writing assistance easttle2013

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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How may I

help you today?


If I elaborate on my ideas, I may need to

give enough information so that

the reader can get a good visual picture in

their head.

Which ideas are you going to deliberately choose to make me interested in your


Since I’m writing about my favourite place, I could include everything that makes this my special place, something that made it feel important or good, and anything that might be fun that I know others like.

Who, what , when, where, why, how.

My main idea is focused.

What is my main idea?

Some words to help me elaborate:Background information, factual detail, describing, explaining, providing evidence, analysing or evaluating.

I can talk about complex issues or themes.

Relevance, quality, quantity, selection and elaboration of ideas for the topic.

Are my ideas simple, or complex?

If my ideas are simple, I talk about anything related to myself, whatever is in my life at the time, what is familiar to me, what I can see or do, and what I know.My ideas are complex when I generalise what I am talking about, when I include ideas that can’t be seen, and when I look back at more than what is around me, and groups of people not around me.

Elaboration is when you pay careful attention to the

detail of your task, in this case, when you describe


Structural Features.

What is the purpose of my writing?

Parts of the English language.

Language FeaturesI need to know what type of writing I am doing, and I need to know how that type of writing is structured! That means, how is my type of writing set out.

If I writing a NARRATIVE piece, I would need to set a time, place and characters. It also needs a problem or predicament to solve, and it needs to be resolved (sorted out, fixed up, like a happy ending).

Remember, are you sticking your chosen language resources

because it enhances your work, or because you want to use more? If you have too many, your writing might not sound right.

You’ve seen on our wall in the pink clouds most of these. Now, you have to use them correctly!For certain types of writing, different language resources help to make the writing better.You need to be able to choose when to use them at the right time.

So when you write, make

sure you know the TYPE, and


The structure makes you remember all the things you need to do for your chosen writing.

Tense, tone, conjunctions, vocabulary, personification, metaphor, irony, hyperbole, alliteration, simile, abstract nouns

What is coherence?

I shouted out to mum so she knew I was off to the shop. “Hello,” I said to the shop-keeper. I really felt like a chocolate ice-cream, so I bought one!

As you are able to write longer pieces of text, you have

to then start organising your

ideas sensibly and in order. That’s paragraphing.

Organised, sequenced events coherently.

When you paragraph, you are showing that you can organise your

different ideas properly, and in a sensible order.

It’s when your ideas link to each other. Your links become more complex when you connect your ideas to the wider world, and how you join them so your story makes sense when you add them.

Complex is good, BTW.

The Basic Rule: Do your ideas flow like a waterfall (consistent flow), or a stream of rapids (your ideas go everywhere!)?

Check your TENSES in your paragraphs!

What connectives (CONJUNCTIONS) have you used?

What referring words did you use? (PRONOUNS


Simple everday words

Did I just make a better picture in people’s heads?Did I emphasise my point?Do certain words work well with language resources?What words paint a beter picture in my head?

Precise words

The range, precision and effectiveness of your word choices


Words that are related to your own personal world, and that we frequently use.

Words that are descriptive, expressive, academic, technical or abstract.

Frequency and variety.

How many times did I use a particular word?Have I tried different sentence starters?Have I used a particular word a lot?

Talking properly.

How can we tell the correctness of your


Is your tense consistent?

Past Tense – using words that tell us something has already happened.

I bought the bread.

•Singular / Plural (word form)•Verb tense•Missing words•Order of words•How you arrange elaborating sentences. (see ‘Ideas’ page).

•Prepositions and their relative pronouns (pronouns you’re supposed to use with certain prepositions.)•Articles (a, an, the) and pronouns (a word that replaces one or more nouns, as I, you, he, this, who, what.)*Basic Rule - The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.

The DOG is The DOGS are(One dog) (More than one dog)

Future Tense – using words that tell us something will happen.

I will buy the bread.

Are you using your prepositions correctly?

Correct: Cut it into small pieces.

Incorrect: Cut it up into small pieces.

Are your subjects and verbs correct? Check the LR example

pages for help.

SINGULAR PLURALThe bird DOES migrate – The birds DO migrate.The child sings - The children sing

Full stops etc.

…otherwise the reader will get tired trying to read your

looooong sentences.

You should be putting full stops at the end of your sentences…

Our class went to the community centre to brave the high ropes and then

What punctuation could you use?

we were broken up into groups but I was the only boy in my group and I had to go first on the practice ropes as well as on the real ones it was a little scary some people weren’t scared and liked it I was a little scared at the top of the roof


( )parentheses

.Full stop


What do we do in our class?

You should use a spell-write to try and find simple


If you are not sure how to spell a word,

UNDERLINE it.Show them your attempt. They may be able to show you another way of spelling those sounds you were not sure of.

“Thruw – thr is correct, now the oo sound looks like this – ough. It also has some other sounds as well. So now you can use these letters if you come across a word that has an ‘oo’ sound.”

Make sure you put it onto a new words chart in your homework book to practice until you know it.

You can then show your parents how your spelling is coming along!

Or a dictionary for slightly

harder words.

I climed the tree, once I saw the inamees coming.

Make sure you have tried to spell

the word first.

If the teacher or friend is


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