women & law- research paper (1)

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

    Women & Law


     Simran "#ullar

    VIII$ "


    Mrs+ Nid#i Mutre,a

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)



    In India/ e0ualit1 2efore law and e0ualit1 of status is more in

    2ooks t#an in t#e Indian 3ommunit1+ Women #ave 2een

    su44ressed for a5es/ so3iall1/ reli5iousl1 and 4#1si3all1+ Men

    #ave 2een 3onsidered su4erior to women in all walks of life+

     #e 4atriar3#al mindset of t#e so3iet1 is a ne5ation of t#e

    4romise of e0ualit1+ E0ualit1 is a farfet3#ed dream w#i3# man1

    so3ieties #ave 2ore t#rou5# de3ades+ #e 65#t for t#e ri5#ts of 

    women #as 2een 3ontinuin5 sin3e a5es and it still 3ontinues+

    As soon as a 5irl 3#ild is 2orn in a famil1/ t#e 6rst rea3tion is

    disa44ointment+ In some 3ases 4re natal dia5nosti3 is

    3ondu3ted to dis3over t#e se7 of t#e fetus and if it turns out to

    2e a female t#en it is destro1ed as soon as 4ossi2le+ 8er

    edu3ation is irrelevant/ #er di5nit1 and 3#ara3ter is a so3ial

    issue/ #er life is 3ontrolled 21 #er famil1/ and s#e is a mere

    2urden for all+ Ri5#t from #er 2irt# till t#e time of #er deat#/

    s#e lives a life of a dau5#ter/ a sister/ a mot#er wit#out a trueidentit1 of #er own+

    Edu3ation/ media/ so3ial workers and 4rote3tive laws #ave

    #el4ed in arousin5 a 3ons3iousness amon5 t#e so3iet1 a2out

    t#e status of women 2ut wit# t#e in3rease in t#e awareness

    a2out t#e same/ t#ere #as 2een a s#ar4 in3rease in 3rimes

    a5ainst women as well+ Most of t#e 3rimes t#at are 3ommitted

    a5ainst women #ave 2e3ome so institutionali9ed t#at t#e1 are3ondoned not onl1 21 t#e so3iet1 and ot#er institutions t#at are

    su44osed to 3ur2 t#em 2ut also 21 t#e vi3tims t#emselves+ %

     #e laws/ 3ourts/ law1ers/ 4oli3e/ all seem to 2e availa2le for

    4rovidin5 ,usti3e to t#e vi3tim 2ut w#en a woman seeks #el4 of 

    t#is ,usti3e$4rovidin5 ma3#iner1/ all s#e 5ets is failure/

    %Sa7ena/ S+ :%;;'

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    disa44ointment and #arassment at t#e #ands of t#e s1stem+

    Even t#e fa

     #is resear3# 4a4er aims to fo3us on t#e various 3rimes a5ainst

    women and t#eir res4e3tive le5islations and san3tionsin3ludin5=

    %+ Adulter1>+ Ra4e)+ !utra5in5 t#e Modest1 of Women?+ -omesti3 Violen3e'+ @emale @oeti3ide+ !2s3enit1

    And#ra Prades# and .ttar Prades# #ave re3orded t#e #i5#estnum2er of 3ases of 3rime a5ainst women/ 3losel1 followed 21West "en5al/ Ra,ast#an/ Ma#aras#tra and Mad#1a Prades#+-el#i t#e 3a4ital 3it1 of India re3orded a44ro7imatel1 %)(((3ases of 3rime a5ainst women in t#e 1ear >(%)+ W#ile t#enational 3rime rate was '>+> in t#e 1ear >(%)/ -el#i #ad t#e#i5#est rate of 3rime a5ainst women wit# an e1e o4enin5 65ureof %?+* in t#e same 1ear+

    Now t#ese 65ures 3an 2e misleadin5 sin3e t#e awarenessamon5st t#e 4eo4le in metro 3ities is mu3# #i5#er and t#e3rime re4ortin5 4ro3edure is easier as 3om4ared to ot#er 3ities+

     #e a3tual 65ures 3an 2e reall1 distur2in5 and mu3# morealarmin5 as most of t#e 3rimes in t#e 3ountr1 5o unre5istereddue to t#e fear of 2ein5 a su2,e3t of #umiliation 21 t#e so3iet1+

     #e 1ear on 1ear in3rease in re4ortin5 of in3idents of 3rimea5ainst women on one #and 3learl1 des3ri2es t#e state of 

    women in our 3ountr1/ w#ile on t#e ot#er it s#ows t#ein3reasin5 stren5t# of women w#o are 3omin5 out andre4ortin5 t#ese 3ases+

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    A-.LERBAdulter1 is e7tramarital se7 t#at is 3onsidered o2,e3tiona2le on

    so3ial/ reli5ious/ moral or le5al 5rounds+> Adulter1 is an a3t of 

    intima31 outside of marria5e+ Almost all t#e 3ountries and

    reli5ions of t#e world 3ondemn it+ #is is also 3onsidered as asolid 5round for divor3e in most 4enal laws+ Adulter1 is a

    voluntar1 se7ual a3t t#at takes 4la3e 2etween a man and a

    woman w#o are not married to ea3# ot#er/ w#ere one of t#em

    is married to t#eir res4e3tive s4ouses+

     #e Indian law 4enali9es t#e a3t of adulter1 under C#a4ter =

    D!f !en3es relatin5 to Marria5eF under se3tion ?; of IndianPenal Code/ %*( and se3tion %;* of Code of Criminal

    Pro3edure/ %;)+

     #e 4rovision under t#e IPC reads as follows=

    D?;+ Adulter1+W#oever #as se7ual inter3ourse wit# a 4erson

    w#o is and w#om #e knows or #as reason to 2elieve to 2e t#e

    wife of anot#er man/ wit#out t#e 3onsent or 3onnivan3e of t#at

    man/ su3# se7ual inter3ourse not amountin5 to t#e oen3e of 

    ra4e/ is 5uilt1 of t#e oen3e of adulter1/ and s#all 2e 4unis#ed

    wit# im4risonment of eit#er des3ri4tion for a term w#i3# ma1

    e7tend to 6ve 1ears/ or wit# 6ne/ or wit# 2ot#+ In su3# 3ase t#e

    wife s#all not 2e 4unis#a2le as an a2ettor+F

    > "la3kHs Law -i3tionar1 !nline/ retrieved at=#tt4=t#elawdi3tionar1+or5adulter1 :Visited on A4ril */ >(%'

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


     #e in5redients of t#e oen3e of adulter1 under Se3tion ?;are=

    i< #e a33used #ad se7ual inter3ourse wit# a womanJ

    ii< Su3# woman was marriedJ

    iii< #e a33used knew or #ad reason to 2elieve itJ

    iv< #e 3onne3tion was #eld wit#out t#e 3onsent or 3onnivan3e

    of t#e #us2and+

    v< #e se7ual 3onne3tion so #eld does not amount to ra4e+

     #is 4rovision was drafted as earl1 as %*(/ w#en t#e status

    and 4osition of women was mu3# more ort#odo7+ It was

    2elieved 21 t#e law$makers t#at women are in3a4a2le of 

    3ommittin5 su3# a 3rime and are mere vi3tims of t#e same and

    it is t#e man w#o ma1 enti3e or sedu3e #er into #avin5 a se7ual

    inter3ourse wit# #im+ )

     #is 4rovision #as 2roadl1 two 4arts=

    %+ W#en a man #as a se7ual inter3ourse wit# t#e wife of 

    anot#er man/ wit#out t#e 3onsent of su3# man/ #e is

    5uilt1 of t#e oen3e of adulter1+>+ #e wife/ w#o #as se7ual inter3ourse wit# anot#er man/

    wit#out t#e 3onsent of #er #us2and/ is not 5uilt1 of t#e

    oen3e of adulter1+

    8en3e/ we 3an infer t#at t#is law is 2ot# 4ro e0ualit1 and

    a5ainst it+ A33ordin5 to it/ a married man is t#e onl1 a55rieved+

    A woman 3an not 6le a 3ase a5ainst #er #us2and if #e is

    3ommittin5 adulter1+ #erefore/ if a man is #avin5 an intimate

    relations#i4 wit# an1 woman ot#er t#an #is wife/ t#en t#e wife

    #as no ri5#t to 6le a 3om4laint a5ainst #er adulterous #us2and+

    ) refer= Ma3aula1Ks -raft Penal Code :%*)

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


     #is is 5rossl1 un,ust+ #us t#is is merel1 a 3rime 3ommitted 21

    a man a5ainst a #us2and wit# res4e3t to #is wife+ #e main

    idea of t#e le5islators seems to 2e t#at a #us2and must not 2e

    3#eated+ #e onl1 3om4lainant in su3# 3ases s#all 2e t#e

    #us2and+ A wife #as no ri5#t 3om4laint+ Similarl1/ t#e onl1

    a33used 3an 2e a man/ t#e married woman or a widow or an1

    woman w#o indul5es into a se7ual inter3ourse wit# a married

    man 3annot 2e 4unis#ed+ ?

    In 3onsonan3e wit# t#e 4enal 4rovision/ se3tion %;* of Cr+P+C/

    %;) reads as follows=

    D%;*+ Prosecution for oences against marriage+:%< No 3ourts#all take 3o5ni9an3e of an oen3e 4unis#a2le under C#a4ter of t#e Indian Penal Code :?' of %*(< @or t#e 4ur4oses of su2$se3tion :%

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


     #e 3onstitutional validit1 of t#is 4rovision of adulter1 #as 2een

    time and a5ain 3#allen5ed in t#e 3ourt of law 2ut #as 2een

    u4#eld ever1 time under t#e 4urview of Arti3le %' of t#e

    Constitution of India w#i3# reads as follows=

    D%'+ Pro#i2ition of dis3rimination on 5rounds of reli5ion/ ra3e/


    se7 or 4la3e of 2irt#+

    :%< #e State s#all not dis3riminate a5ainst an1 3iti9en

    on 5rounds onl1 of reli5ion/ ra3e/ 3aste/ se7/ 4la3e of 2irt# oran1 of t#em+

    :>< No 3iti9en s#all/ on 5rounds onl1 of reli5ion/ ra3e/ 3aste/ se7/

    4la3e of 

    2irt# or an1 of t#em/ 2e su2,e3t to an1 disa2ilit1/ lia2ilit1/

    restri3tion or

    3ondition wit# re5ard to:a< a33ess to s#o4s/ 4u2li3 restaurants/ #otels and 4la3es of 


    entertainmentJ or

    :2< t#e use of wells/ tanks/ 2at#in5 5#ats/ roads and 4la3es of 

    4u2li3 resort maintained w#oll1 or 4artl1 out of State funds or


    to t#e use of t#e 5eneral 4u2li3+

    :)< Not#in5 in t#is arti3le s#all 4revent t#e State from makin5


    s4e3ial 4rovision for women and 3#ildren+

    ' Law Commission of India/ ?>nd re4ort on Indian Penal Code/ Au5ust%;;/availa2le at #tt4=law3ommissiono6ndia+ni3+in%(%$%;Re4ort%'Vol>+4df 

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    :?< Not#in5 in t#is arti3le or in 3lause :>< of arti3le >; s#all

    4revent t#e

    State from makin5 an1 s4e3ial 4rovision for t#e advan3ement

    of an1 so3iall1

    and edu3ationall1 2a3kward 3lasses of 3iti9ens or for t#e

    S3#eduled Castes and

    t#e S3#eduled ri2es+

     :'< Not#in5 in t#is arti3le or in su2$3lause :5< of 3lause :%< of 

    arti3le %;

    s#all 4revent t#e State from makin5 an1 s4e3ial 4rovision/ 21law/ for t#e

    advan3ement of an1 so3iall1 and edu3ationall1 2a3kward

    3lasses of 3iti9ens or

    for t#e S3#eduled Castes or t#e S3#eduled ri2es in so far as

    su3# s4e3ial

    4rovisions relate to t#eir admission to edu3ational institutionsin3ludin5 4rivate

    edu3ational institutions/ w#et#er aided or unaided 21 t#e State/

    ot#er t#an t#e

    minorit1 edu3ational institutions referred to in 3lause :%< of 

    arti3le )(+F

     #erefore/ Arti3le %' :>< :)< em4owers t#e state to make an1

    laws to make s4e3ial 4rovisions for women and 3#ildren+ In

    %;'%/ one Mr Busuf A2dul A9i9/ 3#ar5ed wit# adulter1/

    3ontended 2efore t#e "om2a1 8i5# Court t#at Se3tion ?; IPC

    is un3onstitutional as it/ in 3ontravention of Arti3les %? and %'

    of t#e Constitution/ o4erates une0uall1 2etween a man and a

    woman 21 makin5 onl1 t#e former res4onsi2le for adulter1+ It/

    t#ere21/ #e ar5ued/ dis3riminates in favour of women anda5ainst men onl1 on t#e 5round of se7+


  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    Re3allin5 t#e #istori3al 2a3k5round of Se3tion ?; and t#e t#en

    4revailin5 so3ial 3onditions and t#e se7ual mores o44ressive to

    women/ and t#e une0ual status of women/ t#e 8i5# Court of 

    "om2a1 u4#eld t#e 3onstitutional validit1 of t#e 4rovision+

    C#a5la/ C++/ o2served=

    W#at led to t#is dis3rimination in t#is 3ountr1 is not t#e fa3t

    t#at women #ad a se7 dierent from t#at of men/ 2ut t#at

    women in t#is 3ountr1 were so situated t#at s4e3ial le5islation

    was re0uired in order to 4rote3t t#em/ and it was from t#is

    4oint of view t#at one 6nds in Se3tion ?; a 4osition in law

    w#i3# takes a s1m4at#eti3 and 3#arita2le view of t#e weakness

    of women in t#is 3ountr1+ #e Court also o4ined t#at t#ealle5ed dis3rimination in favour of women was saved 21 t#e

    4rovisions of Arti3le %':)< of t#e Constitution w#i3# 4ermits t#e

    State to make an1 s4e3ial 4rovision for women and 3#ildren+

     Busuf A2dul/ on a44eal to t#e Su4reme Court  ar5ued t#at

    Se3tion ?;/ 21 assumin5 t#at t#e oen3e of adulter1 3ould

    onl1 2e 3ommitted 21 a man and mandatin5 a 3ourt t#at t#e

    adulteress wife 2e not 4unis#ed even as an a2ettor oendedt#e s4irit of e0ualit1 ens#rined in Arti3les %? and %' of t#e

    Constitution+ Su3# immunit1 assured to t#e adulteress wife

    :even< for #er willin5 4arti3i4ation in t#e adulterous se7ual

    a3tivit1/ it was ar5ued/ did amount to a sort of li3ense to #er to

    3ommit and a2et t#e oen3e of adulter1+

    Vivian "ose/ +/ s4eakin5 for t#e Constitutional "en3#

    :3om4risin5 M+C+ Ma#a,an/ C++/ Muk#er,ea/ S+R+ -as andG#ulam 8asan/ +< was not im4ressed 21 t#e a44ellantKs

    inter4retation of Se3tion ?; as well as of Arti3les %? and %'+

    8is Lords#i4/ like C#a5la/ C++/ rel1in5 #eavil1 u4on Arti3le %':)

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    We are not una2le to read an1 su3# restri3tion into t#e 3lauseJ

    nor are we a2le to a5ree t#at a 4rovision w#i3# 4ro#i2its

    4unis#ment is tantamount to a li3en3e to 3ommit t#e oen3e of 

    w#i3# 4unis#ment #as 2een 4ro#i2ited+

    More t#an t#ree de3ades after t#e Su4reme CourtKs

    4ronoun3ement in Yusuf Abdul Aziz case/ 3onstitutional vires of 

    Se3tion ?; 3ame to 2e rea5itated in Sowmithri Vishnu v+nion

    of !ndia+ It was 3ontended t#at Se3tion ?;/ 2ein5 3ontrar1 to

    Arti3le %? of t#e Constitution/ makes an irrational 3lassi63ation

    2etween women and men as it= :i< 3onfers u4on t#e #us2and

    t#e ri5#t to 4rose3ute t#e adulterer 2ut it does not 3onfer a

    3orres4ondin5 ri5#t u4on t#e wife to 4rose3ute t#e woman wit#w#om #er #us2and #as 3ommitted adulter1/ :ii< does not 3onfer

    an1 ri5#t on t#e wife to 4rose3ute t#e #us2and w#o #as

    3ommitted adulter1 wit# anot#er woman/ and :iii< does not take

    in its am2it t#e 3ases w#ere t#e #us2and #as se7ual relations

    wit# unmarried women/ wit# t#e result t#at t#e #us2ands #ave

    a free li3en3e under t#e law to #ave e7tramarital relations#i4

    wit# unmarried women+

     #e Su4reme Court re,e3ted t#ese ar5uments and ruled t#at

    Se3tion ?; does not oend eit#er Arti3le %? or Arti3le %' of t#e

    Constitution+ #e A4e7 Court also 2rus#ed aside t#e ar5ument

    t#at Se3tion ?;/ in t#e 3#an5ed so3ial transformation in

    feminine attitudes and status of t#e woman in a marria5e/ is a

    Oa5rant instan3e of 5ender dis3rimination/ le5islative

    des4otism and male 3#auvinism/ 21 o4inin5 t#at it is for t#e

    le5islature to take note of su3# a transformation w#ile makin5a44ro4riate amendments to Se3tion ?;+

    Eviden3e= Adulter1 is a se3ret a3t+ -ire3t eviden3e of an a3t of 

    adulter1 is e7tremel1 di3ult+ W#ere a 3#ar5e for adulter1

    under Se3tion ?; is de6nite as re5ards to t#e 4la3e w#ere

    oen3e was said to #ave 2een 3ommitted 2ut s4e3i63 dates

    3annot 2e 4roved on w#i3# se7ual inter3ourse took 4la3e/

    A+R+ Antula1 Vs+ Ramdas Srinivas Na1ak And !rs+ / AIR %;*? SC %*

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    a33ordin5 to 3ourt ,ud5ments/ it is su3ient to s4e3if1 t#e

    4eriod wit#in w#i3# oen3e was alle5ed to #ave 2een

    3ommitted and omission of 4re3ise date would not ae3t t#e

    alle5ation of t#e #us2and+

    Cases from >(%)$ >(%'

    RAPEAfter t#e latest -el#i 5an5 ra4e 3ase a new stron5 anti ra4e law#as 2een ena3ted/ four a33used are senten3ed Dto 2e deat# D+"ut still t#e s3enario is not 3#an5ed+ In ever1 da1 we wake u4wit# #orri2le news of ra4e+ A33ordin5 to t#e statisti3 National3rime re3ords 2ureau Din -el#i %/%>% ra4e 3ases 5ot re5isteredin t#e 6rst ei5#t mont#s of t#is 1ear :i+e+= anuar1 to ul1

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    interested in fear of deat# or of #urt+

    @ourt#l1= $Wit# #er 3onsent/ w#en t#e man knows t#at #e is not#er #us2and/ and t#at #er 3onsent is 5iven 2e3ause s#e

    2elieves t#at #e is anot#er man to w#om s#e is or 2elieves#erself to 2e lawfull1 married+

    @ift#l1= $ Wit# #er 3onsent/ w#en/ at t#e time of 5ivin5 su3#3onsent/ 21 reason of unsoundness of mind or into7i3ation ort#e administration 21 #im 4ersonall1 or t#rou5# anot#er of an1stu4ef1in5 or unw#olesome su2stan3e/ s#e is una2le tounderstand t#e nature and 3onse0uen3es of t#at to w#i3# s#e5ives 3onsent+

    Si7t#l1= $ Wit# or wit#out #er 3onsent/ w#en s#e is undersi7teen 1ears of a5e+

    E74lanation= $ Penetration is su3ient to 3onstitute t#e se7ualinter3ourse ne3essar1 to t#e oen3e of ra4e+

    E73e4tion= $Se7ual inter3ourse 21 a man wit# #is wife/ t#e wifenot 2ein5 under 6fteen 1ears of a5e/ is not ra4eQ+F

    Re3entl1 Se3tion )' #as 2een re4la3ed wit# a newl1 wordedse3tion w#ere t#e word Dra4eF #as 2een su2stituted 21 Dse7ualassaultF+*  It #as two im4li3ations/ one/ t#at under t#e 3#an5edlaw t#e oen3e of se7ual assault #as 2een made 5enderneutral and se3ond t#at t#e new term will take under its am2itman1 more a3ts of se7ual nature+ .nder t#e old 4rovision readwit# 3ase law/ a ver1 stri3t de6nition of ra4e/ w#i3# re0uired3ertain de5ree of 4enetration of t#e female 5enitalia/ wasfollowed+ 8owever/ under t#e su2stituted 4rovision t#e lawstands su2stantiall1 3#an5ed+ It 4rovides for t#e followin5=i< Penetration of 4enis into va5ina/ uret#ra/ mout# or anus of an1 4erson/ or makin5 an1 ot#er 4erson to do so wit# #im oran1 ot#er 4ersonJ

    Se3tion )' Indian Penal Code %*(

    * Criminal Law Amendment/ >(%)

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    ii< Insertion of an1 o2,e3t or an1 2od1 4art/ not 2ein5 4enis/ intova5ina/ uret#ra/ mout# or anus of an1 4erson/ or makin5 an1ot#er 4erson to do so wit# #im or an1 ot#er 4ersonJiii< mani4ulation of an1 2od1 4art so as to 3ause 4enetration of 

    va5ina/ uret#ra/ mout# or anus or an1 2od1 4art of su3# 4ersonor makes t#e 4erson to do so wit# #im or an1 ot#er 4ersonJiv< A44li3ation of mout# to t#e 4enis/ va5ina/ anus/ uret#ra of anot#er 4erson or makes su3# 4erson to do so wit# #im or an1ot#er 4ersonJv< lastl1/ tou3#in5 t#e va5ina/ 4enis/ anus or 2reast of t#e4erson or makes t#e 4erson tou3# t#e va5ina/ 4enis/ anus or2reast of t#at 4erson or an1 ot#er 4erson+ As 3an 2e o2served t#e new se3tion #as 3riminali9ed for3in5 a

    4erson to 3ommit a se7ual a3t on oneself as well as an1 ot#er4erson+ #is is a ver1 su2stantial 3#an5e+Also 3onsent 21 an1 4erson 2elow %* 1ears of a5e is 3onsideredto 2e no 3onsent+ #e a5e 2ar earlier was % 1ears+Also added is t#e e74lanation ) w#i3# sa1s t#at Da 4erson w#odoes not 4#1si3all1 resist to t#e a3t of 4enetration s#all not 21t#e reason onl1 of t#at fa3t/ 2e re5arded as 3onsentin5 to t#ese7ual a3tivit1FAn1 of t#e a3ts enumerated a2ove will 3onstitute t#e oen3e of 

    se7ual assault and 2e 4unis#a2le wit# an im4risonment termnot less t#an seven 1ears 2ut ma1 e7tend to life im4risonmentand s#all also 2e lia2le to 6ne+ Also a55ravated se7ual assaultis lia2le for im4risonment of a term not less t#an %( 1ears 2utma1 e7tend to life im4risonment and also 6ne+

     #e !rdinan3e #as furt#er amended t#e law to 4rovide for t#efollowin5= %< W#ere t#e 3ommission of se7ual assault or a55ravated

    se7ual assault 3auses deat# of t#e vi3tim or leaves t#e vi3tim ina 4ersistent ve5etative state t#e 4unis#ment is 4res3ri2ed to2e ri5orous im4risonment of a term not less t#an twent1 1ears2ut ma1 e7tend to life im4risonment :meanin5 t#e w#ole of t#eremainder natural life of t#e a33used< or even wit# deat#+ >< @urt#er se3tion ) " 4rovides t#at w#oever 3ommits se7ualassault on #is own wife/ w#o is livin5 se4aratel1 under a de3reeof se4aration or under an1 3ustom or usa5e/ wit#out #er

    3onsent/ s#all 2e 4unis#ed wit# im4risonment of eit#erdes3ri4tion/ for a term w#i3# s#all not 2e less t#an two 1ears

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    2ut w#i3# ma1 e7tend to seven 1ears/ and s#all also 2e lia2leto 6ne+

    )< Also t#e su2stituted se3tion ) C 4rovides t#at=

     DW#oever/:a< 2ein5 in a 4osition of aut#orit1 or in a 6du3iar1 relations#i4Jor:2< a 4u2li3 servantJ or:3< su4erintendent or mana5er of a ,ail/ remand #ome or ot#er4la3e of 3ustod1 esta2lis#ed 21 or under an1 law for t#e time2ein5 in for3e/ or a womenHs or 3#ildrenHs institutionJ or:d< 2ein5 on t#e mana5ement of a #os4ital or 2ein5 on t#e sta 

    of a #os4ital/ and a2uses su3# 4osition or 6du3iar1 relations#i4to indu3e or sedu3e an1 4erson eit#er in t#e 6rst mentioned4ersonHs 3ustod1 or under t#e 6rst mentioned 4ersonHs 3#ar5eor 4resent in t#e 4remises and #as se7ual inter3ourse wit# t#at4erson/ su3# se7ual inter3ourse not amountin5 to t#e oen3e of se7ual assault/ s#all 2e 4unis#ed wit# ri5orous im4risonmentof eit#er des3ri4tion for a term w#i3# s#all not 2e less t#an 6ve1ears 2ut w#i3# ma1 e7tend to ten 1ears/ and s#all also 2elia2le to 6ne+F

     #is 4rovision reinfor3es t#e terms of new se3tion ):>< and4er#a4s is added to #i5#li5#t t#e 5ravit1 of situation w#ere t#e4er4etrator is a 4erson in a 4osition of trust and aut#orit1+

    ?< #e 4rovision added under se3tion )- 4rovides DW#ere a4erson is se7uall1 assaulted 21 one or more 4ersons3onstitutin5 a 5rou4 or a3tin5 in furt#eran3e of a 3ommonintention/ ea3# of t#ose 4ersons s#all 2e deemed to #ave3ommitted t#e oen3e of se7ual assault/ re5ardless of 5enderand s#all 2e 4unis#ed wit# ri5orous im4risonment for a termw#i3# s#all not 2e less t#an twent1 1ears/ 2ut w#i3# ma1e7tend to life and s#all 4a1 3om4ensation to t#e vi3tim w#i3#s#all 2e reasona2le to meet t#e medi3al e74enses andre#a2ilitation of t#e vi3timF #is 4rovision would make lia2le even a female 4erson for t#eoen3e of se7ual assault if s#e is a 4art of t#e 5rou4 of 4ersons3ommittin5 t#e a3t+

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    '< @urt#er se3tion ) E #as 2een added and se3tion '(;amended to stand as follows=)E+ W#oever #as 2een 4reviousl1 3onvi3ted of an oen3e4unis#a2le under se3tion ) or se3tion )A or se3tion

    )C or se3tion )- and is su2se0uentl1 3onvi3ted of anoen3e 4unis#a2le under an1 of t#e said se3tions s#all 2e4unis#ed wit# im4risonment for life/ w#i3# s#all mean t#eremainder of t#at 4ersonHs natural life or wit# deat#+H+

    Re3entl1 t#e defense law1er A+P Sin5# :of -el#i 5an5 ra4e3ase< said t#at Dif #is dau5#ter went out wit# #er 2o1friend atmidni5#t t#en #e will 2urn #er aliveF+ #is statement made 21

    defen3e law1er of -el#i 5an5 ra4e 3ase make us t#ink t#atw#et#er t#is amendment of ra4e laws 3an a2le to make an1so3ial transformation or all eort will 2e wasted+ A33ordin5 toRos3oe Pound Dlaw1ers are t#e so3ial en5ineersF+ #e1 aresu44osed to 2e a so3ial reformer if t#e1 3an make su3# t14es of oensive statement in front of media t#en it is not ver1 di3ultto ima5ine w#at would 2e t#e 3ommon 4eo4le take on t#is t14esensitive issue+

    In ver1 5eneral sense ra4e means an1t#in5 w#i3# is done 21usin5 for3e and wit#out t#e 3onsent+ A33ordin5 to !7ford-i3tionar1 ra4e means Dto for3e someone to #ave se7 wit# 1ouw#en t#e1 do not want to 21 t#reatenin5 t#em or usin5violen3eF+ Se3tion )' of Indian Penal Code de6nes t#e termra4e+ A33ordin5 to se3tion )' of Indian Penal Code/ it 3an 2esaid t#at a man #as 3ommitted ra4e under 3ertain3ir3umstan3es+ #ese are followin5 2elow=%+ Wit#out t#e will of t#e 3on3ern woman : in t#e time of inter3ourse<>+ Wit#out t#e 3onsent of t#e 3on3ern women+)+ If 3onsent is t#ere 2ut it #as 2een taken 21 t#reaten andfearin5 #er+?+ If t#e 5irl 5ives 3onsent 2e3ause s#e t#inks t#at t#is man is#er le5al #us2and t#ou5# t#e man is ver1 mu3# aware of t#efa3t t#at s#e is not #is wife+'+ W#en t#e 5irl 5ives #er 3onsent 2ut in t#at time #er mental3ondition is not sound or at t#e time of into7i3ation+

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    + W#en t#e a5e of t#e 5irl is % 1ears of a5e t#en wit# orwit#out 3onsent of t#e 5irl if an1 inter3ourse #as 2een t#eret#en it is 3onsidered as ra4e+

     #e anti$ra4e law #as 2een en3oded in t#e Indian 4enal 3ode+Se3tion )' of Indian Penal Code de6nes w#at 3onstitute tora4e+ Se3tion ) of t#e Indian Penal Code on t#e ot#er #andenumerates t#e 4unis#ment of ra4e+ #e e74lanation 5iven inse3tion )' of t#e Indian Penal CodeJ it is stated t#atD4enetrationF is enou5# to 3ommit t#e Dse7ual inter3ourseFw#i3# is essential for t#e 3rime of ra4e+ @ull 4enetration is notre0uired in 3ase of ra4eJ Dif an1 4art of t#e or5an of male 5oeswit#in t#e la2ium of t#e 4udendum of t#e woman/ no matter

    #ow little it amounts to ra4eF+A33ordin5 to t#e old law it is not im4ortant t#at D#1menF s#ould2e Dru4turedF+ So to 4rove t#at a 4arti3ular inter3ourse is ra4edor not a2sent of 3onsent is essential+ If t#ere is 3onsent t#en itis not a ra4e+ "ut it is essential t#at 3onsent must 2e free3onsent+ 8ere t#e meanin5 of t#e term free 3onsent is dierentfrom t#e Indian Contra3t A3t/ %*>+

    In t#e 3ase of ukaram vs+ State of Ma#arastra; it is 3ommonl1

    known as #e MA8.RA RAPE CASE+ #is a wort#1 3ase todis3uss in t#e so3ial transformation 4ers4e3tive 2e3ause t#is ist#e ver1 6rst 3ase w#i3# led to 4u2li3 outra5e and as a result of t#e 4rotest t#e reforms #ave 2een made in t#e e7istin5 law+ Int#is 3ase w#at #a44ened was % 1ears old 5irl w#o is 2elon5sto tri2al 3ommunit1 named Mat#ura was ra4ed in a Poli3estation+ After t#at t#e famil1 mem2ers of Mat#ura/ made a3riminal 3om4laint a5ainst t#ose two 4oli3e o3ers+ "ut t#eSu4reme Court of India re,e3t t#is 3ase and also said t#at w#1t#e1 re,e3t t#e 3ase+ It said t#at t#e 3ase 5ot re,e3ted 2e3auseD"athura#s bod$ bore no outwards sign of ra%eF+ #is ,ud5mentleads to a #u5e movement 21 man1 women 5rou4s all over t#enation+ After t#is #u5e 4rotest four eminent law 4rofessorswrote an o4en 3om4laint letter to t#e C#ief usti3e of Indiao44osin5 t#is ,ud5ment+ After t#is entire in3ident anamendment #as 2een made in 3riminal law in %;*)+ So aftert#e Mat#ura Ra4e Case/ t#e Criminal Law Amendment/ %;*)#as 2een made+ #e main features of t#e 3riminal lawamendment/ %;*) are=

    ; %;; AIR %*'/ %;; SCR :%< *%(

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    %+ @or t#e 6rst time 3ustodial ra4e #as 2een re3o5ni9ed+>+ Closed 4ro3eedin5 for t#e ra4e trials+)+ It is also 2anned t#e 4u2li3ation of vi3tims identi63ations+

    In t#e 1ear of >((>/ an amendment of se3tion %? of t#e IndianEviden3e A3t #as 2een made+ It is also si5ni63ant in t#isre5ards+ A33ordin5 to t#is amendment/ it does not allowed an1t14es of 3ross e7amination of ra4e vi3tims t#at dire3tl1 orindire3tl1 raised 0uestions a2out t#e moral 3#ara3ter of t#era4e vi3tim also an1 t14es of 0uestion w#i3# is a2out t#e4revious se7ual e74erien3e of t#e vi3tims+After t#e -el#i 5an5 ra4e 3ase in -e3em2er >(%> India #ase74erien3ed t#e 4ower of t#e 5eneral mass+ All over t#e India

    4eo4le are start 4rotestin5 a5ainst t#is in3ident+ #e1 are 65#tfor ,usti3e/ 65#t for a new law and most im4ortantl1 all t#e1want is to a safe and ra4e free so3iet1+ #ou5# 3#an5in5 t#elaw is anot#er t#in5 and so3ial transformation is totall1 dierentstor1+ Literall1 t#e term transformation means ins4iration/innovation and 4ro4er e7e3ution+In 4arliament t#ere are 3ertain num2er of reservation forwomen 2ut still t#e num2er of amendment re5ardin5 womenrelated law are ver1 few+ So in Parliament in s4ite of reservin5

    3ertain 4er3enta5e of seat for women/ t#e1 s#ould allot s4e3i63time for dis3ussion and de2ate over women related issue/in3ludin5 t#e im4rovement of ra4e laws+ #en onl1 it would 2e#el4ful for our so3iet1+

    Vinod umar Vs+ State of erala%(

    Essentials and 4arameters of t#e oen3e of ra4e under Se3tion



      3ame to 2e 0uestioned+ #e Su4reme Court #eld t#atw#ere t#e woman is in 4ossession of #er senses/ and t#erefore/

    3a4a2le of 3onsentin5 2ut t#e a3t is done a5ainst #er willJ and

    se3ond/ w#ere it is done wit#out #er 3onsentJ t#e t#ird/ fourt#

    and 6ft#/ w#en t#ere is 3onsent/ 2ut it is not su3# a 3onsent as

    e73uses t#e oender/ 2e3ause it is o2tained 21 4uttin5 #er on

    %( ILC$>(%?$SC$CRL$A4r$>

    %% Indian Penal Code >(%)

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    an1 4erson in w#om s#e is interested in fear of deat# or of #urt+

     #e e74ression a5ainst #er will means t#at t#e a3t must #ave

    2een done in s4ite of t#e o44osition of t#e woman also

    Consent is also stated to 2e an a3t of reason 3ou4led wit#

    deli2eration+ It denotes an a3tive will in t#e mind of a 4erson to

    4ermit t#e doin5 of an a3t 3om4lained of+ Se3tion )'/ re0uires

    voluntar1 4arti3i4ation not onl1 after t#e e7er3ise of 

    intelli5en3e 2ased on t#e knowled5e of t#e si5ni63an3e and

    moral 0ualit1 of t#e a3t 2ut after #avin5 full1 e7er3ised t#e

    3#oi3e 2etween resistan3e and assent+ W#et#er t#ere was

    3onsent or not/ is to 2e as3ertained onl1 on a 3areful stud1 of 

    all relevant 3ir3umstan3es+

    "#avan2#ai "#a1a2#ai Panella Vs+ State of Gu,arat%>

    In t#is 3ase t#e ra4e of 5irl a5ed %% 1ears was 3ommitted 21

    t#e a33used and t#ere was ade0uate eviden3e on re3ord to

     ,ustif1 3onvi3tion of t#e a44ellant+ #us/ t#e 3onvi3tion of t#e

    a44ellant was u4#eld+ A44ellant #as 2een in 3ustod1 for a2out

    ten 1ears and #avin5 re5ard to t#e totalit1 of 3ir3umstan3es/

    ends of ,usti3e will 2e met if t#e senten3e awarded to t#ea44ellant is redu3ed to RI for ten 1ears from life im4risonment +

    8owever/ senten3e of 6ne and 3om4ensation as also default

    senten3e and dire3tion for re3over1 of t#e amount 4a1a2le as

    3om4ensation maintained+

    In Re= Indian Woman sa1s 5an5$ra4ed on orders of Villa5e Court

    4u2lis#ed in "usiness & @inan3ial News dated >)+(%+>(%?%) 

    Su3# 3rimes 3an 3ertainl1 2e 4revented if t#e state 4oli3e

    ma3#iner1 work in a more or5ani9ed and dedi3ated manner+

     #us/ we im4lore u4on t#e State ma3#iner1 to work in #armon1

    wit# ea3# ot#er to safe5uard t#e ri5#ts of women in our

    3ountr1+ #e re5istration of @IR is mandator1 under Se3tion %'?

    of t#e Code/ if t#e information dis3loses 3ommission of a

    %> LC$>(%'$SC$CRL$@e2$)

    %) ILC$>(%?$SC$CRL$Mar$%*

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    3o5ni9a2le oen3e and t#e Poli3e o3ers are dut1 2ound to

    re5ister t#e same+ Likewise all #os4itals/ 4u2li3 or 4rivate/

    w#et#er run 21 t#e Central Government/ t#e State

    Government/ lo3al 2odies or an1 ot#er 4erson/ are statutoril1

    o2li5ated under Se3tion )'C to 4rovide t#e 6rst$aid or medi3al

    treatment/ free of 3ost/ to t#e vi3tims of an1 oen3e 3overed

    under Se3tions )>A/ )/ )A/ )"/ )C/ )- or Se3tion

    )E of t#e IPC+ Im4ortant de3ision t#at was #eld was t#at t#e

    re5istration of @IR is mandator1 under Se3tion %'? of t#e Code/

    if t#e information dis3loses 3ommission of a 3o5ni9a2le oen3e

    and t#e Poli3e o3ers are dut1 2ound to re5ister t#e same+

    Marital Ra4e= Marital Ra4e refers to unwanted inter3ourse 21 aman wit# #is wife o2tained 21 for3e/ t#reat of for3e/ or 4#1si3alviolen3e/ or w#en s#e is una2le to 5ive 3onsent+ Marital ra4e3ould 2e 21 t#e use of for3e onl1/ a 2atterin5 ra4e or asadisti3o2sessive ra4e+ It is a non$3onsensual a3t of violent4erversion 21 a #us2and a5ainst t#e wife w#ere s#e is4#1si3all1 and se7uall1 a2used+8istori3all1/ D&a%tusF/ t#e 5eneri3 term of ra4e was to im4l1violent t#eft/ a44lied to 2ot# 4ro4ert1 and 4erson+ It was

    s1non1mous wit# a2du3tion and a womanHs a2du3tion or se7ualmolestation/ was merel1 t#e t#eft of a woman a5ainst t#e3onsent of #er 5uardian or t#ose wit# le5al 4ower over #er+ #e#arm/ ironi3all1/ was treated as a wron5 a5ainst #er fat#er or#us2and/ women 2ein5 w#oll1 owned su2sidiaries+

    Not sur4risin5l1/ t#us/ married women were never t#e su2,e3tof ra4e laws+ Laws 2estowed an a2solute immunit1 on t#e#us2and in res4e3t of #is wife/ solel1 on t#e 2asis of t#e marital

    relation+ #e revolution started wit# women a3tivists in Ameri3araisin5 t#eir voi3es in t#e %;(s for elimination of marital ra4ee7em4tion 3lause and e7tension of 5uarantee of e0ual4rote3tion to women+

    In t#e 4resent da1/ studies indi3ate t#at 2etween %( and %?Tof married women are ra4ed 21 t#eir #us2ands= t#e in3idents of marital ra4e soars to %)rd to U amon5 3lini3al sam4les of 2attered women+ Se7ual assault 21 oneHs s4ouse a33ounts for

    a44ro7imatel1 >'T of ra4es 3ommitted+ Women w#o 2e3ame4rime tar5ets for marital ra4e are t#ose w#o attem4t to Oee+

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    Criminal 3#ar5es of se7ual assault ma1 2e tri55ered 21 ot#era3ts/ w#i3# ma1 in3lude 5enital 3onta3t wit# t#e mout# or anusor t#e insertion of o2,e3ts into t#e va5ina or t#e anus/ allwit#out t#e 3onsent of t#e vi3tim+ It is a 3ons3ious 4ro3ess of 

    intimidation and assertion of t#e su4eriorit1 of men overwomen+

    Advan3in5 well into t#e timeline/ marital ra4e is not an oen3ein India+ -es4ite amendments/ law 3ommissions and newle5islations/ one of t#e most #umiliatin5 and de2ilitatin5 a3ts isnot an oen3e in India+ A look at t#e o4tions a woman #as to4rote3t #erself in a marria5e/ tells us t#at t#e le5islations #ave2een eit#er non$e7istent or o2s3ure and ever1t#in5 #as ,ust

    de4ended on t#e inter4retation 21 Courts+Se3tion )'/ t#e 4rovision of ra4e in t#e Indian Penal Code:IPC

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    A marria5e is a 2ond of trust and t#at of ae3tion+ A #us2ande7er3isin5 se7ual su4eriorit1/ 21 5ettin5 it on demand andt#rou5# an1 means 4ossi2le/ is not 4art of t#e institution+Sur4risin5l1/ t#is is not/ as 1et/ in an1 law 2ook in India+

    Marital ra4e is ille5al in %* Ameri3an States/ ) AustralianStates/ New ealand/ Canada/ Israel/ @ran3e/ Sweden/-enmark/ Norwa1/ Soviet .nion/ Poland and C9e3#oslovakia+Ra4e in an1 form is an a3t of utter #umiliation/ de5radation andviolation rat#er t#an an outdated 3on3e4t of 4enileva5inal4enetration+ Restri3tin5 an understandin5 of ra4e rearms t#eview t#at ra4ists treat ra4e as se7 and not violen3e and #en3e/3ondone su3# 2e#aviour+

      #e im4ortan3e of 3onsent for ever1 individual de3ision 3annot2e over em4#asi9ed+ A woman 3an 4rote3t #er ri5#t to life andli2ert1/ 2ut not #er 2od1/ wit#in #er marria5e/ w#i3# is ,ustironi3al+ Women so far #ave #ad re3ourse onl1 to se3tion ?;*$Aof t#e IPC/ dealin5 wit# 3ruelt1/ to 4rote3t t#emselves a5ainstD4erverse se7ual 3ondu3t 21 t#e #us2andF+ "ut/ w#ere is t#estandard of measure or inter4retation for t#e 3ourts/ of X4erversionH or XunnaturalH/ t#e de6nitions wit#in intimates4ousal relations Is e73essive demand for se7 4erverse IsnHt3onsent a sine 0ua non Is marria5e a li3ense to ra4e #ere isno answer/ 2e3ause t#e ,udi3iar1 and t#e le5islature #ave 2eensilent+

     #e %>nd Law Commission re4ort #ad made t#e followin5re3ommendations for su2stantial 3#an5e in t#e law wit# re5ardto ra4e+

    %+ XRa4eH s#ould 2e re4la3ed 21 t#e term Xse7ual assaultH+

    >+ XSe7ual inter3ourse as 3ontained in se3tion )' of IPCs#ould in3lude all forms of 4enetration su3# as4enileva5inal/ 4enileoral/ 6n5erva5inal/ 6n5eranal ando2,e3tva5inal+

    )+ In t#e li5#t of Saks#i v+ .nion of India and !t#ers Y>((? :'<SCC '%*Q/ Xse7ual assault on an1 4art of t#e 2od1 s#ould2e 3onstrued as ra4e+

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    ?+ Ra4e laws s#ould 2e made 5ender neutral as 3ustodialra4e of 1oun5 2o1s #as 2een ne5le3ted 21 law+

    '+ A new oen3e/ namel1 se3tion )E wit# t#e title

    Xunlawful se7ual 3ondu3tH s#ould 2e 3reated+

    + Se3tion '(; of t#e IPC was also sou5#t to 2e amended/4rovidin5 #i5#er 4unis#ment w#ere t#e oen3e set out int#e said se3tion is 3ommitted wit# se7ual intent+

    + Marital ra4e= e74lanation :>< of se3tion )' of IPC s#ould2e deleted+ @or3ed se7ual inter3ourse 21 a #us2and wit##is wife s#ould 2e treated e0uall1 as an oen3e ,ust asan1 4#1si3al violen3e 21 a #us2and a5ainst t#e wife is

    treated as an oen3e+ !n t#e same reasonin5/ se3tion )A was to 2e deleted+

    *+ .nder t#e Indian Eviden3e A3t :IEA((' :-VA< #as also2een a disa44ointment+ It #as 4rovided 3ivil remedies to w#at

    t#e 4rovision of 3ruelt1 alread1 5ave 3riminal remedies/ w#ilekee4in5 t#e status of t#e matter of marital ra4e in 3ontinuin5disre5ard+ Se3tion ) of t#e -omesti3 Violen3e A3t/ amon5stot#er t#in5s in t#e de6nition of domesti3 violen3e/ #as in3ludedan1 a3t 3ausin5 #arm/ in,ur1/ an1t#in5 endan5erin5 #ealt#/ life/et3+/ Z mental/ 4#1si3al/ or se7ual+

    It 3ondones se7ual a2use in a domesti3 relations#i4 of marria5eor a live$in/ onl1 if it is life t#reatenin5 or 5rievousl1 #urtful+ It is

    not a2out t#e freedom of de3ision of a womanHs wants+ It isa2out t#e fundamental desi5n of t#e marital institution t#atdes4ite 2ein5 married/ s#e retains and individual status/ w#eres#e doesnHt need to 3on3ede to ever1 4#1si3al overture event#ou5# it is onl1 2e #er #us2and+ 8onour and di5nit1 remainswit# an individual/ irres4e3tive of marital status+

    Se3tion %>> of t#e Indian Eviden3e A3t 4revents 3ommuni3ationdurin5 marria5e from 2ein5 dis3losed in 3ourt e73e4t w#en onemarried 4artner is 2ein5 4erse3uted for n oen3e a5ainst t#eot#er+ Sin3e/ marital ra4e is not an oen3e/ t#e eviden3e is

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    inadmissi2le/ alt#ou5# relevant/ unless it is a 4rose3ution for2atter1/ or some related 4#1si3al or mental a2use under t#e4rovision of 3ruelt1+ Settin5 out to 4rove t#e oen3e of maritalra4e in 3ourt/ 3om2inin5 t#e 4rovisions of t#e -VA and IPC will

    2e a nearl1 im4ossi2le task+

    As a 6nal 4ie3e of ar5ument to s#ow t#e 4ressin5 need for4rote3tion of woman/ #ere are some ee3ts a ra4e vi3tim ma1#ave to live wit#/$

    • P#1si3al in,uries to va5inal and anal areas/ la3erations/2ruisin5+

    • An7iet1/ s#o3k/ de4ression and sui3idal t#ou5#ts+

    • G1ne3olo5i3al ee3ts in3ludin5 mis3arria5e/ still2irt#s/2ladder infe3tions/ S-s and infertilit1+

    • Lon5 drawn s1m4toms like insomnia/ eatin5 disorders/se7ual d1sfun3tion/ and ne5ative self ima5e+

    Marria5e does not t#rive on se7 and t#e fear of frivolousliti5ation s#ould not sto4 4rote3tion from 2ein5 oered to t#ose

    3au5#t in a2usive tra4s/ w#ere t#e1 are deni5rated to t#estatus of 3#attel+ A4art form ,udi3ial awakenin5J we 4rimaril1re0uire 5eneration of awareness+ Men are t#e 4er4etrators of t#is 3rime+ XEdu3atin5 2o1s and men to view women asvalua2le 4artners in life/ in t#e develo4ment of so3iet1 and t#eattainment of 4ea3e are ,ust as im4ortant as takin5 le5al ste4s4rote3t womenHs #uman ri5#tsH/ sa1s t#e .N+ Men #ave t#eso3ial/ e3onomi3/ moral/ 4oliti3al/ reli5ious and so3ialres4onsi2ilit1 to 3om2at all forms of 5ender dis3rimination+

    Se3 %%? A= #e newl1$added S+ %%?$A deals wit# 3ases of 4rose3ution for ra4e under 3lauses :a

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    2efore t#e Court t#at s#e did not 3onsent/ t#e Court must4resume t#at s#e did not so 3onsent+

     #is new 4rovision :inserted in %;*)< #as 2rou5#t a2out a

    rat#er radi3al 3#an5e in t#e Indian Law relatin5 to ra4e 3ases+

    @ormerl1/ t#e rule was t#at 3orro2oration of t#e vi3timHs versionwas not essential for a 3onvi3tion/ 2ut as a matter of 4ruden3e/it would #ave to 2e esta2lis#ed if t#e mind of t#e ,ud5e/ unless

    3ir3umstan3es were stron5 enou5# to make it safe to 3onvi3tt#e a33used wit#out su3# 3orro2oration+ As o2served 21 t#e

    Su4reme Court/ alt#ou5# t#e vi3tim of a ra4e 3annot 2e treatedas an a33om4li3e/ #er eviden3e is to 2e treated almost like

    a33om4li3e eviden3e/ re0uirin5 3orro2oration+ %?

    Now/ of 3ourse/ t#e 4osition is dierent/ and S+ %%?$A raises a4resum4tion in favour of t#e ra4e vi3tim+

     #e followin5 t#ree 3onditions must 2e satis6ed 2efore t#e4resum4tion 3ontained in S+ %%?$A 3an 2e raised=

    :a< It s#ould 2e 4roved t#at t#ere was se7ual inter3ourse+

    :2< #e 0uestion 2efore t#e 3ourt s#ould 2e w#et#er su3#

    inter3ourse was wit# or wit#out t#e 3onsent of t#e woman+

    :3< #e woman must #ave stated/ in #er eviden3e 2efore t#e

    3ourt t#at s#e #ad not 3onsented to t#e inter3ourse+

     #is 4resum4tion would a44l1 not onl1 to ra4e 3ases/ 2ut also

    to 3ases of attem4ted ra4e/ as for instan3e/ w#en t#e vi3tim

    was disro2ed and attem4ts were made to ra4e #er/ w#i3#/#owever/ 3ould not materialise 2e3ause of intervenin5


    In a 3ase of alle5ed 5an5 ra4e of a 5irl a2ove t#e a5e of %/ t#e

    @+ I+R+ was lod5ed seven da1s after t#e o33urren3e+ #e 5irl

    %? :Sk+ akir v+ State of "i#ar/ %;*) Cri+ L++ %>*'<

    %' :@a5nu "#ai v+ State of !rissa/ %;;> Cri+ L++ %*(*

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    admitted t#at s#e was desirous of marr1in5 one of t#e a33used/and t#e 3#emi3al e7aminerHs re4ort ran 3ounter to an1 se7ual

    inter3ourse+ In t#e 3ir3umstan3es/ it was #eld t#at t#e4resum4tion under S+ %%?$A 3ould not 2e invoked+%

    Lastl1/ it ma1 2e noted t#at t#e 4resum4tion under S+ %%?$A3an 2e drawn onl1 w#en t#e a33used sa1s t#at #e indul5ed inse7ual inter3ourse wit# t#e 3onsent of t#e 5irl+ If t#e 3ase of t#e

    a33used is not t#at su3# inter3ourse was #ad wit# #er 3onsent/no 4resum4tion 3an 2e drawn under t#e se3tion+%

    % + :S#arri5#an v+ State of M+P+/ %;;) Cri+ L++ %>(<

    % :Ravindranat# v+ State of .+P+/ %;;% Cri+ L++ )%

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)



    In India w#ere almost #alf of t#e 4o4ulation is women/ t#e1

    #ave alwa1s 2een ill$treated and de4rived of t#eir ri5#t to lifeand 4ersonal li2ert1 as 4rovided under t#e 3onstitution of India+Women are alwa1s 3onsidered as a 4#1si3all1 and emotionall1weaker t#an t#e males/ w#ereas at 4resent women #ave4roved t#emselves in almost ever1 6eld of life armin5 t#att#e1 are no less t#an men due to t#eir #ard work w#et#er at#ome or workin5 4la3es+ "e#ind 3losed doors of #omes alla3ross our 3ountr1/ 4eo4le are 2ein5 tortured/ 2eaten andkilled+ It is #a44enin5 in rural areas/ towns/ 3ities and in

    metro4olitans as well+ It is 3rossin5 all so3ial 3lasses/ 5enders/ra3ial lines and a5e 5rou4s+ It is 2e3omin5 a le5a31 2ein54assed on from one 5eneration to anot#er+ "ut oen3es a5ainstwomen w#i3# reOe3ts t#e 4at#eti3 realit1 t#at women are ,ustnot safe and se3ure an1w#ere+ A33ordin5 to a latest re4ort4re4ared 21 IndiaHs National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB), a 3rime #as 2een re3orded a5ainst women in ever1t#ree minutes in India+ Ever1 ( minutes/ two women are ra4edin t#is 3ountr1+ Ever1 si7 #ours/ a 1oun5 married woman is

    found 2eaten to deat#/ 2urnt or driven to sui3ide+

    Violen3e a5ainst women is not a new 4#enomenon+ Women#ave to 2ear t#e 2urns of domesti3/ 4u2li3/ 4#1si3al as well asemotional and mental violen3e a5ainst t#em/ w#i3# ae3ts #erstatus in t#e so3iet1 at t#e lar5er e7tent+ #e statisti3s of in3reasin5 3rimes a5ainst women is s#o3kin5/ w#ere womenare su2,e3ted to violen3e atta3ks i+e+ foeti3ide/ infanti3ide/medi3al ne5le3t/ 3#ild marria5es/ 2ride 2urnin5/ se7ual a2use of 

    5irl 3#ild/ for3ed marria5es/ ra4es/ 4rostitution/ se7ual#arassment at #ome as well as work 4la3es et3+ In all t#e a2ove3ases women is 3onsidered as a55rieved 4erson+

     #e term used to des3ri2e t#is e74lodin5 4ro2lem of violen3ewit#in our #omes is XDomestic Violence’+ #is violen3e istowards someone w#o we are in a relations#i4 wit#/ 2e it awife/ #us2and/ son/ dau5#ter/ mot#er/ fat#er/ 5rand4arent oran1 ot#er famil1 mem2er+ It 3an 2e a maleHs or a femaleHsatro3ities towards anot#er male or a female+ An1one 3an 2e avi3tim and a vi3timi9er+ #is violen3e #as a tenden31 to e74lode

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    in various forms su3# as 4#1si3al/ se7ual or emotional+XDomestic Violence’ in3ludes #arms or in,uries w#i3#endan5ers womenHs #ealt#/ safet1/ life/ lim2 or well 2ein5/w#et#er mental or 4#1si3al+ It ma1 also 2e t#rou5# 4#1si3al/

    se7ual/ ver2al/ emotional and e3onomi3 a2use+ A33ordin5 toX.nited Nation Po4ulation @und Re4ortH/ around two$t#ird of married Indian women are vi3tims of DomesticViolence atta3ks and as man1 as ( 4er 3ent of marriedwomen in India 2etween t#e a5e of %' and ?; are vi3tims of 2eatin5/ ra4e or for3ed se7+ In India/ more t#an '' 4er3ent of t#e women suer from -omesti3 Violen3e/ es4e3iall1 in t#estates of "i#ar/ .+P+/ M+P+ and ot#er nort#ern states+

    W#at amounts to domesti3 violen3e a5ainst women $-omesti3Violen3e undou2tedl1 a #uman ri5#t issue w#ere it is ver1im4ortant to know w#at a3tuall1 leads to a3t of domesti3violen3e+ #e most 3ommon 3auses for women stalkin5 and2atterin5 in3lude=$ e74loitation of women for demandin5 moredowr1/ dis3rimination of women/ alienation of womenHs self a30uired 4ro4ert1 fraudulentl1/ torture 21 #us2and and in$lawsof t#e #us2and/ ar5uin5 wit# t#e 4artner/ refusin5 to #ave se7wit# t#e 4artner/ ne5le3tin5 3#ildren/ 5oin5 out of #ome

    wit#out tellin5 t#e 4artner/ not 3ookin5 4ro4erl1 or on time/indul5in5 in e7tra marital aairs/ not lookin5 after in$laws/3ruelt1 21 #us2and or in$laws mentall1 or 4#1si3all1/ a2usin5 &insultin5 21 usin5 vul5ar lan5ua5e/ se7ual #arassment/molestation/ immoral tra3/ ra4e/ sodom1 and all ot#erin#uman a3ts+ In all a2ove stated 3auses women are su2,e3tedto torture and will 2e 3onsidered as t#e a55rieved 4erson+.suall1 violen3e takes 4la3e due to la3k of understandin5s2etween t#e 3ou4le as well as in t#e famil1+

     #e 3onse0uen3es of domesti3 violen3e atta3k on women/w#i3# will ae3t vi3tim as well as famil1 of t#e vi3tim+ -omesti3Violen3e ae3ts womenHs 4rodu3tivit1 in all forms of life i+e+assaulted women will alwa1s 5et a5oni9ed and emotionall1distur2ed and remain 0uite after o33urren3e of t#e torment+

     #e sui3ide 3ase of su3# vi3timi9ed women is also a deadl13onse0uen3e and t#e num2er of su3# 3ases is in3reasin5 da121 da1+ A workin5 Indian woman ma1 lose #er e3ien31 in workor dro4 out from work in some 3ases+ -omesti3 Violen3e ma1ae3t t#e life of 3#ildren at t#e lar5er e7tent 2e3ause 3#ild will

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    2e #avin5 5reater atta3#ment wit# #er mot#er and on3e t#emot#erHs 5rief and suerin5s revealed t#en 3#ild ma1 turnsilent/ reserved and e74ress sola3e to t#e mot#er+ In some of t#e 3ases violen3e will lead to maintain distan3e from t#e

    4artner w#ere21 se7ual life 5ets ae3ted adversel1+ Sometimesmarria5e life will 2e3ome a 2urden to t#e s4ouse and one of t#es4ouses will o4t out for divor3e or se4aration w#i3# a5ainae3ts life of t#e 3#ildren+

    In a 3ase w#ere wife is 2eaten u4 21 #er #us2and doesnHtamount to domesti3 violen3e unless a su3ient reason of violation of ri5#t to life is s#own+ In anot#er 3ase w#ere t#ewomen ,ust not 5iven food/ it amounts to domesti3 violen3e if it

    is intended to a3#ieve t#e ultimate 4ur4ose of ne3kin5 #er outof t#e 2ene6ts of s#ared #ouse#old+

     o 4revent violen3e a5ainst women and to 4rote3t t#e ri5#ts of a55rieved women/ t#e le5islation X#e Prote3tion of Womenfrom -omesti3 Violen3e A3t/ >(('H was 4assed 21 t#e4arliament+ A33ordin5 to t#is a3t ever1 women w#o #ave 2eende4rived of t#eir ri5#t to life 21 t#e a3t of #us2and or relativesof t#e #us2and/ 3an 6le a 3om4laint to t#e 4rote3tion o3er/4oli3e o3er or ma5istrate in t#e form of X-omesti3 In3ident

    Re4ortH :Similar to @IR(%>$SC$MA$@e2$%

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    In t#is 3ase t#e wife was su2,e3ted to violen3e 4rior to 3omin5

    of for3e of PW- A3t and was no lon5er livin5 wit# #us2and+ #e

    wife is entitled to maintain 4etition Even if t#e a3ts of domesti3

    violen3e #ad 2een 3ommitted 4rior to t#e 3omin5 into for3e of 

    t#e said A3t/ notwit#standin5 t#e fa3t t#at in t#e 4ast s#e #ad

    lived to5et#er wit# #er #us2and in a s#ared #ouse#old/ 2ut was

    no more livin5 wit# #im/ at t#e time w#en t#e A3t 3ame into


     #e Prote3tion of Women @rom -omesti3 Violen3e A3t/

    >(('  $ Se3tion %* / Se3tion %; / Se3tion >( / Se3tion %>=

    In t#is 3ase t#e wife 3om4elled to leave matrimonial #ome after)% 1ears of marria5eJ t#e 3ou4le #ad no 3#ildren+ #e #us2and

    dire3ted to 4rovide a 4ortion of #is #ouse to wife to w#ere #e

    was residin5 and 4a1 Rs+ /((($ 4+m+ towards #er e74enses

    and if t#e wife was relu3tant live wit# #er #us2and/ t#at

    #us2and #ad to 4a1 Rs+ ?/((($ for o2tainin5 alternative

    a33ommodation+ 8eld/ in addition to 4rovidin5 t#e residential

    a33ommodation to t#e Wife/ t#e 8us2and s#all also 4a1 a total

    sum of Rs+ %(/((($ 4er mont# to t#e Wife towards #ermaintenan3e and da1$to$da1 e74enses+

    Inder,it Sin5# Grewal Vs+ State of Pun,a2 & Anr+%;

    Court #eld t#at a 3om4laint 3ould 2e 6led onl1 wit#in a 4eriod

    of one 1ear from t#e date of t#e in3ident+ #e Rule %':< under

    t#e 4rovision of Criminal Pro3edure Code are a44li3a2le+


    Primaril1 meant to 4rovide 4rote3tion to t#e wife or female live$

    in 4artner from domesti3 violen3e at t#e #ands of t#e #us2and

    %; ILC$>(%%$SC$MA$Au5$)


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    or male live$in 4artner or #is relatives/ t#e law also e7tends its

    4rote3tion to women in a #ouse#old su3# as sisters or mot#ers+

    -omesti3 violen3e in3ludes a3tual a2use or t#e t#reat of a2use 4#1si3al/ se7ual/ ver2al/ emotional or e3onomi3+ 8arassment

    21 wa1 of unlawful dowr1 demands is also 3overed+

     #e de2ate on domesti3 violen3e #ad a lon5 ,ourne1 from >((%w#en t#e "ill was introdu3ed in t#e Parliament to >((' w#en6nall1 t#e A3t was 4assed+ #e a3t 3ontains ' 3#a4ters and )se3tions+ #e a3t was 2rou5#t into for3e on !3to2er >((+

     #e a3t 4rimaril1 meant to 4rovide 4rote3tion to t#e wife orfemale live in 4artner from domesti3 violen3e at t#e #ands of t#e #us2and or male live in 4artner t#eir relatives+ #eim4ortant #i5#li5#ts of t#is A3t are=

    %+ #e 4rime 2ene63iaries of t#is a3t are women and 3#ildren>+ #e term Ddomesti3 relations#i4F #as 2een de6ned under

    Se3tion > :s< read wit# se3tion > :5< and #as 2een 5iven avast meanin5+

    )+ -omesti3 violen3e under t#is a3t in3ludes 4#1si3al/ se7ual/emotional/ ver2al/ 4s13#olo5i3al and e3onomi3al a2use ort#reats+>(

     #e de6nition of an Ka55rievedK 4ersonK is e0uall1 wide and3overs not ,ust t#e wife 2ut a woman w#o is t#e se7ual 4artnerof t#e male irres4e3tive of w#et#er s#e is #is le5al wife or not+

     #e dau5#ter/ mot#er/ sister/ 3#ild :male or female%

    >( Se3tion )/ Prevent1ion of Women from -omesti3 Violen3e A3t+

    >% YC#a4ter+ I/ $ Se3+>:a

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


     #e information re5ardin5 an a3t or a3ts of domesti3 violen3edoes not ne3essaril1 #ave to 2e lod5ed 21 t#e a55rieved 4art12ut 21 an1 4erson w#o #as reason to 2elieve t#at su3# an a3t#as 2een or is 2ein5 3ommitted+ W#i3# means t#at nei5#2ours/

    so3ial workers/ relatives et3+ 3an all take initiative on 2e#alf of t#e vi3tim>>

     #is fear of 2ein5 driven out of t#e #ouse ee3tivel1 silen3edman1 women and made t#em silent suerers+ #e 3ourt/ 21t#is new A3t/ 3an now order t#at s#e not onl1 reside in t#esame #ouse 2ut t#at a 4art of t#e #ouse 3an even 2e allotted to#er for #er 4ersonal use even if s#e #as no le5al 3laim or s#arein t#e 4ro4ert1+>)

    S+%* of t#e same 3#a4ter allows t#e ma5istrate to 4rote3t t#ewoman from a3ts of violen3e or even a3ts t#at are likel1 totake 4la3e in t#e future and 3an 4ro#i2it t#e res4ondent fromdis4ossessin5 t#e a55rieved 4erson or in an1 ot#er mannerdistur2in5 #er 4ossessions/ enterin5 t#e a55rieved 4ersonKs4la3e of work or/ if t#e a55rieved 4erson is a 3#ild/ t#e s3#ool+

     #e res4ondent 3an also 2e restrained from attem4tin5 to3ommuni3ate in an1 form/ w#atsoever/ wit# t#e a55rieved

    4erson/ in3ludin5 4ersonal/ oral/ written/ ele3troni3 ortele4#oni3 3onta3t+ #e res4ondent 3an even 2e 4ro#i2itedfrom enterin5 t#e roomarea#ouse t#at is allotted to #er 21 t#e3ourt+

     #e A3t allows ma5istrates to im4ose monetar1 relief andmont#l1 4a1ments of maintenan3e+ #e res4ondent 3an also 2emade to meet t#e e74enses in3urred and losses suered 21 t#ea55rieved 4erson and an1 3#ild of t#e a55rieved 4erson as a

    result of domesti3 violen3e and 3an also 3over loss of earnin5s/medi3al e74enses/ loss or dama5e to 4ro4ert1 and 3an also3over t#e maintenan3e of t#e vi3tim and #er 3#ildren+

    Se3+>> allows t#e ma5istrate to make t#e res4ondent 4a13om4ensation and dama5es for in,uries in3ludin5 mentaltorture and emotional distress 3aused 21 a3ts of domesti3

    >> Y C#a4ter III $ Se3+ ?+Q

    >) YC#a4ter IV $ Se3+ %Q

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    violen3e+ Se3+)% 5ives a 4enalt1 u4 to one 1ear im4risonmentandor a 6ne u4 to Rs+ >(/((($ for and oen3e+ #e oen3e isalso 3onsidered 3o5nisa2le and non$2aila2le+ Se3+ )> :>< 5oeseven furt#er and sa1s t#at under t#e sole testimon1 of t#e

    a55rieved 4erson/ t#e 3ourt ma1 3on3lude t#at an oen3e #as2een 3ommitted 21 t#e a33used

     #e A3t also ensures s4eed1 ,usti3e as t#e 3ourt #as to start4ro3eedin5s and #ave t#e 6rst #earin5 wit#in ) da1s of t#e3om4laint 2ein5 6led in 3ourt and ever1 3ase must 2e dis4osedof wit#in a 4eriod of si7t1 da1s of t#e 6rst #earin5+

    It makes 4rovisions for t#e state to 4rovide for Prote3tion!3ers and t#e w#ole ma3#iner1 21 w#i3# to im4lement t#eA3t+

    Inter4retin5 s >:s< of t#e Prote3tion of Women from -omesti3Violen3e A3t/ >(('/ t#e 3ourt #eld t#at t#e de6nition of s#ared#ouse#old as in3ludin5 a #ouse#old w#ere t#e 4ersona55rieved lives or at an1 sta5e #ad lived in a domesti3relations#i4 will mean t#at w#erever t#e #us2and and wifelived to5et#er in t#e 4ast t#at 4ro4ert1 2e3omes a s#ared#ouse#old+ It is 0uite 4ossi2le t#at t#e #us2and and wife ma1

    #ave lived to5et#er in do9ens of 4la3es and t#erefore sa1in5t#at all t#ese will 2e s#ared #ouse#olds would 2e 3#aoti3 anda2surd+ It is well settled t#at an1 inter4retation w#i3# leads toa2surdit1 s#ould not 2e a33e4ted+ #e wife is onl1 entitled to3laim a ri5#t to residen3e in a s#ared #ouse#old/ and a Ks#ared#ouse#oldK would onl1 mean t#e #ouse 2elon5in5 to or takenon rent 21 t#e #us2and/ or t#e #ouse w#i3# 2elon5s to t#e ,ointfamil1 of w#i3# t#e #us2and is a mem2er+ @urt#ermore/ a 3laimfor alternative a33ommodation under S %;:%?

    >? S R "atra vs aruna "atra

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    !.RAGING 8E M!-ESB !@W!MAN

    An1 4erson w#o assaults a woman or uses 3riminal for3e on an1woman wit# t#e intention to outra5e #er modest1 is 5uilt1 of anoen3e under se3tion )'? of t#e Indian Penal Code+ 8e ma1also do so wit# t#e knowled5e t#at 21 doin5 so #e would 2eoutra5in5 t#e modest1 of t#e woman+

    An1 4erson w#o utters an1 word or makes an1 sound or 5estureor e7#i2its an1 o2,e3t wit# t#e intention t#at it will 2e seen or#eard 21 su3# woman or will intrude u4 on #er 4riva31 is 5uilt1of insultin5 t#e modest1 of t#at woman+

    Assault or usin5 3riminal for3e is an oen3e under se3tion )'?of t#e Indian Penal Code w#ile insultin5 t#e modest1 of t#ewoman t#rou5# words or 5estures is an oen3e under Se3tion'(; of t#e Code+Some of t#e e7am4les illustratin5 a3ts t#at amount tooutra5in5 t#e modest1 of a woman are as follows=[ 8u55in5 a woman wit#out #er 3onsent/ kissin5 #er/ tou3#in5

    #er 4rivate 4arts oran1 a3t w#i3# is likel1 to 4ut #er to s#ame 21 outra5in5 #ermodest1+E7am4les of insultin5 t#e modest1 of t#e woman are=[ Writin5 letters usin5 vul5ar lan5ua5e+[ Makin5 vul5ar 5estures[ -is4la1in5 vul5ar 65ures[ Sin5in5 son5s wit# vul5ar su55estions[ Enterin5 a womanHs #ouse and makin5 vul5ar 5estures

    [ E7#i2itin5 #is nude 2od1

     #e oen3e under se3tion )'? is 4unis#a2le wit# im4risonmentu4 to > 1ears or 6ne or 2ot# w#ile t#at under Se3tion '(; is4unis#a2le wit# a sim4le im4risonment of % 1ear or 6ne or2ot#+ "ot# t#e oen3es are 3o5ni9a2le/ 2aila2le and3om4ounda2le wit# t#e 4ermission of t#e 3ourt+

    An1 4erson ma1 6le a 3om4laint and lod5e an @IR a5ainst t#e

    oender in t#e nearest Poli3e Station+ #e 3ase 3an 2e tried 21

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    t#e Metro4olitan Ma5istrate or a @irst Class or Se3ond Class udi3ial Ma5istrate+!n3e t#e 3ase is 6led in t#e Court/ t#e 3on3erned woman #as to4rove t#e followin5=

    [ .nder Se3tion )'? of IPC/a< #at t#e a33used #ad assaulted t#e woman or #as used3riminal for3e on #er+2< #at #e #ad done so wit# t#e intention of outra5in5 #ermodest1 or t#at #e #addone so knowin5 t#at t#ere21 #e outra5e #er modest1+[ .nder Se3tion '(; of IPC/a< #at t#e a33used #as uttered an1 word or made an1 soundor 5esture or e7#i2ited

    an1 o2,e3t to t#e woman wit# t#e intention t#at s#e sees or#ears it or it intrudes#er 4riva31+2< #at #e #as done so wit# t#e intention of insultin5 #ermodest1+

    Amendment= #e !rdinan3e #as en#an3ed t#e term of im4risonment 4res3ri2ed for t#e oen3e w#i3# falls under t#e3ate5or1 of assault or 3riminal for3e to woman wit# intent to

    outra5e #er modest1 :se3tion )'?

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    W#ile demandin5 or re0uestin5 se7ual favours and 4#1si3al3onta3t or advan3es w#i3# involve unwel3ome and e74li3itse7ual overtures is 4unis#a2le wit# ri5orous im4risonment of aterm w#i3# ma1 e7tend to 6ve 1ears or wit# 6ne or wit# 2ot#/

    t#e ot#er t#ree a3ts enumerated a2ove attra3t a lesser termw#i3# ma1 e7tend to one 1ear or 6ne or 2ot#+ A 2are readin5 of t#is se3tion s#ows t#at it is 5ender neutral in nature+

    @urt#er section 354B deals wit# oen3e w#ere 3riminal for3eor assault is used u4 on a woman wit# t#e intention of disro2in5#er or 3om4ellin5 #er to 2e naked in 4u2li3 and 4enali9es t#esame wit# an im4risonment term w#i3# s#all not 2e less t#ant#ree 1ears 2ut ma1 e7tend to seven 1ears and also attra3t

    6ne+ #is se3tion deals wit# a ver1 s4e3i63 oen3e and adds toand will su44lement t#e 4rovision dealin5 wit# t#e oen3e of outra5in5 t#e modest1 of a woman+ #is is a wel3ome 4rovisionin view of t#e fa3t t#at man1 3ases #ave 2een re4orted in t#enews of women 2ein5 stri44ed in 4u2li3 as an instrument of 4unis#ment mostl1 in 2a3kward areas+

     Section 354 C also deals wit# t#e s4e3i63 a3t of eit#erwat3#in5 or 3a4turin5 t#e ima5es of a woman en5a5in5 in a4rivate a3t w#ere s#e e74e3ts 4riva31 and o2servation 21 t#e

    4er4etrator or an1 ot#er 4erson at t#e 2e#est of t#e4er4etrator is not likel1+ Su3# wat3#in5 or 3a4turin5 ima5es of awoman is 3riminali9ed and attra3ts an im4risonment termw#i3# s#all not 2e less t#an one 1ear 2ut ma1 e7tend to t#ree1ears and 6ne+ Also on a su2se0uent 3onvi3tion t#e minimumim4risonment term s#all 2e t#at of t#ree 1ears e7tenda2le toseven 1ears and also 6ne+

    @or t#e 4ur4ose of t#is se3tion t#e oen3e is widel1 de6ned and

    in3ludes a situation w#ere t#e vi3tim ma1 #ave 3onsented tot#e 3a4turin5 of ima5es or an1 a3t 2ut not a5reed to t#edissemination of t#e same to an1 t#ird 4erson+

    Section 354 D 3riminali9es t#e a3t of stalkin5 w#i3# interfereswit# t#e mental 4ea3e of a 4erson or 3auses distress/ fear of violen3e or alarm+ #e same is 4unis#a2le wit# a minimumim4risonment term of one 1ear w#i3# ma1 e7tend to t#ree1ears and also lia2le wit# 6ne+ 8owever/ t#e oen3e is su2,e3t

    to 3ertain e73e4tions like w#ere a 4erson 3an s#ow t#at t#e

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     #e word o2s3enit1 #as not 2een de6ned an1w#ere under t#estatutor1 4rovisions+ 8owever/ o2s3enit1 #as 2een e74ressl1made an oen3e+Se3tion >;>/ >;) and >;? of t#e Indian Penal Code/ %*(/ dealwit# t#e oen3e of o2s3enit1+ Moreover/ se3tions ) and ? of t#e

    Inde3ent Re4resentation of Women :Pro#i2ition< A3t and se3tion of t#e Information e3#nolo51 A3t also deal wit# o2s3enit1+

    Section !"!# Sale, etc$, o% o&scene &oo's, etc$ =: % < @ort#e 4ur4oses of su2se3tion :> #tt4=,udis+ni3+insu4reme3ourtim5s%+as476lename\?(*'

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    its items/ is/ if taken as a w#ole/ su3# as to tend to de4rave and3orru4t 4erson/ w#o are likel1/ #avin5 re5ard to all relevant3ir3umstan3es/ to read/ see or #ear t#e matter 3ontained orem2odied in it+

    :>< W#oever$

    :a< sells/ lets to #ire/ distri2utes/ 4u2li3l1 e7#i2its or in an1manner 4uts into 3ir3ulation/ or for 4ur4oses of sale/ #ire/distri2ution/ 4u2li3 e7#i2ition or 3ir3ulation/ makes/ 4rodu3es or#as in #is 4ossession an1 o2s3ene 2ook/ 4am4#let/ 4a4er/drawin5/ 4aintin5/ re4resentation or 65ure or an1 ot#ero2s3ene o2,e3t w#atsoever/ or

    :2< im4orts/ e74orts or 3onve1s an1 o2s3ene o2,e3t for an1 of t#e 4ur4oses aforesaid/ or knowin5 or #avin5 reason to 2elievet#at su3# o2,e3t will 2e sold/ let to #ire/ distri2uted or 4u2li3l1e7#i2ited or in an1 manner 4ut into 3ir3ulation/ or

    :3< takes 4art in or re3eives 4ro6ts from an1 2usiness in t#e3ourse of w#i3# #e knows or #as reason to 2elieve t#at an1su3# o2s3ene o2,e3ts are for an1 of t#e 4ur4oses aforesaid/made/ 4rodu3ed/ 4ur3#ased/ ke4t/ im4orted/ e74orted/3onve1ed/ 4u2li3l1 e7#i2ited or in an1 manner 4ut into3ir3ulation/ or

    :d< advertises or makes known 21 an1 means w#atsoever t#atan1 4erson is en5a5ed or is read1 to en5a5e in an1 a3t w#i3# isan oen3e under t#is se3tion/ or t#at an1 su3# o2s3ene o2,e3t3an 2e 4ro3ured from or t#rou5# an1 4erson/ or

    :e< !ers or attem4ts to do an1 a3t w#i3# is an oen3e undert#is se3tion/

    s#all 2e 4unis#ed on rst coniction wit# im4risonment of eit#er des3ri4tion for a term w#i3# ma1 e7tend to t*o +ears/and wit# 6ne w#i3# ma1 e7tend to t*o tousand ruees/and/ in t#e event of a se3ond or su&se-uent coniction/ wit#im4risonment of eit#er des3ri4tion for a term w#i3# ma1 e7tendto e +ears/ and also wit# 6ne w#i3# ma1 e7tend to  etousand rueesQ+

    .xcetion$ #is se3tion does not e7tend to$

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    :a< An1 2ook/ 4am4#let/ 4a4er/ writin5/ drawin5/ 4aintin5/re4resentation or 65ure$

    :i< t#e 4u2li3ation of w#i3# is 4roved to 2e ,usti6ed as 2ein5 fort#e 4u2li3 5ood on t#e 5round t#at su3# 2ook/ 4am4#let/ 4a4er/writin5/ drawin5/ 4aintin5/ re4resentation or 65ure is in t#einterest of s3ien3e/ literature/ art of learnin5 or ot#er o2,e3ts of 5eneral 3on3ern/ or

    :ii< W#i3# is ke4t or used 2ona 6de for reli5ious 4ur4osesJ

    :2< An1 re4resentation s3ul4tured/ en5raved/ 4ainted orot#erwise re4resented on or in$

    :i< An1 an3ient monument wit#in t#e meanin5 of t#e An3ientMonuments and Ar3#aeolo5i3al Sites and Remains A3t/ %;'*:>? of %;'*

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    of eit#er des3ri4tion for a term w#i3# ma1 e7tend to t#reemont#s/ or wit# 6ne/ or wit# 2ot#+

    . ND.C.N R.6R.S.NA2N 27 829.N(6R2B2N) AC, :";<

    Section 31 Pro#i2ition of advertisements 3ontainin5 inde3entre4resentation of Women+ $ No 4erson s#all 4u2lis#/ or 3ause to2e 4u2lis#ed/ or arran5e or take 4art in t#e 4u2li3ation ore7#i2ition of/ an1 advertisement w#i3# 3ontains inde3entre4resentation of women in an1 form+

    Section 41 Pro#i2ition of 4u2li3ation or sendin5 21 4ost of 2ooks/ 4am4#lets/ et3J 3ontainin5 inde3ent re4resentation of women+$ No 4erson s#all 4rodu3e or 3ause to 2e 4rodu3ed/sell / let to #ire/ distri2ute/ 3ir3ulate or send 21 4ost an1 2ook/4am4#let/ 4a4er/ slide/ 6lm/ writin5/ drawin5/ 4aintin5/4#oto5ra4# / re4resentation or 65ure w#i3# 3ontains inde3entre4resentation of women in an1 form=

    Provided t#at notin5 in t#is se3tion s#all a44l1 to$

    :a< An1 2ook/ 4am4#let/ 4a4er/ slide/ 6lm/ writin5/ drawin5/4aintin5/ 4#oto5ra4#/ re4resentation or 65ure


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    An1 6lm in res4e3t of w#i3# t#e 4rovisions of Part II of t#eCinemato5ra4# A3t/ %;'> :) of %;'>

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    it is likel1 to de4rave and 3orru4t t#ose w#ose minds are o4ento inOuen3es of t#is sort and into w#ose #ands t#e 2ook is likel1to fall+ In t#is 3onne3tion t#e interests of our 3ontem4orar1so3iet1 and 4arti3ularl1 t#e inOuen3e of t#e 2ook on it must not

    2e overlooked+F It furt#er inter4reted t#e word Do2s3eneF ast#at w#i3# is Doensive to modest1 or de3en31/ lewd/ 6lt#1 andre4ulsiveF+ Also t#at se3tion >;> of t#e IPC was a reasona2lerestri3tion on t#e ri5#t of freedom of s4ee3# and e74ressionunder Arti3le %; :>< of t#e Constitution+F

    Anot#er test for o2s3enit1 is t#e 9iller est  w#i3# was laiddown 21 t#e .nited States Su4reme Court in t#e 3ase of Millerv+ California=

    DIt is a t#ree$4ron5 test for o2s3enit1=

    %+ W#et#er t#e Davera5e 4ersonF/ a44l1in5 3ommunit1standards would 6nd t#e work/ taken as a w#ole/ a44eals to t#e4rurientinterestJ

    >+ W#et#er t#e work de4i3ts or des3ri2es/ in a 4atentl1oensive wa1/ se7ual 3ondu3t s4e3i63all1 denied 21 state lawJ

    )+ W#et#er t#e work/ taken as a w#ole/ la3ks serious literar1/

    artisti3/ 4oliti3al or s3ienti63 value+

     #e t#ird$4ron5 of Miller test needs a more o2,e3tiveassessment of t#e Dreasona2le 4ersonF test+F

     #is test was endorsed 21 t#e Su4reme Court in t#e 3ase of Director eneral o% Doordarsan $ Anand 6at*ardanand also in t#e 3ase o% A/a+ os*ami $ @nion o% ndia/w#ere it was o2served t#at t#e test for ,ud5in5 a work s#ould

    2e t#at of an ordinar1 4erson of 3ommon sense and 4ruden3eand not an Dout of t#e ordinar1 or #14er sensitive 4ersonF

    In t#e last few 1ears/ lawmakers #ave 2een in a dilemma wit#re5ard to t#e a44li3a2ilit1 of t#ese tests for o2s3enit1 in anele3troni3 environment +-r+ A+R+ Laks#manan/ + in t#e A,a1Goswami 3ase/ w#ile referrin5 to 3ontem4orar1 da1 and a5e of t#e internet o2served t#at=DCommunit1 mores and standards4la1ed a 4art in t#e Indian Su4reme Court takin5 a dierentview from t#e 5eneral view taken 21 t#e En5lis# Courts+ #e

    test #as 2e3ome somew#at outdated in t#e 3onte7t of t#e

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    internet a5e w#i3# #as 2roken down traditional 2arriers andmade 4u2li3ations from a3ross t#e 5lo2e availa2le wit# a 3li3kof t#e mouseF

    "ut/ in t#e re3ent ,ud5ment of Avnis# "a,a, v+ State :NC of -el#i< 2ot# t#e 4rovisions were 3onsidered to5et#er in arrivin5at t#e ,ud5ment+ Also/ t#e 4unis#ment under se3tion of t#eIA is more strin5ent t#at se3tion >;> of t#e IPC+ Se3tion isalso 3riti3i9ed it is ver1 eas1 for a 4erson to es3a4e 3riminal3#ar5es ,ust 21 4rovin5 #is la3k of knowled5e of 4u2li3ation ortransmission of o2s3ene information in t#e ele3troni3 form+Moreover/ t#ou5# 4u2li3ation or transmission of o2s3eneinformation ma1 2e ille5al 2ut mere 4ossession/ 2rowsin5 orsur6n5 t#rou5# o2s3ene 3ontent is not an ille5al a3tivit1+

     #e issues related to 4u2li3ation of o2s3ene information inele3troni3 form #as to 2e looked at from t#e 4ers4e3tive of Xe7tra$territorialH ,urisdi3tion and Internet te3#nolo5ies/ kee4in5in view t#at Xo2s3enit1H is no lon5er a lo3al or stati34#enomenon+ It is now 5lo2al and d1nami3 in nature and t#usneeds stri3t inter4retation of statute+

     #e a33e4ta2le level of o2s3enit1 in 6lms/ 4#oto5ra4#s/

    4aintin5s/ and stories and novels/ is not 1et settled in India+ Interms of se3tion >;> of t#e Indian Penal Code/ an1 matter iso2s3ene if taken as a w#ole/ it is las3ivious or a44eals to t#e4rurient interest or if its ee3t and tends to de4rave and3orru4t 4ersons w#o read/ see or #ear t#e matter 3ontained orem2odied in it+ In t#is arti3le/ t#e aut#or will ar5ue for t#e3ommunit1 standards test as a5ainst t#e 8i3klin test in t#e2a3kdro4 of t#e Su4reme Court ,ud5ement in Avee/ Sar/ar v.State of West 0engal12

    A "en3# of t#e Su4reme Court 3om4risin5 usti3es SRad#akris#nan and A Sikri re3entl1 de3ided t#at a 4i3ture of "oris "e3ker/ a world renowned ennis 4la1er/ 4osin5 nude wit##is dark$skinned 6an3]e was not 4rose3uta2le as o2s3eneunder Se3tion >;> of t#e IPC or under Se3tion ? of t#e Inde3entRe4resentation of Women :Pro#i2ition< A3t/ %;*+ usti3eRad#akris#nan s4eakin5 for t#e "en3# ruled t#at nudit1 4er se3annot 2e e0uated wit# o2s3enit1+ #e 4#oto5ra4# and t#e

    >* :)rd @e2ruar1 >(%?< Criminal A44eal No ;(> of >((?

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    arti3le o2,e3ted to s#ould 2e a44re3iated in 3onte7t and in li5#tof t#e messa5e sou5#t to 2e 3onve1ed/ namel1/ to eradi3atet#e evil of ra3ism and A4art#eid in t#e so3iet1 and to 4romotelove and marria5e 2etween w#ite$skinned man and a 2la3k$

    skinned woman+ #e 4#oto5ra4#/ a33ordin5 to t#e "en3#/wanted to 3onve1 t#at 3olour of skin matters little and love3#am4ions over 3olour+>;

    7.9A. 72.CD.

    @emale foeti3ide is t#e e7treme manifestation of 3rimes a5ainstwomen+ #e 4ro5ress of medi3al s3ien3e #as furt#er fa3ilitatedt#e 3ommission of t#is oen3e+ Wit# t#e invention of CVS/amniocentesis and @ltrasound/ se7 determination of t#efetus #as 2e3ome mu3# easier t#an it was+ @emale infanti3ide#as 2een re4la3ed 21 female foeti3ide in most of t#e 3ases)(+@emale feti3ide ma1 2e de6ned as t#e sele3tive a2ortion ormurder of a 5irl 3#ild in t#e wom2 itself/ done intentionall1 21t#e mot#er/ eit#er on #er on will or under t#e 4ressure of #er

    #us2and or ot#er 4ersons related to #er/ after 4re$natal se7determination+ #e te3#ni0ues w#i3# were used to dete3t5eneti3 disorders/ 3#romosomal a2normalities/ 3on5enitala2normalities or se7 linked diseases were a2used to 3ommitfemale foeti3ide+ #e iron1 lies in t#e fa3t t#at su3# an evil4ra3ti3e is 5enerall1 ado4ted 21 well$edu3ated and wealt#1se3tions of our so3iet1+

     #e 5eneral 4ur4ose 2e#ind a2ortions is to terminate

    un4lanned 4re5nan31+ 8owever/ a2ortions done to kill a female3#ild even 2efore s#e 3omes into t#is world leads to t#eatro3ious and 3ruel 3rime of female foeti3ide+ Even femalefoeti3ide is a side ee3t of a 4atriar3#al setu4 of so3ieties+ #eroot 3ause of female foeti3ide lies in t#e 3ultural and an3ientnorms of our so3iet1 w#i3# 4la3e men a2ove women in all

    >;  DSC ud5ment on Nudit1 -e6nes S4irit of Li2eralismF/ New Indian E74ress/ @e2ruar1 ;/ >(%?:New -el#i<

    )( Refer= #tt4=www+le5alservi3eindia+3omarti3lel>;>$@emale$@oeti3ide+#tml

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    as4e3ts of life+ A ve#ement desire for a male 3#ild lies in t#efa3t t#at onl1 male 3lass of t#e so3iet1 is 3onsidered 3a4a2le of takin5 forward t#e 3lans of a famil1 and 4rovidin5 aid ina3#ievin5 salvation after deat# 21 4erformin5 t#e last rites+ #e

    evil 4ra3ti3e of dowr1 furt#er a55ravates t#e feelin5s of detestment towards a 5irl 3#ild as s#e is 3onsidered a lia2ilit1+

     #e 5rowin5 rate of female foeti3ides is a matter of 5rave3on3ern and oends t#e di5nit1 of women+)% #e state is underan o2li5ation to take ste4s to ensure t#at t#e #ealt# andstren5t# of women is not a2used under Arti3le ); :e< of t#eConstitution of India+ #e 3ommission of t#e 3rime of femalefoeti3ide dis4la1s a 3om4lete failure of t#e state in 4erformin5

    su3# dut1+ #erefore/ se7 sele3tive a2ortions are a5ainst t#e4rin3i4les ens#rined under t#e 3onstitution of India+ @emalefoeti3ide is a 3lear violation of a female 3#ildHs ri5#t to lifeunder Arti3le >% of t#e Constitution of India+ #e national 4lanof a3tion e73lusivel1 for t#e 5irl 3#ild :%;;%$>(((< wasformulated in %;;> for t#e Survival/ Prote3tion and-evelo4ment of t#e Girl C#ildren+ !ne of t#e main o2,e3tivesof t#is a3t was to 4revent t#e a3ts of female foeti3ide+Moreover/ t#e National Plan of A3tion for 3#ildren )>  #as also

    em4#asi9ed t#e im4ortan3e of 4revention of female foeti3ide+ #e ke1 areas 3overed under t#e 4lan in3lude 3om4letea2olition of female foeti3ide/ female infanti3ide and t#edevelo4ment and 4rote3tion of 5irl 3#ild+ Moreover/ se7sele3tion was 4ro#i2ited+ Even Arti3le of t#e Convention ont#e Ri5#t of t#e 3#ild re3o5ni9es t#e 4rin3i4le t#at ever1 states#all re3o5ni9e t#at ever1 3#ild #as an in#erent ri5#t to life+ Itim4oses u4on t#e states a 4ositive o2li5ation to work towardst#e survival and develo4ment of a 3#ild+

     #is 4ra3ti3e #as led to de3line in t#e C#ild Se7 Ratio in most4arts of India+ #e C#ild Se7 ratio/ w#i3# is t#e num2er of 5irls4er %((( 2o1s in t#e ($ 1ears a5e 5rou4 #as de3lined from; in %;% to ;%? in >(%%+ #e Current Se7 Ratio of India >(%'

    )% -evender umari/ ris#an umar a,al/ D@emale @oeti3ide and Infanti3ide= A So3io$Le5alPro2lemF/ International ournal of S3ien3e and Resear3#/ Volume ) Issue / une >(%? avaiala2le at=

    #tt4=i,sr+netar3#ivev)iM-IwM>!kT)-+4df$ referred :Visited on %( A4ril/ >(%' -e4artment of women and 3#ild develo4ment/ National Plan of A3tion for 3#ildren/ >(('/availa2le at= #tt4=www+w3d+ni3+inNAPAu5%A+4df


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    is ;?) females for ever1 %/((( males+ #e states of India/ su3#as "i#ar/ 8ar1ana/ C#andi5ar#/ et3+ #ave t#e lowest se7 ratiosas 4er >(%' re4ort+))

    NDAN 6.NA C2D., :;/ if it is 3ommitted wit#out

    t#e 3onsent of t#e woman+

    Section 3:4$ -eat# 3aused 21 a3t done wit# intent to 3ausemis3arria5e= #is se3tion 4enali9es an1 a3t done wit# t#eintention to 3ause mis3arria5e/ w#i3# leads to t#e deat# of t#e4re5nant woman+ !nl1 intention to 3ause mis3arria5e and t#eo33urren3e of deat# 3onstitute t#e essentials of t#is oen3e+

    Section 3:5$ A3t done wit# intent to 4revent 3#ild 2ein5 2ornalive or to 3ause it to die after 2irt#= #is se3tion 4ro#i2its and4enali9es an1 a3t done/ 2efore t#e 2irt# of an1 3#ild/ wit# t#eintention of eit#er 4reventin5 t#e 3#ild to 2e 2orn alive or3ausin5 it to die after its 2irt#+ Su3# a3t is 4unis#a2le onl1 if it4revents t#at 3#ild from 2ein5 2orn alive/ or 3auses it to dieafter its 2irt#+ Moreover/ no su3# a3t is 4unis#a2le if it is donein 5ood fait#+

    )) Referred= #tt4=www+indiaonline4a5es+3om4o4ulationse7$ratio$of$india+#tml :visited on %%t#A4ril/ >(%'

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    Section 3:

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    8owever/ t#e a3t was not im4lemented ee3tivel1/ as t#eree7isted 3ertain inade0ua3ies and 4ra3ti3al di3ulties+ Su3#inade0ua31 was even 4ointed out 21 t#e A4e7 Court in t#e 3aseof Ce#at Vs .nion of India)'+ New te3#ni0ues were develo4ed

    under medi3al s3ien3es w#i3# were not 3overed 21 t#e A3t/su3# as 4re$3on3e4tion se7 sele3tion te3#ni0ues+ #e lawmakers took note of t#is de63ien31 and amended t#e said a3tin >(()/ and renamed it as #e Pre$3on3e4tion and Pre$natal-ia5nosti3 e3#ni0ues :Pro#i2ition of Se7 Sele3tion< A3t/ %;;?+

     #e main 4ur4ose of t#e amended a3t was to 4ro#i2it t#e useof se7 sele3tive te3#ni0ues 2efore or after 3on3e4tion as well ast#e misuse of 4re$natal dia5nosti3 te3#ni0ues for se7 sele3tive


    Section ! (/) de6nes re1natal dia0nostic tecni-ues$  Itin3ludes all 4re$natal dia5nosti3 4ro3edures and 4re$nataldia5nosti3 testsJMoreover/ su3# test re0uires a written and Dinformed 3onsentFof t#e mot#er+)

    Section 4 4rovides for Re0ulation o% re1natal dia0nostic

    tecni-ues+ !n and from t#e 3ommen3ement of t#is A3t$ Itstates t#at t#e 4re$natal dia5nosti3 te3#ni0ues mentionedunder t#e A3t 3an onl1 2e 3ondu3ted at dul1 re5isteredDGeneti3 Counsellin5 3entres/ la2oratories and 3lini3s+ Moreoverit 4ro#i2its t#e use of 4re$natal dia5nosti3 te3#ni0ues/ e73e4tfor t#e 4ur4oses of dete3tion of an1 of t#e followin5a2normalities/ namel1=$$:i< C#romosomal a2normalitiesJ:ii< Geneti3 meta2oli3 diseasesJ:iii< #aemo5lo2ino4at#iesJ:iv< Se7$linked 5eneti3 diseasesJ:v< Con5enital anomaliesJ:vi< An1 ot#er a2normalities or diseases as ma1 2e s4e3i6ed 21t#e Central Su4ervisor1 "oardJMoreover/ 4re$natal dia5nosti3 te3#ni0ues s#all 2e 3ondu3tedonl1 if$

    )' Ce#at And !rs+ Vs .nion of India/ :>(()< SCC * SCC ?%>

    ) Se3tion '/ Pre$natal -ia5nosti3 e3#ni0ues :Pro#i2ition of Se7 Sele3tion< A3t/ %;;?+

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    :i< A5e of t#e 4re5nant woman is a2ove t#irt1$6ve 1earsJ:ii< #e 4re5nant woman #as under5one of two or mores4ontaneous a2ortions or foetal lossJ:iii< #e 4re5nant woman #ad 2een e74osed to 4otentiall1

    terato5eni3 a5ents su3# as dru5s/ radiation/ infe3tion or3#emi3alsJ:iv

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


    3onvi3tion/ t#e oender is lia2le to an im4risonment for '1ears andor 6ne Rs '(/(((+

    • 6ersons see'in0 to 'no* te sex o% te %etus= )

    1ears im4risonment andor 6ne Rs '(/((( for t#e 6rstoen3e+ @or su2se0uent oen3e/ ' 1ears im4risonmentandor 6ne Rs %/((/(((+ #e 4re5nant woman #erself is3onsidered inno3ent under t#e A3t/ unless and until 4rovedot#erwise+ It is 4resumed t#at s#e will #ave 2een3om4elled to under5o se7 determination tests 21 #er#us2and and relatives

    • 6ersons connected *it adertisin0 o% sex

    selectionF sex determination serices= ) 1earsim4risonment andor a 6ne of Rs %(/((( wit# additional6ne for 3ontinuin5 3ontravention at t#e rate of Rs '(( 4erda1+

    Recent /udicial ronouncements on 6re1natal Dia0nosticecni-ues (6roi&ition o% Sex Selection) Act, :""4

    In Sud#ir Ma#adeoraol Nimkar vs A44ro4riate Aut#orit1 NandedAnd 2rs$ (!:4, Bom&a+ i0 Court)/ t#e "om2a1 8i5#3ourt o2served/ inter alia t#at w#ile inter4retin5 t#e 4rovisionsof t#is A3t/ t#e o2,e3t 2e#ind t#e s4e3ial le5islation s#all 2eke4t in mind+ #e o2,e3t is to 4ro#i2it use of 4re$nataldia5nosti3 te3#ni0ues for determination of se7 of t#e foetusleadin5 to female foeti3ide+ Pre$natal dia5nosti3s te3#ni0ueslike sono5ra4#1 are useful for dete3tion of se7+ #e1 3an 2eused also for dete3tin5 disorders in t#e foetus+ In view of t#e

    4ossi2ilit1 of use of t#is te3#ni0ue for determination of se7 andt#en for termination of 4re5nan31 of un2orn 3#ild/ t#e aforesaid4rovisions are made+ Sale of ultrasound ma3#ines to 4ersonsnot re5istered under t#e A3t :rule )$A of t#e Rules< is4ro#i2ited+

    Similar o2servations were made 21 t#e "om2a1 8i5# Court int#e 3ase of -r+ uamar Sultana Mo#d+ vs #e State !f Ma#aras#tra And Anr on ::; Noem&er, !:4)

  • 8/19/2019 Women & Law- Research Paper (1)


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    em4owerin5 le5islation+ Moreover/ t#e a3t fails to 4rovideremed1 to women w#o are not 3overed under t#e relations#i4sin t#e nature of marria5e/ for e7am4le/ kee4s and mistresses+

     #ese women 3annot 3laim an1 remed1 under t#e a3t+

    7.9A. 72.CD. #e 5rowin5 rate of female foeti3ides is a matter of 5rave3on3ern and oends t#e di5nit1 of women+)* #e state is underan o2li5ation to take ste4s to ensure t#at t#e #ealt# andstren5t# of women is not a2used under Arti3le ); :e< of t#eConstitution of India+ #e 3ommission of t#e 3rime of femalefoeti3ide dis4la1s a 3om4lete failure of t#e state in 4erformin5su3# dut1+ #erefore/ se7 sele3tive a2ortions are a5ainst t#e

    4rin3i4les ens#rined under t#e 3onstitution of India+RA6. #e atro3ious and in#umane in3ident of Nir2#a1a 3ase/ s#ookt#e 3ons3ien3e of t#e 4eo4le of our so3iet1 at lar5e/ w#i3# leadto a so3ial revolt a5ainst t#e 3riminal ,usti3e s1stem+ Su3#so3ial revolt for3ed t#e state ma3#iner1 to meet and addresst#e demand of t#e #our/ as a result of w#i3# t#e >(%)amendment a3t 3ame into for3e+ #e ,usti3e verma 3ommitteere4ort 4la1ed a 4ivotal role in 2rin5in5 a2out t#is

    transformation+ A 4rovision #as 2een made for fast tra3k3ourts/ women Cells/ 4rovisions for CCV/ et3+

    )* #evender $%mari, $rihan $%mar $a&al, 'emale oeticide and n"anticide: A *ocio!Le+al roblem-,

    nternational o%rnal o" *cience and eearch, ol%me 3 %e , %ne 201 avaialable at:http://i&r.net/archive/v3i/#wT425T673#.pd"! re"erred (iited on 10 April, 2018).


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    Statutes=%+ Indian Penal Code/ %*(

    >+ Code of 3riminal Pro3edure/ %;))+ Indian Eviden3e A3t/ %*>?+ Prote3tion of Women from -omesti3 Violen3e A3t/ >((''+ Pre$natal -ia5nosti3 e3#ni0ues :Re5ulation and

    Prevention of Misuse< A3t/ Pre$3on3e4tion and Pre$natal-ia5nosti3 e3#ni0ues :Pro#i2ition of Se7 Sele3tion< A3t/%;;?+

    + 8indu Marria5e A3t/ %;''+ Inde3ent Re4resentation of Women :Pro#i2ition< A3t*+ Information e3#nolo51 A3t/ >(((;+ -owr1 Pro#i2ition A3t/ %;%

    "ooks=%+ Nomita A5arwal/ Women and Law/ >(%>>+ Mamta Rao/ Women and Law/ #ird Edition/ >(%>)+ S#o2#a Sa7ena/ Violen3e a5ainst women

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