work in progress 1 ds-net++: dynamic weight slicing for

Post on 25-Apr-2022






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DS-Net++: Dynamic Weight Slicing for EfficientInference in CNNs and Transformers

Changlin Li, Guangrun Wang, Bing Wang, Xiaodan Liang, Zhihui Li, Xiaojun Chang

Abstract—Dynamic networks have shown their promising capability in reducing theoretical computation complexity by adapting theirarchitectures to the input during inference. However, their practical runtime usually lags behind the theoretical acceleration due toinefficient sparsity. Here, we explore a hardware-efficient dynamic inference regime, named dynamic weight slicing. Instead of adaptivelyselecting important weight elements in a sparse way, we pre-define dense weight slices with different importance level by generalizedresidual learning. During inference, weights are progressively sliced beginning with the most important elements to less important ones toachieve different model capacity for inputs with diverse difficulty levels. Based on this conception, we first present dynamic slimmablenetwork (DS-Net) by input-dependently adjusting filter numbers of convolution neural networks. By extending dynamic weight slicing tomultiple dimensions in both CNNs and transformers (e.g. kernel size, embedding dimension, number of heads, etc.), we further presentdynamic slice-able network (DS-Net++). Both DS-Net and DS-Net++ adaptively slice a part of network parameters for inference whilekeeping it stored statically and contiguously in hardware to prevent the extra burden of sparse computation. To ensure sub-networkgenerality and routing fairness, we propose a disentangled two-stage optimization scheme. In Stage-I, a series of training techniques fordynamic supernet based on in-place bootstrapping (IB) and multi-view consistency (MvCo) are proposed to improve the supernet trainingefficacy. In Stage-II, sandwich gate sparsification (SGS) is proposed to assist the gate training. Extensive experiments on 4 datasets and3 different network architectures demonstrate our DS-Net and DS-Net++ consistently outperform their static counterparts as well asstate-of-the-art static and dynamic model compression methods by a large margin (up to 6.6%). Typically, DS-Net++ achieves 2-4×computation reduction and 1.62× real-world acceleration over MobileNet, ResNet-50 and Vision Transformer, with minimal accuracydrops (0.1-0.3%) on ImageNet. Code release:

Index Terms—Adaptive inference, dynamic networks, dynamic pruning, efficient inference, efficient transformer, vision transformer.



A S deep neural networks are becoming deeper and widerto achieve better performance, there is an urgent need

to explore efficient models for common mobile platforms,such as self-driving cars, smartphones, drones and robots. Inrecent years, many different approaches have been proposedto improve the inference efficiency of neural networks,including network pruning [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], weightquantization [7], knowledge distillation [8], [9], [10], manu-ally and automatically designing of efficient networks [11],[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] and dynamicinference [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27].

Among the above approaches, dynamic inference meth-ods have attracted increasing attention because of theirpromising capability of reducing computational redundancyby automatically adjusting their architectures for differentinputs (see Fig. 1 (b)), in contrast to static Neural ArchitectureSearch (NAS) or Pruning methods that optimize the archi-tecture for the whole dataset. A performance-complexitytrade-off simulated with exponential functions is shown

• C. Li is with GORSE Lab, Dept. of DSAI, Monash University, Melbourne,Australia. Email:

• G. Wang is with Oxford University. Email:• B. Wang is with Alibaba Group. Email:• X. Liang is with Sun Yat-sen University and DarkMatter AI Research.

Email:• Z. Li is with Shandong Artificial Intelligence, Qilu University of Technol-

ogy. Email:• X. Chang is with RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Email:

Corresponding author: Xiaojun Chang.

in Fig. 1 (a), the optimal solution of dynamic networks issuperior to the static NAS or pruning solutions. Ideally,dynamic network routing can significantly improve modelefficiency.

However, as point out in [28], the practical runtimeof dynamic networks usually lags behind the theoreticalcomplexity. For example, the networks with dynamic width,i.e., dynamic pruning methods [26], [27], [29], unlike itsorthogonal counterparts with dynamic depth, have neverachieved actual acceleration in a real-world implementation.As natural extensions of network pruning, dynamic pruningmethods predictively prune the convolution filters withregard to different input at runtime. The varying sparsepatterns are incompatible with computation on hardware.Actually, many of them are implemented as zero masking orinefficient path indexing, resulting in a massive gap betweenthe theoretical analysis and the practical acceleration. Similarissues also exist in pixel-wise dynamic inference methods[30], [31], [32], [33], sparse attention transformers [34], [35],adaptive kernel CNNs [36], [37], [38], etc.

To address the aforementioned issues in dynamic net-works, we explore a hardware-efficient dynamic inferenceregime. Based on analysis of generalized residual learningand a series of controlled experiments, we derive severalpractical guidelines for dynamic supernet design. Dynamicweight slicing scheme is accordingly proposed followingthe guidelines. Instead of predictively pruning convolutionfilters or adaptively selecting important weight elements in asparse way, we pre-define dense weight slices with differentimportance level in a dynamic supernet by generalized








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1 2 3 54

easy & hard samplesstatic netsdynamic nets


MAdds (B)



Easy samples

Hard samples

Use less computation

Use more computation

Dynamic Gate


Fig. 1: The motivation for designing dynamic networks to achieve efficient inference. (a) A simulation diagram of accuracy-complexity comparing a series of static networks (red curve) with 20 dynamic inference schemes (blue curves) of differentresource allocate proportion for easy and hard samples on a hypothetical classification task with evenly distributed easyand hard samples. (b) Illustration of dynamic networks on efficient inference. Input images are routed to use differentarchitectures regarding their classification difficulty.

residual learning. During inference, weights are progressivelysliced beginning with the most important elements to lessimportant ones to achieve different model capacity for inputswith diverse difficulty level.

Based on dynamic weight slicing regime, we first presentDynamic Slimmable Network (DS-Net) by adaptively adjust-ing filter numbers of convolution neural networks duringinference with respect to different inputs. To avoid the extraburden on hardware caused by dynamic sparsity, filtersare kept static and contiguous when adjusting the networkwidth. By extending dynamic weight slicing to multipledimensions in both CNNs and transformers (e.g. kernel size,embedding dimension, number of heads, etc.), we furtherpresent dynamic slice-able network (DS-Net++). Dynamicrouting is achieved via a double-headed dynamic gate comprisedof an attention head and a routing head with negligible extracomputational cost.

The training of dynamic networks is a highly entangledbilevel optimization problem. To ensure sub-network gen-erality and the fairness of gate, a disentangled two-stageoptimization scheme is proposed to optimize the supernetand the gates separately. In Stage-I, the dynamic supernet isoptimized with a novel training method for weight-sharingnetworks, named in-place bootstrapping (IB). IB introduces amomentum supernet and trains the smaller sub-networksby predicting the output of the largest sub-network inthe momentum supernet. Ensemble in-place bootstrapping,a variant of IB is further proposed to stabilize supernettraining by encouraging the smallest sub-network to fitthe output probability ensemble of larger sub-networks inthe momentum supernet. Advanced training techniques,hierarchical in-place bootstrapping (H-IB) and multi-viewconsistency (MvCo) are further proposed to improve theperformance of DS-Net++. In H-IB scheme, intermediatesupervision from teacher model is used to reduce the gapbetween sub-networks and ease the convergence hardship.MvCo scheme is performed by reducing the inconsistencyamong the results predicted from different augmented viewsof the same training sample using different sub-networks. InStage-II, to prevent dynamic gates from collapsing into staticones in the multi-objective optimization problem, a technique

named sandwich gate sparsification (SGS) is proposed to assistthe gate training. During gate training, SGS identifies easyand hard samples online and further generates the groundtruth label for the dynamic gates.

Overall, our contributions are as follows:• We propose dynamic weight slicing scheme, achiev-

ing good hardware-efficiency by predictively slicingnetwork parameters during inference with respect todifferent inputs, while keeping them stored staticallyand contiguously in hardware to prevent the extraburden of sparse computation.

• We present DS-Net, by using dynamic weight slicingto adjust the filter number of CNNs. We propose atwo-stage optimization scheme with IB, E-IB and SGStechniques for DS-Net.

• By extending our dynamic weight slicing to more dimen-sions of CNNs, we present DS-CNN++. We additionallypropose two advanced training schemes H-IB and MvCofor DS-CNN++.

• We further present DS-ViT++, by extending our dy-namic weight slicing to multiple dimensions of visiontransformers. To overcome the training difficulty whennaively applying IB scheme on transformers, we re-designed an External Distillation scheme with MvCo forDS-ViT++ supernet.

• Extensive experiments demonstrate our DS-Net andDS-Net++ outperform its static counterparts [39], [40]as well as state-of-the-art static and dynamic modelcompression methods by a large margin (up to 6.6%).Typically, DS-Net and DS-Net++ achieve 2-4× com-putation reduction and 1.62× real-world accelerationover MobileNet [41], ResNet-50 [42] and ViT [43] withminimal accuracy drops (0.1-0.3%) on ImageNet.


2.1 Anytime Neural NetworksAnytime neural networks are single networks that canexecute with their sub-networks under different budgetconstraints, thus can be deployed instantly and adaptivelyin different application scenarios. Anytime neural networks


have been studied in two orthogonal directions: networkswith variable depth and variable width. Some recent works[44], [45], [46] also explore anytime neural networks inmultiple dimensions, e.g. depth, width, kernel size, etc.Networks with variable depth [22], [25], [47], [48] are firststudied widely, benefiting from the naturally nested structurein depth dimension and residual connections in ResNet [42]and DenseNet [49]. Network with variable width was firststudied in [50]. Recently, slimmable networks [40], [51] usingswitchable batch normalization and in-place distillation achievebetter performance than their stand-alone counterparts in anywidth. In the field of Neural Architecture Search, AutoSlim[39], Once-For-All [44], BigNAS [45] and AutoFormer [52]are representative works that utilize a single anytime neuralnetwork to perform architecture search by evaluating itssub-networks.

2.2 Dynamic Neural NetworksDynamic neural networks change their architectures basedon the input data. For efficient inference, they reduce averageinference cost by using different sub-networks adaptivelyw.r.t. input difficulty.

Dynamic CNNs. Dynamic CNNs [23], [24], [53], [54]have been studied thoroughly in recent years. Networkswith dynamic depth [21], [22], [23], [24], [25] achieve efficientinference in two ways, early exiting when shallower sub-networks have high classification confidence [21], [22], [25],or skipping residual blocks adaptively [23], [24]. Dynamicpruning methods [26], [27], [29] using a variable subset ofconvolution filters have been studied. Channel Gating NeuralNetwork [26] and FBS [27] identify and skip the unimportantinput channels at run-time. In GaterNet [29], a separategater network is used to predictively select the filters of themain network. Please refer to [28] for a more comprehensivereview of dynamic neural networks.

Dynamic Transformer. Dynamic networks based on Trans-former [55] and BERT [56] have been proved effective inNeural Language Processing (NLP) Tasks. Most of the worksfocus on developing transformers with dynamic depth byearly exiting [57], [58], [59], [60] or skipping layers inblocks by halting scores [61], [62]. Switch Transformer [63]uses Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) routing algorithm to switchbetween different feed forward network (FFN) layers basedon the input. Recently, the exciting break-through in visiontransformers led by ViT [43] and DETR [64] makes dynamicvision transformers a promising research topic. DVT [65]automatically configures a decent token number conditionedon each image for high computational efficiency by earlyexiting from a cascade of transformers with increasing tokennumbers. DynamicVit [66] uses binary gating module toselectively abandon less informative tokens conditioned onfeatures produced by the previous layer. V-MoE [67] replacesa subset of the dense feedforward layers in ViT with Mixture-of-Experts (MoEs).

2.3 Static Neural Architecture OptimizationWeight sharing NAS. Weight sharing NAS methods integratethe whole search space of NAS into a weight sharing supernetand optimize network architecture by pursuing the best-performing sub-networks. These methods can be roughly

divided into two categories: jointly optimized methods [68],[69], [70], in which the weight of the supernet is jointlytrained with the architecture routing agent (typically asimple learnable factor for each candidate route); and one-shot methods [15], [18], [19], [44], [71], [72], [73], in which thetraining of the supernet parameters and architecture routingagent are disentangled. After fair and sufficient training, theagent is optimized with the weights of supernet frozen.


In this section, we present our hardware-efficient dynamicinference scheme in 3 steps. First, we derive dynamicweight slicing scheme with theoretical basis. Then, we applydynamic weight slicing and present our dynamic slice-ablenetwork. Finally, we design an efficient routing agent.

Notations. We denote tensors with fixed shapes (such assupernet parameters) using bold upper case letters (e.g. W)and tensors with varying shapes (such as feature maps indynamic networks) using bold upper case calligraphic letters(e.g. X ). Scalars are denoted with regular letters (e.g. d, D).

3.1 Dynamic Inference with Dynamic Supernet andRouting AgentWe present a general dynamic inference scheme by a dynamicneural network Q(W,θ), consisting of a dynamic supernetΨ(W) with parameters W undertaking the main task and arouting agent Φ(θ), parameterized by θ, which predicts theoptimal route in the dynamic supernet for each input.

Dynamic Supernet. Formally, a dynamic supernet Ψ(W)is a weight-sharing network parameterized by W, whichcan execute with any of the |t| different sub-networks{ψt(wt)}, wt ⊂W, when given a routing signal. To achieveefficient inference, the supernet should contain sub-networkswith different complexities, which will be selected duringinference adjusting to the input difficulty. For simplicity,we denote sub-networks in order of complexity, with ψ1

being the smallest sub-network, and ψ|t| being the largestsub-network.

Routing Agent. A routing agent Φ(θ) is a light-weightmodule, predicting the states {φt} for each of the |t| exe-cutable sub-networks in the dynamic supernet Ψ. The statescan be represented as a vector φ ∈ {0, 1}|t| of elements thatare one-hot, i.e.

∑|t|t=0 φt = 1.

Then, the dynamic neural network is simply implementedas dot product of the routing agent and the dynamicsupernet:

Q(W,θ;x) = Φ(θ;x) ·Ψ(W;x)

= ψφ(θ;x)(W;x).(1)

where ψφ denotes the route selected by the indicator φ.

3.2 Practical Guidelines for Dynamic Supernet DesignGUIDELINE I: Generalized Residual Learning Guaran-tees Lossless Weight Sharing. Considering H(x) as anunderlying mapping to be fit by a network module F(x),with x denoting the input, residual learning [42] is definedas learning a function R(x) := H(x)− x, which makes theoriginal function F(x) = x + R(x). Here, we generalize


(a) Stand alone. (b) Naive. (c) Residual. (d) Weight Nesting. (e) Weight Slicing.

Fig. 2: Illustrations of generalized residual learning, weight nesting and weight slicing.

the residual learning to supernets. Let us consider H(x) asthe underlying mapping to be fit by each of the |t| paths{ψt} of a supernet module Φ(x). Instead of learning each ψtseparately to mimicH, generalized residual learning makeseach path (except for the first one) approximate the residualfunction of the previous path:

Rt(x) := H(x)−ψt−1(x), 1 < t ≤ |t|. (2)

Thus, the original function of each path is split into a coremodule and t residuals:

ψt(x) = ψ1(x)︸ ︷︷ ︸core


Ri(x)︸ ︷︷ ︸residuals

, 1 < t ≤ |t|. (3)

The smaller paths can always be achieved by learningresiduals in larger paths to 0.

A Case Study: Dynamic Depth. For instance, a supernetmodule, consisting of two sequential blocks f and g, hastwo paths ψ1 and ψ2. Generally, the supernet module has 3possible scheme:• Stand alone. ψ1 and ψ2 are two separate paths without

weight sharing: {ψ1(x) = fa(x),

ψ2(x) = g(fb(x))(4)

where fa and fb are block f with different parameters;• Naive Weight Sharing. ψ1 and ψ2 share part of their

weights but do not form an additive relation:{ψ1(x) = f(x),

ψ2(x) = g(ψ1(x));(5)

• Generalized Residual Learning. ψ1 and ψ2 satisfy Eq. (3):{ψ1(x) = f(x),

ψ2(x) = ψ1(x) + g(ψ1(x)).(6)

Here, R2(x) := g(ψ1(x)) is the residual function to fit theunderlying residual mapping


). Fig. 2 (a)-(c)

provide simple illustrations of these 3 schemes. Here weshow by experiments that learning ψ1 and R2 is easier thanlearning ψ1 and ψ2 separately. We replace the 3-rd stageof MobileNet V1 with a supernet block that can executewith two routes: 1 layer or 6 layers. The accuracy of the tworoutes in these three schemes, after 50,000 steps training onImageNet, are shown in Table 1. Naive weight sharing leadsto remarkable accuracy drop (-1.3% in ψ1) in this simplesupernet with only two paths. Thus, networks without skipconnections, such as MobileNet V1 [41], is not suitable for

TABLE 1: Accuracy comparison of dynamic depth supernetwith only 2 paths on MobileNet V1 [41]. Naive weightsharing (Naive) leads to accuracy drop in both of the sub-networks, while generalized residual learning (Residual)guarantees lossless weight sharing.

Scheme Stand alone Naive Residualψ1 Acc. 47.4 46.1 (-1.3%) 48.3 (+0.9%)ψ2 Acc. 50.7 50.0 (-0.7%) 53.2 (+2.5%)

TABLE 2: Latency comparison of ResNet-50 with 25% chan-nels (on GeForce RTX 2080 Ti). Both masking and indexinglead to inefficient computation waste, while slicing achievescomparable acceleration with ideal (the individual ResNet-500.25×).

Method Full Masking Indexing Slicing IdealLatency 12.2 ms 12.4ms 16.6 ms 7.9 ms 7.2 ms

dynamic depth. By adding a single skip connection fromlayer 1 to layer 6, generalized residual learning achievesbetter performance than stand alone, which proves thatgeneralized residual learning guarantees lossless weightsharing.

Weight Nesting. Generalized residual learning of differentlayers or branches can be easily achieved by adding skipconnections. However, too many skip connections increasenetwork fragmentation, which can further reduce the degreeof parallelism [74]. Here, we further study generalizedresidual learning in a single weight layer. Without lossof generality, we consider ψ1(x,w1) and ψ2(x,w2) beingthe first two of |t| paths of a single fully-connected superlayer Ψ(x,W), approximating the same underlying mappingH(x). Cases with higher dimensional parameters, e.g. con-volutions, can be easily generalized. Following generalizedresidual learning, instead of learning the two mappingsseparately, we nest w1 into w2 (see Fig. 2 (d)), and let ψ2

approximate the residual function following Eq. (3). Wedenote wt by the association of a mask mt ∈ {0, 1}d andsupernet weight W ∈ Rd. As w1 ⊂ w2, the residual mask issimply implemented as mR2 := m2 −m1 ∈ {0, 1}d. Thegeneralized residual learning in weight nesting scheme areas follows: {

ψ1(x) = (m1 ·W)x,

ψ2(x) = ψ1(x) + (mR2 ·W)x.(7)

GUIDELINE II: Weight Slicing Minimizes Sparse In-


Gate 1


Stage 1


Stage ClassifierInput Stem

OutputW W

Fig. 3: Architecture of dynamic slice-able convolution neural networks (DS-CNN++). The architecture of each supernet stageis adjusted adaptively by the routing signal φ predicted by the gates. For simplicity, only channel dimension is showned inthis figure, see Fig. 4 for the illustration of dynamic slicing in spatial dimension.

ference Overhead. In previous pruning and dynamic prun-ing methods, the convolution filters are pruned irregularly,forming a sparse pattern. In static pruning methods [3], [5],[6], [75], the sparse filters are merged to a dense one afterpruning. However, in dynamic pruning methods [26], [27],[29], the filters can not be merged as they are changinginput-dependently during inference. More specifically, thesemethods predictively generate the irregular pruning maskm and apply to the supernet weight W. To minimize thecomputation waste in sparse inference, the weights of sub-networks should be dense and regular.

Weight Slicing. Based on weight nesting, we furtherachieve dense dynamic inference by weight slicing. In thisscheme, weights in sub-networks are forced to be denseand regular. We consider a weight nesting fully-connectedsuper layer Ψ(x,W) with sub-networksψ1 andψ2 satisfyingEq. (7). In weight slicing scheme, if we treat parameters assequences, then w1 is a contiguous subsequence of w2 (seeFig. 2 (e)). Without loss of generality, we assume all thesubsequence begin from the first index of W. Let kt be theend index of wt in W, the supernet module is thus a singlelayer executing with different slice of weight:{

ψ1(x) = W[: k1] x,

ψ2(x) = ψ1(x) + W[k1 : k2]x,(8)

where [s : e] denotes a slicing operation from index s to e, inpython-like style. Table 2 shows the speed comparison ofdifferent sparse inference schemes. Compared to weightmasking and indexing, weight slicing minimizes sparseinference overhead.

By controlling the slicing index with an input-dependentrouting signal φ = Φ(x), we have the hardware-efficientdynamic weight slicing scheme. In our conference version [76],we have explored dynamic slicing in CNN filter numbersand presented dynamic slimmable network (DS-Net). In thefollowing sections, we generalize dynamic weight slicingto multiple dimensions of CNNs and transformers, andaccordingly present dynamic slice-able network (DS-Net++).

3.3 Dynamic Slice-able Convolution Neural Networks

In this section, we present dynamic slice-able convolutionneural networks (DS-CNN++). As shown in Fig. 3, DS-CNN++ achieves dynamic inference with dynamic weightslicing on multiple dimensions of CNNs.

(a) Kernel size. (b) Dilation.

Fig. 4: Illustrations of weight slicing in spatial dimension ofconvolution filters.

Dynamic Slicing in Convolution. Let W ∈ RCO×CI×K×K

denote the parameters of a convolutional super layer inweight slicing scheme, with CI , CO, K denoting the in-put channel number, output channel number and kernelsize. Similarly, in group convolution, we have parameterW ∈ RN×GO×GI×K×K , with N , GI , GO being the groupnumber, input channel number and output channel numberper group, respectively. Given an elastic input with certainshape X ∈ RcI×H×W (cI ≤ CI), produced by the previousslimmable layer, a dynamic slice-able convolution Ψconv(X )can execute by any path ψconv(X ) with weight slices inmultiple dimensions, adjusting to the routing signal φ.• Filter number. Similar to output dimension in fully-

connected super layers, the filter number can be dy-namically sliced as:

ψconv(X ) = W[: cφO, : cI] ?X , (9)

where ? denotes convolution and cφO := φ · {cO} isthe selected output channel, with (·)φ denoting that theslicing index is dynamically controlled by the routingsignal of current layer.

• Group number and filter number per group. For slice-ablegroup convolution, we have two schemes to reducethe filter number: dynamic group number or dynamicfilter number per group. In the first scheme, the inputis reshaped into n×GI ×H ×W . While in the secondscheme, the input is reshaped into N × gI × H ×W .These two schemes can be formulated as:{

ψconv(X ) = Concat(W[i] ?X [i])ni=0;

ψconv(X ) = Concat(W[i, : gφO, : gI] ?X [i])Ni=0.(10)

Among these two schemes, the output filter number ofthe first scheme is determined only by the input shape,




Class Head

Dynamic Slicing in Patch Embedding[CLS]

Routing Signal

Dynamic Slicing in Transformer Block

Dynamic Slicing in Transformer Block

Dynamic Slicing in Transformer Block

Input Embedding

Input Embedding


Dynamic MLP

Dynamic MLP


Dynamic Layers of Transformer Blocks

Fig. 5: Architecture of dynamic slice-able vision transformer (DS-ViT++). Embedding dimension, Q-K-V dimension, headnumber, MLP ratio and layer number are predictively adjusted by routing signal φ, with respect to different inputs.

i.e. cO = GO ∗ n = GO ∗ cI/GI , while the output filternumber of the second scheme can be determined byrouting signal φ.

• Kernel size. As shown in Fig. 4 (a), in spatial dimension,the filters can be sliced into different kernel sizes:

ψconv(X ) = W[:, : cI , kφ0 : kφ0 + kφ, kφ0 : kφ0 + kφ] ?X . (11)

• Dilation. Slicing operation with interval larger than oneis also hardware efficient in modern deep learningframework, which makes dynamic dilation a possiblescheme (see Fig. 4 (b)). Let l denote the dilation, and[:: l] denote slicing with interval l, a convolution withdynamic dilation l can be achieved by the followingobjective function:

ψconv(X ) = W[:, : cI , :: lφ, :: lφ] ?X . (12)

• Padding. By directly slicing the padded input featuremap X , different padding size and output resolutioncan be achieved. Let p denote the difference between theselected padding size and maximum padding size ona single side, dynamic padding can be achieved by thefollowing objective function:

ψconv(X ) = W ?X [:, pφ : −pφ, pφ : −pφ]. (13)

Split Batch Normalization with Re-calibration. Batch Nor-malization plays a vital role in stabilizing the dynamics inCNNs. Let γ ∈ RC , β ∈ RC denote the scaling factors of abatch normalization super layer. To eliminate the distributionshift caused by the switching route, we calculate mean µtand standard deviation σt of the input separately for eachroute t following [51], [77]. After training, we re-calibrate µtand σt for each path by cumulative average over the wholetraining set following [40], which typically takes 2 minutes on8 GPUs for each path. Given an input X ∈ Rc×H×W (c ≤ C)from route t, split batch normalization with re-calibration(Re-SBN) is formulated as follows:

ψbn(X ) = γ[: c] ·(X − µt


)+ β[: c]. (14)

TABLE 3: Complexity comparison of different patch embed-ding design. “c”: convolution; “ds”: Depthwise Separableblock [41].

Source blocks dim kernel stride MAdds

ViT/16 [43] c - 16 16 5.5GLV-ViT [78] [c, c, c, c] 64 [7,3,3,8] [2,1,1,8] 6.8GOurs [c, ds, ds, c] 24 [7,3,3,8] [2,1,1,8] 5.6G

3.4 Dynamic Slice-able Vision Transformer

In this section, we present dynamic slice-able vision trans-former (DS-ViT++). As shown in Fig. 5, DS-ViT++ dynami-cally slice the parameters on multiple dimensions of visiontransformers.

Efficient stem with depthwise separable convolution. In DS-CNN++, to ease the prediction of routing decision, the dy-namic gate is inserted at intermediate layer and takes featuremaps rather than the original image as the input. However,in vision transformer [43], the first layer, patch embedding,controls the embedding dimension of all the subsequenttransformer blocks. To endow the transformer blocks with theability of dynamically adjusting embedding dimension, weinsert the gate before patch embedding layer and add a lightweight stem before the gate to ease its prediction (see Fig. 5).The feature maps before patch embedding have large spatialscale and can result in huge computational overhead. Forinstance, LV-ViT [78] uses a 4-layer convolutional stem with1.3G MAdds, which is too heavy regarding to our efficientinference objective. We accordingly proposed an efficientstem by reducing the channel dimension and replacing theintermediate convolutions using Depthwise Separable blocks[41] with Depthwise and Pointwise convolution layers.

Dynamic Slicing in Patch Embedding. In vision transformer,an input image x ∈ RH×W×3 is first split into N patcheswith size M, i.e. x ∈ RN×M×3. Then, these patches areprojected to dimension D by patch embedding layer withweight Wembed ∈ R3M×De . To form a dynamic slice-ablevision transformer supernet with variable embedding dimen-sion de (de < De), we make Wembed slice-able in its outputdimension:

ψembed(x) = Wembed[: dφe ] ∗ x, (15)


Dynamic Slicing in Multi-Head Self Attention. Let Q ∈RN×dh , K ∈ RN×dh and V ∈ RN×dh denote query, keysand values computed from the same sequence of inputs X ∈RN×de with elastic embedding dimension de, using threeslimmable linear transformations with weight Wq,Wk,Wv ∈RDe×Dh , which are dynamic slice-able in both the input andoutput dimensions:

Q = Wq[: dφh , : d] ∗X ,

K = Wk[: dφh , : d] ∗X ,

V = Wv[: dφh , : d] ∗X .


Then, with the elastic tensors Q,K,V ∈ RN×dh , theslimmable self attention can be formulated as:

Ah = Softmax(QK>/√dh)V . (17)

In multi-head self attention, multiple outputs in shapeN × dh are calculated in parallel via h heads and thenconcatenated in shape of N × hdh before projected back toN × de. We, therefore, use a slimmable linear transformationWproj ∈ RhDh×De to project the h elastic outputs fromdifferent heads back to the embedding dimension:

ψattn(X ) = Wproj [: de, : hDh] ∗ Concat(A0, . . . ,A|h|). (18)

Dynamic Slicing in MLP. In MLP blocks of vision trans-formers, we also apply the dynamic slicing scheme. The MLPblock consists of two linear layers with an activation functionσ, e.g. GELU. Here, we use two slimmable linear layers toachieve dynamic MLP ratio:

ψmlp(X ) = W2[: de, : dφmlp] ∗ σ(W1[: d

φmlp, : de] ∗X ). (19)

3.5 Double-Headed Dynamic GateIn this section, we present a dynamic gate with double-headeddesign, serving as the routing agent Φ in Eq. (1) that predictsthe states φ for the sub-networks.

We formulate the dynamic routing as a categorical regres-sion problem, and approximate the probability distributionfunction pθ(·|X ). To reduce the input feature map X to a|t|-dimensional probability score vector for each route, wedivide pθ(·|X ) to two functions:

pθ(·|X ) = F(E(X )), (20)

where E is an encoder that reduces feature maps to a vectorand the function F maps the reduced feature to a one-hotvector used for the subsequent channel slicing. Consideringone of the routing gate in Fig. 3, given an input feature Xwith dimension cI × H × W , E(X ) reduces it to a vectorX E ∈ RcI which can be further mapped to a one-hot vector.

Similar to prior works [79], [80] on channel attention andgating, we simply utilize average pooling as a light-weightencoder E to integrate spatial information:

X E =1

H ×W



X [:, i, j] (21)

As for feature mapping function F , we adopt a two-layerdynamic MLP ψmlp with weights W1 ∈ RCmlp×CI andW2 ∈ R|t|×Cmlp to predict scores for each of the |t| routingchoices. The probability of each routing choices is predictedby applying softmax function over the scores:

φ ∼ Pθ(φ = e(t)|X ) =exp[ψ

(t)mlp(θ;X E)]∑∑∑

t exp[ψ(t)mlp(θ;X E)]

, (22)

where φ is a one-hot route indicator vector, and e(t) is thet-th one-hot vector, denoting routing to the t-th path.

Our proposed channel gating function has a similarform with recent channel attention methods [79], [80]. Theattention mechanism can be integrated into our gate withnearly zero cost, by adding another fully-connected layerwith weights W3 that projects the hidden vector withdimension Cmlp back to the original channel number CI .Based on the conception above, we propose a double-headeddynamic gate with a soft channel attention head and a hardrouting head. The channel attention head can be defined asfollows:

X = X · δ(ψmlp(W1,W3;X )

), (23)

where δ(x) = 1 + tanh(x) is the activation function adoptedfor the attention head.


4.1 Disentangled Two-Stage Optimization Scheme

We first formulate the optimization of dynamic network asfollows:





}, (24)

where L(φ,W;x) is the loss function of the dynamic net-work executing with the control signal φ. And we areinterested in optimizing its expected value L(θ,W;x) :=Eφ∼pθ(·|x)



Drawback of Single-Stage Optimization. In previous dy-namic inference methods [26], [27], [29], parameters of therouting agent θ and parameters of the supernet W are jointlyoptimized in an end-to-end fashion by directly optimizing Eq.(24). More specifically, these methods compute the gradientof W and θ by gradient estimators or reparameterizationtricks. For instance, by using REINFORCE [81] and MonteCarlo sampling, gradient of W and θ can be estimated asfollows:

∇WL(θ,W;x) ' 1




∇θL(θ,W;x) ' 1



L(φk,W;x)∇θ log(pθ(φ


(25)where φk ∼ pθ(·|x), i.d.d.

However, single stage training can cause generalizationdegradation and routing unfairness. First of all, as the routingsignal is sampled from a conditional distribution of inputx, the input distribution for each route during training isalso conditioned on the routing signal, i.e. xφ ∼ p′θ(·|φ),which is to say, each route ψ in the dynamic supernet isactivated for inputs that are not uniformly sampled fromthe data distribution. Similar issue has also been identifiedin [28]. In an ideal case, easy samples tend to activatesmaller sub-networks, while hard samples tend to use largersub-networks. However, when the routing agent is notyet optimized, the input distribution for each route can


Target Supernet

Online Supernet

Online Weights






EMA Weights

Fig. 6: Training process of dynamic supernet with in-placebootstrapping.

be severely shifted from the data distribution and causegeneralization degradation problems. Secondly, as the routein Eq. (25) is activated by signal φk ∼ pθ(·|x), some routeis activated for more training steps and can quickly gainadvantage over other routes in early training stage, whichfurther results in routing unfairness. Some of the previousworks [82], [83] on dynamic inference avoid these issues bypretraining W before training θ and W jointly. Here, we adopta two-stage optimization scheme to completely disentanglethe optimization of θ and W.

Disentangled Two-Stage Optimization. To ensure the gener-ality of every path and routing fairness, when optimizing W,the distribution of φ should be independent to the input x,e.g. a uniform distribution U(e) of one-hot vector e. Afterthe optimization of W, the routing gate can be trained withW fixed as optimal. Based on the analysis above, we proposea two-stage optimization strategy in analogy to one-shotNAS [15], [71], to ensure the generality of every path in ourDS-Net. The optimization of dynamic network (Eq. (24)) isdisentangled as follows:

W? = arg minW



}θ? = arg min



} (26)

Here, the optimization of supernet parameters W is com-pletely isolated from the dynamic gate Φ(θ,x), in contrastto Eq. (24) where these two are highly entangled. Practically,in Stage I, we disable the routing gate and train a weightsharing supernet to reach the optimal W? by sampling sub-networks; then in Stage II, we fix the optimal parametersW? of the supernet and optimize the parameters θ of thedynamic routing gates.

4.2 Training Techniques for Anytime Supernet

The sandwich rule and in-place distillation (ID) techniques [40]proposed for Universally Slimmable Networks enhancedtheir overall performance. Following sandwich rule, in eachtraining step, the smallest sub-network, largest sub-network

and |k| random sub-networks are sampled for training. Theexpected loss of the dynamic supernet is estimated as follows:

Eφ{L}' 1

|k|+ 2

LS + LL +


Lk , (27)

where LS , LL and Lk are loss function of the smallest sub-network, largest sub-network and |k| uniformly sampledsub-networks, respectively.

In in-place distillation, the largest sub-network is usedas the target network generating soft labels for other sub-networks. Let Y denote the output of the network and ydenote the true labels, the in-place distillation losses can besummarized as follows:

LLID = LCE(ψL(x),y),

LkID = LCE(ψk(x),ψL(x)),

LSID = LCE(ψS(x),ψL(x)),


where LCE(p, q) = −∑

i qi log(pi) is the cross-entropy loss ofoutput p and target q, where we always stop the gradientcomputation of the target q.

However, as observed in BigNAS [45], training a morecomplex model with in-place distillation could be highlyunstable. Without residual connection and special weightinitialization tricks, the loss exploded at the early stage andcan never converge. Acute fluctuation appeared in the weightof the largest sub-network can cause convergence hardship,especially in the early stage of training. To overcome theconvergence hardship in slimmable networks and improvethe overall performance of our supernet, we propose a seriesof training techniques, including in-place bootstrapping (IB)with its two variations and multi-view consistency (MvCo) intwo forms.

4.2.1 In-place BootstrappingIn-place Bootstrapping (IB). In recent years, a growing numberof self-supervised methods with bootstrapping [84], [85],[86] and semi-supervised methods based on consistencyregularization [87], [88] use historical representations toproduce targets for the online network. Inspired by this,we propose to bootstrap on previous representations in oursupervised in-place distillation training. As shown in Fig. 6, weuse the exponential moving average (EMA) of the supernetas the target supernet that generates soft labels. Let W andW′ denote the parameters of the online supernet and thetarget supernet, respectively. We have:

W′τ = αW′τ−1 + (1− α)Wτ , (29)

where α is a momentum factor controlling the ratio of thehistorical parameter and τ is a training timestamp which isusually measured by a training iteration. During training,the EMA supernet is more robust to the acute fluctuationin the parameter of online supernet, thus can consistentlyprovide high quality target for the smaller sub-networks.Let ψ′ denote the routes in the target supernet with EMAweight W′, the training losses of in-place bootstrapping canbe denoted as follows:

LLIB = LCE(ψL(x),y),

LkIB = LCE(ψk(x),ψ′L(x)),

LSIB = LCE(ψS(x),ψ′L(x)).



Ensemble IB. As pointed out in [89], [90], an ensemble ofteacher networks can generate more diverse, more accurateand more general soft labels for distillation training of thestudent network. In our supernet, there are tons of sub-models with different architectures, which can generate dif-ferent soft labels. To take advantages of this, we use differentsub-networks as a teacher ensemble when performing in-place bootstrapping for the smallest sub-network, formingthe ensemble in-place bootstrapping (E-IB) scheme. Morespecifically, the smallest sub-network is trained to predict theprobability ensemble of all the other sampled sub-networksin the target network:

ψ′(x) =1

|k|+ 1

ψ′L(x) +



. (31)

To sum up, the E-IB scheme replace the LSIB in Eq. (30) withLSE-IB, which is calculated by:

LSE-IB = LCE(ψS(x), ψ′(x)). (32)

Hierarchical IB with Slimmable Projector. As we expand thedynamic routing space to more dimensions, e.g. depth, kernelsize, etc., the convergence hardship becomes more severe. Thesmall sub-networks converge much slower than the largerones. To reduce the gap between sub-networks and easethe convergence hardship, we add intermediate supervisionafter each stage of the supernet, forming the hierarchicalin-place bootstrapping (H-IB). To relax the strict per-pixelmatching constraint and tackle the size mismatch issue ofintermediate output of different sub-networks, we introducea slimmable predictor ρ for online supernet. Consider `-thintermediate features after global average pooling: ψk` (x) ∈Rc and ψ′L` (x) ∈ RC from the k-th sampled sub-networkof online supernet and the largest sub-network of targetsupernet, respectively. We use a slimmable MLP (defined asEq. (19)) with weight W1 ∈ RCmlp×C and W2 ∈ RC×Cmlp asthe predictor ρ to predict the target ψ′L` (x) from the onlinefeature ψk` (x). Similar to previous work on intermediatedistillation [9], we use the simplistic L2 distance as the lossfunction, the H-IB loss of the k-th sampled sub-network isformulated as follows:

LkH-IB =1





∥∥∥∥ρ(ψk` (x))−ψ′L` (x)



. (33)

The H-IB loss for the smallest sub-network ψS has the sameform. When using H-IB scheme, we always balance the losswith the end-to-end bootstrapping loss LIB or LE-IB. Takingoriginal IB as an example, the total loss of H-IB scheme forthe k-th sampled sub-network of online supernet is:

L = λIBLIB + λH-IBLH-IB (34)

4.2.2 Multi-view Consistency

In sandwich rule, the output ψ(x) of each sub-networksare calculated using the same input x. As the consistencyover different view of the same image is important for thegenerality of the network, we take the advantage of multi-path sampling in sandwich rule, and use different views of atraining sample for each sampled paths.

In-place Bootstrapping with Multi-view Consistency. In in-place bootstrapping scheme, given a training sample x, multi-view consistency (MvCo) is performed by sampling |k|+ 2augmented views {xk},xS ,xL ∼ paug(·|x) for the |k|+2 sub-networks. Overall, in-place bootstrapping with multi-viewconsistency is formulated as:

LLIB = LCE(ψL(xL),y


LkIB = LCE(ψk(xk),ψ′L(xL)


LSIB = LCE(ψS(xS),ψ′L(xL)



External Distillation with Multi-view Consistency. As ob-served in [91], distillation schemes designed for CNNs arenot optimal for vision transformers. Similarly, in-place dis-tillation and in-place bootstrapping designed for slimmableCNNs is not suitable for dynamic slimmable transformer.The training can not even converge if naively apply in-placedistillation on transformers (see Section 5.7.3). During in-place distillation training, the cross-entropy between smallersub-networks and the largest one becomes dominant beforethe largest network learning any useful knowledge. This canbe attributed to the slower convergence of vision transform-ers, in contrast to CNNs with inductive bias. An intuitivesolution is to pretrain the largest model before applyingin-place distillation. As an alternative, we directly adopt awell-trained teacher model T as an external supervision.

Similar to the case of in-place bootstrapping, to promotemulti-view consistency, we sampling |k|+3 augmented views{xk},xS ,xL,xT ∼ paug(·|x) for the |k|+ 2 sub-networks andthe teacher model. We use a similar distillation scheme withDeiT [91]. Each of the sampled paths learns to predict thehard label generated by the teacher yT = argmax

(T (xT )


and ground truth label y. Losses of external distillationwith multi-view consistency for dynamic transformers are asfollows:LLED =





)+ LCE



LkED =1




)+ LCE







)+ LCE




4.3 Training Techniques for Input-Dependent Gate

In training stage II, we propose to use the end-to-end classifi-cation cross-entropy loss LCLS and a complexity penalty lossLCP to train the gate, aiming to choose the most efficient andeffective sub-networks for each instance.

Differentiable Relaxation with Gumbel-Softmax. To optimizethe non-differentiable routing head of dynamic gate inan end-to-end fashion with classification loss LCLS, weuse gumbel-softmax [92], [93], a classical way to optimizeneural networks with argmax or with discrete variablessampled from softmax, e.g. the one-hot vector φ in this work,by relaxing argmax or discrete sampling to differentiablesoftmax in gradient computation.

Complexity penalty. Complexity penalty loss LCP is usedto increase the model efficiency in training stage II. Toprovide a stable and fair constraint, we use the numberof multiply-adds on the fly, MAdds(θ;x), as the metrics of


model complexity. Specifically, the complexity penalty isgiven by:

LCP =(MAdds(θ;x)


)2, (37)

where T is a normalize factor set to the total MAdds of thesupernet in our implementation. Note that this loss termalways pushes the gate to route towards a faster architecture,rather than towards an architecture with target MAdds,which can effectively prevent routing easy and hard instancesto the same architecture.

sandwich gate sparsification. When only using the clas-sification loss, we empirically found that the gate easilycollapses into a static one even if we add Gumbel noise [92]to help the optimization of gumbel-softmax. Apparently,using only gumbel-softmax technique is not enough for thismulti-objective dynamic gate training. To further overcomethe convergence hardship and increase the dynamic diversityof the gate, a technique named sandwich gate sparsification(SGS) is further proposed. We use the smallest sub-networkand the whole network to identify easy and hard samplesonline and further generate the ground truth routing signalsfor the routing heads of all the dynamic gates.

Guaranteed by generalized residual learning Eq. (3),larger sub-networks should always be more accurate becausethe accuracy of smaller ones can always be achieved bylearning new connections to zeros. Thus, given a well-trainedsupernet, input samples can be roughly classified into threedifficulty levels: a) Easy samples xeasy that can be correctlyclassified by the smallest sub-network; b) Hard samplesxhard that can not be correctly classified by the largest sub-network; c) Dependent samples xdep: Other samples inbetween. In order to minimize the computation cost, easysamples should always be routed to the smallest sub-network(i.e. gate target yΦ(xeasy) = e1). For dependent samples andhard samples, we always encourage them to pass throughthe largest sub-network, even if the hard samples can not becorrectly classified (i.e. yΦ(xhard) = yΦ(xdep) = e|t|). Anothergate target strategy is also discussed in Section 5.7.4.

Based on the generated gate target, we define the SGS lossas the cross-entropy between the predicted probability foreach choice pθ(·|x) and the generated ground truth choiceyΦ(x):

LSGS = LCE(pθ(·|x),yΦ(x)

). (38)

Overall, the routing gate can be optimized with a jointloss function:

L = λ1LCLS + λ2LCP + λ3LSGS. (39)


5.1 Dataset.

We evaluate our method on a large scale classification dataset,ImageNet [94], two transfer learning datasets, CIFAR-10 andCIFAR-100 [95] and an object detection dataset, PASCALVOC [96]. ImageNet contains 1.2 M train set images and 50K val set images in 1000 classes. We use all the training datain both of the two training stages. Our results are obtainedon the val set with image size of 224 × 224. We test thetransferability of our DS-Net on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100,which be comprised of 50,000 training and 10,000 test images,

TABLE 4: Routing space of DS-MBNet and DS-MBNet++. (k:kernel size, c: output channel number, n: layer number, s:stride, p: padding size)

block k c n s p

Conv 3 16 1 2 1DSConv 3 32 1 1 1DSConv 3 48 2 2 1DSConv 3 96 2 2 1DSConv 3 [224 : 640 : 32] 6 2 1DSConv 3 [736 : 1152 : 32] 2 2 1Pool + FC - 1000 1 - -

Conv 3 16 1 2 1DSConv 5 32 1 1 1DSConv 5 48 2 2 1DSConv 5 96 2 2 1DSConv {3, 5, 7} [288 : 640 : 32] 6 2 [0 : 3]DSConv {3, 5, 7} [800 : 1152 : 32] 2 2 [0 : 3]Pool + FC - 1000 1 - -

TABLE 5: Routing space of DS-ResNet and DS-ResNet++. (k:kernel size, c: output channel number, n: layer number, s:stride, p: padding size)

block k c n s p

Conv 3 64 1 2 1MaxPool 3 64 1 2 1ResBlock 3 [64 : 256 : 64] 3 1 1ResBlock 3 [128 : 512 : 128] 4 2 1ResBlock 3 [256 : 1024 : 256] 6 2 1ResBlock 3 [512 : 2048 : 512] 3 2 1Pool + FC - 1000 1 - -

Conv 3 64 1 2 1MaxPool 3 64 1 2 1ResBlock 3 [128 : 256 : 32] [2 : 3] 1 1ResBlock 3 [256 : 512 : 32] [2 : 4] 2 1ResBlock 3 [512 : 1024 : 64] [5 : 8] 2 1ResBlock 3 [1024 : 2048 : 128] [2 : 3] 2 1Pool + FC - 1000 1 - -

in 10 classes and 100 classes, respectively. Note that fewprevious works on dynamic networks and network pruningreported results on object detection. We take PASCAL VOC,one of the standard datasets for evaluating object detectionperformance, as an example to further test the generality ofour dynamic networks on object detection. All the detectionmodels are trained with the combination of 2007 trainvaland 2012 trainval set and tested on VOC 2007 test set.

5.2 Architecture details.Following previous works on static and dynamic networkpruning, we use two representative CNN networks to eval-uate our method, i.e., the lightweight non-residual networkMobileNetV1 [41] and the residual network ResNet 50 [42].We further evaluate our method on a representative visiontransformer model, ViT [43].

5.2.1 DS-NetWe first present our basic dynamic slimmable CNN modelswith dynamic filter size.

DS-MBNet. In Dynamic Slimmable MobileNetV1 (DS-MBNet), we insert our double-headed gate in each residualblocks and only enable one routing gate after the fifthdepthwise separable convolution block. Specifically, a fixed


TABLE 6: Routing space of DS-ViT++.

Embed Dim (de) [192 : 32 : 416]Q-K-V Dim (da) [192 : 48 : 384]Head Num (h) [4 : 1 : 8]MLP Ratio (dMLP/de) [3 : 0.5 : 4]Depth (l) [12 : 1 : 14]

filter number is used in the first 5 blocks while the width ofthe rest 8 blocks are controlled by the gate. The total routingspace contains 14 paths with different filter number.

DS-ResNet. In Dynamic Slimmable ResNet 50 (DS-ResNet), we enable the routing gate in the first block of eachstage. Each one of those blocks contains a skip connectionwith a projection layer, i.e. 1 × 1 convolution. The filternumber of this projection convolution is also controlled bythe gate to avoid channel inconsistency when adding skipfeatures with residual output. In other residual blocks, therouting heads of the gates are disabled and all the layers inthose blocks inherit the control signal φ of the first blocks ofeach stage. To sum up, there are 4 gates (one for each stage)with both heads enabled. Every gates have 4 equispacedcandidate slimming ratios, i.e. {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1}. The totalrouting space contains 44 = 256 possible paths with differentcomputation complexities.

5.2.2 DS-Net++We further present DS-Net++ models, where “++” representsadding the enlarged compound routing space and improvedtraining techniques.

DS-MBNet++. Similar to DS-MBNet, we use one routinggate after the fifth depthwise separable convolution block ofDS-MBNet++. The gate controls the kernel size, channelnumber and padding size of the subsequent blocks. Asdynamic depth is not suitable for non-residual networksfollowing GUIDELINE I, we do not use dynamic depth inDS-MBNet++. The routing space contains 12 paths in total.Table 4 summarizes the detailed routing space of DS-MBNetand DS-MBNet++.

DS-ResNet++. We enable one routing gate in the firstresidual block of DS-ResNet++, which controls the channelnumber and layer number of the four stages. The routingspace contains 9 paths in total. Table 5 summarizes thedetailed routing space of DS-ResNet and DS-ResNet++.

DS-ViT++. In Dynamic Slimmable Vision Transformer(DS-ViT++), we use one routing gate after efficient stem andbefore patch projection. The gate controls the embeddingdimension, Q-K-V dimension, head number, MLP ratio anddepth of the DS-ViT supernet. The routing space is shown inTable 6.

5.3 Training details.

We train our CNN supernets with 512 total batch size onImageNet, using SGD optimizer with 0.08 initial learningrate for DS-MBNet and 0.2 initial learning rate for DS-ResNet,respectively. DS-MBNet and DS-ResNet are trained with E-IBscheme, while DS-MBNet++ and DS-ResNet++ are trainedwith H-IB + MvCo. The number of random sub-networksof sandwich sampling is set to |k| = 2 for all the CNNsupernets. The momentum factor α of EMA teacher is set to

0.997. We use cosine learning rate scheduler with 5 warmup epochs to adjust the learning rate in 150 epochs. Weightdecay is set to 1e-4. Other settings are the same as previousworks on slimmable networks [39], [40], [51]. To stabilize theoptimization, weight decay of all the layers in the dynamicgate is disabled. The weight γ of the last normalization layerof each residual block is initialized to zeros following [45].Additional training techniques include [97], [98].

The vision transformer supernet is trained with ED +MvCo scheme using a similar recipe as DeiT [91] withRegNetY-16GF [99] as the teacher. The number of randomsub-networks of sandwich sampling is set to |k| = 1. Weuse AdamW optimizer with 1e-3 initial learning rate for atotal batch size of 1,024. The weight decay is set to 5e-2. In300 training epochs, the learning rate first linearly warms upfor 5 epochs and then decays with a cosine scheduler. Weuse similar regularization and augmentation as DeiT [91],including label smoothing, stochastic depth, RandAugment,Cutmix, Mixup, random erasing. Different from them, we donot use repeated augmentation.

For gate training, we use SGD optimizer with 0.05 initiallearning rate for a total batch size of 512. The learning ratedecays to 0.9× of its value in every epoch. It takes 10 epochsfor the gate to converge. The 3 loss balancing factors are set toλ1 = 1, λ2 = 0.5, λ3 = 1 in our experiments. Different targetMAdds is reached by adjusting the routing space during gatetraining. For instance, when training the gate of DS-MBNet-S,we only use the first 4 sub-networks.

For transfer learning experiments on CIFAR datasets, wefollow similar settings with [100] and [101]. We transfer oursupernet for 70 epochs including 15 warm-up epochs anduse cosine learning rate scheduler with an initial learningrate of 0.7 for a total batch size of 1024.

For object detection task, we train all the networksfollowing [102] and [103] with a total batch size of 128 for300 epochs. The learning rate is set to 0.004 at the first, thendivided by 10 at epoch 200 and 250.

5.4 Main Results on ImageNet

5.4.1 DS-CNNs and DS-CNNs++We validate the effectiveness of DS-Net and DS-Net++with two CNN networks on ImageNet. The performancecomparison of models based on MobileNet and ResNet areshown in Table 7 and Table 8, respectively. Fig. 7 providesa more intuitive accuracy-efficiency comparison. DS-Net++improves over our strong basic methods DS-Net by a clearmargin (up to 0.7% Top-1 Accuracy) with both ResNet andMobileNet. DS-Net and DS-Net++ models with differentcomputation complexity consistently outperforms recentstatic pruning methods, dynamic inference methods andNAS methods. We further make detailed comparison withthese methods.

First, our DS-Net and DS-Net++ models achieve 2-4×computation reduction over MobileNetV1 (70.9% [41]) andResNet-50 (76.1% [42]) with minimal accuracy drops. Forexample, DS-MBNet-S++ reduce the computation complex-ity of MobileNetV1 by 3.65× with only 0.1% accuracydrop. We also tested the real world latency on efficientnetworks. Compared to the ideal acceleration tested onchannel scaled MobileNetV1, which is 1.91×, our DS-MBNet


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0MAdds (Billions)








1 Ac


cy (%


Acc. vs MAddsResNet50 based models

DS-ResNet ++DS-ResNetAutoSlimMSDNetMetaPruningThiNetS-NetResNetCPSFP

200 300 400 500MAdds (Millions)








1 Ac


cy (%


Acc. vs MAddsMobileNetV1 based models

DS-MBNet ++DS-MBNetAutoSlimMetaPruningUS-NetMBNetNetAdaptEagleEyeCG-Net

1 2 3 4 5MAdds (Billions)








1 Ac


cy (%


Acc. vs MAddsVision Transformers

DS-ViT ++AutoformerConViTT2T-ViTDeiTViTPVT

Fig. 7: Accuracy vs. complexity on ImageNet.

TABLE 7: Comparison of efficient inference methods withMobileNet [41] on ImageNet. Orange: NAS or pruning meth-ods, Blue: dynamic inference methods, Red: our method.

Method MAdds Latency Top-1


MBNetV1 1.0× [41] 569M 63ms 70.9US-MBNetV1 [ICCV19] [40] 569M - 71.8AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 572M - 73.0DS-MBNet-L (Ours) 565M 69ms 74.5DS-MBNet-L++ (Ours) 570M 73ms 74.8


MBNetV1 0.75× [41] 317M 48ms 68.4US-MBNetV1 [ICCV19] [40] 317M - 69.5NetAdapt [ECCV18] [104] 284M - 69.1Meta-Pruning [ICCV19] [5] 281M - 70.6EagleEye [ECCV20] [75] 284M - 70.9AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 325M - 71.5CG-Net-A [NeurIPS19] [26] 303M - 70.3DS-MBNet-M (Ours) 319M 54ms 72.8DS-MBNet-M++ (Ours) 325M 57ms 73.2


MBNetV1 0.5× [41] 150M 33ms 63.3US-MBNetV1 [ICCV19] [40] 150M - 64.2AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 150M - 67.9DS-MBNet-S (Ours) 153M 39ms 70.1DS-MBNet-S++ (Ours) 156M 41ms 70.8

and DS-MBNet++ achieves comparable 1.62× and 1.54×acceleration with much better performance. In particular,our DS-MBNet++ surpasses the original and the channelscaled MobileNetV1 [41] by 7.5%, 4.8% and 3.9% with similarMAdds and minor increase in latency.1 Second, DS-Net andDS-Net++ consistently outperform classic and state-of-the-art static pruning methods. Remarkably, DS-MBNet-M++outperforms the sota pruning methods EagleEye [75] andMeta-Pruning [5] by 2.3% and 2.6%.

Third, DS-Net and DS-Net++ maintains superioritycompared with powerful dynamic inference methods withvarying depth, width or input resolution. For example, ourDS-MBNet-M++ surpasses dynamic pruning method CG-Net[26] by 2.9%.

Fourth, DS-Net and DS-Net++ also outperforms its staticcounterparts. For instance, our DS-MBNet-S++ surpasses

1. The increase in latency is possibly caused by using a complexitypenalty LCP based on MAdds. Here, we only demonstrate that ourdynamic slicing scheme can achieve comparable acceleration with theideal case and leave further optimization on latency as a future work.

TABLE 8: Comparison of efficient inference methods withResNet50 [42] on ImageNet. Orange: NAS or pruning meth-ods, Blue: dynamic inference methods, Red: our method.

Method MAdds Top-1


SFP [IJCAI18] [3] 2.9B 75.1ThiNet-70 [ICCV17] [6], [105] 2.9B 75.8MetaPruning 0.85 [ICCV19] [5] 3.0B 76.2AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 3.0B 76.0ConvNet-AIG-50 [ECCV18] [24] 3.1B 76.2DS-ResNet-L (Ours) 3.1B 76.6DS-ResNet-L++ (Ours) 3.1B 76.8


ResNet-50 0.75× [42] 2.3B 74.9S-ResNet-50 [ICLR19] [51] 2.3B 74.9ThiNet-50 [ICCV17] [6], [105] 2.1B 74.7CP [ICCV17] [4] 2.0B 73.3MetaPruning 0.75 [ICCV19] [5] 2.0B 75.4AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 2.0B 75.6MSDNet [ICLR18] [22] 2.0B 75.5DS-ResNet-M (Ours) 2.2B 76.1DS-ResNet-M++ (Ours) 2.3B 76.4


ResNet-50 0.5× [42] 1.1B 72.1ThiNet-30 [ICCV17] [6], [105] 1.2B 72.1MetaPruning 0.5 [ICCV19] [5] 1.0B 73.4AutoSlim [arxiv19] [39] 1.0B 74.0GFNet [NeurIPS20] [83] 1.2B 73.8DS-ResNet-S (Ours) 1.2B 74.6DS-ResNet-S++ (Ours) 1.2B 75.0

AutoSlim [39] and US-Net [40] by 2.9% and 6.6%.

5.4.2 DS-ViT++We further evaluate our DS-Net++ with vision transformerson ImageNet. As illustrated in Fig. 7, DS-ViT++ outperformsother static models by a large gap in both accuracy andefficiency. Table 9 provides a more detailed comparison. DS-ViT++ with different complexities consistently outperformshuman designed ViT variants and other efficient inferencemethod, i.e. NAS and dynamic inference methods.

First, our DS-ViT++ models achieve 2.24× and 3.62×computation reduction over DeiT-S and ViT-S/16 with slightaccuracy drop (-0.3% and -0.6%). Compared to staticallyscaled DeiT-Ti and DeiT-Ti+ model, DS-ViT-Ti++ and DS-ViT-S++ improves remarkably by 6.1% and 3.7%.

Second, the performance of our DS-ViT++ models sur-passes static architecture optimization methods. For instance,


TABLE 9: Comparison of state-of-the-art models based onViT [43] on ImageNet. Orange: NAS methods, Blue: dynamicinference methods, Red: our method.

Method MAdds Top-1


ViT-S/16 [ICLR21] [43] 4.7B 78.8DeiT-S [ICML21] [91] 4.7B 79.9T2T-ViT-14 [ICCV21] [106] 5.2B 81.5AutoFormer [ICCV21] [52] 5.1B 81.7BossNAS-T ↑ [ICCV21] [73] 5.7B 81.6DS-ViT-L++ (Ours) 5.6B 83.0


BoT50 + SE [CVPR21] [107] 4.0B 79.6Swin-T [ICCV21] [108] 4.5B 81.3DynViT-DeiT 0.9× [arxiv21] [66] 4.0B 79.8DVT-DeiT [arxiv21] [65] 4.0B 81.5DS-ViT-M++ (Ours) 4.1B 82.1


DeiT-Ti+ [ICML21] [91], [109] 2.0B 75.9ConViT [ICML21] [109] 2.0B 76.7T2T-ViT-12 [ICCV21] [106] 2.2B 76.5PVT-tiny [ICCV21] [110] 1.9B 75.1DVT-DeiT [arxiv21] [65] 2.0B 78.0DS-ViT-S++ (Ours) 2.1B 79.6


DeiT-Ti [ICML21] [91] 1.1B 72.1ConViT [ICML21] [109] 1.0B 73.1T2T-ViT-7 [ICCV21] [106] 1.2B 71.7Autoformer [ICCV21] [52] 1.3B 74.7DS-ViT-Ti++ (Ours) 1.3B 78.2

DS-ViT-L++ outperforms two NAS models, AutoFormer andBossNAS-T, by 1.3% and 1.4% respectively.

Third, DS-ViT++ models also outperform other dynamictransformers. For example, DS-ViT-M++ improves overDynViT-DeiT and DVT-DeiT, the other two dynamic trans-former based on ViT, by 2.3% and 0.6%, respectively.

5.5 Transferability

We first perform transfer learning in two settings withDS-ResNet on CIFAR-10: a) DS-Net w/o gate transfer: wetransfer the supernet without routing gate to CIFAR-10 andretrain the dynamic gate. b) DS-Net w/ gate transfer: wefirst transfer the supernet then load the ImageNet trainedgate and perform transfer leaning for the gate. We usegate transfer by default. The results along with the transferlearning results of the original ResNet and ViT models areshown in Table 10. Gate transfer boosts the performanceof DS-ResNet by 0.4% on CIFAR-10, demonstrating thetransferability of dynamic gate.

We further evaluate the transferability of DS-Net usingDS-ResNet, DS-ResNet++ and DS-ViT++ on CIFAR-10 andCIFAR-100 datasets. Our transferred DS-ResNet++ modelsoutperforms the original ResNet-50 by a large gap (1.1% onCIFAR-10, 2.4% on CIFAR-100) with about 2.5× computationreduction and even performs comparably to the largerResNet-101 with 4.9× fewer computation complexity. Re-markably, DS-ViT++ outperforms the large ViT-B/16 modelin both datasets with nearly 9.9× computation reduction.These strong results proves the superiority of DS-Net intransfer learning.

5.6 Object Detection

In this section, we evaluate and compare the performanceof original MobileNet, DS-MBNet and DS-MBNet++ when

TABLE 10: Comparison of transfer learning performance onCIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. MAdds are calculated on CIFAR-10 dataset. GT stands for gate transfer.

Model MAdds CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100

ResNet-50 [42], [100] 4.1B 96.8 84.6ResNet-101 [42], [100] 7.8B 97.6 87.0DS-ResNet w/o GT 1.7B 97.4 -DS-ResNet 1.6B 97.8 86.8DS-ResNet++ 1.6B 97.9 87.0

ViT-B/16 55.4B 98.1 87.1DS-ViT++ 5.6B 98.7 90.1

TABLE 11: Performance comparision of DS-MBNet andMobileNet with FSSD on VOC object detection task.

Model MAdds mAP

FSSD + MBNetV1 [41], [103] 4.3B 71.9FSSD + DS-MBNet-S 2.3B 70.7FSSD + DS-MBNet-M 2.7B 72.8FSSD + DS-MBNet-L 3.2B 73.7FSSD + DS-MBNet-S++ 2.3B 71.2FSSD + DS-MBNet-M++ 2.7B 73.2FSSD + DS-MBNet-L++ 3.2B 74.1

used as the feature extractor in object detection with FeatureFusion Single Shot Multibox Detector(FSSD) [103]. We use thefeatures from the 5-th, 11-th and 13-th depthwise convolutionblocks (with the output stride of 8, 16, 32) of MobileNet forthe detector. When using DS-MBNet and DS-MBNet++ asthe backbone, all the features from dynamic source layersare projected to a fixed channel dimension by the featuretransform module in FSSD [103].

Results on VOC 2007 test set are given in Table 11.Compared to MobileNetV1, DS-MBNet-M and DS-MBNet-Lwith FSSD achieve 0.9 and 1.8 mAP improvement, whileDS-MBNet-M++ and DS-MBNet-L++ further achieve 1.3 and2.2 mAP improvements with 1.59× and 1.34× computationreduction respectively. These results demonstrates that ourDS-Net and DS-Net++ remain their superiority after de-ployed as the backbone network in object detection task.

5.7 Ablation study

5.7.1 Two-Stage Optimization versus Single-Stage Opti-mization.To analysis the effect of our proposed disentangled two-stage optimization scheme, we compare it with single-stageoptimization schemes, where the gate and the supernet arejointly trained. In both of the training schemes, we do notuse extra training techniques (i.e. distillation, E-IB, etc.) toensure an independent comparison.

As shown in Table 12, the final dynamic network trainedwith two-stage optimization outperforms the one trainedin single stage by 4.9%, demonstrating the effectiveness oftwo-stage optimization scheme. Moreover, the performanceof the smallest and the largest sub-networks (ψS and ψL) indynamic supernet train with the two schemes are also shownin the table. ψS and ψL after single-stage training generalizepoorly to the whole dataset, which supports our analysis inSection 4.1.


0 20 40 60 80 100 120Epochs











1 Ac


cy (%



(a) Acc. of ψS in DS-MBNet

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140Epochs









1 Ac


cy (%


DS-Net w/ GNDS-NetH-IBDS-Net+

(b) Acc. of ψS in DS-MBNet+

0 20 40 60 80Epochs










1 Ac


cy (%


LabelEDED + MvCo

(c) Acc. of ψS in DS-ViT++

Fig. 8: Evaluation accuracy of the smallest sub-network ψS during supernet training with three different training schemes.

TABLE 12: Ablation analysis of proposed disentangled two-stage optimization scheme for dynamic networks.

Training scheme Model MAdds Top-1 Acc.

Single-Stagesmallest 133M 0.2largest 565M 28.9

dynamic 255M 64.6

Two-Stagesmallest 133M 64.3largest 565M 74.1

dynamic 262M 69.5

TABLE 13: Ablation analysis of proposed training techniquesfor dynamic CNN supernets.

Training scheme smallest largest

In-place Distillation 66.5 74.0+ In-place Bootstrapping 68.1 (+1.6) 74.3 (+0.3)+ Ensemble IB 68.3 (+1.8) 74.6 (+0.6)+ Re-SBN (DS-Net) 69.2 (+2.7) 75.9 (+1.9)+ Hierarchical IB 69.8 (+3.3) 75.8 (+1.8)

[− Ensemble IB] 70.1 (+3.6) 76.3 (+2.3)+ MvCo (DS-Net+) 70.2 (+3.7) 76.1 (+2.1)+ Compound Routing (DS-Net++) 70.3 (+3.8) 76.5 (+2.5)

5.7.2 CNN Supernet Training

In-place Bootstrapping & Ensemble In-place Bootstrapping. Westatistically analyse the effect of IB and E-IB technique usingDS-MBNet with GroupNorm [111]. We train a DS-MBNetsupernet with three settings: original in-place distillation (ID),in-place bootstrapping (IB) and ensemble in-place bootstrap-ping (E-IB). As shown in Table 13,ψS andψL trained with IBsurpassed the baseline by 1.6% and 0.3% respectively. With E-IB, the supernet improves by 1.8% and 0.6% on ψS and ψL

comparing with ID. The evaluation accuracy progressioncurves of the smallest sub-network ψS during trainingwith these three settings are illustrated in Fig. 8 (a). Thebeginning stage of in-place distillation is unstable. AdoptingEMA target improves the performance. However, there are afew sudden drops of accuracy in the middle of the trainingwith EMA target. Though being able to recover in severalepochs, the model may still be potentially harmed by thosefluctuation. After adopting E-IB, the model converges to ahigher final accuracy without any conspicuous fluctuationsin the training process, demonstrating the effectiveness ofour E-IB technique in stabilizing the training and boostingthe overall performance of dynamic supernets. By equippingSplit BatchNorm with Recalibration (Re-SBN), we have our

strong basic DS-Net supernet achieving 69.2% and 75.9%accuracy with its smallest and largest sub-networks.

Hierarchical In-place Bootstrapping & Multi-view Consistency.We further analyse our advanced training technique pro-posed for DS-Net++, i.e. hierarchical in-place bootstrapping(H-IB) and multi-view consistency (MvCo), by training DS-MBNet supernet with Re-SBN using three different settings:a) using both E-IB and H-IB (+ H-IB), b) using H-IB only([− E-IB]) and c) using H-IB + MvCo. When using H-IB, lossbalancing factors in Eq. (34) are set to λIB = λH-IB = 0.5. TheH-IB loss is only calculated with the the last blocks’ outputsfollowing [9]. The results and training curve are shown inTable 13 and Fig. 8 (b), respectively. Adding H-IB techniqueimproves the performance of ψS in DS-MBNet supernetremarkably by 0.6% with a minor drop (-0.1%) on the largestsub-network ψL. By disabling E-IB, the performance furthersurpasses the basic DS-Net supernet by 0.9% and 0.4% withψS and ψL, respectively. This significant gain over the DS-Net supernet confirms the effectiveness of the H-IB technique.We also apply multi-view consistency by default. However,ablation analysis shows that MvCo has no significant impacton CNN supernet. Nevertheless, we adopt MvCo to slightlyimprove the performance ofψS , as it does not bring any extratraining cost. Remarkably, by fully equipping these trainingtechniques, the performance of ψS of DS-MBNet+ supernetimproved by 1.0% over DS-MBNet. By using compoundrouting space, accuracy of ψS and ψL is further improvedby 0.1% and 0.4% in DS-MBNet++ supernet.

5.7.3 Transformer Supernet TrainingWe perform extensive experiments on training DS-ViT++supernet with different training schemes, including in-placedistillation and external distillation. When using label anddistillation at the same time, the loss weight for each cross-entropy term is set to 0.5. All results of DS-ViT++ are abtainedby training with pytorch automatic mixed precision for 100epochs, and are shown in Table 14. External distillation isperformed with RegNetY-12GF [99] as the teacher. Two label-only baselines with and without sandwich sampling arelisted for reference. Results of DS-MBNet trained with someof the schemes (for 150 epochs) are also listed for comparison.

Failure Cases of In-place Distillation. As shown in Table14, in-place distillation schemes fails to achieve reasonableresults on DS-ViT++ supernet. Firstly, when trained with IBor H-IB + MvCo schemes designed for CNNs, i.e. without


TABLE 14: Ablation analysis of proposed training techniques for dynamic transformer supernets. DS-ViT supernets aretrained for 100 epochs, respectively. Results of DS-MBNet trained with some of the schemes (for 150 epochs) are also listedfor comparison. (*: training can not converge.)

Training techniques DS-MBNet DS-ViT

Label Sandwich In-place Distill. Distill. MvCo smallest largest smallest largest


3 7 7 7 7 61.5 71.9 70.2 77.63 3 7 7 7 64.3 74.1 74.4 81.4


7 3 IB 7 7 69.2 75.9 0.1* 0.1*7 3 H-IB 7 3 70.2 76.1 0.1* 0.1*3 3 ID 7 7 - - 0.1* 0.1*3 3 IB 7 7 - - 68.1 (−6.3) 74.3 (−7.1)


3 3 7 3 7 - - 74.7 (+0.3) 81.2 (−0.2)3 3 7 3 3 - - 75.5 (+1.1) 81.5 (+0.1)

TABLE 15: Ablation analysis of routing gate.

Model MBNet-S MBNet-S++ ResNet-S ViT-S++

Supernet 69.3 70.3 73.4 79.3DS-Net 70.1 70.8 74.6 79.6

TABLE 16: Ablation analysis of losses for gate training onImageNet. Results in bold that use SGS loss achieve goodperformance-complexity trade-off. Fig. 9 (a) gives a moreintuitive illustration.

Target Complexity SGS MAdds Top-1 Acc.

3 3.6B 76.83 0.3B 66.2

3 Give Up 1.5B 73.73 Try Best 3.1B 76.6

3 3 2.0B 75.03 3 Try Best 1.2B 74.6

3 3 3 Try Best 2.2B 76.1

label supervision for smaller sub-networks, the supernet cannot converge. Secondly, when using ID + label, where smallersub-networks are trained with hard label from the largestsub-network and the ground truth label, the training fails inthe early stage, possibly because the training of smaller sub-networks easily collapse to uninformative solutions and stopthe target network from learning useful information fromthe labels. Finally, when disentangle the teacher’s weight bywith a EMA supernet, forming IB + label scheme, DS-ViT++struggles to converge and eventually reaches a performancelower than label only baselines.

External Distillation & Multi-view Consistency. As shown inTable 14 and Fig. 8 (c), our proposed external distillation withmulti-view consistency effectively improves the performanceof DS-ViT++ supernet. By using hard distillation and labelwithout MvCo, not ideally, DS-ViT improves by only 0.3%in ψS and drops by 0.2% in ψL. By using MvCo, theperformance of DS-ViT++ improves significantly by 0.8% inψS and 0.3% in ψL, achieving 1.1% improvement over labelonly baseline in ψS . These results demonstrate that MvCoscheme is very effective on vision transformer supernets.

5.7.4 Gate TrainingEffect of Slimming Gate. We analyse the improvement broughtby routing gate by comparing the performance of DS-Net andits supernet. As shown in Table 15, routing gate consistently

1 2 3MAdds (Billions)










Accuracy vs MAdds

DS-Net (ours)w/o SGS lossGive Upscalar headw/o weight sharing







Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

ρ = 0.25

ρ = 0.5

ρ = 0.75

ρ = 1.0


Fig. 9: (a) Illustration of accuracy vs. complexity of models inTable 16 and Table 17. (b) Gate distribution of DS-ResNet-M. Theheight of those colored blocks illustrate the partition of inputsamples that are routed to the sub-networks with respectiverouting signal φ.

boosts the performance of DS-Net and DS-Net++ models.Remarkably, routing gate improves the performance of DS-ResNet-S by 1.2%, compared to sub-networks with similarsizes in its supernet.

Effect of sandwich gate sparsification. To examine the impactof the three losses used in our gate training, i.e. target lossLCLS, complexity penalty LCP and SGS loss LSGS, we conductextensive experiments with DS-ResNet on ImageNet, andsummarize the results in Table 16 and Fig. 9 (a). Firstly, asillustrated in Fig. 9 (a), models trained with SGS (red line)are more efficient than models trained without it (purpleline). Secondly, as shown in Table 16, with LCLS, the modelpursues better performance while ignoring computation cost;LCP pushes the model to be lightweight while ignoring theperformance; LSGS itself can achieve a balanced complexity-accuracy trade-off by encouraging easy and hard samples touse small and large sub-networks, respectively.

SGS strategy. Though we always want the easy samplesto be routed to ψS , there are two possible target definitionfor hard samples in SGS loss: a) Try Best: Encourage thehard samples to pass through ψL, even if they can not becorrectly classified (i.e. yΦ(xhard) = e|t|). b) Give Up: Pushthe hard samples to use ψS to save computation cost (i.e.yΦ(xhard) = e1). In both of the strategies, dependent samplesare encouraged to use ψL (i.e. yΦ(xdependent) = e|t|). Theresults for both of the strategies are shown in Table 16 andFig. 9 (a). As shown in the third and fourth lines in Table 16,Give Up strategy lowers the computation complexity of theDS-ResNet but greatly harms the model performance. The


TABLE 17: Ablation analysis of gate design on DS-ResNet.

weight sharing routing head MAdds Top-1 Acc.

3 scalar 2.3B 73.6one-hot 3.0B 72.7

3 one-hot 3.1B 76.6

models trained with Try Best strategy (red line in Fig. 9 (a))outperform the one trained with Give Up strategy (blue dot inFig. 9 (a)) in terms of efficiency. This can be attribute to GiveUp strategy’s optimization difficulty and the lack of samplesthat targeting on the largest path (dependent samples onlyaccount for about 10% of the total training samples). Theseresults prove our Try Best strategy is easier to optimize andcan generalize better on validation set or new data.

Gate design. First, to evaluate the effect of our weight-sharing double-headed gate design, we train a DS-ResNetwithout sharing the first fully-connected layer in Φ forcomparison. As shown in Table 17 and Fig. 9 (a), theperformance of DS-ResNet increase substantially (3.9%) byapplying the weight sharing design (green dot vs. red linein Fig. 9 (a)). This might be attributed to overfitting of therouting head. As observed in our experiment, sharing thefirst fully-connected layer with attention head can greatlyimprove the generality. Second, we also trained a DS-ResNetwith scalar design, where the routing head outputs a scalarranges from 0 to 1, in contrast to our default one-hot design. Asshown in Fig. 9 (a), the performance of scalar design (orangedot) is much lower than the one-hot design (red line), provingthe superiority of one-hot design.

5.8 Gate Distribution VisualizationTo demonstrate the dynamic diversity of our DS-Net, we vi-sualize the gate distribution of DS-ResNet over the validationset of ImageNet in Fig. 9 (b). In block 1 and 2, about half ofthe inputs are routed to ψS with 0.25 slimming ratio, whilein higher level blocks, about half of the inputs are routed toψL. For all the gate, the slimming ratio choices are highlyinput-dependent, demonstrating the high dynamic diversityof our DS-Net.


In this paper, we have proposed dynamic weight slicingscheme, achieving good hardware-efficiency by predictivelyslicing network parameters at test time with respect to differ-ent inputs. By using this scheme on CNNs filter numbers andmore dimensions of CNNs and Transformers, we presentDS-Net and DS-Net++. We propose a two-stage optimizationscheme with IB, E-IB and SGS technique to optimize DS-Netand further propose H-IB and MvCo technique to optimizeDS-Net++. We demonstrate that DS-Net and DS-Net++ canachieve 2-4× computation reduction and 1.62× real-worldacceleration over CNNs and Transformers with minimalaccuracy drops on ImageNet. Proved by experiments, DS-Net and DS-Net++ can surpass its static counterparts as wellas state-of-the-art static and dynamic model compressionmethods on ImageNet by a large margin (up to 6.6%). DS-Net and DS-Net++ generalize well on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100classification task and VOC object detection task.


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