writing skills rajdhani enclave new delhi 12th aug, 20×× the editor the times of india bahadur...

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Writing — Letter to the editor 51

WRITING SKILLSThis section gives a free reign to the students’ imagination. They are expected to produce two items of writing – a letter to the editor or article carrying 5 marks in about 100-120 words and a short story based on the outline or cues carrying 10 marks in about 150-200 words. In this book these two items of writing are given with solved examples and solved & unsolved questions. This book will well prepare the students to tackle questions of this section confidently.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR(Carrying 5 Marks)

(ii) The Date: It should be written below the sender’s address.

For example:20, Barakhamba Road New Delhi January 26, 20××

Note: The date may be written in either of the following two ways:

(i) The 26 January, 20×× (ii) January 26, 20×× 2. Inside address (Address of the addressee):

Address and designation of the receiver is written here. Indent is not required.

3. The Salutation: Different kinds of letters begin with different forms of salutation. It is written on the left hand side of the letter, just below the heading. It differs from the different type of relationship with the person to whom the letter is being written.

4. Subject line: The space below salutation in a letter/application in which a line of text is written that tells us about the letter.

5. The Body of the Letter or the Message: This is the most important part of the letter. Its style depends upon the kind of the letter that is being written. But the following points should be kept in mind:

(i) It should be written in a neat and legible hand. (ii) The language used should be simple and direct.

The sentences should be short. (iii) Several points in the letter should be arranged

in a logical order. (iv) It should be divided into paragraphs. (v) Great care should be taken to avoid punctuation

mistakes for a wrong punctuation, sometimes, alters the whole meaning of a sentence.

(vi) It should contain only what the writer means to convey, neither more nor less. In a business letter especially, this part should contain all the details of the matter required.

Letter is a verbal communication in written form between two individuals. 1. WHAT IS LETTER WRITING? Letters are one of the oldest means of communication.

Like essay-writing it is also an art. It is an expression of imaginative faculty of the writer. The practice of developing this art has its origin in the need of conveying messages and expressing our views on some particular subject to a person leaving away from you. Owing to the increasing number of literate and business-minded persons in the world, this art has achieved greater importance. This art can be mastered only by constant practice.

2. TYPES OF LETTERS There are two types of letters: 1. Informal Letter: The letter written to relatives,

friends, acquaintances or strangers are called Personal or Private Letters. The language of this type of letters should be simple and direct.

2. Formal Letter: The letter written to shopkeepers, traders, editors of newspapers, etc. fall under this category. These letters should be brief, clear and to the point. Lengthy letters have no appeal to the business minded persons who are too busy to pay more attention to them. Hence they should be brief and to the point.

The applications written to officers or by one officer to another relating to office matter come in this category. Such letters are also formal letters. They are written in set form. They should be legible, clear and to the point.

3. PARTS OF LETTERS All kinds of letters have the following six parts: 1. The Heading or the Address of the writer: It

consists of two parts— (i) The Address: It is written just above the date.

But now this style has been obsolete. Now the date and address are written at the top left of the letter. Both the styles are acceptable.

Section-B Part I — Writing

Writing — Letter to the editor 53Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1052


Write a letter to the editor of an esteemed daily highlighting the insanitary condition of your locality and try to request the authorities for the arrangement of the cleanliness of your locality.

XYZ colonyGhaziabad

1. Heading (i) Sender’s Address(ii) Date

21 July, 20××

The EditorThe Times of IndiaBahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi

2. Address of the addressee(Receiver’s designation and Address)

Dear Sir/Madam 3. Salutation

Subject: Insanitary condition of the locality. 4. Subject line to focus attention

I would like to draw your kind attention towards the conditions in which the residents of my locality are bound to live. The locality has become a hell due to the dirt and filth scattered all over the public road. The rubbish material invites flies and mosquitoes which pollute the surroundings. Stray bulls and pigs move freely only to add fuel to the residents’ problems.

I, therefore, request you to do something for the sake of the residents of my locality. I would be greatly obliged if you take early action.

5. Body of the letter

Thanking you

Yours sincerely/faithfully/truly

6. Complimentary close

Anisha JainA Resident of Swasthya Vihar

7. SignatureDesignation (if applicable)

6. The Subscription or the Complimentary close: Different letters have different subscriptions. It consists of the leaving words in a polite manner just at the end of the letter. The position of the subscription should be below the last words of the letter and to the right side of the last page. The first word of the subscription must begin with a capital letter.

7. The Signature: In the letters written to strangers, the signature should be very clearly put down. It

should come below the subscriptions. It is also now written at the left side at the end of the letter.

Affectionately yours Ratna Verma

Note: Cover address – it is written on the allotted space on the envelop or at the back of the post-card. The first line should tell the name etc. of the addressee. In address American style is used nowadays.

Writing — Letter to the editor 53Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1052



1Health and diet have a very close relationship. Taking ideas from the table given below and using your own, write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the increasing awareness of health and diet. Your letter should not exceed 120-150 words.

Health in Delhi 2012 2016Number of yoga & health clubs 5 10People using refined oil 20% 60%People going for morning walk 15% 45%People going for regular health checkup 8% 23%Awareness programmes 10% 40%Role of advertisements 20% 40%Death rate 14% 8%

(5 Marks)24, Ansari RoadDelhi14th October, 20××The Hindustan TimesKasturba Gandhi MargDelhi-110001SirSubject: Increasing awareness of health and diet.I write this letter to highlight the changes that are observed in terms of awareness among people regarding health. Health seems to be quite on the top of people’s priority list.To give a few examples in 2012, there were only 10 yoga centres which doubled by 2016. As compared to 2012, the use of refined oil is increased by three times in 2016. There is a steep rise in the number of people going for morning walk, the number of people going for regular health checkup has also gone up considerably. Advertisements are also playing a major role, in 2012 it was 10% and now it has increased to 40%. As a result of all this, death rate has fallen from 14% to 8%.This shows that people’s attitude and concern regarding their own health has undergone a change. The dictum ‘Health is Wealth’ is probably being understood. As long as one lives, one should be healthy, hale and hearty, is the motto.This has given boost to health related business, showing an upward movement. If one is conscious about one’s health, it definitely pays in long run.

Through this letter, I want people to know that they should avail the facility available as well as go for regular morning walks in order to keep themselves hale and hearty.Thanking you

Yours faithfullySaumyaClass X

2Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper highlighting ways and means of saving water. (5 Marks)

Gandhi RoadJaipur, Rajasthan20 November, 20××The EditorThe Hindustan TimesKasturba Gandhi MargNew Delhi-110001SirSubject: Ways and means of saving water.Water problem is existing almost everywhere. So I would like to suggest certain measures to save this precious resource. Washing our hands and face under a running tap for only two minutes wastes about 27 litres water whereas a half filled basin can do this work with only 2 litres of water. We brush our teeth everyday. While doing it if we let the tap run for about five minutes, we waste 45 litres of water but if we use a glass of water, we consume only half a litre of water. If we turn off the tap while soaping our body before bathing we use only 20 litres of water, whereas if we let it run we waste about 90 litres. We should also avoid using bath-tubs as a filled bath-tub wastes 110 litres of water. Leaky taps must be repaired immediately to minimise wastage of water.Through your esteemed daily, I would like to request to one and all to recognise the worth of water and give due importance to it. We must take a pledge not to waste water.

Yours sincerely

Arjun NagarA Social activist

Writing — ArtiCLe 55Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1054

3General Elections in India have become a show of money and power. Every political party spend a lot over it despite restrictions by Election Commission. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily to raise your voice against the system. Don’t exceed 120 words. (5 Marks)10-A, Preet ViharNew Delhi15th July, 20××The EditorThe Hindustan TimesKasturba Gandhi MargNew Delhi-110001SirSubject: Need for stopping misuse of money and power in elections.India is a democratic country. Actually people represent the nation. But after about seventy one years of freedom we witness the Indian democracy under the seize of petty politics. Our political parties have completely forgotten the real sense of our democracy. They use all sorts of measures to win election and grab power. They use money and power to capture maximum support. Election commission has issued advisory to restrict them but they don’t care and often at the time of election cross their limits. It damages the real public opinion and people fail to elect a suitable representative. This is an alarming situation for our country. It must be stopped before it is too late to mind.Thanking youYoursAlok Gupta

4One of the most-talked of issues today is the issue of price-rise. Everyone is tired of it and wants to get rid of it. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to editor of The Times of India highlight the difficulties due to this issue. (5 Marks)A-15, Rajdhani EnclaveNew Delhi12th Aug, 20××The EditorThe Times of IndiaBahadur Shah Zafar MargNew Delhi-110001SirSubject: Difficulties due to price-rise.I wish to highlight the difficulties of the common mass on account of the ever-rising prices through your esteemed paper. Price-rise is one of the burning issues of today. The problem has made the life of the common people very difficult. For the people whose income is low, this problem is just like a hungry tiger which is ready to pounce on them any moment. Our government is aware of this problem, but seems unable to do anything to lower down the prices of various commodities. The railway fare, petrol/diesel prices and bus fare have also gone up to make the situation worse.The government must take some measures to check this problem. A quick solution of this problem must be sorted out well within time.Thanking youYoursSultan

An Article can • describe an experience, event, person or place. • present an opinion or balanced argument. • compare and contrast. • provide information. • offer suggestions. • offer advice.

A realistic article should consist of: 1. an eye-catching title which attracts the readers’ attention

and suggests the theme of the article. Articles can also have subheadings before each paragraph.

2. an introduction which clearly defines the topic to be covered and keeps the reader’s attention.

3. the main body of two to five paragraphs in which the topic is further developed in detail.

1. WHAT IS AN ARTICLE? Writing an article is a challenging task. It needs

creativity, good vocabulary, good knowledge of the subject and skill to organize ideas.

An Article • is a piece of writing usually intended for publication

in a newspaper, magazine or journal. • is written for a wide audience, so it is essential to

attract and retain the readers’ attention. • may include amusing stories, reported speech and

descriptions. • can be formal, depending on the target audience. • should be written in an interesting or entertaining

manner. • should give opinions and thoughts, as well as facts. • is in a less formal style than a report.

ARTICLE(Carrying 5 Marks)

Writing — ArtiCLe 55Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1054

4. the conclusion – summarising the topic or a final opinion, recommendation or comment.

2. REMEMBER Before you begin writing it is important to consider: • where is the article going to appear – in a

newspaper or magazine? • who are the intended readers – a specific group

such as students or teenagers, or adults in general? • what is the aim of the article – to advise, suggest,

inform, compare and contrast, describe, etc.? These three points are the deciding factors in the layout

of your article, its style, language and level of formality. Organise your ideas carefully into paragraphs. Each

paragraph should have a clear topic sentence. Use vocabulary and descriptive language appropriate

for the article. Linking words and expressions, and

a variety of vocabulary will improve your work and make it more interesting.

Do Not use over-personal or over-emotional language or simplistic vocabulary.

Do Not talk about yourself. You are writing for the general public, not a close circle of friends. Your opinions are only interesting to other people if you can make them amusing, justify them or explain them.

3. Tips • Read the question carefully. • Be creative. • Use CODER. • Expand the points in 3-4 paragraphs. • Take care of grammar. • Use proper layout.

LAYOUT OF AN ARTICLETrees are very important for human beings as they serve them in various ways. We should encourage people to plant more trees for the benefit of people. Using your own ideas, write an article in about 100-120 words on the topic, “The Paramount Significance of Trees”. Sign yourself as Xyz.


It is an undeniable fact that trees play a pivotal role in purifying the air, beautifying the physical world, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.Trees helps the human beings in saving energy by providing shade in summer. They make the mortals feel happy and reduce stress. The naturopathy has proved that trees help us recover from illness faster and refresh us to lead a happy and contented life amidst the opulent surroundings. The research scholars and erudite scientists have also proved that trees improve the fertility of soil. Their leaf litter makes perfect compost. They are eaten by many insects as well as animals.Everybody knows that trees safeguard us from the harmful gases emitted by vehicles in the era of commercialization. Trees produce edible fruits viz. bananas, apples, oranges, nuts and litchis. Moreover, The villagers make optimum utilization of the broken twigs and the fallen branches of the trees.Obviously, trees have paramount significance for the human beings. Their importance can never be challenged.Therefore, we should understand this fact and plant more trees whenever we get an opportunity.

1. Title: It is the heading of an article. Just a word, phrase or even a short sentence may make the title/heading of the article. It always reflects on the main idea, theme or purpose of the article.

2. Name of the Writer/Author: This part mentions the name of the writer/author. We can also write the designation of the writer/author here.

3. Introduction: It opens the article and should be catching to attract the attention of readers. It may open with a quotation, question or some remarkable fact related to the article.

4. Development of the Thought/Subject/Topic: In this part, all the major facts and supporting ideas are expressed with the help of examples and evidences. Such facts/ideas are generally explained in two or three paragraph. Each paragraph should explain a particular idea.

5. Summing up: The main ideas express in the above paragraph are summed up with personal comment or suggestions.

6. Conclusion: It concludes the ideas expressed in the article and expresses our feelings, such as our expectation, appeal, warning or action needed.

Writing — short story 57Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1056

1The picture given below reveals one of the bitter truths of people’s suffering from water scarcity. People have to fetch water from far-off areas. Write an article in about 100-120 words on this issue. Also suggest some measures to curb it.

(5 Marks)

WATER WOESIt is early morning and Kalavati is planning to go to the nearest river to fetch water. She calls her neighbours and collects 5 to 6 ladies to accompany her. There is a 12 year old girl also in the group. They keep empty pitchers on their heads and start their trek to the nearest river. The ironical thing is that the nearest river is about 3 miles away from their village. They need to start every day early in the morning because their families need water for most of the daily chores. While walking they start gossip about sundry topics. Finally after filling their pitchers all of them start their return journey. It is more difficult now. The heavy load of water is making strains on their backs. The oldest lady of the group needs frequent breaks in between to straighten her back. To add insult to their injury a group of foreign tourists clicks their photograph. Their tortuous walk is a subject of beautiful image for the tourists. Kalavati gets angry at the group of tourists. The guide of the tourists requests Kalavati not to get angry. Kalavati makes a deal with them. They agree to give her group a lift on their way back to village. Kalavati wishes that every day they would get such people who would make their task of carrying water a little bit easy.

2Write an article on the topic ‘Delhi Metro and E. Sreedharan’. (5 Marks)

Delhi Metro not only projects a modern face of Delhi but also of India. Apart from its world class quality Delhi Metro is also known for immaculate implementation of a gargantuan project and the man behind it is none other than E. Sreedharan. He was born in 1932 in Palakkad District of Kerala. He started his career with Indian Railways. He showed his talent for the first time when he completed the reconstruction of Pamban Bridge in 46 days. He was duly recognised for this by being felicitated by the Railway Minister’s Award. Later Sreedharan added many feathers to his cap, by completing Kolkata Metro and Konkan Railway ahead of schedule. Execution of the Delhi Metro project can be considered as Sreedharan’s swansong. When Delhi Metro was started, everybody had doubts about cost overruns. But Sreedharan showed that proper planning can do wonders even in a country like India, which is known for its inefficiencies. Because of his achievements it is no wonder that Sreedharan is getting extensions after extensions and is working hard even in the eighth decade of his life.

3Telephone is one of the most important devices today. But it has also become a nuisance for some. Write an article on the topic, “Telephone is a Nuisance”, in not more than 120 words. (5 Marks)

Telephone: A NuisanceTelephone is an important instrument that helps us in talking to our relatives and friends sitting in other countries. But it has many disadvantages. The telephone bell rings and a person rushes to hear it from the dining table. Sometimes it happens that the phone is required to convey an important message but one finds that the phone is dead. He starts cursing the telephone operator and the exchange. The Telecom Department is prompt in sending the bill, but slack in attending to complaints. Telephone is a nuisance. It plays hide-and-seek with the owner when he needs its services most urgently. It also disturbs the peace of mind. When a person tries to concentrate on writing something, it will certainly disturb him. The untimely ring of a telephone disturbs the sensitive people. Moreover, it is dangerous for our ears and health. Its use should be limited and if possible it must be discarded.


Writing — short story 57Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1056

climax, falling action, and resolution. You can draw or write a visual with very simple descriptions of what should happen in each of these stages. Having done this will help you keep focused when writing the story, and you can easily make changes in the plot, so that you are able to keep a steady flow as you write the full story.

4. Start writing — Depending on how thoroughly you’ve sketched out your plot and characters, the actual writing process may simply be one of choosing the right words.

2. TYPES OF STORIES A story can be written in many ways: 1. From given outlines — You are given the outlines

of a plot to build up the story. This should be easy and interesting.

2. Story based on a moral — Here a moral is given such as All that glitters is not gold, Haste makes waste etc, and you are required to illustrate the moral with a story.

3. From incomplete hints — Here you are given a couple of opening sentences and are required to continue it. It needs imagination.

3. TIPS • Purpose: A story is narration of a set of imaginary

events often used to convey a moral message. • Context: Use phrases like. Once upon a time, ‘It

happened so...’, ‘Long long Ago...’. • Introduction: Introduce characters through

dialogues or narration. • Plot: Description of an event/accident. • Climax: End of the story, most interesting,

unpredictable. • Steps: ã Set the context. ã Introduce characters. ã Develop plot. ã Reach climax. ã End the story.

1. WHAT IS A SHORT STORY? A short story is work of “fiction or imagination” that is

usually written in “easily understandable grammatical structure” with “natural flow of speech” the short story is meant to be read at single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible. Because of directness and brevity, a typical short story has very little action and hardly any character development.

Typically a short story has five key elements: 1. Character 2. Setting 3. Plot 4. Conflict 5. Theme

For writing a short story one should keep the following points in mind:

1. Collect ideas — First of all one needs to store ideas regarding the story. Situation from day-to-day life can build up a strong base for a story.

2. Begin with basics of a short story — After you’ve chosen an idea, you need to remember the basics of a short story before writing one. Steps to a good short story are:

• Introduction: introduces character, setting, time, weather, etc.

• Initiating action: the point of a story that starts the rising action.

• Rising action: events leading up to the climax or turning point.

• Climax: the most intense point or turning point of the story.

• Falling action: your story begins to conclude. • Resolution: a satisfying ending to the story

in which the central conflict is resolved—or left! You don’t have to write your short story in order. If you have an idea for a great conclusion, write it down. Move backward or forward from your starting idea (it may or may not be the beginning of the story), and ask “What happens next?” or “What happened before this?”

3. Organise your thoughts — After you’ve prepared the basic elements of your story, it can be helpful to do out a time-line in some way to help you decide what should happen when:

• Your story should consist at least of an introduction, initiating incident, rising action,

SHORT STORY(Carrying 10 Marks)

Writing — Letter to the editor 59Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1058

1Be imaginative and develop a readable story with the help of the following opening lines:

One day when I returned from my school, I found a huge gathering outside my house. People were talking about my elder brother Shaurya. But I could not infer anything. I was greatly confused. I entered my drawing room and found two media persons talking to my mother. It was a matter of great pride that ..................... .

Moral: ..................................................................... .

(10 Marks)

......... that my brother had shown great courage in curbing a big menace in the market day. While returning home from his college he found a bag lying just in the middle of the busy road. Nobody had taken notice of it. As my brother reached there he was alarmed. He stopped there and enquired about the bag from the nearby shopkeepers and vendors but nobody confirmed anything about it. Suddenly, he dialled the police helpline number from the nearest public booth. The police patrol-van reached soon. They took the bag in their custody and found some explosives in it. They thanked my brother. Soon, the news spread and media persons arrived. My brother came back home where he saw the news was being broadcast on the TV. Some other media persons also came to my house to interview my brother. It was really a great time for my family.

Moral: Valour is the greatest virtue.

2You are told to complete the story from the outlines given below:

Once there was a skunk, having foul smell visited a wizard ..................... .

Moral: ..................................................................... .

(10 Marks)

Once upon a time there was a skunk having foul smell visited a wizard and requested him to bless him with rose smell as all the creatures disliked him. The wizard blessed him with rose smell with his spell. The skunk returned in a gay mood and all the creatures played with him. But

when he reached his house, his mother disliked aweful smell and asked him to take her to the wizard. She hit the wizard with her umbrella and told him to give her son his own smell. The wizard did the same and they both returned back and lived as a happy family. His father brought toys and things and mother hugged him calling ‘My loving son’

Moral: One should not give up one’s identity.

3Complete the story with your own ideas. The beginning of the story is as follows:

A debtor used by his creditor ........... creditor blames debtor ........... says he forged receipt to show payment ........... hires fifteen witnesses ........... also sends one thousand rupees to the judge to turn everything in his favour ........... case comes for hearing ........... fifteen witnesses to prove you speak the truth ........... thousand witnesses to prove you tell a lie ........... says the judge ........... creditor is punished.

Moral: ..................................................................... .

(10 Marks)A man had borrowed fifteen thousand rupees from his friend and had to return it well within time. But he turned to be a dishonest fellow and did not want to pay back the money. He forged a receipt to show the payment. He also hired fifteen witnesses to prove that he had already paid back the borrowed money. His friend got tired of him and one day he filed a suit against him to get the justice. Fearing that he might lose the case, the man sent one thousand rupees to the judge to please him to a give a favourable judgement. On the fixed day the case was brought for hearing but the judge, being an honest person, did not do what the man had expected from him to do. The judge said to the man, “You have hired fifteen witnesses to prove that you are speaking the truth, but you’re not”. He then took out one thousand rupees from his pocket and displaying the notes he added, “Because you have sent me one thousand witnesses in the form of notes to prove that you are lying. Now it is clear that you haven’t paid the money back to your friend”. The man could say nothing. He realised his mistake and paid back the money. He was also punished for his dishonesty.

Moral: Honesty is the best policy.


Writing — Letter to the editor 59Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1058

LETTER TO THE EDITORRead the questions and write answers as per instructions given: (5 Marks) 1. In our country education is still a dream for a lot of children. In many of the areas of our country, children are

deprived of education. There is no school, nor good teachers, no proper facilities to take children to school. Government has a lot of schemes and programmes. Still illiteracy prevails in our country. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a leading newspaper raising your concerns and suggestions. You may take ideas from the following hints:

Hints:Poor situation of education in India — no facility to many — children deprived of education — Right to Education just a dream — government’s measures fail — concern of society needed.

2. Child labour is one of the most serious issues in our country. Government has made laws against it. Still it goes on. There is earnest need to educate the parents and society against it. On the basis of the given visual along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of an English daily newspaper to highlight the issue and suggest some remedies. Your letter should not exceed 100-120 words.

Hints:Child labour a curse to society — no law effective — need to arouse consciousness — children need to be protected — they need to be educated — essential for the progress of nation.

3. Today’s lifestyle has become a threat to our life. We feel irritated, short tempered, exhausted and deprived of sleep. Taking ideas from the hints given below, write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a daily newspaper highlighting this problem and also suggest some remedies.

Hints:Life styles growing hectic — pressure of job, pressure of family increasing — life exhausted, busy life schedule — sleep deprivation — resulting depression — suicide — yoga, exercises may change the situation.

4. Yoga has become the only way to keep ourselves healthy. Government has reinvented our lifestyle by making yoga practices compulsory in schools. It should not be seen from any political angle. Finally, yoga helps us a lot. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a daily newspaper raising your concern about the introduction of yoga in schools. You may take ideas from the hints given below:

Hints:Yoga growing fast — ‘International Yoga Day’ promotes it globally — cures all illnesses — brings pleasure, longevity — keeps healthy.

5. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily about the implications of Right to Education (RTE). You may take ideas from the following hints:

Hints:Provisions of RTE — challenges before RTE — free education, free meal, lack of awareness among parents, administrative lapses.


Writing — ArtiCLe 61Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1060

6. On the occasion of a Women’s Day your school’s Literary club organised a speech competition on the topic ‘Empowering the Girl Child is the best way to Empower the Nation’’. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily about the programme held in your school. You may take the input given in the hints below:

Hints:Women’s Day celebration — eminent speakers attended — students participated enthusiastically — the theme displayed through play cards, banners, etc. — skills, dramas, speeches, etc. highlighted the theme — girls rewarded.

7. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily highlighting how solar energy can be a boon to our life today. You may also use the following inputs.

Hints:Demand of electricity growing rapidly — no electricity no life today — resource has its limits — fails to cater the entire need — problems growing — promotion of solar power, the only solution.

8. Study the visual inputs and write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting India’s prospects in the space exploration. Your letter should not exceed 100-120 words.

ARTICLEWrite an article on the following topics: (5 Marks) 1. Recently you have come across

an environment survey report. It is alarming. Study the report given and express your views on the issue in the form of an article analysing the causes and steps taken to save human life. Don’t exceed 120 words.

2. Based on the information provided in the hints below, write an article in 100-120 words on ‘‘Education Curriculum Requires Fresh Perspectives’’.

Hints: • Our education system not static. • No skilled based learning. • No proper examination system. • Students fail to get proper employment even after greater degrees. • Need to revamp the education system.


per cent


50said environmentbe prioritised overdevelopment

40per cent

felt air pollution policieswere not implementedproperly

per cent99

agreed that one’senvironment had animmediate effect onhealth

97per cent

for ban on use ofpolythene bags

per cent


90said climate changes(changes in temperatures,rainfall were occurring

17per cent

Dailywilling to pay actual costfor using water

Writing — ArtiCLe 61Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1060

3. Delhi was declared the world’s most polluted city. It was alarming for all the stake-holders. The Delhi government adopted odd-even formula which prescribed odd day for odd number-vehicles and even day for even number-vehicles. During these odd-even days there was no traffic jam on roads. Though there was no much effect on pollution but to some extent it was helpful. Write an article on this issue and suggest some measures. Your article should not exceed 100-120 words.

Hints: • Delhi — most polluted city. • Reasons — rapid growth of vehicles on roads, faulty traffic lights, traffic jams, improper garbage dumping

system, etc. • Solution — mechanised dust cleaning, proper traffic management, ban on growing diesel vehicles.

4. The Rio Olympic has shown that even girls can do wonders. Our government has also launched Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Abhiyan. We have a lot of wonderful achievements by the girls bringing laurels to our country. Write an article in about 100-120 words on the issue — Educate and treat the girl child at par with the boys.

Hints: • Girl child neglected. • Preference of male child. • Patriarchal mind-set of our society. • Neglect of education for girl child. • Need of saving girl child and proper education for them. • Need to change our mind-set. • Consider girl child equal to male child.

5. Stand-up India! Start-up India! is one of the most ambitious programmes launched by our government. It can open the doors for a lot of budding talents. It will also open up opportunities for employment for many. It will also make our life easy. Write an article in about 100-120 words on the topic. Be a master, not a slave.

Hints: • Growing population causes growth of unemployment. • No skill-based learning. • No proper opportunity for self-organisation. • Stand-up India! Start up India! — very ambitious and useful programme. • It opens the door for all, provides opportunity to establish oneself.

6. On the eve of World Literacy Day celebration you have found the data of literacy in your country very shocking. It is still in a very poor state despite many efforts by the government, NGOs and other social organisations. Our Hon’ble President has also talked about it on the occasion. The youth of the country as well as the retired educationists can contribute a lot. Write an article on the topic, the Role of Youth and Retired Resourceful Persons in Fighting Illiteracy’. (Word Limit: 100-120 words)

Hints: • Illiteracy — a major concern of our country. • No proper school system. • Parents of rural areas use their children to earn money. • No preference for education at all. • Social awareness required. • Youth and retired personal can change the scenario. • Each one teach one needed.

7. Freedom of speech has become a most talked about issue these days. People fail to understand what they mean by freedom of speech. Write an article on the topic; “Do we have Freedom of speech in the Real Sense?’’. Your article should not exceed 100-120 words.

Hints: • Freedom of speech — a fundamental right. • Misused by many. • Police also act irresponsibly at the behest of governance. • No proper knowledge of this right. • We must know ourselves what to express and what not.

Writing 63Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1062

8. There is a growing lack of moral values in the present generation. Somehow or the other parents and society are liable for it. Write an article on the issue ‘‘The Role of Parents and society in the Making of a Child’’. Your article should not exceed 100-120 words.

Hints: • Lack of moral values prevalent. • Exposure to internal, TV, etc. • Tension in families — a big reason. • Lack of socialisation — bigger issue. • No proper parenting. • Need to organise extensive workshops, counselling, seminars, etc.

SHORT STORYOn the basis of the given input, write a meaningful story in about 150-200 words: (10 Marks) 1. It was a dark cloudy night. At about 10:00 PM someone knocked at our door. My father approached the door but

before opening it, he looked out through the key-hole and ....................... . 2. It was Sunday morning. Some guests were supposed to come to our house for the negotiation of my elder sister’s

daughter. At about 14:00 AM my father got a call ....................... . 3. Last week I had a very dreadful experience during my travel in Metro. I took Metro at Akshardham Metro Station.

As it reached Rajeev Chowk ....................... . 4. My elder brother has been selected for Air Force Services. A party has been organised ....................... . 5. Rahul is one of my best friends. His father is a doctor. He wants his son to become a doctor too. But Rahul does

not wish so. So, he persuaded my father to convince his father not to force him to join medical. So this Sunday my father ....................... .

6. Cleanliness is said next to godliness. In order to celebrate Swachhata Mission launched by our government, our school organised an awareness programme ....................... .

7. Once a rich merchant was robbed by three robbers in a forest ..................... . Moral: ..................................................................... .

8. A partridge lives in a wheat field with her young ones ........... one day the owner of the field comes with son ........... tells son to request neighbours for help in cutting, gathering the ripening crop ........... young ones tell their mother ........... the mother bird assures children that they need not fear ........... owner comes with son after a few days ........... they find crops over-ripe ........... decide to cut themselves the next day ........... the partridge leaves the field that day.

Moral: ..................................................................... .

9. Ahmed, a barber in Baghdad ........... Ali, a wood seller ........... Ali brings Ahmed load of wood on a donkey ........... they bargain about the price ........... at last Ahmed offers the price for all the wood on donkey’s back ........... Ali agrees and unloads the wood ........... Ahmed now claims donkey’s wooden saddles ........... Ali protests ........... appeals to Caliph ........... Caliph gives him advice ........... Ali goes to Ahmed’s shop ........... asks him to shave him and a friend outside ........... Ahmed agrees ........... shaves Ali first ........... asks for his friend ...........Ali fetches in donkey ........... Ahmed not ready to shave an animal ........... Ali reports to Caliph ........... Caliph tells Ahmed to fulfil the bargain ........... Ahmed shaves the donkey ........... feels embarrassed.

Moral: ..................................................................... .

10. Road Rage a common sight ........... people lose temperament ........... heavy traffic ........... people in hurry ........... lack of awareness about traffic rules ........... no lane driving ........... no strict traffic rules ........... tussle over petty things ........... fighting ........... killing ........... a very server crime growing fast.

Moral: ..................................................................... .

Writing 63Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1062

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Road Accident has become common these days. But the person sustained injuries/the victim must be given first aid

immediately after accident. Using your own, write a letter to the editor of a local daily highlighting the importance of knowing first aid. Your letter should not exceed 100-120 words.

2. Be imaginative and develop a readable story with the help of the given outline in about 150-200 words.

Four bulls in a forest .............. are fast friends .............. eat grass together .............. a lion comes there .............. plans to kill them .............. whisper in the ear of the first bull .............. next day .............. second bull .............. whisper .............. third bull .............. fourth bull .............. now the bulls graze alone .............. the lion kills one bull .............. the three bulls do not help .............. he kills the rest bulls one by one .............. eats all the bulls.Moral: ...................................................................... .

Answers 1. B/39, Phase-I Mayur Vihar New Delhi-110042 24th October, 20×× The Editor The Hindustan Times Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi-110001 Sir Subject: Importance of knowing first aid. May I have the honour to draw the attention of the authorities and the people through the esteemed column of your

newspaper about the importance of knowing the first aid? These days road accidents are common. Today a child met an accident near the school gate. Many people were standing around but nobody knew what to do. Finally the child was carried to the hospital by a rickshaw puller. The students should be made aware of primary steps of first aid at school. In the school curriculum, it should be included. Even competitions should be held to make them efficient at first aid. In this regard I have requested our principle to take some initiatives in this regard.

At the same time, we should have own mini first aid box at our home. The parents should encourage their children for this purpose. They should know what to do in such situations before the victim is carried to the hospital. At times, the first aid can be life saving. The government and the concerned educational authorities should take steps towards this.

Thanking you Yours faithfully XYZ 2. There were four bulls in a forest. They were fast friends and they used to graze together. One day, a lion came there.

He was very clever. He wanted to kill all the bulls one by one to make them a nice meal for him. He thought out a plan. He went to the first bull and whispered in his ear,” Your friends are making you a fool. They themselves eat the green grass and leave the dry grass for you.” The next day he whispered it in the ear of the third bull. Still another day he whispered it in the ear of the fourth bull. The lion’s plan worked successfully. All the bulls developed ill-will for each other and began to graze alone. The clever lion smiled and killed one of the four bulls. The other three bulls did not come to help that bull. The lion, thus, killed the three bulls one by one and ate them to his heart’s content. The bulls were so simple that they could not assess the evil plan of the lion and lost their lives.

Moral: One should not blindly rely on others.


Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 65Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1064

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. We have polluted the earth to a great extent. Now it is the need of hour to save her. Using your own ideas, write

an article on ‘Save our mother earth’. Your article should not exceed 120-150 word. 2. Be imaginative and develop a readable story with the help of the given outline in about 150-200 words.

A poor woodcutter .......... cutting trees in a forest .......... one day axe falls into the river .......... water deep .......... helpless woodcutter weeps .......... God Mercury appears .......... asks woodcutter the reason .......... brings a golden axe .......... woodcutter does not accept it ............ God Mercury then brings a silver axe .......... woodcutter again refuses it .......... brings his own iron axe .......... woodcutter happy .......... takes his axe .......... God is pleased .......... rewards him.Moral: ...................................................................... .

Answers 1. SAVE OUR MOTHER EARTH This is the cause of complete concern across the globe today. The global warming has accelerated the rise of

temperature on earth which is said to have risen by 4°C. The sea level is also rising. The glaciers are also melting away. There has been very less rainfall in the recent year resulting in the scarcity of food around the world. The death rate due to starvation has increased immensely. We, the human beings are solely responsible for this calamity. Still we pollute our planet in many ways. Deforestation, industrial pollution, toxic wastes, vehicular pollution and lack of greenery are the chief causes of imbalance in the ecosystem.

The urgent need of the hour is that each one of us must take step to save the planet in every possible way. We should protect our forests, save fuel, plant trees, take care of toxic pollutants, conserve water and change our life style.

Besides, awareness programmes must be launched by the students and NGOs to make people aware of environmental problems. The public should avoid the use of polythene bags also. All of us must strive hard to save our beautiful plant for the future generations.

2. Once a woodcutter lived in a village with his wife and children. He was poor, no doubt, but honest and truthful. Each day, he would go to the forest with his axe to cut trees for wood. One day while he was felling a tree at the bank of river, his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into the water below. The poor woodcutter began to weep in extreme frustration. God Mercury heard his cries. He appeared before him and asked him why he was weeping. The woodcutter told him the whole story. God said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get back your axe”. The very next moment He took off his clothes and dived into the river. After a while, He came out of the water with a golden axe. The woodcutter said, “This axe is made of gold. It is not mine”. Then the God dived into the river again and came out of the water with an axe made of silver. The woodcutter said, “This isn’t mine. Mine is an ordinary iron axe”.

God dived into the water the third time. After a few minutes he came out with an iron axe. The woodcutter jumped up with joy on seeing the axe and cried, “This is mine! This is mine! Thank you very much! God was pleased with the honesty of the woodcutter. He gave all the three axes to him as a reward for his truthfulness.”

Moral: Honesty is the best policy.

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks


Writing 65Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1064

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Sleep is crucial for maintaining your health. The sleep deprived people suffer from several diseases. Write an article

in 100-120 words on “Sleep deprivation is the result of several diseases”.

2. Be imaginative and write a short story in 150-200 words on the basis of following hints:

Hints:Mr. Sharma .............. a successful businessman .............. his health deteriorated .............. everyone in the family worried .............. consulted a doctor .............. business pressure, hard work and little sleep at night and untimely meal pointed out as causes .............. the change of life style suggested ..............gradually his health improved.

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Health and Medicine]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 67Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1066
































Writing 67Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1066

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Overeating is the wastage of food and dangerous for health. People should save food for the hungry people. Write

a letter to the editor of an English daily highlighting why the people should control the habit of overeating. Your letter should not exceed 100-120 words.

2. Write a short story in 150-200 words on the basis of following hints:

Hints:It happened so that Mohit got up early in the morning. He quickly went to the field and practised hard. ........................ .

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Health and Medicine]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 69Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1068
































Writing 69Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1068

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. You are a famous sports person. You want to support the budding players with inherent talent. You have desire to

establish a talent hunt cell in schools. Using your own ideas write an article on “Support Needed for the talented players” for your school magazine. Your article should not exceed 100-120 words.

2. Write a short story in about 150-200 words on the basis of hints given below:

Hints:Long long ago there was an old man in a village. He was very interested in yoga. On a certain day he saw some yoga teacher conducting yoga classes in the field ....................... .

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Health and Medicine]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 71Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1070
































Writing 71Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1070

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Corruption gnaws the society from within. Each Indian is aware of the malpractices prevalent in the society.

But it has not been curbed so far. Write a letter to the editor of the Hindustan Times, highlighting the issues and suggesting some measures to curb it. Your letter should not exceed 120 words.

2. Write a short story on the basis of following hints in about 150-200 words:

Hints:Enjoyed going for long walks .............. visit Raipur .............. huge forests areas .............. taking shortcut through the forests, a tree toppled pinning me underneath.

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Education]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 73Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1072
































Writing 73Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1072

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. The enrolment of girl is school is very poor. We need to educate our girls. Write a letter in about 100-120 words

to the editor of the Hindustan Times highlighting the Importance of Education for Girls.

2. Develop the following outline into a short story and suggest an appropriate title also. (Word limit: 150-200 words)

Hints:Three friends .............. neighbours .............. exemplary friendship. They leave .............. livelihood .............. reach forest .............. tired .............. find a casket full of gold coins .............. happy .............. division .............. equal parts. Very hungry .............. one sent to market .............. he eats .............. himself .............. poisons food. Others think .............. fifty-fifty share .............. they attack friend who has brought food .............. kill him .............. eat food — poisoned .............. die. All lose life

Moral: ...................................................................... .
















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Education]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 75Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1074
































Writing 75Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1074

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Vocational education prepares the learners for jobs based on annual or practical activities. Write an article in 100-

120 words on the ‘Importance of Vocational Education for Secondary Schools’.

2. Write a short story in 150-200 words on the basis of following hints:

Hints:Manu .............. a poor boy .............. intense desire to get education .............. found by a social worker .............. brought home .............. heard his story .............. funded his education .............. worked hard .............. did M.Sc. .............. became a scientist.

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Education]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 77Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1076
































Writing 77Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1076

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. The grading system of evaluation has several good points. But this system requires continuous and regular work.

Taking help from idea given in the hints below, and using your own, write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of an English newspaper describing how this system should be tackled.

Hints: • Excellent grade — consistent and continuous effect. • 9 or 10 points average — students slotted with the best. • The difference of 1 mark — one may lose or gain the higher grade. • Grading system brings in talents

Moral: ...................................................................... .

2. Write a short story in about 150-200 words, on the basis of hints given below:

Hints:Everyday while going to school in the morning you see some rag pickers digging in the garbage. Today you got a chance to talk one of them and you became interested to know more about his .............. .

Moral: ...................................................................... .












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[Based on the MCB Unit: Education]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 79Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1078
































Writing 79Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1078

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Video games, internet, cell phones and other high-tech gear are just part of growing up in a digital world. But parents

are concerned about the amount of time their children spend with these and worry that it might be distracting and cramping academic and social development.

Using your own ideas, write an article in 100-120 words, describing both the benefits and harms of using these high-tech devices.

2. Write an imaginary short story on the basis of following hints and give a suitable title and moral of the story you have developed.

Hints:A haunted house .............. villagers curious about the resident .............. always helped the poor .............. gave food and clothes to the hungry people .............. complaint lodged at the police station .............. the house was invaded .............. no one found .............. the man disappeared.

Moral: ...................................................................... .














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[Based on the MCB Unit: Science]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 81Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1080
































Writing 81Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1080

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Informal processing (disposal) of e-waste can lead to adverse human health effects and environmental pollution.

Using your own, write a letter to the editor of national daily about the harmful effects of electronic waste disposal. Your letter should not exceed 120 words.

2. Write a short story in about 150-200 words on the basis of hints given below:

Hints:Nobody knew why Vipul, the Robot was so busy that day. He had to attend a good number of business that day. What happened then?

Moral: ...................................................................... .

















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[Based on the MCB Unit: Science]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

Writing 83Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1082
































Writing 83Assignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1082

Read the instructions carefully and answer the following: (5 + 10 = 15 Marks) 1. Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology. Write an article in about 100-120 words on the

topic, ‘Advantages of Modern Technology’. You may utilize ideas given in the hints below:

Hints: • Easy access to information. • Innovation and creativity. • Improved communication. • Improved entertainment. • Efficiency and productivity. • Convenience in education.

Moral: ...................................................................... .

2. Write a short story in about 150-200 words on the basis of hints given below:

Hints:Raghav was walking in space. He was enjoying the scenes of space. Suddenly his station stopped working.

Moral: ...................................................................... .














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[Based on the MCB Unit: Science]

Section-B Part I — Writing 15 Marks

<vAriAbLe 1> PBAssignments in engLish PLus CommuniCAtive – 1084
































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