working at the roots - nashua, nh

Post on 06-Jun-2022






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Working at The Roots:

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

PRESENTERS: Emily Read Daniels, M.Ed., MBA, NCC, SEP™ in training of HERE this NOW & Beth Tener of New Directions Collaborative

Event organized by the City of Nashua - Department of Public Health and Community Services

Design Team - THANK YOU!

Bobbie BagleyPatty Crooker

Nicole ViauHeidi Peek-Kukulka

Michael ApfelbergStephanie Wolf-Rosenblum

Deborah Riley

ConsultantsBeth Tener

Emily Read Daniels

Patti BaumJane MarquisShawn KingRon CoteBrenda PoznanskiLisa Burk-McCoyCassandra MasonMichelle LevyAmy Jo Muscott

What I appreciate about Nashua or the region -write one word or phrase


HERE and NOWREFRAIN from device use

HONOR each otherTAKE care of YOU

What is Trauma?“Overwhelming demands placed upon the physiological system that result in a profound vulnerability and/or loss of control.” - R.D. Macycar accident, violent event, natural disaster, sudden loss, traumatic birth

The Impact of Toxic Stress

The Center on The Developing Child @ Harvard University

On Brain Development


Endocrine System

Immune System

Autonomic Nervous SystemDNA Expression (Epigenetics)

The brain has evolved and develops “bottom-up”


Connecting community organizations (through a church health ministry or trusted food pantry, for example) with larger systems (including those in health care, education, business, law enforcement) can begin to build a durable network to improve community wellbeing.

The Impact of Intergenerational TraumaClip from Twin Cities PBS Production - Whole People Series

Epigenetics: Start at 7:49 / Cherry Blossom Study

“People want a formula. You don’t need a formula. You need a framework that addresses local circumstances.”

Trauma-Informed Community Development builds on community & clinical expertise.”

Father Paul Abernathy

Peace4Tarpon Trauma Informed Community Initiative is a  grassroots effort – the first of its kind in the nation. Peace4Tarpon looks through a “trauma informed lens” to seek the root causes of our most challenging issues rather than addressing symptoms. We are working to create a peaceful and thriving Tarpon Springs.

“We want to empower people to do something, without having them think that they have to solve all the violence in the world.”—Robin Saenger, former vice-mayor of Tarpon Springs

The Menominee Tribe and Menominee County have been dedicated to becoming trauma informed. Much of this work started with our work with Fostering Futures and has continued to grow and spread throughout our community.


Join ACEs Connection:

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○ Click Join!

ACEs Connection: Supporting Communities to Accelerate ACEs Science and Solve Our Most Intractable Problems

I need to connect my work to other sectors of society because the only way to really prevent adverse childhood experiences is to collaboratively, actively promote optimal child and family wellbeing and build community capacity to do that because the high risk approach alone won’t be sufficient.

KEY FINDINGSOver 10 to 15 years in Cowlitz Co., Wash.:

● Births to teen mothers went down 62% and infant mortality went down 43%;

● Youth suicide and suicide attempts went down 98%;

● Youth arrests for violent crime dropped 53%;

● High school dropout rates decreased by 47%;  

● Similar results were seen in other counties

● Empowering community members to share in decision-making and problem solving (people first)

● Social networks were used to disseminate information (how the system was interconnected)

● Respect for the wisdom in EVERY INDIVIDUAL● Adaptive – able to change contracts when what was happening wasn’t


Reflective Protocol 1-2-4-All: ● At your tables please consider

by yourself● Then discuss in a pair● Then join with another pair for

a conversation with a group of four

•What is ONE thing that inspires you? What themes are you hearing?

What is the single most important tenet of being trauma-informed?

Psychological Safety

“the belief that you won’t be punished if you make a mistake or speak your truth” ● Trust● Equality in turn taking● High social sensitivity / empathy

The Evolution of Survival

The PolyVagal Theory

“The PolyVagal Theory provided the vehicle for explaining the importance of physiological state as an intervening variable influencing behavior and our ability to interact with others. The theory provided an understanding of how risk and threat shift physiological state to support defense. The theory explains how safety is not the removal of threat and that feeling safe is dependent on unique cues in the environment and in our relationships that have an active inhibition on defense circuits and promote health and feelings of love and trust”

- Dr. Stephen Porges


Old Paradigm about Human Behavior

The Trauma-Informed PolyVagal Paradigm

The History of Behaviorism


ction of B


Basic Assumptions Underlying Behaviorism

1. Behavior is entirely learned (not influenced by genes)

2. Behavior is learned through the building blocks of stimulus-response associations

3. All behavior is acquired through conditioning - operant and classical conditioning experiences

What is Trauma-Informed Care

“Actively seek to avoid re-traumatization of clients/patients/recipients and the workforce”


Understanding, Recognizing, Responding

Change is loss. Be intentional and considerate of the changes you make

Considerations for Initiating Change- People first, relationships MATTER! TRAUMA-INFORMED

- It’s better to do something small that has a greater likelihood of success than something big (titrate, titrate, titrate) – but before doing anything, consider EVERYONE!

- A failed effort can create more damage in the will of the system than remaining status quo

- Nurture momentum by both co-creating new visions and celebrating successes

Creating a trauma-informed community - What will it take?

Table topics: What will it take to do this?

What are we already doing that is working?

What are good programs, organizations or local champions?

What is needed to become trauma-informed?

What is missing?

A few stay, everyone else move to a new topic.

What were themes from your previous conversations?

Share a story of a change you have seen that worked of failed. Listen for themes.

What do we need to do to ensure this initiative works?

Closing reflections

● What is one thing you want to do? ● What resources or support do you need● What came out of today for you, e.g., what new

connections or ideas for your work?

Thank you for your participation and contributions.

Follow HERE this NOW for additional trauma-informed capacity building resources

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