writing lab, scribe, individual conferences, check pln 3, pln 4: your pick from google reader, vocab...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, check PLN 3, PLN 4: your pick from Google

Reader, vocab word of week: misanthrope, Sign up for PLN presentations Discuss PLN presentations Finish MDG,

Annotations (How do words and actions affect who others become?) (literary devices) (questions)

Blog T.S.: class blog HW: PLN 4, MDG annotations, MDG

topic sentence-blog, vocab card: misanthrope

Monday: No School Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe,

individual conferences, check PLN 3, Finish MDG, annotations, blog T.S., PLN 4: your pick from Google Reader, vocab word of week: misanthrope, Sign up for PLN presentations, Begin reading Fish Eyes (annotations)

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, Read Fish Eyes, annotate, Blog T.S., vocab flash card, check PLN 4, Read Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate

Thursday: Writing Lab,scribe, individual conferences, Finish Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate, blog T.S.

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN 5: Digital Footprint, PLN presentations, vocab quiz

scribe, individual conferences, Vocab flash card- questions? Check MDG topic sentences-

wordiness! Check PLN 4- post to personal blog-

ALL PLNS post to personal blog- remove from class blog, please Good examples: making connections:

Chase and Dan Read Fish Eyes,

annotate, (How do words and actions affect who others become?) (literary devices) (questions)

Blog T.S. on Class blog HW: Redos, blog T.S., annotations

Monday: No School Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe,

individual conferences, check PLN 3, Finish MDG, annotations, blog T.S., PLN 4: your pick from Google Reader, vocab word of week: misanthrope, Sign up for PLN presentations, Begin reading Fish Eyes (annotations)

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, Read Fish Eyes, annotate, Blog T.S., vocab flash card, check PLN 4, Read Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate

Thursday: Writing Lab,scribe, individual conferences, Finish Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate, blog T.S.

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN 5: Digital Footprint, PLN presentations, vocab quiz

In Richard Connell’s “Most Dangerous Game” General Zaroff’s words and actions affected Rainsford that changed his ideas about hunting and killed Ivan and the General.

After reading Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” I noticed many characters words and actions affected the outcome of characters lives because in the duration of General Zaroff’s manhunt, Rainsford realized not only he has feelings and that animals do to.

In Richard Conneli’s “The Most Dangerous Game”

General Zarroffs actions affected Rainsford by making him believe that animals do have feelings and fear things.

In Richard Conell's " The Most Dangerous Game" Whitneys words about hunting made Rainsford think and believe that animals have feelings and they are like any other people and that they believe things that might not be true.

In Richard Connell's "Most Dangerous Game" General Zaroff's words come back to hunt him. Mr. Rainsford used "animals do not have feelings" and turned them on General Zaroff to hunt him down.

Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, Review Late Work

versus On Time Review Topic

Sentences: Fish Eyes CIRCLE THE WAGONS!

Read Utterly Perfect Murder, Annotate (How do words

and actions affect who others become?) (literary devices) (questions)

Blog T.S. on Class blog HW: vocab quiz,

annotations, PLN presentations

Monday: No School Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe,

individual conferences, check PLN 3, Finish MDG, annotations, blog T.S., PLN 4: your pick from Google Reader, vocab word of week: misanthrope, Sign up for PLN presentations, Begin reading Fish Eyes (annotations)

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, Read Fish Eyes, annotate, Blog T.S., vocab flash card, check PLN 4, Read Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate

Thursday: Writing Lab,scribe, individual conferences, Finish Utterly Perfect Murder, annotate, blog T.S.

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN 5: Digital Footprint, PLN presentations, vocab quiz

After reading David Brenner's "Fish Eyes" I believe that the actions made by the siblings made David like them with joking and pranking. (why?)

In David Brenner's "Fish Eyes" Words and actions affected his family by the rivalry created between his sibling from pranking. (wording)

In David Brenner's "Fish Eyes" we encounter how words and actions affect others when him and his sister begin messing with each other. (Personal Words)

In David Brenner's "Fish Eyes", it describes how the thoughts and actions of a single person can effect others, in this example when David was young whenever one of his siblings would play a prank on each other, they where effected, and in turn they would return the favor. (wordy)

In David Brenner’s “ Fish Eyes”, words and actions affect his family’s rivalry because every time one kid pulls a prank the others are all thinking of new ways to get back.

scribe, individual

conferences, Check UPM topic

sentence Collect vocab card Vocab quiz PLN presentations HW:PLN 5: Digital

Footprint, PLN presentations, vocab quiz- use word (misanthrope) in PLN 5 response

Monday: Poster Paper mapping of stories

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, check PLN 5

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences,

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences,

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN

scribe, individual conferences, Check PLN 5, Vocab word of week:


Poster Paper mapping of stories: connect ideas “How do words and actions affect who others become? Rope Most Dangerous Game Utterly Perfect Murder Fish Eyes

Thesis statement work for “How do words and action affect who others become?”

HW: thesis, annotations, vocab, work ahead on PLN 6, redos, writing lab day tomorrow if having trouble with thesis statement

Monday: scribe, individual conferences, Poster Paper mapping of stories: connect ideas, Check PLN 5, Vocab word of week: miscreant, Thesis statement work for “How do words and action affect who others become?” HW: thesis, annotations, vocab, work ahead on PLN 6, redos

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences,Intro paragraph outline and writing, PLN 6: Free Choice HW: PLN 6, intro paragraph typed on Google Doc

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, vocab card work, Check intro paragraphs- peer edit, outline and write 1st body: 2quotes minimum, Check PLN 6 HW: intro revised, 1st body typed on Google Doc, writing lab day tomorrow!

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, edit intro and 1st body, outline and write conclusion, HW: vocab card and quiz, edit intro and 1st, write conclusion, bring on Google Doc, PLN presentations,

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN presentations, final edit, Hw: final paper typed and printed for Monday, PLN 7: Machines R Using Us- use vocab word in entry.

Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, Check thesis

statements Intro paragraph outline

and writing PLN 6: Free Choice HW: PLN 6, intro

paragraph typed on Google Doc, annotations due Monday

Monday: scribe, individual conferences, Poster Paper mapping of stories: connect ideas, Check PLN 5, Vocab word of week: miscreant, Thesis statement work for “How do words and action affect who others become?” HW: thesis, annotations, vocab, work ahead on PLN 6, redos

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences,Intro paragraph outline and writing, PLN 6: Free Choice HW: PLN 6, intro paragraph typed on Google Doc

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, vocab card work, Check intro paragraphs- peer edit, outline and write 1st body: 2quotes minimum, Check PLN 6 HW: intro revised, 1st body typed on Google Doc, writing lab day tomorrow!

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, edit intro and 1st body, outline and write conclusion, HW: vocab card and quiz, edit intro and 1st, write conclusion, bring on Google Doc, PLN presentations,

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN presentations, final edit, Hw: final paper typed and printed for Monday, PLN 7: Machines R Using Us- use vocab word in entry.

scribe, individual

conferences, vocab card work, Check PLN 6 Check intro

paragraphs- peer edit, outline and write 1st

body: 2quotes minimum,

HW: intro revised, 1st body typed on Google Doc, writing lab day tomorrow!, annotations due Monday

Monday: scribe, individual conferences, Poster Paper mapping of stories: connect ideas, Check PLN 5, Vocab word of week: miscreant, Thesis statement work for “How do words and action affect who others become?” HW: thesis, annotations, vocab, work ahead on PLN 6, redos

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences,Intro paragraph outline and writing, PLN 6: Free Choice HW: PLN 6, intro paragraph typed on Google Doc

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, vocab card work, Check intro paragraphs- peer edit, outline and write 1st body: 2quotes minimum, Check PLN 6 HW: intro revised, 1st body typed on Google Doc, writing lab day tomorrow!

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, edit intro and 1st body, outline and write conclusion, HW: vocab card and quiz, edit intro and 1st, write conclusion, bring on Google Doc, PLN presentations,

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN presentations, final edit, Hw: final paper typed and printed for Monday, PLN 7: Machines R Using Us- use vocab word in entry.

Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, edit intro and 1st body, outline and write

conclusion, HW: vocab card and

quiz, edit intro and 1st, write conclusion- bring on Google Doc, PLN presentations, annotations due Monday

Monday: scribe, individual conferences, Poster Paper mapping of stories: connect ideas, Check PLN 5, Vocab word of week: miscreant, Thesis statement work for “How do words and action affect who others become?” HW: thesis, annotations, vocab, work ahead on PLN 6, redos

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences,Intro paragraph outline and writing, PLN 6: Free Choice HW: PLN 6, intro paragraph typed on Google Doc

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, vocab card work, Check intro paragraphs- peer edit, outline and write 1st body: 2quotes minimum, Check PLN 6 HW: intro revised, 1st body typed on Google Doc, writing lab day tomorrow!

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, edit intro and 1st body, outline and write conclusion, HW: vocab card and quiz, edit intro and 1st, write conclusion, bring on Google Doc, PLN presentations,

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN presentations, final edit, Hw: final paper typed and printed for Monday, PLN 7: Machines R Using Us- use vocab word in entry.

scribe, individual conferences, PLN 7: Machines R

Using Us- use vocab word in entry.

PLN presentations, final edit, Hw: final paper typed

and printed for Monday, PLN 7: Machines R Using Us- use vocab word in entry, collect annotations

Next Week: Monday: scribe, individual

conferences, Collect essays, Check PLN 7, vocab-Bibliophile, Redos, Read To Build a Fire

Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, PLN 8: Free Choice, Redos

Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, vocab card work, Redos

Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, Redos

Friday: scribe, individual conferences, PLN presentations, PLN 9: Rigor Redefined, Reality Check, Collect any redos

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