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Surah Al – Anbia

(The Prophets)

Surah 21 of the Holy Quran

Explanation and Scientific Interpretation

All of Almighty Allah’s Prophets and The Last Prophet: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – Rehmat ul Alimeen

Beginning of Universe & The Doomsday (The Big Bang Theory; Ayat 24 and The Big Crunch Theory; Ayat 104)

Compiled by:

Ch. Khurshid Ahmed

Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan Assisted by: Anum Faisal



(The Prophets)


Surah Al-Anbiya in the order of the Surahs in the Holy Quran is at 21 and the chronological order of revelation its number would be 72. It has 7 number and 112 Ayats.

This Surah was revealed in Mecca, when the movement of Islam in the third stage, when the struggle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was at its height and serious objections were being raised about his Prophet, the message of the Unity/Oneness of Allah, and life after death which he was preaching. In this Surah the objections have replied with reference to the phenomena of nature in the universe as the manifestation Allah and as proof of His existence. With particular reference to explaining the process of the creation of the universe it has been emphasizes that it has a beginning and has an end. It is not eternal but is creation of Allah. This aspect in this Surah has been explained with reference to some phenomena in the creation of universe in a manner fourteen years ago now affirmed by science. Reference may be made Ayat 40 which contains the phenomena now termed by the scientists as the theory of Big Bang. Similarly, in the balancing of the rotation of the earth, role of the mountains and how the earth has been suitable for ----------- and the --------- as protection from the dangerous external cosmetic affects and the rotation of the comic bodies in their own orbit in Ayat 21 – 23 of the Surah. After referencing to other phenomena the winding up the universe has been described by way of a ----------- in Ayat 68, which again a great scientific truth now affirmed by the scientists and given the name of Big Crunch as against the Big Bang explaining the standing point of creation totally confirming the Holy Quran which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the Holy Quran from Allah as revealed on the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

With reference to case history, the Prophets who had been sent by Allah for the guidance of the mankind in this Surah the peculiar feature of the teaching has been described and Allah closing the chapter of Prophethood describing the Holy Prophet (PBHU) in Ayat 107.

107:We have sent the not but as a mercy for all creatures.

and in Ayat 108 affirming the message of all the Prophet being the same as preached by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Ayat 108 as under:

108:What has come to me by inspiration is that your God is one God, will you therefore bow to His Will (in Islam)?

Now for the proper understanding of the special features of each Prophet may be given as under:

1. Ibrahim ----------------------------------------------------against idolaters

2. Lot ---------------------------------------------------------against unnatural wishes

3. Enoch ------------------------------------------------------against unbelief

4. David and Suleman --------------------------------------against injustice and failure to glorify Allah by the use of facilities given to man.

5. Job --------------------------------------------------------against impatience and wait of self confidence

6. Ismail, Idrees and Zachariah -----------------------------against went of steady pursuance

7. Zakariya ----------------------------------------------------against spiritual isolation

8. Mary -------------------------------------------------------against lust of the world

The common point of all the above preaching being self-purification and on the top The Holy Prophet (PBUH) as

رحمت العالمین

May Allah make us understand the various aspects of this Surah which is a beautiful blending of scientific and metaphysical realistic. Amin


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Closer and closer to mankind comes their reckoning yet they had not and they turn away.

2. Newer comes (ought) to them of a renewed message from the Lord, but they listen to it as in last.

3. Their hearts saying as with trifles. The wrong doors conceal their private counsels (saying). Is this (one) more than a man like yourselves? Will ye go witchcraft with your eyes open?

4. Say. My Lord knoweth (way) word (spoken) in the heavens and on earth. He is the one that hearith and knoweth (all things).

AYAT (1 – 4)


Allah the Almighty asserts authoritatively that as far as mankind is concerned, reckoning of every man is coming closer and closer to him. In this Ayat reckoning stands for the day of Judgment and as against this great event which is to follow for which there is no doubt, the attitude of the people even this eposide is being reminded by no authority less than a Prophet, a Messenger of Allah by saying that it was coming from an ordinary man like them as such no importance to this is being given to the message. This attitude of the people is highly arrogant as they are fully aware that each moment they are marching to towards their grave. Man as matter of fact is chosen to death than life and there is nothing more certain as far as mankind is death which experiences every day.

Ayat 281 of Surah Al-Baqra given us a glimpse of the day of judgment in these words.

2: 281

And death day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. There shall every soul be paid what it earned and none shall be dealt with unjustified.

The deeds of every one good or bad are being faithfully recorded and on the Day of Judgment shall they be confronted with the same. This Day of Judgment, would lead some to Jannat and some to Jahanam which shall be their personal abode. Therefore everyone should realize the severity of this Day and should not take this lightly which attitude of the people has been fully elaborated in Ayat 1 of this Surah.

Ayat 2 deals with another attitude of the people towards any of the renewed message from their Lord but listen to as in fest. The reason of this attitude of the persons in authority amongst the Quresh was in complete ---------- of the status of a Messenger of Allah and indeed of attaching of importance to his message it was ignored only they treating the Prophet a none like them. The reason for this state of mind of such people has been explained in Ayat 3. It explained that their believers are unmindful of the message and they take everything in last. This reminded message as in Ayat 2 is definitely the Ayat of the Holy Quran which we recited to them by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the entire universe whose width is beyond human imagination. The answer is found in Ayat 3 of Surah Al-Hadid, --------- where one of the attributes of Allah has been described as Az-Zahir (از ظاہر) Al-Batin (ال باطن). In Ayat 29 of Surah Al-Baqrah categorically states that Allah has the knowledge of everything.

و هو بکل شی علیم

Similarly in Ayat-ul-Kursi it has been declared that Allah has all the knowledge of every past, present and future. Allah is the creature of the universe and everything contained there and there is nothing which can said to be out of Him nor anything inside Him. He is All - Pervading and everything that happens in the time and space continues is within His knowledge. This attribute of Allah has been highlighted in the Holy Quran at different places and examined from different dimensions.

The conclusion that can drive from Ayat 1 – 4 may be summarized as under:

1. The Day of Reckoning for every man is approaching fast and his death shall be the starting point.

2. People should take the Message of Allah as it comes from the person who has the status of being a Messenger of Allah.

3. The effect of the Ayat on the heart of the peoples is due to the reasoning contained therein.

4. All that the people say openly or secretly is in His knowledge. Another important aspect dealt with in that Ayat can be better understood in the background of the social conditions of the people of Mecca. The whole system was running on polytheism (شرک). When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) started delivering the Message of Unity of Allah and Oneness of His Being, it adversely affected and social and economic system which was based on idolatry and the Quresh of Mecca who were there the guardian of Khana Kaba where 360 idols of different tribes had been placed. The Message of Allah and the Ayat of the Holy Quran when recited being Word of Allah had directed effect. Now in order to word of the people from the effect of the Message of Allah, the Quresh started propagating that its effect on the heart of the people was not due to authenticity of the Message but it was because it was from ---------- In Ayat 3 there is reference to the secret meeting held under the chairmanship of world and that the best way to divert the people to the listening to the Holy Quran was to treat this as clear magically effect as it had started supporting one brother from another children from their parents. Therefore the people were advised to remain off the movement of Islam. Ayat 4 deals with an important question regarding an attention. The people who talking such like things and hold secret meeting had no idea of the Allah’s attribute of All-Knowing and All-Pervading. Had they been conscious of it they would not have said or had taken such decision. This leads us to important question as to Allah’s knowledge of everything that happens in the ………………………..

5. Nay they say (These are) medleys of dreams. Nay he forged it. Nay, he is lent a poet. Let him bring us a sign like that were sent to Prophets of the old.

6. (As to these) before them, not of the towns when we destroyed believed, will these believe?

7. Before this also, also, the messages we sent were but men to whom we granted inspiration, if ye know not ask of those who possess the Message.

8. Nor did we give them bodies that ate no food, nor were they immortals.

9. Then we fulfilled to them our promise and we saved them and those whom we willed but destroyed who transgressed beyond bounds.

10. We have revealed for you (o men) a book which will give you eminence will ye not understand?

Ayat 5 - 10


The subject dealt with in Ayat 1- 4 of this Surah is now being further dealt with in light of the objections raised by the Quresh of Mecca as the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet and about the Message brought by him. It has been noted above that the Message had its effect of the people as it was based on reasoning. This was threat to the socio-economic structure based on idolatry on which the Quresh of Mecca was running. Therefore toward of their people, the Quresh of Mecca in this situation comes forward with baseless objection about the Prophethood and the Message. It would appropriate to summarize the objections and the reply given in these Ayats.

1. The revelation recited by the Holy Prophet was poetry and therefore it has its magical effect. It has nothing to do with any sort of inspiration coming from Allah as claimed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

2. This revelation recited before him was nothing but medleys of dream of an imbalance personality suffering from some mental ailments.

3. It was being previously asserted by the opponents that if the Holy Prophet (PBUH) claimed to be a Prophet why does not bring Miracle of the type brought by earlier Prophets.

4. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was just like an ordinary man and there was nothing peculiar about him attached with his Prophethood.

In order to understand the real purpose of the Islamic movement was to usher new era in the history of the mankind. It was to release the people from the evil of idolatry to bring them on the belief of oneness/unity of Allah. To make people understand the realistic by use of the facilities given to them by Allah of heaven, head and creature. Before the advent of Islam about 600 years back lapsed and now the people could understand by their intellect and therefore the Holy Prophet was not given miracles given to Moses and Christ, which were only meant for those times. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was in the midst of two entrances.

Allah’s decision not gives miracles of the type given to earlier Prophets.

People demand for such miracles based on the past history of the Prophets.

The reply to each objection based on reasoning by Allah in these Ayat was

1. Allah, the Almighty calls upon the opponent, to think - whether did they earlier believed the Prophet, who had been given miracles, the answer is not, therefore the demand of miracles was absolutely baseless. The Message is based on reasoning and now the people have believed by using their intellect.

2. As regard, the Message being poetry, the challenge had been thrown by the Holy Quran to bring such a recitation of one Surah of Holy Quran, the smallest being Surah Al-Kauthar.

3. As regard, the objection that the Prophet was just like an ordinary person, the answer given by the Holy Quran is that the same was the case of other Prophets who were among men having all the demands of human being like food etc. and were mortals. The Holy Quran says to the opponent that you can verify this from the holders of the Message.

The people of Mecca are warned in the light of the case history of earlier Prophet that the denial to the Message is not a denial of an ordinary type. This creates two classes with different consequences.

Those who believe get salvation and those who do not believe are annihilated. The warning to the people of Mecca is that they should be serious about the matter and could avoid the consequences of non-belief before they are destroyed by the decree of Allah. This happened a few years ahead in the Battle of Badar, where about 72 of the Chiefs were slam and equal number taken as ---------------. In Ayat 10, a good kidding hence given is the non-believer that if you want eminence here is a Book if you follow it you get much more eminence than what you are getting from the present system based on idolatry.

11. How many were the towns, we utterly destroyed because of their in equities, setting in their places other peoples?

12. Not when they felt our punishment (-------------) behold they tried to be free from it.

13. Flee not but return to the good things of this life which were given you, and to your homes in order that you may be called in account.

14. They said all were to us. We were indeed wrong does.

15. Did that cry of those ceased not till we made them a ------ that is known as ashes silent and quenched?

Ayat 11 - 15


As we have seen in the Ayats discussed earlier the phenomena belief of the Message creates two categories – Those who believe and those who do not believe. This opinion is only Allah as per His scheme has given temporary discretion to man. The Holy Book is not like an ordinary book. It contains a universal truth that whereas Allah is Most Merciful, Most Beneficent but He is also quick in reckoning. In Ayats 11 – 15 the ultimate end of those people are given in the form of word picture. Allah gives example of those towns whose inhabitants were transgressed when the signs of punishment, they started running from their houses as described in Ayat 12 thinking that they will thus save themselves from the impending punishment. Allah says to them as given in Ayat 13 that then you look at the houses you abode so that you may know what has actually happened to you, where have gone your servants your all things from where you enjoyed in your life are no more there. Then such people would repent as given in Ayat 14 and confess that they were the transgressors but such repentance would no avail. Similar was the repentance of Pharaoh while he was drowning and proclaimed that he would be a believer if saved and this repentance in Ayat 90 of Surah Younas. Such people and the fat with which they met and set as example for others so that they may safe themselves from such consequences of those who are the transgressors. Man is always negligent about the guidance of Allah so long as the material things and comforts of life are with. When that is taken away from them they find that there is none else given to them except Allah, whose Message they had ignored on account of their arrogance and worldly comforts given to them by Allah with His benevolence.

16. Not for (idle) -------- did we create the heaven and the earth and all this is believe.

17. If it would have been our wish to take (just) a pastime. We would surely have taken it from the things nearest to us, if we would do (once a thing).

18. Nay we hurt the Truth against falsehood do it broke out the brain and behold falsehood both perish? And woe to you for the (false) things ye describe (to us).

Ayat 16 – 18


These Ayats of this Surah deals with a very important --------- Allah Subhana says that this creation of heaven and the earth is a purposeful creation. In Ayat 16 warns mankind against them this Allah has created the heaven and earth for a just. If Allah had to create something for His pastime He would have created a toy for His play. On the other hand Allah has created man who has the inherent quality to distinguish truth (حق) for falsehood (باطل) and there had constant struggle between truth and falsehood. Just see what was to struggle which come in existence when the Holy Prophet started propagating the truth against the follower of falsehood and the struggle ultimately resulting in the triumph of the truth. The phenomena of the truth destroying the falsehood has been explained in the form of a parable that the truth is a stone which when strikes against falsehood its brain is broken. Here brain is concerns the false thinking of the people which comes out of their -------. In Ayat 81 of Surah Bani Israil this fact has been given in these words.

17: 81

And say “Truth has (now) around and Falsehood perished for Falsehood is (by nature) bound to perish.”

The creation of the heaven and the earth as purposeful creation is given in Ayat 27 of Surah Sad (38) as under:

38: 27

Not without purpose do we created heaven and the earth and all between. But woe be to the unbelievers of the Fire of Hell.

The subject of purposeful creation can be still better understood by reading together Ayats 190 and 191 of Surah Bani Israil. In Ayat 190 the creation of heaven and earth and in attraction night and day, it is said that there are signs for men of understanding and in Ayat 191, one of the qualities mentioned man of Allah that they mention Allah standing, sitting and lying down and ---

“contemplate the (thousands of creations) in the heaven and the earth (with the saying) Our Lord not for ought best than created (all) this Glory to thee and gave us salvation from the --------- of the Fire”

19. To Him belong all (creatures) in the heaven and the earth, even those who are with Him are not too proud to serve Him nor they (over) weary (of His service).

20. They celebrate His praise night and day, nor do they ever ------- or intermit.

Ayat 19 – 20


In Ayat 19 – 20 there is inspiring example of one of the creatures of Allah and reference is Angels who are very close to Him. Their special peculiarity as described in Ayat 19 is that they serve their Lord strictly according to what are ordered and in performance their duties they do not any tiredness nor are proud of their performance. Another special feature given is that they celebrate the praise of Allah night and day and without intermission.

This attitude of those who are near to Allah is to be compared with the conduct of the men. They disobey and transgress only because they have discretions given to them from Allah. For those transgressor find some excuse by completely deny the existence of Allah and some depending on some self-concerned intervenes. But these Ayat suggest complete submission to the will of Allah considering as stated in the beginning of Ayat 19 – 20 Him belong all (creature) and the earth. Allah also excepts from mankind as stated in Ayat and we should also celebrate His praise night and day regularly and continuously. This celebration of Allah may be much that we may remember Him standing, sitting and lying down. This is how we shall feel He is nearer to us than the conjugal view. The basic principle given in the Holy Quran about man God relation is that we can ------ only in His remembrance, by giving praise and thankfulness. This is the true concept of the Hamad (حمد) as in Surah Fatiha that all praise and thanks is Allah who is Rab-ul-Alameen.

الحمد اللہ رب العالمین

21. Or have they taken (for worship) gods from the earth who can raise (the dead)?

22. If there were in the heavens and the earth other gods besides Allah, there would have been run in both. But glory to Allah the Lord of the Thrones (Higher is He) above what they attributes to Him.

23. He cannot be questioned for His acts but they will be questioned (for them).

24. Or have they taken for worship (other) gods besides Him. Bring your containing proof; this is the Message for those before me. But most of them know not the truth and so turn away.

Ayat 21 – 24


The Holy Quran teaches us to how on concentrating on the heaven and the earth, we can understand the meta physical realistic. Our earth is not separate from the rest of the universe and its integral part life on earth was only possible due to coordination of the rest of the universe. The perfect order which we see in the universe leads us to the conclusion that it only one being who is controlling the entire universe. Had it not been so there would have been anarchy? The Holy Quran that one being who is All – sufficient and is free from weakness like the one attached to the human being and if we think Allah shorter than this we would be our greatest folly.

The set up any other god other than Allah is based on nor reason but is sheer ignorance. Those who create partners to Allah they cannot support it from any earlier revelation or any authentic reference. Even this does not appeal to common sense but importantly after getting evidence from the universe of Oneness of Allah, and without any valid excuse are not prepared to leave their false god. Such gods as stated in Surah Maryam Ayat 81 – 82 shall be no help to them in the hereafter save them for from admonition of Allah. In Ayat 13 of Surah Luqman, Luqman says to his sons

“O my son join not in worship (other) with Allah for false is indeed the highest wrong doing.”


Universe is the witness of the creator. He is the one who designs, vanishes and maintains each and every thing in the universe. Surely, all praise of Allah He is infinite and therefore He has no limits. His authenticity is All Pervading the term ------ does not refer to any place or location but mean the total Sovereignty and Authenticity Allah, the Most Gracious.

25. Not a messenger did we send before thee without the inspiration sent by us to him, that there is no god but I; therefore, worship and serve me.

26. And they say. The Most Gracious has taken a son Glory to Him. They are but servants raised to honor.

27. They speak not before He speaks and they act in all things by His command.

28. He knows what is before them and what is behind them and they offer no intercession except with whom. He is pleased and they stand in reverence of His Glory.

29. If any of them say, ‘I am a god besides Him’ such a one we should rowed with Hell. Thus do we reward who do wrong.

Ayat 25 – 29


The subject of the Oneness of Allah and He having no partner or parallel being carried forward with reference to a tradition that Angels were taken as the daughters of Allah and were given female names and different types of religious riots were performed. Some have taken some Men of Allah and described them to be the sons of Allah. Christian made the Christ & sons and other for which they had no authority or sanction. The human being feel that accept to Truth as given by the Prophets interferes in their liberty to do anything right or wrong without any element of accountability. Non – religious people found reserve in the complete denial of the concept of hereafter and religious people in intercession of self – styled daughter and sons and the idea was that they should please these dicties and in the hereafter they would save them from the admonition of Allah. Now in the light of the above these Ayats may be taken up.

Ayat 25 recites the uniqueness teaching of every Prophet based on inspiration.

“There is god but I, therefore worship me and serve Me”

This teaching of the Prophet, we assent in our prayers incorporated in Ayat 5 of Surah Al-Fatiha.

1: 5

Thee do we worship and ----------- aid we seek.

In Ayat 26 there is mention of worst wrong one can do is to associate a son to Allah, the Most Gracious and being Allah, the Almighty to the level of human beings. To have a son is the weakness of man, Allah is above such weaknesses. The persons whom they describe as son of Allah are only man honored by Allah as for example the Holy Christ who according to the faith of Christian is son of God and include in the trinity which has been prohibited by Allah. As to ascending in Holy Christ to the son of God has been condemned in Ayat 88 – 92 and in Ayat 93 of that Surah it has declared that not one of the being in the heaven and the rear but must come to the Most Gracious as a servant. In Ayat 27, the actual status of angels who had been treated as daughters of Allah has been stated. It has been stated that they do what Allah commands them and do not question His commands. In Surah Najam (53) Ayat 19, 20 the names given to the angels have given as Lat, Uzza and Manat, the female names in 21 describe the foolishness of such people have stated. It said what a decision the people have they made. Their choice is that sons in prefer to daughter and to Allah, the Most Gracious they have allotted daughters and given the Angel female names.

88:They say the Most Gracious has betaken a son?

89:Indeed you have just a thing --------------------------------

90:At it all the skies are about to but the earth to split under and the mountain to fall down.

91:That they attributed a son to the Most Gracious.

92:For it not answer with the majority of Most Gracious that He should beget a son.

93:Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the Most Gracious as a servant.

The anger of Allah Subhana is evident from these verses on the people saying that Allah has betaken a son.

In Ayat 28, the subject of intercession by anyone before Allah has been dealt with. It stated that Allah has the knowledge of everything which may according to human calculation may relate to present, past or future. Ayat 110 of Surah Taha is equally --------- and deals with the knowledge of Allah, the Almighty.

20: 110

He knows what is before or after or behind them, but they shall comprehend him not.

As far as Angels being respectable before Allah, this also cannot be a criteria as Adam has been given such status as stated in Ayat 70 of Surah Bani-Israil.

“We have honored the sons of Adam”

The interception before Allah bas not been completely ruled out has been conditioned by:

Except whom He is pleased In Ayat 87 of Surah Maryam another condition for intercession is added


None shall have power of intercession but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from Allah Most Gracious.

In Ayat 29, if one being out of the heavens and the earth claims to a god bends Him, the punishment decreed is Hell and meaning thereby that in first place the Angels by the very of the creation are subsistent to the commands of Allah and stand in reverence before Him and even they are exception and they put up shall a claim their punishment shall be the Hell.

30. Do not the unbelievers see that the heaven and the earth were joined (as one unit of creation) before we close them asunder? We made from water every living thing, will they not then believe.

31. And we have set of earth mountains standing firm, but it should shake with them and we have made broad highway (but was not mountains) for them to pass through that they may find their way.

32. And we have made the heaven as canopy and well-guarded, yet do they turn away from the sign which these things put to.

33. Is He who created the Night and the Day and Sun and the Moon (all collateral books) swimming along with each other in the rounded course?

Ayat 30 – 33


Ayat 30 – 37 contain some important aspects of creation of the heavens and the earth which can be said to be Allah’s miracles in the Quran which affirm the statement made in Surah Ash-Shaura (26) Ayat 192.


Truly it (the Quran) is revelation set down by the Lord of all the Worlds.

These facts given by the Quran about the creation of the universe fourteen hundred years ago are now affirmed by the scientists. This not show that the Quran is a book of science or for that matter the Quran needs confirmation from the science. The purpose of study of the Qurani Ayat relating to creation of the heaven and earth in light of the earlier discussion only for the purpose further elaboration and rejection anything not in confirming within the Quran. As far examples sometimes ago the scientists thought that universe has been like this always, no beginning and no end. But 1960 new discussions provided that it had begun explosively with a Big Bang. Therefore it would be seen that earlier view was in conformity with the Quran with fourteen hundred years ago, Universe is a creature of Allah, released by His command of ------ and are subsistent to His command as stated in Ayat 54 of Surah – Al – Aaraf (7).

7: 54

The sun and Moon and stars are subsistent to His command, belong to His blessed is Allah the Lord of all the worlds.

For the sake of convenience the different phenomena of creation as mentioned in these Ayats may be given below:

I. Creation of the universe is the separation of the heaven and the earth.

II. Creation of everything living from water.

III. Role of the mountains and creation of highways unit.

IV. Creation of the heaven as a canopy and well-guarded roof.

V. Creation of Night and Day.

VI. Creation of Sun and Moon.

VII. Relation of all the collateral books along with one another in round course.

The phenomena given above may now be elaborated for better understanding.

Creation of the Heaven and the Earth dealt with in the Quran at various places. The particular aspect separation of the heavens and the earth in Ayat 30, which requires our attention, which explains the theory of Big Bang and creation with the Command of Allah.

In Ayat 30 there two terms used are Rataq (رتق) translated as -------------- that is anything whose opening is closed. The other verse is Fataq (فتق) which means its opening. This phenomena of Fataq is like the sprouting of seed from the soil. The plain meaning of this Ayat is that sky and the earth were in the joint instance was in the status of Rataq. They were separated Fataq. Meaning, thereby, that the heavens and earth were not created as you were included in the point in condition of Rataq. This point exploded ------------ causing its matter to Fataq and the process created in structure of the whole universe. If we compare this phenomenon with the scientific judges we see that both are in project agreement with each other. What has been stated in this Ayat was only discussed in 20th century. Therefore as per Ayat of 101 Surah Al-Anam (6) – the truth given is refundable – that

“He (Allah) is the Originator of heavens and the earth”.

Any theory or assertion to the --------- ‘batal’ (باطل).

The process of creation would not be complete unless the further process is not studied in light of what the Quran says about it.

II.The Explanation of the Universe

The next step to be understood is the expansion of the universe as given in Ayat 47 of Surah Az - Zarat (51)

“And it is we have constructed the heaven with night and ------it is we who are sturdily expanding it”

This is what is known in the science of astronomy “Theory of Expanding Universe”. The word “heaven” as stated in this Ayat is used in various places in the Quran with the meaning of space and universe.

Uptil 20th century, the only view prevailing in the world of science that the universe was of a constant nature and it has existed in infinite time. Now the science has come in conformity with the Quran that the universe has a beginning and is expanding. According to the scientists expansion is like that of a balloon by observing that galaxies were constantly moving away from each other.

III.Creation from Hot Smoke

In process of creation with remain incomplete without the reference to Ayat 10 – 11 of Surah Hamim As – Sajda (41):

41 : 10

He set on the (earth) mountains standing high above it and bestowed blessing on the earth and measured there its sustenance in four days like for (all) who ask.

41 : 11

Then He turned to the sky and it had been as smoke: He said to it and to the earth “Come ye together willing or unwillingly”, they said do we come (together) in willing obedience.

‘Soma’ translated as heaven near the ---------- universe. Dhakha (دخاہ) translates as smoke describes the matter before the universe took its shape i.e. warm body or gas mobile particularly connected to solid substance. The scientists are able to observe the formation of star from hot gas channels.

IV.Orbits and Creation of Night and Day

In Ayat 33 of the Surah given above while referring to the Sun and the Moon, it emphasized that each moves in definite orbits. He who when created the night and the day and swim along with each other in an orbit.

Similar for the Sun see Ayat 38 of As – Saffat (37):

“And the Sun was to its resting place. That is the decree, the All-knowing.”

According to astronomers, the Sun is travelling at the enormous speed of 72,000 per hour in the direction of star Vega in a path in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex. Similarly the stars are also in a similar planned motion. These orbits create if they are paths and the Sky looks a women net.

“By the sky full of paths and of orbits” (The Quran 51:7)

These orbits are met only confront to stars but the most of these stars have planets and most the planets, have satellites. All travel in most computed orbits but also the galaxies which have their own orbits. These orbits are so well planned that there is no --------- with another.

The creation of Night and Day refers to the earth’s rotation in its own axis round the Sun in 24 hours and earth is forming an orbit in each form.

V.Function of the Mountains

Ayat 31 of this Surah says about the function of the mountains.

“We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth so it would not move with them”.

This Ayat suggests the function of the mountains as if the mountains are pegs having deep root in the earth.

This Ayat 31 further notices that the mountains have the function of providing shocks in the earth. This is the miracle of the Quran that it speaks of the phenomena fourteen hundred years ago to the discussing of which astronomy has found strictly conforming with the Quran. In Surah An-Naba 78, Ayat 6 – 7 that mountains being pegs are given as and

“Have we not made earth as a bed and the mountains its pegs?”

These pegs are meant to stabilize the matter found at the bottom of oceans which in the science called Isostasy.

Allah, the All-Gracious has drawn the attention of the mankind that do you not see the mountains as they stand so high would have been ------------------- and Allah Subhana mention this as His favour. Similarly also where providing of ways on the land as his favour and the ------ of animals like horse, ----- and donkey which facilitate the carrying the burden at places which would have put the mankind in great hardship in carrying loads up in the mountains.

VI.Creation of Every Living Things from Water

In Ayat 30 it has been stated “We made from water every living thing”. This refers to a great scientific fact. In this world all living things are compounded with water than any other element. It is water on which life can subsist. According to all the scientific research water does not exist in any other planet. The presence of water in this world only and existence of living things are creation of life appears to be the part of great design of Allah Subhana. In this Ayat after referring this Sign of Allah, it has been suggested that is all this sufficient for man to believe that there is a creation of the heaven and the earth and He is all alone only being to whom we should obey and follow his onwards.

VII.Creation of Sky as Roof for Safety

The earth has all the attributes recalled for life. One of them is water without which no living thing could come into existence or for that matter survives. Another is atmosphere which serves as shield protecting in the living things in the Quran termed as safe guarded roof.

Today it is an established fact that the atmosphere is built of seven layers, conforming to what the Quran said fourteen years ago. This is certainly one of the miracles of the Quran. This fact is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqrah (2) Ayat 24.

2 : 29

It’s He who created everything for you and then directed His attention to the heaven and arranged into seven regular heavens. He has the knowledge of everything.

Ayat 12 of Surah Ha-Hamim As - Sajda (41), where in creation of seven heavens and putting function in each heaven is described as under:


Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two day, He determined there as seven heavens and revealed in every ocean, its own miracle.

The seven layers of atmosphere are created and assigned different functions as the science has now discussed. The lowest layer is called “Troposphere”.

Rain, snow and wind only takes place in this sphere.

The OZONE is part of STRATOSPHERE where absorption of ultraviolet rays occurs and other harmful rays coming from the Sun are prevented to harm the earth.


All the sings of Allah mentioned in Ayat 30 – 33 ------------- examined above, proves the existence of One-Being – as creator with All-Knowledge and wisdom. This is perfect order in the universe and the consistency of laws everywhere. Mankind is required to ponder over these sings which would conceive everybody that like His other creatures we must follow His commands. Since we have been given discretion the same may be exercised in following the same pattern of the rest of the Universe, which obey by the decree of Allah. Those who such believe and surrender to Him and worship Him cannot be equator with the disbeliever and their ultimate end shall also be difference as stated in the Holy Quran.

34. We granted not any man before then the permanent life (him): if then thou should die would they live permanently.

35. Every sent shall have to taste of death and we test you by evil and by good by way of trial. To us ye may return.

Ayat 34 – 35


Ayat 34 and 35 of this Surah although were in background that the Quresh of Mecca were in so far as worldly gains were for more superiority over the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which had created arrogance in them.

They though this superiority was because they were one the right. Being proud of their wealth, status and reasons they thought they could finish the movement started by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) against their idolatry system if they could in any way put an and to the life of the leader. In these Ayats the Quresh of Mecca are reminded by the following reputable facts.

· No man has ever been granted an eternal life.

· Even if the Holy Prophet (PBUH) dies they are not going to live forever, as this against the universal truth that “every soul has to taste the death”.

As regards the superiority of the Quresh of the Mecca in material terms the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is gen another basic truth that anything good or evil for his trial. If a man given wealth in abundance the same is for trial and to one who is given less is also his trial. Ultimately every soul has to return to his creator, where their wealth will be no avail for them and will be judged only by their good and bad deeds.

36. When the unbelievers see thee, they treat thee not except with ridicule “is this one talk of your gods and they blaspheme and at the mention of the Most Gracious.”

37. Man is a creature of haste: “soon (enough) will I show you my sings” So ask me to hasten them.

38. They say, “When will the promise come to pass if ye are talking to Truth?”

39. If only the unbelievers knew (the time) when they would not be able to ward of the Fire from their faces nor yet from their backs and (when) no help can reach them.

40. Nay, it may come to them all of sudden and confound them no power will they have then to avert it nor will they get respite.

41. Neither come (many) messenger before this but their scoffers nor hemmed in by the thing that they mocked

Ayat 36 – 41


For the proper understanding of the subject of Ayat 36 – 41, the 3 dimensional situation may briefly explained.

Quresh of Mecca

The idols which the Quresh worshiped actually the spiritual personalities of the past and had great -------------------- for them. They were the part of their idolatry religion and part of their economic and political system.

The Message preached by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

On the contrary, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) preached monotheism and dissuaded the people of Mecca to worship Allah alone without asserting any partner or power with Him and follow the commands of common revealed to the mankind through the Quran. The Prophet (PBUH) also warned the mankind in the light of the case history of earlier people towards whom the Messages had been sent with some Messengers and they did neither accept the Messages except few and Allah Subhana sent admonition on them and destroyed and saved the Prophets.

Allah Subhana

Allah Subhana as per His scheme always give respect to the people and did not destroyed them in spite of such people demanding immediately the punishment ordered for them as this was world is to meant for the trial result of transgress do not follow immediately until the appointed by them.

Let us examine each Ayat in the light of the situation explained above.

In Ayat 36 the unbelievers would see the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the Quresh of Mecca with just contempt say to their people see this the man who condemns your gods and sets up as against their dicties sets up one Allah by the name of Ar – Rehman. The people of Mecca were acquainted with the name of Allah but not Ar – Rehman the name of Allah Ar – Rehman reflection the attribute of Allah as Most Gracious.

In Ayat 37 and 38 Allah Subhana in response to the demand of the Mecca to bring them the punishment immediately of which were being threatened that they should not be in haste in demanding the same as the testify what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had said to them consequence of their demand as that would not a pleasant event as per the case history of the Prophets of past. In Ayat 39 and 40 warning them of the severity of the punishment it has compared with fire which will fall on their faces and they will be in a position to ward off the same and none would come to their help nor the dicties whom they worship besides Allah. Then just at that time will appear in the form of fire.

In Ayat 37 one of the psychological aspect has been described in these words.

“Man is a creation of haste”

The aspect of the human psychology has been described in Ayat 11 of Surah Bani - Israil (17) as under:

17 : 11

May pray for evil as frequently as pray for good for man is given to haste.

This aspect as stated in Ayat 37 of this Surah and the Ayat 11 of Surah Bani – Israil quoted above the demand of unbelievers from the Holy Prophet to bring down the punishment if he was truthful in the illustration of the element of haste in men. Allah Subhana assume the Holy Prophet in Ayat 41 that the punishment will follow which those unbelievers but then they will get no respite.

The permanent lesson for us is that what is good for man what is not good. Allah only knows and in the haste may not pray for a thing which is actually not good for them.

42. Say, who can keep you safe by night and day from (the wrath of) The Most Gracious? Yet they turn away from the remembrance of their Lord.

43. Or have they gods that can guard them from us? They have no power to aid themselves nor can they defend from us.

Ayat 42 – 43


In Ayat 42 the mention of night and day is remind the mankind that night and day have been created that life on this earth could be made possible. In the distance between Sun and the Earth would become half of what it is, day would be that hot that we all will be burned with excessive heat. Similarly if the distance of the earth from the Sun is stretched to double, the nights will be that all will be freeze to death. Who has created this so proportionate a distance except, Allah the Most Gracious? Do the gods, which the unbelievers worship, have power to save them from the catastrophe if Allah decides to fall on man? Since this project arrogant made by Allah for making this earth ------ living for them, then He alone deserves to be Ilah, i.e. One to whom we should worship Him, and consider Him to be our Protector, and we should dissuade ourselves from the worship of the false gods which the unbelievers used to worship. These false gods have not power to save themselves from the wrath of Allah not speak of saying, their worshipper if Allah decides to bring on them. Allah Subhana in Quran at places has as for example in Ayat 32 of Surah Al Kahf the parable of two men, is given one of them was the owner of two gardens and depending on the ostensible thought that he had the power to collect the product. But Allah wanted him to make his known that he could do so only if Allah wished. The gardener was --------------- realized that Allah is All – Power. In this parable given in Surah Al – Kahf even depending on the material ------- is one the kinds of shirk which in the present age is more prevalent than the idol worship.

44. Nay, we gave the good things of this life to those men and their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that we gradually reduce the land (in their central from its outlying border) is it there who with who?

Ayat 44


Ayat 44 contains a warning to the people of Mecca who on the advent of Islam had the leadership of the known world, when the Holy Prophet propagate the truth based on monotheism and the Message was based on reasoning they in their arrogance denied the Messenger.

This was the situation prevailing in Mecca but outside Mecca the influence of Islam was spreading rapidly. The tribes being outside Mecca were not suffering from any such complex as that of people of Mecca. They bestowed the Message with open mind and accepted. The people of Madina accepted Islam on a larger scale. This situation was enough for the people of Mecca to realize that their sphere of the authenticity was squeezing from all sides. Even then they did not take away lesion from this warning and ---------- opposing to Messenger and the group of the people who accepted Islam. This arrogance and denial of the Truth ultimately taught them to their ignorable end if form of Battle of Badar and the triumph of Mecca. This was based on the decree of Allah as given in Ayat 20 and 21 of Surah Al – Mujadila (58).

20:Those who opposes (One Command) of Allah and His Messenger would be amongst those most humbled.

21:Allah has decreed, it is I and My Messenger who must prevail “ for Allah is strong Al-mighty.”

45. Say, “I do warn you according to revelation” but the deaf will not hear the calls (even) whom they are warned.

46. If not a creator of the wrath of their Lord do touch them they will then say “woe to us! We did wrong indeed”.

Ayat 45 - 46


Ayat 45 and 46 are to be understood in the light of the assignments of the Prophets i.e. warn the people on the basis of revelation, the consequences of not accepting the Message and rejecting the Prophet. Since the Message is based on reasoning therefore only those persons would listen who are attentive. A duff does not listen when he called. The Holy Prophet is called up to give the warning in the light of the revelation. Those who listen with open hart will follow.

According to the warning which is given to the people by the Prophet is consequence of not following the truth, which appeared in the form of admonition.

In Ayat 46, the condition of the people who do not follow has been described. Those who are not --------- to reasoning will only follow when the Allah manifests His power openly, when confronted even the glimpse of the wrath of Allah, they would surrender and repent. But alas their repentance would be of avail. Similar is the condition of such people described in Ayat 5 of Surah Al – Aaraf (7).

7: 5

When (their) Punishment took then no any did they utter but this “Indeed we did wrong.”

47. We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustified in the least. And if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard see, we will bring it to account and enough one we to take account.

Ayat 47


Ayat 47 relates to scenario of the Day of Judgment and our particular attention has been drawn to the following facts.

· A scale shall be set up by Allah Subhana on the Day of Judgment and full justice shall be done.

· If a person has done good even by the weight of a mustard, the same shall be accounted for.

· Allah is enough for accounting.

The formula of judging the scale that shall be set up on the Day of Judgment has been given in Ayat 8 and 9 of Surah Al – Aaraf (7).

7: 8

The balance on that day will be true (to a nicety); those whose (scale of good) will be heavy, will prosper.

7: 9

Those scale will be light, will found their souls in perdition, for they wrongly treated Our Sings.

As to the good whenever and in whatever weight shall be brought forward on the Day of Judgment and put on the scale is also found in Ayat 16 of Surah Luqman in the form of his advice made Luqman to his son.

31: 16

‘O my son’, (said Luqman) “If there be (but) a mustard seed and it was (hidden) in a rock or anywhere in the heaven in the earth. Allah will bring it forth. Allah is Subtle and Aware.

The punishment of the day shall be for those who had been in jest to His sings and did not accept and follow the Message of Allah and reject His Messenger.

48. In the past we granted Moses and Aaron the Christian (for judgment). And a light and is a Message for those who would be the right.

49. Those who fear their Lord in their most secret thought who hold the man of judgment in awe.

50. And this is a blessed message, which we have sent down will then they reject it.

Ayat 48 - 50


In Ayat 48 there is the mention of the Book given to Moses and his brother Aaron before the present revelation made to Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). This Message as given to Moses similar as had been to the earlier Prophets. There are 3 heads based to describe the Book given to Moses which now equally apply to the Holy Quran as per Ayat 50. The meaning of these then may be explained.

Furqan (فرقان) means ideological test for finding out what is the true and what is false had may guidance from Allah.

Zia (ضیا) which brings man from the darkness of ignorance to the light of divine guidance.

Zikr (ذکر) means remembrance which takes out of the man ---------------- guidance given to him by Allah so that when activated by the light of the revelation, it becomes potential guidance.

This Allah has arranged for the guidance of man on 3 levels, but this would only be useful for a man. He has fear of Allah in his subconscious mind and the accountability his deeds on the Day of Judgment. If a man takes the accountability seriously then he will follow the straight path leading to his ultimate goal – described in the Quran as Janat.

Ayat 51 to 75Ruku 5

Ayat 76 to 95Ruku 6

Ayat 51Ruku 5

Ayat 52

Ayat 75

Ayat 76

Ayat 77

Ayat 95


The Quran is not a Book of history nor the mission of the Holy Prophet was to teach us history or science. This is a Book of Guidance for those who are mentioned in Ayat 2 – 5 of Surah Al – Baqra (2). In Ruku 5 & t from Ayat 51 to 75, there is reference to the speeches and deeds of those Prophets which are meant to given us permanent guidance. In Ayat 49 – 50 there was mention of Moses and his brother Aaron on whom earlier Book had been revealed whom special feature had been described in Ayat 48 and 49. In Ayat 50 it is stated now this Book has been revealed which have the same attributes. In Ayat 51 – 70 there is mention of Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Lot have been mentioned in Ayat 71 – 75. In beginning versus (6) in Ayat 76 – 77 there is mention of Hazrat Noh. In Ayat Prophets Daud and Suleman have been referred. Similarly in Ayat 81 – 82, the mention of Hazrat Suleman and Ayat 83 – 84 relate to Hazrat Ayub while Ayat 85 – 86 relate to Prophets Ismail, Idrees and Dhul-kifl, Hazrat Younas have been mentioned in Ayat 87 and 88, Hazrat Zakria in Ayat 89 and 90 and in the last Hazrat Maryam have mentioned not as Prophet but the miracles birth of the Holy Christ.

Now the special feature of each Prophet in Ruku 5 & 6 and the guidance which that deeds and ----------- provide may be given as under:

Hazrat Ibrahim ------------------------------ Against Idols

Ayat 51 - 54


Hazrat Ibrahim was born in Iraq in the city then known as Ur. At that time the entire society was idolatry and used to worship dicties. But having brought up in this atmosphere, he was not at influence what to elders used to practice. He without saying about any opposition and consequence be preached monotheism and told the people that there was one God alone worthy of worship. Secondly criticized the worship of idol made by their own hands. Hazrat Ibrahim had been put to tests of different nature but he proved by worth and in return Allah Subhana showed his the right path and gave him real knowledge. In these Ayats the dialogue of Hazrat Ibrahim quoted, were he asked his father as to why he and his people worship idols and set before them in meditation. The only answer they had their ancestors doing like this. Hazrat Ibrahim invited attention of his father this following of the ancestors was not justification particularly when they were -------- any knowledge.


In these Ayats the criteria of Allah’s ------------------ knowledge and guidance is based on what the extent be ------- his mouth.

Ayat 55 - 58


Ayat 55 reflects the mental attitude of the people who in spite of the truth having been placed before them will all severity, they returned to Hazrat Ibrahim as to whether he was serious about he said or it was only a jest He replied that it was your folly to taken such a serious -------- a jest. Hazrat Ibrahim said to them that whatever he was preaching is what is supported by the Sight of Allah found in the creation of heaven and the earth and further said that he was one for himself a witness to Oneness of God. Now Hazrat Ibrahim gave them a practical demonstration. The next day he broke all their idols except the biggest of them and placed it the weapon by which he had broken the rest of the idols.


This demonstration of Hazrat Ibrahim proved the idols and dicties which they worshiped had no power and were helpless.

Ayat 59 - 63


The next day when the people came to the temple and found their idols broken into pieces they immediate thought of Hazrat Ibrahim nature they had found taking against their idols. Hazrat Ibrahim was summoned and questioned about the breaking of their idols. Instead of giving any explaining, he only said that they could the biggest idol which was not broken if it could you tell the whole matter. Now the reality at least for sometimes demanded on them and they said to them he know every well that dicties do not speak. Hazrat Ibrahim took the opportunity to shake their consciousness and said as quoted in Ayat 66 as under:

“Do ye then worship besides Allah things that neither be of any good to nor do the harm?”

In Ayat 67, Hazrat Ibrahim condemned their attitude is of no avail to the people who do not apply their mind to the Truth.

Ayat 68 - 70


These Ayats give us a universal truth. When people have nothing support their view point by reasoning then they resort to aggression and violence. This is what had exactly happened in Mecca when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) preached the truth revealed to him, the people of Mecca failing in the field of reasoning ------------- to ------- and giving tolerance to the believer. In the case of Hazrat Ibrahim the people decided to burn him alive eventually put him in it and this avenge then dicties and ------------ put threw him a ditch of burning fire.

Allah in His believer commanded the fire to cool down and the design of the adulation was completely defeated.


The lesson given in these Ayats Is that when a Messenger of Allah, preaches the Truth it is not a case of mighty man but to his being a representative of Allah. In similar situation Allah gave victory to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) over the non-believer in form of victory in the Battle of Badar and ultimately in triumph of Mecca.

Ayat 71 - 73


Allah Subhana in these Ayats His favors to Hazrat Ibrahim when he left Iraq as his people and the king named a Namrod (نمرود) were against him Allah rehabilitated Hazrat Ibrahim in the most fertile rally and blessed with son like Hazrat Yaqoob, Hazrat Ishaq and ------------- nephew Hazrat Lout who followed the footsteps of Hazrat Ibrahim.

Hazrat Lout ------------------------------------------- against sexual perversion

Ayat 74 - 75


These Ayats relate to Hazrat Lout. He was son of Haran, the son of Azar, hence nephew of Hazrat Ibrahim. He was brought from Chaldea into Palestine. He was sent by Allah to reclaim inhalantants of Sudan and other neighboring cities, which were ------- with it, from the unnatural voice of homo – sexuality to which they were addicted.

The detailed account of Hazrat Lout has been given in Surah Al – Araf (7), Ayat 72 – 84. In Ayats 74 – 75, Allah Subhana mentions about two things given to Hazrat Lout – Judgment and Knowledge. These two things given in these Ayats be explain – Judgment (حکمت) means his power of understanding the metaphysical realities and knowledge (علم) which means revelation. Now after the Holy Prophet being, the last Messenger bother are now contained in Holy Quran.

In these there is mention of the people of Sudan and of the neighboring cities who did follow Hazrat Lout, and as per the decree of Allah, and Hazrat Lout was save and the people towards when he has been sent were destroyed.


The people of Sudan and cities have been termed as rebellions people, because of their breaking in terms of nature and such destroyed Hazrat Lout being ---------- was admitted to mercy of Allah.

Hazrat Noah ---------------------------------------------------for pursuance and patience in preaching the Message of Allah.

Ayat 76 - 77


According to the Quran, Hazrat Noah had been preaching for very long period but no one followed him except a few. Ultimately he prayed for the ----------- of the unbelievers. Allah Subhana sent down upon their --------- flood which -------- comprised of water, comprising of rain and carrying out of the lands. Even mountain could not give protection the son of Hazrat Noah who had not accepted faith and believed that he would be saved if he climbed a mountain.


Though all this happen at the Prophetic --------- but is a source of -------- for a common man also. It teaches us that transgress should not feel that they are absolutely from or that a man standing for righteous was also and Allah is with him and no one could ------- him and those who followed the Truth with him.

Hazrat Daud and Hazrat Suleman ------------------- for justice and praising of Allah.

Ayat 78 - 82


In these Ayats there is mention of two of Prophets of Bani Israil Hazrat Daud and his son Hazrat Suleman. Allah had given to both of them the facility of the true judgment in the human affairs which is known as Hikmat (حکمت) and there is reference is one of the matters of field into which sheep of certain peoples had strayed by night and Allah guided the Prophet to give the right judgment. About Hazrat Suleman like other Prophets were given Judgment (حکمت) and Knowledge (علم)۔

In Ayat 79, Hazrat Daud and it was the power of Allah when the birds found Hazrat Daud in the praises their Lord and we are taught in this Ayat that Allah does or these things and as such should be grateful to Him and praise Him.

In Ayat 80 – 81, other special favor to Hazrat Suleman. Firstly he had given power to contact the winds which means that this power at in his times was used for the ships to fly on the surface of the sea, which is done by engine powered ships. The winds would drive the ship through rods tied with ------------ He was also given the power over invisible forces of jins who drive for his and do other commands like the construction of high buildings which is now done by heavy machinery. But Allah in Ayat 82 clearly warns that all Allah is the One in whose power and guidance that this could be done.


In these Ayats, there is a great lesson for the mankind that Allah alone is the One with whom guidance the Prophets get knowledge of everything.

Hazrat Ayub ---------------------------------------- for his patience in all fell on him.

Ayat 84 - 85


Allah Subhana through His Prophet has set up examples for guidance for us and Hazrat Ayub is a typical example. He was also one of the Prophets of Bani Israil the probably in the 9th century B.C. According to the version as given in Bible at one time he was very wealthy. He had been bestowed land, cattle, houses and children but in spite of all this his heart was full of gratitude towards Allah and was faithful to his Lord.

But Satan turned the mind of the people this ------------- of Hazrat Ayub was due to all the wealth, if that was not with him, he would be then grateful.

Now to prove the real worth, he was by stages taken away all that he had been given to Him by Allah, but his gratitude to Allah was not shaken by any of the endeavors. Then he was test with worst trial when he was afflicted with infecting bodily about by which his family and all his friends left him alone as given he cried my Lord I am contended with everything that comes from Thee. When he stood steadfast against all ----------- , everything was restarted to him. He was relieved from the bodily ailment and much more given by Allah as his reward.


In case – history of Hazrat Ayub there is great lesson for us we have to grateful to Allah in all circumstances whether it is when there is abundance of wealth or when he is deprived of the same. Allah compensates the man who stands steadfast in his trials.

Hazrat Ismail, Idrees and Zul-kifl ------------------------------------------ Patience

85.And (mention) Ismail, Idrees and Zul-Kifl, all men of consistency and patience.

86.We admitted them to Our Mercy, and they were of Righteous.

Ayat 85 - 86


Hazrat Ibrahim was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim.

Hazrat Idrees – in the Bible is known by the Enoch (عنوک).

Zul-Kifl – Lord of a portion – Al – Baiz ------ says, he was so called because he had a portion with God, the Most High and guaranteed his people or because he had double of the ----- of his time and their reverse. According to some writers, he was either Elias, Joshua or Zakarial.

The Prophets have been named for patience, which is the basis of all righteous acts. Patience in Islam stands for restraining oneself from the any reaction done by the opponent which is not right and is provocative. One who does not resist himself from this reactive attitude, he cannot be said to be are the path of life liked by Allah Subhana. As a matter of fact this patience is the gateway for all the bounties in this life and in the hereafter.

Hazrat Idrees has also been mentioned in Ayat 57 of Surah Maryam (19).

19: 57

“Commentated Hazrat Idrees in Books, verify he was a man of truth and a Prophet and we raised him to a highly places.”

He was called Idrees for Dars (درس) ‘to instruct’, from his knowledge of divine mysteries and -------- portions of God’s saved ------------ were revealed to him. He was the first person who learned to ------and was the inventor of the science of astronomy. According to one account he was born after 100 years of Hazrat Adam.

Hazrat Ismail

The eldest son of Abraham by his wife Hajar. He is progenitor of the Arabian race and an inspired Prophet. Ayat 55 of Surah Maryam (19). He assisted his father Hazrat Abraham in the coordination of Kabah. Surah Al – Baqrah (2) 119, 121. According to Old Testament Ismail had twelve sons and Mohamadi tradition also agrees with it. Hazrat Mohammed, is said to be have descended from Ismail’s second son ‘Adnan’ some say from his son Kadoc.


Those who have patience and are righteous as stated in Ayat 86 Allah admits them to His mercy. What a reward everyone should strive for His Mercy through patience and pursuance.

Hazrat Younas

87.And remember Zun-nun, when he departed in wrath, he imagined that we had no power over him, but he cried through depth of darkness “There is no god but Thee, I was indeed wrong.”

88.So we listened to him do and delivered him from distress and then we deliver those who have faith.

Ayat 87 - 88


Hazrat Younis was sent towards the people of an old city by the name of Neonwa (نینو یٰ) which at time had a population of above one lac. Hazrat Younis preached about One of God (توحید) and about the Day of Judgment and the accountability of the deeds one had done in the present life but the persistently refused to listen to him. According to one of the conditions attached to the Prophethood is that if the people in spite of all the efforts of the Prophet do not accept Truth and qualify themselves for the punishment the Prophet can only leave the place of the appointment except with the express permission. Hazrat Younis without the express permission of Allah left the people believing that time was -------- ripe for the punishment of the people.

From the City Hazmat on the sea shore a loaded boat. In it’s the boat started trembling. According to the belief common with the people was this turmoil was due to some slave having escaped from the master. Therefore as per practice prevalent at time a balloting was held and Hazrat Younis was name as the result of the same. Therefore he was thrown into the sea and swallowed by a big fish – may be a whale. It was in that darkness of stomach of the fish that he asked for pardon, which was accepted and he was thrown on the sea shore. Allah cured him of the ailment resulting due to removing the stomach of the fish and he returned to his people. Meanwhile people of Neonwa also asked for pardon and the impending punishment was wended of.


If a Prophet leaves to front of propagation of the Message and met with this consequence can very well imagine what would be on fate who have completely abandoned that field.

Hazrat Zakariya

89.And (Remember) Zakariya, when he cried his Lord. “Leave not me without offspring though then at the best of inheritors”

90.And we bestowed to him and we granted him Yahya. We cured his wife’s (bareness) for him. These were even given quick in doing in good work. They used to call on us in yearning and awe and humble themselves before us.

Hazrat Zakria -------------------------------------------------- for his humanity in prayers

Ayat 89 - 90


Hazrat Zakria was the father of Hazrat Yahya known as John Baptist, the husband of ---------- sister and the uncle of Virgin Mary mentioned four times in the Quran. The details as how he prayed for a progeny who could succeed him in his missionary work is given Ayat 32 of Surah Al – Imran (3).

3: 32

“So with goodly acceptance did her Lord accept her with goodly grown?”

All the efforts of Hazrat Zakariya was not met for this world but for what are acceptable to Allah in the hereafter. In these Ayats the conditions for making prayers to Allah have been elaborated – fear of God and humanity.


If we also adopt the same attitude for one prayer they would find favor with Allah, the Al-mighty.

91.And (remember) her who guarded her chastity; we breathed into her Our Spirit, and we made her son a Sign for all peoples.

Hazrat Maryam -------------------------------------------------- for chastity

Ayat 91


The special feature described in Ayat 91 that she guarded her chastity and the result was that she was made the mother of a Prophet. This all happened under the decree of Allah to make her son Holy Christ as a Sign for the people.


What is true about Hazrat Maryam is a truth for everybody. Whatsoever has control over his sexual desires, he would entitle himself of the best benevolent of Allah, the All-mighty.

92.Verify, your Ummah of your is a single Ummah and I am your Lord and Cherisher therefore serve Me (and no other).

93.But (later generations) cut off their affairs (of the unity) are from one and another (yet) may will turn to us.

Ayat 92 - 93


Ayat 92 is of great importance to understand the sum total of teachings of all the Prophets sent by Allah for the guidance of the people and the last in the series being Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). The followers of one Prophet are called one Ummah and since it the present Ummah of the last Prophet is a part of single Ummah and following the same teaching as were given by all the Prophets.

Allah was the only Lord and the Cherisher and therefore the only one who deserved the obedience and to whom we should worship.

The original Din was as simple as that, treat Allah alone as your Ilah and worship him alone without setting up any partner to Him. However those people of their own accord on from controversies made different addition of the Din. Some took one thing is the basis of its addition of Din and the other based its Don on the other, the result was the unit of Din was broken and then come to existence countless sectors. But before Allah the real worth of your deeds would be on the basis of true faith and the efforts you made in the way of Allah and the extent of your submission to Allah.

Therefore we should follow the original Din which is contained in the Quran and not in any way following the people who have as under the Din into pieces. May Allah give us true guidance.

94.Whosoever works any act of Righteous and has his Faith, his in dearness will not be reject we shall record it in his favour.

Ayat 94


After giving reference to the Prophets and had their lines have set for us as an example. Ayat 94 is most encouraging for those who strive to attain the Righteous to extent of their abilities; this effort shall find favor with Allah Subhana, whose one of attributes is that He is Al Shakoor (الشکور).However the essential condition is that he must have the endeavors made for righteous not for the pleasure of Allah but for worldly gave as for example only in attempt for being called a righteous man, their endeavors will go all waste. Efforts plus faith would win the favor of Allah Subhana and the same will be recorded in his favor and reckoned for the benefits thereof and in the hereafter.

95.But there is a ban on any population which we have destroyed that they shall not return.

96.Until the Gog and Magog people are set through (the barrier) and they swiftly swarm from every hill.

97.Then will the True Promise draw right of fulfillment (then behold) then behold the eyes of the unbelievers will strictly store in horror. And woe to us we were indeed heedless of this nay we truly did wrong.

Ayat 95 - 97


Ayat 95 refers the basis and natural facility given to man to understand the Truth when it is brought before his to understand it by this facility. The people now make use of this facility and accept the truth with open mind their nature remains alive. The people who do not do so for some worldly benefits do not recognize the Truth is a way buries that natural facility. This meant by the words of this Ayat – But there is a bar on the people whom we have destroyed that they shall return. It means that in the persistent rejection they reach a point of no return and those are debarred from the reception of truth. Such people would only understand and recognized I the hereafter when the blindness of them shall be removed to see the Truth, the blindness which they had earned in the life of this world by their conduct. But also that recognition of Truth on the Day of Judgment would be of no avail and to meet the punishment -------------- for them after death. Therefore believing firmly in the Day of Judgment in this life is what would the blindness and destruction in this world.

The words until Gog and Magog (people) are set through only stands for the advert of the Doomsday. The Gog and Magog people are also mentioned in Ayat 94 of Surah Al – Kahf (18) where the people asked ---------- to contain those mischievous people on the other side of the mountain. As per tradition this is also been stated as the advert of the Doomsday. It is therefore certain that the stage when such people who has denied the Truth in this world will be debarred to accept the Truth until the Day of Judgment, they will see the same with their open eyes and this setting through Gog and Magog people has been used as symbol. Cannot we see in the preset age the setting through of the mischievous people, in form of ----------- whole sale ------------- descending of the Chinese armies at one time from the mountains look like waves of the sea.

98.Verify ye, (unbeliever) and the (false) which ye worship besides Allah, but are (but) fuel for the Hell. To it will ye, surely come.

99.If these have been gods, they would not have got them but each one will alive therein.

100.There sobbing will be there but nor will they hear (ought else).

101.Those for whom Good has gone from us has gone before, will be removed for there from.

102.Not the slightest sound would they hear of Hell! What the souls desired in that they dwell.

103.The Great Terror will bring them no grief but the angels will meet them with mutual greeting. This is your Day – the day that ye who promised.

Ayats 98 - 103


In Ayat 24 of Surah Al – Baqrah there is mention of the Fire whose fuel is man and Satan which is prepared for those who reject Faith. In Ayat 98 it is stared that those who worship gods other than Allah and false gods they worship will be the fuel for the Hell. When this Ayat was revealed, the peoples approach Abdullah bin Al – Zubair, who was a famous poet and asked him to get on the correct interpretation of this Ayat – to mean all except Allah who are worshipped shall go to Hell because they said we worship the Angels. Few worship Prophet Aziz and Jesus the Holy Christ. They thought it was a brilliant poet and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) will be in difficulty when this question was put the reply of the Holy Prophet was that this Ayat means that one who liked to be worshipped shall also be in the Hell and become fuel of the fire along with the worshippers. This is very much in conformity with Ayat 24 of Surah Al – Baqrah that the idols covered with stone shall be the fuel for the Fire. Now stones tell us matter is also formed of energy which can be reconverted at certain.

This seems of both the worshiper and those who are worshipped going to Hell. It is told that both shall remain there forever. It would then idol worshipper would realize that these idols been real they would not have been with them in the Hell and this realization shall add to their frustration. Both will cry due to the severity of the heat but their cries of one will not reach the other and this create a situation of helplessness for each or on the earth any it is stated in Ayat 101 and 102 that those for whom Allah had decided the Good shall be kept away from the fire.

Not only that they shall not have the slightest feeling of the cries of the unbelievers in the Hell and their abode shall be Jannat a place in which they will get everything what they would desire.

There is yet another good tiding for the dwells of Jannat that they shall also be saved from the horrors of the Day of Reservation, because they in their life had the firm believe in the Reservation and the Day of Judgment and had always been asking for forgiveness and had a fear of this Day. In addition to all this they shall have warning welcome from the Angels who would remind them this all is what Allah Subhana had promised to you, which has now come true.

104.The Day that we roll up to the heaven like a scroll rolled up books (completed) even as we produced in first creation, so shall we produce a new one, a promise we have undertaken, truly shall we fulfill it.

105.Before this we wrote in the Psalms after the Message (given to Moses) My servants, the righteous shall inherit the ear.

106.Verify in the (Quran) is a Message for the Prophet who would (truly) worship to Allah.

Ayats 104 - 106


One of the special feature of Surah Al – Anbiya is that whereas in the earlier part in Ayat 30, the manner in which the entire universe as created and the manner in which it was expanding in the end of the Surah, the process by which it be would up also been explained by a beautiful parable where the beginning of the universe termed by the term, its winding up has been termed as Big Crunch.

This phenomena is to be studied in the light of the latest scientific reasons. Allah Subhana in Ayat 104 explains that the Day of Judgment we shall wrap up the scroll in same manner in which was opened up from the zero point and there shall be the restart of new creation. See the following illustration:

---------------------- scroll being opened and expanded

---------------------- the small being rolled up the zero point

Science in its own way explains this phenomenon. According to one of the Newton’s Law of motion all the stars, planets, galaxies which are expanding unless obstructed by another force which shall be a Big Crunch in the Quranic termed as ‘Soor’ when the entire universe shall take an about turn. The components of the universe shall come nearer and those which are near shall be still close and this process shall be accelerated by the force of gravity. According to the scientists, the hidden matter present in the universe shall course obstacle the expansion of the universe will stop as per the Newton’ Law of Motion.

On the rewinding the entire universe will again come to zero point and thereafter again take a new start.

The light of the above Ayat 104 – may be analyzed as under:

· The day that we roll up the heavens

· Like a scroll rolled up for a book (completed)

· When we produced the first creation

· So shall be produce a new (a promise we have undertaken truly shall we fulfill)

It looks the scroll had been opened to write a book, when it would be complete the scroll would be scrolled to its original position, for a new universe to be created, as per

In Ayats 105 – 106 are to be read with Ayat 104 in which a tiding of creation of new order after the winding up of the present set up. In these Ayats an idea of the new set up has been given. We have seen in the present life that so ----------------- even though they are not righteous but in the next set up the permanent comfort and respect be shall be for those who had been ------ in this life which life is only testing. One who is given in abundance is also test and one who is given restrictively that also for test. This Ayat 106 in the last given a good view for those who truly worship Allah. It is also state Ayat 105 refers to such a promise had been given by Allah in an earlier revealed Book Psalms chapter 37.

107.We sent there not but as a Mercy for all creators.

108.Say what has come to me by inspiration is that your God is only One God will ye therefore bow to His Will (in Islam).

109.But if they turn back, say ‘I have proclaimed the Message to you all alike and in truth but I know whether that which that ye are promise is near or far.

110.It is He who knows what is open in speech and what you hide (in your hearts).

111.I know not but that it may be a trial for you and a great of (worldly) livelihood to you (for a time).

112.Say “O my Lord Judge Thou in Truth!” “Our Lord Most Gracious is the one whose assistance should be sought against the blasphemies ye utter.”

Ayats 106 - 112


The mission of all the Prophets had been to impact knowledge to people so that they may know as how they should lead their life in this world so that they may qualify themselves to entry into the new order which will come into existence on the rewinding of the present universe as promised by Allah Subhana in Ayat 104 and reiterated in the Holy Quran in Ayat 2 of Surah Al – Mulk (67).

67: 2

He who created death and life that He may try which of you is best in deed and He is the Exalted in Might and ---Forgiving.

Those who do good deeds as ordered by Allah enter in His Jannat. To this extent the blessing of all the earlier Prophets is the same, but the specialty of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was that had opened a gateway of guidance for the whole humanity and in the performance of this Mission, he to the extent of Arabia, completed the same in his lifetime to be ----------------- thereafter his Ummat and as such Allah Subhana in Ayat 107 ------------

We sent thee not but as a blessing for all creation.

The Universal Message given through Prophet by inspiration has been ---------- in Ayat 108.

Say what has come to me by revelation is that your God is only One God; will therefore bow to His Will.

In Ayat 109 – it stated that if they turn back, then they shall face the consequences which according to the decree of Allah Subhana, if people in spite of the best efforts of the Prophet do not accept the Truth, they then qualify themselves for destruction promised for such peoples and Allah’s promise to save the Prophet and the people accept the Faith.

In the background of the movement of Islam, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had made his best effort that if the people of accept the Message of Allah but they ultimately rejected the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Message. The Holy Prophet therefore said to the people that though your destruction has been ordered as per the decree but Allah Subhana only knows as to when the punishment will fall upon you (Ayat 109). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) warned the people that Allah Subhana has the knowledge of everything that may did openly or secretly. In Ayat 110 as was the prayer of the earlier Prophets that the time has come that new the decision may be implemented and sought protection of Allah Subhana as to what the people were doing against his mission.

Shortly thereafter the prediction comes true and the Chief of Mecca met with a most ----- and the Holy Prophet succeeded in defeating the people who opposed him and in a short time the Mission of the Holy Prophet all now the Arab. This revolution brought about by the Holy Prophet, took out the people out of the darkness of ignorance, idolating, illiteracy into light of knowledge and wisdom which spread through Muslims to the rest of the world. It was unfortunate that when Muslim forget the mission and responsibility that they brought to present state and the torch of light was given to other people and it was through then that science initiated by Muslims was developed and inventions made which had the effect of providing facilities of mankind in transporting medicines and other branches of knowledge.

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