writing portfolio

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AP English Final Exam: Personal Writing Portfolio



Table of Contents

Chapter One: My History As A Writer

Chapter Two: Sample of JQ Writings

Chapter Three: Sample of AP Essays

Chapter Four: Sample of Speech

Chapter Five: Sample of Creative Responses

Chapter Six: My Choice

Chapter Seven: Conclusion-My Future


Chapter One: History as a Writer

The history of me as a writer goes way back in time to a distant place. Imagine an

eight year old boy coming into the second grade. He has been told he is pretty smart for

his age. His teacher is Ms. Sherman, and his has a little crush. So the year progresses and

he is learning to write. There is only one problem. He has a bad habit of writing his S like

a Z. No matter how hard Ms. Sherman tried she could not get him to break this habit. The

year ends and summer comes. All thoughts about writing are forgotten until third grade

comes and he has to face his problem again. But lucky for him he has Mr. Terpak. His

third grade teacher has an idea that will work with the school’s curriculum. The solution

is cursive. Mr. Terpak begins teaching the children cursive and Austin’s writing

improves. He is eventually able to break his habit and becomes a decent writer. This,

however, is not a story. It is my history of how and when I learned to write. Now, I am

often told that I am a good writer, especially when I put my mind to it. I utterly disagree

with this statement. I do not think I am that good of a writer. So what do I like to write

most? Well, that would be nothing. I would prefer not to write at all. Most of the topics I

am required to write about are quite boring and I do not enjoy them at all. If I absolutely

had to choose something it would be speeches. I enjoy speeches more because they are

more liberal and relaxed. I really enjoy writing a speech if it is on a topic I get to choose.

The best place to write a speech or anything would be at my computer in my

room. I enjoy the quite, peacefulness of my own room. I can concentrate in my room

easier than in other room of my house. There is no T.V or family to distract me and I can

put 100 percent effort into the writing. I enjoy writing at a computer more than on paper


because it is twice as easy to erase mistake on a computer as on paper. Secondly would

have to be because at a computer I have access to all the information I need for that

particular paper.

Finally, my opinion of myself as a writer is still as I stated before. I personally, do

not view myself as that good of a writer. There are many things that I still need to

improve on. Many of the things I write never sound complete. Some of the sentences do

not seem to flow correctly. I have grown substantially as a writer. I have learned a lot

since the third grade and most of it in my Advanced Placement English Language and

Composition class. I owe a lot to Mrs. Rosenbaum. She has taught me to view writing in

a different perspective, and for all that she has taught me I thank her very much.

Chapter Two: JQ Samples

JQ # 21: List A-Z. I remember…

JQ Topic #76: There are many things I can remember. Yet, there are also many things I cannot

remember. I can remember writing Austin with a z. I can remember my cat Boots. I can

remember my first time driving a car. I can remember my first dog. I can remember seeing my

first elephant. I can remember moving to Florida. I can remember visiting Gettysburg. I

remember riding a horse for the first time. I remember making an igloo. I remember working my

first job. I remember kite flying with my sister. I remember seeing my first Lamborghini. I will

always remember my mom. I remember the first all-nighter I had. I remember seeing an operetta.

I remember my stuffed animal Puppy. I remember the quilt my Grandma made me. I remember


the first rocket I built. I remember the first snowman I made. I remember playing tennis with my

sister. I remember my crazy sister skipping in Wal-Mart with an umbrella. I remember my first

Volcom shirt. I remember my first water balloon fight. I remember my first x-ray. I remember

my Grandma’s amazing yams! I remember seeing my first zebra.

Quote G: Thomas Jefferson once said that “How much pain has cost us the evils that have never

happened.” I agree with him. In my opinion, Jefferson is saying that we cause ourselves a lot of

trouble by worrying about things that haven’t even happened.

JQ #13: A convincing and original excuse for not having homework

Journal Topic # 8: The morning started in an unusual way. I woke up 15 minutes before my

alarm. I woke up and looked around to find I wasn’t in my own room. I was in some kind of

alternate universe. Everything in my room was reversed, almost like looking into a mirror. So,

thinking that a mirror is the way out I walked into my bathroom just to find a giant in there

waiting for me. After looking to my left and right to find an exit I saw a weapon stand to my

right. I ran towards the stand faster than I had ever run before in my life. I get to the stand and

take a bow, arrows with a quiver, a sword, and a shield. And then the battle between the giant

and I began. He started swinging his club at my head and midsection, while I was backpedaling

and firing arrows into him. Then he charged at me hoping to take me by surprise. I sidestepped

just in time and the giant lost balance and fell on his face. Seizing my only opportunity I jumped

at the giants head and swung my sword down, decapitating the monster. After defeating the giant

I turn to see some black clad ninjas stealing my mirror. I took off running after them, determined

to catch them. After following them for days, over hundreds of miles the ninjas finally stopped in

a huge castle. As I am walking through the castle I walk into the throne room and seated upon


the throne is the ninja leader. “What is it you want?” he asks me. “I just want to go home.” I said.

“Well, if that’s all then fine.” And before I could react the ninjas smashed the mirror on my head

and I blacked out. When I came to I was back in my room and my alarm clock said it was 9 am

letting me know I was late for work and I didn’t have enough time to finish my homework.

Quote UU: Charles Dickens once said “Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires,

and a touch that never hurts.” I agree with this quote. In my opinion Dickens is saying that as

long as people are kind then there will be peace. A man that has all those things is complete.

JQ #11: Something Interesting In the Room

Journal Topic # 2: Currently I am residing in the computer which has quite bland walls. Due to

my circumstances I chose to write about someone interesting in the room. This special person

would be Rachel Smit. If only I could record this experience then one could understand the

gravity of the situation. Unfortunately I cannot so I will try to describe it as best I can. The

conversation started off about her essay. She was quite proud of her introduction until I started to

analyze it. Rachel had tried to steal the word Greg and I discovered which was feral, meaning

savage and wild, to describe Bryson’s diction. It was hilarious. We joked back and forth about

different words we could use to describe Bryson’s diction. Rachel is a very funny person. Next,

she started to tell me a story about the dead animals in Mr. Berry’s room. She was looking at

them and asked Mr. Berry something about them. After he answered her she murmured to her

friend next to her “I like these animals in jars, it is where they belong.” In my opinion Rachel is a

very interesting person. She is creative, fun to hang around with and she is very pretty.


Quote T: Christopher Morley once said “There is only one success, to be able to spend your life

in your own way.” I agree with him. The only way to live your life is according what you

personally believe in. If you live according to what other people think then you aren’t really

being you.

JQ #7: 50 things I want to do in my lifetime…

Journal Topic #133: I want to climb a mountain. I want to visit Alaska. I want to get a German

Sheppard. I want to become a Navy SEAL. I want to make a 1000 yard shot. I want to go to the

Naval Academy. I want to travel to Italy with my mom. I want to travel to Japan. I want to learn

Russian. I want to build my mom her dream house. I want to be able to run a 5k. I want to be

able to complete a triathlon. I want to get my degree in engineering. I want to pass the AP

English exam. I want to invent something useful. I want to study and learn karate. I want to

move back to Detroit. I want to skydive. I want to drive a tank. I want to learn free running. I

want to compete on American Ninja Warrior. I want to be the first American to complete the

obstacle course in Japan. I want to learn Japanese. I want to travel to Germany. I want to travel to

England. I want to travel to Switzerland. I want to travel to Costa Rica. I want to travel to all 50

states. I want to go hunting. I want to go surfing. I want to go parasailing. I want to own my own

boat. I want to ride in a helicopter. I want to shoot a Gatling gun. I want to shoot a 50 caliber

rifle. I want to swim with dolphins. I want to scuba dive. I want to go deep sea fishing. I want to

swim with sharks. I want go see the Empire state building. I want to see a Broadway play at

Broadway. I want to see the Chrysler building. I want to see the 9/11 memorial. I want to see the

capital. I want to go to Hawaii. I want to see the Pearl Harbor memorial. I want to see my sister

walk do the aisle with the perfect guy for her. I want to see my mom find love again. I want to

get in the greatest shape in my life. I want my mom get healthy.


Quote W: Vince Lombardi once said “The difference between a successful person and others is

not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” I completely agree with

this statement. To me it means that the difference in people who succeed and those that don’t is a

matter of determination and drive, not strength or knowledge.

Chapter Three: Sample of AP Essays

AP Essay #1

The Midwest, home to the Rocky Mountains and Route 66, was once and is still a quaint

place to live. From the scenic drive to the biggest ball of yarn, to the rugged climb of the Rocky

Mountains, the upper Midwest states is an picturesque place to visit. The use of precise history,

plain imagery, and simple generalizations are some of the strategies Marquart uses to

characterize the upper Midwest.

The use of precise history is one of the many strategies Marquart uses to characterize the

upper Midwest. When the author stated the quote from the 1820’s by Edwin James, it set a frame

of mind to think in a period of time when there was little technology, therefore setting an old,

rustic mood. Another period of history used by the author was from 1885-1911, the time when

her grandparents and great-grandparents emigrated from Russia to the United States. This

selection is used to provoke the excitement, and then disappointment that the grandparents had

getting off the train only to see “a war on roots.” The author then reestablishes the anticipation

when she describes her grandparents “as they waited along with the other immigrants from

Russia to receive their allotments of land.” Furthermore, when Marquart stated “This is the


Heartland, the place where Jefferson’s idea of a rectangular cadastral survey, the land grid

system outlined in the Land Ordinance of 1785…” this portrays the time period the author is

trying to set. The purpose of this statement is to make the image of endless miles of square

farms form in one’s mind; to show Jefferson’s idea of a gridded land system. Marquart used

many examples of detailed history to establish what time period she wanted was describing.

The author’s use of plain imagery is another strategy Marquart uses to characterize the

upper Midwest. For example, when Marquart stated “...a flyover region one must endure to get

to more interesting places.” it gives one an image of a dreary town full of elderly people and

tumbleweeds. This selection evokes the feelings of dread people get when a monotonous road

trip is ahead of them. In addition, “It was Edwin James who dubbed the area between the

Mississippi and the Rockies [as] the Great American Desert…” is one of the simplest examples

of imagery in the selection. The author uses someone else’s opinion of the upper Midwest to

characterize her feelings for it too. Plain imagery is one of the stronger strategies used by

Marquart to characterize the upper Midwest.

In conclusion, the upper Midwest can be characterized into many subjects, but how we

view that region is what is most important. Yet, Marquart’s memoir about growing up in the

upper Midwest presents a rustic account of the hardships people went through to obtain freedom,

which is something still worth fighting for.

AP Essay #2

America is the home of the brave and land of the free. Growing up in America has not

always been an easy task though. However, being a child in modern society is better than in the


society of the past. Improvements in technology and more recreational opportunities make the

experience of being a child in the present more beneficial.

Therefore, we as modern society children are born into a fast paced flow and can

naturally adapt. Technology has had a major impact on bikes and childhood experiences. In the

past, few children owned bikes, and they were very basic. Nowadays, majority of children have a

bike, and the types of bikes can vary. There are street bikes, mountain bikes, BMX bikes for

streets and dirt, and even motorbikes! The possibilities are substantial. I have experienced this

for myself. When I was younger I had a very special bike. It was my first bike without training

wheels and it was blue, my favorite color. I rode that bike everywhere I could. I would ride it up

and down the street and if they lived close enough I would even ride it to my friend’s house.

Another, even more important aspect of technology is the invention of video gaming

systems. Most households have at least one type of gaming system. The video game market is

huge. Boys and girls alike both enjoy playing some kind of video game. Gaming systems have

radically changed the childhood experience in America.

Furthermore, advances in available recreation have improved drastically. There are more

public parks and recreation centers compared to the past. Many young children love to play at

parks because it is a place where he or she can let their imagination be free. I used to love to

make up games with my friends while we were at a park. A child can be anybody at a park. The

possibilities are endless. When old enough, children get to upgrade to recreation centers. These

centers can have jungle-gyms, climbing walls, trampolines, and so much more. I still remember

the rush of excitement when my mom said we were going to the Rec. Center. From the feeling of

anticipation during the drive, to the final euphoric adrenaline rush of finally arriving, going to the


Recreation Station was one of the highlights of my childhood. Memories such as these are the

ones that last a lifetime. The compilation of these memories are what make up one’s childhood;

the sacred time that forms who we are and that will be a part of us forever.

In my opinion, modern American childhoods are better than many of the past. I would

want my children’s childhood to be one of the present.

AP Essay #3

Money is a factor of life that we cannot escape. Some claim it is the root of all evil, while

others claim it is absolutely necessary. However, in his book Money and Class in America,

Lewis Lapham makes the observation that Americans place total faith in money. I agree with

Lapham’s view of “the American faith in money” to a certain degree.

America is called the land of opportunity. Yet, there is no opportunity for those without

money. Americans need money, not so much to have it, but to use it. Money is used more than

coveted in America. Arguably, the most use out of money is to improve one’s appearance. Most

Americans pride themselves in their appearance and go to great lengths to keep it in good repor.

One’s property and appearance is what is seen by the majority of people and consequently an

American’s success is based on what others see.

However, this idea cannot be said for the world. Many other countries look to other

“amenities” for their status and wealth. In many rural countries a person’s wealth is according to

how much land he or she owns. Other countries associate wealth with political status. A person’s

knowledge is even used to establish his or her wealth. Money may not mean the same to every

person, but it is present in some form in their life.


Furthermore, not all Americans share the same faith in money. Some use it and wish they

did not have to. My mother is an example of this philosophy. She is a person who believes that

money is misused and leads to much corruption. She dreams of a world where money is not

needed. Since this world is fictional, she has to succumb to money and its influential power. On

the contrary, some Americans do not or rarely participate in the usage of money. People who are

homeless by choice have lost “faith in money.” These are the people who have everything they

have by means of their own hard work.

In the end, Americans cannot be generalized in a group that is very controversial.

Lapham’s view of “the American faith in money” can be applied to the majority, but it does not

hold true in all cases.

AP Essay #4

Language is a practice by which communication is used. In order to have clear

communication, society needs a common language. And “English only” policy in public

education in America would be very beneficial.

Furthermore, adopting an “English only” policy would be beneficial due to the fact that

more than three-fourths of the U.S speaks English (Source F). Spanish make up only ten percent

and combined with all other languages only accolades to eighteen percent. This amounts to about

one-fifth of people in the U.S who do not speak English compared to the hundreds of millions


that do. The adoption of an “English only” policy would benefit American because the majority

already knows English, and a policy would increase that percentage (Source F).

Therefore, the adoption of “English only” would not change much of American’s way of

life. Schools already have programs for foreign speakers and the policy would only serve to

improve these programs. Additionally, if an “English only” policy was enacted, President Bush’s

No Child Left Behind law of 2002 requirements would be met (Source B).

However, the benefits of an “English only” policy do not stop there. Adopting this policy

along with a word or language origin class would be extremely beneficial to all because students

would be learning more in depth studies of the language they are speaking. This knowledge

would help students in understanding new words because the students would know the root of

each word and the root meaning. The English language is a compilation of numerous words from

different languages. In perspective, an “English only” policy would teach students much more

than to speak and read English (Source D).

In addition to societal out casting and language impediments, foreign language speakers

are at a major disadvantage. People who do not speak English have a harder time communicating

with the rest of society. For example, in Source D, Mamacita cannot express her discomfort due

to her language barrier. Mamacita’s roommate takes advantage of her and her disability. If the

U.S had an enforced “English only” policy, Mamacita would have been able to communicate and

possibly find a back to her “home.” The policy would have proven that knowing English is

beneficial to all.


In conclusion, the facts are presented in an organized and simple manner, and many states

have already grabbed hold of this revolutionary opportunity. An “English only” policy presents

opportunity to all and makes American life simpler.

Chapter Four: Sample of Speech

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is a highly debated issue across our nation. Firearm control by

definition is any law, policy, practice, or proposal to regulate or control the sales of guns. The

debate over the Second Amendment’s meaning of providing an individual right to own a gun for

self-defense has been going on for decades. In my opinion, the Second Amendment does in fact

guarantee an individual right to bear arms in self-defense.

The June 26, 2010 Supreme Court ruling of the Second Amendment’s guaranteed individual

right to bear arms applying to state and local gun control laws was a 5-to-4 decision. Justice

Samuel A. Alito Jr. said QUOTE “the right to self-defense protected by the Second Amendment

was fundamental to the American conception of ordered liberty. Like other provisions of the Bill

of Rights setting out such fundamental protections, it must be applied to limit not only federal

power but also that of state and local governments.” END QUOTE The ruling is not perfect

though. It fails to define what kinds of gun control laws can be reconciled with the Second

Amendment protection. All the same it is a major victory for supporters of gun rights. One of the

most prominent speaking figures in the gun rights movement is Wayne LaPierre who is a top

official if the National Rifle Association, or NRA. He is one of the many speakers at the Court

case on June 26, 2010. However not everyone is pleased with this decision. Mayor Richard M.

Daley of Chicago said QUOTE “was disappointed by the ruling because it made the city’s


handgun ban unenforceable.” END QUOTE Let’s take a moment and think. How would you feel

if you could not stop a robber from assaulting you and taking your property, but that same person

assaulted you with a firearm that he was able to legally obtain? How is that justice? This is a

perfect example for the need of further passage of the Second Amendment’s guarantee to

providing an individual right to own a gun for self-defense. Yes there are many cons such as the

risk of domestic accidents from misfires, and immature people misusing firearms but the benefits

allow for a safer peace of mind. By putting more responsibility into the hands of citizens allows

for America as a country to mature and become a safer place for all inhabitants. The District of

Columbia v. Heller case is an enormous starting place for further successes. Unfortunately we

have not always been this successful. In 1875, in United States v. Cruikshank, the Supreme

Court ruled that the Second Amendment QUOTE “has no other effect than to restrict the powers

of the national government.” END QUOTE This ruling was held in effect until 1939 when John

Miller was indicted for transporting an unregistered firearm across state line. The charge was

called as violating the National Firearms Act of 1934. It is through this case that the position of

the individual rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment was established. Supporters

continued to push for more equality. In 2007, the U.S Court of Appeals for D.C’s Circuit made a

beneficial decision for supporters of gun rights in D.C. In Parker v. District of Columbia, a 2-to-1

decision, the Circuit ruled that 3 D.C laws regarding private gun ownership QUOTE “violated

the Second Amendment.” END QUOTE

All in all, my opinion is that the Second Amendment clearly defines an individual right to bear

arms for self-defense. Are guns dangerous? Of course. Should it ever be taken lightly? Of course

not. But this is America, land of the free, the great democracy of the world. If we can’t feel safe

in our own home, what separates us from any other third world country?


Chapter Five: Sample of Creative Responses

How I wish I Were Thirteen!

1. In what year were you thirteen? -2008

2. Where did you live? –Sebring Fl.

3. What school did you attend? –Hill-Gustat Middle School

4. Who was your favorite teacher that year? –Mrs. Wonderling

5. Who was/were your best friend(s) that year? –Tony Karl, David Ray, Casey Ricker

6. Did you have any special love interests or crushes that year? -Yes

7. What was your favorite thing to wear? -South pole

8. Did you have glasses and/or braces? -No

9. What was your favorite musical group or singer then? –System of a Down

10. What was your favorite television show? –Didn’t have one

11. How was your room decorated? –Basic, with some lighthouses

12. Did you play sports or participate in any activities? –Yes, soccer and football

13. Did you go to school dances? -No

14. What was your most embarrassing moment at that age? –When I pantsed Tony in P.E

15. Did you have a thirteenth birthday party? –I don’t remember

16. How did you feel when you were finally a teenager? –Great?

17. What was your favorite book then? –The Door Within Series

18. What is one special memory of that year? –Riding bikes with Tony and Casey


The economy now is hard. Living during a recession is no cake walk. Yet, through it all some people still manage to make millions. Unfortunately I am not one of those people.



Chapter Six: My Choice

No Courts, No Justice, No freedom!

The United States government has kept our country safe since it was established in 1789. Through its system of checks and balances, the government prevents any one person, or group of people, from obtaining absolute power. Without each branch, our government would not be able to function as smoothly. Each branch is equally important, but the one branch that directly affects citizens is the Judicial branch.

The Judicial branch of the United States government was established under Article III, Section I of the Constitution. It also authorizes the U.S Congress to establish inferior courts as the need arises. Article II, Section II established that all federal judges are appointed by the U.S President and confirmed by the U.S Senate. It is through these articles that the foundation of the Judiciary branch is made. The nation was subdivided into judicial districts and appointed federal courts for each district with the Judiciary Act of 1789. The Judicial branch is commonly referred to interpreting and applying the law. The law is interpreted by resulting in a new law or a supporting of another law. The Judicial branch applies the law by enforcing the law, or providing consequences if it is broken. The court system is how the law is enforced. The structure of the federal court system begins with the Supreme Court of the U.S, then the Court of Appeals, U.S District Courts, U.S Bankruptcy Courts, and ending with the U.S Courts of Special Jurisdiction. A few types of court cases are corporation versus corporation, government versus corporation, civilian versus corporation, government versus civilian, and civilian versus civilian. All cases work the opposite way too. That is the basic foundation and facts about the Judicial branch.

Anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority. A more appropriate definition of anarchy is the absence of government allowing absolute freedom of the individual. If people did what they wanted, when they wanted, there would be complete chaos. The U.S government is one way of preventing anarchy. One way is through the establishment and enforcement of the laws. People are required to obey the rules and laws of the nation or pay the consequences of breaking them. It is with the help of law enforcement agencies and the Judicial branch that this massive action is performed day to day. If the Judicial branch were to fail or be eliminated, than there would be no courts, which would result in no justice and eventually no freedom. This is why the entire Judicial branch is a necessary branch for the U.S government, and the nation as a whole.


I chose this essay because it is an essay I feel that I did very well on. This essay was based entirely on my own opinion and was something that was very easy to write. I had to write this for my Advanced Placement United States History class. The essay was more specifically for the Law Day contest offered by our county. I did not win but I still feel this is one of my better essays.

Chapter Seven: My Future

Instead of writing about what I think or hope will happen in my future, this is a

theoretical “perfect” future. This story is what I want to happen in my future, but it is also

uncertain. I have no way of knowing what my future will be like. I do not know if I will live to

be 42 or if I will live to see tomorrow. And so the story begins. I went on to my senior year and

graduated with over a 4.0. My classes were Dual Enrollment English, Dual Enrollment Calculus,

Advance Placement Government, Honors Economics, Honors Physics, Intermediate Swimming,

Keyboarding, Psychology, and Study Hall. I did not attend the graduation ceremony; instead my

mom and I went on a trip to New York City. After returning from NYC, I moved back to

Michigan. I moved in with my Uncle Ryan, my mother’s half-brother. I lived with him for a year

and a half. While living with my Uncle I was working a full time job and saving all the money I

could. I then enlisted in the Navy, going in two ranks higher than a lot of others. My next

challenge was Basic Training. Now that was an experience. Waking up at 5 a.m. I got used to,

eating only three times a day I trained for, the Physical Training was difficult but not impossible.

By far the hardest part of Basic Training was the constant screaming. Every time I opened my

mouth I was screaming as loud as I could, or else I would pay for it. The best part of Basic was

the rifle range. This is where I could show off my true talent. Every shot I made counted. I

always shot as best I could. Finally the day I had been waiting for came, Graduation Day. The

ceremony was very sentimental and traditional. I got to see my family after 13 weeks of

isolation. All in all completing basic was tough but I was able to complete it, and with top


marksmanship markings was the icing on the cake. It was after graduation that I was assigned

my position. I was able to get the job I applied for, which was a general mechanic. My job

description included working on the engines of certain carriers, aircraft, smaller ships, and other

equipment. I was stationed on to the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The USS Theodore Roosevelt is a

Nimitz class, super carrier with its homeport being Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia.

The Nimitz class means that it is a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. The name Nimitz comes

from the World War II Pacific fleet commander Chester W. Nimitz, who was the Navy’s last

fleet admiral. After performing my duties on the USS Theodore Roosevelt for two years I

applied for the SEAL candidate program. After passing my Physical Screening test with

optimum scores, I attended BUD/S. BUD/S stands for Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEAL

training. I thought Basic was difficult. I have never faced a bigger challenge in my entire 42

years of living. Training started with P.T, then screaming, being sprayed with ice cold water, and

then more P.T. As soon as BUD/S started to be bearable something changed and it became twice

as hard. Yet, I managed to stick it out. Holding strong to the support of my family and my dream

of becoming a SEAL, I was making it through BUD/S. Then was the challenge of Hell Week.

Hell Week is a type of torture that can only be volunteered for. For respect to confidentiality and

to spare you the pain I won’t go into details. I do not know how I managed to make it through

Hell Week but I did and a couple weeks later I was passed on to the next stage. Compared to

BUD/S the next stages were cake. And finally, after much pain, I became a U.S Navy SEAL.

The rest is strictly confidential. All I can tell you is I went on many missions and did lots of

different things. After about five years as a SEAL, I was 29 and it was time to move on. I applied

to a college with a NROTC program and got my Masters in Engineering. I was now an officer.

This position was very different from that of the enlisted. It brought many new responsibilities


but also many new rewards. And this brings us to my life today. I have been working as an

engineer ever since. I have been promoted to the rank of Commander. I came back to Florida to

visit my family and friends. This is my life and I have enjoyed it immensely. I would not want it

any other way.

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