world war ii review!. this battle was the largest battle in europe and the german’s last great...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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World War II Review!

This battle was the largest battle in Europe and the German’s last great effort to defeat the allies

A) Battle of Britain B) Battle of

Stalingrad C) Battle of Iwo Jima D) D-Day landing E) Battle of the Bulge

During which event did thousands of American and Filipino POW’s die from hunger and thirst

A) Battle of BritainB) Bataan Death

March C) Executive order

9066 D) Battle of Midway

This invasion marked the official beginning of World War II

A) Invasion of PolandB) Trinity test C) Munich Conference D) Operation Overlord E) Atlantic Charter

Who was the “fool” at the Munich Conference?

A) Adolph Hitler B) FDR C) Neville

ChamberlinD) Winston

Churchill E) Benito


This directly made the internment camps possible:

A) Trinity Test B) Pearl HarborC) Order 9066D) Hitler

This is the codename for the total invasion of Europe…

A) Trinity TestB) Operation

Overlord C) Navajo

Codebreakers D) Iwo Jima

“people of the Philippines, I have returned”

A) George Patton B) Albert Einstein C) Winston Churchill D) Dwight D.

Eisenhower E) Douglas MacArthur

Scientist who headed the Manhattan Project…later came to regret it!

A) George Patton B) President

Truman C) Albert Einstein D) Robert


“If I had only known, I would have become a watchmaker”

A) Albert Einstein B) Charles Oppenheimer C) George Patton D) President Harry


“My decision at this time and place was based upon the best information available. If any blame or fault attaches to the

attempt, it is mine alone”

A) George Patton B) Albert Einstein C) Winston Churchill D) Dwight D.

Eisenhower E) Douglas


Deciphering Japanese codes, the US won this turning point battle in the Pacific

A) Battle of Midway

B) Iwo Jima C) Hiroshima D) Nagasaki

the US was still “neutral” when Churchill and FDR planned the postwar world at his event

A) Munich Conference

B) Atlantic CharterC) Potsdam


This man made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan

A) George Patton B) Albert Einstein C) Winston

Churchill D) Dwight D.

Eisenhower E) None of the


The London Blitz

A) Caused Britain to surrender

B) Did little to damage London

C) Was Hitler’s attempt to weaken the British will to fight.

D) Caused the U.S. to enter the war

Which of the following was not one of the allies

A) France B) United States C) United Kingdom D) Italy E) Russia

Which of the following were Axis powers

A) Canada B) Russia C) Japan D) Mexico E) All are Axis powers

This tough general was feared by Hitler and was an Army General in Europe.

A) George Patton B) Albert Einstein C) Winston Churchill D) Dwight D.

Eisenhower E) Douglas MacArthur

At this meeting a dying FDR, Churchill and Stalin met to carve up Germany

A) Yalta Conference

B) Potsdam Conference

C) Munich Conference

D) Treaty of Versailles

Who is this man?

A) Winston Churchill B) FDR C) A. HitlerD) Mussolini E) Joseph Stalin

This German style of “lightning war” or ________ useddivebombers and tanks followed by soldiers.

A) Kamikaze B) Fierce C) Aryan D) Blitzkrieg

Which of the following was the first test of a nuclear bomb?

A) Hiroshima B) Trinity C) Nagasaki D) Pearl Harbor E) Berlin

Which of the following occurred first?

A) Battle of the Bulge B) Battle of Midway C) Trinity TestD) Pearl Harbor Attack E) Munich Conference

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