working within your_zone[1]

Post on 12-Feb-2015






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Working Within Your Zone

Here you can learn how to make the most of your Wellness Zone, Your Wellness Diary and Your Personal File Repository. If you have any questions please contact

ContentsMy Wellness Diary...............................................................................................2


Edit Profile............................................................................................................4

Forum Posts.........................................................................................................5

View Portfolio.......................................................................................................6


My Wellness Diary

In your Wellness Diary you can keep a record of your Wellness Goals and keep track of your achievements when you have reached your goals. The diary can be used as a blog to record your efforts, your successes and failures. Look back on your diary in a few month's time and see how far you have come in achieving optimal Wellness levels.

Click on "View my entries". You will see your name at the top of the page and a number of tabs. The tabs read, from left to right, 'Profile', 'Edit profile', 'Forum posts'' View portfolio' and 'Blog'. We will deal with each Tab in more detail below, beginning with 'Profile'.


If you click on the 'Profile' tab you will see a summary of your user profile; your city/town (depending on how you registered this may default to Brighton, but you can change your location) the courses/resource areas you have visited and the last date you accessed the Wellness Zone.

If you click on the name of the course you will be taken to that resource area.

Underneath your profile information, there are two buttons. The first allows you to change your password should you wish to do so. The second links you to your messages. Other users can send you messages via the Zone. You can choose whether or not you would like other users to contact you.

If you click on the 'Messages' button, a window will open. In that window, you can create a list of contacts, search for contacts and manage your message settings.

Edit Profile

Here you can update your personal information, upload a photo of yourself for your profile, and set your security settings. It is a good idea to select the settings you want to apply to your account the first time you logon.

Here you can select whether or not you want other users to see your email address. You can include as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with. However all the fields marked in read must be completed. This is merely for administrative purposes. You need not share personal information with other users.

Forum Posts

Here you can see a list of the contributions you made to the Wellness Forums and a list of any discussions started by you.

View Portfolio

This is where you can upload documents to your Personal Wellness Zone. You can upload documents such as your Personal Wellness Profile, your Goal Setting template, Drink and Sleep logs, and refer back to these documents as you progress.

The first time you click on 'View Portfolio', all you will see is the 'Add element' button on the right hand side of the screen.

Click on the 'Add element button' and a screen opens.

First fill in the name of the element you wish to add, for example PWP November 2008. Then add a brief description, perhaps a summary of how you scored.

Then you can add a reference date for the document by checking the check box. The date defaults to today's date.

Then check the check box to 'Choose or upload file'. Click the 'Choose or upload file' button to open a new window. Click the 'Upload a file' button, then 'browse' to the location where the file is stored on your computer of memory stick, select the file and click 'Upload this file' The file will take a few moments to upload. How long it takes will depend on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the file itself.

Once the file is uploaded you will see the file in Your File Repository. Click 'Choose' on the extreme right hand side of the screen to select the file. This window will close and you will return to the previous screen depicted above.

Select whether or not you want others to view the file and click 'Save changes'.

Now in your 'View Portfolio' window you will see the file you have uploaded. On the left is an icon for the type of file uploaded, followed by he name of the element you uploaded, the date, and an arrow that allows you to sort the position of the elements in your Portfolio.

Note: the arrow will only appear once you have uploaded your second file.


Here you can keep a blog, record your experiences as you work on improving your Personal Wellness. Use this as a tool to motivate you to achieve your goals and celebrate your achievements.

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