word list #1

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Word List #1. 1. Aberration : defect. “ The psychopath had a mental aberration .”. 2. Amenities : attractive features and comforts. “The luxury car had several amenities as a sale incentive.”. 3. Benighted : ignorant. “A society without education creates a benighted population.”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Word List #1

1. Aberration: defect

“The psychopath had a mental aberration.”

2. Amenities: attractive features and comforts

“The luxury car had several amenities as a sale incentive.”

3. Benighted: ignorant

“A society without education creates a benighted population.”

4. Cerebration: thought

“Studying for exams requires intense cerebration.”

5. Dative: of the indirect object

“We studied the dative case of pronouns in my Latin class.”

Ex: Can you help me find the indirect object in this sentence?

6. Defalcate: embezzle

“The CEO attempted to defalcate funds from his company.”

7. Diapason: 1. entire range. 2. burst of harmonious song

“The opera singer has a great diapason.”

“I awoke in the morning to the diapason of the birds.”

8. Engender: produce

“Cliques can often engender arguments in school.”

9. Fell: cruel; deadly

“The assassin used a knife for his fell purpose.”

10. Hybrid: offspring of parents of different species

“The scientists produced a hybrid of two flowers through genetic engineering.”

11. Inveigh: to speak out vehemently

“The victim’s family inveighed against killer’s actions.

12. Mandible: jawbone

“The caveman used the mandible of a horse as a weapon.”

13. Orifice: mouth-like opening

“We entered the cave through the orifice.”

14. Rational: reasoning; sensible

“Humans are the most rational species.”

15. Sidereal: of the stars

“Astronomy is a sidereal science.”

16. Torrid: hot

“Can you name a couple in literature who has a torrid love affair?”

17. Venal: corrupt

“The venal politician was arrested for accepting bribes.”


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