wofi week 1_-_antiquity_till_today_10-2011

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Write on for Israel

Israel Advocacy TrainingWeek 1

The Jews and their land

First Kingdom

Second Kingdom


Modern State of Israel

The Bible

History or Narrative?

Forefathers and Promises

Identity and self-definition

Archeology and corroboration

The First Kingdom

c. 1200 B.C.E. - Tribes enter Canaan

c. 1000 - King David

928 - Kingdom splits

722 - Exile of 10 Tribes

586 - Exile of Judah

Second commonwealthc. 515 B.C.E. Second Temple built

332 - Greeks enter Judea

165 - Maccabean Revolt

40 - Reign of King Herod

70 C.E. - Fall of Jerusalem after First Judean Revolt

132 - 135 Second Revolt

Map of first


Years of Diaspora

313 - Byzantine Rule

636 - Arabian Rule

1099 - Crusader Rule

1291 - Mamluk Rule

1517 - Ottoman Rule

1918 - British Rule

Map of Diaspora


Nation or Religion?

Camp David, July 2000

Camp David


Source: Ross, Dennis. The Missing Peace

World Public Opinion Poll“As was the case a year ago, Iran and Israel received the

most negative ratings…”


Responses to reading at OSU

“I didn't know about the way Israel constructed the check points and the roads. Its like they are herding the Palestinians like animals... I absolutely could not believe how evil these people were.”

“I know that the relationship between the US and Israel will never change, but I can't believe that our Government, present and past, would allow and support this kind of Government.”

“Palestinians people lost everything they had before and Israel took a land which is not belonging to them and the Israeli government said they want to live in peace which I think untrue”

Our Guiding QuestionWhy is anti-Israel sentiment on the rise on campuses

and in various communities?

The Elephant

The Elephant Exercise:


Zooming in

Zooming out

The Arab-Israeli Conflict?

Partial Truth

Essential Context

www.intelligence.org.il (3/29/2002)

Our Guiding Question

Why is anti-Israel sentiment on the rise on campuses and in various communities?

Many academics, journalists and community leaders have provided only a partial picture

of complex issues.

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