working capital management in hcl infosystems limited

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited







    (Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements ofMBA program at

    !"A Business S#hool$ !handigarh%

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    A#hie&ement is finding out 'hat ou 'ould be then doing$ 'hat ou ha&e to

    do) The higher the summit$ the harder is the #limb) The goal 'as fi*ed and 'e

    began 'ith a determined resol&ed and put in #easeless sustained hard 'or+)

    ,reater #hallenge$ greater 'as our effort to o&er#ome it)

    This pro-e#t 'or+$ 'hi#h is m first step in the field of professionali.ation$ has

    been su##essfull a##omplished onl be#ause of m timel support of 'ell/

    'ishers) 'ould li+e to pa m sin#ere regards and than+s to those$ 'ho

    dire#ted me at e&er step in m pro-e#t 'or+)

    'ould also li+e to than+ the fa#ult members and the staff members of HCL

    Infosystems Ltdfor their +ind support and help during the pro-e#t)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited





    0) ntrodu#tion

    The problems

    Purpose of stud

    Resear#h methodolog

    S#ope of the stud

    1ata sour#es


    3) 4industan !omputers 2imited

    5) 4!2 nfosstems 6 An O&er&ie'

    !ompan7s histor

    4!2 at a glan#e

    Allian#es and partnerships

    Management team

    !orporate information

    8) !on#eptual "rame'or+

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    ntrodu#tion to 9or+ing !apital Management

    Signifi#an#e of 'or+ing #apital management

    2iquidit &s Profitabilit: Ris+ 6 Return trade off

    !lassifi#ation of 'or+ing #apital

    Tpes of 'or+ing #apital needs

    "inan#ing of 'or+ing #apital

    "a#tors determining 'or+ing #apital requirements

    9or+ing #apital ##le

    Sour#es of 'or+ing #apital

    4!2 finan#ials

    9or+ing #apital position

    n&entor management

    !ash management

    Re#ei&ables management

    Managing paables (!reditors%

    "inan#ing #urrent assets

    9or+ing #apital ; short/term finan#ing

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    "inan#ial graphs

    !on#luding analsis

    Suggestions and re#ommendations


    =) Appendi#es

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    This pro-e#t is based on the stud of 'or+ing #apital management in 4!2

    nfostems)An insight &ie' of the pro-e#t 'ill en#ompass 6 'hat it is all

    about$ 'hat it aims to a#hie&e$ 'hat is its purpose and s#ope$ the &arious

    methods used for #olle#ting data and their sour#es$ in#luding literature sur&e

    done$ further spe#ifing the limitations of our stud and in the last$ dra'ing

    inferen#es from the learning so far)

    4!2 nfosstems 2imited (4!2%$ is a leading domesti# #omputer hard'are

    and hard'are ser&i#es #ompan) 4!2 is engaged in selling manufa#tured ( li+e

    P!s$ ser&ers$ monitors and peripherals% and traded hard'are ( li+e noteboo+s$

    peripherals% to institutional #lients as 'ell as in retail segment) t also offers

    hard'are support ser&i#es to e*isting #lients through annual maintenan#e#ontra#ts$ net'or+ #onsulting and fa#ilities management)

    The 'or+ing #apital management refers to the management of 'or+ing #apital$

    or pre#isel to the management of #urrent assets) A firm7s 'or+ing #apital

    #onsists of its in&estments in #urrent assets$ 'hi#h in#ludes short/term assets>

    #ash and ban+ balan#e$ in&entories$ re#ei&able and mar+etable se#urities)

    This pro-e#t tries to e&aluate ho' the management of 'or+ing #apital is done in

    4!2 nfosstems through in&entor ratios$ 'or+ing #apital ratios$ trends$

    #omputation of #ash$ in&entor and 'or+ing #apital$ and short term finan#ing)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    The problems

    Purpose of stud

    Resear#h methodolog

    S#ope of the stud

    1ata sour#es


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    The pro-e#t underta+en is on ?9OR@N, !APTA2 MANA,EMENT N

    4!2 N"OSYSTEMS 2MTE1)

    t des#ribes about ho' the #ompan manages its 'or+ing #apital and the

    &arious steps that are required in the management of 'or+ing #apital)

    !ash is the lifeline of a #ompan) f this lifeline deteriorates$ so does the

    #ompans abilit to fund operations$ rein&est and meet #apital requirements

    and paments) Cnderstanding a #ompans #ash flo' health is essential to

    ma+ing in&estment de#isions) A good 'a to -udge a #ompans #ash flo'

    prospe#ts is to loo+ at its 'or+ing #apital management (9!M%)

    9or+ing #apital refers to the #ash a business requires for da/to/da operations

    or$ more spe#ifi#all$ for finan#ing the #on&ersion of ra' materials into

    finished goods$ 'hi#h the #ompan sells for pament) Among the most

    important items of 'or+ing #apital are le&els of in&entor$ a##ounts re#ei&able$

    and a##ounts paable) Analsts loo+ at these items for signs of a #ompans

    effi#ien# and finan#ial strength)

    The 'or+ing #apital is an important ardsti#+ to measure the #ompan7s

    operational and finan#ial effi#ien#) An #ompan should ha&e a right amount

    of #ash and lines of #redit for its business needs at all times)

    This pro-e#t des#ribes ho' the management of 'or+ing #apital ta+es pla#e at

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    4!2 nfosstems)


    n the management of 'or+ing #apital$ the firm is fa#ed 'ith t'o +e problems:

    0) "irst$ gi&en the le&el of sales and the rele&ant #ost #onsiderations$ 'hat are the

    optimal amounts of #ash$ a##ounts re#ei&able and in&entories that a firm should

    #hoose to maintainD3) Se#ond$ gi&en these optimal amounts$ 'hat is the most e#onomi#al 'a to

    finan#e these 'or+ing #apital in&estmentsD To produ#e the best possible

    results$ firms should +eep no unprodu#ti&e assets and should finan#e 'ith the

    #heapest a&ailable sour#es of funds) 9hD n general$ it is quite ad&antageous

    for the firm to in&est in short term assets and to finan#e short/term liabilities)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    The ob-e#ti&es of this pro-e#t 'ere mainl to stud the in&entor$ #ash and

    re#ei&able at 4!2 nfosstems 2td)$ but there are some more and the are /

    The main purpose of our stud is to render a better understanding of

    the #on#ept ?9or+ing !apital Management)

    To understand the planning and management of 'or+ing #apital at HCL

    Infosystems Ltd

    To measure the finan#ial soundness of the #ompan b &arious


    To suggest 'as for better management and #ontrol of 'or+ing #apital at

    the #on#ern)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    This project requires a detailed understanding of the concept

    !or"ing #apital $anage%ent&' Therefore( firstl) *e need to ha+e

    a clear idea of *hat is *or"ing capital( ho* it is %anaged in ,#-

    .nfos)ste%s( *hat are the different *a)s in *hich the financing of

    *or"ing capital is done in the co%pan)'

    The management of 'or+ing #apital in&ol&es managing in&entories$

    a##ounts re#ei&able and paable and #ash) Therefore one also needs to

    ha&e a sound +no'ledge about #ash management$ in&entor management

    and re#ei&ables management)

    Then #omes the finan#ing of 'or+ing #apital requirement$ i)e) ho' the

    'or+ing #apital is finan#ed$ 'hat are the &arious sour#es through 'hi#hit is done)

    And$ in the end$ suggestions and re#ommendations on 'as for better

    management and #ontrol of 'or+ing #apital are pro&ided)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    T$%s &'o(e)t %s *%t+, to me %n + s%-n%f%)+nt .+y It does $+*e some

    %m&o't+n)e fo' t$e )om&+ny too T$ese +'e +s fo,,o.s /

    This pro-e#t 'ill be a learning de&i#e for the finan#e student)

    Through this pro-e#t 'ould stud the &arious methods of the 'or+ing

    #apital management)

    The pro-e#t 'ill be a learning of planning and finan#ing 'or+ing #apital)

    The pro-e#t 'ould also be an effe#ti&e tool for #redit poli#ies of the


    This 'ill sho' different methods of holding in&entor and dealing 'ith

    #ash and re#ei&ables)

    This 'ill sho' the liquidit position of the #ompan and also ho' do the

    maintain a parti#ular liquidit position)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    The follo'ing sour#es ha&e been sought for the prep of this report:

    Primar sour#es su#h as business maga.ines$ #urrent annual reports$

    boo+ on "inan#ial Management b &arious authors and internet 'ebsites

    the imp amongst them being : ''')h#l)#om$ ''')indiainfoline)#om$


    Se#ondar sour#es li+e pre&ious ears annual reports$ reports on 'or+ing

    #apital for resear#h$ analsis and #omparison of the data gathered)

    9hile doing this pro-e#t$ the data relating to 'or+ing #apital$ #ash

    management$ re#ei&ables management$ in&entor management and short

    term finan#ing 'as required)

    This data 'as gathered through the #ompan7s 'ebsites$ its #orporate

    intranet$ 4!27s annual reports of the last fi&e ears)

    A detailed stud on the a#tual 'or+ing pro#esses of the #ompan is also

    done through dire#t intera#tion 'ith the emploees and b timel

    studing the happenings at the #ompan)

    Also$ &arious te*t boo+s on finan#ial management li+e !"A7s boo+$

    @han ; ain$ Prasanna !handra and )M)Pande 'ere #onsulted to equip

    oursel&es 'ith the topi#)
  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    9e #annot do #omparisons 'ith other #ompanies unless and until

    'e ha&e the data of other #ompanies on the same sub-e#t)

    Onl the printed data about the #ompan 'ill be a&ailable and not

    the ba#+6end details)

    "uture plans of the #ompan 'ill not be dis#losed to the trainees)

    2astl$ due to shortage of time it is not possible to #o&er all the

    fa#tors and details regarding the sub-e#t of stud)

    The latest finan#ial data #ould not be reported as the #ompan7s

    'ebsites ha&e not been updated)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    Ty&e P01,%)

    2!SE# 3445678!SE# 39::;5ES6

    To help people in 4!2 nfosstems 2td)$ share #ompan7s su##ess$

    'hi#h the ma+e possibleU to pro&ide -ob se#urit based on their

    performan#eU to

    re#ogni.e their indi&idual a#hie&ementsU and help them gain a sense of

    satisfa#tion and a##omplishment from their 'or+)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    To pro&ide 'orld/#lass solutions and ser&i#es to all our #ustomers$ 4!2

    nfosstems ha&e formed Allian#es and Partnerships 'ith leading T #ompanies


    4!2 nfosstems has allian#es 'ith global te#hnolog leaders li+e Inte,8 AMD8

    M%)'osoft8 !0,,8 Tos$%1+8 No%+8 S0n M%)'osystems8 E'%)sson8 n>IDIA8

    SAP8 S)+nsoft8 SCO8 EMC8 >e'%t+s8 C%t'%8 CISCO8 O'+),e8 Com&0te'

    Asso)%+tes8 RedH+t8 Info)0s8 D0&,o8 S+ms0n- +nd No*e,,

    These allian#es on one hand gi&e us a##ess to best te#hnolog ; produ#ts as

    'ell as enhan#ing our understanding of the latest in te#hnolog) On the other

    hand the enhan#e our produ#t portfolio$ and enable us to be one stop shop for

    our #ustomers)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    A(+% C$o.d$'y!o/"ounder 4!2$ !hairman and !EO / 4!2 nfosstems)An engineer b training$ A-ai !ho'dhr is one of the si* #o/founder members of 4!2$ ndia s premier T #onglomerate)

    > R+m+m0't$y

    !hief Operating Offi#er 4!2 nfosstems 2td) H Ramamurth has an engineering degree in Ele#troni#s ;!ommuni#ations$ from ,uind Engineering !ollege$ and a Masters

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    degree in Applied Ele#troni#s from the Madras nstitute ofTe#hnolog$ both in !hennai)

    R+(end'+ K0m+'

    E*e#uti&e Hi#e President / "rontline 1i&ision 4!2 nfosstems 2td)Mr) Ra-endra @umar has been 'ith 4!2 for o&er 5K ears and hasseen 4!2 gro' from a startup #ompan to a giganti# #onglomeratethat it is toda)


    !OARD OF DIRECTORS C$+%'m+n C$%ef Ee)0t%*e Off%)e' A-ai !ho'dhr

    W$o,et%me D%'e)to'

    )H) Ramamurth


    S) Bhatta#hara 1)S) Puri

    R)P) @hosla

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    E)A) @shirsagar Anita Rama#handran T)S) Purushothaman Narasimhan egadeesh H)N) @oura

    COMPANY SECRETARY Sushil @umar ain

    A"DITORS Pri#e 9aterhouse$ Ne' 1elhi

    !ANKERS State Ban+ of ndia !anara Ban+

    41"! Ban+ 2td) !! Ban+ 2td) So#iete ,enerale Standard !hartered Ban+ State Ban+ of Patiala State Ban+ of Saurashtra

    REGISTERED OFFICE LK=$ Siddharth$ F=$ Nehru Pla#e$ Ne' 1elhi / 00K K0F)


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited





    Signifi#an#e of 'or+ing #apital management

    2iquidit Hs profitabilit: Ris+ 6 Return trade off

    !lassifi#ation of 'or+ing #apital

    Tpes of 'or+ing #apital needs

    "inan#ing of 'or+ing #apital

    "a#tors determining 'or+ing #apital requirements

    9or+ing #apital ##le

    Sour#es of 'or+ing #apital

    4!2 finan#ials

    9or+ing #apital position

    n&entor management

    !ash management

    Re#ei&ables management

    Managing paables (!reditors%

    "inan#ing #urrent assets

    9or+ing #apital ; short/term finan#ing

    "inan#ing !urrent Assets

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    Working Capital is the Life-Blood and Controlling Nerve Center of a


    T$e .o'%n- )+&%t+, m+n+-ement &'e)%se,y 'efe's to m+n+-ement of

    )0''ent +ssets A f%'ms .o'%n- )+&%t+, )ons%sts of %ts %n*estment %n

    )0''ent +ssets8 .$%)$ %n),0de s$o'tte'm +ssets s0)$ +s#

    !ash and ban+ balan#e$


    Re#ei&ables (in#luding debtors and bills%$

    Mar+etable se#urities)

    9or+ing #apital is #ommonl defined as the differen#e bet'een #urrent assets

    and #urrent liabilities)


    There are t'o ma-or #on#epts of 'or+ing #apital:

    ,ross 'or+ing #apital

    Net 'or+ing #apital

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    G'oss .o'%n- )+&%t+,#

    t refers to firms in&estment in #urrent assets) !urrent assets are the assets$

    'hi#h #an be #on&erted into #ash 'ith in a finan#ial ear) The gross 'or+ing

    #apital points to the need of arranging funds to finan#e #urrent assets)

    Net .o'%n- )+&%t+,#

    t refers to the differen#e bet'een #urrent assets and #urrent liabilities) Net

    'or+ing #apital #an be positi&e or negati&e) A positi&e net 'or+ing #apital

    'ill arise 'hen #urrent assets e*#eed #urrent liabilities) And &i#e/&ersa for

    negati&e net 'or+ing #apital) Net 'or+ing #apital is a qualitati&e #on#ept) t

    indi#ates the liquidit position of the firm and suggests the e*tent to 'hi#h

    'or+ing #apital needs ma be finan#ed b permanent sour#es of funds) Net

    'or+ing #apital also #o&ers the question of -udi#ious mi* of long/term and

    short/term funds for finan#ing #urrent assets)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    S%-n%f%)+n)e Of Wo'%n- C+&%t+, M+n+-ement

    T$e m+n+-ement of .o'%n- )+&%t+, %s %m&o't+nt fo' se*e'+, 'e+sons#

    "or one thing$ the #urrent assets of a tpi#al manufa#turing firm a##ount

    for half of its total assets) "or a distribution #ompan$ the a##ount for

    e&en more)

    9or+ing #apital requires #ontinuous da to da super&ision) 9or+ing

    #apital has the effe#t on #ompans ris+$ return and share pri#es$

    There is an ine&itable relationship bet'een sales gro'th and the le&el of

    #urrent assets) The target sales le&el #an be a#hie&ed onl if supported b

    adequate 'or+ing #apital neffi#ient 'or+ing #apital management ma

    lead to insol&en# of the firm if it is not in a position to meet its liabilities

    and #ommitments)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    Another important aspe#t of a 'or+ing #apital poli# is to maintain and

    pro&ide suffi#ient liquidit to the firm) 2i+e the most #orporate finan#ial

    de#isions$ the de#ision on ho' mu#h 'or+ing #apital be maintained in&ol&es a

    trade off/ ha&ing a large net 'or+ing #apital ma redu#e the liquidit ris+

    fa#ed b a firm$ but it #an ha&e a negati&e effe#t on the #ash flo's) Therefore$

    the net effe#t on the &alue of the firm should be used to determine the optimal

    amount of 'or+ing #apital)

    Sound 'or+ing #apital in&ol&es t'o fundamental de#isions for the firm) The

    are the determination of:

    The optimal le&el of in&estments in #urrent assets)

    The appropriate mi* of short/term and long/term finan#ing used to support

    this in&estment in #urrent assets$ a firm should de#ide 'hether or not it

    should use short/term finan#ing) f short/term finan#ing has to be used$ the

    firm must determine its portion in total finan#ing) Short/term finan#ing

    ma be preferred o&er long/term finan#ing for t'o reasons:

    The #ost ad&antage


    But short/term finan#ing is more ris+ than long/term finan#ing) "ollo'ing

    table 'ill summari.e our dis#ussion of short/term &ersus long/term finan#ing)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    Maintaining a poli# of short term finan#ing for short term or temporar

    assets needs (Bo* 0% and long/ term finan#ing for long term or permanent

    assets needs (Bo* 5% 'ould #omprise a set of moderate ris+ 6profitabilit

    strategies) But 'hat one gains b follo'ing alternati&e strategies (li+e b bo*

    3 or bo* 8% needs to 'eighed against 'hat ou gi&e up)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    9or+ing #apital #an be #lassified as follo's:

    On the basis of time

    On the basis of #on#ept

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    Another important aspe#t of 'or+ing #apital management is to anal.e the

    total 'or+ing #apital needs of the firm in order to find out the permanent and

    temporar 'or+ing #apital) 9or+ing #apital is required be#ause of e*isten#e

    of operating ##le) The lengthier the operating ##le$ greater 'ould be the

    need for 'or+ing #apital) The operating ##le is a #ontinuous pro#ess and

    therefore$ the 'or+ing #apital is needed #onstantl and regularl) 4o'e&er$

    the magnitude and quantum of 'or+ing #apital required 'ill not be same all

    the times$ rather it 'ill flu#tuate)

    The need for #urrent assets tends to shift o&er time) Some of these #hangesrefle#t permanent #hanges in the firm as is the #ase 'hen the in&entor and

    re#ei&ables in#reases as the firm gro's and the sales be#ome higher and

    higher) Other #hanges are seasonal$ as is the #ase 'ith in#reased in&entor

    required for a parti#ular festi&al season) Still others are random refle#ting the

    un#ertaint asso#iated 'ith gro'th in sales due to firms spe#ifi# or general

    e#onomi# fa#tors)

    T$e .o'%n- )+&%t+, needs )+n 1e 1%f0')+ted +s#

    Permanent 'or+ing #apital

    Temporar 'or+ing #apital

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    Pe'm+nent .o'%n- )+&%t+,#

    There is al'as a minimum le&el of 'or+ing #apital$ 'hi#h is #ontinuousl

    required b a firm in order to maintain its a#ti&ities) E&er firm must ha&e a

    minimum of #ash$ sto#+ and other #urrent assets$ this minimum le&el of

    #urrent assets$ 'hi#h must be maintained b an firm all the times$ is +no'n

    as permanent 'or+ing #apital for that firm) This amount of 'or+ing #apital is

    #onstantl and regularl required in the same 'a as fi*ed assets are required)

    So$ it ma also be #alled fi*ed 'or+ing #apital)

    Tem&o'+'y .o'%n- )+&%t+,#

    An amount o&er and abo&e the permanent le&el of 'or+ing #apital is

    temporar$ flu#tuating or &ariable 'or+ing #apital) The position of the

    required 'or+ing #apital is needed to meet flu#tuations in demand #onsequent

    upon #hanges in produ#tion and sales as a result of seasonal #hanges)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    The permanent le&el is #onstant 'hile the temporar 'or+ing #apital is

    flu#tuating in#reasing and de#reasing in a##ordan#e 'ith seasonal demands as

    sho'n in the figure)

    n the #ase of an e*panding firm$ the permanent 'or+ing #apital line ma not

    be hori.ontal) This is be#ause the demand for permanent #urrent assets might

    be in#reasing (or de#reasing% to support a rising le&el of a#ti&it) n that #ase

    line 'ould be rising)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    There are t'o tpes of 'or+ing #apital requirements as dis#ussed abo&e) The


    Permanent or "i*ed 9or+ing !apital requirements

    Temporar or Hariable 9or+ing !apital requirements

    Therefore$ to finan#e either of these t'o 'or+ing #apital requirements$ 'e

    ha&e long/term as 'ell as short/term sour#es)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited




    There are man fa#tors that determine 'or+ing #apital needs of an enterprise)

    Some of these fa#tors are e*plained belo':

    N+t0'e o' C$+'+)te' of !0s%ness

    The 'or+ing #apital requirement of a firm is #losel related to the

    nature of its business) A ser&i#e firm$ li+e an ele#tri#it underta+ing or

    a transport #orporation$ 'hi#h has a short operating ##le and 'hi#h

    sells predominantl on #ash basis$ has a modest 'or+ing #apital

    requirement) Oh the other hand$ a manufa#turing #on#ern li+e a

    ma#hine tools unit$ 'hi#h has a long operating ##le and 'hi#h sells

    largel on #redit$ has a &er substantial 'or+ing #apital requirement)

    4!2 nfosstems #arr on a#ti&ities related to #omputer sstems)

    Though the are primaril an assembling firm the also ha&e

    manufa#turing fa#ilities in !hennai and Pondi#herr) This requires

    them to +eep a &er si.eable amount in 'or+ing #apital)

    S%e of !0s%nessS)+,e of O&e'+t%ons

    4!2 is the leader in its segment in both #onsumer as 'ell as

    #ommer#ial mar+et share) The ha&e in#reased their share in the

    #onsumer segment notabl in the last four ears) This the ha&e

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    a#hie&ed through retail e*pansion) The s#ale of operations and the si.e


    holds in the ndian T mar+et ma+es it a must for them to hold their

    in&entor and #urrent asset at a huge le&el)

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  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    The upper portion of the diagram abo&e sho's in a simplified form the #hain of

    e&ents in a manufa#turing firm) Ea#h of the bo*es in the upper part of the

    diagram #an be seen as a tan+ through 'hi#h funds flo') These tan+s$ 'hi#h

    are #on#erned 'ith da/to/da a#ti&ities$ ha&e funds #onstantl flo'ing into

    and out of them)

    The #hain starts 'ith the firm buing ra' materials on #redit)

    n due #ourse this sto#+ 'ill be used in produ#tion$ 'or+ 'ill be #arried

    out on the sto#+$ and it 'ill be#ome part of the firm7s 'or+/in/progress)

    9or+ 'ill #ontinue on the 9P until it e&entuall emerges as the

    finished produ#t)

    As produ#tion progresses$ labor #osts and o&erheads need ha&e to be


    Of #ourse at some stage trade #reditors 'ill need to be paid)

    9hen the finished goods are sold on #redit$ debtors are in#reased)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    The 'ill e&entuall pa$ so that #ash 'ill be in-e#ted into the firm)

    Ea#h of the areas/ Sto#+ (ra' materials$ 9P$ and finished goods%$ trade

    debtors$ #ash (positi&e or negati&e% and trade #reditors 6 #an be &ie'ed as tan+s

    into and from 'hi#h funds flo')

    9or+ing #apital is #learl not the onl aspe#t of a business that affe#ts the

    amount of #ash)

    The business 'ill ha&e to ma+e paments to go&ernment for ta*ation)

    "i*ed assets 'ill be pur#hased and sold

    2essors of fi*ed assets 'ill be paid their rent

    Shareholders (e*isting or ne'% ma pro&ide ne' funds in the form of


    Some shares ma be redeemed for #ash

    1i&idends ma be paid

    2ong/term loan #reditors (e*isting or ne'% ma pro&ide loan finan#e$

    loans 'ill need to be repaid from time/to/time$ and

    nterest obligations 'ill ha&e to be met b the business

    Cnli+e$ mo&ements in the 'or+ing #apital items$ most of these Xnon/'or+ing#apital7 #ash transa#tions are not e&er da e&ents) Some of them are annual

    e&ents (e)g) ta* paments$ lease paments$ di&idends$ interest and$ possibl$

    fi*ed asset pur#hases and sales%) Others (e)g) ne' equit and loan finan#e and

    redemption of old equit and loan finan#e% 'ould tpi#all be rarer e&ents)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited



    4!2 nfosstems has the follo'ing sour#es a&ailable for the fulfillment of its

    'or+ing #apital requirements in order to #arr on its operations smoothl:


    These in#lude the follo'ing ban+s 6

    State Ban+ of ndia

    !anara Ban+ 41"! Ban+ 2td)

    !! Ban+ 2td)

    So#iete ,enerale

    Standard !hartered Ban+

    State Ban+ of Patiala

    State Ban+ of Saurashtra

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited




  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    PARTIC"LARS :44? :443 :44@ :449 :44:!CRRENT


    0KKFGK L0

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited





    0F)08 3F)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    The ratio of the net #urrent asset to the fi*ed ones is an indi#ator as to the

    liquidit position of the firm) This ratio has de#lined for the firm #ompared to

    the pre&ious ear) There #ould be an argument as to 'hether the in#reased ratio

    of 'or+ing #apital to net blo#+ is a #onser&ati&e poli# and 'hether it 'ould be

    detrimental to the interest of the #ompan) Or$ 'hether it 'ould ha&e been

    proper if the #ompan in&ested more into the #apital e*penditure in the form of

    plant and ma#hiner or in&ested in an other form that 'ould ha&e got them an

    internal rate of return) 9hat has to be +ept in mind before #oming to a

    #on#lusion as to the poli# of the #ompan$ is the fa#t that the firm being

    primaril into assembling$ its in&estment in the fi*ed asset segment need not be

    high) A loo+ into the #apa#it utili.ation of the plant 'ould reaffirm this point)

    t 'ould be ideal for the firm to #ontinue in the same line and not ha&e

    e*#essi&e in&estment in the fi*ed asset as the #an easil add onto this part)



    :44? 00

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    :443 3

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    firm) 4!2 has in#reased its #urrent assets in order to meet the in#reasing sales)

    The firm7s le&el of liquidit being high$ 'e need a #he#+ on 'hether it affe#ts

    the return on assets)



  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    n&entories #onstitute the most important part of the #urrent assets of large

    ma-orit of #ompanies) On an a&erage the in&entories are appro*imatel =K

    of the #urrent assets in publi# limited #ompanies in ndia) Be#ause of the large

    si.e of in&entories maintained b the firms$ a #onsiderable amount of funds is

    #ommitted to them) t is therefore$ imperati&e to manage the in&entories

    effi#ientl and effe#ti&el in order to a&oid unne#essar in&estment)

    N+t0'e of In*ento'%es

    n&entories are sto#+ of the produ#t of the #ompan is manufa#turing for sale

    and #omponents ma+e up of the produ#t) The &arious forms of the in&entoriesin the manufa#turing #ompanies are:

    R+. M+te'%+,: t is the basi# input that is #on&erted into the finished

    produ#t through the manufa#turing pro#ess) Ra' materials are those

    units 'hi#h ha&e been pur#hased and stored for future produ#tion)

    Wo'%n&'o-'ess: n&entories are semi/manufa#tured produ#ts) The

    represent produ#t that need more 'or+ the be#ome finished produ#ts for


    F%n%s$ed Goods: n&entories are those #ompletel manufa#tured

    produ#ts 'hi#h are read for sale) Sto#+s of ra' materials and 'or+/in/

    progress fa#ilitate produ#tion$ 'hile sto#+ of finished goods is required

    for smooth mar+eting operations) Thus$ in&entories ser&e as a lin+

    bet'een the produ#tion and #onsumption of goods)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    In*ento'y M+n+-ement Te)$n%=0es

    n managing in&entories$ the firm7s ob-e#ti&e should be to be in #onsonan#e

    'ith the shareholder 'ealth ma*imi.ation prin#iple) To a#hie&e this$ the firm

    should determine the optimum le&el of in&entor) Effi#ientl #ontrolled

    in&entories ma+e the firm fle*ible) neffi#ient in&entor #ontrol results in

    unbalan#ed in&entor and infle*ibilit/the firm ma sometimes run out of sto#+

    and sometimes pile up unne#essar sto#+s)

    E)onom%) O'de' B0+nt%ty 2EOB

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    #osts 'ill be relati&el small) Thus$ ordering #osts de#rease 'ith

    the in#reasing si.e of in&entor)

    C+''y%n- Costs #!osts are in#urred for maintaining a gi&en le&el

    of in&entor are #alled #arring #osts) These in#lude the follo'ing


    9arehousing !ost


    Administrati&e #ost


    1eterioration and obsoles#en#e

    !arring #osts are &aring 'ith in&entor si.e) This beha&ior is

    #ontrar to that of ordering #osts 'hi#h de#line 'ith in#rease in

    in&entor si.e) The e#onomi# si.e of in&entor 'ould thus depend

    on trade/off bet'een #arring #osts and ordering #ost)

    Com&os%t%on :44? :443 :44@

    Ra' Material =58F GG8F =03G

    Stores and Spares 5G05 3FLG 3=33

    "inished ,oods 055G8 G38< =

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    understandable as be#ause of the nature of the business firm is in&ol&ed


    To the question as to 'hether the in#reasing #osts in in&entor are-ustified b the returns from it the ans'er #ould be found in the 4!2

    retail e*pansion) 4!2 #aters to the need of the t'o separate segments:

    a% nstitutions for 'hi#h the manufa#ture against orders and$

    b% Retail segment of the mar+et)

    The are more into retail than earlier and at present more than =

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    most effort in #ontrolling) The firm should be sele#ti&e in approa#h to

    #ontrol in&estment in &arious tpes of in&entories) This analti#al

    approa#h is #alled ?AB! Analsis) The high/&alue items are #lassified

    as ?A items and 'ould be under tightest #ontrol) ?! items represent

    relati&el least &alue and 'ould require simple #ontrol) ?B items fall in

    bet'een the t'o #ategories and require reasonable attention of


    IT: The rele&an#e of T in 4!2 nfo sstem #an be questioned) This

    is be#ause the pro#ure materials on the basis of pro-e#tions made at

    least t'o or three months before) E&en at the time of pro#urement the

    ensure that the pro#ure mu#h more than 'hat a#tuall is required b

    the firm that is the hold signifi#ant amount of in&entor as safet sto#+)

    This is done to #ounter the threat in&ol&ed in default and a##identalbrea+do'ns) The le&els of safet sto#+ usuall &ar a##ording to the


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    Con*e's%on Pe'%ods

    R+. M+te'%+,

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    F%n%s$ed Goods

    P+'t%)0,+'s :44? :443 :444@

    !ost of goods sold 33L0GG 0GL85L)Lation 1)01 1524 124! 1440

    A(orti>ation of 6ood9ill and Intanile Assets && && && 41

    .E3RECIA'I*- = AM*R'I?A'I*-, '*'A+ 1)01 1524 124! 14)1

    @6ain +oss fro( %ale of Asset &04 &1$ 05 0$

    @6ain +oss on %ale of Invest(ent &"#$ &)4# &$15 &552

    Asset Britedo9n = Restructurin Costs 00 05 && &&

    *ther *peratin Activities 2#2) !12 "#$ 2"1)

    3rovision = Brite&off of ad .ets 14) 144 "2 #2

    Chane in Accounts Receivale &1,5#!4 &1,##!4 &1,"24" &!,15))

    Chane in Inventories &42!! &$)#" &1,2022 &!,222"

    Chane in Accounts 3ayale 1,4"1) 1,5$1$ 2,"5#5 !,1122

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    CA% R*M *3ERA'I*-% 1,$140 1,2$"5 2,")$! 2$4"

    Capital Ependiture &1)0" &2$") &424! &$"45

    %ale of 3roperty, 3lant, and Equip(ent !5 10" )0! 1$

    Invest(ents in Mar

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


    L+st @ ye+' In)ome St+tement#

    Year o&er ear$ 4!2 nfosstems 2td) has seen re&enues remain relati&el flat

    (005)GB to 00=)FB%$ though the #ompan 'as able to gro' net in#ome from 3)LB

    to 5)3B) A redu#tion in the per#entage of sales de&oted to #ost of goods sold from

    F5)30 to F3)

  • 8/12/2019 Working Capital Management in Hcl Infosystems Limited


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