worldwartwo 10 20 30 40 50 upon evacuating the philippines, who promised “i shall return”?

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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World War T W O

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

Upon evacuating the Philippines, who promised “I shall Return”?

Douglas MacArthur

Who was the Fascist dictator of Italy? After he was killed, his body was

hung on a meat hook in the street.

Benito Mussolini

Who was the militaristic Prime Minister of Japan?

Hideki Tojo

Name the Battle Stopped the Japanese push east across the Pacific thanks to code breakers breaking the Japanese

military code?


Name the Battle First time the Japanese used

kamikaze attacks (in the Philippines)?

Leyte Gulf

Name the Battle Bad loss suffered by the American military in North Africa, proving that

we had not been ready to invade Europe?

Kasserine Pass

Name the Battle Germany suffers a major defeat in the snow and cold and goes on the

defensive for the first time, eventually being pushed back into



Name the Battle Gave the Allies a close base from which they could launch an invasion

into Japan?


Name the Battle Allies invade Europe and break

through Hitler’s Atlantic Wall defenses?


Name the Battle Gave the U.S. an airbase close

enough to Japan to effectively bomb the Japanese main islands?

Iwo Jima

Name the Battle Hitler’s last major offensive in Europe. Trapped members of the 101st Airborne in Bastogne until Patton’s armored division broke

through and rescued them?

Battle of the Bulge

Name the Battle General Benard “Monty”

Montgomery’s big blunder. A failed attempt to parachute into

Holland/the Netherlands in order to secure a bridge across the Rhine river

into Germany?

Operation Market Garden

What was the Holocaust? Who was targeted Why? What were the initial steps taken in persecution What was the “final solution” Other atrocities committed

Why do many people today question whether the United Nations has failed in its original international goals?

In what year did the modern Jewish nation of Israel begin its existence?


Immediately following the proclamation of Israel as a new Jewish nation, what happened?

6 of Israel’s Arab neighbor countries attacked and were defeated.

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