workforce track: the war for skilled labor

Post on 17-Jul-2015



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American Petroleum Institute January 2015

Minority and Female Research An Overview of API Research to Date



1.  Employment Opportunities



1.  Employment Opportunities

2.  Community Perceptions



1.  Employment Opportunities

2.  Community Perceptions

3.  Education Trends

5 5

Employment Opportunities

6 6

IHS Studies •  Nov. 2012: Phase I Employment Outlook for African Americans and Latinos in the Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Industry

7 7

IHS Studies •  Nov. 2012: Phase I Employment Outlook for African Americans and Latinos in the Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Industry •  March 2014: Phase II Minority and Female Employment in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries

8 8

IHS Studies •  Nov. 2012: Phase I Employment Outlook for African Americans and Latinos in the Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Industry •  March 2014: Phase II Minority and Female Employment in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries •  June 2014: Regional Supplement Minority and Female Employment: Regional Forecasts for the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries



To quantify African American, Hispanic, and female employment opportunities in the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of the oil and natural gas industry, and in the petrochemical industry over the coming decades across the country.


Total Opportunities: 1.3 Million


Jobs Opportunities by Occupation

- 100 200 300 400

Unskilled Blue Collar

Semi-Skilled Blue Collar

Skilled Blue Collar

Office & Administrative Support

Sales and Related


Professional and Related

Management, Business, and Financial


Period: 2010-2030

About 63% of the total job opportunities over the forecast period are projected to be blue collar jobs.


Job Opportunities by Census Region












West North Central

West South Central

East North Central

East South Central

South Atlantic

Middle Atlantic

New England

Period: 2010-2030


Female employment is projected to account for 185,000 of the total job opportunities through 2030 (15%).


Minority employment is projected to account for 408,000 of the total job opportunities through 2030 (32%).

Just over 100,000 for African Americans, and 307,000 for Hispanics


As interest and training are directed to women and minority groups, the job projections presented here should not be considered ceilings.

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Extras •  Interactive Web Map ( Users can explore the different types of job opportunities (by occupation) available in each region. •  iPad App Users can choose to view the study findings by job occupation category, industry segment, minority group, gender, etc. •  Spanish Translation The Phase II one-pager and Regional Supplement one-pagers are now available in Spanish.

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Community Perceptions

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Focus Groups and Surveys •  December 2012 Employment Survey of African Americans and Latinos in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

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Focus Groups and Surveys •  December 2012 Employment Survey of African Americans and Latinos in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

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Focus Groups and Surveys •  December 2012 Employment Survey of African Americans and Latinos in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry •  January 2015 Attitudes and Perceptions of Women About Seeking Employment In the Oil And Natural Gas Industry

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Focus Groups and Surveys •  January 2015 Attitudes and Perceptions of Women About Seeking Employment In the Oil And Natural Gas Industry



o  53% of women say they are willing to work in the industry.



o  53% of women say they are willing to work in the industry.

o  The top three most important factors to women when considering an employment opportunity are health care, job security, and job satisfaction.



o  53% of women say they are willing to work in the industry.

o  The top three most important factors to women when considering an employment opportunity are health care, job security, and job satisfaction.

o  The #1 obstacle is lack of awareness and understanding of job opportunities and career development .

25 25

Period: 2003-2012

Education Trends



Workforce training is critical for the projected industry growth that keeps the nation at a competitive advantage and provides the energy the nation depends upon.

27 27

Education & Training •  December 2014: National Education and Training—Key to Attracting Greater Female and Minority Workforce Participation

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Education & Training •  December 2014: National Education and Training—Key to Attracting Greater Female and Minority Workforce Participation

Discipline   Women   Men   Female Share  

Oil, Natural Gas, & Mining Industry-Specific   15,521 24,839 38.5%

Oil, Natural Gas, & Mining Industry-Related   55,630 253,519 18.0%

Subtotal: Industry Specific & Related 71,151 278,358 20.4%

Business, Communications, & Public Policy   2,140,102 1,805,177 54.2%

Other STEM   853,433 1,339,688 38.9%

Professional   1,754,058 485,680 78.3%

Social Science & Humanities   2,500,219 1,617,615 60.7%

Other Disciplines 894,786 483,077 64.9%

Subtotal: Other 6,002,496 3,926,060 60.4%

Total All Degrees   8,213,749 6,009,595 57.7%

29 29

Education & Training •  December 2014: National Education and Training—Key to Attracting Greater Female and Minority Workforce Participation

Discipline   Women   Men   Female Share  

Oil, Natural Gas, & Mining Industry-Specific   15,521 24,839 38.5%

Oil, Natural Gas, & Mining Industry-Related   55,630 253,519 18.0%

Subtotal: Industry Specific & Related 71,151 278,358 20.4%

Business, Communications, & Public Policy   2,140,102 1,805,177 54.2%

Other STEM   853,433 1,339,688 38.9%

Professional   1,754,058 485,680 78.3%

Social Science & Humanities   2,500,219 1,617,615 60.7%

Other Disciplines 894,786 483,077 64.9%

Subtotal: Other 6,002,496 3,926,060 60.5%

Total All Degrees   8,213,749 6,009,595 57.7%


Education & Training

o  Recruit women to industry-specific and –related fields

Period: 2003-2012


Education & Training

o  Recruit women to industry-specific and –related fields

Period: 2003-2012

o  Transferable skills are important

32 32

Education & Training •  December 2014: National Education and Training—Key to Attracting Greater Female and Minority Workforce Participation

33 33

Education & Training •  December 2014: National Education and Training—Key to Attracting Greater Female and Minority Workforce Participation •  Coming In 2015: Regional

34 34



Overview o  Employment Opportunities

o  2012 Phase I (Minority, Upstream) o  2014 Phase II (Minority, Women; All O&G, Petro) o  2014 Regional Supplement (US Census Regions)


Overview o  Employment Opportunities

o  2012 Phase I (Minority, Upstream) o  2014 Phase II (Minority, Women; All O&G, Petro) o  2014 Regional Supplement (US Census Regions)

o  Community Perceptions: Focus Groups & Surveys o  2012 African Americans and Hispanics o  2014/2015 Women


Overview o  Employment Opportunities

o  2012 Phase I (Minority, Upstream) o  2014 Phase II (Minority, Women; All O&G, Petro) o  2014 Regional Supplement (US Census Regions)

o  Community Perceptions: Focus Groups & Surveys o  2012 African Americans and Hispanics o  2014/2015 Women

o  Education Trends o  2014 National (Discipline groups, Women) o  Coming in 2015 Regional

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Questions and Answers

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