world english intro -€¦ · introductions names and spelling adjectives to describe...

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Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Friends and Family Page 2 • Meet and Introduce People• Spell Names and Words• Describe People• Present Your Family• Give Personal Information

Present Tense of beI’m Kim. / They’re Maria and Lola. Be + AdjectiveThey’re young. Is John single? Questions with be and Short AnswersAre you married? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

Greetings and IntroductionsNames and SpellingAdjectives to Describe People Family Members

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificInformation: Conversationsaround School

Meeting People and IntroducingYourselfAsking and AnsweringQuestions about PersonalInformationThe Alphabet

A Family of Explorers Filling Out PersonalInformationCapital Letters

My NameIn this video from NationalGeographic Learning, author TaiyeSelasi talks about her name, what itmeans, and how it came to be.

2 Jobs around the World Page 16 • Identify Jobs• Ask about Jobs• Talk about Cities and Countries • Compare Jobs• Interview People

Negative Present of be ; Indefinite Articles He isn’t a doctor. Pat’s an artist. Be + Adjective + Noun Russia is a big country.

Jobs Numbers Cities, Countries, and Continents

Focused Listening andListening for SpecificInformation: A Conversationabout the Jobs of TwoNational GeographicExplorers

Asking about JobsAsking For and Giving PersonalInformationInterviewing a ClassmateDescribing Places Around theWorldNumbers

Women at Work Writing andPerforming anInterviewPunctuation Marks

A Contact JobIn this video from NationalGeographic, contact jugglerOkotanpe shows off his skills inTokyo, Japan.

3 Houses and Apartments Page 30 • Talk about Rooms• Compare Houses• Say Where Objects Are• Give Your Opinion• Describe Your Home

There is / There are ; Singular and Plural NounsThere are three bedrooms. Is there a garage?Prepositions of Place: in, on, under, next to, betweenYour magazine is under your bag.

Places in a HomeFurniture and Household Objects

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: People Talkingabout Their Homes

Describing Your HomeSaying Where Things AreSyllables and Stressed Syllables

Home Sweet Home? Writing a Descriptionof Your Homeand

A Day in the Life of aLighthouse KeeperThis video from the NationalGeographic Short Film Showcasefollows a day in the life of alighthouse keeper in Uruguay.

4 Possessions Page 44 • Ask about Possessions• Present a Special Object• Talk about What You Have• Identify Similarities and

Differences• Thank Someone for a Present

DemonstrativesAre these your books? That is not your bag. PossessionIt’s Jim’s bag.Have, HasShe has a phone.

Personal Possessions Opinion Adjectives

Listening for SpecificInformation: A Conversationabout a Surprising ArtProject

Talking about PersonalPossessionsTalking about Giving GiftsTalking about a Special Object/i/ and /ɪ/ Sounds

My Room Short Emails andMessages

Tyler Bikes Across AmericaThis video shows bicyclist andphotographer Tyler Metcalfe’sjourney across the United States—on his bike.

5 Daily Activities Page 58 • Tell Time• Compare People’s Daily

Routines• Talk about Activities at Work

and School• Present a Report• Give Advice and Instructions

Simple PresentThey get up at 7 o’clock. Simple Present Questions and Answers Do you go to class every day? Yes, I do.Adverbs of Frequency: always, sometimes, neverI never answer the phone. Imperatives

Daily ActivitiesTelling TimeWork and School Activities Time Expressions

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: A Podcast about theDay of a “Super Commuter”

Asking and AnsweringQuestions about Work or SchoolActivities and Daily RoutinesDiscussing and Giving AdviceFalling Intonation on Statementsand Information Questions

Screen Time Writing a To-Do ListLists and Notes

Around the World in 24 HoursThis video from NationalGeographic Learning goes on ajourney to see what people aredoing around the world at differenttimes of day.

6 Getting Around Page 72 • Ask For and Give Directions• Create a Tour• Compare Types of

Transportation• Plan a Bicycle Day• Give Advice to Travelers

Prepositions of Place and MovementTurn left and walk for two blocks.The hotel is across from the park. Go up the stairs.Have toShe has to change buses.

Places Around a Town or CityDirections Ground Transportation

Listening for SpecificInformation: A Walking Tourof Paraty, Brazil

Asking For and GivingDirectionsQuizzing Classmates about YourCity or CountryYes / No Questions and ShortAnswers

A City that Bans Carson Sundays

Writing a Reply to aMessageDescribing What toDo in Your CityConnectors (and, but, because)

Star Wars on the SubwayThis video features ImprovEverywhere—a group of performerswho try to make people laughand have fun in public places—performing the movie Star Wars ...on the subway.

i-vii_WE3E_Int_SB_13660_FM_ptg01.indd 4 11/5/19 12:51 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Friends and Family Page 2 • Meet and Introduce People• Spell Names and Words• Describe People• Present Your Family• Give Personal Information

Present Tense of beI’m Kim. / They’re Maria and Lola.Be + AdjectiveThey’re young. Is John single? Questions with be and Short AnswersAre you married?Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

Greetings andIntroductionsNames and SpellingAdjectives to DescribePeopleFamily Members

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Information: Conversations around School

Meeting People and Introducing YourselfAsking and Answering Questions about Personal InformationThe Alphabet

A Family of Explorers Filling Out Personal InformationCapital Letters

My NameIn this video from National Geographic Learning, author Taiye Selasi talks about her name, what it means, and how it came to be.

2 Jobs around the World Page 16 • Identify Jobs• Ask about Jobs• Talk about Cities and Countries• Compare Jobs• Interview People

Negative Present of be ; Indefinite ArticlesHe isn’t a doctor. Pat’s an artist.Be + Adjective + NounRussia is a big country.

JobsNumbersCities, Countries, andContinents

Focused Listening and Listening for Specific Information: A Conversation about the Jobs of Two National Geographic Explorers

Asking about JobsAsking For and Giving Personal InformationInterviewing a ClassmateDescribing Places Around the WorldNumbers

Women at Work Writing and Performing an InterviewPunctuation Marks

A Contact JobIn this video from National Geographic, contact juggler Okotanpe shows off his skills in Tokyo, Japan.

3 Houses and Apartments Page 30 • Talk about Rooms• Compare Houses• Say Where Objects Are• Give Your Opinion• Describe Your Home

There is / There are ; Singular and PluralNounsThere are three bedrooms.Is there a garage?Prepositions of Place:in, on, under, next to, betweenYour magazine is under your bag.

Places in a HomeFurniture andHousehold Objects

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: People Talking about Their Homes

Describing Your Home Saying Where Things Are Syllables and Stressed Syllables

Home Sweet Home? Writing a Description of Your Home and

A Day in the Life of a Lighthouse KeeperThis video from the National Geographic Short Film Showcase follows a day in the life of a lighthouse keeper in Uruguay.

4 Possessions Page 44 • Ask about Possessions• Present a Special Object• Talk about What You Have• Identify Similarities and

Differences• Thank Someone for a Present

DemonstrativesAre these your books? That is not yourbag.PossessionIt’s Jim’s bag.Have, HasShe has a phone.

Personal PossessionsOpinion Adjectives

Listening for Specific Information: A Conversation about a Surprising Art Project

Talking about Personal PossessionsTalking about Giving GiftsTalking about a Special Object/i/ and /ɪ/ Sounds

My Room Short Emails and Messages

Tyler Bikes Across AmericaThis video shows bicyclist and photographer Tyler Metcalfe’s journey across the United States—on his bike.

5 Daily Activities Page 58 • Tell Time• Compare People’s Daily

Routines• Talk about Activities at Work

and School• Present a Report• Give Advice and Instructions

Simple PresentThey get up at 7 o’clock.Simple Present Questions and AnswersDo you go to class every day? Yes, I do.Adverbs of Frequency: always,sometimes, neverI never answer the phone.Imperatives

Daily ActivitiesTelling TimeWork and SchoolActivitiesTime Expressions

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: A Podcast about the Day of a “Super Commuter”

Asking and Answering Questions about Work or School Activities and Daily RoutinesDiscussing and Giving AdviceFalling Intonation on Statements and Information Questions

Screen Time Writing a To-Do ListLists and Notes

Around the World in 24 HoursThis video from National Geographic Learning goes on a journey to see what people are doing around the world at different times of day.

6 Getting Around Page 72 • Ask For and Give Directions• Create a Tour• Compare Types of

Transportation• Plan a Bicycle Day• Give Advice to Travelers

Prepositions of Place and MovementTurn left and walk for two blocks.The hotel is across from the park.Go up the stairs.Have toShe has to change buses.

Places Around a Townor CityDirectionsGroundTransportation

Listening for Specific Information: A Walking Tour of Paraty, Brazil

Asking For and Giving DirectionsQuizzing Classmates about Your City or CountryYes / No Questions and Short Answers

A City that Bans Cars on Sundays

Writing a Reply to a MessageDescribing What to Do in Your CityConnectors (and, but, because)

Star Wars on the SubwayThis video features Improv Everywhere—a group of performers who try to make people laugh and have fun in public places—performing the movie Star Wars ... on the subway.

i-vii_WE3E_Int_SB_13660_FM_ptg01.indd 5 11/5/19 12:51 PM

World English Intro


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Free Time Page 86 • Identify Activities Happening Now

• Make a Phone Call• Talk about Abilities• Explain How to Play Something• Interview People

Present ContinuousI’m not watching TV. I’m reading. Can for AbilityHe can’t play the guitar. He can sing.


Listening for SpecificInformation: TelephoneConversations in DifferentContexts

Having a Phone ConversationAsking and AnsweringQuestions to Fill Out anApplication Form and Do a JobInterviewConnected Speech

Hybrid Sports Writing a JobApplication FormQuestion Forms(simple present,present continuous,questions with can)

Danny’s ChallengeThis video from NationalGeographic shows stunt cyclistDanny MacAskill as he doestricks on the streets of Edinburgh,Scotland.

8 Clothes Page 100 • Ask about Clothes• Buy Clothes• Express Likes and Dislikes• Talk about Personal Qualities• Describe Your Favorites

Can / Could for Polite RequestsCan I try on these shoes?Object PronounsI love them! / She hates it.

Colors Clothes Likes and Dislikes

Listening for SpecificDetails: Listening to PeopleShopping for Clothes

Describing ClothesShoppingDescribing Likes and DislikesPlaying a Game about YourFavorite ThingsCould you

What Does the Colorof Your Clothes Sayabout You?

Writing aboutFavoritesParagraphs

A Dress with a StoryThis video from NationalGeographic’s Short Film Showcaseshows a group of women inSardinia, Italy, who wear and workon one dress for their entire lives.

9 Food Page 114 • Order a Meal• Plan a Party• Describe Your Diet• Solve a Problem• Explain How To Do Something

Some and AnyThere’s some ice cream in the fridge.Count and Non-count Nouns; How much / How many How many oranges do we need? How much chocolate do we have?

FoodMeals ContainersQuantitiesFood Groups

Listening for SpecificDetails: Conversation toConfirm a Shopping List fora Party

Planning a PartyTalking about Your DietDiscussing a “How To” ListAnd

Food Waste Writing a “How To”ListGiving Examples

Berry Road TripThis video from NationalGeographic shows the journeythat strawberries take from farm tocustomer, and the resources thatthis journey requires.

10 Health Page 128 • Identify Parts of the Body and Say How You Feel

• Ask about Health Problems• Give Advice on Health Remedies• Explain a Process• Describe Healthy Living

Review of Simple PresentMy back hurts. Feel, Look + AdjectiveJohn looks terrible. I feel sick.Should (for advice)You should take an aspirin.

Parts of the Body Common Illnesses and Health ProblemsRemedies

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: DescribingSymptoms to a Doctor

Describing Symptoms andIllnessesGiving AdviceTalking about How to Live aLong and Healthy LifeSound and Spelling

A Life-SavingDelivery

Writing a Paragraphabout Mental HealthSequencing andAdding Information

What Makes You Happy?This video from NationalGeographic shows what makespeople happy around the worldand spotlights three of the happiestcountries: Costa Rica, Denmark,and Singapore.

11 Making Plans Page 142 • Plan Special Days• Describe a National Holiday• Make Life Plans• Compare Festivals• Invite People

Be going toWhat are you going to do? We are going to have a party. Would like to for Wishes I would like to be a doctor.

Special Days and PlansMonths of the YearHolidaysProfessions

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: Holiday Traditions

Talking about CelebratingHolidaysTalking about Life PlansInviting People to EventsBe going to (Reduced Form)

Spring Festivals Writing an InvitationMore Formal andLess Formal Writing

Catching a HummingbirdThis video from NationalGeographic follows photographerAnand Varma as he plans a projectto film a hummingbird, and thenshows the beautiful result.

12 On the Move Page 156 • Talk about Your Past• Ask about the Past• Describe a Vacation• Compare the Past and Present• Give Biographical Information

Simple Past We went to the mountains. He moved from San Francisco to New York. Simple Past QuestionsWas he born in 2001? Where did you live?

Verbs + Prepositions of MovementGoing on Vacation

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: An Interviewwith Archaeologist ChrisThornton

Describing a VacationGiving Biographical Information-ed Endings

Humans and Animalson the Move

Writing a BiographyTime Expressionsand Linking Words

Leaving AntarcticaIn this video from NationalGeographic, a man who was bornin Antarctica talks about how muchit has changed and discusses hisreasons for leaving.

i-vii_WE3E_Int_SB_13660_FM_ptg01.indd 6 11/5/19 12:51 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Free Time Page 86 • Identify Activities HappeningNow

• Make a Phone Call• Talk about Abilities• Explain How to Play Something• Interview People

Present ContinuousI’m not watching TV. I’m reading.Can for AbilityHe can’t play the guitar. He can sing.


Listening for Specific Information: Telephone Conversations in Different Contexts

Having a Phone ConversationAsking and Answering Questions to Fill Out an Application Form and Do a Job InterviewConnected Speech

Hybrid Sports Writing a Job Application FormQuestion Forms (simple present, present continuous, questions with can)

Danny’s ChallengeThis video from National Geographic shows stunt cyclist Danny MacAskill as he does tricks on the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland.

8 Clothes Page 100 • Ask about Clothes• Buy Clothes• Express Likes and Dislikes• Talk about Personal Qualities• Describe Your Favorites

Can / Could for Polite RequestsCan I try on these shoes?Object PronounsI love them! / She hates it.

ColorsClothesLikes and Dislikes

Listening for Specific Details: Listening to People Shopping for Clothes

Describing Clothes ShoppingDescribing Likes and DislikesPlaying a Game about Your Favorite ThingsCould you

What Does the Color of Your Clothes Say about You?

Writing about FavoritesParagraphs

A Dress with a StoryThis video from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase shows a group of women in Sardinia, Italy, who wear and work on one dress for their entire lives.

9 Food Page 114 • Order a Meal• Plan a Party• Describe Your Diet• Solve a Problem• Explain How To Do Something

Some and AnyThere’s some ice cream in the fridge.Count and Non-count Nouns;How much / How manyHow many oranges do we need?How much chocolate do we have?

FoodMealsContainersQuantitiesFood Groups

Listening for Specific Details: Conversation to Confirm a Shopping List for a Party

Planning a PartyTalking about Your DietDiscussing a “How To” ListAnd

Food Waste Writing a “How To” ListGiving Examples

Berry Road TripThis video from National Geographic shows the journey that strawberries take from farm to customer, and the resources that this journey requires.

10 Health Page 128 • Identify Parts of the Body andSay How You Feel

• Ask about Health Problems• Give Advice on Health Remedies• Explain a Process• Describe Healthy Living

Review of Simple PresentMy back hurts. Feel, Look + AdjectiveJohn looks terrible. I feel sick.Should (for advice)You should take an aspirin.

Parts of the BodyCommon Illnesses andHealth ProblemsRemedies

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: Describing Symptoms to a Doctor

Describing Symptoms and Illnesses Giving AdviceTalking about How to Live a Long and Healthy LifeSound and Spelling

A Life-Saving Delivery

Writing a Paragraph about Mental HealthSequencing and Adding Information

What Makes You Happy?This video from National Geographic shows what makes people happy around the world and spotlights three of the happiest countries: Costa Rica, Denmark, and Singapore.

11 Making Plans Page 142 • Plan Special Days• Describe a National Holiday• Make Life Plans• Compare Festivals• Invite People

Be going toWhat are you going to do?We are going to have a party.Would like to for WishesI would like to be a doctor.

Special Days and PlansMonths of the YearHolidaysProfessions

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: Holiday Traditions

Talking about Celebrating HolidaysTalking about Life PlansInviting People to EventsBe going to (Reduced Form)

Spring Festivals Writing an InvitationMore Formal and Less Formal Writing

Catching a HummingbirdThis video from National Geographic follows photographer Anand Varma as he plans a project to film a hummingbird, and then shows the beautiful result.

12 On the Move Page 156 • Talk about Your Past• Ask about the Past• Describe a Vacation• Compare the Past and Present• Give Biographical Information

Simple PastWe went to the mountains.He moved from San Francisco toNew York.Simple Past QuestionsWas he born in 2001?Where did you live?

Verbs + Prepositions ofMovementGoing on Vacation

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: An Interview with Archaeologist Chris Thornton

Describing a VacationGiving Biographical Information-ed Endings

Humans and Animals on the Move

Writing a BiographyTime Expressions and Linking Words

Leaving AntarcticaIn this video from National Geographic, a man who was born in Antarctica talks about how much it has changed and discusses his reasons for leaving.


i-vii_WE3E_Int_SB_13660_FM_ptg01.indd 7 11/5/19 12:51 PM

World English Intro


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 People Page 2 • Meet People• Ask for Personal

Information• Describe People and

Occupations• Compare People’s Jobs• Write a Personal Description

Review of Simple Present Be Wh- Questions with BeBe + Adjective (+ Noun)

Occupations Countries Nationalities Descriptive Adjectives

Focused Listening:An Interview, PersonalIntroductions

Asking For and GivingPersonal InformationStarting a ConversationContractions of beWord Stress

The Best Job in the World Writing Descriptionsof PeopleUsing Conjunctions

Where I’m a LocalIn this video from NationalGeographic Learning, author TaiyeSelasi talks about who she is, theplaces she comes from, and what itmeans to be a local somewhere.

2 A Day in the Life Page 16 • Talk about a Typical Day• Talk about Free Time• Describe a Special Day• Talk about Hobbies and

Interests• Plan a Party

Review of Simple PresentPrepositions of TimeAdverbs of Frequency

Daily ActivitiesParty Words Celebrations and Festivals

Focused Listening: A RadioShow about an Astronaut’sDaily Life

Talking about DailySchedules and Free TimeShowing InterestVerbs that end in -s

When Your Hobby is AlsoYour Job

Writing an Email toMake PlansParts of an Email

Ruben’s ElevatorThis film, from the NationalGeographic Short Film Showcase,gives a glimpse into the life ofRuben Pardo, the oldest manualelevator operator in Los Angeles,California.

3 Going Places Page 30 • Talk about Your Possessions• Ask for and Give Travel

Information• Ask for and Give Advice• Plan a Vacation• Describe a Place

Possession Possessive Adjectives and PronounsBelong to Imperatives and should for Advice

Travel Preparation and StagesTravel Documents Describing Places

General Listening:Conversations DuringStages of Travel

Identifying Possession ofItemsGiving Personal Informationfor Travel FormsAsking for and GivingAdviceRising and FallingIntonation

Make Your Vacation MoreInteresting

Writing a Descriptionof a PlaceConjunctions:because, so

The UK in 100 SecondsIn this film, National GeographicExplorer Daniel Raven-Ellison givesa look at the landscapes that makeup the UK, and offers suggestionsfor how the use of land can beimproved.

4 Food Page 44 • Describe a Recipe• Order a Meal• Talk about Diets• Plan a Farm or Garden• Follow and Give Instructions

Count and Non-count Nouns: a / an, some, and any How much and How many with quantifiers: lots of / a lot of, a few, a little, not many, not much

Food Food GroupsDiets

General and FocusedListening: Ordering a Mealin a Restaurant

Role-play: Ordering a MealTalking about QuantitiesReduced Forms: Do youhave... and Would you like...

Urban Farming Giving InstructionsSequencingInformation

A Guerrilla Gardener in SouthCentral LAIn this TED Talk, Ron Finley talksabout LA Green Grounds, anorganization he founded to showpeople in his neighborhood how tolive a healthy and sustainable lifethat gives back to the community.

5 Sports Page 58 • Describe ActivitiesHappening Now

• Compare Everyday and Present-Time Activities

• Talk about Your Favorite Sports• Compare Sports and Activities• Write and Complete a


Present Continuous Simple Present and Present ContinuousStative Verbs

Doing Sports Present-Time ActivitiesTeam and Individual Sports

General and FocusedListening: Phone Callsabout Everyday Activitiesand Today’s Activities

Talking about What Peopleare Doing NowDiscussing Favorite SportsTalking about Likes andDislikesReduced Form: What areyou ...

eSports Go Global Writing andCompleting aQuestionnaireClosed and OpenQuestions

Free Soloing with AlexHonnoldIn this video from NationalGeographic, climber and NationalGeographic Explorer Alex Honnoldtakes you up the massive Half Domerock formation in Yosemite NationalPark in California ... without a rope!

6 Destinations Page 72 • Describe Past Vacations• Ask about a Trip• Talk about Your Weekend• Describe an Ancient Place• Find and Share Information


Simple Past of Regular and Irregular VerbsSimple Past of be

Travel ActivitiesEmphatic Adjectives

General Listening:Conversations aboutVacations and WeekendTrips

Describing and ComparingVacationsAsking about Your WeekendDiscuss Where You FindInformationSounds of -ed Endings

The Cradle of the IncaEmpire

Writing an OnlinePostUsing TimeReferences

Vietnam’s Green JewelsThis video from NationalGeographic gives information aboutthe history and background of oneof the world’s most beautiful places:Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay.

i-vii_WE3E_1_SB_11368_FM.indd 4 7/15/19 7:00 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 People Page 2 • Meet People• Ask for Personal

Information• Describe People and

Occupations• Compare People’s Jobs• Write a Personal Description

Review of Simple Present BeWh- Questions with BeBe + Adjective (+ Noun)

OccupationsCountriesNationalitiesDescriptive Adjectives

Focused Listening: An Interview, Personal Introductions

Asking For and Giving Personal Information Starting a ConversationContractions of be Word Stress

The Best Job in the World Writing Descriptions of People Using Conjunctions

Where I Am a LocalIn this video from National Geographic Learning, author Taiye Selasi talks about who she is, the places she comes from, and what it means to be a local somewhere.

2 A Day in the Life Page 16 • Talk about a Typical Day• Talk about Free Time• Describe a Special Day• Talk about Hobbies and

Interests• Plan a Party

Review of Simple PresentPrepositions of TimeAdverbs of Frequency

Daily ActivitiesParty WordsCelebrations andFestivals

Focused Listening: A Radio Show about an Astronaut’s Daily Life

Talking about Daily Schedules and Free Time Showing InterestVerbs that end in -s

When Your Hobby is Also Your Job

Writing an Email to Make PlansParts of an Email

Ruben’s ElevatorThis film, from the National Geographic Short Film Showcase, gives a glimpse into the life of Ruben Pardo, the oldest manual elevator operator in Los Angeles, California.

3 Going Places Page 30 • Talk about Your Possessions• Ask for and Give Travel

Information• Ask for and Give Advice• Plan a Vacation• Describe a Place

PossessionPossessive Adjectives and PronounsBelong toImperatives and should for Advice

Travel Preparationand StagesTravel DocumentsDescribing Places

General Listening: Conversations During Stages of Travel

Identifying Possession of ItemsGiving Personal Information for Travel FormsAsking for and Giving AdviceRising and Falling Intonation

Make Your Vacation More Interesting

Writing a Description of a PlaceConjunctions: because, so

The UK in 100 SecondsIn this film, National Geographic Explorer Daniel Raven-Ellison gives a look at the landscapes that make up the UK, and offers suggestions for how the use of land can be improved.

4 Food Page 44 • Describe a Recipe• Order a Meal• Talk about Diets• Plan a Farm or Garden• Follow and Give Instructions

Count and Non-count Nouns: a / an, some, and anyHow much and How many withquantifiers: lots of / a lot of, a few,a little, not many, not much

FoodFood GroupsDiets

General and Focused Listening: Ordering a Meal in a Restaurant

Role-play: Ordering a MealTalking about QuantitiesReduced Forms: Do you have... and Would you like...

Urban Farming Giving InstructionsSequencing Information

A Guerrilla Gardener in South Central LAIn this TED Talk, Ron Finley talks about LA Green Grounds, an organization he founded to show people in his neighborhood how to live a healthy and sustainable life that gives back to the community.

5 Sports Page 58 • Describe ActivitiesHappening Now

• Compare Everyday and Present-Time Activities

• Talk about Your Favorite Sports• Compare Sports and Activities• Write and Complete a


Present ContinuousSimple Present and Present ContinuousStative Verbs

Doing SportsPresent-TimeActivitiesTeam and IndividualSports

General and Focused Listening: Phone Calls about Everyday Activities and Today’s Activities

Talking about What People are Doing NowDiscussing Favorite SportsTalking about Likes and DislikesReduced Form: What are you ...

eSports Go Global Writing and Completing a QuestionnaireClosed and Open Questions

Free Soloing with Alex HonnoldIn this video from National Geographic, climber and National Geographic Explorer Alex Honnold takes you up the massive Half Dome rock formation in Yosemite National Park in California ... without a rope!

6 Destinations Page 72 • Describe Past Vacations• Ask about a Trip• Talk about Your Weekend• Describe an Ancient Place• Find and Share Information


Simple Past of Regular and IrregularVerbsSimple Past of be

Travel ActivitiesEmphatic Adjectives

General Listening: Conversations about Vacations and Weekend Trips

Describing and Comparing VacationsAsking about Your WeekendDiscuss Where You Find InformationSounds of -ed Endings

The Cradle of the Inca Empire

Writing an Online PostUsing Time References

Vietnam’s Green JewelsThis video from National Geographic gives information about the history and background of one of the world’s most beautiful places: Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay.

i-vii_WE3E_1_SB_11368_FM.indd 5 12/09/19 3:51 PM

World English Level 1


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Communication Page 86 • Talk about PersonalCommunication

• Exchange Contact Information• Describe Characteristics

and Qualities • Compare Types of

Communication• Compare Formal and Informal


Verbs with Direct and Indirect ObjectsSensory Verbs

Personal Communication and TrendsElectronicsThe Senses

Focused Listening:Exchanging ContactInformation via aVoicemail, a Radio Call-InShow, and a Conversation

Asking for ContactInformationDescribing Sights, Sounds,and Other SensationsGiving Your OpinionSentence Stress forClarification

Do You Speak “Elephant”? Writing EmailsAsking forInformation andMaking PlansFormal and InformalWriting

A New View of the MoonIn this video from NationalGeographic’s Short Film Showcase,filmmaker Wylie Overstreet takesa telescope to the city streets andasks people to look up and see themoon in a new way.

8 Making Plans Page 100 • Talk about Plans• Plan a Project• Make Predictions• Solve a Problem• Describe Future Trends

Future: Be going toFuture: Will

Short- and Long- Term Life PlansTypes of Energy

General and FocusedListening: An Interviewwith National GeographicExplorer Molly Ferrill aboutHer Latest Project

Talking about Short- andLong-Term PlansMaking Predictions andGiving Opinions about theFutureDiscussing a PersonalityQuizReduced form of going to

Electricity from the Sun Analyzing Graphs toDescribe TrendsDescribing Trends

A Virtual Choir 2,000 VoicesStrongIn this TED Talk, composer EricWhitacre talks about the virtualchoir, a group of singers fromaround the world who cometogether online to make music andshare their stories.

9 Types of Clothing Page 114 • Compare Clothes• Buy Clothes• Decide What to Wear• Discuss Fashion• Describe Clothes


Articles of ClothingClothing ShoppingDescriptive Adjectives Clothing Materials

Focused Listening: AConversation between aShopper and Assistant in aShoe Store

Talking about ClothesRole-Play DifferentShopping ExperiencesStressed and WeakSyllables

Pride through Fashion Writing an Ad thatDescribes ClothesDescribing ObjectsAdjective OrderPunctuation

How Your T-Shirt Can Makea DifferenceIn this video from NationalGeographic, the goods andresources that are used to make aT-shirt are shown, and a questionis asked: How can your shoppingand clothing care decisions make adifference?

10 Lifestyles Page 128 • Give Advice on Healthy Habits• Compare Lifestyles• Ask about Happiness• Discuss the Importance of Sleep• Explain Healthy Activities

Modals (could, should, must ); have toQuestions with How

Healthy and Unhealthy Habits and LifestylesCompound Adjectives

General Listening: PersonalDescriptions of Lifestylesand Habits

Discussing Healthy andUnhealthy HabitsAsking and Telling aboutLifestylesApproximationHave to

The Need for Sleep Writing a Paragraphabout a HealthyHobby or ActivityParagraph Structure

Living Past 100In this video from NationalGeographic, the region of Bama,China, is profiled. It is one of thehealthiest and most beautiful partsof the country.

11 Achievements Page 142 • Talk about Responsibilities• Interview for a Job• Talk about Personal

Achievements• Plan for Success• Write a Resume

Present PerfectPresent Perfect vs. Simple PastHave you ever Questions

Chores and ResponsibilitiesPersonal Achievements

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificDetails: Job Interviews for aTour Guide Position

Interviewing for a JobCatching Up with a FriendUsing Present Perfectand Simple Past inConversationsReduced Forms of have

Being the First in Lessthan Two Hours

Writing a ResumeChecking forMistakes in Writing

Wasfia’s JourneyIn this video from NationalGeographic’s Short Film Showcase,mountain climber, activist, andNational Geographic Explorer WasfiaNazreen talks about climbing thetallest mountain on each of the sevencontinents, and what her journeymeans to the people of her country.

12 Decisions Page 156 • Give Advice about Money• Choose What to Use• Make Decisions about Money• Plan How to Raise Money• Compare and Contrast Options

Real Conditionals: The Zero ConditionalReal Conditionals: The First Conditional

Personal Finance Money VerbsMoney Tips

Listening for SpecificDetails and KeyInformation: A Podcastabout a Trip that Didn’tWaste Plastic

Discuss How to SaveMoneyTalking about ChoicesConditional Intonation

Crowdfunding for a BetterWorld

Write an Email abouta Major DecisionCompare andContrast

How to Buy HappinessIn this video from NationalGeographic Learning, socialscientist Michael Norton talks aboutthe ways that money can, and can’t,affect our well-being and that ofthose around us.

i-vii_WE3E_1_SB_11368_FM.indd 6 7/15/19 7:00 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Communication Page 86 • Talk about PersonalCommunication

• Exchange Contact Information• Describe Characteristics

and Qualities• Compare Types of

Communication• Compare Formal and Informal


Verbs with Direct and Indirect ObjectsSensory Verbs

Personal Communicationand TrendsElectronicsThe Senses

Focused Listening: Exchanging Contact Information via a Voicemail, a Radio Call-In Show, and a Conversation

Asking for Contact InformationDescribing Sights, Sounds, and Other Sensations Giving Your OpinionSentence Stress for Clarification

Do You Speak “Elephant”? Writing Emails Asking for Information and Making PlansFormal and Informal Writing

A New View of the MoonIn this video from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase, filmmaker Wylie Overstreet takes a telescope to the city streets and asks people to look up and see the moon in a new way.

8 Making Plans Page 100 • Talk about Plans• Plan a Project• Make Predictions• Solve a Problem• Describe Future Trends

Future: Be going toFuture: Will

Short- and Long-Term Life PlansTypes of Energy

General and Focused Listening: An Interview with National Geographic Explorer Molly Ferrill about Her Latest Project

Talking about Short- and Long-Term PlansMaking Predictions and Giving Opinions about the Future Discussing a Personality QuizReduced form of going to

Electricity from the Sun Analyzing Graphs to Describe TrendsDescribing Trends

A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices StrongIn this TED Talk, composer Eric Whitacre talks about the virtual choir, a group of singers from around the world who come together online to make music and share their stories.

9 Types of Clothing Page 114 • Compare Clothes• Buy Clothes• Decide What to Wear• Discuss Fashion• Describe Clothes


Articles of ClothingClothing ShoppingDescriptive AdjectivesClothing Materials

Focused Listening: A Conversation between a Shopper and Assistant in a Shoe Store

Talking about ClothesRole-Play Different Shopping ExperiencesStressed and Weak Syllables

Pride through Fashion Writing an Ad that Describes ClothesDescribing ObjectsAdjective OrderPunctuation

How Your T-Shirt Can Make a DifferenceIn this video from National Geographic, the goods and resources that are used to make a T-shirt are shown, and a questionis asked: How can your shopping and clothing care decisions make a difference?

10 Lifestyles Page 128 • Give Advice on Healthy Habits• Compare Lifestyles• Ask about Happiness• Discuss the Importance of Sleep• Explain Healthy Activities

Modals (could, should, must ); have toQuestions with How

Healthy and UnhealthyHabits and LifestylesCompound Adjectives

General Listening: Personal Descriptions of Lifestyles and Habits

Discussing Healthy and Unhealthy HabitsAsking and Telling about Lifestyles ApproximationHave to

The Need for Sleep Writing a Paragraph about a Healthy Hobby or ActivityParagraph Structure

Living Past 100In this video from National Geographic, the region of Bama, China, is profiled. It is one of the healthiest and most beautiful parts of the country.

11 Achievements Page 142 • Talk about Responsibilities• Interview for a Job• Talk about Personal

Achievements• Plan for Success• Write a Resume

Present PerfectPresent Perfect vs. Simple PastHave you ever Questions

Chores andResponsibilitiesPersonal Achievements

Listening for General Understanding and Specific Details: Job Interviews for a Tour Guide Position

Interviewing for a Job Catching Up with a Friend Using Present Perfect and Simple Past in ConversationsReduced Forms of have

Being the First in Less than Two Hours

Writing a ResumeChecking for Mistakes in Writing

Wasfia’s JourneyIn this video from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase, mountain climber, activist, and National Geographic Explorer Wasfia Nazreen talks about climbing the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents, and what her journey means to the people of her country.

12 Decisions Page 156 • Give Advice about Money• Choose What to Use• Make Decisions about Money• Plan How to Raise Money• Compare and Contrast Options

Real Conditionals: The Zero ConditionalReal Conditionals: The First Conditional

Personal FinanceMoney VerbsMoney Tips

Listening for Specific Details and Key Information: A Podcast about a Trip that Didn’t Waste Plastic

Discuss How to Save MoneyTalking about ChoicesConditional Intonation

Crowdfunding for a Better World

Write an Email about a Major DecisionCompare and Contrast

How to Buy HappinessIn this video from National Geographic Learning, social scientist Michael Norton talks about the ways that money can, and can’t, affect our well-being and that of those around us.


i-vii_WE3E_1_SB_11368_FM.indd 7 7/15/19 7:00 PM

World English Level 1


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Food for Life Page 2 • Contrast General and CurrentActions

• Describe Regional Foods• Describe Favorite Dishes• Discuss Diet Trends• Give Details to Support Your Ideas

Verb Tense Review: Simple Present and Present Continuous I almost never buy fruit at the

supermarket. My father is buying all our food at the farmers’ market.

Simple Past (Regular and Irregular) We walked to the restaurant last night.

Healthy DietsTypes of Food

General and FocusedListeningAn Interview:Rice Farming

Comparing DietsDiscussing Types of FoodLinking Words Together

The Paleo Diet: Naturaland Healthy?

Writing Main Ideasand SupportingDetails

Wide Awake BakeryThis National Geographic ShortFilm Showcase video describeshow baking delicious bread canchange your life.

2 Express Yourself Page 16 • Talk about Yourself• Make Small Talk with New People• Start a Conversation• Discuss Endangered Languages• Give Examples

The Present Perfect vs. The Simple Past He has traveled to many countries.

We met 10 years ago.Already, Yet, Ever, and Never + the Present Perfect

We’ve already finished this unit.

Culture and CommunicationStarting a Conversation

General and FocusedListeningConversations:Small Talk

Talking about YourselfStarting a ConversationHave or Has vs.Contractions

Endangered Languages Giving Examples Marie’s DictionaryThis National Geographic Shortof the Week video, describesMarie’s efforts to archive her nativeWukchumni language and save herlanguage and culture for others.

3 Cities Page 30 • Make Predictions about Your Cityor Town

• Explain What Makes a GoodNeighborhood

• Discuss the Pros and Cons of City Life• Evaluate Solutions to a Problem• Explain What Makes a Good City

Future with Will Cities will be noisier in the future.Will + Time Clauses Before I move to the city, I’ll look

for a job.

Changing CitiesCity Life

General and FocusedListeningA Radio Interview:Jardin Nomade in Paris

Discussing the Future ofYour CityDescribing the Pros andCons of CitiesStressed Syllables Before-tion Suffix

Streets for People Writing a ParagraphWith a Good TopicSentence

How to Reinvent theApartment BuildingIn this TED Talk, Moshe Safdietalks about reinventing high-riseapartment buildings and makingthem better.

4 The Body Page 44 • Discuss Ways to Stay Healthy• Talk about Healthy Lifestyles• Suggest Helpful Natural Remedies• Describe the Benefits of a Positive

Attitude• Explain an Idea Using Details

The Comparative, Superlative, and Equative

Henry is healthier than his father.Infinitive of Purpose You can drink tea with honey

to help a sore throat.

Human Organs Everyday Ailments

Focused ListeningDiscussions:Different Lifestyles

Talking about StayingHealthySuggesting Easy RemediesLinking with theComparative andSuperlative

Attitude Is Everything Writing a ParagraphUsing SupportingDetails

Living Beyond LimitsIn this TED Talk, Amy Purdyexplains how obstacles can help usbe creative.

5 Challenges Page 58 • Talk about Facing Challenges• Describe Past

Accomplishments• Use Too and Enough to Talk about

Abilities • Discuss Steps Toward a Goal• Describe a Personal Challenge

Past Continuous vs. the Simple Past I saw him yesterday. He was riding

a bike.Past Continuous with the Simple Past We were eating dinner when you called.

Enough, Not Enough, Too + Adjective He was old enough to sail alone.

Physical and Mental Challenges Phrasal Verbs

General and FocusedListeningAn Interview:Dr. Jenny Daltry: WildlifeConservationist andEcologist

Discussing ChallengesTalking about AbilitiesWords That End in -ed

Making a Difference Writing a Paragraphabout a ChallengingExperience

Success Story: Recycling inthe PhilippinesIn this National Geographic video,we learn how communities in thePhilippines created a solution fordiscarded plastic fishing nets.

6 Transitions Page 72 • Talk about Different Stages in YourLife

• Talk about the Best Age toDo Something

• Ask Questions to Get MoreInformation

• Discuss Changes Caused byTechnology

• Describe an Important Transitionin Your Life

The Past Perfect I had lived alone before I moved

to Mexico. How + Adjective or Adverb

How tall is he?

Describe Life EventsAdjectives for Age

General and FocusedListeningConversation:Becoming an Adult

Talking about Events inYour LifeGetting More InformationThe Schwa Sound / / inUnstressed Syllables

Innovation in Africa Writing a Paragraphto Describe a LifeTransition

The Magic Washing MachineIn this TED Talk, Hans Roslingexplains the incredible effect asimple machine can have on ourlives.

i-vii_WE3E_2_SB_13677_FM_ptg01.indd 4 24/04/19 6:05 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Food for Life Page 2 • Contrast General and CurrentActions

• Describe Regional Foods• Describe Favorite Dishes• Discuss Diet Trends• Give Details to Support Your Ideas

Verb Tense Review:Simple Present and Present Continuous

I almost never buy fruit at thesupermarket.My father is buying all our food atthe farmers’ market.

Simple Past (Regular and Irregular)We walked to the restaurant last night.

Healthy DietsTypes of Food

General and Focused Listening An Interview: Rice Farming

Comparing DietsDiscussing Types of Food Linking Words Together

The Paleo Diet: Natural and Healthy?

Writing Main Ideas and Supporting Details

Wide Awake Bakery This National Geographic Short Film Showcase video describes how baking delicious bread can change your life.

2 Express Yourself Page 16 • Talk about Yourself• Make Small Talk with New People• Start a Conversation• Discuss Endangered Languages• Give Examples

The Present Perfect vs. The Simple PastHe has traveled to many countries.We met 10 years ago.

Already, Yet, Ever, and Never + thePresent Perfect

We’ve already finished this unit.

Culture andCommunicationStarting aConversation

General and Focused ListeningConversations: Small Talk

Talking about YourselfStarting a Conversation Have or Has vs. Contractions

Endangered Languages Giving Examples Marie’s Dictionary This National Geographic Short of the Week video describes Marie’s efforts to archive her native Wukchumni language and save her language and culture for others.

3 Cities Page 30 • Make Predictions about Your Cityor Town

• Explain What Makes a GoodNeighborhood

• Discuss the Pros and Cons of City Life• Evaluate Solutions to a Problem• Explain What Makes a Good City

Future with WillCities will be noisier in the future.

Will + Time ClausesBefore I move to the city, I’ll lookfor a job.

Changing CitiesCity Life

General and Focused Listening A Radio Interview: Jardin Nomade in Paris

Discussing the Future of Your CityDescribing the Pros and Cons of CitiesStressed Syllables Before -tion Suffix

Streets for People Writing a Paragraph With a Good Topic Sentence

How to Reinvent the Apartment Building In this TED Talk, Moshe Safdie talks about reinventing high-rise apartment buildings and making them better.

4 The Body Page 44 • Discuss Ways to Stay Healthy• Talk about Healthy Lifestyles• Suggest Helpful Natural Remedies• Describe the Benefits of a Positive

Attitude• Explain an Idea Using Details

The Comparative, Superlative, andEquative

Henry is healthier than his father.Infinitive of Purpose

You can drink tea with honeyto help a sore throat.

Human OrgansEveryday Ailments

Focused Listening Discussions:Different Lifestyles

Talking about Staying HealthySuggesting Easy Remedies Linking with the Comparative and Superlative

Attitude Is Everything Writing a Paragraph Using Supporting Details

Living Beyond Limits In this TED Talk, Amy Purdy explains how obstacles can help us be creative.

5 Challenges Page 58 • Talk about Facing Challenges• Describe Past

Accomplishments• Use Too and Enough to Talk about

Abilities• Discuss Steps Toward a Goal• Describe a Personal Challenge

Past Continuous vs. the Simple PastI saw him yesterday. He was ridinga bike.

Past Continuous with the Simple PastWe were eating dinner when you called.

Enough, Not Enough, Too + AdjectiveHe was old enough to sail alone.

Physical andMental ChallengesPhrasal Verbs

General and Focused Listening An Interview: Dr. Jenny Daltry: Wildlife Conservationist and Ecologist

Discussing Challenges Talking about Abilities Words That End in -ed

Making a Difference: Bali Writing a Paragraph about a Challenging Experience

Success Story: Recycling in the PhilippinesIn this National Geographic video, we learn how communities in the Philippines created a solution for discarded plastic fishing nets.

6 Transitions Page 72 • Talk about Different Stages in YourLife

• Talk about the Best Age toDo Something

• Ask Questions to Get MoreInformation

• Discuss Changes Caused byTechnology

• Describe an Important Transitionin Your Life

The Past PerfectI had lived alone before I movedto Mexico.

How + Adjective or AdverbHow tall is he?

Describe LifeEventsAdjectives for Age

General and Focused ListeningConversation: Becoming an Adult

Talking about Events in Your LifeGetting More Information The Schwa Sound / / in Unstressed Syllables

Innovation in Africa Writing a Paragraph to Describe a Life Transition

The Magic Washing Machine In this TED Talk, Hans Rosling explains the incredible effect a simple machine can have on our lives.

i-vii_WE3E_2_SB_13677_FM_ptg01.indd 5 06/08/19 7:00 PM

World English Level 2


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Things that Matter Page 86 • Discuss Spending Habits• Talk about Needs and Wants• Discuss What Makes People’s

Lives Better• Talk about Different Lifestyles• Set Priorities

Passive Voice (Present Tense) A large amount of plastic is thrown

away every day.Passive Voice with By The plastic bottles are washed by

powerful machines.

Spending HabitsIrregular Past Participles

General and FocusedListeningDiscussions:Needs and Wants

Discussing SpendingHabitsTalking about PrioritiesContent vs. FunctionWords

A Zero-Waste Lifestyle Writing about YourFuture Life

The DogistIn this National Geographic ShortFilm Showcase video, Elias WeissFriedman explains how he findshappiness while taking photos ofdogs.

8 Conservation Page 100 • Talk about Consequences• Discuss Ways to Solve Future

Problems• Describe a Situation• Discuss Conservation Projects• Explain a Conservation Issue

Real Conditionals in the Future If we don’t control pollution, more

sea animals will become extinct.Review of Quantifiers There are too many endangered


Climate Change Adverbs of Manner

General and FocusedListeningA Radio Program:The Bluefin Tuna

Talking about Issues ThatAffect Nature and TheirConsequencesTalking about ProtectingAnimalsPhrases in Sentences

Making a Difference Writing aParagraph about anEnvironmental Issue

Life Lessons from Big CatsIn this TED Talk, Beverly andDereck Joubert explain how gettingto know the personalities of bigcats can help protect Africa.

9 Life Now and in the Past Page 114 • Discuss Life in the Past • Contrast Different Ways of Life• Talk about How Things Were Done

in the Past• Discuss Historical Facts• Describe a Historical Wonder

Used to People used to travel by horse and

cart.Passive Voice in the Past A large amount of plastic bags were

used every day.

Life in the PastSeparable Phrasal Verbs

General and FocusedListeningA Talk:The Sami People

Comparing Life Now and inthe PastDiscussing How ThingsUsed to Be in the PastReduction of Used to

The Silk Routes Writing a Paragraphon One of the New 7Wonders of theWorld

Searching for Genghis KhanIn this National Geographic Learningvideo, Albert Lin talks about thepower of technology and thecontributions of non-scientists in thesearch for historical sites.

10 Travel Page 128 • Talk about Organizing a Trip• Talk about Different Kinds of

Vacations • Use English at the Airport• Discuss Travel• Describe a Cultural Event

Expressing Necessity I must make a reservation. Expressing Prohibition You must not take pictures here.

Travel Preparations At the Airport

General and FocusedListeningConversations:Vacations

Discussing Preparing fora TripDescribing Things You Doat the AirportReduction of have to andhas to

Four Reasons WhyTraveling Is Good forYou

Writing a TravelBlog

Why Art Thrives at Burning ManIn this TED Talk, Nora Atkinsondescribes how curiosity andengagement are inspired by this artfestival.

11 Careers Page 142 • Discuss Career Choices• Ask and Answer Job-Related

Questions • Talk about Career Planning• Explain New Careers• Create a Personal Profile

Modals for Giving Advice You should choose a career that fits

your personality. Indefinite Pronouns Everyone in the audience was


Careers and Jobs Participial Adjectives

General and FocusedListeningAn Interview:A Restaurant Ownerin Thailand

Discussing Career ChoicesTalking about CareerPlanningIntonation in Questions

Changing Careers Writing a PersonalProfile

Joel Sartore: The Photo ArkIn this National Geographic video,Joel Sartore talks about his workdocumenting animal species.

12 Celebrations Page 156 • Describe a Celebration• Compare Holidays in Different

Countries • Express Congratulations and Good

Wishes• Talk about Rituals• Share Opinions about Holidays

Comparisons with as ... as New Year’s is as exciting as

Independence Day. Would rather I’d rather have a big party.

Festivals and HolidaysExpressions for Celebrations

General and FocusedListeningDiscussions:Local Celebrations orHolidays

Describing CelebrationsExpressing Congratulationsand Good WishesQuestion Intonation withLists

The Rituals of Life Events Writing aSubstantiatedOpinion

Dance of the Flyers: Jacinta’sJourneyIn this National Geographic ShortFilm Showcase video, Jacintadescribes her journey as the firstfemale flyer in Mexico.

i-vii_WE3E_2_SB_13677_FM_ptg01.indd 6 26/04/19 5:12 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Things that Matter Page 86 • Discuss Spending Habits• Talk about Needs and Wants• Discuss What Makes People’s

Lives Better• Talk about Different Lifestyles• Set Priorities

Passive Voice (Present Tense)A large amount of plastic is thrownaway every day.

Passive Voice with ByThe plastic bottles are washed bypowerful machines.

Spending HabitsIrregular PastParticiples

General and Focused ListeningDiscussions: Needs and Wants

Discussing Spending HabitsTalking about PrioritiesContent vs. Function Words

A Zero-Waste Lifestyle Writing about Your Future Life

The DogistIn this National Geographic Short Film Showcase video, Elias Weiss Friedman explains how he finds happiness while taking photos of dogs.

8 Conservation Page 100 • Talk about Consequences• Discuss Ways to Solve Future

Problems• Describe a Situation• Discuss Conservation Projects• Explain a Conservation Issue

Real Conditionals in the FutureIf we don’t control pollution, moresea animals will become extinct.

Review of QuantifiersThere are too many endangeredspecies.

Climate ChangeAdverbs of Manner

General and Focused ListeningA Radio Program:The Bluefin Tuna

Talking about Issues That Affect Nature and Their ConsequencesTalking about Protecting AnimalsPhrases in Sentences

Making a Difference: Small Changes

Writing a Paragraph about an Environmental Issue

Life Lessons from Big Cats In this TED Talk, Beverly and Dereck Joubert explain how getting to know the personalities of big cats can help protect Africa.

9 Life Now and in the Past Page 114 • Discuss Life in the Past • Contrast Different Ways of Life• Talk about How Things Were Done

in the Past• Discuss Historical Facts• Describe a Historical Wonder

Used toPeople used to travel by horse andcart.

Passive Voice in the PastA large amount of plastic bags wereused every day.

Life in the PastSeparable PhrasalVerbs

General and Focused ListeningA Talk:The Sami People

Comparing Life Now and in the PastDiscussing How Things Used to Be in the PastReduction of Used to

The Silk Routes Writing a Paragraph on One of the New 7 Wonders of the World

Searching for Genghis KhanThis National Geographic Learning video describes how Albert Lin uses the power of technology and the contributions of non-scientists in the search for historical sites.

10 Travel Page 128 • Talk about Organizing a Trip• Talk about Different Kinds of

Vacations• Use English at the Airport• Discuss Travel• Describe a Cultural Event

Expressing NecessityI must make a reservation.

Expressing ProhibitionYou must not take pictures here.

Travel PreparationsAt the Airport

General and Focused ListeningConversations: Vacations

Discussing Preparing for a Trip Describing Things You Do at the Airport Reduction of have to and has to

Four Reasons Why Traveling Is Good for You

Writing a Travel Blog

Why Art Thrives at Burning ManIn this TED Talk, Nora Atkinson describes how curiosity and engagement are inspired by this art festival.

11 Careers Page 142 • Discuss Career Choices• Ask and Answer Job-Related

Questions• Talk about Career Planning• Explain New Careers• Create a Personal Profile

Modals for Giving AdviceYou should choose a career that fitsyour personality.

Indefinite PronounsEveryone in the audience waslaughing.

Careers and JobsParticipialAdjectives

General and Focused ListeningAn Interview: A Restaurant Owner in Thailand

Discussing Career ChoicesTalking about Career PlanningIntonation in Questions

Changing Careers Writing a Personal Profile

Joel Sartore: The Photo ArkIn this National Geographic video, Joel Sartore talks about his work documenting animal species.

12 Celebrations Page 156 • Describe a Celebration• Compare Holidays in Different

Countries• Express Congratulations and Good

Wishes• Talk about Rituals• Share Opinions about Holidays

Comparisons with as ... asNew Year’s is as exciting asIndependence Day.

Would ratherI’d rather have a big party.

Festivals andHolidaysExpressions for Celebrations

General and Focused ListeningDiscussions: Local Celebrations or Holidays

Describing CelebrationsExpressing Congratulations and Good WishesQuestion Intonation with Lists

The Rituals of Life Events Writing a Substantiated Opinion

Dance of the Flyers: Jacinta’s JourneyIn this National Geographic Short Film Showcase video, Jacinta describes her journey as the first female flyer in Mexico.


i-vii_WE3E_2_SB_13677_FM_ptg01.indd 7 06/08/19 7:00 PM

World English Level 2


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Where We Live Page 2 • Talk about How Long orHow Often

• Discuss Why People Move• Give Reasons and Explain

Results• Discuss Improving Communities• Describe Places to Live

Present PerfectShe has moved three times in her life.It’s been raining all day.

So ... thatIt’s so dry here that we had to move.

MigrationWhere You’re from

Focused ListeningA Discussion:Migration Factors

Discussing Reasons forStaying or MovingDescribing an Ideal Placeto LiveContractions with AuxiliaryVerbs

Quality of Life Writing a ParagraphDescribing a City

The World’s Biggest Melting PotIn this National Geographic video,we learn about the benefits of livingin a multicultural city.

2 The Mind’s Eye Page 16 • Express Degrees of Liking• Discuss Mental Influences• Talk about Personal

Characteristics• Discuss Improving Your Memory• Describe an Emotional


Infinitives and -ing Forms 1He loves to eat chocolate.We enjoy staying here each year.

Using Could, May, and MightEd isn’t here. He might be sick.

Cognitive MilestonesPersonality Characteristics

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificInformationAn Interview:Cognitive Biases

Discussing MentalInfluencesDescribing EmotionsTh Sounds

Competitions andMethods

Writing about aPositive PersonalExperience

Can You Really Tell If a Kid Is Lying?In this TED Talk, Kang Lee explainsthe effect of telling lies in children.

3 Changing Planet Page 30 • Discuss Pollution• Discuss Causes and Effects• Discuss Animal Populations• Consider the Effects of Climate

Change• Summarize Your Ideas

The Passive 1Pollution is caused by vehicles.

The Past PerfectBy the time sea level had risen ten feet…

PollutionLarge Numbers

General and FocusedListeningAn Interview:Extreme Weather Events

Discussing Cause and EffectTalking about SlogansLinking Words Together

Is Coffee in Danger? Writing a Summary ofYour Ideas

Tales of Ice-boundWonderlandsIn this TED Talk, Paul Nicklenexplains how a changing ecosystemcan hurt the animals that live there.

4 The Good Life Page 44 • Talk about the Things You Value• Discuss Important People or

Events • Discuss Good Financial Habits• Talk about Great Jobs•


Infinitives and -ing Forms 2 Finding out / To find out the information is important.

The Passive 2 He’s given money every week. He was being given the money yesterday.

Things You ValueExpressions Related to Money

General and FocusedListeningA Conversation:Life-Changing Moments

Discussing ImportantPeople or EventsExpressing Agreement andDisagreementSaying To

Want a Better Job? Workfor a Better Company

Writing an OpinionParagraph

A Life Lesson from a Volunteer FirefighterIn this TED Talk, Mark Bezosdescribes how every act ofgenerosity matters.

5 Survival Page 58 • Say How Things Could BeDifferent

• Discuss the Survival of Species• Talk about Threats to Survival• Discuss Rescues• Give Advice about Difficult


Unreal ConditionalsDinosaurs are extinct, but if the comet had missed, they might have survived.

Using Wish and HopeI wish (that) earthquakes didn’t happen.I hope (that) we get no more earthquakes this year.

Conditions of SpeciesNatural Disasters

General and FocusedListeningA Talk:Types of Fossils

Talking about the Survivalof SpeciesGiving Advice aboutDifficult SituationsEmphasis to ExpressMeaning

A Birthday to Remember Writing a ParagraphGiving Advice

Three Things I Learned WhileMy Plane CrashedIn this TED Talk, Ric Elias explainshow your life can be changed by anevent.

6 Art Matters Page 72 • Report Other People’s Ideas• Express Opinions about

Public Art • Talk about Types of Art • Discuss the Value of Art • Produce a Biographical Profile

Reported Speech Sara said (that) she was going to the gallery the next day.

Adjective Clauses 1The architect who / that created the building just won an award.

ArtTypes of Art

Listening for GeneralUnderstandingA Radio Call-in Show:Public Art

Discussing Opinionsabout ArtTalking about Profiles ofArtistsThought Groups

The Art Bubble Writing aBiographical Profile

Antarctica: While You WereSleepingIn this National Geographic ShortFilm Showcase video, JosephMichael describes how art canraise awareness of issues related toAntarctica.

i-vii_WE3E_3_SB_13691_FM_ptg01.indd 4 23/04/19 7:53 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

1 Where We Live Page 2 • Talk about How Long orHow Often

• Discuss Why People Move• Give Reasons and Explain

Results• Discuss Improving Communities• Describe Places to Live

Present PerfectShe has moved three timesin her life.It’s been raining all day.

So ... thatIt’s so dry here that we had to move.

MigrationWhere You’re from

Focused ListeningA Discussion:Migration Factors

Discussing Reasons for Staying or MovingDescribing an Ideal Place to LiveContractions with Auxiliary Verbs

Quality of Life Writing a Paragraph Describing a City

The World’s Biggest Melting PotIn this National Geographic video, we learn about the benefits of living in a multicultural city.

2 The Mind’s Eye Page 16 • Express Degrees of Liking• Discuss Mental Influences• Talk about Personal

Characteristics• Discuss Improving Your Memory• Describe an Emotional


Infinitives and -ing Forms 1He loves to eat chocolate.We enjoy staying hereeach year.

Using Could, May, and MightEd isn’t here. He might be sick.


Listening for General Understanding and Specific InformationAn Interview:Cognitive Biases

Discussing Mental InfluencesDescribing EmotionsTh Sounds

How Memories are Made Writing about an Emotional Experience

Can You Really Tell If a Kid Is Lying?In this TED Talk, Kang Lee explains the effect of telling lies in children.

3 Changing Planet Page 30 • Discuss Pollution• Discuss Causes and Effects• Discuss Animal Populations• Consider the Effects of Climate

Change• Summarize Your Ideas

The Passive 1Pollution is caused by vehicles.

The Past PerfectBy the time sea level had risenten feet…

PollutionLarge Numbers

General and Focused ListeningAn Interview:Extreme Weather Events

Discussing Cause and EffectTalking about SlogansLinking Words Together

Is Coffee in Danger? Writing a Summary of Your Ideas

Tales of Ice-bound WonderlandsIn this TED Talk, Paul Nicklen explains how a changing ecosystem can hurt the animals that live there.

4 The Good Life Page 44 • Talk about the Things You Value• Discuss Important People or

Events• Discuss Good Financial Habits• Talk about Great Jobs• Express Agreement or


Infinitives and -ing Forms 2Finding out / To find out theinformation is important.

The Passive 2He’s given money every week.He was being given the moneyyesterday.

Things You ValueExpressions Relatedto Money

General and Focused ListeningA Conversation:Life-Changing Moments

Discussing Important People or EventsExpressing Agreement and Disagreement Saying To

Want a Better Job? Work for a Better Company

Writing an Opinion Paragraph

A Life Lesson from a Volunteer FirefighterIn this TED Talk, Mark Bezos describes how every act of generosity matters.

5 Survival Page 58 • Say How Things Could BeDifferent

• Discuss the Survival of Species• Talk about Threats to Survival• Discuss Rescues• Give Advice about Difficult


Unreal ConditionalsDinosaurs are extinct, but if the comet hadmissed, they might have survived.

Using Wish and HopeI wish (that) earthquakes didn’thappen.I hope (that) we get no moreearthquakes this year.

Conditions ofSpeciesNatural Disasters

General and Focused ListeningA Talk:Types of Fossils

Talking about the Survival of SpeciesGiving Advice about Difficult Situations Emphasis to Express Meaning

A Birthday to Remember Writing a Paragraph Giving Advice

Three Things I Learned While My Plane CrashedIn this TED Talk, Ric Elias explains how your life can be changed by an event.

6 Art Matters Page 72 • Report Other People’s Ideas• Express Opinions about

Public Art• Talk about Types of Art• Discuss the Value of Art• Produce a Biographical Profile

Reported SpeechSara said (that) she was going tothe gallery the next day.

Adjective Clauses 1The architect who / that createdthe building just won an award.

ArtTypes of Art

Listening for General UnderstandingA Radio Call-in Show:Public Art

Discussing Opinions about Art Talking about Profiles of ArtistsThought Groups

The Art Bubble Writing a Biographical Profile

Antarctica: While You Were SleepingIn this National Geographic Short Film Showcase video, Joseph Michael describes how art can raise awareness of issues related to Antarctica.

i-vii_WE3E_3_SB_13691_FM_ptg01.indd 5 29/08/19 4:15 PM

World English Level 3


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Getting Around Page 86 • Compare Methods of Travel • Discuss Transportation

Choices • Ask How to Get Around • Discuss Alternatives to Travel • Review Places or Experiences

The Passive 3Your passport must be shown. The flight might be delayed.

Indirect QuestionsDo you know when the bus leaves?

TransportationPublic Transportation

Focused ListeningAn Interview:Self-Driving Vehicles

Talking about TransportationDiscussing ReviewsReduced Auxiliaries Are andHave

The Future of “Travel”? Writing a Review SpaceX’s Plan to Fly Youacross the Globe in60 MinutesIn this TED Talk, Gwynne Shotwellexplains why space travel, as away to travel around the world, ispossible.

8 Competition Page 100 • Talk about Playing and Doing Sports

• Discuss Types of Competitors • Talk about Useful Skills • Discuss Winning and Losing • Compare or Contrast Two


Tag QuestionsHe’s very competitive, isn’t he?

Adjective Clauses 2There are other players who are better.

SportsSports Skills

Listening for GeneralUnderstanding and SpecificInformationA Radio Interview:Running a Marathon

Discussing CompetitionComparing and ContrastingTwo TopicsIntonation and Emphasis toExpress Attitude

When Losing MeansWinning

Writing a Compareand Contrast Text

What I Learned When IConquered the World’sToughest TriathlonIn this TED Talk, Minda Dentlerdescribes the personal challengesof a triathlon competition.

9 Danger Page 114 • Ask about Personal Fears • Discuss Dangerous Jobs • Talk about Common Injuries • Discuss the Benefits of Danger • Give Clear Instructions

Negative QuestionsWeren’t you really scared? Hasn’t his illness improved?

Adverbials of TimeGreg broke his leg as he was playing football. She sprained her knee just before the race.

Personal FearsCommon Injuries

Focused and GeneralListeningA Radio Interview:The Job of a Stunt Person

Talking about DangerousJobsGiving Clear InstructionsConsonant Clusters

Is Too Much Safety aRisk?

Writing ClearInstructions

An Everyday DangerIn this National Geographic video,we learn about the difficulties ofliving with allergies.

10 Mysteries Page 128 • Speculate about a Mystery• Discuss Why People Study

the Past• Talk about Solving Mysteries• Discuss Theories and the Truth • Describe a Physical Object

Modals to Discuss the PastIt’s a possibility that an earthquake could have happened.

Noun ClausesThe detectives did not know who did it, but they did know when and where it happened.

Mysteries of the UniverseMystery Stories

Listening for GeneralUnderstandingA Conversation:Discussing HistoricalFigures

Talking about Studyingthe PastDescribing MysteriousObjectsIntonation for Lists

Back to the Moon? Writing a Description From Ancient to ModernIn this National Geographic video,we learn how ancient cultures haveinfluenced our contemporary culture.

11 Learning Page 142 • Discuss Technology and Learning

• Talk about Learning• Discuss Educational Choices• Talk about the Value of Play • Describe Problems and


Could have, Should have, Would haveI should have applied for a scholarship.

The Future in the Past He was going to study German in Berlin, but he had to cancel when his mother got sick.

Technology and LearningEducational Choices

Listening for GeneralUnderstandingA Talk:Research into theExperience of Learning

Talking about LearningDescribing Problems andSolutionsEnunciation

Games: More ThanJust Fun

Writing an EmailGiving Suggestions

Sola PowerIn this National Geographic video,Shabana Basij-Rasikh explains theimportance of education for girls.

12 Innovation Page 156 • Speculate about the Future• Talk about Positive Outcomes• Describe Inventors and

Inventions• Talk about Good Habits• Discuss Purposes and Results

Modals to Discuss the FutureI will probably get a new device soon.This innovation may make a lot of money.

Talking about the FutureI’m going there tomorrow.

InventionsInventors and Inventions

General and FocusedListeningA Podcast:Competition and Innovation

Talking about PositiveOutcomesDiscussing Purposes andResultsStress in Compound Nouns

Daily Habits of SuccessfulInnovators

Writing aboutPurpose and Results

Why You Should Make UselessThingsIn this TED Talk, Simone Giertzdescribes how playing and askingquestions can lead to innovation.

i-vii_WE3E_3_SB_13691_FM_ptg01.indd 6 23/04/19 7:53 PM


Unit Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ListeningSpeaking and Pronunciation Reading Writing Video Journal

7 Getting Around Page 86 • Compare Methods of Travel• Discuss Transportation

Choices• Ask How to Get Around• Discuss Alternatives to Travel• Review Places or Experiences

The Passive 3Your passport must be shown.The flight might be delayed.

Indirect QuestionsDo you know when the bus leaves?


Focused ListeningAn Interview:Self-Driving Vehicles

Talking about Transportation Discussing ReviewsReduced Auxiliaries Are and Have

The Future of “Travel”? Writing a Review SpaceX’s Plan to Fly You across the Globe in 60 MinutesIn this TED Talk, Gwynne Shotwell explains why space travel, as a way to travel around the world, is possible.

8 Competition Page 100 • Talk about Playing and DoingSports

• Discuss Types of Competitors• Talk about Useful Skills• Discuss Winning and Losing• Compare or Contrast Two


Tag QuestionsHe’s very competitive, isn’t he?

Adjective Clauses 2There are other players who arebetter.

SportsSports Skills

Listening for General Understanding and Specific InformationA Radio Interview:Running a Marathon

Discussing CompetitionComparing and Contrasting Two TopicsIntonation and Emphasis to Express Attitude

When Losing Means Winning

Writing a Compare and Contrast Text

What I Learned When I Conquered the World’s Toughest TriathlonIn this TED Talk, Minda Dentler describes the personal challenges of a triathlon competition.

9 Danger Page 114 • Ask about Personal Fears• Discuss Dangerous Jobs• Talk about Common Injuries• Discuss the Benefits of Danger• Give Clear Instructions

Negative QuestionsWeren’t you really scared?Hasn’t his illness improved?

Adverbials of TimeGreg broke his leg as he wasplaying football. She sprained her knee just before the race.

Personal FearsCommon Injuries

Focused and General ListeningA Radio Interview:The Job of a Stunt Person

Talking about Dangerous JobsGiving Clear InstructionsConsonant Clusters

Is Too Much Safety a Risk?

Writing Clear Instructions

An Everyday DangerIn this National Geographic video, we learn about the difficulties of living with allergies.

10 Mysteries Page 128 • Speculate about a Mystery• Discuss Why People Study

the Past• Talk about Solving Mysteries• Discuss Theories and the Truth• Describe a Physical Object

Modals to Discuss the PastIt’s a possibility that an earthquakecould have happened.

Noun ClausesThe detectives did not know whodid it, but they did know when andwhere it happened.

Mysteries of theUniverseMystery Stories

Listening for General UnderstandingA Conversation:Discussing Historical Figures

Talking about Studying the Past Describing Mysterious ObjectsIntonation for Lists

Back to the Moon? Writing a Description From Ancient to ModernIn this National Geographic video, we learn how ancient cultures have influenced our contemporary culture.

11 Learning Page 142 • Discuss Technology andLearning

• Talk about Learning• Discuss Educational Choices• Talk about the Value of Play• Describe Problems and


Could have, Should have, Would haveI should have applied for ascholarship.

The Future in the PastHe was going to study German inBerlin, but he had to cancel when hismother got sick.

Technology andLearningEducational Choices

Listening for General UnderstandingA Talk:Research into the Experience of Learning

Talking about LearningDescribing Problems and SolutionsEnunciation

Games: More Than Just Fun

Writing an EmailGiving Suggestions

Sola PowerIn this National Geographic video, Shabana Basij-Rasikh explains the importance of education for girls.

12 Innovation Page 156 • Speculate about the Future• Talk about Positive Outcomes• Describe Inventors and

Inventions• Talk about Good Habits• Discuss Purposes and Results

Modals to Discuss the FutureI will probably get a new devicesoon.This innovation may make a lot ofmoney.

Talking about the FutureI’m going there tomorrow.

InventionsInventors andInventions

General and Focused ListeningA Podcast:Competition and Innovation

Talking about Positive Outcomes Discussing Purposes and ResultsStress in Compound Nouns

Daily Habits of Successful Innovators

Writing about Purpose and Results

Why You Should Make Useless Things In this TED Talk, Simone Giertz describes how playing and asking questions can lead to innovation.


i-vii_WE3E_3_SB_13691_FM_ptg01.indd 7 23/04/19 7:53 PM

World English Level 3

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