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DATE: October 26, 2009

TO: All Vendors

FROM: Ruth Gray, BuyerState Purchasing Bureau

RE: Questions and Answers for RFP Number 3043Z1to be opened November 30, 2009 2:00 PM Central Time

Following are the questions submitted and answers provided for the above mentioned Request For Proposal. The questions and answers are to be considered as part of the Request For Proposal.


1. Technical Questions: On page 57 under the Object Management Section Item OM 2 requests the requirement to assign annotations/notes to a collection of documents. Can you further describe the business requirement for this question? For example, are you implying a post scan procedure where user notes can be applied to a larger set of related documents using a business process procedure? Or would this imply the object library would automatically insert supplied text to this set of documents using default values?

Annotations/notes would be added interactively, post-scan through the software.


2. Technical Questions: On page 57 under the Object Management Section Item OM 3 requests the requirement to redact a portion of a document. Can you describe the related business case for redaction in more detail? Can it be assumed you are asking for full function redaction including from document creation to document disposition and redaction could be applied at the batch, desktop or server controlled basis?

As an example, the State of Nebraska State wants to have virtual markers with roles assigned to them. When we manually redact a document, we will pick up one of these markers and highlight (redact) a portion of the document and have the role assigned to that marker applied to the portion of the document highlighted.

In addition to the original requirement as defined in OM-3, the State of Nebraska considered that “portion of a document” would include redacting the entire document as well. Redaction should be able to be applied at the batch, desktop or server controlled basis.

3. Technical Questions: On page 57 under the Object Management Section Item OM 4 requests the requirement for documents to be converted to various formats. Can it be assumed this request is asking for document conversion during the Capture and Indexing stage? Can it also be assumed that electronic documents will be converted at the Object Library stage such as MS Office formats?

The proposed solution should be able to convert documents during the Capture and Indexing stage.

The proposed solution should be able to convert electric documents at the Object Library stage such as MS Office formats.

4. Technical Questions: On page 60 under the Search and Retrieval Section Item SR 5, requests how our solution would handle thumbnails. What document formats are you expecting thumbnails to be provided I.E. images, PDF, others and at what stage in the user interface I.E. view, search or both screens?

The proposed solution should be able to provide thumbnails for all formats/objects as a result of searches and view.

5. Technical Questions: On page 60 under the Search and Retrieval Section Item SR 5, requests a description on how to create an API. What is meant by Create an API? Are you describing integrating? If so, at what point in the document lifecycle? Is this the scanning or records disposition stage?

Technical question #5 is a thumbnail requirement. The State of Nebraska cannot find any reference to API in the requirement.

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6. Technical Questions: On page 63 under the Lifecycle Management Section Item LM 4, requests a description on how to set up holding of documents at the document level not using index fields. Is this searching terms within content and then placing the documents found on hold? Are you expecting to OCR image content and be able to search it or are you asking to place a document on hold using system assigned properties such as document title? Please expand on your business requirements relating to this item.

Bidder should describe how the software will hold objects based on:

metadata such as when a document was scanned, when a document was last viewed etc.

a search such as a key word found in objects (full text index search.)

a search of data fields, metadata fields and index fields.

OCR documents at scan time or later and store as data. OCR would not need to be a real-time part of searching.

7. Technical Questions: On page 64 under the Lifecycle Management Section Item LM 8 requests the requirement for our technology to handle Document Dispute Resolution changes and describe how the software would handle resolving changes made by a user while it is checked out by another user. Are you asking to restrict changes to a document that is already checked out or are you asking to allow two or more users to be able to change different sections in the same document?

The State of Nebraska does not know how each bidders redaction software functions so the State of Nebraska would like the bidders to show all the capabilities of “Dispute Resolution” including restricting changes to a document that is already checked out and allowing two or more users to be able to change different sections in the same document.

8. Technical Questions: On page 64 under the Security Section Item SE 6 you are requesting for role based redaction. Can you further describe your business requirements as they relate to “role based” redaction?

As an example, a document can be viewed by multiple people with different roles. Parts of the document cannot be viewed by people in a given role. The part of the document that the person in that given role is not allowed to see should be redacted automatically (when the object is captured) based on the role. Additionally, if a person redacts a portion of a document manually (post capture through the software), describe how it is controlled, secured and administered.

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9. Technical Questions: On page 71 under the Technical Section Item TE 1 bullet 7 mentions Novell’s e-Directory as the LDAP provider. Is this the only LDAP provider you plan on integrating with? If not, what other LDAP providers should we address?

The State of Nebraska currently uses Novell edirectory as a directory service for authenticating/authorizing non-Microsoft applications. Sometime in the future, the State of Nebraska may migrate completely to Microsoft Active directory.

10. Technical Questions: On page 72 of the RFP under the Technical Section Item TE 3, suggests the State of Nebraska has invested in a number of technology solutions relating to hardware, software and staff? Are you suggesting the State of Nebraska has existing licensing available and our proposal should not include pricing for these components I.E. SAN Storage?

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

11. Technical Questions: On page 72 of the RFP under the Technical Section Item TE 3 Item 4, suggests the State of Nebraska has invested in Microsoft IIS and Apache Tomcat Web Servers. Would the State of Nebraska consider other web application servers that would be more suitable for an enterprise deployment given the scaling, failover, fault tolerance, disaster recovery, security, open standards, load balancing and integration level requirements listed in this request for proposal?

The State of Nebraska will consider other web application servers that would be more suitable for an enterprise deployment given the scaling, failover, fault tolerance, disaster recovery, security, open standards, load balancing and integration level requirements as long as it meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

12. Technical Questions: On page 72 of the RFP under the Technical Section Item TE 3 Item 7, suggests the State of Nebraska has invested in Server Virtualization. Can it be assumed that Server Virtualization and Partitioning should be included as the framework of the proposed architecture?

The Bidder should propose the most cost effective solution to meet the requirements of the RFP.

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13. Technical Questions: On page 80 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 3, requests the requirement for scanned documents to be automatically indexed using other methods. Are you referring to a high, medium or low volume import process complimented by an associated text file or text recognition process? Please expand upon the capabilities you are requesting in this item.

DCI-3 gives the Bidder the opportunity to provide the State of Nebraska with other solutions that is not specifically defined in the RFP to meet this requirement.

For example, you could show the State of Nebraska how well your product handles handwriting. There is an example of a hand written document in the scripted demonstration materials.

14. Technical Questions: On page 80 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 4 Item 2, you are requesting the bundles of documents to be separated automatically by software means. Can you provide the suggested break points for these bundles of documents? For example, in bundle 1 documents 8 through 14 are JPG pictures of similar nature. Do you expect these pictures (8-14) to represent 1 or 7 documents?

When scanned, 8 through 14 could represent either scenario you describe. When a ‘bunch’ of documents get scanned and cannot be separated/indexed by any automatic means, a manual process needs to be applied. DCI-4 item 2 gives the bidder an opportunity to show the ways the proposed solution can handle these documents together and individually.

15. Technical Questions: On page 81 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 6 Item 2, you are requesting the account number to be assigned to each page of a document. Can you further explain the business requirement of this item? Are you suggesting page level retrieval based on account and page number of multiple page documents?

As an example: If a coversheet contains an account number, assign the account number to each of the documents. If we have an account number that identifies the ownership of a document group, these documents get scanned and separated, and then the account number should become metadata in each of the documents.

16. Technical Questions: On page 81 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 9, requests the requirement for a receive date to be stamped or imprinted on incoming documents as part of a hardware function or device. Have we interpreted this correctly and if not what other business requirements are related to this item?

As an example: We may receive a paper document early in the week. The document may not be scanned until later in the week. How would your product facilitate stamping the ‘early in the week’ received date rather than the ‘late in the week’ scan date. In this context, describe how your software solution will handle date stamping both the physical document and/or the scanned object.

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17. Technical Questions: On page 82 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 19, requests the requirement for functionality that is typically part of a hardware function or device. Are you expecting vendors to demonstrate this hardware function as part of the demonstration or would an explanation of how our software would leverage this functionality be sufficient?

DCI-19 is a demonstration of your software solution and an explanation will not be sufficient.

The definition of Application Programming Interface (API) is hereby amended in the Glossary of Terms in the RFP to read as follows:

An application programming interface (API) is an interface in computer science that defines the ways by which an application program may request services from libraries and/or operating systems.[1][2][3] An API determines the vocabulary and calling conventions the programmer should employ to use the services. It may include specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, and protocols used to communicate between the requesting software and the library.

In layman's terms, an API allows separate applications to talk to each other and interact. For example, a website that allows users to review local restaurants is able to layer their reviews over maps taken from Google Maps, because Google Maps has an API that allows it. Google Maps' API controls what information a third-party site can grab, and what can be done with it.

18. Technical Questions: On page 83 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 11 and DCI 15, requests the requirement for functionality that is typically part of a hardware function or device. Are you expecting vendors to demonstrate this hardware function as part of the demonstration or would an explanation of how our software would leverage this functionality be sufficient?

DCI-11 and DCI-15 are demonstrations of your software solution and an explanation is not sufficient.

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19. Technical Questions: On page 83 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Capture and Indexing Item DCI 22, requests the requirement for the ability to capture mainframe based print streams. Are these ASCII, AFP, Metacode or a combination or print stream types and could you indicate the expected volumes of these print streams?

The State of Nebraska produces many print stream types, so the bidder should be able to demonstrate a combination/variety of print stream types.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

20. Technical Questions: On page 86 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Search and Retrieval Item DSR 5, requests the requirement to utilize thumbnails as part of the user interface for a number of functions. Are you expecting a thumbnail as part of the search results, viewer or both? Can you further describe the business requirement for thumbnails?

The State of Nebraska wants to be able to see what the object looks like without opening the object. The State of Nebraska expects the proposed solution to be able to view a thumbnail as part of the search results and viewer.

21. Technical Questions: On page 88 of the RFP under the Scripted Demonstration Section for Document Check-In/Check-out and Versioning Item DDC 1, requests the requirement to version content editing and control the versioning for a set of supplied documents that includes video and sound files. Are you suggesting an edit to the video and sounds files and if so, can you expand on your business requirements of video and sound editing?

The State of Nebraska will not be editing sound/video as a part of your product. The State of Nebraska does want to control the access to these file types. As an example, if someone saves a video to their local machine, edits it and checks it back in, we want to know who did it, when it was checked in and have the old version available.

22. Technical Questions: On page 90 of the RFP under the Security Section Item DSE 1 requests an explanation of Authorization Rights as they relate to Users and Roles. Can you provide additional details of authorization by Role if it differs from DSE 4 indicating authorization by Add, View, Edit and Administration (Delete).

DSE-1 is a request to demonstrate the facility of the proposed solution for administrating rights and roles. DSE-4 is a request to demonstrate how those rights and roles are used to control access/use of objects/documents.

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23. Technical Questions: On page 90 of the RFP under the Security Section Item DSE 8 requests the requirement for Role based redaction. Can it also be assumed that Role based redaction applies to the control of who can Add, View, Edit and Administration (Delete) redactions as it relates to question DSE 5?

The State of Nebraska could not find DSE 8 in the RFP that you reference. If you meant DSE 6, then the State of Nebraska would expect the proposed solution’s redaction would be applied to the control of who can Add, View, Edit and Administration (Delete) redactions as it relates to question DSE 5.

24. Technical Questions: On page 92 of the RFP under the Workflow Section Item DWF 11 requests the requirement that has the potential for hundreds of workflows to be executed daily. Can we assume this is hundreds of separate workflow that would be executed at different volume levels?

Yes, there will be hundreds of separate workflow that would be executed at different volume levels. The 309 Task force workflow that was provided is one example.

25. Technical Questions: On page 93 of the RFP under the Technical Section Item DTE 1 requests the requirement for vendors to respond with their LDAP integration strategy to a number of bullet items. Is the State of Nebraska also adapting a Single Sign On (SSO) strategy as part of this requirement? If so, what SSO vendor is preferred?

Within your solution, The State of Nebraska expects single sign on. If a SSO product is needed to meet the requirement, the bidder should include the SSO as part of the overall solution in the bid.

26. Technical Questions: On page 94 of the RFP under the Technical Section Item DTE 3 you have mentioned existing ECM systems and our ability to utilize these systems. Can we assume the utilization of these systems is through federated capabilities at the client layer, an information management strategy at the repository layer or both as described in Item DTE 6 on Page 95?

Yes, in TE-6 The State of Nebraska asked you to describe access to multiple federated ECM’s. In DTE-6, The State of Nebraska asked you to present the concept but not to demonstrate.

27. General Questions: Can we assume the State of Nebraska is planning on implementing a centralized mail structure complimented by networked Multi Function Devices or low volume scanners for remote scanning requirements?

The proposed solution should consider that the State of Nebraska is planning on implementing a centralized mail structure complimented by networked Multi Function Devices and low volume scanners for remote scanning requirements.

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28. General Questions: Can we assume the hardware and software architecture should include an active/active configuration in Lincoln and a single instance for Disaster Recovery purposes in Omaha for all core and secondary servers?

The proposed hardware and software architecture should include an active/active configuration in Lincoln and a single instance for Disaster Recovery purposes in Omaha for all core and secondary servers.

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

The State of Nebraska is amending the RFP whereas the bidder will not include/provide hardware costs for the Disaster Site. The State’s currently policy is that hardware (primarily servers) will be acquired at the time of disaster. The bidder should still include all other required disaster requirements as defined in the RFP such as the architecture, software, etc.

29. General Questions: Functionality Matrix: Format Some of the questions in the matrix require diagrams, as well as a text description. Based on that requirement, and in an effort to provide a full and clear representation of the solution for the reader, can the description for the requirements be provided outside of the table cells, as per the following example:

As long as the external documents are referenced in the matrix and are in the same order as the matrix questions the requirements can be provided outside of the table cells.

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30. General Questions: Section OO states "All contractor books, records and documents relating to work performed ... will be maintained for 5 full years from date of final payment. Does this include all e-mails? Does the State expect that vendors maintain/freeze Vendor Intellectual Property as well (such as installation process)?

An answer to this question will be provided on the date of the posting of the second round of written questions.

31. General Questions: The RFP references the following web site: http://www.nitc.state.ne.us/standards. When will this site be made available since efforts to reach this site have not been successful? What alternatives do we have to view the referenced material on that site?

The site is working. Provided below is a hyperlink for your convenience.


32. General Questions: In Section B, Product Environment, the State asks for failover to be included. Can you confirm whether or not any other environment (beyond Production) requires failover and load balancing?

Only production needs failover and load balancing.

33. Pricing Questions: How many end users/employees does the State anticipate requiring services such as object management, search/retrieval, document check-in/check-out, and versioning over the first five years on this contract? If the numbers of users is unknown, can you provide an anticipated number of users listing a minimum and maximum range?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

34. Pricing Questions: How many end users/employees does the State anticipate requiring simple workflow services over the first five years on this contract? If the numbers of users is unknown, can you provide an anticipated number of users listing a minimum and maximum range?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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35. Pricing Questions: How many end users/employees does the State anticipate requiring complex workflow services over the first five years on this contract? If the numbers of users is unknown, can you provide an anticipated number of users listing a minimum and maximum range?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

36. Pricing Questions: How many end users/employees does the State anticipate requiring lifecycle workflow services over the first five years on this contract? If the numbers of users is unknown, can you provide an anticipated number of users listing a minimum and maximum range?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

37. Pricing Questions: On page 43 under the Item labeled Capture and Indexing, you mention the ability to capture content in the form of paper, e-mails, e-faxes, web searches, electronic documents, video files and audio files. Can you provide estimated volumes for each content type on an annual, monthly or daily basis?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

38. Pricing Questions: On page 53 under the Capture and Indexing Section Item CI 15, you mention the ability to handle large scale documents i.e. 24” x 36” blue print plans. Can you provide estimated volumes of large scale documents on an annual or monthly basis?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

39. Pricing Questions: Can it be assumed the same number of user that require basic content management capabilities (as described in question 33) above will also require redaction capabilities? If not, can you describe this set of users and indicate the number requiring this functionality?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

40. Funding Questions: Is there a sponsoring agency for this project?

Office of the Chief Information Officer

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41. Funding Questions: What is the budget for the project?

The total estimated value of the contract or projected budget for this project is not included in the Request for Proposal as the State urges all prospective bidders to respond with their most competitive bid based on their proposed solution to the project objectives as outlined in the Request for Proposal and not one based on an estimated value of the contract or projected budget.

42. Evaluation Questions: Please define the size of the evaluation committee.

Proposals will be independently evaluated by members of the Evaluation Committee(s). The committee(s) will consist of staff with the appropriate expertise to conduct such proposal evaluation. The names, titles, roles, agencies represented and size of the Evaluation Committee(s) will not become public information.

43. Evaluation Questions: Please define the title/role of the evaluation committee and agencies represented

Please see answer to question 42.

44. Questions for OCIO RFP: Is the desire to host the ECM as a shared services state-mandated?

No. However, the Governor of Nebraska strongly encourages shared services.

45. Questions for OCIO RFP: Do agencies have option to do procure/host their own ECM solution outside of the shared services center (host on their own)?

The agencies that report to the Governor must have purchases approved by the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

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46. Questions for OCIO RFP: How many agencies are participating in the shared service ECM center?

a. Please provide a list of the names of the agencies and sub-agencies/departments participating in this project.

b. Is there a defined order of preferred implementation regarding identified business processes/agencies (309 taskforce workflow?)

c. Please identify a preferred order of implementation for specific business processes or agency/agency requirements.

d. Please list all business processes that State would like to have the vendor implemented as part of this initial project. Note: This may not include all business processes that State would like to eventually automate over time for all of the agencies participating in the shared services center, rather we are asking which processes that State wishes the ECM vendor to assist with planning and implementation for. State will have the training, tools, and ability to roll out additional workflows or business processes on its own and according to its own timetable.

The State of Nebraska will not provide this information.

a. Reference the answer to question 42.

b. There is not a defined order of preferred implementation regarding identified business processes for agencies.

c. There not a defined order of preferred implementation regarding identified business processes for gencies.

d. As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

47. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: Please define the total number of users that would need access to the ECM solution per Agency. (Access could be defined to include scanning, administration, linking, indexing, searching, viewing, integrated retrieval, applying digital signatures/annotations, participating in Workflow, etc).

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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48. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: Please describe the types and quantities of types of user per each participating agency or sub-agency:

a. Full-Time userb. Part-Time/Occasional userc. Designated Administrators or


The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

49. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: How many users will need access over the web (telecommuting, etc)?

a. Please define the total number of estimated users that need access over the web, broken out by agency.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

50. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: Please define scalability of the project in terms of agency volumes – users, functions, transaction load, Projected amount of newly captured Document volumes per agency, etc…

a. How many transactions are estimated per process, per agency etc.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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51. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: Please define all specific business processes that State of Nebraska desires the ECM vendor to implement in the shared services center as part of the initial project.

a. Please provide a list of all workflows/business process State desires ECM vendor to plan, build, and implement as part of the initial project, keeping mind State will be able to build additional processes on its own.

b. Please provide any established diagrams or charts for those workflows. If none exist, a high level overview of the number/complexity of steps involved in each desired process would be very helpful.

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

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52. For each agency participating in the initial project/implementation to be performed by the ECM vendor: Capture Questions

a. Do the State agencies participating already have scanners in place or other capture devices?

b. Please provide a list of all capture devices (desktop, workgroup, product, MFP, MFD, etc) that are in place and which State would like the vendor to leverage for image capture as part of the initial project.

c. Please provide make/model number of scanners if possible.

d. Will State desire to procure scanner hardware from the ECM vendor or simply review recommendations?

a. Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

b. As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

Requirements ICI 8 have been amended as follows to include what scanners will be used to complete the implementation requirement.

Configured the ECM Software for network and desktop scanners and identify any special software/components that are needed. A Canon 5210C and Canon Color Imagerunner C3220 will be used to complete this implementation requirement.

c. Reference answer a. above.

d. No, however, the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

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e. Please elaborate on any requirements to capture inbound email and attachments.

i. Please describe the agency and projected volume of emails to capture weekly/monthly/annually or ballpark if possible.

ii. Please describe the agency and volume of faxes (inbound and outbound) to capture, as well as number of fax lines. Are fax lines analog or digital?

f. Does the State, or participating agencies, and specifically the ECM shared services center have a standard for MFP’s? (Xerox or HP for instance?)

i. If so, please elaborate on type and number of devices.

ii. Is it desirable to capture from MFPs and kick off workflow processes directly from a Xerox or HP MFP?

iii. Is eCopy in use anywhere in the participating agencies or shared services center?

e. As an example, the State of Nebraska expects the proposed solution to be able to capture e-mails and attachments into the ECM by drag and dropping the email, setting up automated filters or a Microsoft Exchange function icon.

i. The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

ii. The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

f. The State of Nebraska has no MFP standard.

i. See f above

ii. Yes but not limited to Xerox and HP.

iii. eCopy is not currently used in the State.

53. Questions on Project Environment – page 41 Does the State envision phasing out or consolidating any of the listed ECM solutions?

The State of Nebraska has not made that determination at this time.

54. Questions on Project Environment – page 41 Describe any goal/vision for one ECM solution to utilize another.

Bidder’s response should be addressed in TE-6/DTE-6 in the RFP.

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55. Questions on Project Environment – page 41 What role does Sharepoint play in current agencies?

a. What is the vision for utilizing Sharepoint? Is it viewed as being a potential ECM solution for this project?

b. Is there a requirement for the selected ECM vendor to integrate to Sharepoint?

SharePoint supports collaboration and rudimentary document management in Agencies today.

a. Collaboration is the vision for utilizing SharePoint. If a SharePoint proposal is received, it will be evaluated and viewed as all other proposals.

b. Yes, in TE-6 the State of Nebraska asked you to describe access to multiple federated ECM’s. In DTE-6, The State of Nebraska asked you to present the concept but not to demonstrate.

56. Questions on Project Environment – page 41 State denotes an investment in hardware, please confirm that we don’t need to propose physical server hardware infrastructure, rather just need to recommend the requirements and technical architecture.

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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57. Understanding of State of Nebraska ECM Shared Services Staff: Can State of Nebraska elaborate and provide background on the capabilities of IT staff?

a. Specifically, does State have capabilities to perform development work in support of deploying a web-services based ECM delivery model?

b. Does State have desire to support the vendor via their own staff performing development work to implement a SOA-based solution?

c. State have capabilities to deploy web services internally on their own?

d. Will state support the vendor deployment with staff augmentation for project management and development activities? To what extent?The purpose of these questions is to ensure we understand the State’s goals as well as capabilities so that we can provide an accurate and cost effective scope of services deployment configuration. Note: The more State can elaborate will greatly improve vendor ability to properly estimate scope of operation support for the initial project and any desired support the State would require for ongoing management and provisioning of development services

e. If we propose a SOA –based solution, will the State manage and deploy on its own for the most part or would the State rely on vendor for all project management / development activities and functions? This is a key influencer of the level of services that we’d need to propose/provide.

The State has a broad range of IT skills, so for the State to be able to answer this question, the bidder should provide specific questions about what capabilities and skills they are asking about and for what specific requirement(s).

a. No, the intent is to assist and learn to support the ECM.

b. Yes, the State of Nebraska does have the desire to support the proposed solution with its own staff.

c. The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

d. The intent is to have State Technical Staff assist in the implementation of the proposed solution as describe in Appendix C – Implementation Matrix. The State of Nebraska would assume that “Assist” would include; such things as; hands-on tasks whenever possible, high level training, liaison tasks between State and vendor resources, hands-on learning and/or shadowing.

e. As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the

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RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

f. As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

58. Understanding of State of Nebraska ECM Shared Services Staff: Is State of NE interested in deploying a SOA based system in compliance with CMIS?

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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59. Questions on page 107: Under letter “d,” Is State looking for the ECM vendor to provide onsite managed services for the period of one year that is described?

a. Is this section intended to estimate internal State of Nebraska staffing requirements in support of the ECM shared services center?

b. Or rather does State desire to contract vendor staff full-time throughout the course of year one, or at various points of time in need?

c. If State desires to have additional professional services vendor staff on call or available on an ad-hoc basis over the course of that year, are there expectations state can communicate regarding timing of notice of consultant assistance?

d. As this is a fixed-bid project please confirm the State desire to have the costs as hourly rates.

e. Please confirm services to be provided would need to be onsite in Lincoln, NE.

f. Please describe the type of services State would envision potentially contracting to the vendor. (testing, training, system administration, security configuration, workflow design, etc)

g. Is the State interested in a Managed Services provision where the ECM vendor would provide day-to-day system administration remotely?

The State of Nebraska requested that the bidder provide onsite managed services for the period of one year as described in the RFP.

a. Yes, this section is intended to estimate internal State of Nebraska staffing requirements in support of the ECM shared services center.

b. Yes, however if it’s in the best interest for the State of Nebraska to contract these services, the State of Nebraska may do so.

c. The State of Nebraska desires no additional services.

d. Yes, the State of Nebraska does want the bidder to provide hourly rates for this requirement.

e. As stated in the original RFP, the State of Nebraska confirms that…“Support the Enterprise Content Management System onsite in Lincoln Nebraska from 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday except State Holidays.”

f. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

g. The State of Nebraska would be interested.

60. Questions regarding ECM Shared Services Center: Is the State looking for the ECM solution to be delivered to participating agencies via web-services?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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61. Questions regarding ECM Shared Services Center: What is the state’s intent and vision for department level security?

The State of Nebraska expects the Bidder to describe and demonstrate its administration and delegation administration functionality for an enterprise solution. See SE 3 and SE 4 in the original RFP.

62. Questions regarding ECM Shared Services Center: What is the state’s intent for current ECM solutions to work together? Filenet search across papervision repository and vice versa? Global 360 searching FileBound and vice versa?

This requirement is defined in TE-6.

63. Questions regarding ECM Shared Services Center: Does State want vendor ECM to search multiple repositories of other ECM solutions or multiple instances/repositories of its own ECM? (Federated vs. Enterprise search)

The State of Nebraska is expecting that the ECM software should search multiple repositories of other ECM solutions AND multiple instances/repositories of its own ECM.

64. Intent for ECM Shared Services Center: How does the State plan on charging back to the connected agencies? By size of user community, number of workflows, document volume? Etc…?

Based on the bidder’s response to TE 25, the State of Nebraska will determine the most effective method to use.

65. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: Does the State desire one ECM environment for the Shared Services Center to manage for all agencies involved, or respective instances per agency?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

66. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: If respective instances are desired, will they be in one centralized location or geographically dispersed throughout the State? If dispersed, please provide a listing of locations for the desired instances.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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67. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: Does the State wish that the ECM Vendor provides Enterprise Wide Searching throughout the multiple agencies connected to the new service center? Or will all agencies require independent security?

Yes, the State wish that the ECM Vendor provides Enterprise Wide Searching throughout the multiple agencies connected to the new service center with the understanding the access to the other ECMs are controlled though access rights and authorizations.

68. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: Does the State desire for one ECM vendor to perform Enterprise Wide searching throughout the multiple existing content repositories?

Reference answer to question 67.

69. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: Is the State interested in deploying a SOA based system in compliance with CMIS?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

70. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: Are there any current SOA portal technologies in use for the State today? If so, what agencies utilize them and how? Were the portals contracted by a 3rd party vendor or did the State’s resources create the integration?

The State of Nebraska has no portals that use SOA technologies today.

71. Intent for Load-balancing and Federated Searching: How is Social Media currently used by the State’s participating agencies? What components of social networking are used? Please provide examples.

The State of Nebraska has just started exploring Social Networking needs. Reference requirement TE 10 and DTE 10.

72. Intent for the Test Environment: Is a single test environment planned for all agencies involved, or are individual test environments needed for each agency?

The State of Nebraska has no preference. Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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73. Intent for the Test Environment: What tasks are the test environments needed for? For example, Stress testing, System testing, Functional testing, etc…

The State of Nebraska would expect the bidder to provide the State with a test environment architected that would meet industry standard ECM best practices.

74. Questions on existing resources: What is the breakout of the State’s planned development and project management staff that will be allocated to assist in implementing this ECM solution?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

75. Questions on existing resources: In addition, what skill sets and languages are the respective staff members proficient in that they will be contributing to the project?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

76. Questions on existing resources: If a SOA based solution is utilized for Federated Searching across multiple repositories, does the State desire the ECM vendor to create all pieces of the front-end portals for accessibility to the end users, or does the State have development resources that they will allocate for the front-end portals?

Reference requirement ITE 6 and item 11 on page 42 - Cross train OCIO and agency staff on the initial setup of the hosted enterprisecontent management environment as identified in the detailed training section in the RFP.

77. Print Streams: What Operating System(s) are the applications run on that generate the print steams the State wishes to capture?

z/OS, OS400, Windows server 2003 – 2008, Apple(any), Unix/Linux(any).

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78. Print Streams: How many print streams are to be captured and what respective types and formats are they?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

79. Print Streams: Are the respective print streams sent to network printers and/or local printers?

The print streams are sent to the network printers.

80. eForms: Please provide examples of documents you wish to have in an electronic format in addition to the TF Workflow 309.

The 309 task force workflow is the only workflow that the bidder is expected to implement as described in the RFP. There are hundreds of other E-forms that the State of Nebraska could possibility implement once the Implementation phase has been completed.

81. eForms: Please provide the desired functionality you wish the individual eForms to provide.

The 309 task force workflow is the only workflow that the bidder is expected to implement as described in the RFP. There are hundreds of other E-forms that the State of Nebraska could possibility implement once the Implementation phase has been completed.

82. Cover Page – The RFP states that the bidder must have a drug free workplace. How do we demonstrate compliance and does the State have a prescribe method of compliance?

The bidder must certify they maintain a drug free workplace environment. This is done by signing the Request For Proposal For Contractual Services Form and by providing a copy of the company’s drug free workplace policy at any time upon request by the State. The State does not mandate a certain method of compliance.

83. P vi – “Archiving” – we believe line six is meant to read “…restored one record at a time.” Please confirm this is the intended meaning.

The RFP is hereby amended to read as follows:

“restored one record at a time”.

84. P viii- “External User Based Licensing” – we believe line one is meant to read “…of users outside an …” instead of “and”. Please confirm this is the intended meaning.

The RFP is hereby amended to read as follows:

“of users outside an”.

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85. P ix – “Internal Based User Licensing” – we believe line one is meant to read “…users inside an ...” instead of “and”. Please confirm this is the intended meaning.

The RFP is hereby amended to read as follows:

“of users inside an”.

86. P xii – “Process Driven Workflow” – we believe is meant to read “… initiated in most cases by …” Please confirm this is the intended meaning.

The RFP is hereby amended to read as follows:

“initiated in most cases by”.

87. Page 17 – I – Uses the term “Enterprise Content Management System”. The term is used throughout the RFP but is not defined in the Glossary of Terms. Please provide a definition of what is meant by the term “Enterprise Content Management System”.

The definition of an ECM is implied through the requirements of the RFP.

From Wiki: Enterprise content management (ECM) refers to the technologies, strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to an organization and its processes. ECM tools allow the management of an enterprise level organization's information.

88. Page 17 “Schedule of Events”. A final date/time for submission of the bid is not indicated. Please specify by date and time when the final bid proposal is due.

The final date/time for submission of the sealed proposal/proposal opening is identified on Activity 9 of the Schedule of Events, i.e. November 30, 2009, 2:00 PM Central Time. Proposals may be submitted prior to this date and time, but no late proposals will be accepted.

It is the responsibility of the bidder to check the website for all information relevant to this solicitation to include addenda and/or amendments issued prior to the opening date.

89. Page 21 – J – The preamble paragraph states “Each category will have a maximum possible point potential.” The point and weighting system is not included in the RFP. Please provide the possible points per section.

Page 21 – J, last paragraph reads as follows:

Evaluation criteria will become public information at the time of the Request for Proposal opening. Scoring criteria and a list of respondents will be posted to the State Purchasing Bureau website at: http://www.das.state.ne.us/materiel/purchasing/rfp.htm. Evaluation criteria will not be released prior to the proposal opening.

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90. Page 22 – M – The RFP states that the State reserves the right to check any reference, regardless of source and negative references may eliminate a bidder from the competition. Will there be a provision to allow a bidder to respond to a negative reference and be given the opportunity to correct potentially false or misleading negative representations prior to the bidder being eliminated?

Bidder may protest any portion of the process, including disqualification, using the protest process.

Grievance and protest procedure is available on the Internet at:


91. Page 24 – B – The last sentence says “Any protests must be filed by a vendor …” Is the term “vendor” and “bidder” being used interchangeably?

Yes, the term “vendor” and “bidder” is being used interchangeably.

92. Page 27 – I – Under “Contractor Responsibility” the RFP states “If contractor intend to utilize any subcontractors services the subcontractor’s level of effort, tasks and time allocation must be clearly defined in the contractor’s proposal.” Does this refer to subcontractors that the bidder may use for staff augmentation such that the State deals only with the bidder, and all subcontract relationship is strictly the bidder’s to manage?

Yes, the State deals only with the bidder, and all subcontractor relationships are strictly the bidder’s responsibility to manage. However, all subcontractors to be used on the project must be disclosed to the State in bidder’s proposal response.

93. Page 27 – J – Under “Contractor Personnel” regarding the State’s required approval for a change in committed staff, how is an employee’s voluntary termination to be handled?

The process would be the same. On Page 27 – J – under “Contractor Personnel” it states as follows:

Personnel commitments made in the contractor’s proposal shall not be changed without the prior written approval of the State. Replacement of key personnel, if approved by the State, shall be with personnel of equal or greater ability and qualifications

94. Page 28 – Top of the page #4 – The RFP refers to the contractor being responsible for “…health insurance.” Does the State have any specific requirements this insurance must meet or is the content of a health insurance plan at the option of the contractor?

The State does not have any specific requirements this insurance must meet; the content of a health insurance plan is at the option of the contractor.

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95. Page 29 – U – Under “Advertising” the RFP requires the contractor to obtain the State’s permission prior to referencing the RFP’s project in any advertising. From whom in the State is this approval to be obtained?

Submit such requests to the Procuring Office and Contact Person identified in Section II, A., page 18 of the RFP.

96. Page 35 – TT – The RFP makes the contractor responsible for informing employees about penalties for improper disclosure. Does the State have a prescribed method for how the contractor is to comply?

No, the State does not have a prescribed method for how the contractor is to comply with informing employees about penalties for improper disclosure, but the requirements addressed in TT Confidentiality, page 35, are the responsibility of the contractor.

97. Page 42-12 – The RFP makes mention throughout that the proposal is to be a complete solution, including software, support and hardware. Regarding hardware, is the bidder expected to propose only the specifications for the hardware or is the bidder to propose actual cost for procuring and maintaining the hardware?

The bidder should provide both the specifications for the hardware and the actual costs for procuring and maintaining the hardware as described in the RFP.

98. Would the State accept a payment withholding percent less than the 50% currently being proposed?

No, the State will not accept a payment withholding percent less than 50%.

99. Would the State indicate the application footprints of the incumbent ECM and BPM vendors?

The Bidder needs to provide specific questions for the State of Nebraska to respond to this question.

100. On what basis would the State indicate the potential deployment volume would be for the initial five years of the contact and the subsequent (2) two extensions? How are the vendors to determine the potential size and scope of pending deployments?

The State of Nebraska cannot project how much work would be contracted using these services. The State of Nebraska will use its resources whenever possible.

101. What would the State prefer in a license model?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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102. Is there a budget currently approved for the payment of a single software purchase?

Reference the answer to question 41.

103. Would it be acceptable for the vendor to indicate the sizing recommendations of the various hardware and software infrastructures needed with the intent of the State procuring those items with existing contracts?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost type of questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’ as defined in the RFP.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

104. Does the State currently have any enterprise software licenses that could be leveraged? If so, who are they with and what products are covered?

This requirement is addressed on page 106 item B of the RFP – Cost Proposal Requirements.

105. Does the State currently utilize EMC storage devices for the document repositories?

The State currently utilizes EMC storage devices connected by Fiberchannel or iSCSI.

106. Does the state prefer a single vendor for all the functionality outlined in the technical requirements?

This requirement is addressed on page 41 item C – Scope of Work.

107. Could the state provide a use case for Document Dispute Technology?

Two examples are:

If a person is working on a document that is checked out and the document gets overlaid by a new document from an upload while the document is checked out; provide technology to resolve the dispute.

If more than one person is working on different parts of a document that is checked out and the document gets overlaid by a new document from an upload while the document is checked out; provide technology to resolve the dispute.

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108. Could the state provide a use case for GIS technologies?

As an example, the State of Nebraska needs to capture what a ‘map’ looks like at a point in time. The view of the map (graphical picture) has to be stored in ECM. The vector data will not have to be stored in the ECM. If the bidder has a method for storing vector data, please describe and demonstrate your approach.

109. Project Environment - Page 41 Is there a preferred data center where State of Nebraska would like the ECM solution to be hosted?

The State of Nebraska has two data centers. The primary data center is located in Lincoln Nebraska and the disaster recover site is located in Omaha Nebraska. The Lincoln location will house the primary and redundant solution while the Omaha location will house the disaster recovery solution as defined in the RFP.

110. Scope of Work - Page 42 Migration of images/objects from document imaging system. What is the source system from where content need to be migrated? What is the number of documents/images that need to be migrated?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

111. Scope of Work - Page 41 Please provide following details for the existing Hardware available with State of Nebraska?

a. hardware type (Server, storage etc)

b. Model and capacity

c. Operating system available

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

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112. Scope of Work - Page 41 Is setting up of Hardware for State of Nebraska part of the scope of work? Could you please elaborate on the involvement of State of Nebraska's IT team on this item?

This requirement is addressed on page 11 and page 42 - Cross train OCIO and agency staff on the initial setup of the hosted enterprise content management environment as identified in the detailed training section in the RFP.

113. Project Environment - Page 41 Please provide following details for the existing software available with State of Nebraska?

a. Software components with version

b. Number of licenses

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

The State reserves the right to factor in existing software licenses through, for example, a Best and Final Offer.

114. Scope of Work - Page 42 Support of the Enterprise Content Management System would be onsite in Lincoln Nebraska. What about development? Can the vendor leverage offshore team for development?

Bidders are required to disclose the location of all work and all subcontractors to be used on the project. Bidders are encouraged to offer their best proposal to fulfill the State’s needs.

115. Project Overview - Page 40 As part of ECM solution there will not be any State of Nebraska's agencies that will be migrated as part of this engagement to the new solution. The migration or movement of State of Nebraska's agencies will happen in the subsequent phases. Is this understanding correct?

Yes, the migration or movement of the State of Nebraska's agencies will happen in the subsequent phases.

116. SR8 - Page 60 What are the applicable legacy applications in this requirement and the technologies they were built on?

Requirements are addressed in the API Narrative document in the ‘3043Test Files.zip’.

117. General Document control unit. Is there dedicated staff, document control unit, for very units? If so what would be their main concerns?

Please restate the question. Reference the part of the RFP you are questioning.

118. Page 49 Are the paper documents being scanned across various state agencies maintained in a common format such as tiff, jpeg, pdf? If not, can you please mention the formats?

Since this is a new system the State of Nebraska has not defined all of the formats. The ECM should handle, at the minimum, all formats identified in the RFP referenced in requirement OM 4.

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119. Page 50 Intermingled documents of different types. Are you looking at how the solution would handle the inadvertent classification of a document of type A to type B? It would help if you could throw more light on this requirement?

Yes, however the proposed solution should also include the following requirements as defined in the RFP.

Requirement CI-4 references intermingled documents refers to proper classification (indexing) at time of capture.

Requirement CI-21 references reclassification (re-indexing) post scan.

120. Page 42 Partnering for the solution.If partnering is required to provide a best in class enterprise solution are there any specific disclosures to be made?

Bidder must provide in its proposal response the information as outlined in Section V. A. 3. j. Subcontractors.

If the definition of partnering is different than subcontracting, please define “partnering” and restate the question.

121. Page 42, 7j: What is the one existing State of NE owned document imaging system that will require import into the ECMS?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

122. Page 45, D7: Can the State give examples of how Social Networking is to be integrated into the EDMS? Or is the request the ability to archive Social Networking content into the ECMS?

The State of Nebraska has just started exploring Social Networking needs. See requirement TE 10 and DTE 10.

123. Page 54, CI 22: What legacy mainframe systems would the print steams be coming from?

z/OS, OS400, Windows server 2003 – 2008, Apple(any), Unix/Linux(any).

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124. Page 63, LM4: Can the State provide more detail on this requirement? What is considered “holding of documents”?

Refer to the definition of ‘Holding of Documents’ in the glossary of terms for more detail regarding this requirement.

125. Page 67, WF4: Do the “multiple signatures” refer to electronic signatures? If so, would electronic signatures or digital signatures be the appropriate authorization mechanism?

Yes, electronic signatures are authoritative. The digital signature (picture of a signature) is valid for printing from the ECM as long as they are backed up by an authenticated electronic signature on the source document.

126. Page 68, WF5: Can the State provide information on the process, specifically, what actions would be performed by the document handler in this type of workflow?

The State of Nebraska is not familiar with your term ‘document handler’ please clarify and restate the question. Requirement DWF-5 (the 309 Task Force Workflow) may answer your question.

127. Can the State provide an initial department(s) or business process that should be addressed as part of the ECMS implementation?

The 309 task force workflow is the only workflow that the bidder is expected to implement as described in the RFP. There are hundreds of other E-forms that the State of Nebraska could possibility implement once the Implementation phase has been completed.

128. How many users will be using the system? Can you provide a breakdown of users by function/role, and by the components you've requested (content, workflow, capture, etc.)?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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129. Can you provide projected volume information for content/workflow usage and consumption, and yearly growth estimates? Specifically:

- Number of locations, # of users each- Documents captured via paper each

month- Documents captured via fax each

month- Documents captured via electronic

mechanism(s) each month- Number of Document Types- Number of Documents, by Type- Number of Pages (or average per

document type)- Perecentage of pages today with

annotations- Number of index values per document?- Percentage of documents managed as

records- Total storage in use today (MBs)- Number of workflows initiated each day- Number of documents associated to

each workflow- Number of user logins per hour to

content repository?- Number of user logins per hour to

process/workflow engine?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

130. Can you provide details about the volume/type of content currently stored in each of your existing ECM platforms, along with the size (in MBs) of storage currently in use?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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131. For redaction, can you provide details about the specific redaction use cases requried? Can you provide more requirements surrounding the manual redaction needed and the automated redaction needed?

As an example, a document can be viewed by multiple people with different roles. Parts of the document cannot be viewed by people in a given role. The part of the document that the person in that given role is not allowed to see should be redacted automatically (when the object is captured) based on the role. Additionally, if a person redacts a portion of a document manually (post capture through the software), describe how it is controlled, secured and administered.

132. Can you provide more detail about the structure of the in-person demonstrations that will be requested? How long will each bidder be given to demonstrate each of the requested items?

The matrix in the RFP prefixed with ‘D’ is the demonstration “short listed” bidders will need to demonstrate. “Short listed” bidders will be given approximately 14 hours over two consecutive workdays for demonstration.

133. The website "http://www.nitc.state.ne.us/standards/accessibility" is not accessible. Can you provide the details that the site is referencing? Also, do you have documentation that can be provided related to current State standards/preferences supporting technical infrastructure (databases, e-mail server, operating systems, etc.)? Specifically, the platforms, versions, and locations that are in use.

The site is working. Provided below is a hyperlink for your convenience.


134. Is there an e-form product already in use today that will need to be leveraged?

No, there not an e-form product already in use.

135. Are there preferred scanners already in use today?

Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

136. Should conversion from exisitng ECM platforms be quoted as a part of this bid or will that be a subsequent work packet?

No, conversion from existing ECM platform should not be included in this bid. Proposed staffing solution will allow the State to contract subsequent conversion work.

Page 35


137. TE 23 - Can additional details be prrovided on the data residing on your AS400? What type of integration(s) are you expecting with your AS400? Types of transactions, data, frequency, etc.

Requirements are addressed in the API Narrative document in the Testfiles.zip

138. TE 10, DTE 10, ITE 10 - What aspects of “Social Networking” are you interested in? Do you have a “Social Networking” Enterprise product already in place? Or are planning to pursue a new product? How are you envisioning ECM to work with Social networking tools?

The State of Nebraska has just started exploring Social Networking needs. See requirement TE 10 and DTE 10.

139. CI 23, CI 24, SR 4, DCI 23, DCI 24, DSR 4 - Can you provide more detail on the GIS requirements and use cases surrounding its usage/integration?

It will be necessary for the State of Nebraska to capture what a ‘map’ looks like at a point in time. The view of the map (graphical picture) has to be stored in ECM. The vector data will not have to be stored in the ECM. If the bidder has a method for storing vector data, please describe and demonstrate your approach.

140. TE 3, DTE 3 - If the solution proposed is Java-based, will you consider WebSphere, WebLogic or JBOSS to act as the J2EE application server?

Yes, the State will consider WebSphere, WebLogic or JBOSS to act as the J2EE application server.

141. DTE 3, DTE 12, DTE 16, DTE 24, ITE 24 - What kind of Virtualization Technology do you currently use?

Microsoft is the Virtualization Technology the State currently uses.

142. Can you tell us what the budget is for the project?

Reference answer to question 41.

143. What is your expected timeframe to complete the project?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

The State of Nebraska would like to see the initial project to be completed within 90 days of the contract award. However, the State of Nebraska expects the bidder to provide a realistic schedule based on the proposed solution as defined in the RFP.

144. Are you requiring this to be a SharePoint initiative or are you open to other solutions such as Documentum?

No, the State is not requiring this to be a SharePoint initiative.

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145. Pricing: Cost Proposal Requirements: Development Rates - Any specific format with Role+Experience. Atleast half a dozen examples of Roles+Experience

The State does not understand the question; please restate, asking specific questions or providing examples.

146. Pricing: Cost Proposal Requirements: Development Rates - Are these to be "all inclusive" ? Or per diem, local travel is paid separately?

Development rates are to be all inclusive.

147. Pricing: Cost Schedule Appendix A: Its to be exluding 3.5% per 2 year rise ?

The State does not understand the question; please restate, asking specific questions or providing examples.

148. Pricing: Cost Proposal Requirements: What shall be the Payment period from invoice date?

Please reference MM. Payment in Section III of the RFP.

149. Project Environment - Page 41: Is there a preferred data center where State of Nebraska would like the ECM solution to be hosted?

The State of Nebraska has two data centers. The primary data center is located in Lincoln Nebraska and the disaster recover site is located in Omaha Nebraska. The Lincoln location will house the primary and redundant solution while the Omaha location will house the disaster recovery solution as defined in the RFP.

150. Page 42: Is Filenet finalized/shortlisted as centralized ECM?

If a Filenet proposal is received, it will be evaluated and viewed as all other proposals.

151. Page 42: How many agencies are there in total and among them how many are not using Filenet? Is there a migration plan for those agencies that are not on Filenet?

No migration is planned therefore information about Filenet migration is not relevant.

152. Page 42: Are there any specific tools being identified to validate the 508 compliance?

The State of Nebraska uses JAWS for 508 compliance.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

153. Page 42: Is there any application vulnerability detection, penetration testing in scope?

No, please describe any vulnerability issues in your proposed solution.

154. Page 42: Please let us know if there is any specific security testing tool being considered.

No specific security testing tool is being considered.

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155. Page 42: Please provide information on the existing content, document types and size for various agencies. Is there a plan to retain them in the same repository or will they be migrated to central repository?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

156. Page 42: Please let us know the testing tools being used/planned.

Reference answer to question 154.

157. Page 42: Will the vendor get access to the existing test strategy, plan and test cases documents?

The State of Nebraska expects the bidder to provide the State with a test environment architected that would meet industry standard ECM best practices.

158. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: GGG. VENDOR RELATIONSHIPS: Any discussions, presentations or demonstrations on Enterprise Content Management and related topics that the State of Nebraska, Political Subdivision or State Agency had with any vendor prior to the release of this RFP will not be considered an unfair advantage and will not be considered in a protest, Pg 38, RFP Section GGG: What vendors and to what extent have other vendors been contacted to review the ECM requirements, demos, cost proposals, RFI, or any other information that may pertain to the ECM solutions?

Prior to a decision to conduct a statewide RFP for an Enterprise Content Management System, several agencies and/or Political Subdivisions may have conducted their own review of such systems and may have had various presentations with vendors. No such discussions influenced the RFP and no such discussions are relevant to any decision under this RFP. Therefore, no such discussions will be considered in any award or protest hereunder.

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159. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: GGG. VENDOR RELATIONSHIPS: Any discussions, presentations or demonstrations on Enterprise Content Management and related topics that the State of Nebraska, Political Subdivision or State Agency had with any vendor prior to the release of this RFP will not be considered an unfair advantage and will not be considered in a protest, Pg 38, RFP Section GGG: With the numerous existing ECM solutions already in place at the state, what preferences will be given to these existing solutions in regards to the selection process?

If an existing manufacturer’s proposal is received, it will be evaluated and viewed as all other proposals.

160. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: 1. CAPTURE AND INDEXING: The Enterprise Content Management Solution should be able to capture and index all types of content including but not limited to: d. web searches;; Pg 43; RFP Section GGG1-d: Please provide clarification on how the State intends to leverage the Capture and Indexing of Web Searches?

The State of Nebraska’s expectation would be to store a snapshot of a web page(s) found as a result of a web search in this instance.

161. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: D. TECHNICAL: The Enterprise Content Management Solution should support functionality including but not limited to: 4 Analyzing correlating and searching structure data through federated searches; Pg 44; D-4; Please provide clarification on how the State intends "federated searches" to be used in context of the solution 4. Analyzing, correlating and searching structure data through federated searches; for "structured" data

This requirement is addressed in TE-6.

Requirement TE 6 asked you to describe Federated searches of structured data.

Requirement DTE 6 asked you to demonstrate Federated searches of structured data.

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to implement this functionality – See Appendix C – Implementation Matrix.

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162. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: D. TECHNICAL: The Enterprise Content Management Solution should support functionality including but not limited to: 5. Analyzing, correlating and searching unstructured data through federated searches; Pg 44; D-5: Please provide clarificationin how the State intends "federated searches" to be used in context of the solution"unstructured" data

This requirement is addressed in TE-6.

Requirement TE 6 asked you to describe Federated searches of unstructured data.

Requirement DTE 6 asked you to demonstrate Federated searches of unstructured data.

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to implement this functionality – See Appendix C – Implementation Matrix.

163. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: D. TECHNICAL: The Enterprise Content Management Solution should support functionality including but not limited to: 9. Social Networking, i.e., blogs, wiki’s etc; Pg 44; D-9: Please provide clarificationin how the State intends "Social Networking" to be used in context of the solution

The State of Nebraska has just started exploring Social Networking needs. See requirement TE 10 and DTE 10.

164. Pg 44; D-9: How much weight in the scoring of the solution will this capability

Page 21 – J, last paragraph reads as follows:

Evaluation criteria will become public information at the time of the Request for Proposal opening. Scoring criteria and a list of respondents will be posted to the State Purchasing Bureau website at http://www.das.state.ne.us/materiel/purchasing/rfp.htm. Evaluation criteria will not be released prior to the proposal opening.

165. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: e. RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE STATEThe bidder shall describe any dealings with the State over the previous two (2) years. If the organization, its predecessor, or any party named in the bidder’s proposal response has contracted with the State, the bidder shall identify the contract number(s) and/or any other information available to identify such contract(s). If no such contracts exist, so declare.; Pg 103; 3 e: what impact

Disclosure of such information may be used by the State in anyway that is relevant to the State’s decision. For example, if the contractor has performed any such contract the State may consider the level of bidders performance on prior projects, any prior complaints, etc.

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166. Original NE ECM RFP 3043Z1 Question: b. Provide all hardware one-time and annual maintenance costs for the ECM environment described in the RFP. The bidder may submit a cost questionnaire as identified in the schedule of events asking the State of Nebraska any information related to the bidders proposed enterprise architecture solution to arrive at all one-time hardware costs and annual maintenance for the initial five (5) year contract period. The State of Nebraska is under no obligation to purchase hardware through the RFP Contract.; Pg 107; B 2 b:Will a respondent be negatively impacted if hardware costs are not included but the hardware specifications are provided for State Purchasing to acquire independently?

Hardware costs are a part of the process to determine the awarded bidder; however, the State reserves the right to purchase hardware outside of the awarded contract. Therefore, the hardware costs section of the evaluation will be awarded zero points if hardware costs are not provided.

167. Much definition is provided related to several aspects of records management responsibilities and requirements in your Glossary of Terms: do records management schedules and retention policies exist and are they up-to-date?

The State may issue a RFP in the future for an enterprise-level record retention/archiving solution. The State does not expect the proposed solution to satisfy enterprise-level record retention, however it must meet all of the LM 1 through LM 9 requirements as defined in the RFP. The State of Nebraska does have records management schedules and retention policies that are up to date.

168. Assuming records management schedules and retention policies exist, when will the sate provide those to the bidding vendors?

All of the the State’s record retention schedules will not need to be implemented by the bidder. The State is asking the bidder to implement ILM 1 through ILM 9 requirements listed in Appendix C.

169. Will linkages from document type to record series be part of the shared services implementation?

The State may issue a RFP in the future for an enterprise-level record retention/archiving solution. The State does not expect the proposed solution to satisfy enterprise-level record retention, however it must meet all of the LM 1 through LM 9 requirements as defined in the RFP. The State of Nebraska does have records management schedules and retention policies that are up to date.

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170. Does the State currently have scanning software in place?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

171. If so, what software is used for scanning? Reference answer to question 170.172. Does the State currently have scanners in

place? Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

173. When will we get an inventory of location/models of current scanning hardware and software?

Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

174. Should hardware proposed include scanners?

No, scanners should not be proposed.

175. In ICI 23 of Appendix C, what did the State have in mind when it asked that vendors ‘Implement your GIS interface capabilities’?

It will be necessary for the State of Nebraska to capture what a ‘map’ looks like at a point in time. The view of the map (graphical picture) has to be stored in ECM. The vector data will not have to be stored in the ECM. If the bidder has a method for storing vector data, please describe and demonstrate your approach.

176. Related to ISR 4 of Appendix C, what formats are used to store the State’s CAD files?

The formats used are DFX and DWG. Examples are included in but not limited to the ‘3043Test Files.zip’ available with the RFP.

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177. Related to ISE 6 of Appendix C, would you please clarify what you mean by ‘role-based redaction’?

As an example, we want to have virtual markers with roles assigned to them. When we manually redact a document, we will pick up one of these markers and highlight (redact) a portion of the document and have the role assigned to that marker applied to the portion of the document highlighted.

As an example, a document can be viewed by multiple people with different roles. Parts of the document cannot be viewed by people in a given role. The part of the document that the person in that given role is not allowed to see should be redacted automatically (when the object is captured) based on the role. Additionally, if a person redacts a portion of a document manually (post capture through the software), describe how it is controlled, secured and administered.

178. Do you mean only allowing certain roles the ability to redact documents?

Reference answer to this question in 177.

179. Will the State supply a system schematic and/or provide documentation identifying servers, software platforms, and disk storage that must be installed and configured to – see ITE 3 of Appendix C?

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

180. In reference to ITE 8 of Appendix C, how many clients and in which departments will the initial installation/implementation be required?

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

181. Related to ITE 9 of Appendix C, will a network schematic be provided that identifies the components of the State of Nebraska network including VPN, bandwidth, CITRIX, VPN, etc.?

Due to security concerns, the State will not supply this diagram at this time. If justification can be provided as to the specific need, the State will consider providing the diagram.

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182. Related to ITE 10 of Appendix C, what other social networking software will the City like the vendor to integrate with during the initial installation/implementation phase?

The State of Nebraska has just started exploring Social Networking needs. See requirement TE 10 and DTE 10.

183. Does the State have a planned implementation sequence – departments and functionality – to be addressed during the initial installation and implementation?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

184. How many departments and users will be involved in the initial installation/implementation of the ECM system? Do you have a breakout of the types of users – contributor, workflow participant, search/retrieve only, administrator, etc.?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

185. How many scanning locations will be involved in the initial installation/implementation?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other than the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

186. Related to ITE 23 of Appendix C, do you have specifications for the AS400/DB2 application and the specific integration points for the search and retrieval screens that are referenced?

Requirements are addressed in the API Narrative document in the ‘3043Test Files.zip’

187. Related to ITE 25of Appendix C, what is meant by the very last item – ‘format(s) data is gathered’?

The State of Nebraska expects the bidder to provide the formats, e.g. text file, xml, database that the metrics are supplied in.

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188. Does the State currently have a standard for Portal software?

The State of Nebraska does not have standard portal software.

189. How does the State want a vender to propose if research were to bring to light the fact that the State could procure the necessary hardware less expensively by going directly to a hardware manufacturer than the vendor could provide as a reseller?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

190. What is the roll-out pattern, by department over the five year period?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other than the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

191. What portal software is deployed within the State?

The State of Nebraska does not have standard portal software.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

192. Does the State currently have eForms software installed?

The State of Nebraska does not have standard eForm software.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

193. Has it standardized on any type of eForms software?

Reference answer to question 192.

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194. Does the State have a standard related to its preferred development environment (e.g., Java, .Net, etc.)?

The State of Nebraska does not have standard development environment. However, the State already has Java/.Net development environments.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

195. What are the State’s standards related to desktop , RDBMS, application server and internet server software?

The State of Nebraska does not have a standard desktop environment. However, the majority of desktops are PC/Windows-based; the RDBMS are DB2, SQL server and Oracle; and the application servers are referenced on RFP page 41.B.4.

196. Related to Scope of Services in the RFP – Section C.7.j -- importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system – would you please provide more detail about the system to be imported from, the images, image types, metadata, etc., that is to be imported?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System brining forward the image, index fields and annotations.

197. In the RFP document, page 43, under Capture and Indexing – a reference is made to storing and indexing ‘web searches’ – are we correct in assuming that it is the result of web searches and not the search parameters that are to be stored?

The State of Nebraska’s expectation would be to store a snapshot of a web page(s) found as a result of a web search in this instance.

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198. Does the State have a GIS software standard?

The State of Nebraska does not have a standard GIS product. However, the majority of GIS environment are in ESRI (80%) and Intergraph (20%).

The State of Nebraska has general GIS standards that can be found at:




199. Does the State have a taxonomy related to departments, document types, and retention schedules for those departments who will participate in the CIO’s Shared Services environment?

No, the State does not have a taxonomy related departments, documents, etc.

200. Will part of the implementation phase be to define requirements related to document capture, workflow, life cycle and retention requirements, eForms, etc., for departments who will participate in the initial implementation? Or, will the initial implementation be a system framework that then departments are added to over time?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other than the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Yes, the initial implementation will be a system framework.

201. Does the State have in mind which departments and applications will be addressed as the first phases of implementation?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies other than the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

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202. Does the State have a schedule of user growth over the five year period – how many users for initial implementation and then ramping by year to the final population at end of year 5?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration. This section starts on page 121 Appendix C.

However, the implementation does not involve agencies than the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

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203. In Section I Scope of The Request for Proposal is states, “A contract resulting from this Request for Proposal will be issued for a period of five (5) years effective March 1, 2010 through April 30, 2015, with the option to renew for five (5) additional two (2) periods as mutually agreed upon by all parties. ” What is the meaning of, “option to renew for five (5) additional two (2) periods”?

The State has the option to renew the contract for five (5) additional two (2) year periods if the State and Contractor mutually agree.

Therefore, prior to the end of April 30, 2015, if the State opts to renew the contract a letter is sent to the contractor requesting to renew the contract for the first two (2) year renewal period. If mutually agreed upon, the contract is renewed for another two (2) year period. If the State opts to renew, this same process can be repeated for four (4) additional (2) year periods based on mutual agreement.

The RFP is hereby amended to read as follows:

A contract resulting from this Request for Proposal will be issued for a period of five (5) years effective March 1, 2010 through April 30, 2015, with the option to renew for five (5) additional two (2) year periods as mutually agreed upon by all parties.

204. Legal/Contractual Questions: 1 Concerning the Audit Clause OO - As this is a contract for commercial product and services to be priced on a fixed price or labor hour basis we question the audit clause as written and ask for the states interpretation of the clause. The contractor cannot give anyone access to its costs on a fixed price or labor hour contract. Certainly the hours applied to the contract can be audited if a labor hour contract but in the case of commercial hardware and software the prices are determined by competition and not by costs. Because the clause can be read as requiring access to those costs we ask for a clarification or a negotiation if the state does ask for access to such costs.

It is not the intent of the State to utilize this provision of the RFP to analyze or audit hours worked on the contract when hours are not part of the deliverables. Rather, the provision is to protect the State in the instance where a financial audit and/or performance audit is conducted and any exception is noted by the State’s auditors.

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205. Legal/Contractual Questions: 2 Concerning the Price Guarantee Clause WW - The contractor being number 201 on the list of Fortune 500 companies and an international company with thousands of transactions a year, it cannot possibly track the plethora of contract prices that it offers worldwide on a daily basis. To agree to this clause as written, knowing we could not enforce it, even though the customer might never be able to track the non-compliance, would be highly unethical under the circumstances. We therefore ask if the State is willing to discuss alternatives such as periodic market surveys during contract performance to determine whether the prices remain fair and reasonable?  

The State discourages exceptions, but please reference Section III. Terms and Conditions, which states “...Bidders are expected to closely read the Terms and Conditions and provide a binding signature of intent to comply with the Terms and Conditions; provided, however, a bidder may indicate any exceptions to the Terms and Conditions by (1) clearly identifying the term or condition by subsection, (2) including an explanation for the bidder’s inability to comply with such term or condition which includes a statement recommending terms and conditions the bidder would find acceptable. Rejection in whole or in part of the Terms and Conditions may be cause for rejection of a bidder’s proposal.

206. Legal/Contractual Questions: 3. If vendor proposes alternatives to the bond or payment terms, is that vendor automatically disqualified from potential award?

The State discourages exceptions, but please reference Section III. Terms and Conditions, which states “...Bidders are expected to closely read the Terms and Conditions and provide a binding signature of intent to comply with the Terms and Conditions; provided, however, a bidder may indicate any exceptions to the Terms and Conditions by (1) clearly identifying the term or condition by subsection, (2) including an explanation for the bidder’s inability to comply with such term or condition which includes a statement recommending terms and conditions the bidder would find acceptable. Rejection in whole or in part of the Terms and Conditions may be cause for rejection of a bidder’s proposal.

207. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 1, 24 & 25 – Is integration to an external email system required or can we communicate to a local email system?

The State of Nebraska’s primary email system is Microsoft Exchange. However, other organizations that are not currently participating may not have Microsoft Exchange. These other organizations may or may not be external to the State of Nebraska.

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208. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 2 – Typo? Items labeled 3 & 4 seem to just be one item.

The RFP is hereby amended as follows:

Requirements #3, #4, #5 and #6 in CI 2, DCI 2 and ICI 2 are amended as follows:

3. use of ICR/OCR to add index information to scanned images and into a data base, where the bar code identifies which form is being scanned and then utilizing the identified form to find the fields on the form automatically;

4. how to create a group to put scanned images in automatically based on information from the form; and

5. how to add images into an existing group automatically.

209. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 3 – Refers to “description and demonstration matrices”… where are these?

The State identified a number of requirements for you to describe, demonstrate and implement multiple scanning methods. This will be your opportunity to show the ways your product can handle other scanning methods not described in the RFP. ICI 3 is asking you to implement those methods.

210. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 4 – Item 1 says “use a patch code sheet” … do you want these to be separate documents within the same batch or separate documents in separate batches?

Yes, the State of Nebraska wants these to be separate documents within the same batch and separate documents in separate batches.

211. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 5 – What is the ultimate goal for ICI 5? Do you want the bar codes to separate the documents or do you want the bar codes to merely be used for indexing?

Yes, the State of Nebraska wants the bar codes to separate the documents and the bar codes to be used for indexing.

212. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 5 – Bundle 6 has no bar codes… is it to be included in this example?

Bundle 6 should be included in the example. There are times when unexpected documents are encountered. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your product’s ability to handle the unexpected.

213. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 5 – For document examples it says to “utilize bar code forms in Test Scenarios”… does that mean pages 1, 2, 3, 4 & 8 from the “Test Scenarios” doc?

The State provided Test Scenarios/Scripted Materials in a manner where the bidder can use any or all of the provided materials to best meet the requirement.

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214. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 8 – Does the “network” scanner refer to a multi-function style of scanning device (print/fax/copy/scan)?

As described in the RFP implementation section, the initial project is the implementation of the scripted demonstration.

The RFP requirement ICI 8 is hereby amended to include what scanners will be used to complete the implementation requirement.

Configured the ECM Software for network and desktop scanners and identify any special software/components that are needed. A Canon 5210C and Canon Color Imagerunner C3220 will be used to complete this implementation requirement.

215. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 8 - Are you wanting to physically see these two types of devices in action during the demo or do you just want to step through the configuration of each of these devices?

During demonstration, stepping through the process of device configuration is acceptable. However, if the bidder wishes to bring hardware and do a real demonstration, is acceptable also. The State understands this to be requirement DCI 8, not ICI 8. If this is not correct, please restate the question.

216. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 9 – For the “date stamp”, do you mean apply a date stamp annotation to the image or do you want the scanner to spray a date stamp on the physical paper?

Requirement ICI-26 covers date stamping of images. Requirement ICI-9 covers adding date stamps to the paper documents.

217. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 11 – Please describe the desired level of “image validation”.

The functionality the bidder described and demonstrated should also be implemented.

218. Technical Comments Regarding Solution Demonstration Criteria/Requirements: ICI 1-27 – Anytime it says “scan”… is manually importing the corresponding supplied document image file an acceptable alternative? Are there any the 27 ICI requirements where the physical scanning of a paper document is absolutely required?

Yes, anytime it says, “scan”…, manually importing the corresponding supplied document image file an acceptable alternative and additionally they are to be printed and scanned as defined in DCI 1 through DCI 27. The State understands this to be requirement DCI 1 through 27, not ICI 1 through 27. If this is not correct, please restate the question.

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219. Additional Questions Around Current Environment/Usage: For each of the existing ECM systems, can we obtain the following information?

a. Departments using system b. General usage category (workflow,

collaboration, imaging, document mgmt, web content mgmt, etc.)

c. Approximate number of users and level of usage (every day, once a week, infrequently, etc.)

d. Approximate number of files e. Approximate storage size of repository

in GB

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

220. General Vendor Questions: Which existing ECM systems would need to be migrated to the new ECM as part of the initial implementation?  If the system is to be migrated, does the resulting system need to provide functionality that existed in the previous system?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

221. General Vendor Questions: When will "Selected Vendors" be notified that they will be required to demonstrate requirements?  It may take some time to prepare this demo.

Selected Bidders (short listed bidders) will be notified by letter by the State Purchasing Bureau the last part of the week of January 4, 2010 regarding the days, time and agenda for their oral interview/scripted demonstration. As per the Schedule of Events, the dates planned for the oral interviews/scripted demonstrations are scheduled for January 19-29, 2010.

The information the bidders will be demonstrating is included in the RFP; this information was given in advance to allow bidders more time to review and prepare in advance of the scheduled demonstration.

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222. General Vendor Questions: Under the RFP section on Records Requirements - Could you provide more information on the "dispute resolution" requirement?

Two examples are:

If a person is working on a document that is checked out and the document gets overlaid by a new document from an upload while the document is checked out; provide technology to resolve the dispute.

If more than one person is working on different parts of a document that is checked out and the document gets overlaid by a new document from an upload while the document is checked out; provide technology to resolve the dispute.

223. General Vendor Questions: Under the RFP section on Capture and Indexing Requirements - Are the web searches identified internal to the ECM solution or web searches from external web sites?

The State of Nebraska’s expectation would be to store a snapshot of an external web page(s) found as a result of a web search in this instance.

224. General Vendor Questions: Are there networked computers within the State training facilities to support hands on sessions?

Yes, there networked computers within the State training facilities to support hands on sessions.

225. Migration: Which existing ECM systems would need to be migrated to the new ECM as part of the initial implementation? 

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

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226. Migration: If the system is to be migrated, does the resulting system need to provide previous functionality?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

227. Application Priorities: Do you want vendor to scope and propose creation of new applications using this platform? 

No, the State of Nebraska expects the bidder to implement the functionality described in Appendix C – Implementation Matrix.

228. Application Priorities: What are those applications and how will the vendor collaborate on requirements to be able to make an informed quote? 

Reference answer to question 227.

229. Application Priorities: When would you expect these applications to be designed / built / and deployed?

Reference answer to question 227.

230. SDLC: What application development, configuration management, certification, and deployment processes must the vendor adhere to for completion of this rollout?

The State of Nebraska does have configuration management and deployment process standards. However, they are likely not applicable. The bidder should provide the State with standards for ECM configuration management and deployment processes.

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231. Layered Application Requirements: Would State consider alternative approaches for J2EE deployment beyond Tomcat (i.e. JBOSS)?

The State of Nebraska would consider JBOSS as an alternative approach. However, the State already has experience in supporting Tomcat.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

232. Content Server Hardware: Should proposal contain any storage hardware or software estimates?  

The proposed ECM Solution will utilize the State of Nebraska’s SAN, network and physical location for equipment.

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

233. Records Capabilities: What level of records control is required for this effort (i.e. 5015.2 or 5015.2 & .4)? 

The State may issue a RFP in the future for an enterprise-level record retention/archiving solution.  The State does not expect the proposed solution to satisfy enterprise-level record retention or require DOD Certification; however, it must meet all of the LM requirements as defined in the RFP. 

234. Records Capabilities: Will the state need to create formal records? 

The State of Nebraska expects the proposed ECM Solution to handle PDFA documents as identified in requirements OM 4, DOM 4 and IOM 4. PDFA documents cannot be altered once they are in the ECM System.

If the bidder’s definition of a formal record” is different than a PDFA document, please resubmit the question with the definition of “formal records”.

235. Records Capabilities: Will the vendor need to assist with development of retention schedules?

The State of Nebraska does not expect the vendor to assist with development of retention schedules.

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236. Desktop Capabilities: What are your client desktop standards for OS, browser, email, standard applications? 

The State of Nebraska does not have a standard desktop environment. However, the majority of desktops are PC/Windows-based.

The State of Nebraska’s primary email system is Microsoft Exchange. However, other organizations that are not currently participating may not have Microsoft Exchange.

237. Desktop Capabilities: Do you have any client restrictions on desktop installation? 

The State of Nebraska does not have a standard desktop environment or client restriction standard. However, there are agencies that do restrict/control what is installed on their desktops.

238. Desktop Capabilities: What client experience is expected from this solution (i.e. Web-only, Web 2.0, Desktop/Office integrations, blended?

Bidders should provide all hardware, software, staffing and training that best meets the requirements for the State of Nebraska as defined in the RFP. The Bidder’s proposed solution should meet the requirements of the RFP in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

As an example, in certain situations it may be more efficient and cost effective to use a client to scan versus a browser.

239. Imaging Usage Requirements: What is the volume of scanning required for this effort (documents per year, pages per year)? 

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

240. Imaging Usage Requirements: Do you expect central or distributed scanning? 

The State of Nebraska expects distributed scanning.

241. Imaging Usage Requirements: How many distributed locations will you require and what are the volume (see above) requirements for each? 

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

242. Imaging Usage Requirements: Could you break out the imaging requirements from physical paper versus e-fax? 

The State of Nebraska expects the proposed solution to capture physical paper as well as e-faxes as identified in the RFP requirements CI 23, CI 24, DCI 23, DCI 24, ICI 23 and ICI 24.

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243. Imaging Usage Requirements: Is there backfile imaging requirement for this proposal (if so provide volume and requirements)?

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file.

However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:

Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost related questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

244. Email: What volume of email will be maintained by the ECM (users, messages, file size)? 

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

245. Email: What are the client and server messaging standards? 

The client and server messaging standards are as follows:


Ironport filtering smart host.

Mappi to connect to mailboxes.

Outlook client with some Lotus Notes.

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246. Email: Do you expect this solution to include email archiving, de-duplication, cross archive search, etc.? 

The State may issue a RFP in the future for an enterprise-level record retention/archiving solution. The State does not expect the proposed solution to satisfy enterprise-level record retention, however it must meet all of the LM requirements as defined in the RFP. The State of Nebraska does have records management schedules and retention policies that are up to date.

247. Email: Do you need a capability for end users to manually add emails to the ECM repository?

The State of Nebraska expects the proposed solution to be able to add emails into the ECM by drag and dropping the email, setting up automated filters or a Microsoft Exchange function icon.

Bidder should propose other methods to add emails to the ECM repository.

248. Capture Hardware: What are the existing makes, models, and numbers of scanners that exist currently within the state? 

Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

249. Capture Hardware: What are the scanning requirements for this effort (locations, pages/min, dpi, duplex, multi-function, email, etc.)? 

The State of Nebraska expected sizing and cost questions to be asked in the ‘Cost Questionnaire’. The State of Nebraska will respond to these types of questions as identified in the RFP via the cost questionnaire timeline.

250. Capture Hardware: Do you intend to keep the current scanners or will they be replaced as part of this effort?

Most of the agencies will have to purchase scanners to meet their ECM business model. However, the RFP has been amended whereas the bidder should provide a list of preferred scanner manufacturers. The State of Nebraska will determine models that will be purchased.

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251.i. Can you please confirm that we are to

check one of the boxes Standard/Configurable in the Core Product, Available through 3rd Party, Available through Hardware Devices or Requires Custom Coding column –AND– you would like narrative responses in the functionality matrix in the box directly to the right of the word “description” ?

ii. Or is it OK to merge the five cells to the right of the word description for our narrative response?

The State of Nebraska confirms that bidders are to check one of the boxes Standard/Configurable in the Core Product, Available through 3rd Party, Available through Hardware Devices or Requires Custom Coding column.

As described in the RFP, if the requirement can be met through multiple methods, the bidder should mark each appropriate box and describe in detail the various methods by which the requirement would be met.

In the Overall Solution Matrix, there is a description box after each requirement that should be used for narrative responses.

The bidder should not merge cells to accomplish this task.

252. On page 18 and elsewhere, the RFP refers to this as a bid for a fixed-price contract. Yet ongoing development, training, and staffing are not able to be defined as a fixed price. Do we understand correctly that the State is seeking a fixed contract for the items on Cost Schedule Appendix A (which summarizes fixed cost from Schedules A,B,C,G and H), plus a fixed hourly rate for schedules D and F(which will result in projects priced on a time and materials basis), and fixed price estimates for training on schedule E?

The State of Nebraska is requiring a fixed priced contract for the items on Cost Schedule Appendix A (which summarizes fixed cost from Schedules A, B, C, G and H).

The State of Nebraska is requiring a fixed priced contract that must include an hourly rate (that must include materials) by each position/job category that is proposed by the bidder to meet requirement B2d on page of 107 of the RFP. The State of Nebraska is under no obligation to purchase the day to day operation/support through the RFP Contract; however, if the State chooses to have the bidder support the Enterprise Content Management System for the first year, the bidder would be held to the fixed bid price.

The State of Nebraska is requiring fixed hourly rates to include travel and materials, for Training and Development Services as described in the RFP. These rates cannot be estimated. The hourly rates must be annual fixed hourly rates for the contract period that meet requirements B2e and B2f on page 107 of the RFP. The number of hours for Training and Development Services would be identified through the Statement of Work that would be agreed upon and signed by both parties.

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253. On page 20, letter F, the RFP states “ …(In addition, two (2) electronic copies of the proposal should be submitted on separate CD’s and packaged as required below in section RR. Proprietary Information.”

a. Are electronic CDs required for proprietary sections only or does the State want two full electronic copies?

b. Is section RR a typo, and the State meant section UU?

a. If bidder submits separate sealed proprietary information from the primary proposal response, the State wants two (2) electronic CDs containing the proprietary information and two (2) electronic CDs containing the non-proprietary sections of the RFP response.

b. Yes, the RFP is hereby amended to read UU to replace RR in Section II. F. Submission of Proposals.

254. Page 20, letter F states “A separate sheet must be provided that clearly states which sections have been submitted as proprietary or have copyrighted materials. All proprietary information the bidder wishes the State to withhold must be submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined in Section III, Proprietary Information.

A question has not been asked, therefore a response cannot be provided. Please resubmit question.

255. Page 35, letter UU states “All proprietary information the bidder wishes the State to withhold must be submitted in a sealed package, which is separate from the remainder of the proposal. The separate package must be clearly marked PROPRIETARY on the outside of the package.”

A question has not been asked, therefore a response cannot be provided. Please resubmit question.

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256. Does the State want us to submit an original and 15 copies of our proposal with the proprietary information omitted, and with a letter which states the sections withheld AND a bound original and 15 copies of the proprietary information sections as well?

Yes, the bidder should submit one (1) original (sealed container clearly marked “original”) and fifteen (15) copies (sealed containers clearly marked “copies") of its proposal response with the proprietary information omitted. A separate sheet must be provided that clearly states which sections have been submitted as proprietary or have copyrighted materials.

The bidder should submit one (1) original and fifteen (15) copies of the proprietary information. All proprietary information the bidder wishes the State to withhold must be submitted in a sealed package, which is separate from the remainder of the proposal. The separate package must be clearly marked PROPRIETARY on the outside of the package.

Bidders may not mark their entire Request for Proposal as proprietary. Bidder’s cost proposals may not be marked as proprietary information.

257. Section F & Section 12; Page 20 & Page 42; The Technical Proposal must not contain any reference to dollar amounts. Provide the State of Nebraska with costs for each of the following: Section 12/Page 42 states that we are to provide pricing in our SOW. However, Section F/Page 20 states that pricing is not to be included in the Technical Volume. Where and in what format does the State prefer the SOW pricing?

Section IV, C. 12 states “Provide the State of Nebraska with costs for each of the following:

a. Hardware;b. Software; etc.

You are correct that the Technical Proposal must not contain any reference to dollar amounts. No pricing is to be included in Section IV.However, all costs are to be provided as per the instructions outlined in Section V. B. Cost Proposal Requirements.Subsection B. Prices, second paragraph states that “The Bidder must provide the following Costs in the ECM Cost Schedule A and related Detail Cost Schedules” included as part of the RFP.

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258. Section III; page 23; Exceptions: Microsoft and State of Nebraska have an existing Master Services Agreement (MSA) in place which both parties are currently utilizing for Microsoft Services. The purpose for the MSA was to put in place a set of mutually agreeable terms and conditions that would govern our relationship should State require Microsoft Services, so parties need not have to renegotiate a new set of terms for every services engagement. Would State allow proposer to take exception to the RFP terms and conditions and propose using our active Microsoft-State of Nebraska Master Services Agreement in lieu, without proposer’s response being adversely evaluated or rejected?

While the State discourages exceptions, to the extent the exceptions consist of a current contract between the State and the bidder, the State will give due consideration to the fact that the terms have been previously accepted. However, bidders should not rely on this to suggest a commitment by the State to any such previously negotiated terms or contracts.

259. Any price quotations for software product and hardware as authorized by large account resellers (LAR) and hardware vendors (respectively) submitted in Microsoft’s cost proposal are estimates only and for evaluation, budget and planning purposes only. Price, payment, and terms and conditions for software product licensing and hardware purchases will be negotiated solely between LAR and hardware vendors, and State of Nebraska (independently of Microsoft). Microsoft, however, will negotiate an agreement for the Services (pursuant to this RFP) with State of Nebraska using our existing Master Services Agreement, as a basis. Would Microsoft’s response be adversely evaluated or rejected for proposing the contracting methodology above?

Yes, bidders must submit pricing based on the instructions provided in Section V. B. Cost Proposal Requirements or the proposal response will be adversely evaluated or it would be rejected or both.

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260. Pricing Questionnaire; Microsoft is reviewing several add-on technologies to SharePoint to determine if they will be part of the proposed solution. These solutions may have different licensing requirements for which Microsoft may need more information than in the initial Pricing Questionnaire submitted. Would State allow Microsoft to submit additional Cost Questionnaire questions with the 2nd round of questions, currently scheduled for October 30th?

The RFP Schedule of Events, Activity 6 is hereby amended to read as follows:Last day to submit second round written questions and second round written cost questionnaires.The date of October 30, 2009 remains unchanged.

261. Do you integrate to either integrate the ecm solution with any of the following named solutions or migrate the content from the named systems to the proposed system?

i. FileBound – FileBound; ii. FileDirector – Spielberg; iii. FileNet – IBM; iv. Global360 – Global360; v. ImageNow – Perceptive Software; vi. Papervision – Digitech; and vii. SharePoint - Microsoft.

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to perform any conversion of documents from another ECM, File System or physical paper file. However, the State does expect the proposed solution to be able to perform conversion of File System Images through an importing function or similar function bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.Requirement TE 12 asked you to describe importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system. Requirement DTE 12 asked you to demonstrate importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system. The RFP is hereby amended for requirements TE 12 and DTE 12 to read as follows:Importing images/objects from one existing State of Nebraska owned document imaging system and importing images/objects from a File System bringing forward the image, index fields and annotations.

The State of Nebraska is not expecting the bidder to implement this functionality – See Appendix C – Implementation Matrix.

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262. Regarding subsection FFF of the terms and conditions, we are a developer of a portion of our overall ECM solution but we typically combine our value added features with other ECM products to arrive at a total solution for our customers. Because our solution requires other manufacturer’s products to complete the offering, are we in compliance with your RFP guidelines, and if submitted, will the proposal be evaluated?

As stated in FFF- Bidding Eligibility, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the Enterprise Content Management software or the identified business partner as described in the RFP.Manufacturers of added value features do not qualify as a manufacturer.This State will only accept Commercial Off The Shelf “COTS” solutions for the core functionalities for the Enterprise Content Management.

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