to testity to its merits. My face to^tay is a living Picture of health, and Foley's Kidney Cure hasmade it such, i had suffered twenty'revenyeatslTtth the disease.and ta-day I feel ten years younger than I did one year ago. I can Obtain some wonderful certificates of itsmediclnal qualities.

Smith & LaEocque, Plattsburgh.

fes* tfc* MmutMr Bpm»m»r*t S t a r art* W a * t * • iM*a tp * a « tMt* mf «jbetr owirtaa


>Tis»rjTOroar,a^tme»-^t*peclaLj-^«»*^ «*1 TToodford, our new minister to Spain, has been in town several days ^receiving from President MoKiniey and Assistant Secretary Dmf his Instructions as so his Work at Madrid. General Woodford will take With him to Spain written lnstroc-tions as to what he IS to do. At first he is to prepare the Spanish statesmen foe what is coming, and when tbe opportune mo* toent arrives h e is to present the demand oftblsgdVarhJHentdoncerhln^Chiba. *Jbat -this d^itiaod wlU be a l l the real MeaOm at Cuba could wish I k n o w t o be the truth. Minister Woodford will ask that Cuba be given full and ooaiplete local self jroTOrn-menfc Spain Is to hold a titular sover­eignty over Cuba and nothing more. That would amount to very little. I t would be the slenderest sort of a thread between tbe old country and tbeeolohy. TbeCabaM would be able to govern themselves as lully as if they Were absolutely independ­ent. Spain would be required to With­draw* her troops from the island, ahd fill the world knows that evacuation of Cuba means Ihdcpehqence, gj^jn fc|g foj Wa|jy *fPAH inuitiiiilticd ker j inthoritr^n Cuba solely tbrongb rclllhory power, and when ibis i s once taken a w a y Cuba will ' be vir­tually free.

Tfee fresldeat** Xlsaw. T c * the tlnje being, If (the president's

plans are carried out. Cuba will Virtually be Under the protection of the United States. It is hot meant, by this that the United States will send governor* or oth­er officials there or maintain troops In the lijiind, but that the moral pressure of our government Will be used to regulateaff«*rs in Cuba. The Cuban government willnat-nrally look to the United States for 'guid­ance. In case of trouble the power of-this nation may be interposed to restore order. Thus for a time at least Cuba would enjoy local self jgorernmcntwally under the joint protection of Spain and the United States. Nominally Spain would retain the island as a colony. Actually tbe United States would be the controlling power.

Tbe Cuban lenders in this country tell me that ifxo very day Spain evacuates the. Island they Vfill declare their independence. Tiro Cuban leaders figure that thotr armies can take possession of the cities, control the government and rule the island. But if, the United States bring* Spain ton reali­zation of tbe futility of further continuance of; tbowat and induces thatph)Ud and haugfity government to adinit tbe great republic as a joint regulator of Cuban af­fairs i t is expected tbe Cubans will yield to the will df this government and respect any pledges made by ua in'their behalf. ' All this is upon'the supposition thai Spain will yield to the Qnited State* With­out war. Whether she will or noifc no one can now soy. There are 'indications In both directions. First must be considered the proverbial pride of theSpanjsb. Could any ministry jpaintwin Itself at Majjrid after it had yielded To the detested Xatf-kgcsf Would it hot be swept out of power? There is1 such danger. The party that came in upon the ruins of the offending ministry would probably have as its cam­paign cry war with the United States. Cuba is the last of Spain's great colonies in America. If that is lost, tbe dream of empire is gone forever. It Is not an easy problem this of asking » once great and still; proud nation to give up tbe last of its oversea heritage, which at one time was greater than that of any other nation. -

Spain's Conditio*.

tesatllat eyes ***wd«Ha*4 diss As the swiftyeats Meat away*

kcaatttal, wiilftwy Jems ss siiw fcttte tairacis wit* every day,

Bat she suit i s <aeca and aath cSarsss to Spate

Wa« wears ywjtk's «wroaii--b«aaUfal Hair.

Preserve Your Hair and yott preaerra your youth. "A woman is a* old a* aha looks," amysj tha world,, No woman looks aa old as aha is it hat hair haa praaervad ita normal beauty. Ton can keep half frdtti i a l l W oat , r ~ t o r W i t a normal oolor* or T*mi6r» -the normal oolor to gray or fadail hair, by ths us* of

Ayert Hair Vigor J

ftr Sale or t# Hctt. . . . -» fc- r i r ~ . ' ^ j y


TUfRENTs g s a i a a w w w Ast^atthestHs^Wat

.c»n»> i t i l M i a v -J**"fi'l'-""-JTTtt1sL.i


Mstr ,WK.iaeKn jeweler.

Barpin Columns. FO

-*A^\t*^y^t^j*^*i^4~^PH^itf„ 1 ja/.s,At^W«<ja<>*iila>ij>H>>«it^w^^ •*N»*4i*««*^« r«^4^*JMs^*•J**e^*«»1ul^(^*iM•

ofltoe. 'A "brand »ew» Bafdwla ,Io»

«*-p*-tr "fi^flS aAUt—i» tp«nu j»w ~ jHuawm .ice JO Cfeest, rorjmwfcniarsfttqairtfa^Seailnei

*n •US&2** fcrfwrrasaiMtS. sntt

«Siu*e*lfloor at M Hirer Street. , Sofubie for a boatuinr-house or "-v For partirtUars apply to

± M g t o W « Margaret St. |?^aAUL->-an oak Bedstead, itewly new, jJP JrlUt sprtnr^and mattress, ihqnlrs at tae resttette* of aiss Ooss. corner Ilia and North OatberiiMScSv ssotf

Fj ^ W Wt.-TWo beautlftil Flats Seftin ThaataAdlsh,acoriierorCornellA and JUlier ~~" ~ " " "" ' on J011er»

y. Apply s Btrft*B,iWp.

gfc, on* on Oornella s t ahd one on Miller St, Rent i terate to the rtttht «^»ty>_jipj)iyott ihSpfwnlse*. \mttl rf^ojfijtT.^After Jul 1 oflj»s, sewnd floor Woodwarf's bio¥k. eon

TM.tti« ch«loMt location in flattebaxvcb. s n i dmras' suraneaorJI tsfloi sntt

itj tb*j_!Ufe ttlt* of

u i il«fltrMM« Xot- lawyer, doctor, dentist, In-

~-^~ J. w . T t r m * * co. ' i w HituT.—Tim store at Ho. H JftlTer itreet: X aoxssreatf plate glass front.

roottispvsr store, of S .&KTAH.

.. > Also sttlte.of Stoma reasonable. Inquire


Special Prfcje* for One Week. Call.

18 Bridge

l»*»e of



Mexican Drawn-Work.

Change Vcur Shirt Waisjts. All the latest Patterns.,

3 0 Cents to S 2 . 0 0 .


JastloPitasel^^ Green Colored Shoes,

they are SutWt. ^Prc .* , GIRARD k BYKIVES, ;

No. 5 Clinton St. <

would smik with appreciation if he could see our elaborate ;display of new de­signs in W a l l P a p e r .

Prices to suit the times.


, BahaS » B i a s * * .

A n Iriahman wa« toiling, bareheaded, at a windlass under i n s scorching son. A Catholfo father rode by and Said, id himi

"Pot on yonr hat, Patrick. You'll bake your brains in this sun. ** f

The worker looked np at hint and said, "JDo yon think I WOnld be doing this for ll.SOadayiflfaad any brains?"

Two other Irishmen were delfing in a ditch. Said Mnrpby,''Terence, it you had yea oboloe in this ainfnl world, wkstwonldyesbe?" • f , - Terence mopped his brow and odttsid-ered. "Well, for a nioe, cjane, well paid, a s y job I'd he a bishop. "—Hard­ware, - » '

H««Kt«a*sj A n s t c a na ive . The Best Salve in .the world for Cuts,"

Braises, $ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter .Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin. Erup­tions, and positively ottrea Piles, or n o pay required, i t i s gnaranteed to giVe perfect satisfaction 6r 'journey refunded* Price 38 oents per box. For Me by l i r s . U .K. Gilbert; Plattsburgh; W. E. Sweet, Fort-Henry; 1. L. Barton, Keese-rl l le: 8. Warren Day, Pern, and W. B . Oongh; West Chasy,' A , E , Williams, yreatport, _ t

O. p . Taylor WJUsfcls* ate W!M1«S«BM. Q,0.T«jl»r WklSkts* for »«c!»i a* invalid urn. 6.0.tsylor WHtfkK bring itrrtftn Uths IsrslM.'.

rpo a*iri*.-A pleasant. cojivenientyiat,#ith A ha*b^rooa^asktriti llfhts.aml fas. Good

alr^jMatr pf sanshUie. I f aesired.it maybe ranted partyfarnWwt Sor parUcolare in-qaireat tali offlee, osswd-tf.

FiBSAUt-Hoose and . . Itreefe Hoaseoottfains

adat^fWboartlos-nOttse. oood lu'roottttkadweU

oood garden ahd

kobksL F O R S A L E .

'• ' - J

Tbs entire probei'tles on Cornelia atnjeti con-SistinfoMhree houses and lota, namely: Ka <l CorMUa a t , Ko. 41 oaa at., corner of Cornelia, and Ho.« Cornelia adiominewestof « Oak. The properties « Oat ana 44 CorneUa wiU be sold %&i*e* or separate if desired. Theloca-t ^ oTtnaas properties Is limt-class. They are also to rent, bat It sold ratter they are rented wiu tosotdsnbject to the leases. 'The prices ftied for the properties are very reasonable, and tidsls tb« ebaaee^of a lifetime to bny some of the best located property in Plattsburgh. They are Within five s id'ten telnntes walkof stores, tanks and postoflice. Tbe trolley cars pass sha doors of eachhonse. Apply to

CHAB. ST. aoOBE, Lawyer. Str^-w-tf, Ko.i l Clinton 8t

WANTED. T^urrat).—A laundry Girl, inquire ftt the I T OStuiiSrclkH«mae*l^rttbtir8n: ststf

"ttT*S35^r'*' i S I r l f ° r seneral housework. g yfAppiy | to the foreaoon at * a a Conn

v ipj 886 tf

A NEW LINE O F l - . . .

High grade Sailors, Tulro-toned and Plain,


CAL A T - . A V E S '

BASS I CO.'S VlLE ALE !«o. a

9UWHE i .TRA STOUTi A> FOOT OF STYLE. We have the fi lest and newest things In town in

Fine S -immer Footwear. The •'let Kd, OJC falood, Chocolate,!

Coffee and Nut Brown shades. | ALL NEW TOES.

ELECTRIC FANS. Now IS the time tosirrange for Peak or C^IHag

Fans for the warm feather BOOH lo t» hem. S'ans leased or sold CJtaraes .rsascfflusMe.

F. B. WOODARD & X 0 . f Electrical Supply store.

3Q C l i n t o n S t r e e t -

W h i t e mm S n o w 3

is the way your Laundry is re­turned; from the

NiTBMH - Stall - UIIKflBl Mtkfftf t Specialty of Lace Curtains.

B o n e by ^ e s f e a n « o m » n

F i n i s h e d j r t i f i ' - - >• rates:

HarnsSJnB C».TWH Tray .Ctetfei

S«?rf^ tvifrtpsi, px»r dor^o •

F o r <?ale at m v |>r.--Parl' . . r , ;

H o u r s : 9 t o 12 A. if.. •* tn f.

plSSM.A.PEtK, CLINTON S T . iVp Stair

H O T E L S A & D R E S T A U R A N T S .

A Mandolin, Ouitar, Banjo or Apollo Harp from our Efegant Assortment. All Bargains!

WM. H. COATS. is what w e do. A Moving Business

Carriages, Jarm Wagons. Complete line and at yonr own price.

AL.U n e w i o t a . *r _» -_ - ,» - . _«: ' „

leistaaairfMsloaAsiippef sto4"BBOWLEY i FELTOH. RJM Spii


Waw*BD.—A Gh-l to wait on table. Apply "atones at theamerfcanBojisfc

8JStf. , r» A. BATES, prop.



rrnltslntheU"sea«niandl*eBnGk)odi froniBotithern Markets Daily. With re­liable goods always and prices tery lo#. with an attractive, oonrenient store with a desire to make all natrons feel at home while trading) and realise whan using our goods that,they have found the best place to trade, wa ask a share of pnbUepstronage < 'v

Watsofl ft Roger HTUcox.

The fjonisville and Nashv lately carried <o 3?ear ^Torfc which in the estimation of -eeflgers on the teainwastae ^ • s ^ f l i ^ ^ ^sa^PMH^av*^ l s Wp afc ^nssaSiT^BVwssssa iH

tin*' hi a n y AmeiJOSal ~ " ' .•^sjsswey- ^na> ^ava^sj> ^^m^^i i m y ur^^sv j

Irani tlaiilwt aa«osr)oadf of

Pure blood and a good digestion are an insurance against disease and suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters keeps the blood pure, tbe digestion perfect. *'

Sick headache can be quickly and com­pletely overcome by Using those famous little pills known as •< DeWitt's, Little Early Risers." Mrs. D.K. Gilbert, Platts­burgh ; W. E. Clough, West Cbaay; H. E. Gilhspie. Ausable Forks; J, L. Burton, Keeseville. ___

Truths Tersely Told. Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sore

remedy for all kinds of 'Kidney and. Bladder Diseases.

Smith & LaRocque, Plattsburgh,

H O W T O F X S P O U T Fill a bottle or common water glass

with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates a diflcagedoofiditronof thekWneys. When urine stains linen It is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or ,pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidney and bladder is out of order.

WsTAT TO OO. * There is comfort in the knowledge so

often expressed, that Dr, Kilmer's Swamp Boot, ft* great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in telSevingpeln in tbe back, kidney, liver, bladder, and every partof thaurfoarrpaaisges, It corrects inability to bold urine and acsOdJagpaln in pa**uiclt,~orbad effects foUowieg we of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant nsotasity of being com­pelled to get .up nwayna»esdurlDg tfat night to urinaae, Tn* mild a*3 sat-traordmarT afleet of Bwaap-Jtoo Itaaoan realised. It stands the nfgaestior Jts wt>c Urfnl oores of the sBOsSiHstiisslna, osses, Ifyoaaee^amsslieiMyoaataiBl h«v«ta«beai. 8oU byoruggasai/arios

" ~ *osai

TBBBIBL« AocniaMT.—It is M terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and the frightful dts-ngaremenis can be duiokiy overcome without leaving a soar by using DeWitt's Witch Haaal Salve. Mrs. D, K. Gilbert, Plattabnrgh; W. E. Clough, Wrst Chary; H, E* Oiliespie. Ausable Forks I J. L Barton, Kejesevilie,'

On the other Jmnd.it is known that I ^ Spain is In no condition to make war upon *»e»my "iris* ana posnia areoMsli the vnitea States or »ny other first class are they who hare not Foley'sCoiic Cure lower. $hc Spanish treasury is well nigh as a safeguard in the family. " bankrupt. {The war in Cuba is costing I 8mith A LaBoeque, Plattsburgh. * about Sl0,000,000anjonth. Already Spain ' ' is behind nmnyniiUiohft in her war ac­counts. 'Ihe soldiers are unpaid. The paper money falls lower and lower in coW-purlson with goid Values. Large interest dues upon the public ddbi afe soon to be paw", gpd os yet it is np^ctajr where the money is coming from. ;fl Spain does' go to war with the United States, the resnlj of it will never be in doubt. Spain will be whipped'—badly whipped. In that case not only Cuba but probably Puerto Bloo Would bo lost as colonies! In addition, the United States would have to be indemni­fied for the war expenses, as a victorious nation always is. t

Such a war. might during its continu­ance servo hs a sop to Spanish pride. While the Ughting was going on Spain would be n united and entbusiustlo nation. For a short time a good showing might be made against this country, for the Spanish navy is not to be despised. •• But after the inevi­table defeat had como, with all its disaster and chagrin, with ruin staring the coun­try in the face, what would be the fate Of the Spanish royal family? This is the question'which, the ablest men in Spain are today considering and Which will be­come a still more pointed, and vital ques­tion as soon ns General' Woodford shall have presented his Instructions, Over the reigning Spanish family hangs the shadow of republicanism on the one side and of CarHstisra on t h e other. A disastrous war with the Uni ted States m i g h t bring one or other of these up as an avalanche.

Spain's Only Alternative, Tfc is no violation of confidence on my

part to make the statement that our gov-' eminent expects Spain to yield to the de-' ttmnds whloh General Woodford Is tp pre­sent. Under the circumstances our offi­cials-do not see how Spain can do any­thing else. It la a stern necessity, Real­izing this, it is President McKinley's pol­icy to givo the Spanish government every opportunity to accede to obr wishes and at the same time to meet itsjraoat difficult and s hazardous -home situation. , All tbs president wants is results, and he does not care; how they are secured. If Spain will move, apparently of bar own motion and wish and seemingly not on account of pressure brought to bear by tbe United States, so much the better*. In order to placate public Opinion In Spain, she Mad­rid government may reject our propoai-tlon' nntt then formulate one of Its own. If this proves to be an adequate solution of the Cuban problem/lt will be accepted; but, if not, then Spain must sspect the In­tervention of tha United States.

X am able to say upon high authority that no settlement of the Unban difflouHy that does not secuM virtual iiidepaadaose to the island will be acesssed by she presl-denw WALTS* wa&lux;

Faraislcd House Wanted. > * i r— 1

ATnriusbed JHouw.In village, of Plattsburgh small chil-right place.

man" saw

for n » season, small family. No small chit area Oo0dreatwlllba,paldfortoe right place, Address "Wi." Tats* office, giving terms atid dsacttpOota of property,

C Broilers also

i n ^ L a m b Brewster's Cash Market

TO-DAY. Z Baskets Strawberries forage.

DOES YbUR EVES Tr*OsL*fc»lt V o u ?

If so, call i I can fix^hem. CClTTRILl7*S.

No. 16 Clinton S t . ,

COAL, Ffcihfrom D. & ft, kines liaily.

- t ,

A l w a y s Dry andCIean.

Y^rd at Miller Street Crossiiig. ;Offibeat

j 20 CliBton Street. J

Wifcox & Sorii

V I E W S I New Frame* and Mouldings,


Ama*,eur Evcfythlng: it the Phot'


atfits . rapitic Line at

L O W ' S .

The Wise Man prepares himself for the change of seasons We manufacture Screens, Screen Doors and Blinds, making a specialty of Repairing.



R a t e s , - 5 2 . 0 0 p e r Dqy.

«ewfy Fitted and Furrashed. Steam Heat,

E l e e t H c L i c h t s a n < Bei/». E v c r y t h l n e F l r s t - C l a a a .

O a r T a b l e S e r v i c e

Will R e a 9 e You-18,Ts»r!>e OJX"ned f o r Rainess Hoaday J^iary

Hr~C!ojnHierc!al TraJle 8< ifiit«>d.

F . A B A T E S , M a n a g e r FHA2TK H. KOBTON. tlerk


(The well known B. Youa* The Best

Lunches. Goods always OG

an.1.i tar..l gjjorS

The patronage of tbe public is «wi.itBd. PHU. J BLAIK. Pn^ptor


K e e p Your E y e on

WOODWARD'S Show Cases for all the latest

things in Artistic


* - - The Florist. ^Funeral and Wedding Des igns

y H E GOUGH BOUSE, J . E . CLARK, P r o p r i e t o r .

New Honse, newly fttralsliwl AM M m ! ImprorenieHtg. Slrsf-claas mail ap« n f m S Good stabling lor horses, rfanstant Jr I . S

Charlotte Street. Plattsbargh. s ?

fiif ScAoir"" ~~ * M O T E L A N D R E S T A U R A N T

4u P. aAljfTHIEa Pro v ^ ^ L j ? ^ * ^ ! ! 8 %O^' ta JRertoern Bss

C E N T » [ A i HOUSE, (Formerly tbe Pacific Htrase.)

JOHN DEVLIN Propriet Rcfsrnfslicd and Rclttcd Tftroagnoal.

«rstH3l»g Boarfllng Stable 1B COTmeoaoo, Obr. Proteeuoa Ave. wd Jtarlon St.


BUSlljteSS C A R D S .

<E! urn


x x In tbe Couri , anaat Bouses Foil it, N. Y.

E, C. JfrxBxar.

tfca Psassstargk

*• IfeyttatarslrOaw" ^*Jt(t _ XSSS * MSBJMJBjaSJ||SJf J

A Vaw V%, I, Ods 8«l«k—I dco't see yoa oaf rkUng

lately, old cbap. 7o« doaH aieaia tossr/ yott fears got toed of jvtot wbtalf...

Baaty FMk—Ko, not at aUrsps 79a ssaisr/wilsJMMSaaw asy t ins IW tto bs>by soost» Usss4kcsk—BcaaoR Tnm-


,'jTurnlshesmnsic tor all occasions, abr num­ber of musicians can. be eagagsd for Band or Orchestra, from one man to satire organisation.

EDWIN C CLARKE Is Agent for CLVETT * SONS (of Troy, N.Y.). selling toe Steinway, . , Chickcrlntr,

j .. LJndeman. 5. ;: ! GabTeK a n d v

•% • Weser

P1AN0S. jarttrtKdjaas Piano Tnners' fornisbed on


I i 30 tATt. ii «HM>O maajawra- A * OHOM.

CATON'S ; VITALIZER SJsS i se jr ,MurMs^st^&errsc ta l a S a !

^^^^^P% H ^ W ^ t f * ^ . iWWsaW ^as»BssaWWsMs» I D

« « yewsae. gwftjt yisjas- J*SL swasagtat W M * I s n s r w M t M s i i B s w r j ^ ^ C t e w I s n t r aa«fcas^sna$aSbSCaessML asidlsa^t&aata,

aakw S* SSSSMSS % ssMWSSasa; bSsstoa Cbar


One of t h e g r e a t e s t Sfcin Cures cvef effected b y medicine^ -, i


t r i u m p h a n t when- jtreatinent and * , all others failed. f

^Tany preparations,; good, bad and indifferent are on the market ostensibly designed to improve and" beautify the skin. Whatever may have been your experience,, if any^with such preparations, t can1

safely promise you an agreeable1

surprise in SeaOompIexion Liquid.' There will be a jquick transforma­tion from an imgerfect'to a perfect skin/ Its'results twrll simply as­tonish any woman or man whose good fortune it is to secure it. WjJI ajlmostinstantl^healand cure any cut. abrasion, pimples, burns, coldsore. blackheads, hangnails, dandruff> freckles, chapped hands and. face, Jij growing hair, salt-rheum, ringworm. x

S^a Complexion Liquid will cure all eruptions of the skin. The very.best thing for ben to use after shaving;

Sold by all Pruggists. Itaanractured by , i G H/LARMORE,

fl , , , Plattsburgh,N.Y.


Counselors at taw. Office House, Pjtattoburgb, N. Y,

C. H. Siosoa


LAWYBB—KacMces In state and Federa Courts. Office a t No. 11 plinton St., in new

block, up stairs, flr it floor. jaryfrotary Fubl c with Seal,

W H B £ L E R [ & WO ODWARD A TTOBNEY8 and £k>unseljors f i . in Marlon Block, Clinton

a. r, . . 1.1. WHttlJB,

P r o o

at Law. Office St. Plattsbur?'1],

w. r.». wooawjjiD. DAVII

NET and , Armstrong BKxflc, Plattsbiurgh, N. Y.

H. fGKBW, A TlOTftNEY_and gounseUorl at J«w. Office

» I L E Y | & HBJAILKY. A WOKHBY8 andjcounselloi £ 1 Hartdn Block, C'Unton strj JOHV B.JU1ST. j EOB 'BT S. HIALIT.

at Law. office* it, Plattsburgh


A Boom No. 1, Hi Plattsbursb, N. Y

N. HAOAR. jCounseion-at-iaw. Office ar's Block, Clinton street.

« i t f

H. E. JIARNARD TTOBNBYandCounsellor-at-Law. C-Jcett

L Rsed's Block, PI ittaburg-hf N. Y, C B * S . II. McNElL

ATTOBNKY au.1 c onnseller »t Law lnH ^ - -

jorwh. K. In H a w Block,

Offioe IS oilnton street Platte

WEEDS, SMITH ft CONWAY, A TTOBNiiYS and c transalors-jat Law. Office A . Wsed aMoosra'rBlock, plinton street, plattsbnrgh.jr.Y.

offifogiJJ£ ~«sapw ssaa» • — m m — ^

s» m. MtTMO f iMiM fcr aocctsfws OftSAW <M«WSTHA,

i - NEW



rioar, feed and Grain of all kinds.

Goods Delivered to all parts of the city* " , 'Mail Telegraph, and Telephone

Orders promptly and carefully delivered. 1 Telephone connection,


WM. W. GANTWELL, ATTOBNKY and Oonnselor-at-Law. Office in £X Armstrong's Block, np one! filgbt, second loortoleft. Bntrance|on Clinton sweet

t WINSLOW . A TTOBNEY and Cotinselor-£7. attention glren 3crart. Office over M!

rtreet, Plattsburgh, K.

WATSON. .. atJLaw. Specla wbuBlnese In Surrogate's - W s ^ M a r g a r s t

DR. J . F . BAILEY hai.s removed his Dfental Parlors ovter Dale's Jewelry Store, oppo­site the Cumberland iHouse, where he is prepared t o do first-class Dental Work in all its branches, !

fjgr*Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. ,

rfainless Extractiojn guaranteed.

J, F. BAEEV, Dentist, i 1 •

Mmf PLATTSEUKGSu N. f . DR. W. 4 . BR

MON Dentist, (sua , ooney). Everything pei

dentistry Performed in tl manner Gas or Ettaradm siredj Dentaljpatlorsjln Wli

NAN, »r to Dr. 0. 1

Iningtomoden most Bhiiin

itered wben <Ji


Befnrnished. Board by tbe Day or Week al Reasonable rates.

FlrstrClass Stabling AccommoaatJona. 17 ftargaret Street,

P L A T T S B U R C H . N. Y» 1MPT

y H E DELMOiMICQ, Hotel and Restaurant,

J . C . B U R P K E ,

Protection avenue* PLATTBBiraaH. t!. Y.

F A R R E L L ' S C A F E .

NO 4 MILL ST , MALOHE, N. Y. ftefresbments at all iawfnl honrs. Scboonera

of Ale and Beer. Wines, Liquors and! Beer. The public inured to call. WW JOHN FARBELt. Pro]}.

^ .-•••-.-w»~ii--^r- iliSlOWBlOCt, OVffl Iron Rational Bank p%ttsburKh. N. Y. '


THOMAS E^COTTjER. A TTOBNEY and Connselor-at+Law. Office t x wltb Weeds, Smith fc Con way 1 Plattsburgh, a.Y. r 103-iy


ATTORNEYS AJS0 CC UN^BLOBS-AT-LAW-Plattsburgh, N. Y.~0ffice, first building

east oi! Trinity Oburcb,' 7otirt House Square. Q, H. BJCKWITH. E. F BOTSrOBO.

MARTIN n^U'BRIES, iselor-at-law Offlee, •ner Brld fe and Blver

jrtreets Plattsburgh, K. * ^

A TTOBNEY and Con i\. McKeefo Block,



PHYSICIAN and Burgxra. Office, 21 Brink; erboff Street. 1

' ' D R . T A V E R V

PHYfllOIANT and _. Clinton street, near

a to 9 A . M.. 1 to 3 p. M be left at office day or

ROGERS, Surtreon. Ojjce No 1}

Mirgaret. Office hours, to 8 p. M. Calls may

fi6S-6m l., 1 VOt night.

DR. J . C. M< PHYSICIAN and Surgiion. Ottlch and reRf.

dence No. 20 Court St, opposite ifiattsburgh Theatre. Offlttehourf.itjap.m.andttoflp. m. Telephone. 1


- ^



PHYSICIAN and Surgton. Office1 and real-dence, No. 1 Oak St. Office hours, 8 to J

a. n.; * to* p.».» and w to T.SO ri. m. Tele paons. l wsms»


KER BROS., Wholesale and Retail

unber Dealers. With mills for Dressing. Be-sawlng

Moulotag Machinery, & c , situated be tweenlDock, Bridge & Jaj•ats., afc jono -

tion of the Delaware & Hudson and ainateau^ay Bailroads, including receiv­ing a i d water shipping privileges of over 033 thousand feet on Plattsburgh Dock (po.'s wharf.

Hav b constantly on hand everything In the ;ine of Building Material; Canada and Michigan Pine, all dimensions and qualities; Saranac and Quebec Spruce, all grades and sizes; Georgia and North Carolina Pine, Comb Grain Flooring and CeilinJ a specialty, and it being received by vesiel direct from Southern mills in cargo l<ks, can be sold at Lowest prices?

Have also arrangements to furnish promptly/ Spruce Building Timber Saw-ed to Order at Cost Prices. Our facili­ties in this respect are eapeciallv con venient. Hemlock Boards, Joist, Plank, Ac. Alfineassortment of Clear Canada Cedar SMnpIe&.

Adamant Plastering, Flue Tile. « c . constantly on hand.

Plattsburgh, N. Y.



P^JStPS. » l * u ? « f i n - Offlci and resl 1 dence, l is Hargaret Street. Office hours,

0«o»loa;m., andlto4j | , m, ^ ^ ^ ^ i c ^ i attention alrea fy diseases 0f tbe *y*

, - DR. E . A B-l DHYSICIAlfr, Surgeon IT, and! residence, So. <

RNES, nd .oculist. Offiet

—L.^.-ia-#nK33-"-j.Ai. BrhtKerbpir street, corner of Catbertnf. offlj» bonrs:l-4 p,nt.

Trteoi na.Car,Nc f)bone Contw

attentii ...._. Nose and Throat Connection,

natron to dUeasa* tis-ly

E. C. LOW. CTOiODOfwrHMT. office

tbfittm ' JMakariQff

M.D. , atMaldMoa,ooriit|

" strseU, jpjaitt




THE FIRST-CLASS House of the City.

N e w M a n a g e m e n t .

N e w l y R e n o v a t e d

Throughout .

Modern Improvements .

J. ROBERTS, Manager.

Relieve the Pain in YOUR H E A R T S

by trying some of the Ales , Beers, Wines and Liquors at

H A R T ' S R e t r e a t S a l o o n . 1 9 B r i d g e S t r e e t .

R e f r e s h Y o u r s e l f . . . . with a glass of our

Ale , B e e r or Liquors. P ~ T E R B R L L E Y .

The Summer School Soon opens. J', .t '.w ,,r :

open, sdlii!!,' the : : • • ' • ' • i Beers, Ales , Li<, wir*, in the city.

J E N K I N S w

42 Margaret St.


K N s .

L a F R A W C E C A F E .

e c i t -tl; >• : r - t - f ]

mi:>]•.• < ••nviiHe ; •> l lrlO^f Mrri-t.


a-> •..

4i-*»3l i."«*j *»V



WILL SELL Home Cattle Rendered


8 Cents per Pound FOR 10 DAYS.

One E v e r y t h i n g

( J n e 1 ii' v\ •!.

A. "jioL'TiilLIJMR,

For t h a t T h i r s t y F e e l i n g

Try ROCHESTER L/VGER. A l e . I ' o r t e r a n d H t i n .

C . A . H E F F E R . N A N . AK ' t . 7 a n d 9 ( u r n c l l j S i r n i.

DELAWARE HOTEL. Newly furni-ruci .it '.:<.:'[

throughout h" 1 r -s t 1 re^pclt. K.iteb re a-trie He!!s in a!! r Sainpic Ktxxri'i .itt.i.

J O S E P H . v u . . ' 1 to;

r u - $;


>-^& I l i K U . $

top related