workshop on appreciative inquiry (ai) in youth services

Post on 12-May-2015






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Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Chan Kwok BongNg Sze Long4-2008

Lessons from ABCD

ABCD – Key Assumptions Believes that meaningful and lasting community changes

always origin from within, and local residents in that community are the best experts on how to activate that change.

focuses on the resources and capacities of a community and its residents, instead of dwelling on their needs problems and deficiencies.

inherently optimistic, and assumes every single person has capacities, abilities and gifts. Living a good life depends on whether those capacities can be used, abilities expressed and gifts given.

the strength of a community is directly proportional to the level that residents want, and are able to contribute their abilities and assets to the wellbeing of their community.

ABCDABCD 的三大原則的三大原則 Kretzmannh 與 McKnight 指出資産爲本的

社區發展有三大原則: 以資産爲本 (Asset Based): 社區發展的

策略是由社區中有什麽開始—居民及工作人口的能力 ; 地區中的組織及團體,而不是社區中缺乏什麽 , 或是什麽問題 , 或是什麽需要

‘The root idea of community development is to identify local capacities and mobilise

them, which involves connecting people with capacities to other people,

associates, institutions and economic resources.’ 

(Jody Kretzman and John McKnight)

ABCDABCD 的三大原則的三大原則 「以內部爲焦點」 (internally

focused): 首要先集中加強居民建立議題及解決問題的能力;




THE TOP DOWN,OR FROM THE OUTSIDE IN'(John McKnight, John Kretzmann)

ABCDABCD 的三大原則的三大原則 「以關係作推動」 (relationship

driven): 延續建立及再建立本地居民、本地組織、及本地團體之間及內部的關係。


‘AS A RULE OF THUMB, INVOLVE EVERYONE IN EVERYTHING’ (Tom Peters – writer of In Search of Excellence)

「社區資本」 物質資本:原料、工具 人力資本:個人技術與知識 文化資本:個人及其家庭階級所繼承的

語言和文化能力 社會資本:人與人的關係 環境資本:物我平等,人與環境和


蒐集社區資源 人:協助教材蒐集或課程發展的關鍵人士 事:社區的生活事件 地:社區的自然與文化地景,可供教學運

用的地點或場所 物:社區活動成果的遺產 時間:人、地、事、物在社區的變化與發





土地 /空間


Appreciative Inquiry

The Future from the Old songQue Sera Sera

When I was just a little girl, I ask my mother what will I be. Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Here’s what she said to me:

“Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be will be, the future not our eyes to see, Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be?”

Doris Day in 1965

New way looking at The Futures “The best way to predict the future is to create it”


Future is “part chance and external-driven and part choice and internal-driven”. There are different ways of approaching the future. Probable Future: “What will happen?” if carrying on as usual? ” Preferred Future: “What should happen?” and “What is our

dream?” Possible Future: “What can happen?”

Peter Eyllard (1998).Ideas for the new millennium

Possible Future: The Paradigm Shift What can happen?

This is a synthesis of the probable and the preferred futures which reflects the availability of resources, makes value judgments on the relative power and

ability of the visionary to shape the future, and the threats and opportunities created by the

external environment.

Peter Eyllard (1998).Ideas for the new millennium

The Possible Future is our future Develop Preferred Future Strategy towards

changes Problem-Centred Strategy / Probable

Future (e.g. killing diseases) Mission-Directed Strategy / Preferred

Future (e.g. Promote Health)

Mission-Directed Strategy vs. Problem-Centred Strategy Mission-Directed Visions for the future Empowering Proactive Collaborating Effort Innovative / New

ways / Unlimited Options

Problem-Centred No hope to the future Disempowering Reactive / Flight &

Response Intellect Oriented Limited Options

Positive Psychology

“Do you think conventional psychology is focus on the study of the positive things more or the negative things more?

Positive Psychology Convention Psychology

tends to be about negative things e.g., anxiety, depression, stress, DSM-IV R…

Positive Psychology attempt to redress the balance, to try to contribute to positive

aspects of life Abraham Maslow, Martin E.P. Seligman “A manual of strengths and virtues that are found in the

happiest people" (Peterson & Seligman, 2004) “Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to

Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment”


Preferred Future,

Mission-directed Strategy

Appreciative Inquiry:

The Positive Core of Change

Appreciative Inquiry is a Shift…

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.”

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein

Ap-pre’ci-ate, v.,1. Valuing …

The act of recognizing the best in people and the world around us;

Affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials;

To perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, and excellence) to living systems.

2. To increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value. Synonyms: valuing, prizing, esteeming,

and honoring.

In-quire’ (kwir), v.,

1. The act of exploration and discovery.

2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities.Synonyms: discovery, search, study and systematic


Problem Solving or Appreciative Inquiry

Problem Solving:

Identify problem

Root cause analysis

Solutions & analyze

Develop action plans

Metaphor: Organizations are problems to be solved

Appreciative Inquiry:

Appreciate “What is”

Imagine “What Might Be”

Determine “What Should Be”

Create “What Will Be”

Metaphor: Organizations are a mystery to be explored.

What You Focus on, Grows

Problem Solving Model Appreciative Inquiry Model

“Felt Needs”

Identification of the Problem

Analysis of Causes

Analysis of Possible Solutions

Action Planning (Treatment)

Organizations is a problem to be


“Valuing the Best of What is”

Amplifying the Positive Core

Envisioning What Might Be

Dialoguing what Should Be

Innovating What Will Be

Organization is a mystery to be



Banking Approach, Problem-Solving & Appreciative Inquiry

WHAT IS APPRICIATIVE INQUIRY? Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is the cooperative search for the

best in people, their organisations, their communities and the world around them.

It involves systematic discovery of what gives a system “life” when it is most effective and capable.

AI involves the art and practice of asking questions that strengthen an individual, a community or a system’s capacity to heighten positive potential.

AI assumes that every living being and system has untapped, rich, inspiring accounts of the positive.

Link this “positive change core” directly to any leadership strategy or change agenda, and changes never thought possible are suddenly and democratically mobilized.

Principle of AI

Principles of “AI”• Constructionist Principle:

• Words create worlds; meaning is socially created, through language & conversations.

• Principle of Simultaneity: • Inquiry creates change; the moment we ask a question, we

begin to create change.

• Poetic Principle: • We can choose what we study; organizations, like open books,

are endless sources of information & learning.

• Anticipatory Principle: • Human systems move in the direction of their images; what we

choose to study makes a difference.

Principles of “AI”• Positive Principle:

• Positive questions lead to positive change.

• Wholeness Principle: • Wholeness brings out the best in people & organization;

bringing all stakeholders together in a group forum that stimulates creativity and builds collective capacity.

• Enactment Principle: • To really make change, we must “be the change we want to


• Free Choice Principle: • People perform better and are more committed when they have

the freedom to choose how and what they want to contribute.

Appreciative Inquiry

The 4-D

Appreciative Inquiry “4-D”

DiscoveryDiscovery““What gives life?”What gives life?”

(The best of what is)(The best of what is)


DiscoveryDiscovery““What gives life?”What gives life?”

(The best of what is)(The best of what is)


DreamDream““What might be?”What might be?”(What is the world(What is the world

calling for)calling for)Envisioning ResultsEnvisioning Results

DreamDream““What might be?”What might be?”(What is the world(What is the world

calling for)calling for)Envisioning ResultsEnvisioning Results

DesignDesign““What should be—What should be—

the ideal?”the ideal?”


DesignDesign““What should be—What should be—

the ideal?”the ideal?”


DestinyDestiny““How to empower, learn,How to empower, learn,

and improvise?”and improvise?”


DestinyDestiny““How to empower, learn,How to empower, learn,

and improvise?”and improvise?”





AI 4D Stage Ideas in this 2 days workshop

Discovery AI interviews

Dream Positive Core List


Design Provocative Proposition

Working with stakeholders

Destiny Step by step

4-D: Affirmative Topic Choice

Characteristics of Good Affirmative Topic

Topic are positive Topics are desirable Topics stimulate learning Topics stimulate conversation about

desired futures (preferred futures)

Positive Topic Choice Human systems move in the direction of what we deeply

and persistently ask questions about

Transformational topics are possible in any situation, and will generate more positive change—every time.

The skill of framing and re-framing

Change Agenda

“If you want...” Youth resiliency

Affirmative Topics

“Then you may choose to study…” Happiness at school Challenges

achievement Ways to the state of

“feeling strong” Ways to becoming

happy Ways to the state of


4-D: Discovery

Appreciative Interviews ~

Inquiry that makes the difference…..


1. What is wrong with our community?What problems can we fix?What are the needs of our community?What is broken?

OR 2. What are the strengths of our community?

Share a time when you felt our community was at it’s best?What do you value most about our community?What is the essence of our community that makes it unique and strong?

The Art of the Question What’s the biggest problem


Why did I have to be born in such a troubled family?

Why do you blow it so often?

Why do we still have those problems?

What possibilities exist that we have not yet considered?

What’s the smallest change that could make the biggest impact?

What solutions would have us both win?

4-D: Discovery

The appreciative inquiry interview…..

The Appreciative Interview: Guidelines

Have fun! Listen intently and ask questions Try to understand behavior and values Active listening techniques Seek stories by asking who, what, when,

where, why, and how Take good notes of the stories and what you

find most compelling

The Power of AI Stories

• Stories stick like glue…

• Make information easier to remember… “Whole brain”

• Builds identities and fosters relationships

• Medium for conveying values, visions

• Moves the internal dialogue of the system

• Human Hope…

The Appreciative Interview: Dealing with Negatives

By all means listen

Be empathic

Find the underlying hope or the missing ideal

Guide the person back

Starting AI Interview (dialogue in pairs)

A-->B (10 min) B-->A (10 min) Spirit of discovery Take brief notes At the end.. summary & thanks Return

Question 1 Peak Church / Group Experience

Take a minute to reflect upon your involvement and relationship with your current church / Group. You most likely have had some high-point experiences with this community of believers / group peers.

Talk about a moment that truly stands out as a “peak experience” at your church / group-- a time when you felt most engaged, worthwhile, loved, committed, connected, or close to God.

Please share the story…what happened? When? Where? What was it about you, the others around you, or your relationship with Christ / the group , that made it a high point?

Question 2Dynamic Organizations

Think about organizations that have deeply impressed you.

What it is that makes these organizations stand out in your mind?

Is it the leadership philosophy, creative approach to its mission, unique delivery of its product or services, flexible organizational design, or some other qualities?

What makes them so exceptional?

Can you share a story about these qualities in action?

Question 3 - Relationship in the Midst of Differences

Tell a story of an experience you have had when you were part of an enriching and prosperous relationship with another person, at work, or in your personal, community, or church life, despite having significantly different beliefs, outlooks on life, or ways of being.

Who was involved?

What was present in the relationship that allowed it to flourish?

What were the outcomes and benefits that you experienced?

Q4: Mini-Interview “Core” Questions1. Tell me the experience or high point in your

professional life …a time when you felt most alive, most engaged, and really pound of yourself and your work.

2. Without being humble, what do you most value about Yourself, and the way you do your work? What unique

skills and gifts do you bring to this team and organization

Your work? Your team? Your organization, and its larger contribution to society

or the world?

Q4: Mini-Interview “Core” Questions Cont’d.3. What are the core factors that give life to

this organization, when it is at its best?

4. If you had a magic wand, and could have any three wishes granted to heighten the health and vitality of this organization, what would they be?

Structure of AI interview question1. Backward Questions

Remember high-point experiences2. Inward Questions

Make meaning from high-point experiences3. Forward Questions

Solicit hopes, dreams and inspirations Image the future as best as possible

4. Transition Questions Retrospective reflections from the imagined future

state Consider the first steps and transitions from current

reality to the imagined futures

Good Appreciative Interview Questions Help to forge personal connections between interviewers

and interviewees Invite stories, rather then abstract opinions or theories Are personal and affective – almost intimate Draw on people’s life and work experience Invoke a mental scan Are sometimes ambiguous Work people through an inner journey Are uplifting Give free rein to imagination Suggest Action Have an emotional and logical flow to them

Discovery•Opportunity & Call

•Positive Core•History

Discovery•Opportunity & Call

•Positive Core•History


•New Story


•New Story

Design•Provocative Propositions

Design•Provocative Propositions

Destiny•People &Actions

•Learning & Improvisation

Destiny•People &Actions

•Learning & Improvisation

AI “4-D” Cycle

4-D: Dream

Vision and Voices of the Future…..

Positive Cores and the Vision Picture

1. Extract Positive Cores/Elements From the Interviews

• What are the positive cores/elements from the interviews that

constitute a peak experience for the Asian Facilitator Community

making a difference with facilitation?

2. With all the positive cores/elements, what would be the best image

of success that we see for…..?

• What will we have? What will we do? Who will we be?


4-D: Design

Giving Form to Values and Ideals

Design Develop Provocative Propositions to

describe the desired futures Collaboratively create what could be

Checking Your Provocative Propositions

Just imagine, when this element of the dream come true, is it… Provocative? Does it stretch, challenge, or interrupt the

status quo? Grounded? Are there examples from your stories that

illustrate the ideal as a real possibility? Desired? If it could be fully actualized, would you and

would your organization really want it? Does it truly lead to your dream?

Stated in Affirmative and Bold terms as if it is now? Is it a Strong and positive statement?


Design: Collaboratively create what could be

Who will involve? Consider the effectiveness of the four common

approaches to change:Top Down StrategiesBottom Up StrategiesRepresentative Cross-Section StrategiesPilot Strategies

Consider how to use your empowering questions for the:

Whole teamWhole departmentWhole organisation

Identify friends and enemies Involve them as early as possible Involve everyone in everything Diversities make the difference Stephen R.Covey (1989). The 7 Habits of highly

effective people: restoring the character ethic. Seek first to understand, then to be understood Think win-win Be Synergize

Working with Stakeholders

Finding the most empowering questions:

Examples: What possibilities exist that we have not thought

about yet? What’s the smallest change that could make the

biggest impact? What solutions would have benefits for all

stakeholders? What makes my questions inspiring, energizing,

and mobilizing?


Inspired Action and Improvisation

Appreciative Inquiry: stage fourDestiny:

Creating a Positive Change Network

As you imagine and think about “high leverage” ways that appreciative inquiry can add value and strength to you….what are the high potential things you could do?

What are the actions you could take at the:

whole system level: (important topics/issues/opportunities)? smaller unit level…things I/we could do?

Destiny: Step by step1. Review, Communicate, Celebrate


2. Generate a List of Potential Actions

3. Self-organize for Inspire Action Projects

4. Support Success of Self-Organized Projects

5. Systemic Application of AI

References Ellyard, Peter (1998). Ideas for the New Millennium. Melbourne

University Press. Petersen, C. and Seligman, M.E.P. (2004). Character Strengths and

Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. Washington, D.C.: APA Press and Oxford University Press

Stephen R.Covey (1989). The 7 Habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic. New York: Franklin Covey Co.

Diana Whitney & Amanda Trosten-Bloom (2003). The power of Appreciative Inquiry. US: Berrett-Koehler Pub.

The appreciative Inquiry Commons




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