workshop presentation

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Welcome to the ‘Using Technologies in Teaching’


“Who, what, how, why??!!”

Activity 1: 20 mins: How to ruin a lesson with technology

Photograph by ne* Sakkra Paiboon

Taking a risk management approach

Activity 2: 30 mins + 20 mins: Comparing four web 2.0 tools

1. Visit the tool websites and read their introductions to the tools

2. Go through the resources for teachers created by teachers

3. Map each of the 4 tools onto the ICT 2D framework

Using the interactive work sheet

Click on the text to open the links

Complete each task in order


Activity 2 reflections: 10 mins• How might this exercise

help you make decisions about which tools to use in your classroom?

• Do people perceive the tools in the same way? If not, what factors might change the way we perceive technological tools?

Activity 3: 20 mins: Affordances

• The word "affordance" was originally invented by the psychologist James J. Gibson (1977, 1979)

• An affordance is an action that an individual can potentially perform in his or her environment with the resources available.

• Affordances can be real or perceived

Search & collate


Starters for 10...

Representations and maps

• Notational systems can help us remember and navigate designs, enable designs to take form and be shared, and help us sharpen and multiply abstract design categories (Gibbons and Brewer, 2005:121)

• Different representations of a design are needed to articulate certain elements of the design, while ignoring others

• A shared design language helps us both generate designs and enables us to interpret and discuss them (Winograd, 1996:64)

• Representations can work at different levels of granularity: – Macro-

– Meso-

– Micro-

Four components of structured learning provision

Guidance & support

Reflection & demonstration

Communication & collaboration

Content & activities

Activity 4: 20 mins: Lesson ‘Course’ Map

Choose a task, and then choose a technological tool which has appropriate affordances within a defined environment.


1. The activities and content. Will you create the content or will the students?

2. The guidance and support students will need to complete the lesson successfully.

3. The ways in which students communicate and collaborate with each other and with you.

4. The ways in which students will reflect on, and demonstrate, learning.

Learning outcomes view


Activity 5: 45 mins: Mapping a design using notation

1. Define the lesson’s learning outcome(s), the tools and resources you have decided to use, and your assessment strategy.

2. Use the node stickers to map out your activity on flip chart paper. Decide yourself the best way to structure your map and use pens to make and explain links between nodes

3. As you are working, ask yourself questions for example:  Who or what is at the centre of the activity? What is the pedagogical impact of the tools and resources chosen? How will students work together? What are you hoping will happen in the activity, and what are the challenges or barriers to achieving this?

Discussion: Reflection on use of representations

• Has the use of these two representations impacted on the way you thought about planning a lesson?

• Who else might be interested in seeing these views? • How easy do you think it would be for someone else

to understand your maps? What could you add to your maps, or how could you restructure them, to help others understand?


Activity 6: 30 + 15 mins: Sharing and discussing designs

• Add your lesson designs to a team Cloud (URLs are on your welcome sheet or set up your own)

Include (where appropriate):• Details about the context of the design (f2f or online/ age of learners/

level/ subject or discipline)• Suggest where else you think it could be used • Add links to supporting resources, websites, documents etc used in the

lesson• Relevant academic references either to papers/ case studies on the use of

the design sequence or related work • What you think works well and what you would like to develop further

(use your How to Ruin a course checklist)• A statement about what sort of feedback or discussion you hope might

happen around the design

Review, evaluate and feedback

• Look at others’ designs and give feedback as requested in their Cloud

• Is there anything about your design you would change as a result of seeing others’ designs?

• If you would like wider feedback about your design, attach it to this Cloudscape: .

Workshop evaluation and next steps

• Have your objectives for the workshop been met?

• What 3 words would you use to describe Cloudworks?

• What 3 words would you use to describe CompendiumLD?

• What did you like about the format of the workshop?

• What didn't you like or could be improved?

• What action points have you identified as a result of this workshop?

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