wudu diversion and irrigation works, phase ii resettlement...

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Wudu Reservoir Project Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Works, Phase II

Resettlement Report

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd.

Oct. 2010

RP1038 P

























































Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



Resettlement Action Plan for Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Projects by WB Loans of Sichuan, China..………………………………………………………………………………………………1

Assessment Report on Overall Resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement Due Diligence Report for Wudu Reservoir…………………………..…….…….…188

Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan, China

Resettlement Action Plan

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd.

October 2010

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Letter of Commitment

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Purpose of preparing resettlement action plan and definition of terms

Purpose The resettlement action plan (RAP) is prepared in accordance with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Sichuan Province as well as World Bank Safeguard Policy -- OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement.

The document is prepared to draw up an action plan of resettlement and recovery for project affected persons in order to ensure they benefit from the project and their living standards are improved or at least restored after the completion of the project. In construction of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project in Sichuan, acquisition of land and other assets will cause adverse impacts on life of people who have worked or lived on the land within the project affected scope. The purpose of RAP is to provide a resettlement and recovery plan for affected persons, such that their loss can be compensated and their living standards can be improved or at least maintained at the levels prior to the project. Likewise, the affected business resources of production (including stores, enterprises), public property, infrastructure and cultural property will also be improved or at least restored to the level before the project is implemented.

Project affected persons “Project affected persons” refer to those whose production or life has been negatively affected by land acquisition and relocation of the project, including:

(1) Those whose land (including housing land, land for public facilities, land for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and sideline), structures (private housing and appurtenances, enterprise accommodations or public buildings, etc.), rights and interests or other assets are partially or completely acquired and occupied temporarily or permanently.

(2) Those who use the land, structures or assets above, or whose businesses or occupations, dwelling places or living habits are affected adversely.

(3) Those whose living standards are affected negatively due to land acquisition and relocation.

Therefore, all these persons will be considered and recorded as affected persons under the circumstances that none of their assets, land or locations are taken into account.

All affected persons shall be compensated to improve or at least restore their living standards. The loss to assets will be compensated at the replacement price, reduction or discount of compensation amounts strictly prohibited owing to depreciation or other reasons. Furhtermore, besides compensation to loss of assets, subsidies shall be available to restore their livelihood. Those affected persons who lose their assts, rights and interests and resident permits and engage in business operation, land reclamation or construction shall be treated equally to those with legal assets, rights and interests or permits, with entitlement to restore their livelihood and compensation of their assets.

Resettlement and recovery “Resettlement and recovery” means arrangements in production or life to those affected persons such that their production activities are restored, living standards are improved or at least maintained at the levels before the proejct is conducted, mainly including:

(1) Relocation of life area;

(2) New jobs available to those whose jobs have been affected;

(3) Recovery (or compensation) to land, workplaces, trees and infrastructure affected;

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


(4) Recovery to those whose living standards (quality of life) have been adversely affected (such as contaminated harmful gases) due to land acquisition and relocation;

(5) Recovery or compensation to individuals or public enterprises affected;

(6) Recovery to cultural or common property adversely affected.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



LETTER OF COMMITMENT .......................................................................................................................................


SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................................

BACKGROUND ..........................................................................................................................................................SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ..........................................................................................................POLICY FRAMEWORK COMPENSATION STANDARD AND RESETTLEMENT EXPENSE BUDGET.......................................................MEASURES AND RESETTLEMENT PLANS TO DECREASE PROJECT IMPACTS ..............................................................................SETUP OF RESETTLEMENT ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................................................NEGOTIATION INVOLVEMENT AND RESETTLEMENT PROGRESS ............................................................................................RESETTLEMENT MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................

SECTION  OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................

1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................................................1.2 PREPARATION FOR RESETTLEMENT PLAN...........................................................................................................1.3 MEASURES TO MITIGATE PROJECT IMPACTS.......................................................................................................1.4 ASSESSMENT OF CORRELATION OF THE PROJECT WITH WUDU DIVERSION AND IRRIGATION PROJECT,PHASE II ........................................................................................................................................................................

C ...............................................................................................................A .............................................

SECTION  SOCIOECONOMIC SURVEY......................................................................................................................

2.1 SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN PROJECT AREA...............................................................................................S Z C ........................................................................................S Y C .......................................................................................S J C ..........................................................................................S Y D ......................................................................................

2.2 SURVEY TO AFFECTED PERSONS.........................................................................................................................C .....................................................................................B ....................................................................................................

SECTION  SCOPE OF PROJECT IMPACT....................................................................................................................

3.1 LIST OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS AND VILLAGES AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT...........................................................3.2 PROJECT LAND OCCUPATION..............................................................................................................................3.3 HOUSE RELOCATION..........................................................................................................................................3.4 GROUND APPURTENANCE..................................................................................................................................3.5 INFRASTRUCTURE.............................................................................................................................................3.6 PROJECT IMPACT ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................

A ........................................................................................................................A ........................................................................................................V P ...................................................................................................

SECTION  LEGAL FRAMEWORK ...............................................................................................................................

4.1 APPLICABLE POLICIES AND LAWS......................................................................................................................4.2 RELEVANT LAWS AND REGULATIONS.................................................................................................................

WORLD BANK INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT POLICY ....................................................................................................4.4 PRACTICE AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINA’SRESETTLEMENT POLICY AND THE WORLD BANK’S ................

SECTION  COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR LAND ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION AND RESETTLEMENT EXPENSE BUDGET .............................................................................................................................................................

5.1 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION.....................................................................COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR YOUNG CROPS............................................................................................................COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR TEMPORARY LAND ACQUISITION ....................................................................................COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR HOUSE RELOCATION ....................................................................................................COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR GROUND APPURTENANCE AND SCATTERED TREE ................................................................COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................................................

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


RESETTLEMENT EXPENSE BUDGET .............................................................................................................................

SECTION  RESETTLEMENT AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT................................................................................

RESETTLEMENT TARGET...........................................................................................................................................6.2 RESETTLEMENT STRATEGY................................................................................................................................

RESETTLEMENT TASK ..............................................................................................................................................RESETTLEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................................................................

R ......................................................................................R .......................................................................................R .............................R ........................................................................................................I ......................................................................................

6.5 WAYS OF LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION OF AFFECTED PERSONS.............................................................................P ............................................................................................................P ..................................................................R .................................................................................................................E ...........................................................................................................R ..............................................................................................

SECTION  ARRANGEMENT OF RESETTLEMENT ORGANIZATION.............................................................................

7.1 SETTING-UP OF PROJECT LEADING GROUP.........................................................................................................7.2 RESETTLEMENT ORGANIZATION SETTING-UP AND STAFFING..............................................................................7.3 CAPACITY AND TRAINING OF RESETTLEMENT ORGANIZATION...........................................................................

SECTION  IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF RESETTLEMENT.........................................................................................

8.1 PROCEDURES OF IMPLEMENTATION...................................................................................................................L .............................................................................................................H ..............................................................................................................P ................................................................................R .....................................................................................................................

8.2 PROGRESS PLAN................................................................................................................................................8.3 FUNDS APPROPRIATION......................................................................................................................................

A .................................................................................................................................A .........................................................................................

SECTION  NEGOTIATION COMPLAINT AND PARTICIPATION .................................................................................

9.1 NEGOTIATION....................................................................................................................................................9.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ......................................................................................................................................9.3 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY.................................................................................................................................9.4 DISSEMINATION AND INFORMATION PUBLICATION...........................................................................................9.5 COMPLIANT CHANNEL.....................................................................................................................................

SECTION  MONITORING AND EVALUATION ..........................................................................................................

10.1 INTERNAL MONITORING...................................................................................................................................P ....................................................................................................................................O ...................................................................................................................C ..........................................................................................................................P ...............................................................................................................

10.2 EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT MONITORING AND EVALUATION...............................................................................P ....................................................................................................................................O ...................................................................................................................M ...........................................................................................M ...................................................................................................

10.3 REPORT PREPARATION.....................................................................................................................................R A P R ............................................................................................................P R R ............................................................................................................E ............................................

SECTION  POWER MATRIX .....................................................................................................................................

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


SECTION  ATTACHMENT...........................................................................................................................................


PROJECT......................................................................................................................................................................ATTACHMENT 4 STATISTICS OF HOUSE RELOCATION BY WUDU AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION PROJECT......................ATTACHMENT 5 PRICE LIST OF BOQ OF HOUSING WORKS............................................................................................ATTACHMENT 6 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PUBLIC OPINIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF WUDU AGRICULTURAL

IRRIGATION PROJECT...................................................................................................................................................ATTACHMENT 7 PICTURE OF PUBLICITY OF RESETTLEMENT PLAN IN MIANYANG DAILY ………………………….....154

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



1. Background

The Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans involves the first flow section of Xizi Trunk Canal in Zitong County and 11 canals distributed in Jiangyou City, Yanting County and Zitong County.11 canals total 229.29km in Mianyang, with an irrigation area of 800,700 mu (1 mu=0.0667 ha.).The project development tasks are farmland irrigation, domestic and industrial water supply in rural and urban areas. With a view to safeguarding that the population affected by land acquisition of public construction project obtains legal compensations to ensure their living standards are at least not lower than the levels when the project is not carried out and expected to be improved to some extent, Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. has prepared the resettlement plan report of the Project in accordance with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Sichuan Province as well as World Bank Safeguard Policy -- OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement.

In order to prepare the Plan, Preparation Organization, under the guidance of resettlement experts of Southwest Jiaotong University and with the cooperation of Wudu Diversion Project administration office, the people's government of related counties and districts (cities), has completed socioeconomic survey of project area, material loss investigation in land acquisition and relocation from March to June 2010, and performed enriched and supplementary investigations to the data above in September 2010, as well as sampled surveys to basic information and public opinions of affected households from 136 villages in all 38 townships along the line, and negotiations with government officials, village leaders and affected households in all counties and districts (cities).Substantive issues available, such as land acquisition, number of affected persons, arrangements of labor force and compensation standards, provide much information; the resettlement plan of the Project has been prepared in July 2010 based upon the work above, and revised and improved in September 2010.

2. Scope of land acquisition and resettlement

The Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans involves 136 administrative villages from 38 townships and towns of Jiangyou City, Yanting County, Zitong County, Youxian District in Mianyang City. Permanent land acquisition of the Project includes 4,245.32 mu collectively-owned land, among which, arable land is 2,317.81 mu, accounting for 54.6 ; during the construction period, temporary land occupation is about 3,257.56 mu; 55,244.55 m2 houses and buildings will be relocated. As the project affected persons are rural population, house relocation only involves houses of rural residents; the population affected by land acquisition and relocation totals 3,848 from 1,063 households, in which, the number affected by land acquisition is only 2,853 persons from 799 households, those affected by both land acquisition and relocation are 990 persons from 264 households, with no households only affected by relocation.

3. Policy framework, compensation standard and resettlement expense budget

The resettlement plan is prepared in strict accordance with relevant documents of the People’s Republic of China and Mianyang City in Sichuan Province and World Bank Safeguard Policy -- OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. The

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


resettlement will be implemented in strict accordance with the compensation standard and resettlement plan based on the Action Plan. Socioeconomic surveys conducted to project areas and affected villages indicate that the area of farmland per capita is over 1 mu in Jiangyou City, Zitong County and Yanting County. In compliance with CBH [2008] No. 73 Document, the sum total of land compensations to permanent farmland and garden land acquisition and resettlement subsidies is 16 times of the average annual output values in the three years prior to the acquisition, compensations to forest land, aquiculture pools, housing land, land for construction, wasteland and other land acquisition and resettlement subsidies are calculated based on half of the acquisition standards of farmland.

The compensation standards of farmland and garden land range from 19,360 to 29,920 yuan/mu and 9,680-14,960 yuan/mu for other types of land, depending on the average annual output values of all townships and towns.

Compensation standards of temporary land occupation are annual average output values of such types of land paid in line with occupied years.

Houses and structures shall be calculated based on the local replacement prices, considering no utilization of used materials; in combination with requirements of seismic design necessary for housing reconstruction after earthquakes, compensation standards for relocation fall into level 6 and level 7 of seismic fortification intensity; in terms of land acquisition for project construction, the seismic fortification intensity of Jiangyou City and Youxian District is level 7 and other townships and towns involved are level 6.Compensation standards for relocated brick-concrete housing and brick-wood housing are respectively: 620 yuan/m2 and 505 yuan/m2 for level 6, as well as 630 yuan/m2 and 525 yuan/m2 for level 7 seismic fortification intensity, 370 yuan/m2 for wood structures, 330 yuan/m2 for earth-wood structures, 150 yuan/m2 for unsorted housings, and 110 yuan/m2 for other structures.

Land acquisition compensations and resettlement expense budgets are 236.8377 million Yuan. Among which, basic resettlement expenses directly for compensations to affected persons are 168.0592 million yuan, relevant taxes are 4179.80 yuan, 2.3088 million yuan as special support funds to vulnerable groups, 1.924 million yuan for technical training, with 5.0418 million yuan of implementation and management fees, 0.90 million yuan of resettlement monitoring and assessment fees and 16.8059 million yuan of contingencies.

4. Measures and resettlement plans to decrease project impacts

In planning and design stages, Design Organization and the Employer compare, select and optimize several design proposals, for the purpose of occupying as little farmland or land as possible and decreasing the excavation of earth and stone and spoil; the optimized lines and construction proposals decrease 131.5 mu of land acquisition, relocating 40 households less than scheduled.

For those unavoidably affected persons, resettlement strategies include reconstruction of the lost houses, compensations to land and other assets, together with restoration to infrastructure and incomes. The specific resettlement plans are as follows:

(1) Resettlement for permanent land acquisition

Land acquisition for reservoir irrigation channel is linearly distributed, with a long line, but individual peasant household loses relatively small area of land. In view of diversities of land resources owned by affected villages and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


peasant households, as well as different impacts of areas of land acquisition, resettlement for permanent land acquisition includes the following modes:

Resettlement by internal land adjustment within villages and groups

Resettlement by collectively-owned land adjustment

Resettlement by monetary compensation

Agricultural industrial structure adjustment promoted to increase output values per mu.

Resettlement by social safeguard

(2) Resettlement plan of compensation for temporary land occupation

Agricultural output loss of land during temporary use shall be compensated to temporary land occupation, and the Contractor shall pay temporary land utilization fees to land owners or users (i.e. collectives or individuals), with compensations year by year to temporary land occupation. After the construction project is completed, the Contractor shall be responsible for recovering the original cultivation conditions of temporary land occupation, and return the land to its owners or users after the acceptance of land departments indicates satisfaction of original cultivation conditions.

(3) Resettlement plan for house relocation

The Project only affects a small portion of land and houses from all villages along the channel, without greatly adverse impacts on original production and life of most affected villages. In combination with actual situations of affected areas, the resettlement plans for house relocation established are: affected households are to be resettled in their own villages (groups), the houses are to be relocated in two ways: one is relocation and reconstruction by villagers themselves, the other is centralized arrangement and planning by the village, which is applicable to few households with substantial and centralized relocation work or villagers difficult to acquire housing land by themselves. Besides resettlement in original villages (groups), individual households may choose other resettlement modes (such as settling down in cities) voluntarily.

(4) Resettlement plan of compensation for young crops, ground appurtenance and infrastructure

Compensations of ground appurtenance and young crops shall be paid to the owners according to the verified numbers and amounts, the compensations of individuals for young crops and ground appurtenances of land acquisition will be paid to peasant households, and those of collective organizations paid to collective economic organizations. Recovery, reconstruction and relocation of infrastructure are to be rebuilt by the Employer or by owners after receiving the compensations. Reconstruction planning of power facilities shall be put forward and constructed by power divisions concerned, the reconstruction planning of telecommunication facilities shall be put forward and constructed by relevant telecommunication sectors.

(5) Resettlement measures to vulnerable groups

As to vulnerable groups affected, when in planning resettlement expenses, special support funds will be set up to be measured and drawn based upon the standards of 600 yuan per capita to total number of affected persons, about 2.3088 million yuan as special support and resettlement planning of poor groups in land acquisition and relocation; support includes specialized

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


consultation available; priority consideration in selection of housing land, assisting the relocation households in building houses, granting extra living subsidies and relocation subsidies, providing other priorities to acquire other economic subsidies, basic cost of living allowances available to those complying with conditions of enjoying subsistence allowances for rural and urban residents, and participating in endowment insurance and medical insurance in conformity with regulations.

(6) Ways of livelihood restoration

The resettlement department ensures due entitlements to be provided for affected persons prior to land clearing, demolition and construction. The land compensations will be paid to affected households through village committees or villager groups. Compensations for young crops and houses, relocation subsidies and compensations for other assets will be directly paid to those suffering from property loss. Compensations for infrastructure such as power and communication facilities will be paid to relevant government departments to facilitate recovery.

5. Setup of resettlement organization

To strengthen the leadership of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans, Phase II, and ensure the project funds in place and the successful implementation of construction, the Mianyang Municipal Government has established the project leading group for Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans, Phase Lithe implementation of land requisition and resettlement in the Project is led by the project leading group of Mianyang City, and its responsible agency is Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. As the Employer, Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. is in charge of the overall coordination, monitoring and complaints handling of the resettlement in the Project. Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office of related counties, districts (cities), Land and Resources Bureau, related township governments and communities are responsible for the land acquisition and relocation, and coordination and allocation of resettlement housing land. The finance bureaus of related counties and districts are in charge of raising and granting of funds required for land acquisition and resettlement.Persons in charge of land acquisition and resettlement shall receive training for successful performance of the related work.

6. Negotiation involvement and resettlement progress

Upon the construction site selection of the Project, the resettlement department and governments at all levels have negotiated and communicated repeatedly with affected villages, groups and villager representatives, hearing their opinions and recommendations. Negotiations spirits will be throughout the land acquisition and resettlement of the Project.

In June and September 2010, the Employer and local resettlement department have organized social opinion surveys of local public under the guidance of resettlement experts from Southwest Jiaotong University. Surveys are performed in informal discussion and door-to-door interviewing, conducting sampled surveys to 135 land acquisition and relocation households, 13% of all affected households. In order to know well the opinions of project construction and resettlement from land acquisition and relocation households, villages and groups.

The project duration is about 3 years, preliminary preparation and planning starts from December 2009, land acquisition and relocation and civil engineering from

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


October and December 2010 respectively, and the project is expected to be completed in 2013.From April to June 2010, the Employer has conducted material loss investigation related to resettlement, drawn up the resettlement plan of the Project on the basis of convening various negotiation meetings and soliciting opinions from affected persons, submitted to World Bank for review in October 2010 and formally disclosed the resettlement plan to affected persons in November 2010.The resettlement of the Project will be formally launched in November 2010, and compensations will be paid in accordance with the signed land acquisition and relocation agreements in November and December. The production and livelihood restoration of the relocated will last from November 2010 to December 2011.

7. Resettlement monitoring and assessment

For the sake of ensuring smooth implementation of resettlement plan and realizing the appropriate resettlement, the Project will monitor in full the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement. The monitoring is performed in internal monitoring of resettlement organization and external independent monitoring respectively.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 1: Overview

1.1 Project overview Wudu Diversion Project is a large-scaled backbone water conservancy project integrating the comprehensive utilization functions of flood control, irrigation, power generation, industrial and domestic water supply in rural and urban areas, environmental protection and tourism in overall planning of West-to-East Water Diversion Project in Sichuan Province. Located in rolling terrain at “belly” of Sichuan Province, the project covers an irrigation area: Longmen Mountain and Jianmen Mountain in the north, Qinggang River of Shehong County in the south, Fujiang River in the west, and Xihe River and Shengzhong irrigation area in the east, involving Jiangyou City, Youxian District, Santai County, Yanting County, Zitong County in Mianyang City, Shehong County in Suining City, Jiange County in Guangyuan City, and Nanbu County and Xichong County in Nanchong City.

Wudu Diversion Project is constructed in two phases, with a designed irrigation area of 2.3220 million mu. The phase I project includes water diversion junction, trunk canal, canal works of Fuzi irrigation area and anti-flooding and storage reservoir, irrigated farmland is 1.2698 million mu, and the project has passed the national acceptance in 2002; the phase II project includes Wudu Reservoir, direct irrigation area by Wudu Reservoir, Xizi Trunk Canal, Jinfeng Storage Reservoir and key canal works in irrigation area. In which, Wudu Reservoir is the water source project of Wudu Diversion Project, commenced in 2004, scheduled for water storage in 2010, and completed fully in 2011.

Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II has a designed irrigation area of 1.0532 million mu, including Xizi Irrigation District of 0.9037 million mu and Direct Irrigation District by Wudu Reservoir of 0.1495 million mute project belongs to Level II, mainly including ancillary canal works of Xizi Trunk Canal Works, Jinfeng Storage Reservoir and Xizi irrigation area, direct irrigation area by Wudu Reservoir. The project development tasks are farmland irrigation, domestic and industrial water supply in rural and urban areas. Key river-crossing structures of Xizi Trunk Canal in Sichuan Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, include Zitong River inverted siphon (the first flow section), Maming River inverted siphon (the second flow section), Erdongqiao aqueduct (the third flow section), Laoyingshi aqueduct (the fourth flow section) and Qinglong inverted siphon (the sixth flow section); small key canal system involves 17 canals, totaling 349.46km.

The Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans involves the first flow section of Zitong River inverted siphon at the first section of Xizi Trunk Canal and 11 canals distributed in Jiangyou City, Yanting County and Zitong County.11 canals total 254.187km, 229.29km in Mianyang, with a designed irrigation area of 800700 mu in Mianyang.11 canals in Mianyang are Right Branch Canal, Yongchong Sub-branch Canal, Yongdong Sub-branch Canal, Dabao Sub-branch Canal, Renbo Sub-branch Canal, Yuanshan Sub-branch Canal, Shihei Sub-branch Canal, Fucheng Sub-branch Canal, Linma Sub-branch Canal, Jinxi Sub-branch Canal and Jinlong Trunk Canal respectively. See Table 1 for details of all canals.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1 Overview of canals of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Total length

Length in Mianyang

In which: total

length of open canal

Design irrigation


Design flow

Tunnel (m) Aqueduct (m)Canal name:

Distribution area

km km km10,000

mu m3/s Number Length Number

Xizi Trunk Canal

Zitong (the first flow section)

23.191 28.5

Right Branch Canal

Jiangyou 8.984 8.984 6.246 2.500 2.50 3 2472.5 1

Yongchong Sub-branch

Canal Jiangyou 26.570 26.570 17.244 5.750 1.68 7 4478 6

Yongdong Sub-branch

Canal Jiangyou 34.583 34.583 29.800 6.700 1.69 10 1880 8

Dabao Sub-branch


Zitong Yanting

31.569 31.569 24.527 5.460 1.50 10 5386.5 1

Renbo Sub-branch


Yanting Zitong

31.957 31.957 23.732 9.250 2.60 11 7302 4

Yuanshan Sub-branch


Zitong Jiange

19.515 1.136 14.289 5.670 1.60 8 4333 2

Shihei Sub-branch

Canal Yanting 22.290 22.290 19.610 3.320 1.00 4 2213 1

Fucheng Sub-branch

Canal Yanting 23.334 23.334 11.896 5.280 1.80 20 10342 5

Linma Sub-branch

Canal Yanting 15.192 15.192 6.784 7.050 2.30 24 8227 1

Jinxi Sub-branch Canal

Yanting Xichong

14.093 13.899 9.349 5.160 1.70 14 3871 1

Jinlong Trunk Canal

Yanting Shehong

24.237 19.773 13.871 23.930 8.70 22 8735 7

Total 254.187 231.15 177.348 92.52 30.27 134 61103 37

Data sources: Feasibility Study Report of the Project

1.2 Preparation for resettlement plan In accordance with Regulations on Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement for Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Hydropower Projects (decree of the State Council No. 471), and design contents of land acquisition and resettlement plan for construction of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan, China (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is prepared in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Sichuan Province as well as World Bank Safeguard Policy -- OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. The report is prepared by Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. under the guidance of resettlement experts of Southwest Jiaotong University, and with the assistance of Wudu Engineering Administration Bureau of related counties for land acquisition, districts (cities), People’s Governments of related counties, districts (cities), Sichuan Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Research and Mianyang Research Institute of Water Conservancy Planning and Design.

In order to prepare the Plan, Preparation Organization, under the coordination of Wudu Diversion Project administration office and the People's Government of related counties, districts (cities), has conducted survey of numbers of land acquisition, relocation households, ground appurtenances, affected infrastructure from March to May 2010, performed socioeconomic surveys and material loss investigations in June 2010, and executed enriched and supplementary investigations to the data above in September 2010.Surveys are implemented in collection of existing statistical data, field investigation, and door-to-door interviewing; substantive issues available from door to door, such as land acquisition, number of affected persons, arrangements of labor force and compensation standards, provide much information, laying a solid foundation to prepare the resettlement action plan. In July 2010, the resettlement plan of the Project has been prepared, revised and improved in September 2010.

1.3 Measures to mitigate project impacts The construction of the Project involves land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement, which will have impacts on original production and life conditions of local residents inevitably. With a view to decreasing the impacts of project construction on local socioeconomy, the Employer and local government adhere to the principle of minimizing project impacts, take effective measures in the construction site during the construction process, and reduce the impacts of project on land acquisition and relocation.

In planning and design stages, the design organization and the Employer, for the purpose of minimizing the impacts of land acquisition and house relocation, follow the principles of avoiding densely-populated residential areas maximally, diminishing relocation, occupying as little farmland or land as possible, and decreasing the excavation of earth and stone and spoil, compare, select and optimize several design proposals; the results are less area of damaging facilities for water and soil conservation, decreased excavation of earth and stone and spoil, further, rationally decreasing 131.5 mu of land acquisition, relocating 40 households less than scheduled; the line and construction proposals are optimized to reduce the total cost of the Project. Please see Table 2 and 3 for detailed comparison & selection proposals and decreased land acquisition and relocation.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, PhaseII


Table2 Compar ison & Selection of Proposals for Wudu Agricultural I r r igation Project by WB loans


Contents forcompar ison and

selectionCompar ison proposal Recommended proposal




Compar ison andselection results


Construction oftudiya, wazhuazuiand Youfanggouaqueducts

Open canal scheme Aqueduct proposal 55

Decreased areaofdamaging facilities forwater and soilconservation andexcavation of earthand stone, decreasedthe relocated of 135persons


FromSanyuanchanginverted siphon toXiaomaoshiTunnel

After Sanyuanchanginverted siphon,connection with3204m open canal toXiaomaoshi Tunnel

Newly increased 53m TieluyaArcature, then connected with 1,719mopen canal to Xiaomaoshi Tunnel




No households to berelocated, thecanalcan be245m shorter,arcaturecompletedfacilitatescanal safetyand operatingmanagement


Canal line is fromAdret of MaanMountain toAdret of GuiziMountain

Adret of MaanMountain

Line of Guizi Mountain 48

The line is2420mshorter, remarkablydecreasing the landoccupancy andexcavation of earthand stone, reducingdisturbancearea offacilities for water andsoil conservation andspoil.


Line fromXuejinya toSanfanggou

Oncearrival atXiangtangguan after950m open canal,going through 680m

Going through 663m XuejinyaTunnel, then 1000m tunnel to arrive atSanfanggou

6 2Thecanal is330mshorter

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, PhaseII


XiangtangguanTunnel, then crossing300m Sanfanggouinverted siphon


Line fromBaiyungou toYanjiagou

After arrival atLongtangou via 1800mtunnel, going through550m LongtangouTunnel

Going through 980m BaiyungouTunnel to Yanjiagou


Thecanal is1200mshorter, and therecommendedproposal reducesdisturbancearea offacilities for water andsoil conservation andspoil


Canal fromDaobailalin toZhangjiazuiAqueduct

Entering tunnel atBaimagou, watertunnel goes forwardalong the right bank ofridge, and connectedwith aqueduct throughopen canal after goingout of the tunnel

Entering tunnel at Baimagou, watertunnel goes forward along the leftbank of ridge, and connected withaqueduct through open canal aftergoing out of the tunnel

3 1 Line is194m shorter


Connecting canalof Xizi TrunkCanal

After canal connectionwith Xizi Trunk Canal,crossing JiulongshanBealock

After canal connection with XiziTrunk Canal, arranging about 850mopen canal along the upstream side ofLongmen Reservoir to Miaogoutou,increasing Longmenya Tunnel, exit ofwhich isZhaojiawan, and connectedwith original canal at Zhaojiawan

Thecanal is500mshorter, thecanal linein recommendedproposal involves norelocation andresettlers, with lessexcavation of earthand stone and spoil

Datasources: Design Organization

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, PhaseII


Table 3 Compar ison & selection of proposals for Wudu Agr icultural Ir r igation Project by WB loans (continued)


Contents forcompar isonand selection

Compar ison proposal Recommended proposal




Compar ison andselection results


Exit ofRenjiawanAqueduct

Arranging open canal alongYiwanshui Mountain, andalong Liziyuan Mountain afterHeiwanzi Tunnel

Connected with Shuijingya Tunnel,whoseexit isarranged with about200m open canal to connect withLaojunya Tunnel


The line is925mshorter, with spoildecreasingaccordingly


From Entranceof LizigouTunnel to Exitof FumashanTunnel

The open canal is1030m long,and the tunnel is470m

Southward moving to Shanwo atLizigou in the direction of tractor road,then arranging new exit of FumashanTunnel, which is linked with originalcanal, that is, the destination of LinmaSub-branch Canal



The line is433mshorter, reducingground disturbanceand spoil


Starting fromZhangjiagou

3.863km open canal will runaround the mountain fromZhangjiagou to Shitigou viaZhagouwan, and thecanaltotals4669m

524m open canal going around themountain at Zhangjiagou, goingthrough 417m tunnel at Jiepaiya toShenjiawan, adopting 158m invertedsiphon to crossditch after 702m opencanal, then going through 540mGuadaoshan Tunnel at Suozikan after396m open canal to Shitigou, thecanaltotals2736m


The line is1933mshorter, reducingground disturbanceand spoil

Total numbersof land acquisition and relocation decreased 131.5 40

Datasources: Design Organization

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


In construction stage, the Employer and the Contractor will take measures to mitigate the resettlement impacts and environmental impacts, including:

� Strengthening public participation mechanism. Before construction, commencement date and construction schedule of the Project shall be announced expressly in notices within the affected areas and resettlement areas, and compensation policies of land acquisition and resettlement shall be publicized to be monitored by the relocated and original residents in the resettlement areas;

� Measures to decrease dust. In order to maintain a clean and comfortable environment in the construction site, and reduce the impacts of construction on the surroundings, water is sprinkled on various construction access road surfaces in the densely-populated area to avoid the dust raising in case of continually fine and windy days during the construction process. The Contractor shall make a timely plan and treatment to the transportation roads of earth and stone, avoiding overloading in the loading process. Measures shall be taken to ensure the earth loader never scatters dust on the road to keep the environment clean and tidy;

� Appropriately handling the waste and garbage on the construction site. As numerous domestic garbage and various wastes will be generated on the construction site every day, the Employer and the Contractor shall timely deal with the domestic wastes on the site in accordance with the requirements of local public sanitation departments so as to ensure the clean and tidy construction site, preventing the breeding and dissemination infectious disease;

� During project construction, priority shall be given to local available materials, as well as local transportation and labor force in technically allowable conditions, such that the affected persons can benefit from the project construction.

1.4 Assessment of correlation of the Project with Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

1.4.1 Correlation of project construction

Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan belongs to Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II. Located at the latter section of Xizi Trunk Canal, Jinfeng Reservoir is a small size key canal works in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II and direct intake of Xizi Trunk Canal as well. In the projects by WB loans, the Right Branch Canal and Yongchong Sub-branch Canal takes the middle-size and small-size key canals in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II as their intakes. Xizi Trunk Canal, the secondary canal of general trunk canals in Wudu Diversion Project, is taken as the intake for Jinlong Trunk Canal, Dabao Sub-branch Canal, Renbo Sub-branch Canal, Yuanshan Sub-branch Canal, Shihei Sub-branch Canal, Linma Sub-branch Canal, Fucheng Sub-branch Canal and Jinxi Sub-branch Canal in projects by WB loans.

1.4.2 Assessment of correlation between resettlement policy and implementation

The differences between compensation standards of Wudu Diversion Reservoir Project (Phase II) and Sichuan Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project lie mainly in calculation methods of compensations to output values per mu of land. In Wudu Diversion Reservoir Project (Phase II), the output values per mu of land are calculated based on the 2006-2008 annual bulletin of townships and towns involved in construction area of land acquisition. The unit prices of crops and cash crops are calculated by nation-regulated minimum purchase prices in combination with market prices of agricultural products in May 2010 in the construction area of land acquisition, the output values of by-products are calculated by 6% of output values of main products for township-specific measurement, and amendment is made to results of township-specific measurement in compliance with

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


relevant regulations of Notices of Department of Land and Resources of Sichuan Province on Organization and Implementation of Uniform Annual Output Standards of Land Acquisition (CGTZF [2009] No. 54)As to the amended measurement results, township-specific weighted average calculation shall be calculated, and meantime, reckoned to the planning level year at 1.5% annual rate of growth in combination with actual situations based on the outline of the Eleventh Five-year Plan in national economy and social development of all counties concerned. Average output value in 49 townships and towns of 8 cities (districts) is calculated to be 1,576 yuan/mu finally. However, output value per mu adopted in Sichuan Wudu Agricultural Irrigation project is annual output standard of all counties, districts, townships and towns in 2006-2008 published in MGTZB [2009] No. 142 Document. Therefore, in actual payment of compensations, even though the land compensations and resettlement subsidies are calculated by 16 times, all counties, districts, townships and towns receive different land compensations depending on annual output values.

The differences are caused by two reasons: different cardinal numbers to calculate output values per mu and different calculation methods; different times of formulating resettlement plans of the two projects, and therefore, the policy bases are distinct.

Land acquisition and resettlement planning for construction of Wudu diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II shall strictly comply with related laws and regulations and resettlement policies, in strict accordance with Regulations on Land Requisition and Resettlement for Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects, and implement the policy of “development-oriented resettlement”; through earlier full and detailed material survey, efforts are made in compensations of material index for the relocated, production and development planning and construction of resettlement spots, all infrastructures construction, such that the living conditions are greatly improved relative to the original residential areas, incomes of the relocated will decrease to a certain extent in the short term, but their incomes will be restored gradually and exceed their prior ones with the overall ancillary production facilities in place and gradually yielding economic returns. In terms of resettlement, by combined method of compensation and subsidy at early stage and support at latter stage, local resources are exploited rationally, the affected persons are resettled properly in multiple channels, industries, forms and ways, so that there is a way out in production of the relocated, their life is guaranteed, and their production and life reach or exceed the prior levels, creating conditions for long-term economic development in land acquisition areas for construction and resettlement areas and improvement of production and life conditions of the relocated.

In conclusion, expect differences in calculation method of output values per mu as the basis of land compensations, Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II is consistent with Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan with respect to compensation standards, methods of resettlement, post-support policies and other aspects, in compliance with the requirements of World Bank to resettlement of large and medium-sized reservoirs. With clear organizations and definite responsibilities, all resettlements during the project construction are monitored well, ensuring the successful proceeding of resettlement.

The contents above have made a conclusive comment to correlation of the Project and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II on project construction, resettlement policy and implementation; refer to the second report of the context for details.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 2: Socioeconomic survey

2.1 Socioeconomic conditions in project area 2.1.1 Social and economic conditions in Zitong County

Located at transitional zone of Northwest hills of Sichuan Basin toward low mountain, Zitong County leans against Jianmen Mountains, bordering on Nanbu, Yanting County in the east, linked with Santai County, Youxian District of Mianyang City in the south, neighboring Jiangyou City in the west and adjoining Jiange County in the north. Zitong County is about 35km from east to west, 52.5km from south to north, covering an area of 1,442 square kilometers.32 townships and towns are under the jurisdiction of Zitong County. Zitong County has a total population of 380,000, in which, about 320,000 belong to agricultural population, about 60,000 of non-agricultural population. Zitong County has an ethnic minority population of 1064, 0.28% of the total population. In the first half of 2009, average income of urban dwellers per capita is 7238.28 yuan, including disposable income per capita of 6582.54 yuan. Zitong County has formed a terrain of high-lying northeast and low southwest, tabular, dune, ramous and imbricate hills and low mountains cover over 80% of the total area; areas to the east of Tongjiang River are mostly over 700m high knolls and low mountains with an altitude difference of about 200m, and the highest peak is 911.6m.Areas to the west of Tongjiang River are mostly about 600m high medium and shallow hills with an altitude difference of about 100m.The highways in Zitong County total 1472.8km, National Highway 108 runs through the north to the south, Provincial Road 302 transverses from the east to the west, and Baoji-Chengdu Railway goes across the county. Zitong County has 220 bridges, 18 passenger stations at county and district levels and 8 water carriage wharfs at township and town levels. Zitong County Town is at an average distance of 20km (50 minutes) away from other townships and towns, and 2 hours is spent to arrive at the farthest Daxin Township, 45km away from Zitong County Town; all townships and towns have opened highways, mainly Level 3, 4 and off grade roads. Overall social and economic conditions are that Zitong County is an upland agriculture area county with agriculture as its major industry.

2.1.2 Social and economic conditions in Yanting County

Yanting County is located at north-central Sichuan Basin, and at watershed of Jialing River and Fujiang River, bordered by Nanbu and Xichong in the east, and Shehong in the south, neighboring Santai in the west and adjoining Zitong in the north. Covering an area of 1647.59 square kilometers, Yanting County governs 14 towns and 22 townships, with a total population of 620,000, including existing urban population of 78,000; County Government is administratively resident in Yunxi Town. Located at outer layer of Mianyang metropolitan area, Yanting County, as a tertiary town in Mianyang City, is a large upland agriculture county with weak economy. Yanting County is convenient in traffic, crisscrossed in road network; it needs 40 minutes to get to Mianyang Technology City, and 2 hours to arrive in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province. With developed business and brisk market, Yanting County Town is an opening-up county of Sichuan Province and a pilot site of individual and private economy, and belongs to a small city mainly developing textile and food industries.

2.1.3 Social and economic conditions in Jiangyou City

Jiangyou City is a provincially-administered county-level city, governed by Mianyang City, and located in the North of Sichuan Province, with an area of 2,719 square kilometers, and enjoying humid subtropical monsoon climate. Jiangyou City has a total

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


population of 870,000, including 260,000 of urban population, and governs four streets, 20 towns and 21 townships; municipal government is resident in Zhongba Town. Jiangyou City, as the starting point at north end of “one-line” economic belt in Sichuan Province, is a medium-sized city in development strategy plans of urban agglomeration in Sichuan. Intra-county economic synthesized competitiveness ranks the sixth in 905 counties, districts (cities) of Western China.Jiangyou City has been dubbed Famous Historic and Cultural City of Sichuan Province, China’s Star County (City), National Hygienic City and China’s Excellent Tourist City, etc.

Jiangyou City is convenient in traffic and complete in communication facilities. Baoji-Chengdu Double-track Railway runs through the whole territory, with 12 large and small railway stations (ranking first of domestic county and city counterparts); Mianyang-Guangyuan Expressway runs through the city. Jiangyou City is endowed with rich mineral resources: over 600 million tons of high-grade limestone reserves, abundant pyrite and quartz sand reserves, over 50 billion m3 of natural gas reserves in the city. Jiangyou City produces 600 million m3 natural gas annually, 85,000 m3 of daily water supply, 4 million tons of annual cement yield, 5 billion kWh of annual power generation. Jiangyou City is abundant in resources, as a gathering of talents, enjoying marvelous landscape, with a long history and profound culture. Jiangyou City is the native place of Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty, a picturesque and famous historic and cultural city; it is also an emerging industrial and tourist city at north end of Chengdu economic circle, historically nicknamed as “native place of Li Bai, gateway to Jiuzhai, strategic pass to Sichuan, and a city of poem of China”.

2.1.4 Social and economic conditions in Youxian District

Youxian District in Mianyang City, a new district approved by the State Council at the beginning of 1993, is situated at foothill on the edge of northwest Sichuan Basin, in the east of middle and upper reaches of Fujiang River, a tributary of Jialing River. Youxian District adjoins Zitong County in the east, neighbors Santai County in the south, borders on Fucheng District in the west, and leans against Jiangyou City in the north, 42 km from south to north, and 43 km from east to west; with an area of 1,017.75 km2, it is an important component of (Mianyang) Scientific and Technological City in China. The whole terrain inclines from north to southeast, generally at an elevation of about 500 m, ranging from the highest elevation of 728 m to the lowest 419 m. Youxian District is full of rolling hills, a typical hilly topography. Youxian District currently administers an economic experimental area, 2 street communities, 11 towns, 11 townships and 233 villages, with a total population of 532,500, 9.9% of total population in the whole city. In which, agricultural population is 300,100, with population urbanization rate of 36.0%; land per capita of the whole district is 2.7 mu, with farmland area per capita of 1.2 mu. As the core component of (Mianyang) Scientific and Technological City in China, Youxian District is, prior to disaster, an emerging urban area appropriate for habitancy, with rapidly developing industry, economy and commerce as well as beautiful ecoenvironment. Fiscal revenue, trade and tourism, agriculture and rural economy are of great importance in the whole city.

2.2 Survey to affected persons Preparation organization of resettlement plan organizes investigation teams purposely to conduct socioeconomic surveys to project areas and affected villages, so as to know basic information and characteristics of affected persons, and analyze the socioeconomic impacts of project construction on local resettlers. From April to May and in September 2010, investigation teams have conducted census to 136 affected villages in 38 townships and towns involved in the Project, obtaining questionnaires of collective economic conditions of 130 vilalges. Meantime, investigation teams have selected 136 sample

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


households from 21 villages of 12 townships and towns, surveyed basic information of family members, land, housing, economic status of affected households, and analyzed actual production and life of local residents based on the data surveyed. Townships and towns covered by sample households account for one third of the total ones affected, and sampled households are 13% of total households affected. The surveys include different types of rural households affected, with representative and typical significance.

2.2.1 Collective economic conditions of affected villages

Villages affected by land acquisition and relocation total 136, socioeconomic survey of affected villages has been conducted to collective economic conditions of 130 villages, 95.6% of total affected villages. Table 4, Table 5 and Table 7 embody the basic information of population, land and grouped incomes of farmers of affected villages, and data of all villages have been aggregated to their townships and towns; see Attachment 1 for statistics of information above of all villages.

Table 4 shows population information of villages surveyed: 48,265 households and 158,232 persons have been surveyed, including an agricultural population of 145,051, 91.7% of the total population. Labor force totals 90,933, among which, agricultural laborers are 44,245, 48.7% of the labor force population; migrant workers are 47,199, 51.9% of the labor force population.

Table 5 indicates the land owning of affected villages. Land owned by affected villages sums up 177,000 mu, average farmland area per capita is 1.12 mu, and affected villages of Zonghai Township in Yanting County are the ones with the highest farmland area per capita, i.e. 1.94 mu; the affected villages of Gaodeng Town in Yanting County are the ones having the lowest farmland area per capita, that is, 0.71 mu. Averages of farmland area per capita in all counties are specifically: 1.06 mu in Jiangyou, 0.31 mu in Zitong, 1.09 mu in Yanting, which are all above 1 mu.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 4 Census returns of affected villages by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township


Number of

affected villages surveyed

Total households (household)

Total population (person)

Agricultural population (person)

Total labor


Agricultural labor


Migrant workers (person)

Dongan 1 498 1622 1622 1348 498 707 Chonghua 3 1529 4718 4718 3315 1122 2183

Wudu 7 3458 10187 8279 5203 3259 2123 Yongsheng 7 2996 9411 9402 6556 3115 3498

Dakang 1 645 2240 2240 1850 600 650 Xinchun 1 481 1491 1386 970 396 558 Houba 3 1403 4786 4722 3292 1293 1990

Xinxing 1 389 1237 1220 746 309 404 Tongxing 5 1934 6115 6103 4346 1983 2101 Shuanghe 6 2597 8175 6674 5662 2386 2735


Total in Jiangyou 15930 49982 46366 33288 14961 16949 Wenxing 3 814 2472 2402 1278 603 615 Renhe 3 870 2804 2743 910 734 499 Ziqiang 3 947 3105 3105 1260 314 367

Dingyuan 5 1730 5108 1352 2359 1352 1388 Baoshi 4 1090 3594 3587 2289 1647 738 Liya 2 760 2586 2585 1462 1102 640

Baiyun 3 1350 4096 4096 2100 1036 1010 Hongren 4 1427 4671 4643 2681 2002 1034


Total in Zitong 8988 28436 24513 14339 8790 6291 Bajiao 1 509 1581 1576 950 250 546 Bozi 3 1179 4057 3467 2317 1702 1135

Daxing 2 530 1895 1870 896 596 333 Fuyi 9 2948 10552 10180 5832 2782 3317

Gaodeng 4 2080 6436 3774 2996 926 1548 Heiping 2 702 2584 2541 1386 796 470

Huangdian 3 1246 3682 3614 1731 623 1001 Jianhe 2 376 1287 1273 602 264 314

Jinkong 9 2904 9761 9589 5201 2884 2946 Lailong 4 1121 4125 3554 2581 1687 1181

Shiniumiao 4 1450 5030 4847 2780 1637 1147 Linnong 3 1407 5365 5324 2606 1158 1296

Longquan 4 1023 3263 3188 1866 570 1276 Sanyuan 4 1625 5627 5164 2637 853 1667

Xize 5 1563 5529 5504 3326 1500 1713 Yongtai 2 615 2165 2142 1464 497 1875 Yunxi 2 942 3122 3073 1910 639 1163

Zonghai 2 520 1759 1508 994 343 451 Linshan 3 607 1994 1984 1231 787 580


Total in Yanting 23347 79814 74172 43306 20494 23959 Total 48265 158232 145051 90933 44245 47199

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 5 Land owning statistics of affected villages by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township


Area of farmland


In which:

irrigable land (mu)

In which:

dry land (mu)

Collective farmland (mu) left

for village

Area of garden land (mu)

Area of forest land


Farmland per capita


Dongan 2515 2158 357 110 20 1814 1.55 Chonghua 7432 5909 1523 110 241 10622 1.17

Wudu 7947 3962 2285 0 1940 26836 0.78 Yongsheng 8009 6155 1854 0 108 3004 0.85

Dakang 1992 1280 712 0 0 0 0.89 Xinchun 1939 1735 204 0 380.4 250.8 1.30 Houba 5091 3852 1239 350 995 13062 1.06

Xinxing 1290 1182 108 0 0 4517 1.04 Tongxing 8528.6 6021 2507.6 4 388 8799 1.39


Shuanghe 8264 5536 2728 0 865.1 15975.2 1.01 Total in Jiangyou 53007.6 37790 13517.6 574 4937.5 84880 1.06

Wenxing 4139 1080 3059 0 181 7321 1.67 Renhe 2114.38 795 1319.38 0 0 0 0.75 Ziqiang 4419 1809 2610 0 136 12300 1.42

Dingyuan 6099 2625.4 3473.6 0 0 0 1.19 Baoshi 5187 1816.9 3370.1 0 395 9370 1.44 Liya 3420 2015 1405 154 89 1894 1.32

Baiyun 4438 2470 1968 0 405 3370 1.08


Hongren 7522 3520 4002 155 350 4748 1.61 Total in Zitong 37338.38 16131.3 21207.08 309 1556 39003 1.31

Bajiao 1479 560 919 0 106 3900 0.94 Bozi 7408 2421 4987 156 3555 9186 1.31

Daxing 1984.3 496 1488.3 0 170 4780 1.05 Fuyi 11356.89 4076 7280.89 0 265 17150.7 1.08

Gaodeng 4549.1 1908.1 2641 0 1058 5154 0.71 Heiping 2509.5 825 1684.5 0 45 8000 0.97

Huangdian 3997 1568 2429 0 85 9589 1.09 Jianhe 2119.6 531 1588.6 0 141 468.6 1.65

Jinkong 10648 2769 7879 56 453 10364 1.09 Lailong 5999.5 1797 4202.5 87 499 30100 1.45

Shiniumiao 7487.2 1249.5 6237.7 0 0 17056.4 1.49 Linnong 5239.5 1673.5 3566 0 45 7199.8 0.98

Longquan 3272 882 2390 0 380.9 6078.17 1.00 Sanyuan 5287 1854 3433 157 597.8 17868 0.94

Xize 5023.18 2323 2700.18 0 143 12067 0.91 Yongtai 1804 852.7 951.3 0 95 4621.8 0.83 Yunxi 2386 669 1717 0 184 4735 0.76

Zonghai 1652 670 982 4 113 2280 1.94


Linshan 2497 1076 1421 0 0 7551 1.25 Total in Yanting 86698.77 28200.8 58497.97 460 7935.7 178149.47 1.09

Total 177044.75 82122.1 93222.65 1343 14429.2 302032.47 1.12

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 6 shows net incomes per capita of farmers from affected villages, data therein indicate that net incomes per capita of farmers from affected villages in Jiangyou City are over 4200 yuan, slightly higher than those in Zitong County and Yanting County. Economic levels of farmers from affected villages in Zitong County are comparatively balanced, their net incomes per capita ranging from 3500 to 4800 Yuan. All villages in Yanting County are greatly different in their economic levels, ranging from only 1900 yuan to 5853 yuan in net incomes per capita.

Table 6 Net incomes per capita of farmers of Affected Villages by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township

(town) Village

Net income per capita of farmers

Township (town)

Village Net income per capita of farmers

Shiping 5204 Xinchun Yuanshan 5398 Xingshun 5396 Shaofang 5114 Chonghua Pingqiao 5134 Xiangshui 5001

Shuangnian 4814 Houba

Longtan 4971 Wudu 4500 Xinxing Xinhong 5599

Fangyang 5412 Tianqiu 4667 Tianba 5607 Gongqiao 5403 Beiyi 5274 Tongxing 4467

Gongping 5788 Puti 4226


Xiangyang 5534


Baini 5403 Dujiagou 5700 Fenshuiling 5510 Mingshui 4261 Dengjiata 5651 Gaoling 5630 Guihua 5502 Hongci 4155 Niucaishi 5255

Huanglian 4500


Jiangjiagou 5590 Longgong 4155 Dongan Wulongguan 5572 Tianming 5725 Dakang Qianfeng 5699



Hekouba 5609 �

Gaofeng 4732 Tuta 4158 Guanghui 3907 Gelou 3905 Wenxing Zhaoyao 4720 Baiyan 3925 Aiguo 4091 Banzhu 4041 Xinmin 3664


Tongxin 3939 Renhe Xinsong 3974 Changliang 3675

Xingguang 4310 Hongwei 3635 Changzheng 4309 Wuma 3491 Ziqiang

Ziqiang 4312


Changping 4157 Maan 5030 Wuxing 4500

Longjing 3640 Shuangjin 4550 Longjing 3640 Shuangjin 4550 Baocheng 4580 Gaopo 4480

Jiulin 4760 Changan 4378



Yulong 4600


Leyang 5430 Bajiao Tianxing 5353 Sanyuan 5221 Jinguan 4500 Bozi Tongxin 5341 Lianhe 4118


Daxing Gongyu 4800


Linlong 3500

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Guangting 4800 Malan 4600 Bishan 4920 Dengta 6754 Gonghe 4935 Honglian 4615

Shengchan 5343 Sanfeng 5164 Fuyi

Taishan 4780


Xihe 5000

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 6 Net incomes per capita of farmers of Affected Villages by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued)

County Township (town)

Village Net income per capita of farmers

Township (town)

Village Net income per capita of farmers

Tonggu 4785 Aiguo 4646 Tuanjie 4890 Mengchun 5328 Wuxing 5000

Linnong Yulong 5460

Xinping 4980 Lianhua 5214 Fuyi

Xingfu 4780 Lvhua 5853 Gaohua 5133 Shuanglong 4870 Leizu 5134


Sifan 3332 Longxiang 5143 Bolin 4641


Qilin 5092 Baoan 4705 Gaoguan 4779 Hongji 4660

Heiping Huanshan 4996


Zaoyuan 4664 Qiaoba 4540 Chuanjinggou 5200

Wanggou 4871 Panlong 4370 Huangdian Wenlin 4857 Shitan 4867 Lianyun 5074 Tiansheng 4867

Jianhe Yantai 5337


Yuyin 3270 Dalin 4900 Fengtang 4818 Jinbao 1900

Yongtai Qiyi 4320

Linfeng 4700 Sanyi 5632 Lingyan 3000

Yunxi Xianshui 5405

Menggong 2900 Xishan 5230 Qiaolou 4750

Zonghai Yangxi 4280

Yangyuan 3987 Baoku 4961 Ziyan 2900 Linyuan 5061


Ziqiang 4905 Linshan

Jinxian 4947

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Investigation teams have performed grouped data acquisition and analysis to net incomes per capita of farmers from affected villages, and data of all villages are aggregated to their townships and town for calculation. In grouped incomes, 0-800 yuan means needy families, 800-1500 yuan stands for relatively low-income families, 1500-10000 yuan represents middle-income families and over 10000 yuan refers to wealthy families. In general, economic levels of rural households are small at both ends and large in the middle, namely, needy and wealthy families are relatively small, and middle-income families account for a large proportion. Middle-income is subdivided into 1500-3000 yuan, 3000-5000 yuan and 5000-10000 yuan; all townships, towns and villages are different in subdivision proportions of middle-income families depending on different sources of farmer incomes. See Table 7 for details.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 7 Grouped structures of net incomes per capita of farmers of affected villages by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township

(town) 0-800 800-1500 1500-3000 3000-50005000-10000 10000

Dongan 7.0% 8.2% 22.1% 32.1% 30.5% 0.0% Chonghua 6.0% 9.3% 26.7% 31.0% 27.0% 0.0%

Wudu 2.1% 4.1% 8.3% 68.7% 14.7% 2.2% Yongsheng 10.3% 17.3% 26.1% 36.9% 8.8% 0.6%

Dakang 5.0% 7.2% 12.6% 54.3% 19.0% 1.9% Xinchun 0.8% 4.8% 0.0% 22.2% 60.5% 11.6% Houba 0.0% 0.6% 5.7% 92.7% 0.6% 0.4%

Xinxing 5.4% 6.2% 6.4% 18.0% 64.0% 0.0% Tongxing 0.0% 4.7% 8.1% 48.8% 35.7% 2.7%


Shuanghe 0.0% 1.7% 3.4% 27.3% 67.6% 0.1% Wenxing 0.0% 0.0% 69.8% 27.8% 2.5% 0.0% Renhe 0.0% 1.6% 37.6% 31.8% 29.0% 0.0% Ziqiang 0.0% 7.1% 29.8% 37.3% 21.4% 4.4%

Dingyuan 2.3% 9.7% 21.4% 42.5% 23.4% 0.7% Baoshi 3.5% 22.2% 45.6% 21.9% 6.8% 0.0% Liya 8.3% 14.7% 30.0% 28.6% 13.4% 5.0%

Baiyun 11.6% 37.0% 38.5% 11.1% 1.4% 0.4%


Hongren 0.8% 5.4% 31.9% 44.1% 16.8% 1.1% Bajiao 4.1% 6.3% 45.8% 42.4% 0.6% 0.8% Bozi 3.8% 10.3% 13.3% 55.6% 15.1% 2.0%

Daxing 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 91.7% 0.0% 0.0% Fuyi 0.0% 4.7% 5.3% 10.9% 27.3% 51.8%

Gaodeng 1.5% 9.1% 10.9% 25.5% 50.7% 2.3% Heiping 3.1% 9.4% 17.1% 69.7% 0.6% 0.1%

Huangdian 0.0% 11.2% 21.3% 58.2% 0.0% 0.0% Jianhe 0.0% 8.8% 12.0% 37.2% 34.8% 7.2%

Jinkong 2.7% 14.0% 44.6% 32.0% 4.5% 2.1% Lailong 5.4% 13.0% 44.2% 31.8% 5.4% 0.3%

Shiniumiao 13.6% 19.4% 25.5% 28.1% 9.5% 3.8% Linnong 0.0% 7.4% 30.9% 59.6% 2.1% 0.0%

Longquan 5.5% 30.1% 27.9% 36.4% 0.2% 0.0% Sanyuan 5.1% 8.9% 27.9% 51.0% 5.5% 1.5%

Xize 5.4% 5.2% 31.5% 27.4% 22.9% 7.6% Yongtai 1.6% 8.9% 13.0% 55.3% 17.9% 3.3% Yunxi 1.2% 1.6% 4.8% 19.1% 69.6% 3.7%

Zonghai 0.0% 14.4% 43.5% 22.7% 15.4% 4.0%


Linshan 0.0% 13.7% 31.1% 18.1% 37.1% 0.0%

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

2.2.2 Basic information of sampled households

1063 households are affected directly by land acquisition and relocation, and basic information is surveyed to 136 affected households, 13% of the total households affected. Among which, 21 households are poverty-stricken families, the handicapped, households enjoying the five guarantees and other vulnerable groups, and all households surveyed total 508 persons. See Attachment 2 for basic data of basic information of households

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



Investigation teams have conducted statistics to educational backgrounds to head of sampled households, and educational backgrounds are indicated in Table 8, among which, illiterate persons account for 4.4%, those with primary school education are 38.2%, and persons graduated from middle school account for 6.6%, with 2.9% for those graduated from technical secondary school and junior college respectively. By and large, educational background below primary school accounts for 40%, and 16.5% of heads graduate from high school and higher education, which indicate educational levels of rural residents are generally low.

Table 8 Statistics of educational backgrounds of heads of sampled households in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Educational background Number (person) Percent (%) Illiteracy 6 4.5%

Primary school 52 38.2% Middle school 61 44.9% High school 9 6.6%

Technical Secondary School 4 2.9% Junior college 4 2.9%

Total 136 100%

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

The households surveyed total 664.7 mu farmland, with average farmland per capita of 1.31 mu. However, different townships, towns and villages own greatly different land; two households surveyed from Changping Village of Baoshi Township in Zitong County own the most farmland per capita, i.e. 2.95 mu, in comparison with only 0.59 mu, the least farmland per capita of 10 household surveyed from Dujiagou Village of Yongsheng Town in Jiangyou City. Household surveyed are not greatly different in their agricultural crops, grain crops are mainly rice, corn and wheat, while economic crops are rape, water melon, peanut, walnut and pepper, etc. See Table 9 for details.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 9 Land owning of households surveyed by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project


Township (town) Village

Number of households surveyed


Number (person) of households surveyed

Total farmland (mu) of

households surveyed

In which: (irrigable

land) Dry land

Farmland (mu) of

households surveyed per


Staple crops grown

TongxingTownship Tongxing 11 42 52.55 41.76 10.79 1.25 Rice, corn, rape and wheat Shuanghe

Town Fenshuiling 10 42 25.25 14.91 10.34 0.60 Rice, corn, rape and wheat Jiangyou City Yongsheng

Town Dujiagou 10 36 21.2 16.8 4.4 0.59 Rice, rape, corn and sweet potato Xingguang 9 32 50.3 17 33.3 1.57 Rice, rape, corn, pepper, water melonZiqiang

Town Changzheng 2 7 15.6 3 12.6 2.23 Rice, corn, wheat and rape Wangma 3 10 10.1 2.6 7.5 1.01 Corn, rice and pepper

Changliang 4 16 27 7.1 19.9 1.69 Rice, corn, rape and wheat Changping 2 10 29.5 8.5 21 2.95 Rice and rape Hongwei 2 7 9.4 2.7 6.7 1.34 Rice, corn, rape and wheat

Baoshi Township

Gaofeng 3 12 22.8 6.3 16.5 1.90 Rice, corn, pepper, water melon Guanghui 4 9 13.8 3.3 10.5 1.53 Rice, corn, rape and wheat Wenxing

Township Zhaoyao 2 9 9 2.5 6.5 1.00 Corn, rice wheat and rape Changan 9 40 58.5 30.8 27.7 1.46 Corn, rice wheat and rape Gaopo 7 29 59.5 25.8 33.7 2.05 Corn, rice wheat and rape

Zitong County

Hongren Township

Wuxing 3 14 21.9 11.7 10.2 1.56 Corn, rice wheat and rape Heiping Huanshan 10 35 54.8 10.6 44.2 1.57 Rice, corn, peanut and walnut Linnong Yulong 12 44 46.1 15.45 30.65 1.05 Rice, wheat and peanut Linshan Linyuan 11 36 47.9 15.2 32.7 1.33 Rice, corn, rape and wheat Bajiao Renmin 9 27 25.85 8.5 17.35 0.96 Rice, corn and rape


Fuyi Taishan 13 51 63.65 18.7 44.95 1.25 Rice, corn and rape Total 136 508 664.7 263.22 401.48 1.31 �

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Main income structures of households surveyed are also quite different owing to great differences of land resources in affected areas. For villages with plenty of land resources, family life of villagers is heavily depending on land; on the contrary, family incomes of villagers from villages owning relatively small land are mainly out of agriculture. Table 10 shows that the households surveyed are of significant differences in their incomes, the lowest net income per capita is 1,445 yuan/person/year, and the highest 8,051 yuan/person/year. Economic levels of rural residents in Jiangyou City are higher than those in Yanting County and Zitong County, the main sources of family incomes are out of agriculture, 83.7%-93% of total family incomes, and agricultural incomes only account for 7%-16.3%.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 10 Structures of family incomes of household surveyed by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County (district)

Township (town) Village

Average family total

income (yuan/year)

Average family income from

agricultural production (yuan/year)

Percent (%) of

agricultural income in

total family income

Average family

income out of

agricultural production (yuan/year)

Percent (%) of

income out of

agricultural production

in total family income

Net income per capita


Tongxing Tongxing 35492 5802 16.3% 29690 83.7% 8051 Shuanghe Fenshuiling 40118 2812 7.0% 37306 93.0% 7098 Jiangyou

City Yongsheng Dujiagou 18542 2296 12.4% 16246 87.6% 4501 Xingguang 15620 7611 48.7% 8009 51.3% 3971

Ziqiang Changzheng 21000 7500 35.7% 13500 64.3% 5429 Changliang 27000 10000 37.0% 17000 63.0% 6038 Wangma 5617 3883 69.1% 1733 30.9% 1445

Changping 35825 32225 90.0% 3600 10.0% 2506 Hongwei 14500 4500 31.0% 10000 69.0% 3429


Gaofeng 22900 4900 21.4% 18000 78.6% 5675 Guanghui 9000 4500 50.0% 4500 50.0% 3544

Wenxing Zhaoyao 27750 8750 31.5% 19000 68.5% 5944 Changan 12333 8667 70.3% 3666 29.7% 2990 Gaopo 6271 5429 86.6% 842 13.4% 3215

Zitong County

Hongren Wuxing 9400 5900 62.8% 3500 37.2% 2558

Heiping Huanshan 28570 4770 16.7% 23800 83.3% 7603 Linnong Yulong 20075 4958 24.7% 15117 75.3% 5040 Linshan Linyuan 22855 4073 17.8% 18782 82.2% 6661 Bajiao Renmin 20344 8767 43.1% 11578 56.9% 6162

Yanting County

Fuyi Taishan 20743 4128 19.9% 16615 80.1% 4895

Data sources: Socioeconomic survey

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 3: Scope of project impact

Land used for Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans involves Jiangyou City, Yanting County, Zitong County and Youxian District in Mianyang City, the area of permanent land acquisition is 4,245.32 mu, affecting 136 villages from 38 townships and towns; rural house relocation is 55,244.55m2, influencing 89 villages from 32 townships and towns.

3.1 List of townships, towns and villages affected by the Project As the Project is a linear project, Xizi Trunk Canal is 23.19 km, 11 branch canals sum up 231.15 km, the townships, towns and villages affected are numerous, totaling 136 villages from 38 townships and towns in 4 counties, districts (cities).Affected villages are specifically: 35 villages from 10 townships and towns in Jiangyou City, 72 villages from 19 townships and towns in Yanting County, 28 villages from 8 townships and towns in Zitong County and 1 village from 1 township and town in Youxian District. Townships, towns and villages the Project runs through are detailed in Table 11.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 11 Affected townships, towns and villages of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County (district) Township and town

Village Township and town


Mingshui Wuchao Gaoling Tianba Dujiagou Fangyang Hongci Xiangyang

Huanglian Beiyi Longgong Gongping Hekouba

Wudu Town


Yongsheng Town

Tianming Dongan Township Wulongguan Niucaishi Puti

Jiangjiagou Baini Dengjiata Tongxing Guihua Tianqiao

Shuanghe Town


Tongxing Township

Gongqiao Xinxing Township Xinhong Dakang Township Qianfeng

Shiping Xiangshui Xingshun Longtan Chonghua Township Pingqiao

Houba Town Shaofang

Jiangyou City

Xinchun Township Yuanshan � � Total in Jiangyou City: 10 township and towns, 35 villages

Honglian Linyan Dengta Ziyan Sanfeng Menggong


Xihe Mugang Huanshan Qiaolou

Heiping Town Gaoguan Linfeng

Aiguo Ziqiang Yulong Jinbao Linnong Town


Jinkong Town

Dalin Hongji Wanggou Bolin Qiaoba

Zaoyuan Huangdian Town

Wenlin Sanyuan Township

Baoan Bajiao Tianxing Qiyi Sifan

Yongtai Township Fengtang Lvhua

Longxiang Shuanglong Gaohua Qiaohe

Leizu Community Council

Longquan Township

Luhua Gaodeng Township

Qilin Gongyu Shitan

Daxing Township Guangting

Panlong Gonghe Tiansheng Shengchan

Yuyin Xinping

Yanting County

Xize Township


Fuyi Township


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 11 Affected townships, towns and villages of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued)

Xishan Tuanjie Yujing Xingfu Xiangxi Taishan

Zonghai Township

Hongling Tonggu Yantai

Fuyi Township

Bishan Jianhe Township

Lianyun Jinxian Xianshui Baoku

Yunxi Township Sanyi

Linshan Township Linyuan

Linlong Leyang Jinguan Tongxin Malan Sanyuan

Yanting County

Lailong Town


Bozi Township

Yulong Total in Yanting County: 19 township and towns, 72 villages

Xingguang Wuma Changzheng Hongwei Ziqiang Town

Ziqiang Changliang Guanghui

Baoshi Township

Changping Gaofeng Baiyan Zhaoyao Guta

Wenxing Township

Aiguo Banzhu Xinmin Shengli

Renhe Town Xinsong

Dingyuan Township

Tongxin Maan Changan

Liya Township Longjing Gaopo

Jiulin Wuxing Yulong Shuangjin

Zitong County

Baiyun Town Baocheng

Hongren Township

Jinbao Total in Zitong County: 8 township and towns, 28 villages

� Youxian District Chaozhen Township Xiaogou � � Total in four counties and districts: 38 township and towns, 136 villages

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.2 Project land occupation The land acquisition for the Project affects 136 villages from 38 townships and towns in Jiangyou City, Yanting County, Zitong County and Youxian District, with permanent land acquisition of 4245.32 mu, including 2317.81 mu farmland, 54.6% of total land acquisition area; 54.5 mu for garden land, 1.3%; 1553.15 mu for forest land, 36.6%; pool, housing land, land for construction, wasteland and other types of land total 319.86 mu, 7.5%.

During the construction of the Project, temporary land will be occupied to be temporary construction roads, construction materials storage, earth borrowing and disposal and accommodation of construction, temporary land occupancy is handled by construction enterprises in the leasing way during the construction. Temporary land occupancy of the Project is 3,257.56 mu.

See Table 12 for summary of statistics of specific types of permanent land acquisition and temporary land occupancy (refer to Attachment 3 for statistical details of permanent land acquisition in specific villages and groups).

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 12 Statistics of specific types of land occupied by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Permanent land requisition (mu) Farmland County

(district) Total Subtotal

Irrigable land

Dry land Garden land

Forest land

Pool Housing

land Land for

construction Others Wasteland

Jiangyou 679.52 298.40 163.82 134.58 28.20 295.74 0.21 25.66 8.37 22.94 0.00 Yanting 1923.72 1108.78 116.89 991.89 1.32 639.29 6.10 35.78 92.22 29.83 10.40 Zitong 1639.61 910.63 138.94 771.69 24.78 615.85 54.48 14.93 6.96 11.41 0.57 Youxian 2.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 4245.32 2317.81 419.65 1898.16 54.30 1553.35 60.79 76.37 107.55 64.18 10.97 � Temporary land occupation (mu)

Jiangyou 636.30 400.50 233.50 167.00 2.80 203.50 � � 10.20 11.60 7.70 Zitong 1454.49 787.98 126.23 661.75 4.29 621.64 � � 28.08 9.41 3.09 Yanting 1157.51 621.86 88.36 533.50 13.28 473.23 � � 24.73 14.34 10.06 Youxian 9.26 � � 9.26 � � � � � � �

Total 3257.56 1810.34 448.09 1371.51 20.37 1298.37 0.00 0.00 63.01 35.35 20.85

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.3 House relocation The house relocation of the Project involves 89 villages from 32 townships and towns, affecting 990 persons of 264 households. The relocation area of rural house is 55,244.55m2, in which, house brick-concrete structures are 7,586.75 m2, 13.7% of total relocation area, brick-wood structures are 14,904.63 m2, 27% of total relocation area; earth-wood structures are 29,956.56 m2, 54.3%; unsorted housings are 1673.73 m2, 3%; and other structures are 1,122.88m2, 2%.No relocated buildings within the Project affected area are unauthorized and illegal ones. Summary of house relocation is indicated in Table 13 (see Attachment 4 for village-specific statistics of house relocation).

Table 13 Statistics of house relocation by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Area of house relocation (m2) County

Households (household)

Number (person) Total




Unsorted housing


Jiangyou 67 272 16322.50 4448.25 3517.34 7194.04 1038.96 123.91 Yanting 121 452 23268.31 2327.50 10284.42 9859.51 603.90 192.98 Zitong 74 255 14891.18 811.00 1060.52 12278.24 30.87 710.55

Youxian 2 11 762.56 0 42.35 624.77 0 95.44 Total 264 990 55244.55 7586.75 14904.63 29956.56 1673.73 1122.88

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.4 Ground appurtenance Table 14 indicates the number of appurtenances affected by the Project, including 158 wells, 2,496.79 m2 cement courtyards, 107,910 trees, 1,231 tombs, 36 biogas digesters and 640.64m2 fences.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 14 Statistics of Ground Appurtenances by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Well (Nr.)

Cement courtyard (m2)

Tree (Nr.) Tomb (Nr.)

Biogas digester

(Nr.) Fence (m2)

Jiangyou 17 102 20761 269 9 0 Yanting 79 1440.53 76704 564 24 447.98 Zitong 60 860.96 10378 396 3 192.66

Youxian 2 93.3 67 2 Total 158 2496.79 107910 1231 36 640.64

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.5 Infrastructure Table 15 gives the number of infrastructures affected by the Project, including 214 electric poles, 3,960m canals, 11 bridges, 2,385m highways, 1,145m water supply pipes, 14,972m tractor roads, 15,440m communication cables and 9,710m power cables.

Table 15 Statistics of affected infrastructures by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County (district) Electric

pole (Nr.)

Open canal (m)

Bridge (Nr.)

Highway (m)

Water supply pipe (m)

Tractor road (m)

Communication cable (m)

Power cable (m)

Jiangyou 0 2970 0 65 65 250 180 0 Yanting 93 950 7 570 1025 12502 10770 6250 Zitong 121 40 4 1750 55 2220 4490 3460 Total 214 3960 11 2385 1145 14972 15440 9710

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.6 Project impact analysis 3.6.1 Analysis on affected persons

The affected persons by land acquisition and relocation of the Project total 3,848 from 1,063 households (affected population from field investigations), and all affected persons are rural residents (See Table 16 for statistical details of affected population).In which, 2,853 persons from 799 households are affected only by land acquisition, and 990 persons from 264 households are affected by land acquisition and relocation, without households only affected by relocation. The population affected by land acquisition and relocation accounts for less than 2.4% of total affected population, and thus the land acquisition and relocation of the Project only affects a relatively small proportion of population.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 16 Statistics of affected population by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project


Number of affected

households only by land acquisition (household)

Number of affected persons

only by land acquisition (person)

Number of affected

households by land

acquisition and

relocation (household)

Number of affected

persons by land

acquisition and

relocation (person)

Total number of affected

households (household)

Total number of affected persons (person)

Jiangyou 117 443 67 272 184 715 Yanting 404 1328 121 452 525 1780 Zitong 277 1082 74 255 351 1337

Youxian 1 5 2 11 3 16 Total 799 2853 264 990 1063 3848

Data sources: Material impact survey

3.6.2 Analysis on impacts of land acquisition

The project affected villages have a total farmland area of 177,044.75 mu, with 2,317.81 mu farmland for permanent land acquisition, 1.3% of total farmland area; see Table 17 for percents of farmland acquisition from all villages. Percents of farmland acquisition in 136 villages affected are described below:

Villages with less than 1% of farmland acquisition are 71, 52.2% of total villages affected;

Villages with 1-2% of farmland acquisition are 38, 27.9% of total villages affected;

Villages with 2-3% of farmland acquisition are 12, 8.8% of total villages affected;

Villages with 3-4% of farmland acquisition are 6, 4.4% of total villages affected;

Villages with 4-5% of farmland acquisition are 7, 5.2% of total villages affected;

Percents of farmland acquisition from 2 villages (1.5% of total villages affected) are higher than 5%, Shuangnian Village from Jiangyou and Ziqiang Village from Zitong respectively.

Broadly speaking, farmland acquisition from 80% of villages is less than 2% of total farmland area, the land acquisition for the Project has relatively minor impacts on most villages and groups, in particular to those households with family incomes mainly out of agriculture. In addition to compensation, resettlement policies and livelihood restoration measures made by the local government to land appropriated peasant households, land acquisition for the Project never causes generally significant negative impacts on households affected.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group


l population (perso


Number of




Land acquisition

of farmland



owned (mu)

Percent of


farmland (%)

Farmland per capita (mu/pers

on) before land


Farmland per capita (mu/person) after

land acquisitio


Decrease of

farmland per capita

(%) before

and after land


5 11 4.29 Mingshui

10 5 0.49 Subtotal of Mingshui 1281 16 4.78 904 0.53% 0.71 0.70 0.53%

4 9 2.74 Gaoling

3 14 5.01 Subtotal of Gaoling 1030 23 7.75 1021 0.76% 0.99 0.98 0.76%

5 15 3.25 4 12 2.03 3 13 2.49


1 5 1.5 Subtotal of Dujiagou 1040 45 9.27 533 1.74% 0.51 0.50 1.74%

4 9 4.24 2 17 13.61 Hongci 1 3 1.19

Subtotal of Hongci 1180 29 19.04 1029 1.85% 0.87 0.86 1.85%

7 7 9.77 Huanglian

5 8 8.03 Subtotal of Huanglian 1090 15 17.8 1271 1.40% 1.17 1.15 1.40%

7 12 5.44 Longgong

2 4 2.81 Subtotal of Longgong 1513 16 8.25 1308 0.63% 0.86 0.86 0.63%

5 7 3.61 2 13 11.29 Hekouba 6 6 7.49

Subtotal of Hekouba 2268 26 22.39 1943 1.15% 0.86 0.85 1.15%

7 3 0.19 7 4 0.09 8 4 0.08 5 5 0.12 3 6 1.58


1 5 1.57

Yong sheng

Subtotal of Tianming 765 27 3.63 1578 0.23% 2.06 2.06 0.23%

Subtotal of Wuchao 3 330 3 0.1 655 0.02% 1.98 1.98 0.02%

3 9 4.21 4 8 2.37 5 7 4.32


6 5 1.13 Subtotal of

Tianba 1268 29 12.03 1368 0.88% 1.08 1.07 0.88%

Subtotal of Fangyang 5 981 7 3.16 1137 0.28% 1.16 1.16 0.28%

5 11 1.95



Xiangyang 6 17 5.16

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Subtotal of Xiangyang 1161 28 7.11 1390 0.51% 1.20 1.19 0.51%

Subtotal of Beiyi 1 600 5 3.08 658 0.47% 1.10 1.09 0.47%

5 18 10.39 4 4 0.09 Gongping 3 15 8.93

Subtotal of Gongping 3 2125 37 19.41 2056 0.94% 0.97 0.96 0.94%

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 1)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of affected persons (person)

Land acquisition of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of

farmland per capita (%) before and after

land acquisition

1 4 0.38 3 11 9.99 4 13 5.84 6 18 10.98


5 16 9.9 Wudu

Subtotal of Shuangnian

1814 62 37.09 683 5.43% 0.38 0.36 5.43%

3 8 1.55 1 12 5.53 Niucaishi 7 3 1.33

Subtotal of Niucaishi

895 23 8.41 826 1.02% 0.92 0.91 1.02%

2 4 2.02 3 7 2.65 7 3 1.51


6 8 2.18 Subtotal of Jiangjiagou

346 22 8.36 1014 0.82% 2.93 2.91 0.82%

8 8 3.52 7 9 2.31 Dengjiata 9 18 6.68

Subtotal of Dengjiata

1754 35 12.51 1734 0.72% 0.99 0.98 0.72%

1 7 1.14 Guihua

2 3 0.11 Subtotal of

Guihua 1337 10 1.25 1699 0.07% 1.27 1.27 0.07%

2 5 0.42 Fenshuiling

1 11 1.89


Subtotal of Fenshuiling

1577 16 2.31 1413 0.16% 0.90 0.89 0.16%

Dongan Wulongguan 1 1622 3 0.63 2515 0.03% 1.55 1.55 0.03% Xinxing Xinhong 2 1220 4 0.73 1290 0.06% 1.06 1.06 0.06% Dakang Qianfeng 4 2240 8 1.32 1992 0.07% 0.89 0.89 0.07%

7 18 4.34 Yuanshan

5 21 4.45 Xinchun Subtotal of Yuanshan

1386 39 8.79 1939 0.45% 1.40 1.39 0.45%

8 8 3.97 7 9 5.58 Puti 2 8 4.92

Subtotal of Puti

1100 25 14.47 1750 0.83% 1.59 1.58 0.83%

13 4 4.31 12 3 4.07 Baini 11 6 6.11

Subtotal of Baini

1712 13 14.49 2489 0.58% 1.45 1.45 0.58%

1 7 4 3 3 0.81 Tongxing 2 4 2.08



Subtotal of Tongxing

890 14 6.89 1334 0.52% 1.50 1.49 0.52%

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 2)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition Tianqiu 1 18 10.31 1409.6 0.73%

4 12 3.52 5 19 7.18 Gongqiao 6 5 0.69

Tong xing

Subtotal of Gongqiao

1172 36 11.39 1546 0.74% 1.32 1.31 0.74%

3 5 2.85 4 3 1.74 1 6 1.35


2 2 0.33 Subtotal of Shiping

1001 16 6.27 1164 0.54% 1.16 1.16 0.54%

7 13 3.27 Xingshun

8 7 1.07 Subtotal of Xingshun

2074 20 4.34 1761 0.25% 0.85 0.85 0.25%

Chon ghua

Pingqiao 4 1643 16 4.65 1992 0.23% 1.21 1.21 0.23% 6 7 1.18

Xiangshui 7 9 2.74

Subtotal of Xiangshui

2003 16 3.92 1913 0.20% 0.96 0.95 0.20%

Longtan 1 1496 8 1.7 1568 0.11% 1.05 1.05 0.11%

Jiang you


Shaofang 5 1223 5 0.77 1610 0.05% 1.32 1.32 0.05% Honglian Village

1308 34 39.23 1910.8 2.05% 1.46 1.43 2.05%

Dengta Village

1133 16 11.6 1723.5 0.67% 1.52 1.51 0.67%

Sanfeng Village

1239 40 60 1862.9 3.22% 1.50 1.46 3.22%

Shiniu miao

Xihe Village

1167 16 23.83 1990 1.20% 1.71 1.68 1.20%

Huanshan Village

1271 38 39.32 1209 3.25% 0.95 0.92 3.25% Heiping Town

Gaoguan 1270 4 1.5 1300.5 0.12% 1.02 1.02 0.12% 11 6 4.83

Tianxing 17 7 5.56 Bajiao

Subtotal of Tianxing

1576 13 10.39 1479 0.70% 0.94 0.93 0.70%

Wanggou 4 1225 14 4.09 1449 0.28% 1.18 1.18 0.28% Qiaoba 8 1530 6 4.91 1424 0.34% 0.93 0.93 0.34%

1 6 2.05 Wenlin

2 3 0.73 Huang dian

Subtotal of Wenlin

859 9 2.78 1124 0.25% 1.31 1.31 0.25%

3 3 2.06 Aiguo

8 4 3.96 Subtotal of

Aiguo 2003 7 6.02 1999 0.30% 1.00 0.99 0.30%

4 8 5.84 6 9 7.26 Yulong 7 5 2.32

Subtotal of Yulong

1612 22 15.42 1730.5 0.89% 1.07 1.06 0.89%

8 8 3.87 9 4 3.5

Yan ting

Lin nong

Mengchun 10 8 3.67

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 3)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land


Subtotal of Mengchun

1709 20 11.04 1510 0.73% 0.88 0.88 0.73%

Hongji 7 910 3 0.31 1098 0.03% 1.21 1.21 0.03% Bolin 1 1528 7 2.82 1457 0.19% 0.95 0.95 0.19%

4 4 0.98 Zaoyuan

5 7 5.23 Subtotal of Zaoyuan

1526 11 6.21 1437 0.43% 0.94 0.94 0.43%

1 4 5.81 3 8 6.79 Baoan 4 5 5.69


Subtotal of Baoan

1200 17 18.29 1295 1.41% 1.08 1.06 1.41%

Qiyi 7 1151 8 4.83 916 0.53% 0.80 0.79 0.53% 1 3 1.59

Fengtang 2 6 4.93 Yongtai

Subtotal of Fengtang

991 9 6.52 888 0.73% 0.90 0.89 0.73%

1 13 27.42 4 9 11.82 Longxiang 5 17 29.86

Subtotal of Longxiang

678 39 41.68 1280.1 3.26% 1.89 1.83 3.26%

3 19 13.2 Gaohua

12 4 1.45 Subtotal of Gaohua

1431 23 14.65 1370 1.07% 0.96 0.95 1.07%

Leizu Community Council

2 2.2 344 0.64%

2 8 14.8 5 7 14.23 8 12 18.92 9 14 11.47


10 3 0.36


Subtotal of Qilin

1661 44 59.78 1555 3.84% 0.94 0.90 3.84%

Shitan 6 981 20 9.57 771 1.24% 0.79 0.78 1.24% Panlong 13 1858 3 7.87 1643.18 0.48% 0.88 0.88 0.48%

Tiansheng 1 1110 9 5.96 1008 0.59% 0.91 0.90 0.59% Yuyin 7 1062 9 9.59 1094 0.88% 1.03 1.02 0.88%

1 27 13.75 2 4 1.91 5 13 4.42


6 7 2.64


Subtotal of Chuanjinggou

493 51 22.72 507 4.48% 1.03 0.98 4.48%

1 8 5.3 Xishan

3 11 12.67 Subtotal of

Xishan 485 19 17.97 620 2.90% 1.28 1.24 2.90%

4 6 1.97 5 16 5.03 Yulong 6 9 3.59



Subtotal of Yujing

31 10.59 987 1.07%

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 4)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition Xiangxi 1 1023 10 7.4 1032 0.72% 1.01 1.00 0.72%

Zonghai Hongling 7 798 5 2.1 895 0.23% 1.12 1.12 0.23%

3 4 1.55 4 18 12.98 6 8 8.12 7 21 25.32


8 5 3.13 Subtotal of Lingyan

1103 56 51.1 1214 4.21% 1.10 1.05 4.21%

Ziyan 1 1075 22 15.27 1134 1.35% 1.05 1.04 1.35% 1 15 8.52

Menggong 6 11 6.91

Subtotal of Mengong

1271 26 15.43 1088 1.42% 0.86 0.84 1.42%

Mugang 10 769 5 0.97 890 0.11% 1.16 1.16 0.11% 1 9 15.54

Qiaolou 8 10 15.7

Subtotal of Qiaolou

1008 19 31.24 980 3.19% 0.97 0.94 3.19%

1 11 7.01 Linfeng

6 9 4.57 Subtotal of Linfeng

1002 20 11.58 1002 1.16% 1.00 0.99 1.16%

Ziqiang 1 780 21 11.37 1040 1.09% 1.33 1.32 1.09% Jinbao 7 787 14 11.26 914 1.23% 1.16 1.15 1.23%

2 4 1.6 5 6 2.08 6 21 3.99 7 3 0.38


12 14 3.08


Subtotal of Dalin

1304 48 11.13 1623 0.69% 1.24 1.24 0.69%

1 5 1.32 Sifan

4 8 4.97 Subtotal of

Sifan 430 13 6.29 584 1.08% 1.36 1.34 1.08%

1 3 1.3 Lvhua

3 4 1.22 Subtotal of

Lvhua 628 7 2.52 273 0.92% 0.43 0.43 0.92%

1 11 14.81 2 7 5.32 Shuanglong 3 10 7.54

Subtotal of Shuanglong

1529 28 27.67 1702 1.63% 1.11 1.10 1.63%


Qiaohe 8 621 3 0.46 765 0.06% 1.23 1.23 0.06% Longquan Luhua 8 601 12 17.62 713 2.47% 1.19 1.16 2.47%

2 4 0.7 Gongyu

5 26 13.01 Subtotal of Gongyu 770 30

13.71 863 1.59% 1.12 1.10 1.59%

3 11 4.64



Guangting 8 9 3.39

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 5)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition 10 20 6.64

Daxing Subtotal of Guangting 1100 40

14.67 1121.3 1.31% 1.02 1.01 1.31%

1 26 11.97 Yantai

2 32 12.4 Subtotal of

Yantai 710 58 24.37 1091 2.23% 1.54 1.50 2.23%

4 10 5.02 5 16 6.37 Lianyun 6 4 1.61


Subtotal of Lianyun

563 30 13 1028.6 1.26% 1.83 1.80 1.26%

1 26 10.27 Gonghe

3 12 6.37 Subtotal of Gonghe

1118 38 16.64 1036 1.61% 0.93 0.91 1.61%

1 7 4.89 2 4 2.01 3 3 1.62 4 9 7.34 5 2 0.58


6 14 9.52 Subtotal of Shengchan 715 39

25.96 776.39 3.34% 1.09 1.05 3.34%

5 3 0.59 6 32 8.94 Xinping 7 48 12.33

Subtotal of Xinping

1171 83 21.86 1572 1.39% 1.34 1.32 1.39%

1 6 3.45 Wuxing

12 16 7.37 Subtotal of

Wuxing 1663 22 10.82 1816 0.60% 1.09 1.09 0.60%

3 14 9.81 Tuanjie

5 5 3.4 Subtotal of Tuanjie 1414 19

13.21 1294 1.02% 0.92 0.91 1.02%

Xingfu 3 727 20 10.92 460 2.37% 0.63 0.62 2.37% Taishan 1 750 28 7.45 864 0.86% 1.15 1.14 0.86% Tonggu 3 1600 10 5.04 1936 0.26% 1.21 1.21 0.26%

3 31 8.4 4 28 4.41 9 33 8.59


10 4 0.11


Subtotal of Bishan 1022 96

21.51 1602.5 1.34% 1.57 1.55 1.34%

1 32 9.1 2 35 9.48 Jinxian 4 40 11.3

Subtotal of Jinxian

859 107 29.88 1130 2.64% 1.32 1.28 2.64%

1 7 1.98 2 37 10.87 3 25 5.21




6 4 1.86

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 6)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition Subtotal of

Baoku 643 73 19.92 910 2.19% 1.42 1.38 2.19%

1 4 1.05 3 3 0.67 Linyuan 4 7 1.55


Subtotal of Linyuan 482 14

3.27 457 0.72% 0.95 0.94 0.72%

5 29 7.11 Xianshui

7 14 4.57 Subtotal of Xianshui

1097 43 11.68 1208 0.97% 1.10 1.09 0.97% Yunxi

Sanyi 12 1976 2 0.76 1178 0.06% 0.60 0.60 0.06% 1 5 3.73

Leyang 2 19 8.54

Subtotal of Leyang

1525 24 12.27 2159 0.57% 1.42 1.41 0.57%

1 7 2 Tongxin

3 6 3.72 Subtotal of Tongxin

1040 13 5.72 1708 0.28% 1.64 1.64 0.33%

1 4 4.77 Sanyuan

10 3 1.2 Subtotal of Sanyuan

1492 7 5.97 1721 0.35% 1.15 1.15 0.35%


Yulong 1 8 3.58 1123 0.32% 1 5 1.83 2 11 3.46 4 4 1.72


5 28 10.14 Subtotal of Linlong

1310 48 17.15 2074 0.83% 1.58 1.57 0.83%

2 12 7.59 3 21 15.65 Jinguan 4 3 0.27

Subtotal of Jinguan

903 36 23.51 1531 1.54% 1.70 1.67 1.54%

1 9 9.64 2 4 1.44 3 14 14.57 4 7 10.01 5 8 8.17 8 13 12.02


9 8 11.69 Subtotal of

Malan 1024 63 67.54 1347 4.91% 1.32 1.25 5.01%

6 3 2.7 Lianhe

7 13 10.57



Subtotal of Lianhe

838 16 13.27 1047.5 1.27% 1.25 1.23 1.27%

Xingguang 9 1147 9 17.6 2038 0.86% 1.78 1.76 0.86% 1 4 5.96 2 9 11.3 Changzheng7 3 2.01

Subtotal of Changzheng

996 16 19.27 1370 1.41% 1.38 1.36 1.41%



Ziqiang 1 17 15.6

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


2 7 4.01

Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 7)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition 3 16 10.36 4 28 30.42 Ziqiang 6 14 8.2 Ziqiang

Subtotal of Ziqiang

962 82 68.59 1011 6.78% 1.05 0.98 6.78%

2 5 2.7 Wuma

3 13 9.14 Subtotal of

Wuma 483 18 11.84 617 1.92% 1.28 1.25 1.92%

1 5 1.95 Hongwei Village 9 3 0.33

Subtotal of Hongwei Village

1637 8 2.28 2084 0.11% 1.27 1.27 0.11%

3 81 27.77 Changliang

4 49 19.8 Subtotal of Changlian

621 130 47.57 1060 4.49% 1.71 1.63 4.49%

2 7 6.97 Changping

3 27 16.14


Subtotal of Changping

846 34 23.11 1426 1.62% 1.69 1.66 1.62%

2 5 1.84 3 17 11.2 6 4 3.63


7 4 0.6 Subtotal of

Baiyan 1009 30 16.74 1073 1.56% 1.06 1.05 1.56%

Guta 1 1293 8 6.34 1565 0.41% 1.21 1.21 0.41% 2 19 14.47 3 6 6.54 Banzhu 4 9 9.19

Subtotal of Banzhu

1031 34 30.2 1110 2.72% 1.08 1.05 2.72%

Shengli 1 2 0.76 963 0.08% 3 21 11.2 5 18 18.06 7 7 5.17

Tongxin Village

8 3 2.87


Subtotal of Tongxin Village

1076 49 37.3 1627 2.29% 1.51 1.48 2.29%

1 4 3.95 2 24 19.16 3 7 9.5


4 8 16.31 Subtotal of Guanghui 866 43

48.92 1483 3.30% 1.71 1.66 3.30%

13 10.47 Gaofeng 5

21 16.37 Subtotal of Gaofeng

790 34 26.84 1460 1.84% 1.85 1.81 1.84%

5 6 8.27 6 4 1.81




7 7 7.75

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


8 6 7.6 Subtotal of Zhaoyao

746 23 25.43 1196 2.13% 1.60 1.57 2.13%

Renhe Aiguo 1 � 3 3.19 � � � � �

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 17 Statistics of land occupied percents of farmland by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued 8)

Ownership organization

County Township Village Group

Agricultural population (person)

Number of

affected persons (person)

Land acquisition

of farmland


Farmland owned (mu)

Percent of

occupied farmland


Farmland per capita

(mu/person) before land acquisition

Farmland per capita

(mu/person) after land


Decrease of farmland per capita (%) before and after land

acquisition 7 4 5.56 8 7 10.8 Aiguo 9 12 13.15

Subtotal of Aiguo

990 26 32.7 1347 2.43% 1.36 1.33 2.2%

Xinmin 1 909 13 5.01 1062 0.47% 1.17 1.16 0.47% 1 11 5.17 2 4 2.69 Xinsong 5 4 1.44


Subtotal of Xinsong

844 19 9.3 752 1.24% 0.89 0.88 1.24%

5 5 0 Maan

6 31 21.54 Subtotal of

Maan 1599 36 21.54 2320 0.93% 1.45 1.44 0.93%

1 9 2.65 2 39 20.94 Longjing 3 5 1.47


Subtotal of Longjing

986 53 25.06 1100 2.28% 1.12 1.09 2.28%

4 46 23.56 7 4 0 8 22 14.63


9 31 21.85 Subtotal of

Jiulin 1377 103 60.04 1489 4.03% 1.08 1.04 4.03%

1 13 6.64 Yulong

7 43 33.22 Subtotal of

Yulong 1394 56 39.86 1533 2.60% 1.10 1.07 2.60%

2 41 22.46 3 34 15.77 4 23 11.52


7 43 21.94


Subtotal of Baocheng

1325 141 71.69 1416 4.96% 1.07 1.01 5.06%

1 13 10.69 2 7 5.02 3 3 0


9 13 12.38 Subtotal of Changan

1221 36 28.09 2512 1.39% 2.06 2.03 1.12%

1 4 0 3 8 7.77 7 3 0 8 14 10.71 9 29 24.37


10 4 0 Subtotal of

Gaopo 1177 62 42.85 2107 4.85% 1.79 1.75 2.03%

Wuxing 2 1635 51 32.89 2107 1.56% 1.29 1.27 1.56% 2 41 40.76

Shuangjin 3 46 31.45

Subtotal of Shuangjin

610 87 72.21 883 2.87% 1.45 1.33 8.18%



Jinbao 2 1369 134 86.6 1340 1.15% 0.98 0.92 6.46%

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Data sources: Socioeconomic and material impact surveys

3.6.3 Vulnerable groups affected by the Project

Distribution of vulnerable groups within the Project area is shown in Table 18, households enjoying the five guarantees affected total 22 persons, 43 handicapped, 67 poverty-stricken households, accounting for 2%, 1.3% and 1.3% of total vulnerable groups respectively, and there is no ethnic minority population affected by the Project. Nevertheless, these vulnerable groups are more susceptible to negative impacts of resettlement, their self-restoration and reconstruction capacities are weaker than those of general groups; therefore, special attention shall be paid to such vulnerable groups in compensation and resettlement. Refer to Section 6.5.5 of the Report for special resettlement measures to vulnerable groups.

Table 18 Statistics of vulnerable groups affected by Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Vulnerable groups from affected villages Vulnerable groups affected by the Project

County Ethnic minority population (person)

Households enjoying the

five guarantees (person)

The handicapped


Poverty-stricken families


Households enjoying the

five guarantees (person)

The handicapped


Poverty-stricken families


Jiangyou 128 178 826 1237 3 9 11 Zitong 21 185 455 1361 15 23 39 Yanting 665 672 2068 2709 4 11 17 Total 814 1035 3349 5307 22 43 67

Data sources: Socioeconomic and material impact surveys

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 4: Legal Framework

The resettlement plan will be prepared in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Sichuan Province and related policies of the World Bank. The resettlement will be implemented in strict accordance with the compensation standard and resettlement plan based on the Action Plan.

4.1 Applicable policies and laws The land acquisition for the Project and resettlement of relocation persons shall strictly comply with relevant regulations and implementation measures of China and Sichuan Province, related documents of Mianyang City and World Bank Safeguard Policy —— OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. Main law and policy bases include:

Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, August 1998 (revised based on [Decision on Revising “Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” on August 28, 2004] )

Decision of the State Council on Deepening Reformation and Strengthening Land Administration, GF [2004] No.28;

Guideline on Improving Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement System, GTZF (2004) No.238;

Implementation Regulations on Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, Decree of the State Council No. 256, December 1998;

Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland, December 1998;

Regulations on Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement for Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conserancy and Hydropower Projects (decree of the State Council No. 471);

Implementation Method of ‘Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’ in Sichuan Province (with effect from December 10, 1999);

Forwarding the Notification of Opinions on Relevant Issues in Adjusting Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement Standards of Provincial Land and Resource Department (CBH [2008] No.73, April 13, 2008) issued by General Office of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government;

Notice of General Office of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Improving Social Security for Land-acquisitioned Farmers, CBF [2008] No. 15;

Notice of Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Issuing Compensation Standard for Attachments and Yong Crops on the Land Acquisitioned (MFH [2008] No. 105);

Notice of Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on printing and issuing Resettlement Compensation and Subsidy Standard for Wudu Reservior Project (MFH [2005] No. 19);

Notice on Conducting Social Security for Land-Acquisitioned Farmer (MLSF [2009] No. 28);

Notice of Office of Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on Conducting Social Security for Land-Acquisitioned Farmers (MFBF [2010] No.4);

World Bank Safeguard Policy OP/BP 4.12 —— Involuntary Resettlement;

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Design document for the Project, relevant drawings and results of design survey.

4.2 Relevant laws and regulations The People’s Republic of China has formulated a complete set of legal framework and policy mechanism regarding land acquisition, house relocation, resettlement and compensation. Since 1986 when Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated, it has been revised for three times according to the changes of national conditions. The latest revision was made on August 28, 2004 by the standing committee during the 11th conference in the Tenth National People’s Congress. Within the national legal and policy framework, governments at every level respectively promulgated and implemented relevant laws and policies that conform to the local relevant laws and policies to manage and guide the land acquisition, house relocation, resettlement and compensation.

Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China

The compensation for land requisitioned is conducted according to its original purpose. Compensation for farmland requisitioned includes the land compensation, resettlement subsidy and compensation for ground appurtenance and young crops.

Compensation for farmland requisitioned shall be 6 – 10 times of average annual output value in the three years prior to acquisition. Resettlement subsidy for farmlands requisitioned shall be calculated according to the agricultural population to be resettled. Agricultural population to be resettled is the quantity of farmland requisitioned divided by average quantity of farmland per capital prior to acquisition. Resettlement subsidy for agricultural population shall be 4 – 6 times of average annual output value in the three years prior to acquisition. However, the resettlement subsidy for farmland requisitioned per hectare shall be not more than 15 times of average annual output values in the three years prior to acquisition.

Compensation and resettlement subsidy standard for other land requisitioned shall be formulated by the province, autonomous region and municipality according to the compensation and resettlement subsidy standard for farmland requisitioned.

Compensation standard for appurtenances and young crops on land requisitioned shall be formulated by the province, autonomous region and municipality.

For the vegetable field requisitioned in suburban area, the user of land shall pay the new vegetable field development and construction fund in accordance with related national regulations.

According to this provision, the land compensation and resettlement subsidy can not make the farmers to be resettled maintain the original living standard, the people’s government at provincial, autonomous region and municipal levels shall approve the increment of resettlement subsidy.However, the sum total of land compensation and resettlement subsidy shall be not more than 30 times of average annual output values in the three years prior to acquisition.

Under special circumstances, according to the social and economic development level, the State Council may increase the farmland compensation and resettlement subsidy.

Decision of the State Council on Deepening Reformation and Strengthening Land Administration (GF [2004] No. 28)

In order to further strengthen the land administration, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China promulgated Decision of the State Council on Deepening Reformation and Strengthening Land Administration (No. 28 Document) in 2004 to raise new

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


requirement for further improvement of compensation for land acquisition; main regulations are as follows:

Article 12: “Improving Method of Compensation for Land Acquisition.The local people’s government above county level shall take feasible measures so that the living standards of farmers involved in land acquisition will not be lowered because of land acquisition.Ensure the compensation for land, resettlement subsidy and compensation for ground appurtenance and yong crops are paid in full according to law and in a timly manner.Depending on current law, the compensation for land and resettlement subsidy can not make farmers involved in land acquisition maintain the living standard and afford the social insurance, the people’s government at provincial, autonomous region and municipal levels shall approve the increment of resettlement subsidy.When the sum total of compensation for land and resettlement subsidy is in the higher limit regulated by the law but still cannot maintain the living standard of farmers affected by land acquisition, the local government can make use of the income from compensable use of state-owned lands to subsidize”.

Article 13 regulates: “Appropriate resettlement of farmers affected by land acquisition.The local government above county level shall formulate the specific methods so that the long-term production and living of farmers affected by land acquisition can be guaranteed.For projects with stable profits, the farmers can become shareholders depending on the legally approved construction land-use right.Within urban planning areas, the local people’s government shall place the farmers who lost land due to land acquisition into the employment system of township and establish a social safeguard system; when requisitioning the collectively-owned land of farmers outside urban planning areas, the local people’s government shall leave farmers involved in land acquistion the necessary farmlands in the administrative zone or provide appropriate job; resettlement in different place shall be a choice for landless farmers who do not have basic production and living conditions".Meanwhile, “the labor and social safeguard authorities and other related authorities are required to jointly put forward guidance opinion on employment training and social safeguard system for farmers affected by land acquisition".

Forwarding the Notification of Opinions on Relevant Issues in Adjusting Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Standards of Provincial Land and Resource Department (CBH [2008] No.73) issued by General Office of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government

For average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition.Based on the relevant statistics and survey data of the administrative zone in 3 years prior to land acquisition, the county (municipal, district) government shall organize the land and resources, finance, price, agriculture, forestry and statistics authorities and other authorities to prepare the average annual output value in 3 years prior to farmland acquisition and report to municipal (prefecture) people’s government, then the municipal (prefecture) people’s government submit it to the provincial department of land and resources after summary.After the municipal (prefecture) people’s government and provincial department of land and resources put forward the modification suggestion for the average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition prepared by each county (municipal, district) based on related data, the municipal (prefecture), county (municipal, district) people’s government announces it to the public before the end of April of every year.

For calculation multiple for compensation for land acquisition and resettlement subsidy.Compensation for farmland requisitioned per mu shall be calculated at 10 times of the average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition.Based on the

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


farmland area per capita of collective economic organization affected by land acquisition, the resettlement subsidy shall be calculated in accordance with the following standards: for farmland per capita not less than 1 mu, the compensation for farmland per mu shall be 6 times of average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition; for farmland per capita less than 1 mu, the compensation for each person to be resttled shall be 6 times of average annual output value per mu in 3 years prior to land acquisition.Compensation for lands not for cultivation and resettlement subsidy shall be halved based on above standards.

For compensation standard for ground appurtenance and yong crops on land occupied. Compensation standard for ground appurtenance and yong crops shall be revised by municipal (prefecture) pepole’s government every 3 years and be implemented after the approval of provincial people’s government.During the implementation of these standards, corresponding adjustment may be made by each municipal (prefecture) people’s government based on the local price inflation.

For resettlement of farmers affected by land acquisition.If the people’s government responsible for land acquisition and resettlement carries out the land acquisition within city (town) planning area, the number of farmers affected by land acquisition who are to be resettled in urban area shall be determined by dividing the area of land requisitioned by land area per capita of collective economic organization prior to land acquisition; the farmers to be resettled shall be incorporated in the urban employment scope and be provided with strengthened employment training, so as to raise their employability and to realize the employment in various ways. Employment of zero-employment households shall be emphasized, and the appropriate social safeguard system shall be established.

If the house relocation is involved in land acquisition, effective measures shall be taken according to the relevant regulations to actually guarantee the basic housing conditions of farmers affected by land acquisition.Building area of basic housing provided by the government carrying out land acquisition and relocation shall not be less than 30m2/person. Under the limits of basic housing area, the farmers to be relocated shall not pay purchase cost and will not be entitle for compensation for relocation.If the area of house to be demolished is larger than that of basic housing, compensation for exceeding area shall be paid according to the compensation standard for appurtenance.If the resettlement housing is constructed in a centralized way, the resettlement housing shall be constructed in advance; in principle, “construction goes prior to relocation” shall be exercised.If the transition period is necessary, transition housing shall be in place and the transition subsidy shall be paid, so as to ensure the basic housing and living conditions of person to be relocated during the transition period.The transition period shall not be more than 1 year, otherwise, the transition subsidy beyond 1 year shall be doubled.

Notice on Conducting Social Security for Farmers Affected by Land Acquisition (MLSF [2009] No. 28 Document) from Mianyang authorities specifies the following social security measures:

Basic endowment insurance: farmers affected by land acquisition who are older than 60 for male and 50 for female when the land acquisition is approved shall participate in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees in urban areas.The endowment insurance shall be paid at 20% of payment percentage (including 12% paid by land acquisition organization, 8% paid by farmer involved in land acquisition), with 60 % of the average salary of on-post employees in the province in last year prior to land acquisition as insurance base; if the endowment insurance for 15 years is paid up in lump-sum, the labor and social security authority will handle the procedure for receiving basic pension, and the basic pension is given monthly.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Farmers involved in land acquisition who are older than 16 when the land acquisition is approved shall participate in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees in urban area. The endowment insurance shall be paid at 20% of payment percentage (including 12% paid by land acquisition organization, 8% paid by farmer involved in land acquisition), with 60 % of the average salary of on-post employees in the province in last year prior to land acquisition as insurance base, according to the actual age of farmers with land occupied when the land acquisition is approved; 1 payment year will be increased with the increase of actual age by 2 since the age of 16; the basic endowment insurance shall be paid up in lump-sum, the payment years shall not be more than 15.

Basic medical insurance.Farmers involved in land acquisition will not pay insurance by themselves; the insurance which shall be paid by farmers involved in land acquisition is transferred by land acquisition organization to medical insurance agency in lump-sum as per personal premium for urban residents from the year of land acquisition to the average future lifetime of the city and is included in the land cost.

Unemployment insurance: unemployed farmer after getting a job shall participate in the unemployment insurance according to the law.

Farmers with land occupied who have difficulty in living and are in conformity with the conditions of subsistence allowance for urban residents shall be included in the subsistence allowance for local urban residents, so that the eligible farmers with land occupied will receive what they are entitled to.

4.3 World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy The preparation of resettlement plan for the Project and the implementation of resettlement in the future will be strict accordance with the related requirements of World Bank Social Safeguard Policy OP/BP4.12—— Involuntary Resettlement.The resettlement shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the compensation standards for resettlement determined by the Plan; during the implementation, in case of any change of these standards, approval of World Bank must be obtained.Important contents of World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy are as follows:

1. Target of World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy

World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy is described clearly in OP4.12.All targets of involuntary resettlement policy are as follows:

Evaluate all feasible design plan to avoid or minimize involuntary resettlement;

If the resettlement is unavoidable, the resettlement shall be designed and executed according to a sustainable development plan.Sufficient funds shall be provided so that the persons to be relocated can enjoy benefits from the Project.Consult with the persons to be relocated carefully, so that they have opportunity to participate in the planning and implementation of resettlement plan;

Help the persons to be relocated improve their production and living, so that the production and living can actually be restored at least or be higher than that before the Project;

2. Necessary measures for realizing targets:

Proper measures shall be taken under the resettlement plan or resettlement policy, to ensure persons to be relocated are informed of the option regarding resettlement and other rights;

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Persons to be relocated are informed of technologically and economically feasible plan, participate in negotiation and have opportunity to choose;

Persons to be relocated gain compensations for direct asset losses attributable to the project at overall replacement costs in a prompt and effective way.

If the impact involves relocation, proper measures shall be taken under resettlement plan or resettlement policy, to ensure persons to be relocated gain assistance (for example relocation subsidy) during relocation period;

Persons to be relocated obtain housing or rural housing land, or agricultural production site as requirement; the productive potentiality, location advantage and other comprehensive factors of the agricultural production site shall be equal to the advantage of original site at least.

To realize the policy target, proper measures shall be taken under the resettlement plan or resettlement policy when necessary, to ensure after the relocation, the transition period is estimated rationally based on the possible necessary time for livelihood and living restoration, and persons to be relocated obtain assistance during the transition period;

In addition to the effective compensation at replacement cost, persons to be relocated are also provided with support for soil preparation, loan, training or employment.

Special attention shall be given to the vulnerable groups, especially persons living under poverty line, landless persons, the aged, women, children, minorities, or persons who may be not under the protection of national land compensation laws and regulations.

Resttlement by giving land shall be preferred for persons making living depending on lands.These stragety includes resettlement on public land or private land purchased for resettlement.In any case, if the replacement land is provided, the productive potentiality, location advantage and other comprehensive factors of provided land shall be equal to the advantage prior to land acquisition at least.If persons to be relocated do not give prority to resettlement by giving land, or the land provided will have adverse impact on the sustainability of parks or protection zones, or obtaining sufficient lands at rational price is impossible, in addition to the cash compensation for land and other asset losses, resettlement without land shall be adopted to provide opportunity for employment or self-supporting.If the lands are insifficient, explanation shall be given and recorded according to requirements of World Bank.

Conditions may apply to cash compensation for asset losses are: (a) affected persons make livings depending on land, but the land occupied for the project only is a small part of lost asset and living can be maintained depending on the remaining; (b) there are active land, housing and employment markets, the supply of land and housing is sufficient through these markets; or (c) affected persons do not make livings depending on land. Cash compensation shall be sufficient to compensate for lost land and other assets at full market replacement cost in local area.

Provide related information to persons to be relocated and their communities and resettlement sites in a timely manner, consult with them about the resettlement plan and provide them with opportunities for planning,

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


implementing and monitoring the resettlement. Establish appropriate and convienent complaint mechanism for these groups.

The new resettlement spot or resettlement site is equipped with necessary infrastructure and public services, so as to improve, restore or maintain the original facility utilization procedure and service for persons to be relocated and resettlement site.Alternative or similar resources are provided to make up for available community loss (such as fishing farm, pasture, fuel or forage).

According to the selection of persons to be relocated, establish the community organization mode in line with the new environment. Maintain the existing social and cultural mechanism of persons to be relocated and resettlement site as much as possible, respect the opinion of persons to be relocated whether they are willing to relocate into the existing community.

4.4 Practice and differences between China’s resettlement policy and the World Bank’s With the continuous improvement of China’s related policies, current related policies of China are basically compatible with the resettlement policies of World Bank and practice, especially the implementation procedure for reservoir project of China is basically consistent with the requirements of World Bank. However, a certain difference regarding the following aspects is undeniable:

(1)� For vulnerable groups. The World Bank gives active attention to vulnerable group, but China’s policy on land acquisition and resettlement does not cover it; although other policies of China (for example poverty relief policy) bring great concerning to the group, the concern is not active or prospective.

(2)� For buildings unauthorized or undocumented. China’s compensation policy on land acquisition and relocation specifies the compensation shall not be given under the following circumstances: buildings (structures) without legal approval; buildings (structures) with areas exceeding land area approved or building area approved, the above-mentioned buildings are called as buildings unauthorized or undocumented. However, the World Bank considers that the buildings (structures) unauthorized and undocumented reflect the current living standard and condition of persons affected by the project, appropriate compensation shall be given and the convenience shall be provided for resettlement, so as to avoid the asset loss and negative impact attributable to the project, assist affected persons to restore the living or even improve it.

As to above-mentioned two differences, the resettlement organization for the Project specially conducts statistics in the socioeconomic survey and survey of quantity of material objects affected.Through the survey, the volunable group is found to be affected by the Project; for detailed statistics see 3.7.3 of the Report. All buildings (structures) to be removed are legally approved.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 5: Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition and

Relocation and Resettlement Expense Budget

Compensation standard for land acquisition and relocation in the Project is finalized, through the investigation to the opinion of affected persons on compensation standard for land acquisition and the public participation, and the several communication and negotiation between Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. and resettlement organization of affected counties, districts (cities) , based on the related policy and implementation method of China and Sichuan Province, relevant documents of Mianyang City and World Bank Safeguard Policy ——OP4.12/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. Asking for opinions of affected persons, the compensation standard for the Project gains the approval of local government and matches with relevant policies and regulations of China and Sichuan Province and the local economy, and can ensure the restoration of production and living and the livelihood development of affected persons.

5.1 Compensation standard for permanent land acquisition In accordance with related Chinese laws and Notification of Opinions on Relevant Issues in Adjusting Land Acquisition and Resettlement Standards of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government (CBH [2008] No. 73 Document), the compensation for permanent land acquisition in the Project is divided into land compensation and resettlement subsidy; the specific standards are: the land compensation is calculated at 10 times of average annual output value of farmland occupied in 3 years prior to land acquisition; the resettlement subsidy is calculated based on the farmland area per capita of collective economic organization affected by land acquisition; if the farmland per capita is not less than 1 mu, the farmland compensation shall be 6 times of average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition. If the farmland per capita is less than 1 mu, the resettlement subsidy for each person shall be 6 times of average annual output value per mu in 3 years prior to land acquisition; for the lands not for cultivation, the compensation and resettlement subsidy shall be halved based on above standards. According to the above standards, the compensation and resettlement subsidy can not make farmers to be resettled maintain the original living standard, the people’s government at provincial, autonomous region and municipal levels shall approve the increment of resettlement subsidy. However, the sum total of land compensation and resettlement subsidy shall be not more than 30 times of average annual output values in the three years prior to acquisition.

Land compensation, resettlement subsidy and compensation for young crops in the Project shall be calculated at the average output value of land which is issued by MGTZB [2009] No. 142 and is specially measured by Mianyang municipal land administration authority; annual output value standard for each county, district and town is shown in Table 20.

Socioeconomic surveys conducted in project areas and affected villages indicate that the farmland per capita is over 1 mu in Jiangyou City, Zitong County and Yanting County, 1.06 mu, 1.29 mu and 1.09 mu respectively. Based on CBH [2008] No. 73 Document, the compensation for permanent land acquisition in the Project is calculated at 10 times of average annual output value of land acquisitioned in 3 years prior to land acquisition; the resettlement subsidy is calculated at 6 times of average annual output value in 3 years prior to land acquisition; and the total compensation multiple is 16. The sum total of land compensations to permanent cultivated land and garden land acquisition and resettlement subsidies is 16 times of the average annual output values in the three years prior to the

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


acquisition, compensations for forest land, aquiculture pools, housing land, land for buildings, wasteland and other lands and resettlement subsidies are halved based on the compensation standards for farmland. Compensation standard for permanent land acquisition in the Project is shown in Table 19.

Table 19 Annual output value and compensation standard for permanent land acquisition inWudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township and town

Annual output value (


Compensation multiple

Compensation for farmland and garden

land ( Yuan/mu)

Compensation for forest

land, aquiculture

pool, housing land, land for buildings and

wasteland (Yuan/m)u

Wudu Town

1870 16 29920 14960

Houba Town

1720 16 27520 13760

Jiangyou City

Dakang Town,

Shuanghe Town,

Yongsheng Town,

Chonghua Town,

Tongxing Township, Dong’an

Township, Xinxing

Township, Xinchun


1580 16 25280 12640

Yanting County Yunxi Town

1450 16 23200 11600

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Huangdian Town,

Sanyuan Township, Longquan

Town, Gaodeng Town,

Jinkong Town, Xize

Township, Zonghai

Township, Bajiao Town,

Linlong Town,

Yongtai Township,

Fuyi Township,

Linsan Township,

Daxing Township

1330 16 21280 10640

Baizi Township, Heiping Town, Lailong Town, Jianhe

Township, Shiniumiao Township

1210 16 19360 9680

Renhe Town, Baoshi


1330 16 21280 10640

Zitong County

Dingyuan Township, Wenxing

Township, Ziqiang Town, Baiyun Town, Liya

Township, Hongren Township

1210 16 19360 9680

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Youxian District

Chaozhen Township

1870 16 29920 14960

5.2 Compensation standard for young crops�In general, the compensation for young crops is paid according to the annual output value of farmland; compensation for each affected town and township in the Project is conducted according to its own annual output value. Compensation for timber is calculated according to 1015m3 of reserve of immature timber, the average market price of various kinds of timber is about 450~500 Yuan/m3, so compensation for timber is determined as 4500 Yuan/mu; the compensation for bush wood is 2500 Yuan/mu. Compensation for appurtenance on garden land is calculated at 2 times of average annual output value of garden land in 3 years prior to acquisition; based on the annual output of garden land and the average market price, and related regulations of Notice of Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Issuing Compensation Standard for Ground Appurtenance and Young Crops on Land Requisitioned (MFH [2008] No. 105), the compensation for garden land is determined as 5000 Yuan/mu, and that for mulberry field is 3500 Yuan/mu. Compensation standard for fishpond is in accordance with Sichuan Province’s standard for similar project. Compensation standard for young crops and appurtenance on land provisionally requisitioned is the same with that for permanent land acquisition. See Table 20 for details.

Table 20 Compensation standard for young crops and appurtenance in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Land type County Township and town

Compensation standard for young

crops and appurtenance (Yuan/mu)

Wudu Town 1870 Houba Town 1720

Jiangyou City Dakang Town, Shuanghe Town, Yongsheng Town, Chonghua Town, Tongxing Township, Dong’an Township, Xinxing Township, Xinchun Township


Yunxi Town 1450 Huangdian Town, Sanyuan Township, Longquan Town, Gaodeng Town, Jinkong Town, Xize Township, Zonghai Township, Bajiao Town, Linlong Town, Yongtai Township, Fuyi Township, Linsan Township, Daxing Township

1330 Yanting County

Baizi Township, Heiping Town, Lailong Town, Jianhe Township, Shiniumiao Township


Renhe Town, Baoshi Township 1330


Zitong County Dingyuan Township, Wenxing Township, Ziqiang Town, Baiyun Town, Liya Township, Hongren Township


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Youxian District

Chaozhen Township 1870

Timber forest 4500 Bamboo forest 3000

Bush wood 2500 Fruit garden land 5000 Mulberry field 4000

Fish pond 3000

5.3 Compensation standard for temporary land acquisition �During the project construction, the Contractor will temporarily have some land acquisition for temporary construction road, construction materials storage, work shed construction, earth borrowing and disposal or production and working and temporary accommodation of construction team. Compensation standards for temporary land acquisition are annual average output values of such types of land paid in line with acquisition years; details are shown in Table 21.

Table 21 Compensation standard for temporary land acquisition in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

County Township and town

Compensation for farmland

and garden land (


Compensation for forest land, land for buildings and

wasteland (Yuan/mu/year)

Wudu Town 1870 935 Houba Town 1720 860

Jiangyou City Dakang Town, Shuanghe Town, Yongsheng Town, Chonghua Town, Tongxing Township, Dong’an Township, Xinxing Township, Xinchun Township

1580 790

Yunxi Town 1450 725 Huangdian Town, Sanyuan Township, Longquan Town, Gaodeng Town, Jinkong Town, Xize Township, Zonghai Township, Bajiao Town, Linlong Town, Yongtai Township, Fuyi Township, Linsan Township, Daxing Township

1330 665 Yanting County

Baizi Township, Heiping Town, Lailong Town, Jianhe Township, Shiniumiao Township

1210 605

Renhe Town, Baoshi Township 1330 665

Zitong County Dingyuan Township, Wenxing Township, Ziqiang Town, Baiyun Town, Liya Township, Hongren Township

1210 605

Youxian District

Chaozhen Township 1870 935

5.4 Compensation standard for house relocation �Houses, structures and buildings within the boundary line of land acquisition will be removed. In accordance with the current land administration law and house relocation policy, compensation for buildings and their appurtenance shall be paid to owners of

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


houses and appurtenance to be removed. Compensation will be used as the replacement cost for houses to be removed.

Calculation of compensation for house relocation in the Project is based on Construction Engineering Investment Estimate Manual, Frequently-used Data Manual of Cost Engineer, Manual for Construction Engineering Estimate (budget) Preparation, Sichuan Construction Engineering BOQ and Price Quota (2009) and Sichuan Engineering Cost Information. Cost composition is: replacement cost = direct cost of quota + composite cost. Taking no account of recycling of used materials, based on the replacement cost in local area and requirement for seismic fortification of house after earthquake, the compensation unit price for various kinds of house and structure is calculated. The calculation of compensation for house covers foundation, wall, roof, floor, water supply and drainage pipelines, indoor lighting equipment, drainage ditch around house; the measurement of construction cost of brick-concrete and brick-wood house is shown in Attachment 5. Compensation standard for various kinds of house after measurement and calculation is shown in Table 22.Within the area of land acquisition for project, the seismic fortification intensity for Jiangyou City and Youxian District is Level 7, that for other town and township involved is Level 6. So the compensation for house shall be determined according to Level 6 and Level 7.

Table 22 Compensation standard for house relocation in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Type of house Compensation price(Yuan/m2) Seismic

fortification intensity

Brick- concrete structure



Wood structure



Unsorted housing


Level 6 620 505 370 330 150 110 Level 7 630 525 370 330 150 110

Allowance for house relocation includes the relocation transportation allowance, relocation insurance fees, material loss allowance and working loss allowance. Persons affected by land acquisition in the Project are resettled in local area, most relocation distance is less than 1000m, so in principal, the construction goes prior to relocation shall be exercised. Because of construction requirement, if the relocation shall go prior to construction, the transition resettlement shall be adopted during the construction period; the persons to be relocated shall solve the housing problem by themselves. During the transition period, persons to be relocated shall be given the transition subsidy, namely 100 Yuan for each person every month, and the transition period shall not be more than 18 months. If the transition period exceeds the time limit caused by resettlement organization, the temporary transition subsidy shall be added and paid by demolition organization. Subsidy standard for house relocation in the Project is shown in Table 23.

Table 23 Subsidy standard for house relocation in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Description Unit Standard of relocation subsidy

Material relocation transportation allowance

Yuan/person 150

Relocation insurance fee Yuan/person 30 Material loss allowance Yuan/person 50 Working loss allowance Yuan/person 250

Transition allowance Yuan/person/month 100

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


5.5 Compensation standard for ground appurtenance and scattered tree For all appurtenances and scattered trees affected by land acquisition and relocation, compensation and restoration support shall be provided; the specific standards are shown in Table 24 and Table 25 respectively.

Table 24 Compensation standard for ground appurtenance in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Description Category Unit Unit price (Yuan) Concrete m2 50

Mixture of soil, lime and sand

m2 25 Courtyard

Stone m2 50 Brick m2 58 Stone m2 45 Fence Earth m2 15

Ordinary well Nr. 600 Well

Driven well Nr. 2400 Tomb Nr. 900

Biogas digester Nr. 3000 Decoration of Class

1 m2 180

Decoration of Class 2

m2 120

Decoration of Class 3

m2 80

House decoration

Others m2 40

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Table 25 Compensation standard for scattered trees in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Type Mature, young tree Unit Unit price (Yuan) Mature tree Nr. 125

Apple, pear Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 125

Peach, plum, apricot Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 130

Orange Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 120

Persimmon, cherry Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 125

Loguat Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 115

Pomegranate Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 110

Jujube Young tree Nr. 15 Mature tree Nr. 60

Palm Young tree Nr. 10 Mature tree Nr. 30

Pine and cypress Young tree Nr. 3 Mature tree Nr. 5

Mulberry Young tree Nr. 3 Mature tree Nr. 150

Pepper Young tree Nr. 20 Mature tree Nr. 60

Eucommia uldoides Young tree Nr. 10 Mature tree Nr. 35

Other economic trees Young tree Nr. 6

Bamboo Bunch 50

5.6 Compensation standard for infrastructure�All infrastructure affected by land acquisition and relocation in the Project will be reconstructed (rehabilitated) and restored; the specific compensation standard is shown in Table 26.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 26 Compensation standard for reconstruction (rehabilitation) of infrastructure in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Reconstruction (rehabilitation) S/N Description Unit Compensation

1 Highway 1.1 G108 National Highway km 320 1.2 Provincial Highway No. 302 km 320 1.3 County highway

1.3.1 Class II (concrete) km 320 1.3.2 Class IV Gravel km 80 Asphalt km 150

2 Power transmission and transformation facility

2.1 10kV transmission line Pole km 12 2.2 Low voltage transmission line Pole km 2.2 2.3 Distribution transformer Yuan/KVA 280 3 Telecommunication facility

3.1 Communication optical cable Pole km 5 3.2 Communication cable Pole km 3.5 3.3 National defense optical cable km 30 4 Radio and television facility

4.1 Radio and television cable Pole km 3.5 5 Water mains of water plant km 10

5.7 Resettlement expense budget�

According to Notice of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Printing and Issuing ‘Implementation Method of Tax on Occupancy of Cultivated Land in Sichuan Province’ (CFF [2008] No. 27), the related tax on resettlement expense collected by national and local government includes tax on occupancy of cultivated land, cultivated land reclamation fee, forest vegetation restoration fee; the land acquisition for Xizi Trunk Canal and Key Canal Works is free from tax on occupancy of cultivated land. So the tax from resettlement expense in the Project only includes cultivated land reclamation fee and forest vegetation restoration fee. In resettlement expense budget, the type of scattered tree and ground appurtenance is various, so the rational expense estimate is conducted by experienced and professional personnel; the compensation and restoration fee for infrastructure also is determined as per this method.

Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement expense in the Project mainly include:

Basic resettlement expense

Compensation for land acquisition: including the land compensation, resettlement subsidy, compensation for temporary land occupation, compensation for young crops and ground appurtenance.

Compensation for house relocation and other compensation: including compensation for housing relocation and the relocation and tenancy subsidy.

Infrastructure restoration fee: fee for relocation, rehabilitation and restoration of infrastructure.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Related tax

Cultivated land reclamation fee: according to Notice of Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China, State Economic and Trade Commission and The Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China on Relevant Issues in Land Acquisition for Construction of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects (GTZF [2001] No. 355), “tax on cultivated land flooded by reservoir with the objective of flood control and water supply is 70% of lower limit of cultivated land reclamation fee which is specified by provincial, autonomous region and municipal people's government”, and regulations of Implementation Method of ‘Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’ in Sichuan Province, the cultivated land reclamation fee in Xizi Trunk Canal and Key Canal Works is 70% of amount which is double of sum of compensation for cultivated land and resettlement subsidy; the fee is calculated according to the compensation standard for each town and township.

Forest vegetation restoration fee: according to Tentative Method for Collection, Utilization and Management of Forest Vegetation Restoration Fee of Ministry of Finance People’s Republic of China and State Forestry Administration, P.R. China (CZ [2002] No. 73), the forest vegetation restoration fee for timber and bamboo is calculated at 6.0 Yuan/m2, namely 4000 Yuan/mu, and that for bush wood is calculated at 3.0 Yuan/m2, namely 2000 Yuan/mu.

Management and monitoring fees

Technical training fee: it is used for employment training for villagers affected by land acquisition. The fee is estimated according to the training content, training duration and number of villagers participating in training. Implementation and management fee: it is mainly used as the management fee of resettlement management organization and is calculated at 3% of basic fee. Resettlement monitoring and assessment fee: it is used as the fee for monitoring and assessment by external resettlement monitoring and assessment organization during the resettlement implementation.


It is used to resolve unforeseen problems by resettlement organization to carry out the resettlement better and is calculated at 10% of basic fee. Land acquisition compensations and resettlement expense budgets are 236.8377 million Yuan. Among which, basic resettlement expenses directly for compensations to affected persons are 168.0592 million yuan, relevant taxes are 41.7980 million yuan, 2.3088 million yuan as special support funds to vulnerable groups, 1.924 million yuan for technical training, with 5.0418 million yuan of implementation and management fees, 0.90 million yuan of resettlement monitoring and assessment fees and 16.8059 million yuan of contingencies. (see Table 27 for details).

Table 27 Resettlement expense budget in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

S/N Description Qty. Unit


standard (Yuan)

Amount (Yuan)

I Basic resettlement expense 16805.92

(I) Land acquisition fee (calculated

according to the different annual output values in difference place respectively)


1 Farmland, garden land 100.54 Mu 29920 300.82

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2 Farmland, garden land 7.16 Mu 27520 19.70 3 Farmland, garden land 218.9 Mu 25280 553.38 4 Farmland, garden land 12.44 Mu 23200 28.86 5 Farmland, garden land 839.44 Mu 21280 1786.33 6 Farmland, garden land 1193.63 Mu 19360 2310.87

7 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 88.65 Mu 14960 132.62

8 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 15.42 Mu 13760 21.22

9 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 251.32 Mu 12640 317.67

10 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 11.91 Mu 11600 13.82

11 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 495.35 Mu 10640 527.05

12 Forest land, housing land, land for

building, land for other use 1010.56 Mu 9680 978.22

(II) Young crops, tree and ground

appurtenance 1700.3

1 Compensation for young crops

(farmland, garden land) 2372.11 Mu



2 Compensation for young crops (forest

land) 1553.35 Mu



3 Scattered tree 107491 Nr. 647.5 4 Ground appurtenance 150.1

(III) Compensation for houses relocation 3477.74

1 Brick-concrete housing (with seismic

fortification intensity of Level 6) 3138.5 M2 620 275.79

2 Brick-concrete housing (with seismic

fortification intensity of Level 7) 4448.25 M2 630 197.73

3 Brick-wood housing (with seismic fortification intensity of Level 6)


M2 505 179.76

4 Brick-wood housing (with seismic fortification intensity of Level 7)

3559.69 M2 525 1572.72

5 Earth-wood housing (with seismic

fortification intensity of Level 6 and Level 7)


M2 330 988.57

6 Unsorted housing (with seismic

fortification intensity of Level 6 and Level 7)

1673.73 M2 150 25.11

7 Other structures (with seismic

fortification intensity of Level 6 and Level 7)

1122.88 M2 110 12.35

8 Relocation transportation allowance,

relocation insurance fees, material loss allowance and working loss allowance

480 Yuan/pers

on 990 47.52

9 Transition subsidy (for 18 months) 100 Yuan/person/month

990 178.20

(IV) Compensation for temporary land

acquisition 3715.86

1 Compensation for temporary land 3257.56 Mu Calculate 888.62

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


acquisition (for 3 years) d according

to the land type

and average annual output value

2 Reclamation fee for land of temporary

acquisition 3257.56 Mu 8679 2827.24

(V) Infrastructure restoration fee 921.43 1 Highway restoration fee 485.76

2 Transmission and transformation facility

restoration fee 119.09

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 27� Resettlement expense budget in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (continued)

S/N Description Qty. Unit Compensation

standard (Yuan)

Amount (Yuan)

3 Water supply pipeline rehabilitation fee 4.58 4 Irrigation facility restoration fee 126.72 5 Telecommunication restoration fee 185.28

II Cultivated land reclamation fee 2317.81 Mu

70% of farmland

compensation for each town and township


III Forest vegetation restoration fee 1553.35 Mu 2000-4000 Yuan/mu


IV Technical training fee 3848 Person 500 192.4 V Support fund to vulnerable group 3848 Person 600 230.88 VI Implementation and management fee 3% of basic expense 504.18 VII Fee for resettlement plan, resettlement monitoring and assessment 90 VIII Contingencies 10% of basic expense 1680.59

Total 23683.77

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 6: Resettlement and Livelihood Development

6.1 Resettlement target The overall target of resettlement plan is to provide the proper livelihood and household development means, so that the living standard is at least not lower than the levels when the Project is not carried out. The policy targets of resettlement in the Project include:�

Adopt the engineering, technical and economic measures to avoid or minimize the numbers of material objects affected by land acquisition and relocation; when the land acquisition and relocation is unavoidable, the effective measures shall be employed to minimize the impact of land acquisition and relocation on the production and living of local residents;

Conduct the socioeconomic survey and prepare the appropriate resettlement plan during the project preparation stage;

Conduct the resettlement on the basis of index of material to be removed and compensation standard, so as to improve or at least restore the production and living standard of persons to be relocated;

Establish and improve the subsistence allowance system for farmers with land occupied;

Encourage persons to be relocated to participate in resettlement planning.

The resettlement plan will be prepared in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Sichuan Province and related policies of the World Bank. The people’s government at county, district (municipal) levels shall execute the procedure for land acquisition compensation according to laws, pay compensation in accordance with land acquisition plan and in a timely manner, and implement the resettlement measures, so as to arrange the production and living of farmers with land occupied, carry out the employment training and social safeguard arrangement for farmers with land occupied, thus ensuring the living standard of affected persons is not lowered, the long-term livelihood is guaranteed and the social stability is maintained.

6.2 Resettlement strategy The resettlement plan sufficiently reflects the participatory working methods and concept. Resettlement policy is to respect the willingness of affected persons, maintain the existing production mode and lifestyle. Based on the survey and negotiation with affected persons, provide cash compensation to affected persons or villager group; these compensation can be used for improving the existing production and living, or investing in sideline or non-agricultural production activities. Under the resettlement plan, the living standard of poverty-stricken person and other vulnerable groups under the adverse impact of the Project shall be improved. Through this strategy, the income and livelihood of affected persons is expected to be restored.

For registered agricultural population who loss all or most lands because of the Project and enjoy the rural collective land contracting rights when the land acquisition is conducted, rural-to-urban resettlement shall be adopted in accordance with the resettlement plan for farmers who loss lands, and the resettlement by social safeguard for farmers with land occupied shall be implemented. Meanwhile, the employment arrangement authority will provide the free occupational education and training for affected persons, so they can acquire new occupational skills, and provide employment

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


opportunity for them. In addition, during the construction of project, the employment opportunity is given to affected farmers in priority.

6.3 Resettlement task�

According to the material index on site and survey on affected population, land compensation and economic restoration assistance shall be given to 1063 households (relating to 3848 persons) affected by land acquisition, including 264 households (relating to 990 persons) affected by house relocation. All persons affected by the Project are rural inhabitants. Statistics of land acquisition and households to be relocated is shown in Table 28.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 28 Statistics of land acquisition data and numbers of affected households by sub-branch canal in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project �

Permanent land acquisition Temporary land

acquisition (during construction)

County and district

Canal Name: Total area

of land acquisition


Total number of household with land occupied


Total number of household

to be relocated


Total area of land

occupied (mu)

Total umber of affected

households (household)

Jiangyou City Yongchong

Branch Canal

258.48 87 36 248.4 59

Jiangyou City Right

Branch Canal

166.68 29 3 72 12

Jiangyou City Yongdong

Branch Canal

254.36 68 28 315.9 69

Total of Jiangyou City 679.52 184 67 636.3 140

Yanting County Shihei Branch Canal

368.26 37 18 230.2 36

Yanting County Renbo Branch Canal

321.71 56 19 231.83 45

Yanting County Linma Branch Canal

136.58 37 10 100.5 25

Yanting County Dabao Branch Canal

97.16 25 1 35 10

Yanting County Fucheng Branch Canal

290.73 229 27 200.2 44

Yanting County Jinlong Branch Canal

396.26 68 20 221.48 38

Yanting County Jinxi

Branch Canal

313.02 73 26 138.3 25

Total of Yanting County 1923.72 525 121 1157.51 223

Zitong County Yuanshan Branch Canal

115.76 20 3 182.9 24

Zitong County Renbo Branch Canal

192.45 24 13 123.17 18

Zitong County Dabao Branch

516.04 110 49 280.9 47

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Zitong County Xizi Trunk

Canal 815.36 197 9 867.52 189

Total of Zitong County 1639.61 351 74 1454.49 278

Youxian District Xizi Trunk

Canal 2.47 3 2 9.26 4

Total 4245.32 1063 264 3257.56 645

Data sources: Material impact survey

6.4 Resettlement Plan�During the impact survey and resettlement planning, Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of rated counties, districts (cities), land and resources bureau of related counties, districts (cities) and affected towns and townships discussed the resettlement plan in interview form in related villages, to learn the opinions of village cadres and representatives of affected villagers. Based on the above work, in accordance with the resettlement policy and requirements of China, Sichuan Province and the World Bank, in view of the linear distribution of impact of irrigation canal workss and the small numbers of affected village group, resettlement in original village group is determined, so that after the resettlement, the existing production mode and lifestyle will be maintained and the existing social relation will not be impacted. The villagers to be relocated are encouraged to be engaged in the agricultural production sectors which are familiar to them and to create conditions for development of secondary industry and tertiary industry. The specific resettlement measures are as follows:

6.4.1 Resettlement plan for permanent land acquisition

Land acquisition for reservoir irrigation channel is linearly distributed, with a long line, but individual peasant household loses relatively small area of land. In view of diversities of land resources owned by affected villages and peasant households, as well as different areas of land acquisition, resettlement for permanent land acquisition includes the following modes:

1. Resettlement by land adjustment

The village groups and villagers, who consider the agricultural income as the main income source and make living depending on land, prefer to maintain the lifestyle based on farming through the land adjustment. Resettlement by land adjustment always is adopted in related places, however, the ways for land adjustment are various, and the specific ways are as follows:�

Resettlement by internal land adjustment within villages and groups

On villager assembly in affected village group, if villagers or villager representatives more than 2/3 agree to resettlement by internal land adjustment, this resettlement way may be employed. Results of this resettlement way is that individual household loss very small area of land, and appropriate compensation is provided, so the existing lifestyle, living standard and production property will not be changed. This resettlement especially benefits the households contracting lands in project construction area, the change and adverse impact due to land acquisition is lowered.

Resettlement by collectively-owned land adjustment

Collective economy survey in affected area indicates collectively-owned lands are reserved in some village groups. After consultation with all villagers and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


on the basis of agreement of most villagers, the village collective organization can use the collectively-owned land to replace lands of some households greatly affected by land acquisition, so as to reduce the negative impact arising from land acquisition.

Resettlement by uncultivated land adjustment

With the development of economy and urbanization, more and more rural laborers work and settle in urban area, their lands are uncultivated or leased to others in their villages. If their lands are not affected by acquisition, village collective organization can negotiate with those villagers to require them to return some lands, and readjust these returned lands, so as to reduce the economic loss of households affected by land acquisition.

2. Resettlement by monetary compensation

For most villagers affected by land acquisition in the Project, the loss of farmland will not bring dramatic change to their living, because the land is not the main income source any more; second, the Project is linear, so individual peasant household will loss relatively small area of land; third, they are encouraged to be engaged in various non-agricultural production activities under the compensation for land acquisition, to enjoy more opportunities to increase income and obtain employment. Most lands of affected villages have been contracted to specific households, and only a few of village collective organizations reserve lands, so the monetary compensation for permanent land acquisition is adopted in some village groups.

3. Typical land acquisition and resettlement plan for affected village

In this Project, there are two villages with a farmland occupuation rate of over 5%, i.e. Shuangnian Village in Jiangyou City and Ziqiang Village in Zitong County, respectively 5.43% and 6.78%; basic conditions of the two villages are:

Shuangnian Village of Wudu Town in Jiangyou City has 1814 agricultural population and 683 mu farmlands before acquisition in the village, with farmland per capita of 0.38 mu, so the farmland area and farmland per capita are smaller. 37.09 mu lands are occupied, and after land acquisition, the farmland per capita becomes 0.35 mu, the farmlands occupied account for 5.43%.

The village is located in hill area, the main income sources of villagers depend on planting and breeding, so the villagers consider that the household income will be reduced at a certain extent due to land acquisition; they prefer to the resettlement by land adjustment in their village or in their group, so as to lower the impact on households with land occupied and avoid some households losing overall lands because of land acquisition.

Ziqiang Village of Ziqiang Town in Zitong County has a total agricultural population of 962, and covers 1011 mu farmland before land acquisition, 1.05 mu per capita; after 68.59 mu land acquisition, farmland of the village is 0.98 mu per capita, land acquisition proportion is 6.78%. Main economic incomes of villagers are from off-farm work, planting and livestock breeding, in which, the former accounts for over 60%; most of male labor forces are working away from home, so villagers in this village are economically affluent, with net per capita income at 4312 yuan.

Related departments of local government, resettlement planning working group and resettlers have formulated corresponding production resettlement and restoration plans as per actual conditions of villages and land acquisition by the Project.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Specific land acquisition and resettlement plans and future development of the two villages are indicated as follows:

A. Compensation for land acquisition is determined through negotiation on villager assembly, the resettlement subsidy is given to all villagers of the affected village and group and equally distributed. Each household returns some lands for adjustment in the village or group; the land compensation is managed by village collective organization and all villagers determine by vote when the land compensation is required for use. Results of this resettlement way is that individual household loss very small area of land, and appropriate compensation is provided, so the negative impact on existing lifestyle and living standard may be minimized.

B. For Shuangling Village with less farmland per capita, resettlement plans and results are as follows:

Based on opinions from villagers, social security settlement is conducted to villagers affected in line with relevant policies; besides compensations of land acquisition available for affected persons, government will further buy social security for land-losing farmers who are voluntary to obtain social security in accordance with MLSF [2009] No. 28 Document promulgated locally.

Resettlement department will further provide free employment training to villagers who are able to work to improve their skills and satisfy basic employment conditions for migrant workers, and provide employment information and posts available. Villagers of the village shall be first provided with employment opportunities in construction of Wudu Reservoir.

Local resettlement department will further recommend affected labor forces to employers in coastal areas and other places in labor force exporting mode, together with export measures of labor service organized by relief organizations, agricultural offices and employment bureaus.

Based upon the resettlement methods above, we can foresee future resettlement in Shuangnian Village: each household has a small amount of farmland, which can satisfy self-supply demands of daily domestic life; some villagers go out for work to increase total domestic incomes and improve their quality of life; other villagers who have gained access to social security can receive security payments as another source of income in the premise of compliance with conditions.

C. Resettlement plans and results of Ziqiang Village are as follows:

Resettlement plans with land adjusted within the whole village or group have little influence on each household, only 0.07 mu land decrased for each household, with unconspicuous decrease of agricultural incomes and little impact on total domestic incomes. Based on advancement of strategic adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, local government provides training to villagers affected in the village, guides farmers to learn new skills regarding fruit trees, vegetables and crop cultivation, so as to master several practical techniques. Assistance is available to farmers in scientific production, improvement of unit output value and production efficiency, for the purpose of continuous and effective restoration and income increase with limited land. After irrigated areas are put into operation, owing to improved irrigation conditions, actual productivity of farmland will be greatly higher than current level, and unit output valve of farmland is improved under the circumstance of effective improvement of land quality. With measures above as guarantee, the

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


land occupied peasant households will never decrease and even increase unit output valve in crop cultivation and incomes although their land areas have reduced to some extent.

In addition to the above resettlement by land adjustment, the resettlement organization will provide free employment training for villagers who are able to work; during the construction of reservoir, the employment opportunity is given to villagers of this village in priority. Cooperating with the local poverty alleviation authority, rural affair office and employment management organization, the resettlement organization will arrange the export of labor service and provide employment in the local county and other places.

4. Increasing agricultural income by improving soil quality through reservoir and canal workss

Drought is a big factor to restrain the economic development of irrigation area, so the construction and operation of the Project can largely supply the irrigation water to improve the agricultural production conditions. After the operation of Irrigation Project, the actual productivity of farmland ecosystem will be greatly enhanced due to improvement of irrigation conditions, thus the soil quality along the Project will be effectively improved. Initial estimate indicates that, after the construction of project, the average output will increase by 165 kg/mu, grain output will increase by 129 kg/person, water will bring an output increase of 1.76 kg/m3; average output value of various kinds of crop and commercial crop will increase by 868 Yuan/mu, output value will increase by 677 Yuan/person and water will bring an output value increase of 9.24 Yuan/m3.

5. Agricultural industrial structure adjustment promoted to increase output values per mu

The construction of project eventually lead to the reduction of land, so how to scientifically adjust the agricultural industrial structure to increase output value per mu is the sustainable development strategy to increase incomes of affected persons, based on agricultural industry. In the Project area, under the unified arrangement of local agriculture, based on strategic adjustment of agricultural industry structure, provide training for affected persons and guide farmers to learn new technology on fruit, vegetable and planting to make them acquire various practical skills. Help the peasant household involved in land acquisition conduct scientific production, improve the unit output value and production efficiency under the limited land resources, so as to continuously and effectively restore and increase the income.

6. Resettlement by social safeguard

The objects of social safeguard for farmers with land occupied are the agricultural population who loss all or most lands because of land acquisition by government for project construction. The material objective loss and socioeconomic survey indicates there is no farmer losing land because of land acquisition in the Project. However, according to the related regulations of MLSF [2009] No. 28 Document, villagers who are willing to purchase social insurance by themselves can participate in the social insurance. Specific method for participating in social insurance is shown in 6.5.2 of the Report.

6.4.2 Resettlement plan for temporary land acquisition�

Agricultural output loss of land during temporary use shall be compensated to temporary land acquisition, and the Contractor shall pay temporary land utilization fees to land owners or users (i.e. collective or individuals), with compensations for temporary land

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


acquisition year by year. Meanwhile, the Contractor shall pay the security deposit for reclamation for state-owned land and recover the original state when finishing the temporary land acquisition; the security deposit will be returned. Alternatively, the reclamation can be conducted by the local village with the security deposit mortgaged. Reclamation shall be supervised and approved by local land and resources management organization, and the land can be returned to its owner or users only after the original cultivation conditions are satisfied.

6.4.3 Resettlement plan of compensation for young crops, trees and ground appurtenances

Compensation for young crops, fruit trees, forest, bamboo, flowers, scattered trees and ground appurtenances is implemented in accordance with standards in 5.2 and 5.5 of the Report. Compensations for ground appurtenance and young crops shall be paid to the owners according to the verified numbers and amounts, the compensations of individuals for young crops and ground appurtenances of land acquisition will be paid to peasant households, and that of collective organizations paid to collective economic organizations.

6.4.4 Resettlement plan for house relocation

The Project only affects a small portion of land and houses from all villages along the channel, without greatly adverse impacts on original production and life of most affected villages. The following resettlement plan for house relocation is formulated through the participatory work method, consultation with affected persons, and in accordance with the actual situation of affected towns, townships and villages:

(1) All affected households are resettled in original villages (groups), so as to maintain the existing production mode, lifestyle and social relation, facilitate the restoration and improvement of production and income after land acquisition and relocation and to improve the enthusiasm for production and new life and the adaptability.

(2) In order to minimize the impact on production and living, the houses are relocated in two ways: one is relocation and reconstruction by villagers themselves, households can use the used construction materials. The other is centralized arrangement and planning, which is applicable to few households with substantial and centralized relocation work or villagers difficult to acquire housing land by themselves. All households to be relocated are provided with transition subsidy and can choose the transition ways, namely, house demolition goes prior to new house construction (by using used building materials); or move into new houses without demolition of existing house; or rent houses nearby and move into new houses after construction.

(3) Individual households may choose other resettlement modes (for example settling in urban area).

264 households are relocated in the Project, scattered in 89 villages; in most of villages and groups, only 1-2 (up to 8) households are relocated, and thus, no great difficulty is encourntered in arranging and providing housing land within their own villages. In local rural areas of the Project, compensation for housing land is firstly paid to affected villages or groups, then the affected villages or groups are responsible for coordinating and arranging new housing lands and conducting “three supplies and one leveling”, and provides housing lands (with an area not less than 35m2/person) for households to be relocated. New housing land is from several sources: land owned by the relocated households, land from other villagers who are willing to provide housing land in the village, and collectively-owned land of the village. Depending on property owners providing housing land, village collective then pays compensations of housing land to corresponding land owners. Houses to be relocated still are property of farmers, so the compensation for houses to be

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


relocated shall be directly paid to farmers affected by house relocation. In addition, proper relocation allowance and insurance, including income loss will be provided to persons affected by house relocation. Compensation standards are shown in 5.4 of the Report.

Property information of affected persons who lose their houses and appurtenances, resettlement departments of local government and affected persons shall hold their property assessment materials and resettlement cards to be archived by resettlement deparments.

6.4.5 Infrastructure restoration and reconstruction plan

Cables and communication facilities affected by project are state-owned property. Affected roads are owned by the state, town and township and collective respectively. Restoration, reconstruction and relocation of infrastructure is to be conducted by the Employer or by owners after receiving the compensations. Reconstruction planning of power facilities shall be put forward and constructed by power divisions concerned, the reconstruction planning of telecommunication facilities shall be put forward and constructed by relevant telecommunication sectors.

6.5 Ways of livelihood restoration of affected persons 6.5.1 Payment flow of land compensation

Land compensation shall be paid in accordance with related procedures. Resettlement organizations of affected counties, districts (cities) pay the land compensation to villages and groups and households affected by land acquisition. The specific procedures are as follows:�

Survey and announcement: conduct survey to confirm the area of land occupied and quantities of appurtenances affected and post up the results. During the land acquisition, protect the legal rights of rural collective economic organizations and farmers. Before approval of land acquisition, inform farmers involved in land acquisition of proposed land use and location, and results of status survey on proposed land must be approved by rural collective economic organization involved in land acquisition. The resettlement authority organizes hearings on compensation standard, resettlement plan and social safeguard plan in accordance with relevant regulations. Materials for approval of land acquisition shall include land acquisition notification, confirmation and description of hearings. Compensation for land acquisition, resettlement and social safeguard plan approved as per procedures shall be announced to affected villages and groups, with duration not less than 10 days. No announcement, no land acquisition. Rural collective economic organizations, farmers and other rights holders shall go through registration of land acquisition compensation within the period specified by land acquisition announcement.

Conformation: announced numbers of material objects affected shall be signed and confirmed by all related parties, and land acquisition agreement shall be concluded;

Payment and distribution of land compensation.

For land occupied population affected by the Project in all affected villages and groups, muster roll and property survey registration card of affected persons shall be established, relevant resettlement and compensation data are kept in Sichuan and Mianyang Design Institutes of Water Conservancy and Hydropower at present, and data are complete to meet enforceable standards. In implementation phase, related data will be distributed to departments concerned of county (city) gorvements, archived and kept by resettlement departments or resettlement organizations in counties and districts where the Project is performed; meantime, corresponding land acquisition and resettlement agreements and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


compensation data shall be kept by affected village and group collectives and affected persons.

6.5.2 Payment and distribution of compensation for land acquisition

Compensation for land occupied is directly paid to affected village and group by resettlement organization, and the use of compensation is determined on villager representative assembly or villager assembly organized by village committee. Payment and distribution of compensation depends on the adopted resettlement plan, and the specific ways are as follows:

(1) Implement the resettlement by internal land adjustment in village and group and resettlement by collectively-owned land adjustment, distribute the land compensation and resettlement subsidy by affected portion of each villager.

(2) If the land adjustment is impossible, directly pay the land compensation and resettlement subsidy to affected households.

(3) Compensation for young crops and appurtenances on land occupied shall be directly paid to affected households by resettlement organization according to the quantity in compensation agreement.

6.5.3 Resettlement by social safeguard

With the development of urban planning area of counties, districts (cities), under the impact of land acquisition for project construction, some villagers loss land on which they are depend, so Mianyang Municipal Government published Notice on Conducting Social Safeguard for Farmers Involved in Land Acquisition (MLSF [2009] No.28) to solve the future living of affected persons who loss all or most lands and the social safeguard of rural-to-urban residents.

However, according to the related regulations of MLSF [2009] No. 28 Document, villagers who do not loss all or partial lands and are willing to purchase social insurance by themselves can participate in the social insurance. The specific regulations are as follows:

Basic endowment insurance. Salespersons who are older then 60 for male and 50 for female when the land acquisition is approved shall participate in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees in urban areas. The endowment insurance shall be paid at 20% of payment percentage (including 12% paid by land acquisition organization, 8% paid by farmer with land occupied), with 60 % of the average salary of on-post employees in the province in last year prior to land acquisition as insurance base; if the endowment insurance for 15 years is paid up in lump-sum, the labor and social security authority will handle the procedure for receiving basic pension. Farmers who are older than 16 when land acquisition is approved shall participate in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees in urban area. The endowment insurance shall be paid at 20% of payment percentage (including 12% paid by land acquisition organization, 8% paid by farmer with land occupied), with 60 % of the average salary of on-post employees in the province in last year prior to land acquisition as insurance base; insurance for 1 payment year will be increased as the actual age grows by 2; the basic endowment insurance shall be paid up in lump-sum, the payment years shall not be more than 15.

Basic medical insurance. According to MFF [2008] No. 9, farmers affected by land acquisition who are older than 60 for male and 50 for female when the land acquisition is approved shall participated in the basic medical insurance for urban residents and enjoy the corresponding treatment. Farmers involved in land acquisition will not pay insurance by themselves; the insurance which shall be paid by farmers involved in land acquisition is transferred by land acquisition organization to medical insurance agency in lump-sum

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as per personal premium for urban residents from the year of land acquisition to the average future lifetime of the city and is included in the land cost; farmers with land occupied who are younger than 60 for male and 50 for female when the land acquisition is approved and work in urban areas shall participate in the basic medical insurance for employees in urban area; farmers with land occupied who have no job or get job in other channels shall participate in the basic medical insurance for urban residents, the land acquisition organization subsidize insurance of 10 years which shall be paid by farmers themselves as per personal premium in the year of land acquisition and transfer to medical insurance agency in lump-sum, and the insurance shall be included in land cost; after 10 years, the farmers with land occupied participate in the basic medical insurance for urban residents as per regulations. Payment year and cost is shown in Table 29.

Unemployment security: unemployed farmer after getting a job shall participate in the unemployment insurance. Related organizations shall provide various employment opportunities for farmers involved in land acquisition through many channels, strengthen the technical training and free employment service for farmers losing farmlands to improve their employability.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 29� Payment year and cost of endowment insurance for farmers with land occupied of Mianyang City�

Payment base Endowment insurance to be paid

Age 25038*60% Subtotal

Paid by land acquisition


Paid by affected persons

Supplementary payment year in lump-sum

Medical insurance

to be paid

Total of endowment insurance

and medical

insurance 16 15024 3004.8 1802.88 1201.92 1 year 1900 4904.8 18 15024 6009.6 3605.76 2403.84 2 years 1900 7909.6 20 15024 9014.4 5408.64 3605.76 3 years 1900 10914.4 22 15024 12019.2 7211.52 4807.68 4 years 1900 13919.2 24 15024 15024 9014.4 6009.6 5 years 1900 16924 26 15024 18028.8 10817.28 7211.52 6 years 1900 19928.8 28 15024 21033.6 12620.16 8413.44 7 years 1900 22933.6 30 15024 24038.4 14423.04 9615.36 8 years 1900 25938.4 32 15024 27043.2 16225.92 10817.28 9 years 1900 28943.2 34 15024 30048 18028.8 12019.2 10 years 1900 31948 36 15024 33052.8 19831.68 13221.12 11 years 1900 34952.8 38 15024 36057.6 21634.56 14423.04 12 years 1900 37957.6 40 15024 39062.4 23437.44 15624.96 13 years 1900 40962.4 42 15024 42067.2 25240.32 16826.88 14 years 1900 43967.2

Male, 44 - 59 1900 Female, 44 - 49

15024 45072 27043.2 18028.8 15 years 1900


Male, older than 60 2470 47542 Female, older than 50

15024 45072 27043.2 18028.8 15 years 4370 40442

6.5.4 Employment training and promotion �

Resettlement organizations of affected counties, districts (cities) prepare a series of technical consultation and training for affected persons and invite relevant technicians of agricultural organizations and labor and social security organizations to conduct training on agriculture and cultivation in resettlement sites, to make each affected household participate in one training on agricultural technology and non-agricultural technology at least, so as to improve the quality and output of crops and strengthen skills of affected farmers, thus increasing income of affected persons and restoring livelihood of affected persons.

Employment training and assistance. After land acquisition, affected persons will participate in various occupation and employment trainings under the organization of town government. Specific training plan is as follows:

Training objective: based on work arrangement of county employment service centre and actual situations of towns, the town government is planned to conduct 1-2 employment trainings every year, and organize persons affected by the Project to participate in training in pripority.

Training object: including farmers affected by land acquisition for the Project who are 18 -50 years old for male and 18-45 years old for female;

Labor and social security organizations at county and town and township levels are responsible for the organization and implementation of employment training, and prapere the training method and plan. Training contents include:

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


a. Practical rural technical training (for example crop cultivation and management, livestock breeding);

b. Professional skills needed by urban enterprise (for example food processing, stitching and computer operation);

c. Service skills (for example security, housekeeping, cook, house maid and health care)

d. Entrepreneurship and policy training.

Resettlement organizations, land and resources administration organizations and town governments of three affected counties, districts (cities) provide names of persons affected by land acquisition to county and town employment organizations, so that the training organization can identify the training objects. Meanwhile, the county poverty relief organization, women’s federation and commission of rural affairs will provide employment training for household with land occupied or poverty-striken household and rural women. Households affected by land acquisition for the Project may apply for participating in training in priority;

Training for farmers with land occupied is free, the training expense shall be raised and monitored by finance authorities of affected counties, districts (cities);

Persons receiving training may choose the recommended employment in non-agricultural industry and urban area, including the employment in local area and remote area.

6.5.5 Resettlement measures to vulnerable groups

Vulnerable groups affected by the Project are the traditional vulnerable groups, such as households enjoying the five guarantees, the handicapped, and poverty-stricken households. The government has formulated a set of complete and effective assistance mechanism for the traditional vulnerable groups. In the Project, the local resettlement organization gives special attention to the resettlement of affected vulnerable groups to ensure the normal restoration of their livelihood; the specific resettlement measures are as follows:

The affected low-income households which have difficulty in living and are in compliance with conditions for subsistence allowances for rural and urban residents will enjoy the subsistence allowance, get the subsistence allowance monthly, and participate in the endowment insurance and medical insurance as per laws.

When planning resettlement expense, special support funds to vulnerable groups will be set up, measured and drawn based on the standard of 600 Yuan/person to total number of affected persons, about 1.455 million Yuan, and used for special support and resettlement planning for poverty-stricken groups in land acquisition and relocation; assistance to poverty-stricken groups includes:

(1) To provide special consultation;�

(2) Priority consideration in selection of housing land;

(3) To assist the relocation household in house construction;

(4) To grant extra living subsidy and relocation subsidy;

(5) To provide priority to acquire other economic subsidies.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 7: Arrangement of Resettlement Organization

7.1 Setting-up of project leading group To strengthen the leadership of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans Phase II, and ensure the project funds in place and the successful implementation of construction, the Mianyang Municipal Government has established the project leading group for Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans, Phase II. This leading group is headed by Zhao Qi, Deputy Mayor of Mianyang City, with several group members including Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Water Resources, Municipal Agricultural Bureau and Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office. The governments of Jiangyou City, Yanting County, Zitong County and Youxian District affected by the Project have established some appropriate working organizations to coordinate with the implementation of relevant works in this Project. The daily work of leading group in the Project is undertaken by Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office of Mianyang. The details about the leading group are as follows:

Group Leader: Zhao Qi Deputy Mayor of the municipal government

Deputy Group Leader: Zhong Lehai Deputy Secretary General of the municipal government

An Tianyun Chief of the Municipal Bureau of Water Resources

Xiang Diping Chief of the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office

Members: Xia Xianxing Deputy Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Jiang Daiming Deputy Chief of the Municipal Finance Bureau

Dai Min Deputy Chief of the Municipal Bureau of Water Resources, Chief Engineer

Zuo Shangqi Deputy Chief of the Municipal Agricultural Bureau

Gou Chengjian Deputy Chief of the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office

Yang Xianrong Secretary of Party General Branch of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Xu Hong Deputy Mayor of Jiangyou City Government

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Ding Jiahong Deputy County Magistrate of Zitong County Government

He Quanjie Deputy County Magistrate of Yanting County Government

Zhou Lijun Director of Phase II Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office

7.2 Resettlement organization setting-up and staffing For the completion of the land acquisition and resettlement in the Project, Mianyang City and related counties (cities), such as Jiangyou City, Yanting County and Zitong County, have already established an appropriate resettlement organization system. It includes Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Water Conservancy Administration Bureaus of Mianyang City and related counties, districts (cities), Mianyang Resettlement Office, Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) and other associated departments in local government, which are in charge of the implementation of resettlement in this Project by the close cooperation with each other.

The implementation of land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement in this Project is leaded by the project leading group of Mianyang City, and its responsible agency is Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. As the Employer, Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. is in charge of the overall coordination, monitoring and complaints handling for the resettlement in the Project. The Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office of Mianyang City and the Wudu Diversion Project Administration Offices of related counties, districts (cities) are responsible for the land acquisition and resettlement, and specially arranging some persons for the resettlement. Those who are in charge of resettlement and their contact numbers are shown as Table 30. Land and Resources Bureau, township government and community are responsible for the land acquisition and relocation as well as the allocation of housing land, and the collection and appropriation of funds required in the land acquisition and resettlement shall be carried out by the finance bureaus of related counties and districts. For smooth completion of the related work, the personnel who are in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement shall be gathered for some related professional trainings.

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Table 30 Table of staff in charge of resettlement in Wudu agricultural Diversion Project

Organization Staff in charge of resettlement Post Contact NumberMianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Cao Jili Director 13708116078

Mianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Du Mingkai Deputy Director 13508109018

Mianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Kang Xianyong Deputy Director 13678237916Jiangyou Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Yang Sitai Deputy Chief 13980133789Jiangyou Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Zhou Dengrong Unit chief 13990166011

Zitong Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Li Li Secretary of Commission for Inspecting Discipline


Zitong Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Zhao Hongying Unit chief 13990131099Yanting Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Xu Zhigui Chief Engineer 13981110733Yanting Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office Liu Qingjian Unit chief 13778099299

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. �the Employer�

As the Employer, Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. shall perform its responsibilities, and keep in close contact and cooperation with the related counties, districts (cities), towns and villiages. Besides, it provides the guidance for the Land Acquisition and Relocation Office in land acquisition and resettlement, and undertakes the overall coordination, the detailed work includes:

Organize and coordinate the land acquisition and resettlement, prepare the implementation plan for the land acquisition and resettlement with Mianyang Resettlement Office, Wudu Water Conservancy Administration Bureaus and Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) as well as the Land and Resources Bureau, and conclude the Resettlement Agreement with the departments for land acquisition and resettlement in the related counties and towns so as to appropriate timely the sufficient compensation funds for resettlement.

Investigate the situation of resettlement, and refer to the opinions of the affected organizations and individuals to respond immediately to their complaints.

Inspect and monitor the appropriation of compensation funds and the application of resettlement funds.

Provide the towns and villages with guidance in the development of the economic recovery plan.

It is responsible for the draft and dissemination of the resettlement documents and the information transfer, successfully performing each task assigned by the superior, and ensuring the smooth implementation of each work in Resettlement Office.

Wudu Water Conservancy Administration Bureaus of related counties

It provides the assistance with the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. in the implementation of the socioeconomic survey for resettlement and material loss survey, and it is responsible for successfully performing the collection and sorting of resettlement documents and data.

It provides the assistance to Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. in the development of Resettlement Plan through the consultation with the Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) and Land and Resources Bureau, and responsible for practical implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement.

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Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) and Land and Resources Bureau

It is in charge of determining the resettled objects, population, households, area, types of structures and statistical ledger as required with the related towns so as to submit a compensation scheme for resettlement to the County Government for approval, and responsible for the land supply for construction at resident arrangement spot as well as the relocation and resettlement. Besides, it is responsible for the reclamation of original housing land for relocation households; and the preliminary review of land acquisition for newly-built community.

Finance bureaus of related counties

It is in charge of reviewing the compensation amount for the relocation and resettlement approved by the Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) and Land and Resources Bureau, and appropriating such amount to the special accounts for the Employer or relocation households. Additionally, it shall strictly enforce economic discipline, strengthen the financial management and make good use of the resettlement funds; do well in the appropriation of the material compensation for resettlement, transportation compensation for relocation and the resettlement allowances for turning to the relatives and friends; adhere to the financial management system, strictly examine and approve formalities, inspect and monitor the expenditure for avoiding the unreasonable payments, and provide the Auditing and Supervision Department with active assistances in auditing and supervising the resettlement funds.

Related township governments

The related township governments are the main responsible organizations for the resettlement, and are in charge of gathering the related communities (neighborhood committees, villages) to hold a meeting for the coordination of relocation households, and the work involved in the land acquisition and construction of the arrangement spot, such as the house relocation, development of allocation scheme for resettlement housing, assisting in resolving the problems during construction and the occupancy of resettlement households.

The township government is the most important one governmental authority for the land acquisition and resettlement, which is in charge of a plenty of daily work including the implementation of the recovery work at the post-resettlement phase; it is the organization that keeps in closest contact with the affected persons, so it obtains most comprehensive information on the affected persons. Additionally, the final results of the resettlement shall be determined directly by the work quality of the organization.

These governments are responsible for disseminating the resettlement policy and regulations, inspecting and monitoring the implementation of each work and the mobilization for relocation and resettlement; responsible for organizing the officials of town and township offices, village officials and villager representatives to make on-the-spot surveys at resettlement arrangement spot; responsible for all the resettlers’ household registers and concluding the agreement for pairing relocation and resettlement with the resettlement organization; responsible for doing well in the sorting and verification of the resettlers’ household registers as well as the reporting of house layout; responsible for providing the assistance for the contact unit which is in charge of pairing relocation during the implementation of relocation scheme; responsible for doing well in the appropriation and supervision of material compensation for resettlement.

Responsible for doing well in the selection of resettlement arrangement spots and the development of the planning & design scheme as well as organizing the implementation of the resettlement plan; responsible for engineering management at resettlement

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arrangement spot; responsible for the bidding and tendering required by the resettlement, and the collection of the files and data for all works; responsible for coordinating the conflicts and disputes occurred during the main construction.

Village collective organization

Villages and groups are the most primary organizations which are in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement without power to make decision, but they still play an important role in the implementation. Besides, the quality of resettlement is determined or affected directly by their work quality and effectiveness. The responsibilities of villages and groups are shown as follows:

Do well in the material loss survey and the investigation for affected persons.

Be cooperative in the compensation appropriation and assisting the vulnerable groups.

Timely reflect the problems during work to the superior with maintaining a good communication.

Be cooperative in labor force training and employment recommendation.

Be cooperative in the house relocation, allocation and occupancy of resettlement housing.

7.3 Capacity and training of resettlement organization To ensure the implementation of the Resettlement Plan and the benefits for the affected population, it is necessary to provide specialized trainings for the personnel from the execution organization and other organizations so as to improve their capabilities in planning and administration. Such trainings shall be conducted by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., which is also responsible for the training expenses. Experts with rich experience in dealing with resettlement from World Bank shall be engaged for training. The related personnel from execution organization of this Project shall be the training object. Main contents of training include:

Relevant state and local laws and regulations regarding the land acquisition and resettlement

The policies and requirements of World Bank

Resettlement plan

Related procedures and experience of the resettlement and land acquisition

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 8: Implementation Plan of Resettlement

8.1 Procedures of implementation 8.1.1 Land acquisition and compensation

The land acquisition and compensation shall be completed through the cooperative efforts of related organizations, and the detailed procedures are as follows:

1. The announcement of land acquisition shall be issued in the sub-district offices (townships or towns) and villages (committees) and groups (communities) where the land acquisition located by the People’s Governments of related counties and districts (cities);

2. After such announcement issued, the scheme for land acquisition compensation and resettlement and the social security scheme shall be prepared by the Land and Resources Administration Departments of related counties and districts (cities) along with other associated departments. Such schemes shall be announced more than 10 days in the sub-district offices (townships or towns) and villages (committees) and groups (communities) where the land acquisition located after being approved by the Municipal People’s Government.

3. The relevant organizations, such as the Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) and Land and Resources Bureau, along with the rural collective economic organizations, land contractors and related right holders shall determine the ownership and conduct the material inventory and registration;

4. The Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) shall conclude the “Land Acquisition Agreement” with related towns, villages and groups;

5. Appropriation of compensation fees;

6. Handling of legal procedures;

7. Land acquisition for the Project.

8.1.2 House relocation and resettlement

The procedures of house relocation and resettlement are as follows:

1. The Design Organization shall provide the scope and area of houses to be removed due to the Project;

2. The number and quality of such houses shall be investigated by the Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities), along with the towns, villages and groups;

3. The house number, compensation standard and relocation date for each relocation household shall be posted and announced to solicit opinions from relocation households;

4. The Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) shall negotiate with the villages and groups as well as the relocation households on the compensation for the houses and attachments, and conclude the Agreement for Compensation for House Relocation;

5. Appropriation of compensation fees for house relocation;

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6. Planning, site selection and allocation of housing lands: the planning (except for basic farmland) and site selection of housing lands for the new houses construction shall be conducted by the village community, the house owner shall submit an application with comments from the village community to the Land and Resources Bureau for review and approval.

7. Houses reconstruction for the relocation households;

8. Demolition of old houses (by resettlers).

8.1.3 Production recovery and compensation appropriation

Production resettlement and recovery will be implemented by the related village committees, and the working procedures are as follows:

1. The villager representatives meeting shall be convened to study the production and living resettlement scheme;

2. The allocation scheme shall be announced to solicit opinions from all the villagers;

3. Appropriation of compensation fees and recovery of villagers’ production and living standard.

8.1.4 Restoration of special facilities

1. The affected range of each special facility shall be checked by the Design Organization;

2. The number and grades of the affected special facilities shall be investigated by the Employer and each department in charge;

3. The restoration planning scheme for each special facility shall be provided by each special department according to the resettlement plan as entrusted by the Employer;

4. The compensation standard shall be determined through the negotiation between the Employer and each special department, and the “Agreement for Compensation for Special Facilities Restoration” shall be concluded;

5. The special facilities restoration shall be carried out by each special department;

6. Each special facility shall be put into operation.

8.2 Progress plan The Project construction period is about 3 years, preliminary preparation and planning start from December 2009, land acquisition and relocation and civil engineering from October and December 2010 respectively, and the project is expected to be completed in 2013.In case of any changes in the commencement date of the main construction in this Project, the appropriate adjustments in the completion date shall be made accordingly. For more details, see the progress chart and diagram in Table 30 and Table 31 respectively.

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Table 31 Resettlement implementation schedule of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Activity Related department and personnel Time of


Project planning and feasibility study

Sichuan Investigation Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Mianyang Water Conservancy Planning and Design Institute

and Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd.


Project Preliminary Design and construction drawings design

Sichuan Investigation Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower and

Mianyang Water Conservancy Planning and Design Institute


Convening various consultative conferences

and resettlement meetings

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties, affected villages and affected persons


The development of detailed compensation and resettlement scheme, and

implementation of the project personnel training

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties, affected villages and affected persons


The determination of required lands (including the detailed

measurement survey for temporary land and ground


Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration

offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of related counties, affected villages


Announcement of the resettlement plan to the affected


Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties, affected villages



Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties, affected villages and affected persons


Preliminary review of land acquisition plan

Land and Resources Administration Department


Appropriation of various compensation fees

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties


Recovery of production and living standard

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., Wudu Diversion Project administration offices of related counties, land and resources bureaus of

related counties, affected township governments, affected villages and affected


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persons Reconstruction of new houses for relocation

households and occupancy The affected villages and affected persons 2011.12

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Table 32 Schedule for the land acquisition and resettlement


1 Project planning and feasibility study


Measurement and identification of required lands andhouses


Convening various consultative conferences andresettlement meetings


The development of detailed compensation andresettlement scheme, and implementation of training forrelated personnel


Announcement of the resettlement plan to the affectedpersons


Concluding the agreements for land acquisition andrelocation with related villages and families

7 Compensation appropriation

8 Land acquisition

9 Civil engineering construction


Recovery of production and living standard for theaffected persons

Description201320122009 2010 2011

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8.3 Funds appropriation 8.3.1 Appropriation principle

All of compensation for land acquisition, relocation and ground appurtenance and the relevant expenses for infrastructure restoration shall be included in the general estimate of the Project; the expenses for resettlement shall be paid to the related organizations and personnel by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. as the Employer. In order to ensure smooth land acquisition and resettlement, the financial and supervision organizations shall be established by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. and Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities) for the purpose of guaranteeing that all funds are appropriated in place in due course.

8.3.2 Appropriation procedure of compensation funds

According to the compensation policy and standard stipulated by the Resettlement Plan, the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. shall conclude the “Land Acquisition Agreement” and “House Relocation Agreement” with the Resettlement Offices of related counties, districts (cities), which shall also conclude the “Land Acquisition Agreement” with the affected villages and conclude the Relocation Compensation Contract with the relocation households.

The land compensation, and compensation fees for young crops and ground appurtenance shall be paid to the finance bureaus of related counties and districts (cities) by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. according to the policy, and then shall be appropriated to the affected villages and affected persons by the finance bureaus of related counties and districts (cities) for the recovery of resettlers’ production and living standard.

The compensation funds shall be paid to the finance bureaus of related counties and districts (cities) through banks by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. according to the contents, quantities and time regarding the compensation fees stated as the House Relocation Agreement, and then shall be appropriated to the resettlers by the finance bureaus of related counties and districts (cities) for the recovery of the production and living standard of resettlers as well as the houses reconstruction.

The compensation expenses for infrastructure restoration shall be paid to the finance bureaus of related counties and districts (cities) by the Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., and then shall be appropriated to the related property owners by the finance bureaus for the infrastructure demolition and reconstruction.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 9: Negotiation, Complaint and Participation

9.1 Negotiation From the outset of the Project, the communication with affected persons has been conducted based on the principle of negotiation. Upon the construction site selection of the Project, the resettlement department and governments at all levels have negotiated and communicated repeatedly with the affected villages, groups and villager representatives to hear their opinions and recommendations. Negotiation spirit will be available throughout the land acquisition and resettlement of the Project.

9.2 Public participation The public participation of the Project respectively embodies in:

the public participation during Project preparation period;

the public participation during the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement;

the public participation during the construction of this Project;

the public participation in monitoring and evaluating after the completion of Project;

The contents of public participation include:

Public participation is one of the most important and essential steps in the engineering survey and design. The Survey and Design Organization shall conduct the in-depth field survey and convene various consultative conferences to seek for opinions and collect extensively the requirements for the Project from all related parties. Through repeatedly negotiating with the concerned departments of local governments and concluding related agreements, it shall resolve a series of issues to be considered during early construction.

Public participation also plays an important part in the evaluation. During the development of the Resettlement Plan for the Project, the in-depth investigations shall be conducted by the Design Organization and Resettlement Plan Preparation Organization as well as the related local governments to identify the issues generally concerned by the affected persons. People of all ranks have participated in the discussions, questionnaire-based surveys and door-to-door interviews to obtain a general knowledge of this Project. The peasant households interviewed were very cooperative and provided detailed information on their family members, the area of house, family incomes and expenditures, housing condition and the number of durable items as well as the potential impacts arisen from the land acquisition and relocation. They also stated their opinions about resettlement and their attitudes toward the construction of the Project.

During the implementation of the resettler census plan, the public participation shall be included in the Resettlement Plan, and also be a part of the Detection and Evaluation Plan.

The construction process of this Project is also the process of public participation. During the construction, the affected villagers can obtain job opportunities and participate in the construction activities.

During the construction and after the completion of the Project, the monitoring and evaluation activities also require the public participation, during which the rights and benefits of the public shall be guaranteed. The surveys and assessment activities for monitoring and evaluation also need the public participation and support.

The leaders and related responsible personnel who are in charge of engineering construction and resettlement from Mianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration

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Office, concerned organizations of related counties and districts, Wudu Diversion Project Administration Offices of related counties and districts as well as the affected towns and villages shall arrange for holding working conferences repeatedly, and the village officials and villager representatives from the affected towns and villages shall be gathered for several public participation meetings on the matters concerning the implementation of the Project and resettlement as well as related compensation for purposes of the dissemination and announcement of the Project and hearing the public opinions on the resettlement. For the issues, contents and concerned personnel of such meetings, see Table 33.

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Table 33 Table for minutes of meeting regarding public participation of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Date Location Participating organization Participant Issues Content

2008.10.30 Chengu

Provincial Department of Land and Resources, Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, Land and Resources Bureaus of related counties and

districts (cities), Provincial Design Institute, etc.

Concerned leaders and

personnel from related


The work training session, including the

land acquisition policy of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II and preliminary review

2008.11.17 Mian yang

Provincial Department of Land and Resources, Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Offices of related counties and districts (cities), Water Conservancy

Bureau, etc.

Concerned leaders and

personnel from related


The trainings for resettlement, land

acquisition and related policies of Wudu

Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II

2008.11.19 Yan

ting County

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, Municipal Relocation Office, the People’s Government of Yanting County,

Resettlement Office and Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office

Concerned leaders and

personnel who are in charge of the resettlement

from related organizations

The resettlement policy at Jinshanfeng Reservoir of

Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II and the arrangement for

working procedures

2008.10.17 Zitong County

The related departments of Zitong County Government and related towns

Concerned leaders and

personnel who are in charge of the resettlement

from related organizations and affected


The policies for land acquisition and

resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation

Project Phase II and related work

2009.5.6 Chonghua

Town Government

Chonghua Town Government and the affected villages

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from Town

Government, the affected village

officials and villager


Land adjustments at construction site

Internal land

adjustment of each

village and group


Gao deng Town

of Yan ting County

Expert group from World Bank, Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office

and the affected towns

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from Town

Government, the affected village

officials, villagers

representatives and He Diping, Zhou Yongnian

and Zhao Anming

The purpose and significance of related construction of Wudu

Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II


Jiangyou Wudu

Diversion Project

Administration Office

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office and the persons

from the affected towns

Personnel who are in charge of the resettlement from Municipal Wudu Diversion

Project Administration

Office and affected towns

Resettlement at construction site

The social insurance

can be purchased

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 33 Table for minutes of meeting regarding public participation of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (Continued)

Date Location Participating organization Participant Issues Content

2010.8.18 Yongsheng

Town Government

Town Government and village officials

The personnel from the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, the personnel who are

in charge of resettlement from

Town Government, the affected village

officials and villager representatives

Resettlement at construction site

Local resettlement


Conference room on the third floor of

Wudu Diversion

Project Administratio

n Office, Zitong County

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration

Office, four leading bodies of County Party Committee,

County Government, County People’s Congress

and County People's Political Consultative

Conference, County Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office and related departments

The related leaders from four leading

bodies, the personnel from Municipal Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office

and County Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office

The talks on the resettlement

surveys of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II

The tasks and responsibilities

of related departments

shall be implemented


Conference room in

Ziqiang Town Government

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office, town

and village communities

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office and the affected towns,

the affected village officials and villager


The talks on the resettlement

surveys of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II

Be aware of the local situation of

relocation and resettlement

measures, and hear the public opinions on the compensation

for resettlement


Conference room in Diyuan

Township Government

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office, town

and village communities

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office and the affected towns,

the affected village officials and villager


The talks on the resettlement

investigations of Wudu Diversion

and Irrigation Project Phase II

Be aware of the local situation of

relocation and resettlement

measures, and hear the public opinions on the compensation

for resettlement

2010.8.25 Ziqiang Town

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office, town

and village communities

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office and the affected towns,

the affected village officials and villager


The survey for field ditch

construction in Zitong County

and resettlement survey of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II

Be aware of the local situation of

relocation and resettlement

measures, and hear the public opinions on the compensation

for resettlement

2010.9.7 Dingyuan Township

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, County Wudu

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from the

The survey for field ditch

construction in

Be aware of the local situation of

relocation and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Diversion Project Administration Office, town

and village communities

Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office and the affected towns,

the affected village officials and villager


Zitong County and resettlement survey of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II

resettlement measures, and hear the public opinions on the compensation

for resettlement

2010.8.27 Baoshi


Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office, town

and village communities

The personnel who are in charge of

resettlement from the Municipal Wudu Diversion Project

Administration Office, County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office and the affected towns,

affected village officials and villager


The survey for field ditch

construction in Zitong County

and resettlement survey of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project Phase II

Be aware of the local situation of relocation and resettlement

measures, and hear the public opinions on the compensation

for resettlement


Baoshi Township, Dingyuan

Township and Ziqiang


Municipal Wudu Diversion Project Administration

Office, Municipal Design Institute and County Wudu

Diversion Project Administration Office

The concerned personnel from related


The re-check survey for relocation

households of Wudu Diversion

and Irrigation Project Phase II

Re-check some relocation

households in Zitong County and be aware of

their living condition

9.3 Public opinion survey In June 2010, the Employer and local resettlement department have organized a social opinion survey of local public under the guidance of resettlement experts from Southwest Jiaotong University. Surveys are performed in informal discussion and door-to-door interviewing, conducting sampled surveys for 135 land acquisition and relocation households, 13% of all affected households. The public opinion survey aims at being aware of the opinions and recommendations regarding the construction and resettlement in this Project from the relocation households, affected villages and groups. (Refer to the public opinion survey in Attachment 6)

In general, the respondents indicated the implementation of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project would bring about positive impacts on the local agricultural irrigation, floods prevention and eco-environment improvement, and it is beneficial for nation, collectives and individuals, with approved by people of 94.8%. Since the dissemination of this Project and repeatedly convening of public participation meetings, 90% of local public are clear about the construction situation of this Project. Meanwhile, these persons worry about the negative impacts arisen from the land acquisition and relocation of the Project, and provide their opinions and thoughts for the land acquisition and resettlement scheme. The results of public opinion survey are as follows:

Impacts of Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

What impact do you think Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Agricultural Irrigation project will bring about? (multiple choices)

Quantity Percentag

e Beneficial for agricultural irrigation 134 99.3%

Beneficial for floods prevention 95 70.4% Beneficial for water source storage 66 48.9%

Beneficial for nearby eco-environment improvement 53 39.3�

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Do you know about and approve the construction of this Project?

Do you know about the construction of this

Project? Quantity Percentage

Do you approve the construction of this

Project? Quantity Percentage

Not clear 3 2.2% Approval 128 94.9� Not very clear 10 7.4� Disapproval 1 0.7%

Clear 122 90.4� No preference 6 4.4�

Do you think who can benefit from Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project? (Multiple choices)

Option Quantity Percentage Nation 95 70.4�

Collectives 108 80� Individuals 91 67.4�

The survey results of opinions on land acquisition and resettlement show that 76% of respondents choose the resettlement by monetary compensation and 62% choose the resettlement by land adjustment. Due to multiple choices in this survey, many persons consider that the combination of the resettlement by monetary compensation and resettlement by land adjustment is feasible. Besides, 15% of respondents prefer to the resettlement by social safeguard to avoid future worries.

Which resettlement mode for land acquisition do you prefer?

Option Quantity Percentage Resettlement by monetary

compensation 103 76%

Resettlement by land adjustment 84 62� Resettlement by social safeguard 20 15�

The survey results of opinions on land acquisition and resettlement show that 71.9% respondents choose the resettlement by monetary compensation; 76.3% respondents prefer to the original life style, and choose the local scattered resettlement for the convenience of engaging in the farm work; 11% respondents choose centralized resettlement, and 16.3% have no preference for the resettlement.

Which resettlement mode for relocation do you prefer?

Option Quantity Percentage Resettlement by monetary

compensation 97 71.9%

Centralized resettlement 15 11� Scattered resettlement 103 76.3�

No preference 22 16.3�

33% respondents indicate that they are clear about the resettlement policy, 38% know a bit about the policy, and 29% know nothing about it. To some extent, this survey guarantees that the public know about and have the ability to protect their own rights and interests.

Do you know about the compensation policy for land acquisition and resettlement?

Option Quantity Percentage Very clear 45 33�

Not very clear 51 38�

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Not clear 39 29�

9.4 Dissemination and information publication The dissemination and information publication shall be carried out at the preliminary preparation phase of this Project, and the resettler meeting is one of main information publication forms. The meeting aims at enabling the participants to know about the implementation of land acquisition, compensation policy and standard as well as the resettlement mode, and collecting the feedback information from the participants. The project information publication and the announcement of resettlement plan shall be implemented by various medium, such as broadcast, television, newspapers and publications, and they aim at disseminating extensively the information about the construction purpose and significance of this Project, the date and place of the Project construction, the specific regulations on implementing the national policy for land acquisition and relocation established by the provincial, prefecture-level and county-level governments, and the resettlement compensation standard and resettlement scheme of this Project . The purpose of dissemination and announcement is to enable the public to know about the matters concerning land acquisition and relocation of this Project.

Three ways of dissemination and information publication for the land acquisition and relocation of this Project shall be adopted by Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., including:

1. In November 2010, the announcement shall be posted in the affected villages and groups to show the main contents of the land acquisition and relocation, compensation standard and resettlement scheme in this Project, and to enable the affected population know about the general information about this Project and their own rights and interests.

2. The core contents of Resettlement Plan of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans shall be issued and announced in the local Mianyang Daily. (for public picture, see Attachment 7)

3. The Resettlement Plan of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans shall be announced on the websites of the People’s Governments of Mianyang City, Jiangyou City, Yanting County and Zitong County from November 2010.

Such three ways of announcement and dissemination can ensure that most people in the affected area can be familiar with the general information about the Project and related work of land acquisition and relocation in their own convenient ways. Additionally, three ways above can ensure broad coverage of dissemination and large quantities of audiences.

9.5 Compliant channel During the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement, the difficulties, problems, complaints and discontents arisen from the land acquisition, relocation, compensation and resettlement shall be handled properly. Besides, there are many opportunities for the communication between the affected persons and the project officers, heads of governments, staff from the project office, the representatives from the company won the bid as well as the personnel from resettlement monitoring organization by means of a series of the public meetings, hearings, unit examination activities and site inspections. Such communications can enable the affected persons to present their concerns; it is not the essential procedure for formally solving the problems, but these concerns can be settled before the following organizations receiving the complaints. The resettlers can reflect or appeal these complaints through the following five channels and ways.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


1. Reflection to the county/district-level (municipal) Resettlement Department or township-level Land and Resources Management Department

According to the regulations in the local government administration duties, where there are some problems or discontents arising during the land acquisition and resettlement, the local Land and Resources Management Department is obliged to resolve them first. If it fails to do so, the complainant can turn to other complaint channels.

2. Reflection to township-level, municipal and prefecture-level governments

If the discontents of the Complainant are not solved by the local Resettlement Department or Land and Resources Management Department, “Complaint office”, which deals with complaint or discontent of affected persons, in local governments at all levels shall be established to deal with the public opinions and complaints (including the discontents on the land acquisition, relocation and resettlement).The system of “complaint and petition” plays a critical role in administrations of governments at all levels of China. The Complainant reflects the discontents to the complaint offices at all levels in written or orally and the complaint offices can coordinate with the related departments for settlement. In case of failing to do so, such discontents shall be reflected to the local government by the complaint office.

3. Reflection to the Employer

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. is the Employer of this Project and the end user of the land, and it is responsible for solving the problems concerning land acquisition and relocation. Therefore, the service and hotline designed for complainants shall be provided by the Employer.

4. Reflection to external monitoring organization

During monitoring, the external independent monitoring organization shall conduct the follow-up surveys for the living and production conditions of the affected villages and people by stages annually, make the resettlement evaluation and feed the related conclusions back to the Employer, local organizations which are responsible for land acquisition and relocation and the World Bank. Accordingly, the discontents and complaints of the affected people can be reflected to the external monitoring organization. The monitoring responsibilities of the external independent monitoring organization also include listening to and knowing about the discontents and complaints of the affected people.

5. Legal proceedings

In case that the discontents of the affected people cannot be settled by these complaint channels mentioned above, the affected people can bring an action at local court for hearing and settlement.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 10: Monitoring and Evaluation

For the sake of ensuring smooth implementation of Resettlement Plan and realizing the appropriate resettlement, the Project will conduct whole-course monitoring of the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement. The monitoring is performed in internal monitoring by resettlement organization and external independent monitoring respectively.

10.1 Internal monitoring 10.1.1 Purpose and task

The purpose of internal monitoring is to ensure the good performance of resettlement organizations at all levels during the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan, and guarantee that the construction of this Project can be carried out smoothly and the resettlers’ legal rights shall not be infringed. The auditing departments at all levels shall independently exercise the auditing supervision power over the related units under their jurisdiction in accordance with the laws and regulations. The superior units shall assume the responsibility for monitoring their subordinate units to ensure the resettlement can be implemented by all the resettlement organizations according to the principle and schedule in the Resettlement Action Plan.

10.1.2 Organization and personnel

The internal monitoring of land acquisition and resettlement in this Project shall be carried out by Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. To effectively perform the function of internal monitoring, resettlement organizations at all levels have assigned special personnel, who will participate in the preparation and implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan, and conduct the internal monitoring and control according to the Resettlement Action Plan.

10.1.3 Contents of monitoring

The main contents of internal monitoring are shown as follows:

1) Appropriation and application of resettlement compensation;

2) Selection and allocation of new housing lands;

3) Reconstruction of new houses;

4) Support to vulnerable groups;

5) Employment training for the affected persons;

6) Appropriation of compensations for land acquisition and resettlement;

7) Implementation of resettlement by social safeguard

8) Restoration of special facilities;

9) Scheduling of the activities mentioned above;

10) Implementation of the policies and regulations in the Resettlement Plan;

11) Public participation and consultation during the implementation of resettlement;

12) Staffing, training, work schedule and the performance of resettlement organizations at all levels.

10.1.4 Procedures of implementation

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


The implementing procedures of the internal monitoring are as follows:

1) Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. shall establish an internal monitoring mechanism to inspect the resettlement activities, to build a basic database for land acquisition, relocation and resettlement, and to monitor the preparation and implementation progress of resettlement.

2) During the implementation, the county resettlement organization shall establish a related information base for resettlement, and renew the information according the practical conditions. It is required to promptly report records of activities and progress of implementation to superior resettlement organization so as to maintain the continuous monitoring for the implementation of resettlement.

3) In the monitoring mechanism mentioned above, the tables of information shall be prepared as required to realize the continuous flow information from the village-level organization to the resettlement office. As the main components of the internal monitoring system, the County Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office and resettlement working team in affected town shall conduct periodical inspection and verification.

10.2 External independent monitoring and evaluation 10.2.1 Purpose and task

External monitoring and evaluation mainly carry out the periodical monitoring and evaluation for the land acquisition and resettlement activities outside of the resettlement organizations to evaluate whether the target of resettlement has been attained.

The external monitoring and evaluation shall provide the opinions and recommendations on the whole process of resettlement and the recovery of production and living standards of the resettlers, a warning system for the project management departments and the channels for reflecting the resettlers’ opinions.

The external monitoring organization shall serve as the consultant for Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. and Wudu Diversion Project Administration Offices of related counties, with the responsibilities of following, monitoring and evaluating the implementation activities in the Resettlement Plan and providing the advisory opinions for decision-making.

10.2.2 Organization and personnel

The resettlement monitoring organization in this Project shall be determined through the bid inviting by Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. The external independent monitoring organization shall implement all the basic monitoring work through providing technical assistances for Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. and Wudu Diversion Project Administration Offices of related counties, and conducting the resettlement survey and surveys for living standards of the affected people as required.

10.2.3 Main indexes of monitoring and evaluation

The main indexes of external monitoring for resettlement include:

A. Main indexes for monitoring

Progress: it includes the preparation, implementation of land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement.

Quality: it includes the engineering construction quality and degree of resettlers’ satisfaction during the implementation of land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Investment: it includes the appropriation and application of the funds for land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement.

B. Main indexes for evaluation

1) Resettlement

Economic conditions, which refer to the development of family economy before and after the resettlement, including the possession of means of production and means of livelihood, assets, incomes, etc.

Environmental conditions, which refer to the living environment before and after the resettlement, including the development of the public facilities of traffic, culture and education, sanitation, commercial services, etc.

Employment, which refers to the occupational changes before and after the resettlement, including employment rate and assistance to the different affected persons, especially the poor households;

Development in community, which refers to the local economy, environmental development, interpersonal relation and public opinions at new resettlement arrangement spot.

2) Infrastructure: it refers to the changes of infrastructure in the affected area before and after the implementation.

10.2.4 Method of monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation shall be performed on the basis of the survey data provided by the project design organization and resettlement implementation organization. With an overall understanding of the situation, the evaluation can be performed by the combination of the sample survey and rapid assessment.

The external monitoring and evaluation organization shall carry out the following work:

1) Survey for resettlers’ living standards

A base-line survey shall be conducted for this Project, including the collection of selected samples;

The survey comprises of various indicators of living standards. Some of the indicators will be used for weighing the dynamic variation of living standards before and after the land acquisition and resettlement. The design of indicators shall be inspected to see whether they are reasonable in reflecting the actual production and living standards in the base-line survey and are subject to modification according to the actual conditions so as to guarantee the information obtained can reflect the quality and quantity of the actual production and living standards.

2) Gathering resettlers’ opinions

The external monitoring and evaluation organization shall often interview the township (towns and streets) and village resettlement organizations to know about the opinions reflected by the resettlers and formally or informally interview the resettlers who have grievances. Besides, it shall reflect timely the opinions and recommendations from the affected individuals and collectives, and provide advices for improvement, so that the resettlement implementation can be more smooth and effective.

3) Other responsibilities

The external independent monitoring organization shall monitor the following

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


activities in the process of implementation:(1) Selection of resettlement arrangement spots;

(2) Reconstruction of houses;

(3) Production resettlement and rehabilitation;

(4) Support to the vulnerable groups;

(5) Relocation of enterprises and individual businesses;

(6) Restoration and reconstruction of special facilities;

(7) Appropriation of compensation and its amount;

(8) Relocation;

(9) Employment of laborers;

(10) Training;

(11) Scheduling of items mentioned above;

(12) Resettlement organizations;

(13) Application of compensation for the collective-owned land and resettlers’ incomes

(14) Income growth of laborers.

The external monitoring shall be implemented according to the following procedures:

(1) Preparation of the outline for monitoring and evaluation;

(2) Preparation of the survey outline and questionnaires;

(3) Design of the sampling survey;

(4) Establishment of the information system for monitoring and evaluation

(5) Survey monitoring, including:

- monitoring the regional socio-economic survey;

- monitoring the resettlement implementation organization;

- monitoring the sample survey on typical households;

- monitoring the typically surveys for other objects

(8) Sorting of monitoring data and establishment of database;

(9) Contrastive analysis

(10) Preparation of one monitoring and evaluation report annually or semiannually.

10.3 Report preparation 10.3.1 Resettlement Action Plan Report

The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) in this Project has been completed in October 2010 and submitted to the World Bank for evaluation by Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd.

10.3.2 Progress Report of Resettlement

A Time period

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Starting from the commencement date of the resettlement implementation, the Resettlement Offices of related counties shall submit the progress report (internal monitoring report) at least once every three months to Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., which shall collect and sort the information of land acquisition and resettlement, and prepare the Resettlement Progress Report according to the progress reports provided by the resettlement organizations at all levels, and then submit it to the World Bank twice every year, respectively before June 30 and December 31. The time period of the report is half a year.

B Layout of Contents

According to the requirements of the World Bank, the report usually consists of two parts: a) the text part that describing generally the land acquisition and relocation compensation in this Project, showing the accidents, problems and difficulties emerged during implementation, and the corresponding resolutions and measures; and b) tables that mainly show statistical data of the previous six (6) months collected according to the report forms provided by the World Bank, and mainly reflect the comparison of the actual and planned land requisition, house relocation and compensation in the affected area by this Project. The table formats are shown as Tables 34 and Table 35.

Table 34 Progress report form for resettlement implementation of the Project

Prepared by:

As of: (MM/DD/YY) Date of preparation: (MM/DD/YY)

Description Unit Planned quantity

Completed quantity in this quarter

Accumulated quantities

Completion (%)

Funds appropriation Reconstruction of

private houses

Occupancy of new houses

Demolition of old houses

Construction for public welfare

Restoration of power line

Restoration of telecommunication


Land acquisition Land reclamation

Filled by: Signature of chief: Official seal:

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 35 Table for application of the land compensation and resettlement subsidy of this Project

District or town: From: Prepared date: Affected organization Description Unit/Nr.

Investment (RMB) Compensation/subsidy (RMB)

Filled by: Signature of chief: Official seal:

10.3.3 External independent monitoring and evaluation report on resettlement

The external independent monitoring organization shall submit the monitoring and evaluation report to the World Bank.

A. Time period

According to the requirements of the World Bank, the external monitoring and evaluation during the implementation of resettlement after the land acquisition and house relocation shall be conducted once or twice every year as per the completion of resettlement till the recovery of resettlers’ production and living standard.

B. Contents of the report

The main contents of external monitoring and evaluation are shown as follows:

(1) Baseline survey;

(2) Progress of land acquisition, house relocation and resettlement;

(3) Production resettlement and recovery;

(4) Houses demolition, relocation and reconstruction;

(5) Recovery of living standard;

(6) Availability and application of the resettlement expenses;

(7) Performance and effectiveness of related resettlement organizations;

(8) Support to vulnerable groups;

(9) Questions and recommendations.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 11: Power Matrix

The power matrix for the affected persons shall be determined by mutual consultation between the resettlement organization and the affected persons as per related compensation policies with participatory work pattern employed see Table 36.

Table 36 Power matrix table for land acquisition, house relocation, compensation and resettlement of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Category Affected person

Type of land/ground appurtenance

Town and township Compensation

standard/resettlement measures

Wudu Town and Chaozhen Township 29920 Houba Town 27520

Dakang Town, Shuanghe Town, Yongsheng Town, Chonghua Town,

Tongxing Township, Dong’an Township, Xinxing Township and

Xinchun Township


Yunxi Town 23200

Huangdian Town, Sanyuan Township, Longquan Township, Gaodeng Town,

Jinkong Town, Xize Township, Zonghai Township, Bajiao Town, Linlong Town, Yongtai Township,

Fuyi Township, Linshan Township and Daxing Township


Baizi Township, Heiping Town,

Lailong Town, Jianhe Township and Shiniumiao Township


Renhe Town and Baoshi Township 21280

1. Compensation for farmland and

garden land (compensation for land acquisition is

10 times of average annual output value

of farmland in 3 years prior to land

acquisition; the resettlement

subsidy is 6 times of average annual

output value of farmland) (Yuan/mu)

Dingyuan Township, Wenxing Township, Ziqiang Town, Baiyun

Town, Liya Township and Hongren Township


Compensation for non-farmland and non-garden land

Compensation for non-farmland and non-garden land shall be halved based on the acquisition standard

of farmland Wudu Town and Chaozhen Township 1870

Houba Town 1720 Dakang Town, Shuanghe Town,

Yongsheng Town, Chonghua Town, Tongxing Township, Dong’an

Township, Xinxing Township and Xinchun Township


Yunxi Town 1450

Land acquisition

Farmer 3. Compensation for young crops



Huangdian Town, Sanyuan Township, Longquan Township, Gaodeng Town,

Jinkong Town, Xize Township, Zonghai Township, Bajiao Town, Linlong Town, Yongtai Township,

Fuyi Township, Linshan Township and Daxing Township


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 36 Power matrix table for land acquisition, house relocation, compensation and resettlement of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (Continued 1)

Category Affected person

Type of land/ground appurtenance

Township and town Compensation

standard/resettlement measures

Baizi Township, Heiping Town, Lailong Town, Jianhe Township

and Shiniumiao Township 1210

Renhe Town and Baoshi Township

1330 Farmland Dingyuan Township, Wenxing

Township, Ziqiang Town, Baiyun Town, Liya Township and

Hongren Township


Timber forest land


Bamboo forest land


Bush land 2500 Fruit garden

land 5000

Mulberry field


3. Compensation for young crops


Fish pond 3000 Concrete 50

Mixture of soil, lime and sand 25 Courtyard

(�) Stone 50 Brick 58 Stone 45

Enclosing wall (�)

Earth 15 Ordinary well 600

Well (Nr.) Driven well 2400

Tomb (Nr.) 900

4. Ground appurtenance

Biogas digester

(Nr.) 3000

5. Land acquisition,

compensation and resettlement

1) Internal land adjustment of each village and group; 2) land adjustment for the severely affected households with the land retained by collectives; 3) enhancement of land productivity by adjusting Structure of Agricultural Production; 4) Participation in social security; 5) monetary compensation for the affected households; 6) Vocational training

Land acquisition


6. Special support to vulnerable


Appropriation of about 1.455 million Yuan for the special support to the affected vulnerable groups and resettlement planning, including (1) special consultancy service available; (2) priority consideration in selection of housing land; (3) assisting relocation households with houses construction; (4) granting additional living subsidies and relocation subsidies; (5) providing other priorities to acquire other economic subsidies.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 36 Power matrix table for land acquisition, house relocation, compensation and resettlement of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project (Continued 2)

Category Affected person

Type of land/ground appurtenance

Township and town

Compensation standard/resettlement measures

1. Compensation for housing

replacement cost

Appropriation of compensation calculated as per housing replacement price to the affected households, and the

standards for brick-concrete housing: 620 Yuan/m2 for level 6 and 630 Yuan/m2 for level 7 seismic fortification intensity; for brick-wood housing: 505 yuan/m2 for level

6 and 525 Yuan/m2 for level 7 seismic fortification intensity; 370 Yuan/m2 for wood structures; 330370

Yuan/m2 for civil structures; 150 Yuan/m2 for unsorted housings and 110 yuan/m2 for other structures.

Houses relocation

Peasant households

2. Expenses for relocation

The affected households can enjoy 150 Yuan/person as relocation transportation expenses, 30 Yuan/person as relocation insurance fees, 50 Yuan/person as material

loss allowances, 250 Yuan/person as working loss allowances, and 100 Yuan/household as resettlement

transition subsidies (18 months at most); 1. Demolition by the Construction Department of

this Project

1) Appropriation of compensation for infrastructure to

the affected households

2) Direct restoration during construction by the

construction organization of this Project, such as rural roads and agricultural canals�

Infrastructure relocation and reconstruction

Affected infrastructure

2.Reconstruction by original

infrastructure owner with the compensation

provided by the Employer

3) With funded by the Employer of this Project, the relocation shall be carried out by professional teams, such as communication facilities and electrical power


1. Application procedure

1) Apply for land use permit to the local county-level Land and Resources Management Department and register, and then obtain the permission of land user;

2.Compensation for young crops

2) The compensation for output value losses during temporary land acquisition shall be appropriated to the land owner by the Construction Organization year after

year. Temporary land

Village collectives or


3.Compensation for temporary land

3) Pay the security deposit for reclamation; recover original state and return the security deposit while

finishing the temporary land acquisition. Alternatively, the reclamation can be conducted by the local village

with the security deposit mortgaged. Reclamation shall be supervised and approved by local Land and Resources

Management Department.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section 12�Attachment

Attachment 1 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions Table 1-1 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total

population Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land GardenLand

Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

JiangYou Dong’an Wulongguan 498 1622 1622 1348 498 707 2515 2158 357 20 1814 1.55

JiangYou Zhonghua Shiping 355 1001 1001 712 208 501 1164 900 264 43 1668 1.16

JiangYou Zhonghua Xinshun 685 2074 2074 1452 490 957 1761 1306 455 50 1161 0.85

JiangYou Zhonghua Pingqiao 489 1643 1643 1151 424 725 1992 1545 447 128 5979 1.21

JiangYou Wudu Shuangnian 908 2614 1814 1005 1100 400 683 618 65 10 1000 0.26

JiangYou Wudu Wuchao 227 738 330 401 180 157 655 517 138 290 10000 0.89

JiangYou Wudu Fangyang 310 981 981 468 468 247 1137 658 479 125 300 1.16

JiangYou Wudu Tianba 401 1268 1268 781 297 398 1368 912 456 408 810 1.08

JiangYou Wudu Beiyi 378 1254 600 754 300 353 658 90 568 500 13000 0.52

JiangYou Wudu Gongpin 873 2171 2125 1192 702 222 2056 356 300 1700 0.95

JiangYou Wudu Xiangyang 361 1161 1161 602 212 346 1390 1167 223 307 26 1.2

JiangYou Yongsheng Dujiagou 332 1044 1040 700 429 450 533 299 234 28 304 0.51

JiangYou Yongsheng Mingshui 380 1281 1281 894 450 423 904 719 185 0.71

JiangYou Yongsheng Gaoling 346 1030 1030 874 457 457 1021 900 121 100 0.99

JiangYou Yongsheng Hongci 372 1180 1180 857 452 405 1029 704 325 0.87

JiangYou Yongsheng HuangLian 401 1090 1090 776 312 350 1271 1036 235 1.17

JiangYou Yongsheng Longgong 453 1513 1513 925 400 498 1308 1133 175 1100 0.86

JiangYou Yongsheng Hekouba 712 2273 2268 1530 615 915 1943 1364 579 80 1500 0.85

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1-2 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total population

Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land

GardenLand Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

JiangYou� Dakang� Qianfeng� 645� 2240� 2240� 1850� 600� 650� 1992� 1280� 712� � � 0.89�

JiangYou� Xingchun� Yuanshan� 481� 1491� 1386� 970� 396� 558� 1939� 1735� 204� 380.4� 250.8� 1.3�

JiangYou� Houba� Shaofan� 420� 1255� 1223� 832� 365� 523� 1610� 1200� 410� 657� 5307� 1.28�

JiangYou� Houba� Xiangshui � 597� 2019� 2003� 1409� 653� 691� 1913� 1329� 584� 164� 5358� 0.95�

JiangYou� Houba� Longtan� 386� 1512� 1496� 1051� 275� 776� 1568� 1323� 245� 174� 2397� 1.04�

JiangYou� Xinxin� Xinhong� 389� 1237� 1220� 746� 309� 404� 1290� 1182� 108� � 4517� 1.04�

JiangYou� Tongxin� Qianqiu� 437� 1229� 1229� 890� 450� 310� 1409.6� 400� 1009.6� 60� 1500� 1.15�

JiangYou� Tongxin� Gongqiao� 358� 1178� 1172� 740� 410� 330� 1546� 1100� 446� 120� 800� 1.31�

JiangYou� Tongxin� Tongxin� 268� 892� 890� 650� 300� 311� 1334� 969� 365� 48� 2485� 1.5�

JiangYou� Tongxin� Puti� 365� 1100� 1100� 891� 403� 445� 1750� 1347� 403� 60� 2514� 1.59�

JiangYou� Tongxin� Baini� 506� 1716� 1712� 1175� 420� 705� 2489� 2205� 284� 100� 1500� 1.45�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Fenshuilin� 502� 1584� 1577� 1149� 533� 541� 1413� 709� 704� 65� 3262� 0.89�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Dengjiata � 555� 1764� 1754� 1225� 488� 594� 1734� 1460� 274� 226.2� 3580� 0.98�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Tianmin� 478� 1505� 765� 1087� 515� 470� 1578� 1094� 484� 172� 1321� 1.05�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Guihua� 431� 1340� 1337� 938� 396� 470� 1699� 1153� 546� 104.2� 2548.8� 1.27�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Niucaishi� 286� 895� 895� 559� 293� 249� 826� 620� 206� � 2569� 0.92�

JiangYou� Shuanghe� Jiangjiagou� 345� 1087� 346� 704� 161� 411� 1014� 500� 514� 297.7� 2694.4� 0.93�

Zitong� Wenxin� Gaofeng� 283� 810� 790� 480� 230� 220� 1460� 380� 1080� 101� 2361� 1.8�

Zitong� Wenxin� Guanghui� 272� 896� 866� 420� 150� 270� 1483� 400� 1083� 80� 2580� 1.66�

Zitong� Wenxin� Zhaoyao� 259� 766� 746� 378� 223� 125� 1196� 300� 896� � 2380� 1.56�

Zitong� Renhe� Aiguo� 317� 1000� 990� 333� 333� 230� 1347� 299� 1050� � � 0.3�

Zitong� Renhe� Xinmin� 279� 939� 909� 300� 300� 160� 1062� 211� 851� � � 1.13�

Zitong� Renhe� Xinsong� 274� 865� 844� 277� 101� 109� 752� 285� 467� � � 0.87�

Zitong� Ziqiang� Xiongguang� 356� 1147� 1147� 395� 98� 114� 2038� 1001� 1037� 35� 6200� 1.78�

Zitong� Ziqiang� Zhangzhen� 308� 996� 996� 394� 99� 119� 1370� 488� 882� 73� 3550� 1.38�

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1-3 Statistics of affected villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total population

Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land

GardenLand Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

Zitong Ziqiang Ziqiang 283 962 962 471 117 134 1011 320 691 28 2550 1.05

Zitong Dingyuan Tuta 421 1293 1293 524 219 466 1565 726 839 1.21

Zitong Dingyuan Gelou 268 699 699 309 136 245 724 289.6 434.4 1.04

Zitong Dingyuan Baiyan 336 1009 1009 475 475 200 1073 455 618 1.06

Zitong Dingyuan Banzhu 361 1031 1031 497 227 232 1110 444 666 1.08

Zitong Dingyuan Tongxin 344 1076 1076 554 295 245 1627 710.8 916.2 1.51

Zitong Baoshi Zhangliang 192 628 621 539 380 180 1060 330 730 334 804 1.69

Zitong Baoshi Hongxin 477 1637 1637 890 590 219 2084 773 1311 4973 1.27

Zitong Baoshi Wuma 154 483 483 240 157 118 617 183 434 1598 1.28

Zitong Baoshi Yangpin 267 846 846 620 520 221 1426 530.9 895.1 61 1995 1.69

Zitong Liya Ma’an 474 1600 1599 864 864 410 2320 1520 800 760 1.45

Zitong Liya Longjin 286 986 986 598 238 230 1100 495 605 89 1134 1.12

Zitong Baiyun Baochen 435 1325 1325 600 150 450 1489 730 759 135 1.12

Zitong Baiyun Jiulin 480 1377 1377 750 340 350 1533 820 613 150 1650 1.11

Zitong Baiyun Yulin 435 1394 1394 750 546 210 1416 820 592 120 1720 1.02

Zitong Hongren Wuxin 529 1643 1635 880 527 240 2020 1015 1005 1.23

Zitong Hongren Shuangxin 189 610 610 345 345 185 883 420 403 100 1.45

Zitong Hongren Gaopo 340 1197 1177 864 833 314 2107 965 1142 250 1740 1.76

Zitong Hongren Chang’an 369 1221 1221 592 297 295 2512 1120 1392 3008 2.06

Yanting Bajiao Tianxin 509 1581 1576 950 250 546 1479 560 919 106 3900 0.94

Yanting Bozi E’yang 466 1525 1525 915 915 590 2159 393 1766 165 2364 1.42

Yanting Bozi Sanyuan 430 1492 1492 962 552 400 1721 570 1151 2221 1780 1.15

Yanting Bozi Tongxin 283 1040 450 440 235 145 2049 898 1151 1063 1142 1.97

Yanting Daxin Gongyu 226 776 770 326 226 143 863 216 647 100 1080 1.11

Yanting Daxin Guangting 304 1119 1100 570 370 190 1121.3 280 841.3 70 3700 1

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1-4 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total population

Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land

GardenLand Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

Yanting Fuyi Bishan 396 1322 1022 821 300 476 1602.5 594 1008.5 2363 1.21

Yanting Fuyi Gonghe 285 1123 1118 700 290 400 1036 674 362 16 1897.7 0.92

Yanting Fuyi Shengchan 191 715 715 358 110 240 776.39 247 529.39 60 1386.3 1.09

Yanting Fuyi Qinshan 234 798 750 368 280 300 864 330 534 19 1310.4 1.08

Yanting Fuyi Tonggu 463 1604 1600 1057 266 791 1936 736 1200 3420.2 1.21

Yanting Fuyi Tuanjie 423 1414 1414 710 470 230 1294 270 1024 1345.5 0.92

Yanting Fuyi Wuxin 445 1668 1663 823 446 345 1816 506 1310 120 2273 1.09

Yanting Fuyi Xinping 344 1181 1171 665 365 280 1572 582 990 2594.9 1.33

Yanting Fuyi Xinfu 167 727 727 330 255 255 460 137 323 50 559.7 0.63

Yanting Gaodeng Gaohua 481 1472 1431 950 355 420 1370 547 823 20 2207 0.93

Yanting Gaodeng Leizu 584 1742 4 320 199 33 344 125 219 60 395 0.2

Yanting Gaodeng Longxiang 472 1537 678 861 189 524 1280.1 734.1 546 360 170 0.83

Yanting Gaodeng Qiling 543 1685 1661 865 183 571 1555 502 1053 618 2382 0.92

Yanting Heiping Gaoguan 379 1293 1270 816 526 250 1300.5 370 930.5 20 3800 1.01

Yanting Heiping Huangshan 323 1291 1271 570 270 220 1209 455 754 25 4200 0.94

Yanting Huangdian Qiaoba 525 1553 1530 730 278 452 1424 562 862 30 4039 0.92

Yanting Huangdian Wangba 422 1247 1225 586 171 358 1449 572 877 30 2388 1.16

Yanting Huangdian Wenlin 299 882 859 415 174 191 1124 434 690 25 3162 1.27

Yanting Jianhe Lianyuan 175 570 563 341 164 162 1028.6 201 827.6 66 150 1.8

Yanting Jianhe Yantai 201 717 710 261 100 152 1091 330 761 75 318.6 1.52

Yanting Jinkong Dalin 418 1325 1304 651 354 402 1623 406 1217 1675 1.22

Yanting Jinkong Jinbao 246 791 787 385 385 342 914 254 660 1461 1.16

Yanting Jinkong Lingfen 254 1043 1002 480 140 240 1002 200 802 35 602 0.96

Yanting Jinkong Linyan 314 1114 1103 724 337 312 1214 314 900 129 1347 1.09

Yanting Jinkong Menggong 355 1294 1271 675 390 360 1088 355 733 92 1320 0.84

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1-5 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total population

Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land

GardenLand Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

Yanting Jinkong Qiaolou 278 1021 1008 580 480 370 980 286 694 120 980 0.96

Yanting Village Yangyuan 448 1280 1259 710 365 320 1600 350 1250 12 1134 1.25

Yanting Jinkong Zixin 386 1087 1075 520 287 340 1187 364 823 40 1152 1.09

Yanting Village Ziqiang 205 806 780 476 146 260 1040 240 800 25 693 1.29

Yanting Lailong Jinguan 252 906 903 580 268 262 1531 452 1079 175 7600 1.69

Yanting Lailong Lianhe 236 838 317 436 221 152 1047.5 515 532.5 1.25

Yanting Lailong Linglong 335 1345 1310 675 655 420 2074 450 1624 150 15000 1.54

Yanting Lailong Malan 298 1036 1024 890 543 347 1347 380 967 174 7500 1.3

Yanting Shiniumiao Dengta 302 1133 1133 680 370 310 1723.5 313.5 1410 3408 1.52

Yanting Shiniumiao Honglian 394 1310 1308 840 469 367 1910.8 350 1560.8 4957.3 1.46

Yanting Shiniumiao Sanlian 358 1239 1239 610 398 250 1862.9 356 1506.9 5294.1 1.5

Yanting Shiniumiao Xihe 396 1348 1167 650 400 220 1990 230 1760 3397 1.48

Yanting Linlong Aiguo 512 2003 2003 918 417 459 1999 643 1356 2521 1

Yanting Linlong Menchun 450 1724 1709 812 376 412 1510 510 1000 2426.8 0.88

Yanting Linlong Yulong 445 1638 1612 876 365 425 1730.5 520.5 1210 45 2252 1.06

Yanting Luoquan Lianhua 215 607 601 301 80 221 713 149 564 57 1052 1.17

Yanting Luoquan Lvhua 189 643 628 328 83 245 273 100 173 150 2122 0.42

Yanting Luoquan Shuanglong 474 1578 1529 957 327 632 1702 498 1204 131.9 2006.8 1.08

Yanting Luoquan Sifan 145 435 430 280 80 178 584 135 449 42 897.37 1.34

Yanting Sanyuan Bolin 456 1528 1528 834 180 387 1457 490 967 152.8 1738 0.95

Yanting Sanyuan Bao’an 358 1263 1200 590 301 561 1295 493 802 135 5350 1.03

Yanting Sanyuan Hongji 317 1010 910 255 102 249 1098 394 704 120 4580 1.09

Yanting Sanyuan Zaoyuan 494 1826 1526 958 270 470 1437 477 960 190 6200 0.79

Yanting Xize Chuanjingou 156 503 493 331 179 152 507 202 305 10 950 1.01

Yanting Xize Panlong 524 1873 1858 1067 631 421 1643.18 749 894.18 900 0.88

Yanting Xize Shitan 264 981 981 580 177 403 771 358 413 63 8038 0.79

Yanting Xize Tiansheng 324 1110 1110 685 315 272 1008 374 634 1550 0.91

Yanting Xize Yuying 295 1062 1062 663 198 465 1094 640 454 70 629 1.03

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1-6 Statistics of Affected Villages Collective Economic Conditions

County Village/Town Hamlet Household Total population

Agr icultural Population

Total labor force

Agr icultural labor

Labor force

Cultivated land

Paddy land

Dry land

GardenLand Wood Land

Per capita

cultivated land

Yanting Yongtai Fengtan 275 994 991 693 220 1382 888 319.9 568.1 1786.6 0.89

Yanting Yongtai Qiyi 340 1171 1151 771 277 493 916 532.8 383.2 95 2835.2 0.78

Yanting Yunxi Shanshui 600 2001 1976 1242 431 713 1178 360 818 105 2035 0.59

Yanting Yunxi Xianshui 342 1121 1097 668 208 450 1208 309 899 79 2700 1.08

Yanting Zonghai Xishan 185 585 485 374 113 161 620 220 400 48 720 1.06

Yanting Zonghai Yangxi 335 1174 1023 620 230 290 1032 450 582 65 1560 0.88

Yanting Linshan Baoku 204 643 643 434 384 210 910 540 370 1931 1.42

Yanting Linshan Linyuan 150 488 482 294 152 181 457 200 257 2200 0.94

Yanting Linshan Jinxian 253 863 859 503 251 189 1130 336 794 3420 1.31

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 2 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households Table 2-1 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels

County Village Hamlet Household’s

name People Total Paddy land Dry land

Per capita cultivated land Total Cereals Cash crops Fruit Aquaculture Total Business Work Other�

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanzhengze 3 4.26 3.76 0.5 1.42 5000 4000 1000 90000 70000 20000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanfangqiao 5 6 5 1 1.2 18000 6000 10000 2000 48000 48000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Chengaochang 3 4.1 4 0.1 1.37 24120 10020 3100 11000 15000 15000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Yangshunhua 4 9 4 5 2.25 20000 10000 1000 5000 15000 15000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanguohua 7 4.4 3.3 1.1 0.63 12000 5000 7000 26920 25000 1920

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanzhengjun 3 5.5 5 0.5 1.83 15000 15000 24000 24000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Zhuguijin 4 4.96 4.5 0.46 1.24 9400 5400 4000 15000 10000 5000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanguotian 3 4.7 4 0.7 1.57 44500 12000 2000 500 30000 7000 7000

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanhua 4 4 3.5 0.5 1 6000 6000 48660 48000 660

Jiangyou Tongxin Tongxin Wanchaofang 2 2.2 1.8 0.4 1.1 4000 4000 7320 6000 1320

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Fuxiangyou 5 3.5 2 1.5 0.7 30000 11000 6000 13000 85000 85000

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Qiujinfa 3 3.5 2.1 1.4 1.17 8000 3000 5000 40000 40000

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Qiujingui 6 0.5 0.5 0.08 8000 7500 21200 20000 1200

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Maoqingshun 3 2.05 1.05 1 0.68 16000 5000 3000 6000 21800 18000 3800

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Qiujinguo 5 1.8 1.3 0.5 0.36 3000 3000 6000 6000

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Zhangyunbo 3 0.8 0.46 0.34 0.27 144500 1500 140000 3000 12000 12000

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Zhangshujin 3 4 2 2 1.33 18400 4000 12000 2400 38400 38400

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Qiujinshan 5 4.3 2.8 1.5 0.86 15000 2000 13000 54260 45600 8660

Jiangyou Shuanghe Fenshuilin Mataishan 4 4.2 3 1.2 1.05 35000 18000 2000 15000 43400 38400 5000

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2-2 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels County Village Hamlet Household’s name People

Total Paddy land Dry land Per capita cultivated land

Total Cereals Cash crops Fruit Aquaculture Total Business Work Other

Jiangyou Shuanhe Fenshuilin Tangdegui 5 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.12 3300 3300 51000 48000 3000

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Duyuandao 2 1 1 0.5 3500 1500 2000 772.5 772.5

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Zhaozishen 5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.14 5000 2000 1000 2000 21000 17000 4000

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Dujun 5 2.5 2 0.5 0.5 4000 4000 15000 15000

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Dukuidao 4 2.4 2.4 0.6 13800 12000 1800 20250 20000 250

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Durundao 3 1 0.6 0.4 0.33 7400 5000 2400 11625 11500 125

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Dujudao 4 2.4 2.4 0.6 5200 2400 2800 9600

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Duweifa 3 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.27 2460 2460 24000 24000 500

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Caijinyuan 4 2.4 2.4 0.6 12600 11000 1600 12000 12000

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Dushudao 3 6 3 3 2 58000 50000 8000 20210.8 20000 210.8

Jiangyou Shuanhe Dujiagou Dulindao 3 2 2 0.67 11000 5000 6000 28000 28000

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Liaodaoxin 3 6.6 1.1 5.5 2.2 14000 6000 2000 6000 1300 1300

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang liangguojun 3 6.3 1.3 5 2.1 0 11000 11000

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Zhangyongtang 5 3.9 1.9 2 0.78 8000 7000 1000 10000 10000

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Shengcongyi 4 7 2.7 4.3 1.75 6000 6000 7680 4800 2880

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Duyixian 4 12.5 4.5 8 3.13 30000 4500 13200 13200

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Wangshufen 1 4.5 3 1.5 4.5 3000 3000 100 100

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Yongzhangzong 3 3.5 3.5 1.17 4500 3000 1500 3000 3000

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Wangruhe 5 3 1 2 0.6 3000 23800 6800 12000

Zitong Ziqiang Xingguang Wangruqiang 4 3 1.5 1.5 0.75 0 2000 2000

Zitong Ziqiang Zhangzhen Dongtianqi 3 5.6 3 2.6 1.87 0 12000 12000

Zitong Ziqiang Zhangzhen Dongtiancai 4 10 10 2.5 15000 15000 15000 15000

Zitong Baoshi Wangma Wangcangyou 2 1.8 0.5 1.3 0.9 12000 10000 2000 0

Zitong Baoshi Wangma Fanguming 5 5 1.1 3.9 1 13000 4500 4500 4000 26000 20000 6000

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2-3 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels County Village Hamlet

Household’s name People

Total Paddy land

Dry land

Per capita cultivated

land Total Cereals Cash crops Fruit Aquacult

ure Total Busi-ness Work Other

Zitong Baoshi Wangma Wangjun 3 3.3 1 2.3 1.1 14000 10000 4000 30000 30000

Zitong Baoshi Changliang Xuyuanguo 5 6 1.1 4.9 1.2 1000 1000 12000 12000

Zitong Baoshi Changliang Wangchanghe 4 8 3 5 2 650 1200 1200

Zitong Baoshi Changliang Wangxinquan 4 8 2 6 2 7500 3500 4000 4000

Zitong Baoshi Changliang Tianxiaojun 3 5 1 4 1.67 3500 3500 0

Zitong Baoshi Changpin Fancaojun 5 6.5 1.5 5 1.3 41450 21450 20000 7200 7200

Zitong Baoshi Changpin Yaoyuanfu 5 23 7 16 4.6 23000 20000 3000 0

Zitong Baoshi Hongwei Yaoyunsheng 4 6.1 1.7 4.4 1.53 6000 4000 2000 20000 20000

Zitong Baoshi Hongwei Songxinlai 3 3.3 1 2.3 1.1 3000 3000

Zitong Baoshi Gaofeng Xindetian 4 9 1.7 7.3 2.25 14700 11700 3000 6000 6000

Zitong Baoshi Gaofeng Xinsanzhou 4 6.8 1.9 4.9 1.7 0 12000 12000

Zitong Baoshi Gaofeng Xindehui 4 7 2.7 4.3 1.75 0 36000 36000

Zitong Wenxin Guanghui Heyunping 1 1.8 1.8 1.8 0 0

Zitong Wenxin Guanghui Lirongcheng 2 3 0.7 2.3 1.5 4000 2000 2000 0

Zitong Wenxin Guanghui Hehuisheng 2 3 0.8 2.2 1.5 1000 0

Zitong Wenxin Guanghui Chengyonggao 4 6 1.8 4.2 1.5 13000 7000 2000 4000 18000 12000 6000

Zitong Wenxin Zhaoyao Gouzhonlin 4 4.5 1.2 3.3 1.13 11500 1500 10000 28000 22000 6000

Zitong Wenxin Zhaoyao Goumuzhong 5 4.5 1.3 3.2 0.9 6000 6000 10000 10000

Zitong Hongren Chang’an Xihuanlin 4 7.2 3.5 3.7 1.8 12000 6000 2000 2000 2000 6000 6000

Zitong Hongren Chang’an Yangdahua 3 4.6 2.5 2.1 1.53 12000 10000 2000 15000 13000 2000

Zitong Hongren Chang’an Xishaohua 7 10.4 6.2 4.2 1.49 21000 15000 5000 1000 17000 12000 5000

Zitong Hongren Chang’an Xishaohu 6 6 3.2 2.8 1 18000 15000 3000 12000 10000 2000

Zitong Hongren Chang’an Renshaohong 4 5.4 3.5 1.9 1.35 7000 5000 2000 12000 12000

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2-4 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels County Village Hamlet Household’s

name People

Total Paddy land Dry land

Per capita

cultivated land

Total Cereals Cash crops

Fruit Aquaculture Total Business Work Other

Zitong� Hongren�Chang’an� Hudejin� 4 7 4 3 1.75 13000 9000 4000 � � 0 � � �

Zitong� Hongren�Chang’an� Xihuaifang� 4 6 3.2 2.8 1.5 12000 8000 4000 � � 4000 � 4000 �

Zitong� Hongren�Chang’an� Xidonghai� 4 5.4 2.8 2.6 1.35 4000 3000 1000 � � 10000 � � 10000

Zitong� Hongren�Chang’an� Renshaogang� 4 6.5 1.9 4.6 1.63 12000 7000 2000 1000 2000 0 � � �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Cuishengjun� 4 6.5 2.5 4 1.63 4000 4000 � � � 30000 � 30000 �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Cuipeifu� 5 10 4 6 2 6000 6000 � � � 1500 � 1500 �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Cuiyujiang� 5 9 4 5 1.8 4000 4000 � � � 11000 5000 6000 �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Huangzhonghua� 5 11.4 5.2 6.2 2.28 8000 5000 3000 � � 1000 � 1000 �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Dengweitai� 2 3.1 1.1 2 1.55 3400 2000 � � 1400 0 � � �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Cuiyulun� 5 10 5 5 2 9000 9000 � � � 10000 � 10000 �

Zitong� Hongren� Gaopo� Cuixianbing� 3 9.5 4 5.5 3.17 8000 8000 � � � 2500 � 2500 �

Zitong� Hongren� Wuxin� Renshaogong� 6 8.5 4 4.5 1.42 13700 7000 4000 � 2700 72000 � 72000 �

Zitong� Hongren� Wuxin� Renshaodi� 3 5.8 3.7 2.1 1.93 4800 4800 � � � 0 � � �

Zitong� Hongren� Wuxin� Renshaohua� 5 7.6 4 3.6 1.52 9700 5900 � � 3800 0 � � �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanjizong� 4� 7.3� 1.3� 6� 1.83� 7700� 2700� 1000� 3000� 1000� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanfusheng� 3� 2� � 2� 0.67� 2000� 2000� � � � 42000� � 42000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan�Yanzhongxiao� 3� 4� 1� 3� 1.33� 4400� 2400� � � 2000� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan�Yanchaozhong� 4� 6� 1� 5� 1.5� 4500� 3500� � � 1000� 25000� � 25000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Dengzuojun� 5� 7.5� 1.5� 6� 1.5� 8000� 4000� 2000� 500� 1500� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan�Yanzhongbing� 3� 6� 1.2� 4.8� 2� 2600� 1000� 400� � 1200� 21000� � 21000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanfuming� 3� 2� 1� 1� 0.67� 800� 800� � � � 36000� � 36000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanyugang� 4� 8� 1� 7� 2� 6700� 1900� 2000� 1300� 1500� 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanwenman� 3� 4� 0.6� 3.4� 1.33� 6000� 3800� 1000� 500� 700� 15000� � 15000� �

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2-5 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels County Village Hamlet Household’s

name People

Total Paddy land Dry land

Per capita cultivated

land Total Cereals Cash crops Fruit Aquaculture Total Business Work Other

Yanting� Heiping�Huanshan� Yanjian� 3� 8� 2� 6� 2.67� 5000� 3000� 1000� � 1000� 24000� � 24000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liuhanyuan� 3� 3.2� 1.2� 2� 1.07� 3000� 2500� 500� � � � � � �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liyongbiao� 3� 3� 1� 2� 1� 7900� 2700� 1200� � 4000� � � � �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liyongsong� 4� 4� 1� 3� 1� 5000� 500� 500� � 4000� 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong�Yuanjunchuan� 6� 8.5� 2.5� 6� 1.42� 6500� 3000� � 1000� 2500� 24000� � 24000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� liyonggang� 3� 3� 1� 2� 1� 6700� 2700� 1000� � 3000� 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liuhanchun� 5� 4� 1� 3� 0.8� 4400� 1200� 1200� � 2000� 18000� � 18000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liuyongshou� 2� 2� 0.6� 1.4� 1� 9500� 500� � � 9000� � � � �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Litao� 2� 2.1� 1� 1.1� 1.05� 3000� 1300� 500� � 1200� 5000� � 5000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liuhaihu� 5� 5.2� 2� 3.2� 1.04� 5000� 1500� 500� � 3000� 10000� � 10000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Liushaowen� 3� 4.5� 1.35� 3.15� 1.5� 2000� 2000� � � � 26400� � 26400� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Suyunyuan� 4� 3� 1.2� 1.8� 0.75� 2000� 2000� � � � 56000� � 56000� �

Yanting� Linlong� Yulong� Sutingyou� 4� 3.6� 1.6� 2� 0.9� 4500� 2000� 500� � 2000� 12000� � 12000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Zhaodeshao� 3� 4� 1.2� 2.8� 1.33� 3000� 2000� 1000� � � 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Zhaoqibin� 3� 4.5� 1.2� 3.3� 1.5� 0� � � � � 30000� � 30000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Zhaodechun� 4� 6� 1.6� 4.4� 1.5� 4000� 2000� 500� � 1500� 60000� � 60000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Wangyungui� 3� 6� 2� 4� 2� 2900� 1200� 600� � 1100� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Zhaohaitao� 3� 3.6� 1.2� 2.4� 1.2� 10500� 3000� 1500� � 6000� 3000� � 3000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Suyong� 4� 5.2� 1.2� 4� 1.3� 4500� 1200� 800� � 2500� 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Zhaoqimin� 3� 3.4� 1.7� 1.7� 1.13� 2700� 1600� 300� � 800� 18000� � 18000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Gudonghua� 3� 2� 1� 1� 0.67� 7000� � � � 7000� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan�Zhuguangmin� 3� 3� 1� 2� 1� 4000� � � � 4000� 9600� � 9600� �

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Sudayong� 3� 4.2� 1.1� 3.1� 1.4� 2500� 1100� 400� � 1000� 8000� � 8000� �

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2-6 Statistics of Family Backgrounds of Sampled Households

Cultivated land Income of agr icultural production Income of other channels County Village Hamlet Household’s

name People

Total Paddy land Dry land

Per capita cultivated

land Total Cereals Cash crops Fruit Aquaculture Total Business Work Other

Yanting� Linshan� Linyuan� Liguanggui� 4� 6� 2� 4� 1.5� 3700� 1600� 500� � 1600� 8000� � 8000� �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Yangxinjie� 4� 3.5� 1� 2.5� 0.88� 0� � � � � 19200� � 19200� �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Wenguogui� 4� 3.4� 1� 2.4� 0.85� 4400� 2600� 800� � 1000� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming�Yangshiliang� 3� 3.6� 1.2� 2.4� 1.2� 8200� 2000� 1200� � 5000� 20000� � 12000� 8000�

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming�Yangshengxin� 2� 2.2� 1� 1.2� 1.1� 10800� 1800� 1000� � 8000� � � � �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming�Yangshifeng� 1� 0.85� 0.2� 0.65� 0.85� 0� � � � � 15000� � 15000� �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Zhaozizhog� 2� 5� 2� 3� 2.5� 10400� 4200� 1200� 2000� 3000� � � � �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Zhaowenfen� 4� 2.2� 0.7� 1.5� 0.55� 31000� 1000� � � 30000� � � � �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Zhangtiqi� 2� 1.9� 0.6� 1.3� 0.95� 4500� 300� 200� 4000� � � � � �

Yanting� Bajiao� Renming� Wenguofu� 5� 3.2� 0.8� 2.4� 0.64� 9600� 2600� � 4000� 3000� 30000� � 30000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuguoqin� 3� 3.5� 1.2� 2.3� 1.17� 5500� 3500� � � 2000� 12000� � 12000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuguanghui� 4� 8.2� 2.9� 5.3� 2.05� 3500� 2500� � � 1000� 20000� � 20000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Gaoxingui� 4� 3.8� 1.2� 2.6� 0.95� 3000� 1500� 1100� � 400� 24000� � 24000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuguangren� 6� 7.2� 2.5� 4.7� 1.2� 11400� 6500� 2500� � 2400� 10000� � 10000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuyirong� 4� 7.2� 2.5� 4.7� 1.8� 5500� 2000� 1500� � 2000� 40000� � 40000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Taozhaobin� 3� 6.5� 1.5� 5� 2.17� 2200� 2000� 200� � � 600� � � 600�

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liujinpu� 4� 3.5� 1.5� 2� 0.88� 0� � � � � 30000� � 30000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liumingyi� 5� 3.5� 0.6� 2.9� 0.7� 7000� 1500� 2000� � 3500� 10000� � 10000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuming� 5� 7� 1.2� 5.8� 1.4� 4000� 1000� 500� � 2500� 31200� � 31200� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Taowencai � 5� 4.25� 1.2� 3.05� 0.85� 3400� 2000� � � 1400� 19200� � 19200� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Liuminjie� 1� 1.4� 0.4� 1� 1.4� 3100� 1000� 500� � 1600� 1000� � � 1000�

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Taowenyin� 4� 3.8� 1� 2.8� 0.95� 2560� 1760� 800� � � 8000� � 8000� �

Yanting� Fuyi� Taishan� Taowenjun� 3� 3.8� 1� 2.8� 1.27� 2500� 1500� 1000� � � 10000� � 10000� �

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 3 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project Table 3-1 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other

County Town Hamlet Village group

Affected households Affected people Total Sub

total Paddy land

Dry land

Garden Land

Forest land

Pool House site

Land for construction

Others Wasteland

5 3 11 4.29 4.29 0.27 4.02 Minshui

10 1 5 0.49 0.49 0.49

Sub Total

4 16 46.31 4.78 0.27 4.51 0 28.54 0 4.64 1.39 6.96 0

4 2 9 5.32 2.74 2.74 2.58 Gaolin

3 4 14 5.01 5.01 5.01

Sub Total

6 23 14.82 7.75 0 7.75 2.58 0 0 0 0 4.49 0

5 4 15 3.25 3.25 2.99 0.26

4 3 12 2.03 2.03 0.7 1.33

3 3 13 2.49 2.49 2.49


1 1 5 1.5 1.5 0.23 1.27

Sub Total

11 45 10.85 9.27 3.92 5.35 0 0 0 1.24 0.28 0.06 0

4 2 9 4.24 4.24 1.42 2.82

2 5 17 13.61 13.61 13.61 Hongci

1 1 3 1.19 1.19 1.19

Sub Total

8 29 20.34 19.04 16.22 2.82 0 0 0 0.97 0.23 0.1 0

7 2 7 9.77 9.77 9.22 0.55 Huanglian 5 2 8 8.03 8.03 6.7 1.33

Sub Total

4 15 18.17 17.8 15.92 1.88 0 0 0 0.33 0 0.04 0

7 3 12 5.44 5.44 5.44 Longgong 2 1 4 2.81 2.81 2.81



Sub Total

4 16 8.73 8.25 8.25 0 0 0 0 0 0.46 0.02 0

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-2 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet

Village group

Affected households

Affected people Total

Sub total Paddy land

Dry land Garden Land

Forest land

Pool House site

land for construction

Others Wasteland

5 2 7 3.61 3.61 3.61 � �

2 4 13 11.29 11.29 11.29 � �Hekouba

6 2 6 7.49 7.49 7.49 � �

Sub total 8 26 23.98 22.39 22.39 0 0 0 0 0.46 1.05 0.08 ��

7 1 3 0.19 0.19 0.19 � �

7 1 4 0.09 0.09 0.09 � �

8 1 4 0.08 0.08 0.08 � �

5 1 5 0.12 0.12 0.12 � �

3 2 6 1.58 1.58 1.58 � �


1 1 5 1.57 1.57 1.57 � �


Sub total 7 27 21.82 3.63 0 3.63 0 17.93 0 0 0 0.26 ��

Wu chao 3 1 3 0.44 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.28 � �

3 2 9 4.36 4.21 2.24 1.97 0.15 � �

4 2 8 2.37 2.37 2.37 � �

5 2 7 4.32 4.32 4.32 � �


6 1 5 1.13 1.13 1.13 � �

Sub total 7 29 18.42 12.03 2.24 9.79 0.15 4.82 0 0.99 0 0.43 ��

Fangyang 5 2 7 3.26 3.16 3.13 0.03 0.1 � �

5 3 11 1.95 1.95 0.71 1.24 � �

Xiangyang 6 5 17 5.72 5.16 3.97 1.19 0.56 � �

Sub total 8 28 17.12 7.11 4.68 2.43 0.56 8.95 0 0 0 0.5 ��

Beiyi 1 1 5 16.95 3.08 3.08 13.87 � �

5 5 18 10.39 10.39 10.39 � �

4 1 4 10.72 0.09 0.09 10.63 � �




3 4 15 8.93 8.93 8.93 � �

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-3 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other

County Town Hamlet Village group

Affected households

Affected people Total

Sub total Paddy land

Dry land Garden Land

Forest land

Pool House site

land for construction

Others Wasteland

10 37 60.84 19.41 0 19.41 10.63 28.27 0 0 0.17 2.36 0

1 1 4 7.54 0.38 0.38 7.16 Subtotal

3 3 11 9.99 9.99 9.99

4 13 5.84 5.84 5.84

6 5 18 10.98 10.98 10.98

5 3 16 9.9 9.9 9.9

16 62 69.69 37.09 0 37.09 7.16 24.3 0 0.42 0.09 0.63 0

3 2 8 1.55 1.55 1.32 0.23

1 3 12 5.53 5.53 2.47 3.06

7 1 3 1.33 1.33 0.96 0.37


Sub total 6 23 28.78 8.41 4.75 3.66 0 18.21 0 0.81 0.97 0.38 0

Jiangjiagou 2 1 4 2.02 2.02 1.71 0.31

3 2 7 3.4 2.65 2.65 0.75

7 1 3 1.51 1.51 0.68 0.83

6 2 8 2.18 2.18 2.18

6 22 17.61 8.36 5.04 3.32 0.75 7.94 0 0.47 0 0.09 0

Dengjiata 2 8 3.99 3.52 2.4 1.12 0.47

7 2 9 2.42 2.31 1.75 0.56 0.11

9 4 18 6.95 6.68 3.87 2.81 0.27

8 35 16.34 12.51 8.02 4.49 0.85 0.92 0 1.82 0 0.24 0

Guihua 2 7 1.14 1.14 0.27 0.87

2 1 3 0.11 0.11 0.11

3 10 23.16 1.25 0.27 0.98 0 21.91 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 5 0.42 0.42 0.42


Sub total

1 3 11 1.89 1.89 1.38 0.51

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-4 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for construction

Other Waste land


Sub Total 4 16 18.1

4 2.31 1.38 0.93 0 15.73 0 0 0 0.1 0



1 1 3 9.3 0.63 0.33 0.3 7.81 0.6 0.26


Xinhong 2 1 4 29.8

1 0.73 0.73 0.05 28.85 0.18


Qianfeng 4 2 8 19.2 1.32 1.32 16.59 1.29

7 4 18 4.47 4.34 4.34 0.13 Yuanshan 5 5 21 4.6 4.45 4.45 0.15 Xinch

un Sub Total 9 39


8.79 8.79 0 0.13 0.58 0.15 0.47 0 0 0

8 2 8 3.97 3.97 3.97 7 2 9 5.58 5.58 5.58 Puti 2 2 8 4.92 4.92 4.92

Sub Total 6 25 17.0

2 14.4

7 14.47 0 0 0 0 2.02 0.15 0.38 0

13 1 4 4.31 4.31 4.31 12 1 3 4.07 4.07 4.07 Baini 11 2 6 6.11 6.11 6.11

Sub Total 4 13 15.2

9 14.4

9 14.49 0 0 0.48 0 0.11 0 0.21 0

1 2 7 6.1 4 2.59 1.41 2.1 3 1 3 0.81 0.81 0.81 Tongxin 2 1 4 2.61 2.08 1.07 1.01 0.53

Sub Total 4 14 20 6.89 4.47 2.42 2.63 9.42 0 0.41 0.25 0.4 0

Tianqiu 1 4 18 18.9

2 10.3

1 0.83 9.48 8.29 0.32

4 3 12 3.52 3.52 1.24 2.28




Gongqiao 5 4 19 7.18 7.18 6.94 0.24

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


6 1 5 2.11 0.69 0.69 1.42

Sub Total 8 36 28.5

2 11.3

9 8.87 2.52 1.42 12.51 0 3.01 0 0.19 0

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-5 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other

County Town Hamlet Village group

Affected household

Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land Pool

House site

Land for

cons. Other

Sub Total

3 1 5 2.85 2.85 2.85

4 1 3 1.74 1.74 1.74

1 1 6 1.35 1.35 1.23 0.12 Shiping

2 1 2 0.33 0.33 0.33

Sub Total 4 16 8.35 6.27 6.15 0.12 0 0 0 0.71 0.89 0.48 0

7 3 13 3.73 3.27 1.75 1.52 0.46 Xinshun

8 2 7 1.07 1.07 1.07

Sub Total 5 20 18.18 4.34 1.75 2.59 0.46 7.87 0 2.74 1.51 1.26 0


Pingqiao 4 4 16 6.46 4.65 3.48 1.17 1.18 0.63

6 2 7 1.89 1.18 1.18 0.71 Xiangshui

7 3 9 2.8 2.74 0.87 1.87 0.06

Sub Total 5 16 16.95 3.92 2.05 1.87 0.71 10.66 0.06 0.78 0.65 0.17 0

Longtan 1 2 8 3.95 1.7 0.89 0.81 0.06 1.29 0.61 0.29



Shaofang 5 1 5 1.68 0.77 0.77 0.87 0.04

Honglian 9 34 83.2191 39.23 6.70 32.53 34.08 2.83 6.30 0.40 0.39

Dengta 4 16 44.1339 11.6 11.60 23.31 1.70 6.82 0.44 0.26

Sanfeng 10 40 128.79 60 4.80 55.20 63.74 0.61 3.15 0.58 0.72

Xihe 4 16 40.7781 23.83 3.20 20.63 15.20 1.57 0.00 0.17


Shiniumiao 27 106 296.921 134.66 15 120 0 136 0 5 18 1 2

Huanshan 9 38 68.3869 39.32 6.36 32.96 23.52 1.06 4.20 0.03 0.27

Gaoguan 1 4 2.95233 1.5 1.5 0.92 0.52 0.00 0.01 Heiping

Sub total 10 42 71.3392 40.82 6.36 34.46 0.00 24.43 0.00 1.06 4.72 0.03 0.28

11 2 6 4.83 4.83 1.60 3.23 Tianxing

17 2 7 5.56 5.56 5.56



Sub total 4 13 10.61 10.39 1.60 8.79 0 0.00 0.22

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-6 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other

County Town Hamlet Village group

Affected household

Affected people Total

Sub Total Paddy land

Dry land Garden

land Wood land

Pool House


Land for

const. Other

Sub Total

Wanggou 4 3 14 7.47 4.09 4.09 2.97 0.41 Qiaoba 8 2 6 8.8 4.91 4.91 3.42 0.3 0.17

1 1 6 2.05 2.05 2.05 Wenlin

2 1 3 1.03 0.73 0.73 0.30 Huangdian

Sub total 2 9 8.33 2.78 0.00 2.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 5.25 0.00 0.00 3 1 3 3.65 2.06 2.06 1.27 0.32

Ai’guo 8 1 4 3.96 3.96 1.97 1.99

Sub total 2 7 11.13 6.02 1.97 4.05 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.32 0.52 3.00 0.00 4 2 8 5.84 5.84 2.64 3.20 6 2 9 7.26 7.26 4.23 3.03 Yulong 7 1 5 2.32 2.32 2.32

Sub Total 5 22 17.19 15.42 6.87 8.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.57 0.20 0.00 8 2 8 3.87 3.87 3.87 9 1 4 3.98 3.5 3.50 0.48 Mengchun

10 2 8 3.67 3.67 3.67


Sub Total 5 20 11.9 11.04 0.00 11.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.38 0.00 Hongji 7 1 3 1.04 0.31 0.31 0.48 0.25 Bolin 1 2 7 3.23 2.82 2.82 0.41

4 1 4 0.98 0.98 0.98 Zaoyuan

5 2 7 5.23 5.23 5.23 Sub Total 3 11 6.74 6.21 6.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53

1 1 4 5.81 5.81 5.81 3 2 8 6.79 6.79 6.79 Bao’an 4 1 5 5.69 5.69 5.69



Sub Total 4 17 35.46 18.29 18.29 8.46 0.53 7.87 0.31

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-7 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Qiyi 7 2 8 5.44 4.83 4.83 0.36 0.25 1 1 3 1.59 1.59 1.59

Fengtang 2 1 6 4.93 4.93 4.93


Sub Total 2 9 9.24 6.52 6.52 2.16 0.56 1 3 13 27.42 27.42 2.3 25.12 4 2 9 11.82 11.82 11.82 Longxiang 5 4 17 29.86 29.86 29.86

Sub Total 9 39 55.36 41.68 41.68 7.95 1.11 1.14 1.58 1.9 3 4 19 14.05 13.2 2.57 10.63 0.85

Gaohua 12 1 4 1.45 1.45 1.45

Sub Total 5 23 30.07 14.65 2.57 12.08 0 12.54 0.85 0 0.57 1.26 0.2 Luozu 2 2.5 2.2 2.2 0.3

2 2 8 14.8 14.8 14.8 5 2 7 14.23 14.23 1.72 12.51 8 3 12 18.92 18.92 18.92 9 3 14 11.47 11.47 11.47


10 1 3 0.36 0.36 0.36 Sub Total 11 44 90.81 59.78 1.72 58.06 0 28.56 0 0.78 0.28 0.11 1.3

Shitan 6 5 20 17.57 9.57 0.24 9.33 6.31 1.53 0.06 0.1 Panloang 13 1 3 22.7 7.87 0.67 7.20 14.71 0.07 0.05 Tiansheng 1 2 9 12.77 5.96 0.78 5.18 5.20 1.4 0.13 0.08

Yuying 7 2 9 57.7 9.59 3.37 6.22 45.24 0.1 2.77 1 8 27 13.75 13.75 0.81 12.94



Chuanjing gou 2 1 4 1.91 1.91 0.40 1.51

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-8 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village


Affected househol



people Total Sub

Total Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.


Sub Total

5 3 13 4.47 4.42 0.52 3.90 0.05 Chuanjingou 6 2 7 2.88 2.64 2.64 0.24 Gaodeng

Sub Total 14 51 27.62 22.72 1.73 20.99 0.00 4.45 0.29 0.03 0.04 0.09 1 2 8 5.3 5.3 5.30

Xishan 3 3 11 12.67 12.67 3.60 9.07

Sub Total 5 19 28.94 17.97 8.90 9.07 10.95 0.02 4 1 6 1.97 1.97 1.97 5 3 16 5.03 5.03 5.03 Yujing 6 2 9 3.59 3.59 3.59

Sub Total 6 31 10.59 10.59 10.59 Xiangxi 1 3 10 7.8 7.4 0.40 7.00 0.22 0.18


Honglin 7 1 5 2.1 2.1 2.10 3 1 4 1.55 1.55 1.12 0.43 4 4 18 12.98 12.98 12.98 6 2 8 8.12 8.12 8.12 7 5 21 25.32 25.32 25.32


8 2 5 3.13 3.13 3.13 Sub Total 14 56 62.86 51.1 1.12 49.98 0.00 9.83 1.15 0.4 0.38

Ziyan 1 5 22 18.36 15.27 15.27 1.88 0.31 0.9 1 4 15 10.78 8.52 8.52 1.61 0.45 0.17 0.03

Menggong 6 3 11 8.72 6.91 6.91 1.61 0.17 0.03

Sub Total 7 26 19.5 15.43 0 15.43 0 3.22 0.45 0 0.34 0.06 0 Mugang 10 1 5 0.97 0.97 0.97

1 2 9 15.54 15.54 0.52 15.02



Qiaoliu 8 3 10 16.65 15.7 9.58 6.12 0.95

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-9 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Sub Total 5 19 45.65 31.24 10.1 21.14 0 13.16 0.95 0.15 0.15 1 3 11 7.01 7.01 7.01

Linfeng 6 2 9 4.57 4.57 0.22 4.35

Sub Total 5 20 13 11.58 0.22 11.36 1.05 0.11 0.26 Ziqiang 1 5 21 21.15 11.37 11.37 7.25 0.26 1.99 0.28 Jinbao 7 4 14 14.46 11.26 11.26 1.21 1.71 0.28

2 1 4 1.6 1.6 1.60 5 2 6 2.08 2.08 2.08 6 5 21 4.2 3.99 0.93 3.06 0.21 7 1 3 0.38 0.38 0.30 0.08


12 4 14 3.4 3.08 3.08 0.32


Sub Total 13 48 42.87 11.13 1.23 9.90 0.00 29.84 0.53 1.07 0.1 0.2 1 1 5 1.32 1.32 1.32

Sifan 4 2 8 4.97 4.97 4.97

Sub Total 3 13 16.05 6.29 6.29 4 1.57 2.56 0.63 1 1 1 3 1.3 1.3 1.3

Lvhua 3 1 4 1.22 1.22 1.22

Sub Total 2 7 4.34 2.52 2.52 1.18 0.34 0.3 1 4 11 14.81 14.81 3.37 11.44 2 2 7 5.45 5.32 5.32 0.13 Shuanglong 3 3 10 7.54 7.54 7.54

Sub Total 9 28 51.84 27.67 3.37 24.3 0 22.05 0.13 0.28 0.74 0.77 0.2 Qiaohe 8 1 3 0.46 0.46 0.46


Luhua 8 3 12 31.24 17.62 0.95 16.67 11.49 0.36 1.42 0.35


Daxing Gongyu 2 1 4 0.7 0.7 0.7

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-10 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Gongyu 5 10 26 13.36 13.01 13.01 0.35 Sub Total 11 30 14.51 13.71 13.71 0 0 0 0.35 0.27 0.02 0.16

3 4 11 4.64 4.64 0.14 4.5 8 3 9 3.39 3.39 1.51 1.88 Guangting 10 8 20 6.64 6.64 6.64


Sub Total 15 40 15.91 14.67 1.65 13.02 0.53 0.53 0.18 1 8 26 12.9 11.97 11.97 0.93

Yantai 2 9 32 13.53 12.4 12.40 1.13

Sub Total 17 58 61.53 24.37 24.37 0.00 34.90 0.00 2.06 0.2 4 3 10 5.02 5.02 5.02 5 4 16 6.37 6.37 2.29 4.08 Lianyun 6 1 4 1.61 1.61 1.61


Sub Total 8 30 35.63 13 3.9 9.1 22.29 0.14 0.2 1 12 26 10.27 10.27 6.46 3.81

Gonghe 3 8 12 6.37 6.37 6.37

Sub Total 20 38 17.36 16.64 12.83 3.81 0.53 0.17 0.02 1 4 7 4.89 4.89 0.22 4.67 2 2 4 2.01 2.01 2.01 3 1 3 1.62 1.62 0.78 0.84 4 6 9 7.69 7.34 7.34 0.35 5 1 2 0.58 0.58 0.58


6 8 14 9.52 9.52 1.11 8.41 Sub Total 22 39 29.75 25.96 2.69 23.27 0 2.79 0 0.35 0.53 0.02 0.1

5 1 3 0.59 0.59 0.59



Xinping 6 10 32 9.32 8.94 1.49 7.45 0.38

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-11 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Xinping 7 15 48 13.07 12.33 0.67 11.66 0.74 Sub Total 26 83 25.76 21.86 2.16 19.7 0 2.53 0 1.12 0.05 0.2

1 3 6 3.45 3.45 1.41 2.04 Wuxin

12 7 16 7.37 7.37 4.56 2.81 Sub Total 10 22 10.84 10.82 5.97 4.85 0.02

3 8 14 9.81 9.81 1.03 8.78 Tuanjie

5 3 5 3.4 3.4 2.1 1.3 Sub Total 11 19 14.62 13.21 3.13 10.08 1.26 0.14 0.01

Xinfu 3 13 20 12.02 10.92 10.92 0.99 0.11 Taishan 1 9 28 12.16 7.45 7.45 3.63 0.40 0.53 0.15 Tonggu 3 9 10 6.2 5.04 3.81 1.23 1.01 0.15

3 10 31 8.88 8.4 8.4 0.48 4 9 28 4.82 4.41 4.41 0.41 9 10 33 9.27 8.59 8.59 0.68


10 1 4 0.11 0.11 0.11


Sub Total 30 96 26.03 21.51 21.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.57 2.77 0.03 0.15 1 10 32 9.1 9.1 9.1 2 11 35 9.48 9.48 9.48 Jinxian 4 13 40 11.3 11.3 1.13 10.17

Sub Total 34 107 39.97 29.88 1.13 28.75 10.07 0.02 1 2 7 1.98 1.98 1.98 2 9 37 10.87 10.87 10.87 3 6 25 5.21 5.21 5.21


6 1 4 1.86 1.86 1.75 0.11



Sub Total 18 73 33.72 19.92 3.73 16.19 9.08 0.51 3.46 0.75

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-12 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County

Town Hamlet Village group

Affected household

Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

1 1 4 2.58 1.05 1.05 1.32 0.21 3 1 3 0.67 0.67 0.67 Linyuan 4 2 7 1.55 1.55 1.55


Sub Total 4 14 7.53 3.27 1.55 1.72 1.32 2.71 0.21 0.02 5 10 29 7.89 7.11 7.11 0.78

Xianshui 7 6 14 5.09 4.57 4.57 0.52

Sub Total 16 43 22.65 11.68 11.68 0 9.12 0 1.3 0.27 0.13 0.15 Yunting

Sanyi 12 1 2 1.7 0.76 0.76 0.28 0.66 1 1 5 4.15 3.73 3.73 0.42

Leyang 2 6 19 8.54 8.54 8.54

Sub Total 7 24 37.39 12.27 12.27 0 22.18 0 0.42 1.8 0.72 1 2 7 2.9 2 2 0.9

Tongxin 3 2 6 3.72 3.72 3.72

Sub Total 4 13 41.28 5.72 2 3.72 0 25.47 0.9 4.54 4.65 1 1 4 4.77 4.77 4.77

Sanyuan 10 1 3 1.2 1.2 1.2

Sub Total 2 7 17.52 5.97 1.2 4.77 7.92 1.8 1.83


Yulong 1 2 8 3.58 3.58 3.58 1 1 5 1.83 1.83 1.35 0.48 2 3 11 3.46 3.46 0.92 2.54 4 1 4 1.72 1.72 1.72


5 9 28 10.14 10.14 10.14 Sub Total 14 48 45.66 17.15 2.27 14.88 20.87 0.86 5.16 1.62

2 3 12 7.59 7.59 7.59



Jinguan 3 5 21 15.65 15.65 15.65

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-13 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County

Town Hamlet Village group

Affected household

Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Jinguan 4 1 3 0.27 0.27 0.27 Sub Total 9 36 52.46 23.51 23.51 16.36 1.16 10.31 1.12

1 2 9 9.64 9.64 9.64 2 1 4 1.44 1.44 1.44 3 3 14 14.57 14.57 14.57 4 2 7 10.01 10.01 10.01 5 2 8 8.17 8.17 8.17 8 3 13 12.11 12.02 12.02 0.09


9 2 8 11.69 11.69 11.69 Sub Total 15 63 96.44 67.54 67.54 0 15.64 0.09 3.19 8.77 1.21

6 1 3 2.7 2.7 2.7 Lianhe

7 2 13 10.57 10.57 10.57

Yanting Lailong

Sub Total 3 16 27.38 13.27 13.27 11.98 0.75 1.03 0.35 Xinguang 9 2 9 18.25 17.6 17.6 0.47 0.18

1 1 4 5.96 5.96 3.69 2.27 2 2 9 11.71 11.3 11.3 0.41 Changzheng 7 1 3 2.01 2.01 2.01

Changzheng 4 16 20.85 19.27 17 2.27 0.41 1.17 1 4 17 15.79 15.6 15.6 0.19 2 2 7 12.75 4.01 1.31 2.70 8.65 0.09 3 4 16 10.36 10.36 10.36 4 7 28 30.79 30.42 30.42 0.37


6 3 14 8.34 8.2 8.20 0.14


Ziqiang 20 82 114.41 68.59 16.91 51.68 8.65 33.9 0.79 2.38 0.1


Baoshi Wuma 2 1 5 2.7 2.7 1.31 1.39

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-14 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County

Town Hamlet Village group

Affected household

Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Wuma 3 3 13 9.14 9.14 9.14 Sub Total 4 18 32.5 11.84 1.31 10.53 19.86 0.8

1 1 5 1.95 1.95 1.95 Hongwei

9 1 3 0.33 0.33 0.33 Sub Total 2 8 10.37 2.28 2.28 8.09

3 21 81 31.18 27.77 27.77 3.4 0.01 Changliang 4 12 49 20.99 19.8 19.80 1.13 0.06

Sub Total 33 130 72.82 47.57 47.57 4.53 17.36 0.07 2.2 1.09 2 2 7 7.09 6.97 6.97 0.12

Changping 3 7 27 16.14 16.14 10.63 5.51


Sub Total 9 34 35.17 23.11 10.63 12.48 0 10.65 0.12 1.22 0.07 2 1 5 1.84 1.84 0.53 1.31 3 4 17 11.2 11.2 11.20 6 1 4 3.63 3.63 3.63


7 1 4 0.6 0.6 0.60 Sub Total 7 30 36.6 16.74 16.74 19.46 0.4

Guta 1 2 8 13.07 6.34 0.16 6.18 6.16 0.57 2 6 19 14.47 14.47 14.47 3 2 6 6.54 6.54 6.54 Banzhu 4 4 9 9.83 9.19 0.1 9.09 0.64

Sub Total 12 34 69.96 30.2 0.1 30.1 0.64 39.12 Shengli 1 1 2 0.76 0.76 0.76

3 5 21 11.2 11.2 11.20 5 6 18 18.06 18.06 2.97 15.09



Tongxin 7 2 7 6.42 5.17 2.23 2.94 1.25

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-15 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

household Affected people

Total Sub Total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

Other Sub Total

Tongxin 8 1 3 3.37 2.87 2.87 0.5 Dingyuan

Sub Total 14 49 91.28 37.3 5.2 32.1 1.25 50.7 0.5 0.6 0.93 1 1 4 4.2 3.95 3.95 0.25 2 6 24 19.82 19.16 19.16 0.66 3 2 7 9.5 9.5 9.5


4 4 8 16.31 16.31 16.31 Sub Total 13 43 74.41 48.92 3.95 44.97 0.66 23.6 0.25 0.98

3 13 14.68 10.47 10.47 4.21 Gaofeng 5

5 21 16.41 16.37 16.37 0.04 Sub Total 8 34 71.42 26.84 26.84 4.21 40.33 0.04

5 2 6 8.56 8.27 8.27 0.29 6 1 4 1.81 1.81 1.81 7 2 7 7.75 7.75 6.37 1.38


8 2 6 7.6 7.6 1.37 6.23 Sub Total 7 23 41.35 25.43 17.82 7.61 15.8 0.12

1 1 3 3.19 3.19 2.39 0.8 7 1 4 5.56 5.56 5.56 8 2 7 10.8 10.8 10.8


9 3 12 13.15 13.15 13.15


Sub Total 7 26 49.34 32.7 2.39 30.31 8.17 2.89 3.61 1.77 0.2 Xinming 1 4 13 39.55 5.01 1.31 3.7 23.94 2.45 2.06 6.09

1 3 11 5.17 5.17 5.17 2 1 4 2.81 2.69 2.57 0.12 0.12 Xinsong 5 1 4 1.44 1.44 0.74 0.7



Sub Total 5 19 32.14 9.3 3.31 5.99 19.11 0.71 1.29 1.36 0.37

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-16 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet

Village group

Affected households

Affected people Total

Sub total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

other Sub total

5 1 5 7.5 0 0.41 7.09 Ma’an

6 8 31 25.19 21.54 19.71 1.83 0.5 3.15

Sub Total 9 36 32.69 21.54 19.71 1.83 0.00 0.91 10.2


1 2 9 5.34 2.65 1.41 1.24 2.69

2 10 39 40.47 20.94 1.26 19.68 11.43 8.10 Longjin

3 1 5 5.01 1.47 1.47 3.54


Sub Total 13 53 50.82 25.06 4.14 20.92 0.00 14.12 11.6


4 11 46 29.2 23.56 0.15 23.41 3.62 2.02

7 1 4 1.66 0 1.66

8 5 22 21.54 14.63 2.18 12.45 6.36 0.55 Jiulin

9 7 31 31.91 21.85 21.85 10.06

Sub Total 24 103 84.31 60.04 2.33 57.71 0.00 21.70 2.57

1 3 13 34.05 6.64 6.64 27.41 Yulong

7 13 43 69.65 33.22 33.22 32.22 4.21

Sub Total 16 56 103.7 39.86 39.86 0 59.63 4.21

2 11 41 22.46 22.46 22.46

3 9 34 16.18 15.77 15.77 0.41

4 6 23 11.52 11.52 11.52 Baocheng

7 12 43 21.94 21.94 21.94


Sub Total 38 141 72.1 71.69 71.69 0 0 0.41

1 3 13 20.51 10.69 10.69 9.82

2 2 7 30.93 5.02 5.02 25.91

3 1 3 50.94 0 50.94


HongRen Chang’an

9 4 13 20.92 12.38 12.38 8.54

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3-17 Statistics of Specific Village of Land Occupied by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Farmland Other County Town Hamlet Village

group Affected

households Affected people

Total Sub total

Paddy land

Dry land

Garden land

Wood land

Pool House site

Land for const.

other Waste land

Sub Total 10 36 123.3 28.09 28.09 0 95.21 0 1 1 4 4.59 0 4.59 3 2 8 21.5 7.77 7.77 13.73 7 1 3 1.63 0 1.63 8 3 14 19.75 10.71 10.71 8.25 0.79 9 8 29 41.2 24.37 24.37 2.47 5.55 8.81


10 1 4 8.57 0 8.57 Sub Total 16 62 97.24 42.85 42.85 2.47 42.32 9.6

Wuxing 2 12 51 42.83 32.89 32.89 9.75 0.19 2 13 41 42.17 40.76 8.91 31.85 1.41

Shuangxin 3 11 46 68.95 31.45 6.16 25.29 26.04 11.46

Sub Total 24 87 111.12 72.21 15.07 57.14 0.00 26.04 12.87

Zitong Hongren

Jinbao 2 35 134 97.25 86.6 86.6 1.96 8.28 0.41 Youxian Chaozhen Xiaogou 4 3 16 11.73 9.26 9.26 2.47

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 4 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project Table 4-1 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Area of house relocation (m2)




SHRSOH� 7RWDO� Brick-concrete Br ick-wood Ear th-wood Unsor ted housing


Yongshen Mingshui 6 25 3872.82 393.55 1291.03 2049.46 125.78 13

Yongshen Dujiagou 3 9 540.88 106.08 331.44 103.36

Yongshen Hongci 3 13 527.36 35.1 468.5 23.76

Yongshen Huanglian 1 3 141.84 141.84 0

Yongshen Hekou 1 6 307.71 307.71 0

Sub total 14 56 5390.61 736.36 1538.95 2849.4 252.9 13

Wudu Tianba 2 8 531.17 62.16 181.71 258.6 28.7

Wudu Xiangyang 3 10 533.07 216.18 91.72 148.11 13.5 63.56

Wudu Beiyi 1 4 173.54 116.52 51.07 5.95

Wudu Shuangnian 2 6 265.87 11.4 137.96 116.51

Sub total 8 28 1503.65 278.34 401.35 544.67 209.78 69.51

Shuanghe Niucaishi 3 10 527.78 209.2 39.64 146.88 105.66 26.4

Shuanghe Jiangjiagou 4 14 580.11 235 26.22 266.69 37.2 15

Shuanghe Dengjiagou 4 16 953.93 98.28 799.27 56.38

Sub total 11 40 2061.82 444.2 164.14 1212.84 199.24 41.4

Dong’an Wulongguan 3 8 300.91 300.91

Xinchun Yuanshan 1 6 280.74 280.74 0

Tongxin Puti 6 25 1208.08 810.26 102.36 229.54 65.92

Tongxin Baini 2 7 369.92 333 36.92

Tongxin Tongxin 1 5 245.44 197.94 47.5

Tongxin Gongqiao 8 36 1624.33 260.96 395.91 868.04 99.42

Sub total 17 73 3447.77 1404.22 498.27 1295.52 249.76 0


Zhonghua Shipin 3 13 475.02 31.2 235.87 156.47 51.48

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 4-2 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Area of house relocation (m2)




SHRSOH� 7RWDO� Brick-concrete Br ick-wood Ear th-wood Unsor ted housing


Chonghua Xinshun 1 5 574.08 210.82 227.24 113.1 22.92

Chonghua Pingqiao 3 14 724.36 170.28 107.59 433.57 12.92

Sub total 7 32 1773.46 412.3 570.7 703.14 87.32 0

Houba Xiangshui 3 16 620.35 480.18 132.67 7.5

Houba Longtan 2 8 371.97 176.55 195.42 0

Houba Shaofang 1 5 571.22 235.36 15.84 287.56 32.46

Sub total 6 29 1563.54 892.09 343.93 287.56 39.96 0

Shiniumiao Honglian 9 29 1719.5 419.3 889.6 410.6

Shiniumiao Dengta 5 20 1034.6 607.3 258.8 168.5

Shiniumiao Sanfeng 2 7 369.3 369.3

Sub total 16 56 3123.4 0 1026.6 1517.7 579.1 0

Heiping Huanshan 2 9 642.3 617.5 24.8

Heiping Qiaoba 1 4 203 203

Heiping Wenlin 3 9 458.98 438.5 20.48

Heiping Baoan 1 4 355.05 303.25 51.8

Sub total 5 17 1017.03 0 944.75 72.28 0 0

linnong Ai’guo 1 5 486.6 306.28 166.82 13.5

linnong Mengchun 1 5 260.99 226.37 28.86 5.76

Sub total 2 10 747.59 306.28 393.19 28.86 0 19.26

Sanyuan Bolin 2 7 275.62 250.09 22.01 3.52

Sanyuan Hongji 1 2 94.38 94.38

Sub total 3 9 370 0 344.47 22.01 0 3.52

Xize Tiansheng 2 9 784.93 718.59 66.34

Xize Shitan 5 20 856.49 111.84 702.74 28.8 13.11

Xize Chuanjingou 1 3 18.24 12.24 6

Sub total 8 32 1659.66 111.84 1433.57 95.14 0 19.11


Zonghai Yuyun 1 2 27.7 27.7

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 4-3 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Area of house relocation (m2) County Village Hamlet Affected household Affected

people Total Br ick-concrete Br ick-wood Ear th-wood Unsor ted housing Others

Zonghai Dali 1 3 25.5 25.5

Zonghai Xinjie 5 20 769.51 557.86 211.65

Zonghai Qianxi 1 4 121.84 21.42 100.42

Sub total 8 29 944.55 579.28 211.65 153.62 0 0

Gaodeng Longxiang 4 14 742.46 371.09 371.37

Gaodeng Qilin 4 14 521.24 374.65 146.59

Sub total 8 28 1263.7 371.09 374.65 517.96 0 0

Jinkong Qifeng 1 4 73.56 15.62 20.94 37

Jinkong Dalin 4 14 600.05 124.52 475.53

Jinkong Ziqiang 1 4 176.19 176.19

Jinkong Lingyan 4 16 766.07 135.33 557.14 66 7.6

Jinkong Ziyan 2 5 207.06 86.82 120.24

Sub total 12 43 1822.93 237.77 999.03 578.53 0 7.6

Longquan Lvhua 4 14 788.03 200.27 412.57 161.06 14.13

Longquan Shuanglong 1 4 189.1 50.8 138.3

Longquan Sifan 5 17 1046.8 560.25 486.55

Sub total 10 35 2023.93 200.27 1023.62 785.91 0 14.13

Daxin Gongyu 2 6 248.94 139.08 106.8 3.06

Daxin Guangyu 1 5 332.64 66.41 109.87 156.36

Sub total 3 11 581.58 205.49 216.67 156.36 0 3.06

Fuyi Bishan 4 13 977.37 170 364.15 394.47 48.75

Fuyi Gonghe 4 14 329.88 303.28 26.6

Fuyi Shenchan 1 5 414.16 28 360.32 25.84

Fuyi Qinshan 8 28 1099.06 522 577.06

Fuyi Tonggu 2 9 271.36 271.36

Fuyi Tuanjie 1 4 87.39 87.39

Fuyi Wuxing 0 0 12.42 12.42

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 4-4 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Area of house relocation (m2)




SHRSOH� 7RWDO� Brick-concrete Br ick-wood Ear th-wood Unsor ted housing


Fuyi Xinpin 2 9 600.63 82.08 468.15 45.9 4.5

Sub total 22 82 3792.27 280.08 2030.32 1428.62 0 53.25

Linshan Baoku 1 3 317.88 307.54 10.34

Linshan Qinqian 1 2 103.98 103.98

Sub total 2 5 421.86 0 411.52 0 0 10.34

Jianhe Yantai 1 3 158.8 147.2 11.6

Boxin Leyang 1 5 199.24 35.4 163.84

Boxin Tongxin 2 7 628.41 116.94 511.47

Boxin Sanyuan 1 4 256.68 242.8 13.88

Sub total 4 16 1084.33 35.4 280.78 754.27 0 13.88

Lailong Jinguan 4 16 701.701 691.661 10.04

Lailong Lianhe 2 10 454.54 449.94 4.6

Lailong Linlong 2 10 520.94 514.1 6.84

Lailong Malan 7 31 1937.2 593.6 1327.85 15.75

Sub total 15 67 3614.381 0 593.6 2983.551 0 37.23

Renhe Ai’guo 5 18 1755.06 94.81 1590.9 69.35

Renhe Xinming 7 18 1487.61 190.07 441.28 767.61 88.65

Renhe Xinsong 1 4 431.65 70.29 357.16 4.2

Sub total 13 40 3674.32 190.07 606.38 2715.67 0 162.2

Wenxin Guanghui 2 6 656.69 656.69

Wenxin Zhaoyao 1 3 80.4 80.4

Sub total 3 9 737.09 0 0 737.09 0 0

Ziqiang Xingguang 1 4 142 142

Ziqiang Ziqiang 14 53 2709.9 50.6 2459.2 200.1

Sub total 15 57 2851.9 0 50.6 2601.2 0 200.1

Baoshi Wuma 6 18 747.1 717.6 29.5


Baoshi Changliang 13 49 2621.7 2465.5 156.2

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 4-5 Statistics of House Relocation by Wudu Agr icultural I r r igation Project

Area of house relocation (m2)




SHRSOH� 7RWDO� Brick-concrete Br ick-wood

Ear th-wood

Unsor ted housing


Baoshi Cangpin 6 27 1302.3 1221.5 80.8

Subtotal 25 94 4671.1 0 0 4404.6 0 266.5

Dingyuan Baiyan 3 8 324.2 293.2 31

Dingyuan Tongxin 6 13 943.3 909.9 33.4

Subtotal 9 21 1267.5 0 0 1203.1 0 64.4

Hongren Jinbao 5 16 1105.69 405.64 329.63 353.07 17.35

Baiyun Baochen 3 14 280.61 17.1 263.51

Baiyun Jiulin 1 4 302.97 215.29 56.81 30.87

Subtotal 18 583.58 215.29 73.91 263.51 30.87 0


Chaozhen Xiaogou 2 10 762.56 42.35 624.77 95.44

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 5 Price list of BOQ of housing works Table 5-1 Price list of BOQ of brick-concrete housing works

Seismic fortification intensity of Level 6

Amount (Yuan) S/N No. Description

Unit of measurement

Quantities Comprehensive

unit price Total

1 10101001001 Ground leveling m2 107.1 10.71 1146.72

2 10101003002 Earth excavation for

foundation m3 94.08 14.81 1393.42

3 10102002003 Rock excavation m3 40.32 46.13 1860.04 4 10103001004 Earth (rock) backfilling m3 22.74 6.45 146.65 5 10101005005 Slit and quicksand excavation m3 112 4.34 486.09 6 10301001006 Brick foundation m3 71.05 313.65 22284.21 7 10302001007 Solid brick wall m3 135.14 370.8 50109.91 8 10306002008 Brick trench and open trench m 46 83 3818 9 10401001009 Shaped foundation m3 7.91 292.47 2313.44 10 10403001010 Foundation beam m3 7 325.59 2279.13 11 10403002011 Rectangular beam m3 1.1 328.86 361.75 12 10403005012 Lintel m3 2.64 353.51 933.27 13 10403004013 Ring beam m3 11.27 351.55 3961.97

14 10405008014 Canopy, cantilever slab and

balcony slab m3 2.05 389.08 797.61

15 10406001015 Straight stairs m2 14.4 93.12 1340.93 16 10405001016 Beam slab m3 27.3 348.47 9513.23 17 10407001017 Other components m3 8.71 337.1 2935.52

18 10416001018 Cast-in-situ component

reinforcement t 5.67 5153.53 29220.52

19 20101001019 Cement mortar flooring m2 120.2 12.09 1453.22 20 10702004020 Roof drain pipe m 27 41.01 1107.27 21 10702003021 Roof rigid waterproofing m2 120.2 22.07 2653.39 22 20101001022 Cement mortar flooring m2 176.6 12.09 2135.09 23 20106003023 Cement mortar flooring m2 14.4 47.26 680.54

24 20107001024 Metallic handrail, railing and

guard board m 10 83.01 830.1

25 20105001025 Cement mortar skirting m2 32.2 22.57 726.75

26 20202001026 General plastering of pillar

and beam m2 50 18.33 916.5

27 20201001027 General wall plastering m2 683 16.9 11544.2 28 20204003028 Piece material wall m2 95 59.69 5670.9 29 20301001029 Ceiling plastering m2 271.7 15.17 4120.92 30 20401001030 Paneling timber door Set 37.8 171.3 6475.25 31 20401009031 Wooden door frame Set 37.8 61.1 2307.74 32 20405001032 Wooden casement window Set 30 153.99 4619.68 33 20501001033 Door painting Set 37.8 17.94 678.25 34 20502001034 Window painting Set 52.4 16.82 881.45 35 20505001035 Mental surface painting t 0.2 175.66 35.13 36 20507001036 Coating spraying m2 9.8 4.95 48.53 37 30212001037 Electrical piping m 233 3.59 835.7 38 30212003038 Electrical wiring m 6574 1.12 7372.41 39 30204031039 Electronic accessories Nr.(set) 21 11.64 244.46

40 30213001040 General ceiling lamp and

other luminaries Set 21 6.52 136.93

41 30801005041 Plastic pipes (UPVC, PVC, PP-C, PP-R and PE pipes)

m 38 11.41 433.63

42 31009001042 Instrument and valve Nr. 3 12.91 38.74 43 30804016043 Tap faucet Nr. 4 1.51 6.02 44 30804017044 Floor drain Nr. 4 9.92 39.67 Total for BOQ pricing of sub-divisional works 190894.88

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Taxes (including business tax, tax for

maintaining and building cities and educational surtax)

3.25% 6204.08

In total 197098.96 Unit price of house m2 619.81

Table 5-2 Price list of BOQ of brick-wood housing works

Seismic fortification intensity of Level 6

Amount (Yuan) S/N No. Description

Unit of measurement Quantities

Comprehensive unit price Total

1 10101001001 Ground leveling m2 81.6 10.71 873.69

2 10101003002 Earth excavation for

foundation m3 38.6 14.81 571.7

3 10102002003 Rock excavation m3 17.6 46.13 811.92

4 10103001004 Earth (rock) backfilling

m3 22.6 6.45 145.75

5 10101005005 Slit and quicksand

excavation m3 45.6 4.34 197.91

6 10301001006 Brick foundation m3 42.84 313.65 13436.77 7 10302001007 Solid brick wall m3 50.28 370.8 18643.82

8 10306002008 Brick trench and open

trench m 48 83 3984

9 10502001009 Timber roof truss Nr. 0.9 2560.15 2304.14 10 10503001010 Wooden pillar m3 0.15 3052.34 457.85 11 10503002011 Wooden beam m3 4.6 2610.18 12006.82 12 10503003012 Wooden stairs m2 2.5 425.24 1063.09

13 10503004013 Other wooden components

m3�m� 7124.36

14 10701001014 Tile roofing m2 96 100.78 9674.67 15 20104002015 Bamboo flooring m2 72.5 37.88 2746.21

16 20201001016 General wall

plastering m2 237.4 16.9 4012.58

17 20401001017 Paneling timber door Set 10.6 171.3 1815.81

18 20405009018 Carved wooden

window Set 10.6 163.43 1732.32

19 20406010019 Special hardware Nr./set 6 5.29 31.74

20 20405001020 Wooden casement

window Set 16.8 153.99 2587.02

21 20401009021 Wooden door frame Set 10.6 61.05 647.15 22 20501001022 Door painting Set 10.6 17.94 190.2 23 20502001024 Window painting Set 16.8 16.82 282.6 24 20507001025 Coating spraying m2 237.4 4.95 1175.69 25 30204031026 Electronic accessories Nr.(set) 6 11.64 69.85

26 30213001027 General ceiling lamp and other luminaries

Set 6 6.52 39.12

27 30212003028 Electrical wiring m 92 1.12 103.17

28 30801005029 Plastic pipes (UPVC, PVC, PP-C, PP-R and

PE pipes) m 6 11.41 68.47

29 30804016030 Tap faucet Nr. 3 1.51 4.52

Total for BOQ pricing of sub-

divisional works 86802.93

Taxes (including business tax, tax for maintaining and building cities and

educational surtax) 3.25% 2821.1

In total 89624.03 Unit price of house 504.64

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 6 Questionnaire for public opinions and recommendations of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Questionnaire for public opinions and recommendations of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project

Location: Neighborhood committee/Village ____Street/Town ____District/County

Name: Age:____Sex:______Occupation:_____

Results S/N Question Answer (1

) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. What impact do you think Wudu Reservoir Project will bring about?

(1) Beneficial for agricultural irrigation (2) Beneficial for floods prevention (3) Beneficial for drinking water storage (4) Beneficial for nearby eco-environment improvement (5) Others (please fill in blank)

2. Do you know about the construction of Wudu Diversion Project?

(1) Very clear (2) Not very clear (3) Not clear

3. Do you approve the construction of this Project?

(1) Approval (2) Disapproval (3) No preference

4. a) Nation (1) Yes (2) No 1. b) Collectives (1) Yes (2) No


Do you think who can benefit from Wudu Diversion Project? (multiple choices)

c) Individuals (1) Yes (2) No


Which resettlement mode do you prefer if your land occupied by Wudu Diversion Project?

(1) Resettlement by monetary compensation (2) Resettlement by land adjustment (3) Resettlement by social safeguard (4) Others


Which resettlement mode do you prefer if your house needs to be relocated due to Wudu Diversion Project?

(1) Resettlement by monetary compensation (2) Scattered resettlement (3) Gathering in the resettlement area (4) No preference


What adverse impact do you think the land acquisition and house relocation of Wudu Diversion Project will bring about?

(1) No adverse impact (2) Transportation affected by the construction (3) Economic losses caused by house relocation (4) Incomes decrease due to land acquisition (5) Other adverse impacts

8. Do you know about the compensation policy for land acquisition and

(1) Very clear (2) Not very clear (3) Not clear

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II




Do you know that you can make complaints if your lawful rights and interests are infringed during the land acquisition and house relocation?

(1) Yes (2) No

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 7 Picture of Publicity of Resettlement Plan in Mianyang Daily

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Assessment Report on Overall Resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase


Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd.

October 2010

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



CONTENT OF WUDU DIVERSION AND IRRIGATION PROJECT  PHASE II ................................................................


IRRIGATION PROJECT PHASE II .................................................................................................................................


2.1 SCOPE AND IMPACT OF LAND ACQUISITION...................................................................................................... 2.2 SCOPE AND IMPACT OF HOUSE RELOCATION..................................................................................................... 2.3 OTHER AFFECTED TYPES................................................................................................................................. 2.4 AFFECTED POPULATION...................................................................................................................................

COMPENSATION STANDARD ..................................................................................................................................

3.1 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND YOUNG CROPS..................................... 3.2 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR TEMPORARY LAND ACQUISITION................................................................... 3.3 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR HOUSES......................................................................................................... 3.4 RELOCATION SUBSIDY..................................................................................................................................... 3.5 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR OTHER APPURTENANCES...............................................................................


4.1 RESETTLED OBJECTS AND PLANNING OBJECTIVES........................................................................................... 4.2 RESETTLEMENT PLANNING AND PRODUCTION RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF LAND ACQUISITION...........................

P             ................................................................................... P           ......................................................................................

4.3 HOUSE RELOCATION AND RESETTLEMENT....................................................................................................... 4.4 OTHER RESETTLEMENT................................................................................................................................... 4.5 POST-RESETTLEMENT SUPPORT POLICY...........................................................................................................

G           ........................................................................................ W           ........................................................................................

SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................

5.1 INVESTMENT BUDGET OF RESETTLEMENT....................................................................................................... P   .................................................................................................................................... C     ................................................................................................................................... B       .......................................................................................................................

5.2 ORGANIZATION SETTING-UP AND RELEVANT TRAINING ...................................................................................

ASSESSMENT REPORT OF CORRELATION OF WUDU DIVERSION AND IRRIGATION PROJECT  PHASE II AND WUDU AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION PROJECT OF SICHUAN ......................................................................................................

ATTACHMENT 1............................................................................................................................................................ ATTACHMENT 2............................................................................................................................................................ ATTACHMENT 3............................................................................................................................................................ ATTACHMENT 4............................................................................................................................................................


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


1 Content of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

1.1 Description of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II

Wudu Diversion Project is a large-scaled backbone water conservancy project integrating the comprehensive utilization functions of flood control, irrigation, power generation, industrial and domestic water supply in rural and urban areas, environmental protection and tourism in overall planning of West-to-East Water Diversion Project in Sichuan Province. Located in rolling terrain at “belly” of Sichuan Province, the project covers an irrigation areas: Longmen Mountain and Jianmen Mountain in the North, Qinggang River of Shehong County in the South, Fujiang River in the West, and Xihe River and Shengzhong irrigation area in the East, involving 4 cities and 9 counties (cities, and districts) such as Jiangyou City, Youxian District, Santai County, Yanting County, Zitong County in Mianyang City, Shehong County in Suining, Jian’ge County in Guangyuan City, and Nanbu County and Xichong County in Nanchong City.

Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II has a designed irrigation area of 1.0532 million mu, including Xizi Irrigation Area of 0.9037 million mu and direct irrigation area by Wudu Reservoir of 0.1495 million mu.The project belongs to Level II, mainly including ancillary canal works of Xizi Trunk Canal Works, Jinfeng Storage Reservoir and Xizi Irrigation Area, direct irrigation area by Wudu Reservoir, in which, Wudu Reservoir is the water source project of Wudu Diversion Project, commenced in 2004, scheduled to down the floodgate to retain water in 2010, and completed fully in 2011. The development tasks are farmland irrigation, rural and urban domestic and industrial water supply.

Dam site of Jinfeng Reservoir which located at the latter section of Xizi Trunk Canal is located at about 0.35 km of the upstream of infall of Wangjia Brook and Yuecun Brook which are in the upstream of branch of Xi River, Fengming River, 1.5 km northwest of Jin’an Township of Yanting County. Total storage capacity of the reservoir is 98 million m3, with normal water level of 475m, corresponding storage capacity of 96.8 million m3, effective storage capacity of 66.5 million m3, dead storage level of 445m�and dead storage capacity of 30 million m3. The inflow and outflow is 14.1m3/s and 16.5m3/s respectively. Total duration is 47 months.

Xizi Trunk Canal, the secondary canal of general trunk canals in Wudu Diversion Project, starts at Yuhuangguan (the end of general trunk canal) of Liya Town of Zitong County, and flows in to Xizi Irrigation Area through inverted siphons between the aqueduct in Dengjiawan of Hongren Township and north of Zitong County after flowing through the Longquansi Tunnel in Liya Town and Jiugenbo Aqueduct. Connected to Fenghuang Reservoir (its water source), it crosses Maming River through inverted siphons at Wangjiawan after flowing through Gaojiashan Tunnel, flows through Liujiashan Tunnel and Erdongqiao Aqueduct between Erdongqiao Township and Laoying Stone Aqueduct in Wenxingchang, flows into Nanbu County through Qingzishang Tunnel, and at last flows into Jinfeng Reservoir in Jin’an Township of Yanting county after flowing through Sanboya Tunnel, Qinglong Inverted Siphon in Guangzhong Township and Jinkouya Tunnel. Getting water from Jinfeng Reservoir, it goes through Changping Tunnel, Zhuangziwan Tunnel around the east of Bajiao Town, crosses Tangba Road through Limagou Aqueduct, flows through Mamashan Tunnel, and ends at Lishu Mountain, northwest of Jinkong Town of Yanting County, with a total length of 108.177 km, 61 tunnels (53.697 km long), 17 aqueducts (5.073 km long), 3 set of inverted siphons (2.827 km long) and open canals (46.579 km) between them. Flow rate at head and end of its trunk canal is 28.5 m3 /s and 12.5 m3/ s respectively, with 9 flow sections in total. A

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


reservoir is built at the latter section of its trunk canal. Total duration of Xizi Trunk Canal Works is 47 months.

Small and medium-sized key canal works in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II involve 17 canals, among which there are 1 trunk canal, 2 branch canals and 14 sub-branch canals, namely Left Branch Canal, Right Branch Canal, Yongchong Sub-branch Canal, Yongdong Sub-branch Canal in direct irrigation area by Wudu Reservoir, Jinlong Trunk Canal, Dabao Sub-branch Canal, Renbo Sub-branch Canal, Yuanshan Branch Canal, Guangzhong Sub-branch Canal, Fucheng Sub-branch Canal, Linma Sub-branch Canal, Jinxi Sub-branch Canal, Renxing Sub-branch Canal, Wenxing Sub-branch Canal, Gongzhe Sub-branch Canal, Shihei Sub-branch Canal and Huilong Sub-branch Canal in Xizi Irrigation Area. Total length of key canals is 349.70 km, and planning irrigation area of small and medium-sized key canal works is 874,400 mu. Total duration of small and medium-sized key canal works is 2 years for Jinlong Sub-branch Canal, and 1-1.5 years for other canals.

1.2 Description of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan The Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by World Bank Loans involves the first flow section (23 km) of Zitong River inverted siphon at the first section of Xizi Trunk Canal and 11 canals distributed in Jiangyou City, Yanting County and Zitong County. 11 canals total 254.187 km, 229.29 km in Mianyang, with a designed irrigation area of 800,700 mu in Mianyang. Among the 11 canals, Right Branch Canal, Yongchong Sub-branch Canal and Yongdong Sub-branch Canal are in small and medium-sized key canal works in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II. And Dabao Sub-branch Canal, Renbo Sub-branch Canal, Yuanshan Sub-branch Canal, Shihei Sub-branch Canal, Fucheng Sub-branch Canal, Linma Sub-branch Canal, Jinxi Sub-branch Canal and Jinlong Trunk Canal are in Xizi Irrigation Project.

1.3 Correlation of Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project of Sichuan and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II

Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan belongs to Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project�Phase II. Jinfeng Reservoir, located at the latter section of Xizi Trunk Canal, is a small and medium-sized key canal works in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II and direct intake of Xizi Trunk Canal as well. In the projects by WB loans, Right Branch Canal and Yongchong Sub-branch Canal take the small and medium-sizes key canals in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II as their intakes. Xizi Trunk Canal, the secondary canal of general trunk canals in Wudu Diversion Project, is taken as the intake for Jinlong Trunk Canal, Dabao Sub-branch Canal, Renbo Sub-branch Canal, Yuanshan Sub-branch Canal, Shihei Sub-branch Canal, Linma Sub-branch Canal, Fucheng Sub-branch Canal and Jinxi Sub-branch Canal in projects by WB loans. The following figure shows the distribution of those canals.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Figure 1 Sketch of irrigation areas in Wudu Diversion Project of Sichuan

Sketch of irrigation areas in Wudu Diversion Project of Sichuan

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


2 Affected material index of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation

Project, Phase II

2.1 Scope and impact of land acquisition 4 cities, 8 counties (cities and districts) and 59 townships such as Youshan District, Zitong County, Jiangyou City (a county-level city) of Mianyang City, Shehong County of Suining City, Jian’ge County of Guangyuan City and Nanbu County and Xichong County of Nanchong City are involved in the construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project Phase II.

The main material index of construction land acquisition is 20,768.67 mu of total land acquisition, including 14,283.27 mu of permanent land acquisition and 6,485.4 mu of temporary land acquisition. The Project has requisitioned (occupied) 11,328.13 mu of farmland, 251.78 mu of garden land, 7,085.96 mu of forest land, 325.44 mu of other grass land, 435.09 mu of residential area, 16.19 mu of special land area, 390.71 mu of land for transportation, 659.7 mu of water area and land for water conservancy facilities and 275.67 mu of other land. Refer to Table 1 for statistics of land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II.

Table 1 Statistics of land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Permanent land acquisition(mu) Temporary land acquisition (mu)

Jinfeng Reservoir Type of land acquisition Total

Subtotal Xizi

Trunk Canal Area to be

inundated Dam area

Key canal Subtotal

Xizi Trunk Canal

Jinfeng Reservoir

Key canal

Farm land 11328.13 7673.53 2528.13 2387.15 216.08 2542.17 3654.6 1832.24 66.36 1756

Garden land 251.78 229.18 49.72 179.46 22.6 22.6

Forest land 7085.96 4862.79 1799.28 835.49 211.48 2016.54 2223.17 625.74 144.23 1453.2

Grass land 325.44 247.74 9.81 170.04 13.51 54.38 77.7 41.4 36.3

Residential area 435.09 422.91 87.79 206.62 13.11 115.39 12.18 12.18

Special land area 16.19 13.39 13.39 2.8 2.8

Land for transportation 390.71 315.82 106.15 45.85 9.66 154 .16 74.89 17.26 1.13 56.5

Water area and land for water conservancy

facilities 659.7 284.34 24.46 215.47 21.59 22.82 375.36 367.11 8.25

Other land 275.67 233.57 8.37 171.06 14.24 39.9 42.1 6.02 7.88 28.2

Area of land 20768.67 14283.27 4627.09 4031.68 499.67 5124.83 6485.4 2863.35 269.25 3352.8

2.2 Scope and impact of house relocation In the scope of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II , 240,554 m2 of relocated houses, including 21,415.77 m2 of brick and concrete structures, 113,712.22 m2 of brick-wood structures, 89,050.5 m2 of earth-wood structures, 5,657.86 m2 of miscellaneous houses and 9,280.92 m2 of other houses, are involved.

2.3 Other affected types In the scope of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, 387,661 scattered trees and special items such as 1.71 km of classified

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


highways, 72.83 km of tractor roads, 106.97 pole/km of power transmission lines, 50.12 pole/km of communication lines, 48.97 pole/km of radio and television lines, 2 small-sized reservoirs and 1.10 km of natural gas pipelines, are affected. The following table shows the statistics.

Table 2 Statistics of infrastructure affected by Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Project description

Scattered tree ( Nr.)

Classified highway


Tractor road


Power transmission

and transformation



Radio and TV facility


Communication line(pole/km)

Small-sized reservoir�N


Natural gas pipeline


Xizi Trunk Canal

60453 1.07 25.75 16.76 8.47 1.05

Jinfeng Reservoir

101675 19.07 39.9 41.6 13.5 2

Key canals 225533 0.68 21.01 50.31 7.37 21.15 0.05

2.4 Affected population By planning target year, production resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II will have involved 6,732 persons, among which 2,138 persons are in Xizi Trunk Canal works, 2,523 in Key Canal works and 2,071 in Jinfeng Reservoir Project. And relocation resettlement will have involved 4,661 persons, among which 1,096 are in Xizi Trunk Canal works, 1,351 in Key Canal works and 2,214 in Jinfeng Reservoir Project. For summary of population for production resettlement and relocation resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, please refer to Table 3. For statistics of rural resettlers resettlement for relocation and construction for Wudu Reservoir, please refer to Table 1-3 in Appendix 1.

In the scope of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, 4,513 persons are involved, including agricultural population of 4,459(accounting for 98.80%) and non-agricultural population of 54(accounting for only 1.20%).Among the 4,513 persons involved in construction land acquisition, 521 ones are from Zitong County(accounting for 11.54%), 3,151 from Yanting County(accounting for 69.83%), 218 from Nanbu County(accounting for 4.83%), 10 from Youxian District(accounting for 0.22%), 182 from Shehong County(accounting for 4.03%), 314 from Jiangyou City(accounting for 6.96%), and 117 from Jian’ge County�accounting for 2.59%).Relocation population involved in construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II is mainly in Yanting County and mostly agricultural population.

Table 3 Summary of production resettlement and relocation resettlement tasks in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Population for production resettlement(person)

Population for relocation resettlement(person) Project

Base year Planning target year Base year Planning target year

Xizi Trunk Canal 2131 2138 1085 1096

Key canal 2522 2523 1351 1351

Jinfeng Reservoir 2033 2071 2077 2214

Total 6686 6732 4513 4661

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Note: population to be relocated in Jinfeng Reservoir Project in base year excludes that to be relocated beyond boundary line.

3 Compensation standard

3.1 Compensation standard for permanent land acquisition and young crops In accordance with Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, Implementation Methods of ‘Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’ in Sichuan Province and Regulations on Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement for Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects (decree of the State Council No. 471), and based on 2006-2008 annual bulletin on townships involved in Xizi Trunk Canal, and Jinfeng Storage Reservoir Project and small and medium-sized works, integrated output values of farmland in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II is determined to be 1,576 Yuan/mu. 10 times of land compensation fee and 6 times of resettlement subsidy are employed. Refer to Table 4 for compensation for each type of land. And refer to Table 5 for compensation for young crops on each type of land.

Table 4 Statistics of compensation standard for permanent land acquisition in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Land type Output value per mu Compensation fee for land

Compensation times

Farmland 1576 25216 10 times of land compensation fee, 6 times of resettlement subsidy, 16 times in total

Garden land 1576 25216 10 times of land compensation fee, 6 times of resettlement subsidy, 16 times in total

Fish pond 1576 25216 10 times of land compensation fee, 6 times of resettlement subsidy, 16 times in total

Forest land 1576 12608 Land compensation and resettlement subsidy is half of that of farmland.

Pit/pond 1576 12608 Land compensation and resettlement subsidy is half of that of farmland.

Land for water conservancy facilities

of farmland 1576 12608

Land compensation and resettlement subsidy is half of that of farmland.

Table 5 Statistics of compensation standard for young crops involved in permanent land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Land type Compensation

fee for land Compensation standard description

Timber forest land 4500

Bamboo forest land 3000

Immature timber reserve of 10-15m3 is applied, with average market price of various kinds of timber of about

450-500 Yuan/m3.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Bush land 2500 450-500 Yuan/m3.

Fruit garden land 5000

Mulberry land 4000

Farmland 1500

Compensation fee is 2 times of average annual output value of land in the latest 3 years

Fish pond 3000 Referring to similar Project in Sichuan

3.2 Compensation standard for temporary land acquisition In temporary land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, compensation for farmland and garden land is done according to its annual output value year by year. According to the Construction Organization Design, duration of Xizi Trunk Canal works is 3 years, so compensation standard for temporary land acquisition is 4,728 Yuan/mu. Duration of key canal works is 2 years on average, so compensation standard for temporary land acquisition is 3,152 Yuan/mu. Duration of Jinfeng Reservoir Project is 5 years, so compensation standard for temporary land acquisition is 7,880 Yuan/mu. Compensation is not available for stated-owned mudflat. The following table shows compensation for temporary land acquisition of each type of land.

Table 6 Statistics of compensation standard for temporary land acquisition in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Standard of land acquisition(Yuan/mu) Description

Xizi Trunk Canal Key canal Jinfeng Reservoir

Farmland and garden land 4728 3512 7880

Forest land 2364 1756 3940

Other grass land 2364 1756 3940

Raised path through field 2364 1756 3940

Bare land 2364 1756 3940

3.3 Compensation standard for houses Calculation of compensation standard is based on Construction Engineering Investment Estimate Manual, Frequently-used Data Manual of Cost Engineers, Manual for Construction Engineering Estimate (budget) Preparation, Sichuan Construction Engineering BOQ and Price Quota (2009)� Sichuan Engineering Cost Information�etc.. Cost composition is: replacement cost = direct cost of quota + composite cost. Taking no account of recycling of used materials, and based on the replacement cost in local area and requirement for seismic fortification of houses after earthquake, the compensation unit price for various kinds of houses and structure is calculated. The calculation of compensation for house covers foundations, wall bodies, roofs, floors, water supply and drainage pipelines, indoor lighting equipment, drainage ditches around houses, etc. Compensation standard for various kinds of houses after measurement and calculation is shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Statistics of compensation standard for house relocation in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Type of house Compensation unit price(Yuan/m2)

Seismic fortification


Brick and


Brick-wood structure

Wood structure

Earth-wood structure

Miscellaneous house


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


intensity concrete structure

Level 6 620 505 370 330 150 110

Level 7 630 525 370 330 150 110

Note: in scope of construction land acquisition of the Project, seismic fortification intensity of houses in townships in Jiangyou City and Youxian District, Liya Town, Hongren Township and Baiyun Town of Zitong County is Level 7, and others is Level 6.

3.4 Relocation subsidy Relocation subsidy refers to subsidy for the relocated and their materials in the aspect of transportation, accommodation, medicine, working loss, etc.

Local setback relocation and remote relocation within the county are employed in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II. After calculation, subsidy standard for rural resettlement is 550 Yuan/capita and 670 Yuan/capita for local setback relocation and remote relocation within the county respectively.

Table 8 Relocation subsidy for resettlers in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Standard of relocation subsidy Description Unit Local setback

relocation Remote relocation within the county

Transportation subsidy Yuan/capita 20 30

Accommodation fee during relocation

Yuan/capita 50 60

Transportation fee for material relocation

Yuan/capita 150 200

Relocation insurance fee Yuan/capita 30 30

Subsidy for material loss Yuan/capita 50 50

Subsidy for working loss Yuan/capita 250 300

Total Yuan/capita 550 670

3.5 Compensation standard for other appurtenances For statistics of compensation unit price of auxiliary buildings in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, please refer to Table 9.

Table 9 Statistics of compensation unit price of auxiliary buildings in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Item Unit Unit price

(Yuan) Item Unit

Unit price (Yuan)

Laundry desk Nr. 100 Ordinary kitchen

stove Nr. 150

Concrete m2 30 Kitchen stove

with ceramic tile Nr. 200

Mixture of soil, lime and sand

m2 15 Storage pool m3 100

Stone m2 20 Cupboard Nr. 100

Masonry Nr. 150 Water jar Nr. 100

Brick m2 35 Granary m3 120

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Stone m2 40 Planter m3 70

Earth m2 20 Stone mill Nr. 45

Ordinary well Nr. 500 Chopping board Nr. 80

Driven well Nr. 1000 Water tower Nr. 3000

Cellar Nr. 180 Tomb Nr. 500

Corral Nr. 300 Gateway Nr.

Latrine pit Nr. 100 Brick-concrete Nr. 400

Wood Nr. 130 Iron pipe m 10

Biogas digester Nr. 1500 Rubber tube m 8

Outdoor illuminating line m 9 Chimney Nr. 60

Satellite TV receiver Set 300 Fixed telephone Set 150

4 Reservoir resettlement standard of Wudu Diversion Project,

Phase II

4.1 Resettled objects and planning objectives According to the statistical yearbook of each involved county, construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II involves 8 counties (districts, cities) and 60 townships, including Youxian District, Zitong County, Yanting County, Shehong County, Jian’ge County, Nanbu County and Xichong County. According to statistics, Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II will have involved 4,937 persons whose houses are inundated (or occupied), 7,211 persons in production resettlement and 5,098 persons in relocation resettlement by the planning target year. Refer to Table 10 for summary of resettlement task in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II. In the scope of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, the resettlers are mainly from rural areas.

Table 10 Summary of production resettlement and relocation resettlement tasks in Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Population whose houses will be inundated or


Population for production


Population for

relocation resettlement S/

N Description Unit

Base year

Planning target


Base year

Planning target year

Planning target year

I Xizi Trunk Canal Person 1403 1413 3138 3159 1413

1 Permanent land acquisition

area Person 1173 1181 3138 3159 1181

2 Temporary land acquisition

area Person 230 232 / / 232

II Jinfeng Reservoir Project Person 2036 2064 1986 2013 2225

1 Reservoir Person 1893 1920 1802 1828 2027

2 Permanent land acquisition

area Person 130 131 184 185 185

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Population whose houses will be inundated or


Population for production


Population for

relocation resettlement S/

N Description Unit

Base year

Planning target


Base year

Planning target year

Planning target year

3 Temporary land acquisition

area Person 13 13 / / 13

III Small and medium-sized project in irrigation areas

Person 1450 1460 2025 2039 1460

1 Permanent land acquisition

area Person 1450 1460 2025 2039 1460

Total Person 4889 4937 7149 7211 5098

4.2 Resettlement planning and production resettlement plan of land acquisition

4.2.1 Planning and design principle of rural resettlement

Planning and design principle of rural resettlement shall be prepared in accordance with current resettlement policies and regulations of PRC and Sichuan province, with practical situation of areas involved in resettlement of land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II taken into consideration.

z��Xizi Trunk Canal and small and medium-sized key canal works

1) Land oriented principle. In rural resettlement, the “agricultural resettlement first, land oriented” principle shall be adhered to. Improving planting proportion of cash crops and guiding the resettlers to develop characteristic agriculture shall be carried out through developing available land resources, adjusting structures of agricultural production, changing planting pattern and promoting the planting of high quality crops. On the basis of self-support of grain production, breeding shall be developed and working in other cities shall be encouraged with practical situation taken into consideration. In addition, production and living standard of the resettled shall be maintained the same as or above the original standard, creating conditions for long-term economic development in land acquisition areas and resettlement areas and improvement of production and life conditions of the relocated.

2) Principle of being comprehensive and equal. In terms of quantity and quality of farmland after resettlement, residents with and beyond the construction land acquisition areas shall have equal rights.

3) Principle of mainly employing local setback resettlement. According to distribution of material indexes of construction land acquisition of the Project, local setback resettlement in the original villages is applied in Xizi Trunk Canal Words and key canal works.

4) Principle of proper layout of resettlement sites and saving land Layout of residential sites in resettlement sites shall be favorable to production and convenient living. And land saving shall be applied. Area of farmland acquisition shall be minimized as much as possible. Where farmland acquisition is inevitable, farmland of lower quality shall be considered first.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


5) Principle of providing infrastructure economically and rationally. Infrastructures, such as water supply, power supply, transportation, culture, education, sanitation, radio and postal and telecommunications services, shall be provided to resettlement sites according to situation of construction land acquisition area economically and rationally.

z��Jinfeng Reservoir Project

Land oriented principle. Resettlement shall be done according to per capita area of farmland after land adjustment of resettlement areas. In rural resettlement, the “agricultural resettlement first, land oriented” principle shall be adhered to. Improving planting proportion of cash crops and guiding the resettlers to develop characteristic agriculture shall be carried out through developing available land resources, adjusting structures of agricultural production, changing planting pattern and promoting the planting of high quality crops. On the basis of self-support of grain production, breeding shall be developed and working in other cities shall be encouraged with practical situation taken into consideration. The relocated shall be resettled properly in multiple channels, industries, forms and ways. In addition, production and living standard of the resettled shall be maintained the same as or above the original standard, creating conditions for long-term economic development in land acquisition areas and resettlement areas and improvement of production and life conditions of the relocated.

2) Principle of sustainable development. Resettlement shall be combined with construction of construction land acquisition area and resettlement area, resource development, environment protection and treatment and economic development. Social and ecological benefits shall be taken into consideration. While not decreasing original production and living level of the resettlers is focused on, environmental capacity, resettlement and resettlement benefits shall be combined together to facilitate sustainable development of social economy of construction land acquisition area and resettlement area, and virtuous circle of regional ecological environment.

3) Principle of development-oriented resettlement. Principle of “development-oriented resettlement” shall be carried out in the resettlement plan, combined by compensation and subsidy at early stage and support at latter stage. Relations among the State, collective, individuals shall be carefully handled, so shall that between the short term and the long term, between the necessary and the possible. With the reasonable compensation by the State, resettlers are encouraged to exert themselves to reconstruct the homeland.

4) Principle of being comprehensive and equal. In the analysis of resettlement environmental capacity and preparation of resettlement plan, not only the conditions of natural resources, economic level and planning of economy development, but also the degree of impact on host residents in resettlement area (including impact on means of production, income level, psychology, etc.) shall be considered. In combination with production of resettlers and living methods, method of integrating qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis shall be applied. In terms of quantity and quality of farmland after resettlement, resettlers and host residents in resettlement area shall have equal rights. And equal impact on each resettlement site within the resettlement area shall be considered.

5) Principle of mainly employing remote relocation to irrigation areas. During resettlement, opinions of resettlers and host residents in resettlement areas shall

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


be respected fully, with the method of resettlement in irrigation areas first and combining other production resettlement employed.

6) Principle of proper layout of resettlement sites and saving land Layout of residential sites in resettlement sites shall be favorable to production and convenient living. And land saving shall be applied. Area of farmland acquisition shall be minimized as much as possible. Where farmland acquisition is inevitable, farmland of lower quality shall be considered first. The new built residential sites for the resettlers shall be far away from area to be inundated, landslide areas, sloughing bank areas, etc.

7) Principle of providing infrastructure economically and rationally. Infrastructures, such as water supply, power supply, transportation, culture, education, sanitation, radio and postal and telecommunications services, shall be provided to resettlement sites according to situation of construction land acquisition area and specific conditions of resettlement sites economically and rationally.

4.2.2 Production resettlement plan of land acquisition

� Xizi Trunk Canal and small and medium-sized key canal works

According to analysis results of income composition, planting is one of the main income resources of resettlers. In order to maintain the level of resettlers’ production and living, standard of land adjustment resettlement shall not be less than 90% o f the original per capita area of farmland. For groups where per capita area of farmland is relatively larger, the proportion can be raised properly, but not to be more than 80% to avoid impact on production and living of non-resettlers. Standard of agricultural production resettlement for Xizi Trunk Canal is determined to be 0.55�1.87 mu/person, and key canal to be 0.32�2.25 mu/person through calculation. For population involved in production resettlement of construction land acquisition of Xizi Trunk Canal, it is proposed to be resettled locally and setback with land adjustment. With respect to small and medium-sized key canal works, it is proposed to be resettled locally and setback with land adjustment. For statistics of production resettlement population of each village, please refer to Table 4 and Table 5 in Appendix 2.

� Jinfeng Reservoir Project

Resettlement is done according to per capita area of farmland after land adjustment of resettlement areas. In general, area of land adjustment of resettlement area shall not be more than 10% of the total area of farmland in the villages and groups. For groups where per capita area of farmland is relatively larger, the proportion can be raised properly, but not be more than 20% to avoid impact on production and living of host residents in resettlement areas. Standard of agricultural production resettlement for Jinfeng Reservoir Project is determined to be 0.50�1.59 mu/person through calculation. For population involved in production resettlement of Jinfeng Reservoir Project, some villages are proposed to be resettled locally setback with land adjustment, and the rest counties to be resettled remotely in the irrigation areas with land adjustment. For statistics of production resettlement population of each village, please refer to Table 6 in Appendix 2.

4.3 House relocation and resettlement

Relocation resettlement is carried out in combination with production resettlement, with both centralized resettlement and decentralized resettlement. After calculation, by planning target year, population involved in relocation resettlement of Wudu Diversion

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


and Irrigation Project, Phase II will have been 4,661, among which 168 are in centralized resettlement and 4,493 in decentralized resettlement. By planning target year, 503.19 mu of land acquisition is needed for new buildings in resettlement area.

Standard of house relocation and resettlement of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II is in accordance with Standard for Planning of Town (GB50188-2007) and Article 52 on rural housing land of Implementation Method of ‘Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’ in Sichuan Province. And practical situation of resettlement area is also considered. Construction land per capita is 70 m2, including housing land, land for transportation and public facilities, etc. Standard for per capita housing land is in accordance with Article 55 on rural housing land of Implementation Method of ‘Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China’ in Sichuan Province. Standard of resettlement land for resettlers’ building houses is 30 m2 per capita, with 90m2/household for households with less than 3 members and 150m2/household for households with more than 5 members. It is estimated that investment for infrastructure of 3 centralized resettlement sites totals 1,376,800 Yuan, i.e. 8,195 Yuan per capita. Quantities of works, such as site leveling, foundation treatment, water supply and drainage, power supply and environmental hygiene, and per capita infrastructure investment of decentralized resettlement sites are determined by referring to design results of centralized resettlement sites. And housed in decentralized resettlement sites are 2-storey brick and concrete structures, which are along the roads and 2-3m setback. House type is determined by referring to design results of centralized resettlement sites.

Relocation resettlement is carried out in combination with production resettlement, with both centralized resettlement and decentralized resettlement. Based on opinions of local government, resettlers and host residents in resettlement areas, rural resettlement plan of the Project is identified to be as follows:

z�For Xizi Trunk Canal and key canal works, local setback resettlement in the original village is applied, with decentralized house building by resettlers themselves. And the relocation resettlement involves 1,096 persons.

z�For Jinfeng Reservoir Project, remote relocation within the county mostly and local setback relocation for some is applied, with both centralized resettlement and decentralized resettlement. 2,214 persons are involved in relocation resettlement of the Project, with both remote relocation within the county and local setback relocation. Among them, 168 are involved in centralized house building and 2,046 in decentralized house building. Based on analysis and calculation of environment capacity, production resettlement plan and opinions of local government and residents in resettlement areas, 3 centralized resettlement sites are selected as centralized resettlement sites, including group 6 Linyuan Village Linshan Township, Group 3 Shangle Village Huangdian Town and Group 5 Zhonghe Village Linnong Township. Population relocated and resettled is 168, in which 58 are from Group 6 Liyuan Village Linshan Township, 50 from Group 5 Zhonghe Village Linnong Town and 60 from Group 3 Changle Village Huangdian Town. Detail statistics of resettlement of each village are shown in Table 7 of Appendix 3, and statistics of centralized resettlement in Table 8 of Appendix 3.

z�Relocation resettlement planning of construction land acquisition of small and medium-sizes canal works is combined with production resettlement planning, with local setback resettlement and decentralized and self house building. 1,351 persons are involved in resettlement of key canal works.

The following table shows resettlement population and pattern of all project.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 11 Summary of resettlement plan of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II

Pattern of relocation resettlement

Decentralized resettlement

Centralized resettlement Description Relocation resettlement

Population Location Population Location

Xizi Trunk Canal works

1096 1096 The

original village

Key canal works 1351 1351 The

original village

58 Group 6, Linyuan Village, Lishan

Township 1936

Irrigation area

50 Group 5, Zhonghe Village, Linnong

Town Jinfeng Reservoir 2214

110 The

original village

60 Group 3, Changle

Village, Huangdian Town

Total 4661 4493 168

4.4 Other resettlement Based on the resettlement need of project, resettlement channels shall be extended in order to reduce demand for the limited land resources in resettlement areas, ensure to obtain land as much and possible and leave space for future development. With related national policies and on the basis of fully respecting willingness of resettlers, depending on oneself, finding a job by oneself, turn to one’s relatives or friends and old-age security can be applied to some resettlers.

z�� Old-age security

According to policy of old-age security for Sichuan resettlers, resettlers who enjoy old-age security in Jinfeng Reservoir Project are those who will be 60 years old for male and 55 years old for female by the year of 2014.According to population investigation and checking results of each village involved in construction land acquisition by Joint Investigation Group of Material Indexes , 403(including 169 males and 234 females) persons will be 60 years old for males and 55 years old for females by the planning target year of 2014.According to the investigation of willingness of resettlers, 78% resettlers who meet the requirements of old-age security are willing to accept this resettlement. Therefore, resettlement capacity of old-age security in the Project is 314 persons.Resettlement standard is determined in accordance with Notice on Related Issues in Resettlement Policies of Large and Medium-sized Hydropower Projects (CFGNY[2008]No. 722), with 190 Yuan/capita.

z�Depending on oneself and finding a job by oneself

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement fee, composed of land adjustment fee and fee for ancillary infrastructure of production resettlement, is determined by index of per capita cost of agricultural production resettlement in accordance with planning results of production resettlement.

1) Depending on oneself

After investigation, it is learned that most of the resettlers in Jinfeng Reservoir Project are engaged in the secondary and tertiary industries, with stable source of income. Investigation of resettlers’ willingness shows that 20.22� investigated resettlers who meet the requirements of depending on oneself are willing to accept this type of resettlement. After calculation, resettlement capacity for depending on oneself is 418.

2) Finding a job by oneself

Investigation of resettlers’ willingness shows that 8.55� investigated resettlers who meet the requirements of finding a job by oneself are willing to accept this type of resettlement. After calculation, resettlement capacity for finding a job by oneself is 177.

z�Turning to relatives and friends

Investigation of resettlers’ willingness shows that 0.78� investigated resettlers select this type of resettlement. After calculation, resettlement capacity for turning to relatives and friends is 15.

z�Training on production development and others

3) Training on production skills

Resettlement offices in each place are responsible for providing various kinds of training. On one hand, they shall provide new technique and knowledge in planting and breeding to resettlers; on the other hand, they shall providing various kinds of skill training, with the purpose of making them both learn modern agricultural technique and be familiar with other ways to obtain an early prosperity.

Training on production skills mainly includes: changing planting pattern, improving planting technique, implementing scientific planting to improve output and efficiency of farmland, learning rice seed production, greenhouse vegetable planting and soil testing and formulated fertilization; study planting and management technique on trees of high quality selecting, seedlings growing, seeds cultivating and grafting of fruit trees, pest controlling, and refreshing, storage and transportation of fruits; learning to plant and manage new mulberry trees and breed silkworms of high quality, and learning integrated silkworm and mulberry ancillary technology and pest controlling technology.

Training is mainly carried out in the way of short term and on-site guidance and demonstration, with applicable agricultural technology, fruit tree planting, silkworm and mulberry breeding and management, popular science education, etc.

4) Adjusting structure of production

With Some Issues on Current Adjusting Structure of Agricultural Production from Ministry of Agriculture of PRC implemented, structure of agricultural production shall be adjusted, and planting pattern shall be changed in order to improve proportion of cash crops and guide resettlers to develop characteristic

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


agriculture. With regard to planting, grain planting focuses on high-quality grain and cash crops such as oil plants, medicinal materials, cotton and high-quality fruit. And in respect of breeding, great efforts shall be made to the development of meat, eggs, poultry and fish. Channels for planting and breeding shall be extended for higher Farming efficiency and more output and income.

5) Strengthening construction of agricultural infrastructure

Strengthening construction of agricultural infrastructure and improving ancillary agricultural facilities are key to high and stable yields irrespective of drought or water logging. The Project plans to conserve water and soil through mechanical control measures, land leveling and irrigation channels and banks building. The Project also plans to improve drought resistance and soil fertility through improvement of farmland with middle-low yields and thickening of soil layers. Construction of water conservancy facilities, ancillary irrigation canals for water diversion and drainage shall be conducted according to local conditions in order to ensure smoothly irrigation and drainage and high yields irrespective of drought or water logging. For area for cash crops such as vegetable land and garden land, sprinkler irrigation shall be applied or developed with the aim of water-saving agriculture to improve grain yields and make up for land decrease due to construction of the Project. Living standard of resettlers shall be maintained to be the same as that of non-resettlers.

6) Cultivating soil fertility

For land which is exchanged with resettlement area, cultivation of soil fertility can be applied in order to improve its yields and ensure income of resettlers.

4.5 Post-resettlement support policy 4.5.1 Goals and objects of post-resettlement support

Short-term goal of post-resettlement support is to maintain living standard of resettlers and solve their basic subsistence problems and outstanding problems of weak infrastructure in reservoir area and resettlement area through post-resettlement support. Medium and long-term goals is to strengthen construction of infrastructure in reservoir area and resettlement area, construction of ecological environment and industry support, to improving production and living conditions of resettlers, to improve development level of economy and resettlers’ income and to improve living standard of resettlers gradually.

Scope and objects of post-resettlement support of the Project are agricultural resettlers involved in construction land acquisition of Jinfeng Reservoir. Rural-to-urban resettlers dose not enjoy post-resettlement support.

In case of any of the following situation during post-resettlement support period, support objects will not enjoy it any longer.

Where support objects are employed by state organs and institutions, support objects who are soldiers in active service (including armed police) are made cadres, and those who have stable income sources after graduation from junior colleges and technical secondary schools.

Where support objects become non-agricultural residents after production resettlement.

Where support objects die during post-resettlement support.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Where support objects are serving a prison sentence (excluding probation).

Based of the principle of “localized management, county-based” , and with project as the unit, registering of objects of post-resettlement support is done by people's government at the county level in the way of checking number of resettlers of each work at the household level first, checking and summarizing level by level and then submitting to government at the province level for approval.

4.5.2 Way and duration of post-resettlement support

According to the implementation of post-resettlement support for resettlers of Jinfeng Reservoir, and on the basis of fully respecting opinions and willingness of resettlers, support funds that can be given to them directly will be done directly as much as possible for supporting their production and living. Project support can also be implemented to solve outstanding problems in resettlers’ production and living. What’ more, the above two ways can be implemented together. Specific way will be determined by local people's governments at various levels with fully respecting resettlers’ willingness.

For rural residents who are in the scope of post-resettlement support and approved and registered, support standard is 50 Yuan per capita per month. Support funds are available from the first month after resettlement is finished, with duration of 20 years.

5 Supervision and management of project implementation

5.1 Investment budget of resettlement 5.1.1 Project composition

According to practical situation of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, investment projects of compensation for resettlers in construction land acquisition are divided into rural parts, special projects, clearance of bottom of Jinfeng Reservoir, etc.

Rural parts include acquisition and occupation of land, relocation of houses and auxiliary buildings, treatment of agricultural and sideline facilities, construction of infrastructure in residential sites and treatment of small-sized water conservancy facilities.

Special projects include transportation project, power transmission and transformation, telecommunication, radio and television, water conservancy and hydropower, pipeline project, etc.

Clearance of bottom of Jinfeng Reservoir includes clearance of buildings (structures), hygiene, trees, etc.

5.1.2 Classification of cost

According to practical situation of construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II, investment estimate of compensation for resettlers in construction land acquisition includes compensation in rural parts, compensation in special projects, clearance cost of bottom of reservoir, other cost, reserve cost and relevant tax.

Compensation in rural parts includes land compensation and resettlement subsidy, compensation for houses and auxiliary buildings, compensation for agricultural and sideline facilities, compensation for cultural and educational institutions, construction fee of infrastructure in residential sites, compensation for small-sized water conservancy and hydropower facilities, transportation cost of relocation, compensation for scattered fruit

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


trees, other compensation and subsidy, compensation for relocated population beyond boundary line, additional cost of production resettlement, etc.

Compensation of recovery and reconstruction in special projects includes compensation for traffic facilities, power transmission and transformation facilities, telecommunication facilities, radio and television facilities, water conservancy project and pipeline project, etc.

Clearance cost of bottom of reservoir includes clearance cost of buildings (structures), hygiene, trees, etc.

Other cost includes preliminary project cost, cost of survey and design and research, implementation and management cost, organization cost, technical training cost, supervision and evaluation cost, consulting cost of implementation agency, etc.

Reserve cost includes cost such as basic reserve cost.

Relevant tax includes tax of farmland occupation, farmland reclamation cost, forest vegetation recovery cost, etc.

5.1.3 Budget of resettlement cost

Total investment of compensation for resettlers involved in construction land acquisition of Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II is 1,033,686,600 Yuan, with 296,814,900 Yuan for compensation for land acquisition of Xizi Trunk Canal works, 409,502,200 Yuan for compensation for area to be inundated by and land acquisition of Jinfeng Reservoir Project, and 327,369,500 Yuan in small and medium-sized key canal works. For compensation budget of area to be inundated by Wudu Reservoir, please refer to Table 9 of Appendix 4.

5.2 Organization setting-up and relevant training Standardization of resettlement implementation and management is guarantee of smooth resettlement. Therefore, resettlement management organizations need to be set up and improved for sound resettlement management mechanism. And responsibilities and roles of resettlement organizations at all levels shall be identified according to current management mode of PRC and Sichuan Province. At present, resettlement organizations have been set up in all the counties involved in construction land acquisition. And it is suggested that resettlement organizations guide and supervise resettlement under the leadership of people’s governments of all districts and counties. People’s governments of townships and resettlement organizations involved in construction land acquisition and resettlement area shall be in charge of resettlement in the townships, and assign the resettlement tasks to individuals, with level-by-level responsibilities and close cooperation. All the parties concerned include People’s Government of Mianyang City, People’s Government of Nanchong City, People’s Government of Suining City, People’s Government of Guangyuan City, resettlement offices of the above cities, People’s Government of Yanting County, People’s Government of Zitong County, People’s Government of Youxian District, People’s Government of Jiangyou City, People’s Government of Nanbu County, People’s Government of Xichong County, People’s Government of Shehong County, People's Government of Jian’ge County, and resettlement offices, land and resources bureaus, forestry bureaus, water conservancy bureaus, telecommunication offices, traffic bureaus, electric power bureaus, radio and television administrations and Wudu Diversion Project administration offices in all the above counties.

Training for resettlement management personnel is very important to implementation of resettlement plan. Because of the large quantity and complexity of resettlement implementation, and policies, technologies, and publics needed in its management,

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


training for resettlement management shall be strengthened for smooth resettlement tasks. Training includes resettlement planning, project management, financial management, project monitoring, information management system, etc.

6 Assessment report of correlation of Wudu Diversion and

Irrigation Project, Phase II and Wudu Agricultural Irrigation

Project of Sichuan

Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB Loans of Sichuan belongs to Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II. The 12 sub-branch canals in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project will be connected to Xizi Trunk Canal and small and medium-sized key canals to be taken as intakes.

Land acquisition and resettlement planning for construction of Wudu Reservoir Project, Phase II shall strictly comply with related laws and regulations and resettlement policies, in strict accordance with Regulations on Land Requisition and Resettlement for Construction of Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects, and implement the policy of “development resettlement”; through earlier full and detailed substance survey, efforts are made in compensations of index in kind for the relocated, production and development planning and construction of resettlement spots, all infrastructures construction, such that the living conditions are greatly improved relative to the original residential areas, incomes of the relocated will decrease to a certain extent in the short term, but their incomes will be restored gradually and exceed their prior ones with the overall ancillary production facilities in place and gradually yielding economic returns. In terms of resettlement, by combined method of pre-compensation, subsidy and post-support, local resources available are exploited rationally, the relocated are resettled properly in multiple channels, industries, forms and ways, so that there is a way out in production of the relocated, their life is guaranteed, and their production and life reach or exceed the prior levels, creating conditions for long-term economic development in land acquisition areas for construction and resettlement areas and improvement of production and life conditions of the relocated.

In conclusion, for Wudu Reservoir Project, Phase II, the compensation standard, resettlement, post-resettlement support policies, etc. are consistent with those in Wudu Agricultural Irrigation Project by WB LOANS of Sichuan, and meet the requirements of the World Bank on resettlement of large and medium-sized reservoirs. With clear organizations and definite responsibilities, all resettlements during the project construction are monitored well, ensuring the successful proceeding of resettlement.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 1 Table 1 Statistics of Production Resettlement of Xizi Trunk Canal


















Xiaogou 954 1230 1.29 11.37 9 9 Chaozhen

Sub total 954 1230 1.29 11.37 9 10 Youxian

Total 954 1230 1.29 11.37 9 10

Longjin 945 1096 1.16 26.92 24 24

Ma’AN 1552 2298 1.48 17.21 12 12

Lanhua 1271 1900 1.49 Liya

Sub total 3768 5294 1.4 44.13 36 36

Baochen 1323 1482 1.12 93.99 84 84

Qiulin 1352 1492 1.1 69.95 64 64

Yulong 1173 1416 1.21 54.65 46 46 Baiyun

Sub total 3848 4390 1.14 218.59 194 194

Chang’an 1218 1571 1.29 66.07 52 52

Gaopo 1204 2107 1.75 75.08 43 43

Jinbao 1364 1370 1 64.74 65 65

Shuangjin 602 883 1.47 81.08 56 56

Wuxing 1646 2020 1.23 21.02 18 18


Sub total 6034 7951 1.32 307.99 234 234

Changlin 490 425 0.87 6.92 8 8

Lianzhi 1623 988 0.61 8.66 15 15

Mingshen 1743 1922 1.1 69.24 63 63

Dongfeng 1250 1906 1.52 5.41 4 4

Boya 1083 737 0.68 1.73 3 3


Sub total 6189 5978 0.97 91.96 93 93

Fengquan 585 843 1.44 4.58 4 4 Maming

Sub total 585 843 1.44 4.58 4 4

Liming 879 1791 2.04 62.98 31 31

Xingguang 1170 2073 1.77 288.55 164 165 Ziqiang

Sub total 2049 3864 1.89 351.53 195 196

Daqiao 552 877 1.59 18.85 12 12

Hongnong 501 782 1.56 34.58 23 23

Shuanghe 505 947 1.88 20.97 12 12 Er’dong

Sub total 1558 2606 1.67 74.4 47 47

Guanghui 859 1483 1.73 22.35 13 13

Huohua 1017 1617 1.59 43.93 28 28

Rongyao 705 1240 1.76 66.19 38 38 Wenxin

Sub total 2581 4340 1.68 132.47 79 79

Qinyun 824 1583 1.92 2.03 2 2



Yuanbao 903 1394 1.54 42.98 28 28

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Longquan 1357 2524 1.86 1.08 1 1

Chongyang 796 1658 2.08 49.18 24 24

Sub total 3880 7159 1.85 95.27 55 55

Total 30492 42425 1.39 1320.92 937 938

Hualong 1412 1065 0.75 25.85 35 35

Jinfeng 1048 728 0.69 11.25 17 17

Gaofeng 1989 1058 0.53

Baota 1586 1469 0.93 5.31 6 6


Sub total 6035 4320 0.72 42.41 58 58

Heping 1402 1486 1.06 64.84 62 63

Xiaozhuang 1237 1317 1.06 49.6 47 47

Yuanshan 1363 1748 1.28 35.29 28 28

Gonghe 1123 1036 0.92 44.39 49 49


Sub total 5125 5587 1.09 194.12 186 187

Shihe 1000 1290 1.29 27.79 22 22

Shufang 882 1008 1.14 9.29 9 9 Linnong

Sub total 1882 2298 1.22 37.08 31 31

Wanlin 1317 1139 0.86 25.49 30 30

Renming 1535 1473 0.96 1.92 3 3

Tianxing 1581 1479 0.94 86.51 93 94 Bajiao

Sub total 4433 4091 0.92 113.92 126 127

Taohua 1394 1707 1.22 36.38 30 30

Xixin 1936 2164 1.12 24.32 22 22 Juxi

Sub total 3330 3871 1.16 60.7 52 52

Anfoshidao 542 550 1.01 20.1 20 20

Fenghuang 1042 872 0.84 15.18 19 19 Xize

Sub total 1584 1422 0.9 35.28 39 39

Lingyan 1029 1213 1.18 1.32 2 2 Jinkong

Sub total 1029 1213 1.18 1.32 2 2

Honglian 1309 1609 1.23 93.85 77 78 Niushimiao

Sub total 1309 1609 1.23 93.85 77 78


Sub total 24727 24411 0.99 578.68 571 574

Wuxing 1550 1965 1.27 139.97 111 112

Ai’guo 1342 1849 1.38 73.74 54 54

Changting 1060 1022.5 0.96 63.11 66 66

Jinxin 1158 1191.2 1.03 274.72 267 268

Qunfeng 920 1109 1.21 39.3 33 33


Sub total 6030 7136.7 1.18 590.84 531 533

Hejiagou 584 519 0.89 43.88 50 50

Zhaojiazui 1080 896 0.83 11.13 14 14 Shuangfo

Sub total 1664 1415 0.85 55.01 64 64

Zhonghe 1368 1524 1.11 21.04 19 19 Guangzhong

Sub total 1368 1524 1.11 21.04 19 19


Sub total 9062 10075.7 1.11 666.89 614 616

Total 63235 78141.7 1.2 2577.86 2131 2138

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2 Statistics of Production Resettlement of Key Canal

















4LDRKH� 907 788 0.87 0.31

/YKXD� 360 272 0.76 0.81 1 1

6KXDQJORQJ� 1401 1499 1.07 11.36 11 11

6LIDQ� 460 386 0.84 4.5 5 5


/XKXD� 568 667 1.17 14.33 12 12

6XE�7RWDO� 3696 3612 0.98 31.31 29 29

4LOLQJ� 1582 1565 0.99 43.55 44 44

*DRKXD� 1469 1370 0.93 4.49 5 5

/XR]X�� 695 344 0.49 1.41 3 3 *DRGHQJ�

/RQJ[LDQJ� 1537 1287 0.84 49.44 59 59

6XE�7RWDO� 5283 4566 0.86 98.89 111 111

/LQJ\DQ� 1029 1213 1.18 51.84 44 44

=LTLDQJ� 684 1040 1.52 32.24 21 21

=KL\DQ� 1084 1187 1.1 24.17 22 22

/LQJIHQJ� 895 835 0.93 0.81 1 1

<DQJ\XDQ� 1246 1661 1.33 6 5 5

-LQEDR� 886 913 1.03 7.67 7 7

0HQJJRQJ� 1328 1088 0.82 15.62 19 19

/RXTLDR� 1017 998 0.98 12.36 13 13


'DOLQ� 1378 1662 1.21 2.94 2 2

6XE�7RWDO� 9547 10597 1.11 153.65 134 134

-LQJXQ� 903 1544 1.71 22.18 13 13

/LDQKH� 836 1698 2.03 10.65 5 5

/LQORQJ� 1127 2078 1.84 7.35 4 4 /DLORQJ�

0DODQ� 1024 1802 1.76 76.02 43 43

6XE�7RWDO� 3890 7122 1.83 116.2 65 65

3DQORQJ� 1879 1644 0.87 2.09 2 2

&KXDQMLQJRX� 562 501 0.89 2.41 3 3

6KLWDQ� 981 771 0.79 8.86 11 11 ;L]H�

7LDQVKHQJ� 1149 1009 0.88 3.19 4 4

6XE�7RWDO� 4571 3925 0.86 16.55 20 20

;LVKDQ� 556 534 0.96 15.42 16 16

;LQMLH� 1140 932 0.82 0 0 0 =RQJKDL�

4LDQ[L� 675 486 0.72 1.52 2 2

=RQJKDL� <XMLQ� 1156 1208 1.04 8.92 9 9

6XE�7RWDO� 3527 3160 0.9 25.86 27 27

/H\DQJ� 1638 2752 1.68 3.68 2 2

6DQ\XDQ� 1492 2980 2 11.15 6 6 %R]L�

7RQJ[LQ� 1099 2205 2.01 3 1 2


6XE�7RWDO� 4229 7937 1.88 17.83 9 9

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


%DMLDR� 7LDQ[LQ� 1575 1479 0.94 12.24 13 13

6XE�7RWDO� 1575 1479 0.94 12.24 13 13

4LDRED� 1544 1423 0.92 5.81 6 6

:DQJJRX� 1237 1455 1.18 2.56 2 2

=DR\XDQ� 1826 1437 0.79 8.49 11 11

%DRDQ� 1267 1292 1.02 17.73 17 17


:HQOLQ� 868 1098 1.26 2.88 2 2

6XE�7RWDO� 6742 6705 0.99 37.47 38 38

$LJXR� 2003 1999 1 7.12 7 7

0HQFKXQ� 1724 1510 0.88 17.66 20 20 /LQQRQJ�

<XORQJ� 1460 1725 1.18 25.76 22 22

6XE�7RWDO� 5187 5234 1.01 50.54 49 49

%ROLQ� 1528 1457 0.95 3.75 4 4 6DQ\XDQ�

+RQJML� 950 1098 1.16 0.62 1 1

6XE�7RWDO� 2478 2555 1.03 4.37 5 5

)HQJWDQJ� 994 886 0.89 8.27 9 9 <RQJWDL�

4L\L� 1171 915 0.78 6.28 8 8

6XE�7RWDO� 2165 1801 0.83 14.55 17 18

+RQJOLDQ� 1309 1907 1.46 39.23 27 27

'HQJWD� 1068 1612 1.51 11.6 8 8

6DQIHQJ� 1239 1853 1.5 60 40 40 6KLPLDR�

;LKH� 1295 1984 1.53 23.83 16 16

6XE�7RWDO� 4911 7356 1.5 134.66 91 91

+XDQVKDQ� 1199 1250 1.04 39.32 38 38 +HLSLQ�

*DRJXDQ� 1278 1301 1.02 1.5 1 1

6XE�7RWDO� 2477 2551 1.03 40.82 39 39

*RQJ\X� 766 846 1.1 12.16 11 11 'D[LQ�

*XDQJWLQJ� 1000 1212 1.21 18.63 15 15

6XE�7RWDO� 1766 2058 1.17 30.79 26 26

%LVKDQ� 1322 1562 1.18 20.59 17 18

7DLVKDQ� 842 864 1.03 3 3 3

+RQJKH� 1123 1036 0.92 18.41 20 20

7RQJJX� 1664 1936 1.16 4.45 4 4

6KHQJFKDQ� 702 726 1.03 22.32 22 22

:X[LQ� 1640 1889 1.15 11.12 10 10

7XDQMLH� 1401 1324 0.95 10.04 11 11

;LQSLQJ� 1134 1582 1.4 17.73 13 13


;LQIX� 676 470 0.7 8.93 13 13

6XE�7RWDO� 10504 11389 1.08 116.59 113 113

%DRNX�� 768 975 1.27 22.82 18 18

-LQTLDQ� 741 956 1.29 24.67 19 19 /LQVKDQ�

/LQ\XDQ� 815 970 1.19 10.85 9 9

6XE�7RWDO� 2324 2901 1.25 58.34 47 47

<XQ[L� ;LDQVKXL� 1341 1019 0.76 12.15 16 16

6XE�7RWDO� 1341 1019 0.76 12.15 16 16

/LDQ\XQ� 616 1100 1.79 7.5 4 4

-LDQKH�<DQWDL� 703 1288 1.83 0.61 0 0

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


� 6XE�7RWDO� 1319 2388 1.81 8.11 4 4

7RWDO� 77532 88355 1.14 980.62 854 854

;LFKRQJ� 6KXDQJKH� /LQMLDQJ� 788 760 0.96 2.92 3 3

7RWDO� 788 760 0.96 2.92 3 3

/LUHQ� 6LFKXQ 2403 2460 1.02 0.38 29 0

6XE�7RWDO� 2403 2460 1.02 0.38 0 0

%DL\LQJ� 2041 2238 1.1 29.73 27 27

*XDQJORQJ� 2108 1777 0.84 2.04 2 2

4LQJORQJ[XDQ� 1690 1757 1.04 32.28 32 32

-LQ\X� 1707 1302 0.76 12.27 16 16

'HQJFKHQJ\D� 1830 1943 1.06 19.17 18 18

+XLOLQVL� 948 899 0.95 6.49 7 7

6KLEHL\D� 1036 1102 1.06 10.07 10 10


=KDRZDQJPLDR� 1078 1035 0.96 2.67 3 3

6XE�7RWDO� 12438 12053 0.97 114.72 115 116

6KDQ[L� 2262 2280 1.01 6.25 6 6

1DQ\XHPLDR� 1449 1642 1.13 34.04 31 31

-LDOLQJ� 1588 2076 1.31 1.66 1 1

<DQMLDTLDR� 2006 1989 0.99 28.15 29 29

:HLMLDJXDQ� 1554 1650 1.06 49.02 48 48

)HQJKHFXQ� 2291 2009 0.88 16.27 19 19

1LXZDQJPLDR� 1567 1506 0.96 3.22 3 3

=KDQJZDQJPLDR� 3071 2231 0.73 8.59 12 12

:RORQJFXQ� 3110 1104 0.35 0.96 3 3

6KXL]KDLWRX� 1772 1695 0.96 4.5 5 5


=KRQJIDQJ� 1786 1534 0.86 16.89 20 20

6XE�7RWDO� 22456 19716 0.88 169.55 177 177

7LDQ[LDQ� +XL\XDQ� 880 957 1.09 5.93 5 5

6XE�7RWDO� 880 957 1.09 5.93 5 5

1D[L� 2852 2889 1.01 1.05 1 1

'DFL� 2785 1438 0.52 15 29 29

&KDQJEDQ� 1356 1438 1.06 22.21 21 21 &DREHL�

.RQJTXH� 2640 3175 1.2 30.03 25 25

� �

6XE�7RWDO� 9633 8940 0.93 68.29 76 76

7RWDO� 47810 44126 0.92 358.81 373 373

*XDQJKXL� 859 1453 1.69 31.8 19 19

=KDR\DR� 737 1196 1.62 20.3 13 13

;LQPLQJ� 800 694.5 0.87 2.79 3 3

$LJXR� 1006 1346.2 1.34 34.73 26 26

*DRIHQJ� 734 1466 2 23.63 12 12


;LQVRQJ� 620 610.9 0.99 18.72 19 19

6XE�7RWDO� 4756 6766.6 1.42 131.97 92 92

;LQJJXDQJ� 1170 2038 1.74 15.57 9 9

&KDQJ]KHQJ� 1001 1370 1.37 22.49 16 16 =LTLDQJ�

=LTLDQJ� 966 1019 1.05 85.62 81 82

6XE�7RWDO� 3137 4427 1.41 123.68 106 107


%DRVKL� :XPD� 484 617 1.27 3.82 3 3

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


&KDQJOLDQJ� 640 1060 1.66 12.59 8 8

&KDQJSLQ� 823 1426 1.73 14.39 8 8

+RQJZHL� 1648 2084 1.26 22.95 18 18

6XE�7RWDO� 3595 5187 1.44 53.75 37 37

%DL\DQ� 900 1074 1.19 9.45 8 8

%DQ]KX� 920 1097 1.19 21.66 18 18

7XWD� 1153 1565 1.36 14.75 11 11

*HORX� 623 724 1.16 2 2 2


7RQJ[LQ� 960 1629 1.7 14.97 9 9

6XE�7RWDO� 4556 6089 1.34 62.83 48 48

7RWDO� 16044 22469.6 1.4 372.23 283 284

*RQJGLDQ� :X\L� 2033 4233 2.08 14.18 7 7

6XE�7RWDO� 2033 4233 2.08 14.18 7 7

1DQKXD� 2953 4678 1.58 22.04 14 14

)HQJPLQJ� 3199 4159 1.3 37.78 29 29 :DQJKH�

;LQGLDQ� 2478 4439 1.79 3.15 2 2

6XE�7RWDO� 8630 13276 1.54 62.97 45 45

-LDQJXR� 1860 2154 1.16 16.62 14 14

+HSLQJ� 1651 1347 0.82 38.72 49 49 (UGRQJ�

(UGRQJ� 1764 1676 0.95 28.23 30 30

6XE�7RWDO� 5275 5177 0.98 83.57 93 93

*XRJXDQJ� 6KL\LQJ� 1954 3982 2.04 2.96 1 1

6XE�7RWDO� 1954 3982 2.04 2.96 1 1

7RED� <XORQJ� 1658 4147 2.5 14.88 6 6

6XE�7RWDO� 1658 4147 2.5 14.88 6 6

%DLED� 1430 1366 0.96 2 2 2

%DRWLDQ� 1410 1544 1.1 16 15 15

)XTXDQ� 2156 1462 0.68 18.7 28 28

-LQ]X� 2033 2084 1.03 3.8 4 4

/LDQJIHQJ� 1059 1494 1.41 5.2 4 4


6RQJOLQ� 1174 1982 1.69 18.7 11 11


6XE�7RWDO� 9262 9932 1.07 64.4 64 64

7RWDO� 28812 40747 1.41 242.96 216 216

0LQJVKXLJRX� 1220 904 0.74 48.45 65 65

'XMLDJRX� 1064 533 0.5 50.98 113 113

*DROLQ� 1017 963 0.95 2.66 3 3

+RQJFL� 1098 1468 1.34 38.15 29 29

+XDQJOLDQ� 1090 1270 1.17 11.2 10 10

/RQJNRX� 1044 1286 1.23 20.31 17 17


+HNRX� 2270 1943 0.86 18.04 21 21

6XE�7RWDO� 8803 8367 0.95 189.79 258 258

:XFKDR� 1206 1402 1.16 3.11 3 3

7LDQED� 1268 1368 1.08 30.31 29 29

;LDQJ\DQJ� 1158 1390 1.2 57.2 50 50

)DQJ\DQJ� 1127 1362 1.21 7.93 7 7

*RQJ]LSLQJ� 2015 975 0.48 4.15 9 9



6KXDQJ\DQ� 1814 1760 0.97 17.28 18 18

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


� %DL\LQJ� 1254 856 0.68 3.68 5 5

6XE�7RWDO� 9842 9113 0.93 123.66 120 120

1LXFDLVKL� 854 826 0.97 33 36 36

)HQVKXLOLQ� 1540 1560 1.01 15.74 16 16

-LDQJMLDJRX� 1084 1024 0.94 30.11 33 33

7LDQPLQJ� 1542 1600 1.04 27.2 27 27

'HQJMLDWD� 1751 1734 0.99 34.44 35 35


*XLKXD� 1786 1865 1.04 10.6 10 10

6XE�7RWDO� 8557 8609 1.01 151.09 157 157

'RQJDQ� :XORQJJXDQ� 1646 2515 1.53 4.64 3 3

6XE�7RWDO� 1646 2515 1.53 4.64 3 3

;LQ[LQJ� ;LQKRQJ� 1216 1417 1.17 14.85 13 13

6XE�7RWDO� 1216 1417 1.17 14.85 13 13

;LQFKXQ� <XDQVKDQ� 1465 1939 1.32 50.9 39 39

6XE�7RWDO� 1465 1939 1.32 50.9 39 39

3XWL� 1154 1750 1.52 19.24 13 13

%DLQL� 1691 2489 1.47 19.33 13 13

7RQJ[LQ� 892 1334 1.5 11.09 7 7

4LDQTLX� 1286 1663 1.29 12.08 9 9


*RQJTLDR� 1176 1546 1.31 13.51 10 10

6XE�7RWDO� 6199 8782 1.42 75.25 52 52

6KLSLQJ� 997 1167 1.17 18.39 16 16

;LQVKXQ� 2076 1762 0.85 17.15 20 20 =KRQJKXD�

3LQJTLDR� 1647 2002 1.22 19.6 16 16

6XE�7RWDO� 4720 4931 1.04 55.14 52 52

;LDQJVKXL� 1794 1848 1.03 15.25 15 15

/RQJWDQ� 1486 1568 1.06 4.1 4 4 +RXED�

6KDRIDQJ� 1218 1610 1.32 1.56 1 1

6XE�7RWDO� 4498 5026 1.12 20.91 20 20

'DNDQJ� 4LDQIHQJ� 1076 1200 1.12 22.81 21 21

6XE�7RWDO� 1076 1200 1.12 22.81 21 21

7RWDO� 48022 51899 1.08 709.04 735 735

=KRQJKH� 1368 1524 1.11 1.2 1 1

/YKXD� 1123 1305 1.16 14.9 13 13

*DROLQ� 1044 998 0.96 1.38 1 1 *XDQJ]KRQJ�

<XTLDR� 1210 1407 1.16 11.65 10 10

6XE�7RWDO� 4745 5234 1.1 29.13 25 25

)XVKRXWLQJ� 826 578 0.7 2.83 4 4

+XRVKLSLQJ� 743 483 0.65 3.92 6 6

4LQJDQJOLQ� 781 482 0.62 1.42 2 2

;LDRIHQPLDR� 874 576 0.66 0.96 1 1


+XDQJJRQJOLQ� 688 433 0.63 3.1 5 5

6XE�7RWDO� 3912 2552 0.65 12.23 18 18

6KLIHQJ� 946 881 0.93 3.37 4 4

<XHMLDKH� 1080 1021 0.95 8.22 9 9 ;LDR\XDQ�

=KDRERZDQ� 875 805 0.92 2.1 2 2


6XE�7RWDO� 2901 2707 0.93 13.69 15 15

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


7RWDO� 11558 10493 0.91 55.05 58 58

7RWDO� 230566 258849.6 1.12 2721.63 2522 2523

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3 Statistics of Production Resettlement People of Jinfeng Reservoir


Base year People of Production Resettlement Base year Planning year

Submerged area of Reservoir

Submerged area of Reservoir

County Hamlet agr icultural people

cultivated field

Per capital

cultivated land

Occupied cultivated

land Submerged

area Affected


Dam Total Submerged

area Affected


Dam Total

Baota 1636 2291.9 1.4 1337.68 979 156 1135 998 159 1156 Jin’an

Gaofeng 1057 1518.42 1.44 1265.57 729 15 155 898 741 15 159 915 Total 2693 3810.32 1.62 2603.25 1708 171 155 2033 1739 174 159 2071

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 2 Table 4 Statistics of Production Resettlement Standard of Xizi Trunk Canal










;LDRJRX� 1.29 1.16 89.92 <RX[LDQ� &KDR]KHQ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.29 1.16 89.92

7RWDO� � � 1.29 1.16 89.92

/RQJMLQ� 1.16 1.04 89.66

0DDQ� 1.48 1.33 89.86

/DQKXD� 1.49 1.34 89.93 /L\D�

6XEWRWDO� 1.4 1.26 90

%DRFKHQJ� 1.12 1.01 90.18

-LXOLQ� 1.1 0.99 90

<XORQJ� 1.21 1.09 90.08 %DL\XQ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.14 1.03 90.35

&KDQJDQ� 1.29 1.16 89.92

*DRSR� 1.75 1.58 90.29

-LQEDR� 1 0.9 90

6KXDQJMLQ� 1.47 1.32 89.8

:X[LQ� 1.23 1.11 90.24


6XEWRWDO� 1.32 1.19 90.15

&KDQJOLQ� 0.87 0.78 89.66

/LDQ]KL� 0.61 0.55 90.16

0LQJVKHQ� 1.1 0.99 90

'RQJIHQJ� 1.52 1.37 90.13

%R\D� 0.68 0.61 89.71


6XEWRWDO� 0.97 0.87 89.69

)HQJTXDQ� 1.44 1.3 90.28 0DPLQJ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.44 1.3 90.28

/LPLQJ� 2.04 1.84 90.2

;LQJJXDQJ� 1.77 1.42 80.23 =LTLDQJ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.89 1.7 89.95

'DTLDR� 1.59 1.43 89.94

*RQJORQJ� 1.56 1.4 89.74

6KXDQJKH� 1.88 1.69 89.89 (UGRQJ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.67 1.5 89.82

*XDQJKXL� 1.73 1.56 90.17

+XRKXD� 1.59 1.43 89.94

5RQJ\DR� 1.76 1.58 89.77 :HQ[LQ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.68 1.51 89.88

4LQ\XQ� 1.92 1.73 90.1

<XDQEDR� 1.54 1.39 90.26

/RQJTXDQ� 1.86 1.67 89.78



&KRQJ\DQJ� 2.08 1.87 89.9

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


� � 6XEWRWDO� 1.85 1.67 90.27

7RWDO� 1.39 1.25 89.93

+XDORQJ� 0.75 0.68 90.67

-LQIHQJ� 0.69 0.62 89.86

%DRWD� 0.93 0.84 90.32 -LQDQ�

6XEWRWDO� 0.72 0.65 90.28

+HSLQJ� 1.06 0.95 89.62

;LDR]KXDQJ� 1.06 0.95 89.62

<XDQVKDQ� 1.28 1.15 89.84

+RQJKH� 0.92 0.83 90.22


6XEWRWDO� 1.09 0.98 89.91

6KLKH� 1.29 1.16 89.92

6KXIDQJ� 1.14 1.03 90.35 /LQQRQJ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.22 1.1 90.16

:DQOLQ� 0.86 0.77 89.53

5HQPLQJ� 0.96 0.86 89.58

7LDQ[LQ� 0.94 0.85 90.43 %DMLDR�

6XEWRWDO� 0.92 0.83 90.22

7DRKXD� 1.22 1.1 90.16

6L[LQ� 1.12 1.01 90.18 -X[L�

6XEWRWDO� 1.16 1.04 89.66

6KLGDR� 1.01 0.91 90.1

)HQJKXDQJ� 0.84 0.76 90.48 ;L]KH�

6XEWRWDO� 0.9 0.81 90

/LQ\DQ� 1.18 1.06 89.83 -LQNRQJ�

6XEWRWDO� 1.18 1.06 89.83

+RQJOLDQ� 1.23 1.11 90.24


1LXVKLPLDR�6XEWRWDO� 1.23 1.11 90.24

7RWDO� � � 0.99 0.89 89.9

:X[LQ� 1.27 1.14 89.76

$LJXR� 1.38 1.24 89.86

&KDQJWLQJ� 0.96 0.86 89.58

-LQ[LQ� 1.03 0.78 75.73

4XQIHQJ� 1.21 1.09 90.08


6XEWRWDO� 1.18 1.06 89.83

+HMLDFXQ� 0.89 0.8 89.89

=KDRMLD]XL� 0.83 0.75 90.36 6KXDQJIR�

6XEWRWDO� 0.85 0.77 90.59

=KRQJKH� 1.11 1 90.09


*XDQJ]KRQJ�6XEWRWDO� 1.11 1 90.09

7RWDO� � � 1.11 1 90.09

7RWDO� 1.2 1.08 90

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 5 Statistics of Production Resettlement Standard of Key Canal







4LDRKH� 0.87 0.78 89.66

/YKXD� 0.76 0.68 89.47

6KXDQJORQJ� 1.07 0.96 89.72

6LIDQ� 0.84 0.76 90.48


/YKXD� 1.17 1.06 90.6

6XE�7RWDO� 0.98 0.88 89.8

4LOLQJ� 0.99 0.89 89.9

*DRKXD� 0.93 0.84 90.32

/XR]X� 0.49 0.49 100 *DRGHQJ�

/RQJ[LDQJ� 0.84 0.75 89.29

6XE�7RWDO� 0.86 0.78 90.7

/LQJ\DQ� 1.18 1.06 89.83

=LTLDQJ� 1.52 1.37 90.13

=L\DQ� 1.1 0.99 90

/LQJIHQJ� 0.93 0.84 90.32

<DQJ\XDQ� 1.33 1.2 90.23

-LQEDR� 1.03 0.93 90.29

0HQJJRQJ� 0.82 0.74 90.24

4LDRORX� 0.98 0.88 89.8


'DOLQ� 1.21 1.09 90.08

6XE�7RWDO� 1.11 1 90.09

-LQJXDQ� 1.71 1.54 90.06

/LDQKH� 2.03 1.83 90.15

/LQJORQJ� 1.84 1.66 90.22 /DLORQJ�

0DODQ� 1.76 1.58 89.77

6XE�7RWDO� 1.83 1.65 90.16

3DQORQJ� 0.87 0.79 90.8

&KXDQMLQJRX� 0.89 0.8 89.89

6KLWDQ� 0.79 0.71 89.87 ;L]H�

7LDQVKHQJ� 0.88 0.79 89.77

6XE�7RWDO� 0.86 0.77 89.53

;LVKDQ� 0.96 0.86 89.58

;LQMLH� 0.82 0.74 90.24 =RQJKDL�

4LDQ[L� 0.72 0.65 90.28

=RQJKDL� <XMLQJ� 1.04 0.94 90.38

6XE�7RWDO� 0.9 0.81 90

/H\DQJ� 1.68 1.51 89.88

6DQ\XDQ� 2 1.8 90 %R]L�

7RQJ[LQ� 2.01 1.81 90.05

6XE�7RWDO� 1.88 1.69 89.89


%DMLDR� 7LDQ[LQJ� 0.94 0.85 90.43

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


6XE�7RWDO� 0.94 0.85 90.43

4LDRED� 0.92 0.83 90.22

:DQJJRX� 1.18 1.06 89.83

=DR\XDQ� 0.79 0.71 89.87

%DRDQ� 1.02 0.92 90.2


:HQOLQ� 1.26 1.14 90.48

6XE�7RWDO� 0.99 0.9 90.91

$LJXR� 1 0.9 90

0HQJFKXQ� 0.88 0.79 89.77 /LQQRQJ�

<XORQJ� 1.18 1.06 89.83

6XE�7RWDO� 1.01 0.91 90.1

%ROLQ� 0.95 0.86 90.53 6DQ\XDQ�

+RQJML� 1.16 1.04 89.66

6XE�7RWDO� 1.03 0.93 90.29

)HQJWDQJ� 0.89 0.8 89.89 <RQJWDL�

4L\L� 0.78 0.7 89.74

6XE�7RWDO� 0.83 0.75 90.36

+RQJOLDQ� 1.46 1.31 89.73

'HQJWD� 1.51 1.36 90.07

6DQIHQJ� 1.5 1.35 90 6KLQLXPLDR�

;LKH� 1.53 1.38 90.2

6XE�7RWDO� 1.5 1.35 90

+XDQVKDQ� 1.04 0.94 90.38 +HLSLQJ�

*DRJXDQ� 1.02 0.92 90.2

6XE�7RWDO� 1.03 0.93 90.29

*RQJ\X� 1.1 0.99 90 'D[LQ�

*XDQJWLQJ� 1.21 1.09 90.08

6XE�7RWDO� 1.17 1.05 89.74

%LVKDQ� 1.18 1.06 89.83

7DLVKDQ� 1.03 0.92 89.32

7RQJKH� 0.92 0.83 90.22

7RQJJX� 1.16 1.05 90.52

6KHQJFKDQ� 1.03 0.93 90.29

:X[LQJ� 1.15 1.04 90.43

7XDQMLH� 0.95 0.85 89.47

;LQSLQJ� 1.4 1.26 90


;LQJIX� 0.7 0.63 90

6XE�7RWDO� 1.08 0.98 90.74

%DRNX� 1.27 1.14 89.76

-LQ[LDQ� 1.29 1.16 89.92 /LQVKDQ�

/LQ\XDQ� 1.19 1.07 89.92

6XE�7RWDO� 1.25 1.12 89.6

<XQ[L� ;LDQVKXL� 0.76 0.68 89.47

6XE�7RWDO� 0.76 0.68 89.47

/LDQ\XQFKHQ� 1.79 1.61 89.94 -LDQKH�

<DQWDL� 1.83 1.65 90.16

6XE�7RWDO� 1.81 1.63 90.06

7RWDO� 1.14 1.03 90.35

;LFKRQJ� 6KXDQJMLDQJ� /LQJMLDQJ� 0.96 0.86 89.58

7RWDO� 0.96 0.86 89.58

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


/LUHQ� Sichun 1.02 0.92 90.2

6XE�7RWDO� 1.02 0.92 90.2

%DL\LQJ� 1.1 0.99 90

*XDQJORQJ� 0.84 0.76 90.48

4LQJORQJ� 1.04 0.94 90.38

-LQ\X� 0.76 0.68 89.47

<DFXQ� 1.06 0.95 89.62

+XLOLQVKL� 0.95 0.86 90.53

<DFXQ� 1.06 0.95 89.62


=KDRZDQJPLDO� 0.96 0.86 89.58

6XE�7RWDO� 0.97 0.87 89.69

6KDQ[L� 1.01 0.91 90.1

1DQ\XHPLDR� 1.13 1.02 90.27

-LDOLQJ� 1.31 1.18 90.08

<DQJMLDTLDR� 0.99 0.89 89.9

+HMLDJXDQ� 1.06 0.95 89.62

)HQJKXDQJ� 0.88 0.79 89.77

1LXZDQJPLDR� 0.96 0.86 89.58

=KDQJZDQJPLDR� 0.73 0.66 90.41

:RORQJ� 0.35 0.32 91.43

6KXLWRX]KDL� 0.96 0.86 89.58


=KRQJIDQJ� 0.86 0.77 89.53

6XE�7RWDO� 0.88 0.79 89.77

7LDQ[LDQ� +XL\XDQ� 1.09 0.98 89.91

6XE�7RWDO� 1.09 0.98 89.91

1D[L� 1.01 0.91 90.1

'DFL� 0.52 0.47 90.38

=KDQJEDQ� 1.06 0.95 89.62 &DREHL�

.RQJTXH� 1.2 1.08 90


6XE�7RWDO� 0.93 0.84 90.32

7RWDO� 0.92 0.82 89.13

*XDQJKXL� 1.69 1.52 89.94

=KDR\DR� 1.62 1.46 90.12

;LQPLQ� 0.87 0.78 89.66

$LJXR� 1.34 1.21 90.3

*DRIHQJ� 2 1.8 90

� �

;LQVRQJ� 0.99 0.89 89.9

6XE�7RWDO� 1.42 1.28 90.14

;LQJJXDQJ� 1.74 1.57 90.23

&KDQJ]KHQ� 1.37 1.23 89.78 =LTLDQJ�

=LTLDQJ� 1.05 0.95 90.48

6XE�7RWDO� 1.41 1.27 90.07

:XPD� 1.27 1.14 89.76

&KDQJOLDQJ� 1.66 1.49 89.76

<DQJSLQ� 1.73 1.56 90.17 %DRVKL�

+RQJZHL� 1.26 1.13 89.68

6XE�7RWDO� 1.44 1.3 90.28

%DL\DQ� 1.19 1.07 89.92

%DQ]X� 1.19 1.07 89.92

7XWD� 1.36 1.22 89.71



*HORX� 1.16 1.04 89.66

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


� 7RQJ[LQ� 1.7 1.53 90 �

6XE�7RWDO� 1.34 1.21 90.3

7RWDO� 1.4 1.26 90

*RQJGLDQ� :X\L� 2.08 1.87 89.9

6XE�7RWDO� 2.08 1.87 89.9

1DQKXD� 1.58 1.42 89.87

)HQJPLQJ� 1.3 1.17 90 :DQJKH�

;LQGLDQ� 1.79 1.61 89.94

6XE�7RWDO� 1.54 1.38 89.61

-LDQKH� 1.16 1.04 89.66

+HSLQJ� 0.82 0.74 90.24 (UGRQJ�

(UGRQJ� 0.95 0.86 90.53

6XE�7RWDO� 0.98 0.88 89.8

*XRJXDQJ� 6KL\LQJ� 2.04 1.84 90.2

6XE�7RWDO� 2.04 1.84 90.2

7RED� <XORQJ� 2.5 2.25 90

6XE�7RWDO� 2.5 2.25 90

%DED� 0.96 0.86 89.58

%DRWLDQ� 1.1 0.99 90

)XTXDQ� 0.68 0.61 89.71

-LQ]X� 1.03 0.93 90.29

/LDQJ]KX� 1.41 1.27 90.07


6RQJOLQ� 1.69 1.52 89.94


6XE�7RWDO� 1.07 0.96 89.72

7RWDO� 1.41 1.26 89.36

0LQVKXL� 0.74 0.67 90.54

'XMLDJRX� 0.5 0.45 90

*DROLQ� 0.95 0.86 90.53

+RQJFL� 1.34 1.21 90.3

+XDQJOLDQ� 1.17 1.05 89.74

/RQJJRQJ� 1.23 1.11 90.24


+HNRX� 0.86 0.77 89.53

6XE�7RWDO� 0.95 0.86 90.53

:XFKDR� 1.16 1.04 89.66

7LDQED� 1.08 0.97 89.81

;LDQJ\DQJ� 1.2 1.08 90

)DQJ\DQJ� 1.21 1.09 90.08

*RQJ]LSLQ� 0.48 0.44 91.67

6KXDQJ\DQ� 0.97 0.87 89.69


%DL\L� 0.68 0.61 89.71

6XE�7RWDO� 0.93 0.83 89.25

1LXFDLVKL� 0.97 0.87 89.69

)HQVKXLOLQJ� 1.01 0.91 90.1

-LDQJMLDJRX� 0.94 0.85 90.43

7LDQPLQJ� 1.04 0.94 90.38

'HQJMLDJRX� 0.99 0.89 89.9


*XLKXD� 1.04 0.94 90.38

6XE�7RWDO� 1.01 0.91 90.1

'RQJDQ� :XORQJJXDQ� 1.53 1.38 90.2

6XE�7RWDO� 1.53 1.38 90.2

;LQDQ� ;LQKRQJ� 1.17 1.05 89.74


6XE�7RWDO� 1.17 1.05 89.74

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


;LQFKXQ� <XDQVKDQ� 1.32 1.19 90.15

6XE�7RWDO� 1.32 1.19 90.15

3XWL� 1.52 1.37 90.13

%DLQL� 1.47 1.32 89.8

7RQJ[LQ� 1.5 1.35 90

4LDQTLX� 1.29 1.16 89.92


*RQJTLDR� 1.31 1.18 90.08

6XE�7RWDO� 1.42 1.28 90.14

6KLSLQJ� 1.17 1.05 89.74

;LQVKXQ� 0.85 0.77 90.59 =KRQJKXD�

3LQJTLDR� 1.22 1.1 90.16

6XE�7RWDO� 1.04 0.94 90.38

;LDQVKXL� 1.03 0.93 90.29

/RQJWDQ� 1.06 0.95 89.62 +RXED�

6KDRIDQJ� 1.32 1.19 90.15

6XE�7RWDO� 1.12 1.01 90.18

'DNDQJ� 4LDQIHQJ� 1.12 1 89.29

6XE�7RWDO� 1.12 1 89.29

WRWDO� 1.08 0.97 89.81

=KRQJKH� 1.11 1 90.09

/YKXD� 1.16 1.04 89.66

*DROLQ� 0.96 0.86 89.58 *XDQJ]KRQJ�

<XTLDR� 1.16 1.04 89.66

6XE�7RWDO� 1.1 0.99 90

)XVKRXWLQJ� 0.7 0.63 90

+XRVKLSLQJ� 0.65 0.59 90.77

4LQJJDQJOLQ� 0.62 0.56 90.32

;LDRIHQPLDR� 0.66 0.59 89.39


+XDOLQJRQJ� 0.63 0.57 90.48

6XE�7RWDO� 0.65 0.59 90.77

6KLIHQJ� 0.93 0.84 90.32

<XHMLDJRX� 0.95 0.86 90.53 ;LDR\XDQ�

=KDRERZDQ� 0.92 0.83 90.22


6XE�7RWDO� 0.93 0.84 90.32

6XE�7RWDO� 0.91 0.82 90.11

7RWDO� 1.12 1.01 90.18

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 6 Statistics of Production Resettlement Standard of Jinfeng Reservoir


Base year Resttement Standard

Town Hamlet Per capital land Standard

The ratio of per capital land accounts for the


Ai’guo 1.1 0.99 90

Changxin 1.31 1.18 90.08

Linxi 0.96 0.86 89.58

Zhonghe 1.13 1.02 90.27


Sub Total 1.11 1 90.09

Feilong 0.75 0.67 89.33

Boya 0.79 0.71 89.87

Zijiang 0.82 0.73 89.02

Xinjiagou 0.97 0.87 89.69


Sub Total 0.83 0.75 90.36

Gaohua 1.02 0.92 90.2

Qiling 1.11 1 90.09

Lianmou 1.03 0.93 90.29 Gaodeng

Sub Total 1.07 0.96 89.72

Suzhu 1.02 0.92 90.2

Anzhi 1.11 1 90.09

Changle 1.15 1.04 90.43

Sanxue 1.04 0.93 89.42


Sub Total 1.08 0.97 89.81

Qinglong 0.93 0.84 90.32

Jianshe 0.87 0.78 89.66

Renming 1.08 0.98 90.74

Jinxin 1.2 1.08 90

Qilong 0.98 0.88 89.8

Huilong 1.02 0.92 90.2


Sub Total 1.01 0.91 90.1

Liyuan 1.2 1.08 90

Bishan 1.04 0.94 90.38

Taishan 1.18 1.06 89.83

Jingbu 1.27 1.14 89.76

Qianjin 1 0.9 90

Taiping 0.99 0.89 89.9

Gonghe 0.99 0.9 90.91

Nvli 0.94 0.85 90.43

Qianfeng 1.25 1.13 90.4

Wuxin 1.26 1.13 89.68

Mingzhu 1.17 1.05 89.74

Tuanjie 1.05 0.94 89.52


Sub Total 1.1 0.99 90

Linyuan 1.78 1.6 89.89 Linshan

Qinfeng 1.51 1.36 90.07

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Jieliu 1.49 1.34 89.93

Sub Total 1.54 1.38 89.61

Wentong 1 0.9 90

Jingyang 1.29 1.16 89.92

Fengtang 0.92 0.83 90.22

Taiyuanguan 1.03 0.93 90.29

Chenjiajin 1.27 1.14 89.76

Wuliu 1.5 1.35 90


Sub Total 1.15 1.03 89.57

Total 1.07 0.96 89.72

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 3

Table 7 Statistics of Relocation Resettlement People of Jinfeng Reservoir


People of Relocation resettlement Relocation resettlement

Town Hamlet Village Group Total Centralized

resettlement Decentralized resettlement

Village/Town Hamlet Ressettlement people

1 206 206 Bajiao Jinxin,Qilong,Huilong 206

Linnong Lingxi,Zhonghe 100 2 152 50 102

Jin’an Baota 52 Linnong Ai’guo, 138

3 152 152 Jin’an Baota 14

Bajiao Qinglong,Jianshe,Renming 162 4 179 179

Jin’an Baota 17

5 264 264 Gaodeng Gaohua,Qingling,Lianmeng 264

6 142 142 Huangdian Suzhu,Sanxue 142 Huangdian Changle 136

7 153 60 93 Jin’an Baota 17

8 10 10 Yongtai Wentong 10 9 4 4 Linshan Jieliu 4 10 9 9 Linshan Jieliu 9


�� 1273 110 1163 1273

Yulong Feilong,Boya,Zijiang 187 9 195 195

Jin’an Gaofeng 8

10 115 115 Bajiao Liyuan,Bishan,Taishan 115

13 91 91 Yongtai Jingyang,Fengtang 91



16 74 58 16 Linshan Linyuan,Qinfeng 74

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Buyi Jinbu,Qianfeng,Gonghe,Nvli 141 8 143 143

Jin’an Gaofeng 2 7 174 174 Fuzhe Mingzhu,Tuanjie 174

12 68 68 Yongtai Taiyuanguan,Chenjiajin,Wuliu 68

15 67 67 Yulong Zijiang,Xinjiagou 67

6 14 14 Fuzhe Mingzhu,Tuanjie 14

� �

Sub Total 942 58 883 942 Total 2214 168 2046 2214

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 8 Centralized Resettlement Settlements of Jinfeng Reservoir

Centralized Resettlement Settlements

Population for production


Planning Land(Mu)

Centralized Resettlement Settlements

Group 6, Linyuan Village, Lishan

Township 18Households,58People 9.77

The settlements was located in Group 6 of Lin Yuan village, Yanting County ,Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, It was straight from the south of Forest Township field about 2.2km,the highway mileage about 2.8km, and straight from the east side of Yanting town about 6.8km, Highway mileage about 11km, The transportation was convenient.�

Group 5, Zhonghe Village, Linnong Town

14Households,50People 11.37

The settlements was located in 5 groups of Zhonghe village ,Linnong town,. It was straight from the east of the Linnong town about 2.4km, highway mileage about 3.6km, and straight from the east side of Yanting town about 22.8km. The transportation was convenient.�

Group 3, Changle Village, Huangdian

Town 16Households,60People 10.64

The settlements was located in Group 3 of Changle village,Huangdian town, Yanting County in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, ,It was straight from the south of HuangdianTown field about 520m, highway mileage about 1.0km; and straight from the southeast Yanting town about 8.5km, highway mileage about 19km. The transportation was convenient.�

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Attachment 4

Table 9 Resettlement Expense Budget of Wudu Diversion and I r r igation Project, Phase I I

Xizi Trunk Canal Jinfeng Reservoir Key Canal

No I tem Sub Total

Permanent land


Temporary land

acquisition Sub Total

Submerged area of


Permanent land


Temporary land

acquisition Sub Total

Permanent land


Temporary land



1 Compensation for rural

migrants 18165.48 14659.09 3506.39 22066.19 20578.03 1245.12 243.05 20907.14 17132.08 3775.06 61138.81

1.2 Land compensation fees

and resettlement fees 12933.01 9813.99 3119.02 9066.51 7867.59 955.88 243.05 14264.3 10645.01 3619.29 36263.83

1.3 Compensation for

housing and auxiliary buildings

3078.94 2886.01 192.93 5446.29 5261.74 184.55 3611.49 3611.49 12136.72

1.4 Compensation for small

water utilities 460.09 373.69 86.4 86.4 86.4 604.86 604.86 1151.35

1.5 Stuff facilities compensation

1.05 0.9 0.15 2.6 2.45 0.15 3.65

1.6 Compensation for

cultural and educational institutions

68.28 68.28 68.28

1.7 Settlement infrastructure 1197.28 1120.81 76.47 2456.01 2383.4 72.6 1475.84 1475.84 5129.12

1.8 Relocation fees 60.28 56.43 3.85 139.72 135.49 4.22 74.31 74.31 274.31

1.9 Compensation for fruit

tree 164.69 154.37 10.32 254.05 241.86 12.19 588.92 433.15 155.77 1007.66

1.1 Other compensation 270.15 252.89 17.26 518.88 503.35 15.53 287.42 287.42 1076.45

1.11 Compensation for

relocation of population expansion

3665.22 3665.22 3665.22

1.12 Additional production

resettlement costs 40.18 40.18 40.18

2 Compensation for

professional rehabilitation project

855.79 589.84 265.95 503.25 489.75 13.5 588.71 588.71 1947.75

2.1 Highway Traffic 506.85 240.9 265.95 13.5 13.5 202.91 202.91 723.26

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


2.2 Compensation for transmission and

distribution facilities 182.83 182.83 246 246 12.6 12.6 441.43

2.3 Telecommunications

infrastructure reconstruction costs

133.43 133.43 43.75 43.75 130.54 130.54 307.72

2.4 compensation of radio and television facilities,

rehabilitation 28.37 28.37 28.37

2.5 Natural gas pipeline

conversion fee 30.19 30.19 0.58 0.58 30.77

2.6 Water pipeline renovation

costs 2.5 2.5 2.5

2.7 Water rehabilitation

compensation 200 200 200

3 cleaning the botten of

reservoir 232.37 232.37 232.37

4 Other costs 2313.48 1928.69 384.8 2436.12 2275.5 133.23 27.38 2258.96 1855.03 403.93 7008.56

4.1 Preparatory work cost 475.53 381.22 94.31 570.05 532.5 31.13 6.41 537.4 443.02 94.38 1582.98

4.2 Scientific investigation

and design fees 570.64 457.47 113.17 684.05 639 37.35 7.7 644.87 531.62 113.25 1899.56

4.3 Implementation of the

management fee 570.64 457.47 113.17 684.05 639 37.35 7.7 644.87 531.62 113.25 1899.56

4.4 Technical training fee 73.31 73.3 0.02 110.33 102.89 6.23 1.22 66.39 47.51 18.88 250.04

4.5 Supervision fees 285.32 228.73 56.59 342.03 319.5 18.68 3.85 322.44 265.81 56.63 949.79

4.6 Consulting services 38.04 30.5 7.54 45.6 42.6 2.49 0.51 42.99 35.44 7.55 126.64

4.7 Implementing agency

start-up 300 300 300

5 Reserve fund 2560.17 2061.31 498.86 3028.55 2829.08 165.4 34.07 2850.58 2349.1 501.48 8439.3

5.1 Basic reserve fund 2560.17 2061.31 498.86 3028.55 2829.08 165.4 34.07 2850.58 2349.1 501.48 8439.3

6 Relevant taxes 5786.57 5529.93 256.64 12683.74 11188 1438.57 57.17 6131.57 5574.43 557.14 24601.88

6.1 Arable land occupation

tax 6870.64 6075.4 795.24 6870.64

6.2 Land reclamation fee 4840.25 4821.72 18.52 5351.21 4789.67 561.54 4803.95 4803.95 14995.41

6.3 Forest vegetation

restoration fee 946.32 708.21 238.11 461.89 322.93 81.79 57.17 1327.62 770.48 557.14 2735.83

7 Static total investment 29681.49 24768.86 4912.63 40950.22 37592.72 2982.32 375.18 32736.95 27499.34 5237.61 103368.6


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement Due Diligence Report for Wudu Reservoir

Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. October 2010

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II



SECTION I PROJECT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................

1.1 OVERVIEW OF WUDU RESERVOIR PROJECT..................................................................................................... 1.2 RESERVOIR AREA OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................

SECTION II RESETTLEMENT AND LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION ................................................................................

2.1 OVERVIEW OF WUDU RESERVOIR RESETTLEMENT.......................................................................................... 2.2 PRINCIPLES OF RESETTLEMENT PLANNING ..................................................................................................... 2.3 RESETTLEMENT METHODS..............................................................................................................................

I         ..................................................................................... I           ................................................................................ R           ............................................................................................. A       ................................................................................................................. R           ................................................................................ R         .....................................................................................

2.4 POST-RESETTLEMENT SUPPORT PLAN.............................................................................................................. S           ........................................................................................ N           ............................................................................. S       .................................................................................................................. S   ..................................................................................................................................... G                   ............................................ I       ...........................................................................................

2.5 ASSESSMENT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF RESETTLEMENT.................................................................................. A       ....................................................................................................... A               .............................................................. A             ......................................................................... A                 ......................................................

SECTION III RESETTLEMENT EFFECTS AND CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................

3.1 RESETTLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND METHOD SELECTION ....................................................................... 3.2 ANALYSIS ON EFFECTS OF WUDU RESERVOIR RESETTLEMENT.......................................................................

I ........................................................................................................................................................ L ............................................................................................................................................................ H ........................................................................................................................................................ S   ...........................................................................................................................

3.3 ACHIEVEMENTS AND IMPACTS OF WUDU RESERVOIR RESETTLEMENT............................................................ A     ..................................................................................................................... I   .....................................................................................................................................


4.1 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF WUDU RESERVOIR RESETTLEMENT...................................................................... 4.2 FUND MANAGEMENT FOR WUDU RESERVOIR PROJECT...................................................................................

R            W  R  P ................................................................ A           ............................................................................................

4.3 ORGANIZATION SETTING-UP AND MANAGEMENT............................................................................................ O           ............................................................................................ M      E       ................................................................................

4.4 FUND PAYMENT ...............................................................................................................................................

SECTION V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...........................................................................................................

5.1 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................................... 5.2 MAIN EXPERIENCES AND LESSONS.................................................................................................................. 5.3 PROBLEMS NEEDING TO BE SOLVED................................................................................................................ 5.4 COUNTERMEASURES AND SUGGESTIONS.........................................................................................................

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Overview Wudu reservoir, a regulatory key water control project developed in Fujiang River Basin, is a large scaled water conservancy project providing reliable sources for production and domestic water in irrigation areas for Phase I and II Wudu Diversion Project and ensuring flood control security at the midstream and downstream of Fujiang River. The project project were commenced formally on November 1, 2004 (dam river closure) and it was originally planned to store water at the end of 2008. However, due to geological defects of the dam, losses from the great earthquake occurred in May 12 and many other reasons, it is now planned to store water at the end of 2010 and complete all project at the end of 2011.

When Wudu Reservoir holds a normal water level of 658 m, a total area of 14.05 km2 is inundated, involving 53 groups, 3 market towns, 2 county-owned mining areas and 907 living areas in 18 villages in Beicheng Township of Jiangyou City and Xiangyan Town of Pingwu County (including Pingyi Office). The inundation affects a total of 9,231 persons and 20.52 m2 of houses. Resettlement and special construction works for Wudu Reservoir were commenced from November 2001, mainly performed in 2005 – 2007. By July 2010, relocation and resettlement work in Jiangyou in Wudu Reservoir area have all been completed and 98.14% of relocation and resettlement work in villages in Pingwu have been completed, with 435 town residents in 165 households have been resettled. In Wudu Reservoir Project, rural production population totaling 6,189 have been resettled and there have been 6,163 people resettled for relocation and construction and 2,050 people for market town relocation and construction. Since 2007, post-resettlement support has been provided to eligible affected person. From 2004, the relocation, construction and reconstruction of special facilities in reservoir area, such as Pingjiang Highway, Shanshui Highway, power transmission and communication lines, natural gas pipelines, cultural relics and historic sites, have been completed successively. So far, Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. has made accumulated payment for each resettlement fee, fees for relocating and constructing special facilities in reservoir area, etc., totaling 330,759,400 yuan.

Resettlement Due Diligence Report is for summarizing the preliminary works for Wudu Reservoir resettlement (including organization setting-up and management, planning design), compensation and resettlement standards of the project, project resettlement implementation status, resettlement effects and impacts, and other aspects. Based on it, comprehensive assessment has been made, experience and lessons have been drawn, and countermeasures for problems needing to be solved have been proposed.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section I Project Overview

1.1 Overview of Wudu Reservoir Project Wudu Reservoir, a regulatory key water control project developed in Fujiang River Basin, is located at the lower section of upstream of Fujiang River main stream. The dam site of the reservoir is at Moyindong, around 3.0 km from Wudu Town of Jiangyou City.

Wudu Reservoir project is a large scaled water conservancy project mainly for flood control and irrigation, integrating the functions of power generation, supplying of industrial, domestic and environmental water in cities and townships, etc. When the normal pool level is 658 m, the total capacity of the reservoir is 572 million m3 and the effective capacity is 352.9 million m3, in which the flood control capacity is 86 million m3, able to raise the flood control standard of 1-in-50 year for Mianyang City at the downstream to 1-in-100 year. The reservoir can realize the controlled irrigation for 2,285,100 mu farmland in Fujiang River Basin area. The installed capacity of power station of the reservoir is 150,000 kW, with an annual generating capacity of 610 million kW·h. With the regulation of the reservoir, the power yield of each downstream cascade power station at dry seasons can be increased. The reservoir also supply industrial and domestic water to Jiangyou City and Mianyang City, improving the environment of the cities, thus the social and economic benefits are significant.

1.2 Reservoir Area Overview Reservoir area inundation involves the market town of Beicheng Township of Jiangyou City and market town of Xiangyan Town of Pingwu County (including Pingyi Office). The elevation of Beicheng market town is between 590 m and 605 m, covering an area of 4.78 hm2, with a total population of 223, in which 128 are residents. Xiangyan market town covers an area of 9.67 hm2, with all public facilities available. The street elevation is between 650 m and 653 m, with the main street 700 m in length and 8 m in width. There are 36 government units, enterprises and institutions, one middle school and one primary school having 540 students. Among the total population of the market town, which is 771, 412 are residents (including 23 Shantiegou residents). Pingyi Office is under the jurisdiction of Xiangyan Town, covering an area of 1.8 hm2 and with an elevation of 620 m - 625.2 m. Among the population of the market town totaling 40, there are 25 residents. There is a central primary school, with 150 students. Special projects inundated mainly are Pingjiang Highway, Shanshui Highway, power transmission and communication lines, natural gas pipelines, cultural relics and historic sites.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section II Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration

2.1 Overview of Wudu Reservoir Resettlement Resettlement and special construction works for Wudu Reservoir were commenced from November 2001, mainly performed in 2005 – 2007. Relocation and construction planning has been carried out in succession by several design organizations and departments from the end of 2005. Mianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office is responsible for protection works, traffic and low voltage power circuits around the reservoir and design of rural resettlement planning. Mianyang Resettlement Office is responsible for organizing relevant organizations and departments to complete the designing works for market town relocation and construction and special project technical construction, which have been basically completed by December 2009.

6,189 rural production resettlers in Wudu Reservoir area have been resettled, in which 3,167 are from Jiangyou City and 3,013 from Pingwu County. 6,163 people have been resettled for relocation and construction, in which 3,190 are from Jiangyou City and 2,973 from Pingwu County. The relocation and resettlement work for 709 people from 207 households (460 in the reservoir area) in Phase I resettlement in Jiangyou City were launched from November 2001 and completely finished in October 2004. The relocation and resettlement work for Phase II resettlement involving 2,919 people from 751 households in 7 villages and 21 communities in Beicheng Township as well as Beicheng market town were launched on January 20, 2005. By June 15, 2006, resettlers, except for non-agricultural population in market town, have all moved out of the reservoir area and been resettled in 18 townships and towns with good infrastructure and economic conditions in Jiangyou City. By June 2010, relocation and resettlement work in Jiangyou in Wudu Reservoir area have been completed in 2005. 2,957 rural resettlers from 685 households in Pingwu have signed the Resettlement Contract and cleared the places for resettlement (in which 726 have been resettled outside the town and 2231 inside the town), taking up 98.14% of the total number assigned. At the present, except Xiangyan new market town which has not been finished and has no resettlers relocated, other places have resettlers properly resettled with peaceful life. For resettled households in reservoir resettlement who are eligible to receive post-resettlement support funds, the verification and registration of post-resettlement support population for Wudu Reservoir have been completed in July 2007 and the affected persons begin to receive post-resettlement support funds. Wudu Reservoir relocation and construction involves the relocation and construction works of 55 affected enterprises and institutions and 2 affected schools. The works have begun successively from 2004 and been completely finished in 2009, with the resettlement in a good condition. So far, the restoration and reconstruction of the infrastructure and special facilities affected by Wudu Reservoir construction have been completed basically, except for some projects the restoration and reconstruction of which have been postponed due to the impact of the great earthquake in May 12, 2008.

2.2 Principles of Resettlement Planning According to the development resettlement strategy of World Bank, which is a development policy that encourages resettlers to reconstruct their production and home bases, and regulations in Resettlement Methods for Wudu Reservoir Project Construction issued by Mianyang Municipal Government, resettlement shall be in accordance with remaining resources around the reservoir and resources, production conditions and economic development in resettlement areas, and for rural resettlement, priority shall be given to outward relocation to benefited areas with good economy, which is supported by resettlement in town. The resettlement shall be done by the methods of land and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


agriculture prioritized, resettlement decentralized, and industry and commerce combined. In the process of resettlement, respect the thoughts of resettlers, implement the policy of pre-resettlement compensation and allowance and post-resettlement production support, and make practical support measures and give pairing-assistance to resettlers to help them develop production. In order to ensure the resettlers have stable production and life that reach or exceed the original level, the following principle shall be followed:

1. Regarding to resettlers for agricultural resettlement, they shall be assigned contract land according to farmland acreage per capita and corresponding farming conditions in the resettlement area;

2. Part of rural resettlers who have the thoughts and condition to run business and have been verified by local government and resettlement office may be appropriately resettled in new market towns (Xiangyan Town) relocated and constructed;

3. Resettlers in the proximity of the reservoir area shall have contract land and living environment that satisfy their basic living conditions;

4. Necessary infrastructure for production and living of resettlers shall be constructed;

5. Attention shall be paid to ecological environment protection and water and soil resources in resettlement area shall be developed and used reasonably, so as to prevent water and soil loss and keep the sustainable development of resettlement area;

6. The thoughts of resettlers shall be fully respected, and in determining the resettlement plan, the resettlement methods and resettlement places shall be chosen freely by resettlers where possible;

7. In resettlement, the relationship between resettlers from reservoir area and host population shall be properly considered, making the resettlement plan feasible and resettlers and general public at resettlement places both satisfied.

2.3 Resettlement Methods Rural resettlers from Wudu Reservoir have been resettled by the method of land oriented, agriculture prioritized, agriculture and commerce combined, and resettlement decentralized in large scale and centralized in small scale. Rural resettlers in reservoir area in Jiangyou City have been resettled in benefited areas at the downstream of reservoir in this city. For rural resettlers in reservoir area in Pingwu County, they have been resettled with the combination of agricultural resettlement inside the county, resettlement in benefited areas outside the county and composite resettlement in Xiangyan market town. According to the calculation of environmental capacity for resettlement by Local People’s Government at each level, it has been confirmed that there are mainly three kinds of resettlement implementation plans, i.e. production resettlement, resettlement for relocation and construction and market town resettlement.

According to the current status of the area inundated, it has been confirmed that the resettlement planning standards include the standards of production resettlement and resettlement for relocation and construction, with the standards detailed in the following table:

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 1 Wudu reservoir resettlement standards

1. Grain per capita shall not be less than 400 kg. 2. In principle, land for production shall not be less than

0.6 mu. However, when resettled in market town that has relatively good economy and relatively developed secondary and tertiary industries and in areas around the market town, land area for production may be reduced appropriately. The land for production owned by resettlers setback at the reservoir area shall not be less than 0.8 mu, and land for production per capita in composite production resettlement shall not be less than 0.4 mu.

Standards of production resettlement

3. Net income per capita shall not be less than 3,000 yuan. 1. Land for construction per capita shall be 55 m2 and

land standards include housing land, land for transportation, land for public facilities, etc., in which the standard of resettlement land for resettlers building houses shall be 30 m2 per capita.

2. The standard of domestic water consumption per resettler shall be 100 L/t and standard of water used by livestock shall be 30 L/t for each.

3. The domestic power consumption per resettler shall be 300 W and power used for agriculture be 15 W/mu.

Resettlement standard for relocation and construction

4. External roads shall be of concrete pavement 3.5 m in width and internal roads shall be of concrete pavement 2.5 – 3 m in width.

2.2.1 Implementation of rural production resettlement

The population for production resettlement in rural resettlement planning for Wudu Reservoir area is of 6,189 people, in which 3,167 are from Jiangyou City and 3,013 from Pingwu County. There have been 4,174 people for agricultural resettlement (2,251 from Jiangyou City and 1,923 from Pingwu County) and 4,250.01 mu land for production has been planned and adjusted (1,382.76 mu for Jiangyou City and 2,867.25 mu for Pingwu County), with 1.02 mu per capita. There have been 6 people for resettlement by safeguard, 1,222 for agricultural to non-agricultural resettlement, 270 for resettlement where they shall find jobs by themselves, and 517 for composite resettlement. Each kind of resettlement method and resettled population statistics are detailed in Table 2.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 2 Statistics of production resettlement for rural resettlers in Wudu Reservoir area

Resettlement methods Jiangyou Pingwu Description of resettlement methods Agricultural resettlement

2,248 1,038

Composite resettlement


Directing at the thoughts of resettlers in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th communities in Fujiang Village and the actual situation of many resettler groups engaged in secondary and tertiary industries, the resettlement has been done by the composite method combining agriculture, industry and commerce. Each household of resettlers for composite resettlement is ensured of a business shop front and allocated a plot of farmland or economic fruit forest land not less than 0.4 mu.

Finding a job by oneself


Part of resettlers from reservoir area have been converted from farmers planting food crops to individual merchants. They have chosen voluntarily the resettlement where they will find jobs by themselves among resettlement thoughts. The one who meets the following 4 conditions is allowed this kind of resettlement: 1.holding a Business License; 2. having income sources; 3. having a place of business; 4. having skills for livelihood.

Resettlement by safeguard


For vulnerable groups without labor capacity, such as those with no family, disabled and ill, the Civil Administration Department or Insurance Sector will implement resettlement by safeguard.

Production resettlement in the same

city and county

Agricultural to non-

agricultural resettlement

915 206 Mainly performed in such two towns as Wudu and Sanhe.

Agricultural resettlement in Youxian



Agricultural resettlement

in Santai County


Agricultural resettlement

in Zitong County


Agricultural resettlement in foreign cities and counties

3 161

If the resettlement can not meet the conditions for resettling in the county and the living standard of relocated resettlers may be lower than their current living standard, the resettlement shall be planned into Zitong and Youxian District.

Production resettlement in foreign cities and counties

Resettlement where one will find a job by himself


Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Agricultural to non-agricultural resettlement

4 97

Total 3,176 3,013 6,189

Among the 3,176 resettlers for production resettlement in Wudu Reservoir Jiangyou City, except for 7 people who have been relocated outward for production resettlement, the remaining 3,169 people have all been resettled in benefited townships and towns in this city. The 3,013 resettlers for production resettlement in Pingwu County have been resettled mainly in the benefited Youxian District (232 people), Santai County (74 people), Zitong County (418 people) and other counties and cities (261 people) at the downstream, and the remaining 2,028 people have been resettled in this county. Statistics of farmland capacity and accepted production resettlement in each resettlement area are shown in Table 3.

According to the principle on resettlement area selection, after the comparison in many ways among cities and counties, it has been determined that resettlements will be done in 18 townships and towns in Jiangyou City, such as Wudu, Sanhe, Taiping and Qinglian; for Youxian District, resettlement will be done in Jiezi, Yuhe, Jianhua and Xiaojiangou; for Santai County, in Liuchi and Tashan; for Zitong County, in Dongshi, Baiyun, Jinlong, Xian’e and shuangban; for Pingwu County, in 8 townships and towns such as Xiangyan, Long’an, Nanba and Pingtong, with the focus on setback resettlement in Xiangyan Town. Statistics of general resettlement situation in resettlement areas are shown in Table 4.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 3 Summary of farmland carrying capacity and resettlement situation in Wudu Reservoir resettlement area

Farmland carrying capacity in resettlement area

Production resettlement

Township and town

Village (Nr.)

Community (Nr.)

Farmland carrying

population in

resettlement community


Population before

resettlement in 2006 (person)

Accepting capacity (person)

Resettled resettler (person)

Agricultural population

after resettlement


Land for production per capita

after resettlement (mu/person)

Land for production

for resettlers adjusted


Jiangyou 102 278 85,906 65,844 20,062 3,176 68,440 1,382.76Youxian 19 58 18,709 9,410 9,299 4,88 9,898 1.23 615.43Santai 8 15 3,375 2,239 1,136 346 2,589 0.95 315 Zitong 22 50 14,007 8,484 5,523 1,002 9,486 1.15 1,180.5Pingwu 11 34 4,639 2,785 1,854 268 3,053 1.37 407.53

Table 4 Table of situations in Wudu Reservoir resettlement areas

Resettlement area

Resettlement situation

Jiangyou resettlement


Jiangyou resettlement area involves 278 groups in 102 villages in 17 townships and towns, with a total population of 66,757, in which 65,830 belong to agricultural population, with farmland totaling 45,330 mu. Farmland per capita is generally 0.4 - 1.3 mu, grain per capita 276 – 665 kg and net income per capita 3,091 – 3,374 yuan. Transportation condition in the area is good. Roads are available in all villages. The majority of groups have cable network and telephone lines established. With rich water resources and developed industrial and mining enterprises, the area is located 1 – 30 km from Jiangyou City urban area.

Youxian resettlement


Youxian resettlement area involves 58 groups in 19 villages in such 5 townships and towns as Taiping, Jiezi, Yuhe, Jianhua and Shiban, with a total population of 9,636, in which 9,410 belong to agricultural population. The farmland totals 12,160.6 mu, with farmland per capita 0.70 - 2.34 mu. The grain output totals 7,373 t, with grain per capita 586 – 1,152 kg. Net income per capita amounts to 3,168 – 3,342 yuan. The resettlement area is located in northeast of Mianyang City, 10 – 53 km from central area of the city.

Santai resettlement


Santai County resettlement area involves 15 groups in 8 villages in such 5 townships and towns as Shi’an, Liuchi, Gaonian, Guanghui and Tashan, with a total population of 2,267, in which 2,233 belong to agricultural population. The farmland area totals 2,247.56 mu, with farmland per capita 0.61 - 1.51 mu. The grain output totals 1,287 t, with grain per capita 559 –844 kg. Net income per capita amounts to 2,933 – 3,042 yuan. The agricultural foundation in the area is strong, with a wide variety of agricultural and sideline products.

Zitong resettlement


The resettlement area involves 50 groups in 22 villages in such 8 townships and towns as Dongshi, Sanquan, Baiyun, Jinlong, Xian’e, Liya, Shitai and Shuangban, with a total population of 8,553, in which 8,484 belong to agricultural population. The farmland area totals 10,905 mu, with farmland per capita 0.81 - 2.81 mu. The grain output totals 5,556 t, with grain per capita 555 – 841 kg. Net income per capita amounts to 2,073 –2,783 yuan. In the area, there are county-level rice growing base, sericulture base, lean type commercial pig base, sheep base and navel orange production base.

Pingwu Pingwu County resettlement area mainly involves such 4 townships and towns as

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


resettlement area

Xiangyan Town, Nanba District, Pingtong Town and Long’an Town, with a total population of 60,979, farmland 853,906 mu, farmland per capita 1.4 mu, grain per capita 520 – 630 kg, and net income per capita 3,148 –3,540 yuan. Production development of resettlers

In order that the life of resettlers in resettlement areas can be guaranteed, that there will be ways for them to develop production, and that the aim of sustainable development can be achieved, according to the actual requirements on resettlement, new agricultural technologies will be promoted and production skills training will be provided among resettlers, so as to improve their farming skills. In addition, in resettlement areas, planting structure will be adjusted, agricultural hydraulic engineering regulated, soil in medium yield and low yield farms reformed, and tertiary industry actively developed. Working and other measures for production development will be implemented during slack farming periods.

The resettlement implementation stage for Wudu Reservoir mainly involves 365 communities in 141 villages in 32 townships and towns of the five counties, cities and districts. According to the rural resettlement planning report for each county, city and district, the measures for production development in 47 communities in 17 villages in 6 townships and towns of three counties, cities and districts such as Jianhua in Youxian District, Liuchi and Tashan in Santai County, Longfeng and Shuanghe in Jiangyou City and Xiangyan in Pingwu County have been calculated typically. For the regulation of water conservancy facilities, in the three counties, cities and districts, two irrigation stations have been planned, 20 ponds, 4 minitype pools and 2 weirs have been built, and 1 pond, channels totaling 28.45 km in length (in which hardened channels being 2.45 km in length) and field ditches 26 km in length have been regulated. For agricultural development in the three counties and cities (districts), soil in a total of 2,204 mu medium-yield and low-yield farms have been planned and reformed and 1,888 mu have been planned to plant greenhouse vegetables and develop orchards, medicinal materials, etc. Investment to agricultural project development have totaled 14,164,000 yuan, with 1,602 yuan per capita; investment to agricultural project development for resettlers have totaled 1,544,300 yuan, with investment to fish breeding and poultry raising development, project launch, breeding facility configuration and planning and breeding support for population for agriculture resettlement being 1,500 yuan/person.

2.2.2 Implementation of rural relocation and construction

There have been 6,163 rural resettlers from Wudu Reservoir area resettled for relocation and construction (3,190 from Jiangyou City and 2,973 from Pingwu County). 509 mu land for construction has been planned and adjusted and 5,146 people have been resettled by building houses in the same city and county. 1,017 people have been resettled by building houses in other counties. For those resettled in the same county, choice is to be made among decentralized resettlement, setback resettlement or market town resettlement according to the actual resettlement situation. If the resettlement conditions can not be reached in the same county, then such three regions as Youxian, Santai and Zitong may be chosen to build houses to resettle. Others include such 12 counties and cities as Jiangyou, Mianyang, Chengdu, Qingchuan, Shehong, Jianyang, Yanting, Zhongjiang, Nanjiang, Anxian, Chongzhou and Beichuan. Table 5 shows the situation of relocation and resettlement.

Table 5 Statistics of relocation and construction for rural resettlers in Wudu Reservoir area

Unit: person

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Resettlement method Jiangy

ou Pingwu

Decentralized house building 3,086 276 Setback house building 1,153

Relocation and construction in the same county and city

House building in market town 97 527 House building in Youxian

District 257

House building in Santai County 7 74 House building in Zitong County 418

Relocation and construction in foreign counties and cities

House building in other counties and cities


Total 3,190 2,973

2.2.3 Relocation and construction of market town

When Wudu Reservoir holds a normal pool level of 658 m, such three market towns as Beicheng Township of Jiangyou City, Xiangyan Town of Pingwu County and Pingyipu Office will be inundated. Therefore, market town relocation and construction will be performed for these three affected townships and towns. Beicheng market town of Jiangyou City will not be reconstructed and related persons will be resettled in other towns. Xiangyan market town of Pingwu County and Pingyipu Office will be merged into one and relocated and constructed at Dasongshu on the right bank of Fujiang River. 2,050 people are involved in market town relocation and construction, occupying 215.2 mu land area. Table 6 summarizes the resettlement methods for 2 market towns.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Table 6 Table of relocation and construction for market towns in Wudu Reservoir area

Resettlement method Resettlement fund Resettling progress Name of market town

Resident Enterprise and institution

Beicheng Township market town

Enterprises, institutions and non-agricultural

population in Beicheng market town implement

integrated planning and

resettle in other townships and towns by the method of contacting

resettlement places by

themselves, combined with

orienting resettlement places by the government. Centralized

house building and resettlement

are mainly performed at

south trunk road of Wudu Town

1. Government of Beicheng Township is

merged with Wudu Town, with part of staff distributed to resettle in Yongsheng Town. 2. Credit Cooperative of Beicheng Township is

merged with Wudu Town. Animal

Husbandry Station, Forestry Station and

Public Health Centre of Beicheng Township are

merged respectively with Wudu Town and

Yongsheng Town. Central Primary School

of Beicheng Township is merged respectively with Central Primary School of Wudu Town and 2nd Central Primary School of Yongsheng Town and the merged schools are

expanded. Middle School of Beicheng Township is merged

with Middle School of Wudu Town. Supply and Marketing Cooperative,

Huanglong Winery, Jiletang, Grain and

Cooking Oil Processing Factory and Collection and Storage Station of

Beicheng Township are disintegrated and granted

one-off compensation

19,586,200 yuan

The resettlement has been

completed, without any

problem left over

Pingyipu market town 11,911,900 yuan

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Xiangyan market town

Xiangyan market town of Pingwu County is merged with Pingyipu Office, which is

then relocated and constructed in Dasongshu on the right bank of Fujiang River. The population for relocation and

construction from the market town is 2,050, occupying a land area of 215.2 mu. Market town design standards: 1) Water consumption standard: water used per

capita shall take 150 L/d; water for public use shall take up 15% of the total amount of domestic water used; enterprise water consumption shall be of that surveyed;

water for fire fighting and unpredictable water consumption shall take up 20% of

the total of the aforesaid 3 items. 2) Resident domestic power load: 2000

W/household; power for public use shall take up 10 % of the total amount of

resident domestic power used; enterprise power consumption shall be of that

surveyed 3) Market town roads: Grade two, three and four roads shall be used in Xiangyan Town, with boundary lines 18 m, 14 m

and 8 m in width. The supporting standard of public service facilities shall be

corresponding to the scale of resident population, and the facilities shall be

planned, constructed and put to use with residences synchronously. 4) The

arrangement of public structures shall be of large scaled centralization and small

scaled decentralization. The supporting of neighbor level public structures shall be


Ground leveling and infrastructure supporting works

for the new market town were

commenced from June 2006. So far,

for the infrastructure of

the relocation and construction planning of

Xiangyan new market town, new

site land acquisition and

resettlement have been completed. Beicheng market town resettlement in distribution

According to the Official Reply of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Approving Jiangyou City Revoking the Organizational System of Beicheng Township (CFMZ [2006] No. 2) and the opinions of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People’s Congress and Municipal Political Consultative Conference of Jiangyou City on revoking the organizational system of Beicheng Township and allocating the administrative villages under the jurisdiction of Beicheng Township into the jurisdiction of Wudu Town and Yongsheng Town, it is agreed to revoke the organizational system of Beicheng Township, allocate the Longjing Village, Xinglong Village, Yunding Village and the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Village Groups of Baishi Village on the east (left) bank of Fujiang River under the jurisdiction of Beicheng Township into the jurisdiction of Yongsheng Town, and allocate the Baiyi Village, Liulin Village, Daidong Village, Daping Village, Guanwu Village, Xiaohe Village and the 3rd Village Group of Baishi Village on the west (right) bank of Fujiang River under the jurisdiction of Beicheng Township into the jurisdiction of Wudu Town.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Enterprises, institutions and non-agricultural population in Beicheng market town implement integrated planning and resettle in other townships and towns by the method of contacting resettlement places by themselves, combined with orienting resettlement places by the government.

Non-agricultural resettlers who have purchased non-agricultural household, who have not found a job after graduating from junior colleges and technical secondary schools, who have only urban residence rights and who are laid-off workers may apply voluntarily for non-agricultural to agricultural transferring once they have successfully contacted resettlement places by themselves. Resettlement policy for agricultural population is available for non-agricultural to agricultural resettlers.

Resettlement places for cadres and employees at their posts (including retired people) in administrative organs and institutions are oriented and fixed by the Municipal Government. Wudu Town, Yongsheng Town and relevant townships and towns are responsible for resettling employees at their posts and retired in enterprises (institutions) under the pairing management of administrative organs, institutions and municipal departments. Municipal pairing management units are responsible for resettlement places for employees at their posts (including retired people) in enterprises (institutions) under the pairing management of municipal departments. People who have to find jobs by themselves contact resettlement places by themselves. Townships and towns contacted by resettlers themselves are all deemed as townships and towns with the task to accept resettlers. Relocation and construction through merge of Xiangyan market town and Pingyi market town

According to the Official Reply of Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on Relevant Issues Concerning Resettlement work in Wudu Diversion Project in Pingwu County (MFH (2005) No. 141 Document), it is approved that the Pingyi market town will not be constructed individually and, under the condition that the originally fixed lump sum of construction funds remains the same, it will be constructed in combination with the Xiangyan market town.”

The population for relocation and construction include residents, staff in enterprises and institutions, agricultural population entering the market town for resettlement, population settling grain ration by themselves, boarding students and the population occupying the land at the new site of market town, totaling 1,935 people, in which residents and population in enterprises and institutions total 811. According to the resettlement plan for entering the new market town to resettle approved by Mianyang Municipal Government, it is planned that in the population entering the new market town to resettle, there are 195 agricultural population for composite resettlement, 225 people who have to find jobs by themselves, 82 people for agricultural to non-agricultural transferring, 596 boarding population and 25 people occupying the land in the new market town. The population increased naturally during the planning period is calculated by natural population growth rate of 4.2‰, totaling 20 people. The population increased mechanically during the planning period is calculated at the number surveyed, totaling 75 people. The population for resettlement for relocation and construction is 2,050 in total.

2.3.4 Assistance to vulnerable groups

The vulnerable groups, such as households enjoying the five guarantees, the injured, the disabled, the ill and other people who have lost working capability in areas affected by the inundation of Wudu Reservoir total 34 people, in which 25 are in Pingwu County and 9 in Jiangyou City. The difficulties in house building, production and living confronted by extremely poor households are solved uniformly by the government for the resettlement

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


place. For these extremely poor households, allowance for extremely poor households is granted at 2000 yuan/person.

For households relocated to resettlement area who have difficulty in building house, such as those resettled households whose former houses are weak in structure, small in area and low in compensation amount, they can enjoy the allowance to resettled rural households having difficulty in house building. The allowance standard shall be controlled according to newly built houses in brick and wood structures, at least 20m2 per capita and 35m2 per household, that is to say, if house compensation per capita is less than 5,680 yuan, then it shall be complemented to 5,680 yuan; if house compensation per household is less than 9,940 yuan, then it shall be complemented to 9,940 yuan (except for those living in the reservoir area but without house property). After calculated household by household according to the number of households and population determined in survey on material indexes, there are 229 households totaling 904 people, with compensation amounting to 1,275,600 yuan.

2.3.5 Resettlement of enterprises, institutions and schools

Wudu Reservoir involves the relocation and construction of 55 enterprises and institutions and 2 schools. Jiangyou Municipal People’s Government is responsible for organizing the relocation and construction of 13 enterprises and institutions in market town of Beicheng Township. 221 enterprise and institution staff need to be resettled. Pingwu County People's Government is responsible for the relocation and construction of 42 enterprises and institutions in Xiangyan Town (including Pingyi Office). 542 enterprise and institution staff need to be resettled.

2.3.6 Rehabilitation (reconstruction) of special projects

The inundation of Wudu Reservoir involves Jiangyou City and Pingwu County. Traffic facilities, power facilities, communication facilities, broadcasting and television facilities, bridges, natural gas pipelines, survey marks and other major special projects affected by the inundation of the reservoir need to be rehabilitated (reconstructed); cultural relics and historic sites affected by the inundation need to be excavated or protected (restored) at different places. Table 7 shows the statistics of the percentage completed in the relocation and construction of each special project.

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Table 7 Statistics of the completion of rehabilitation (reconstruction) of special projects in Wudu Reservoir area

Project name Unit Qty. Project location

Status of construction

Construction progress (%)


Broadcasting line km 30

Xiangyan new

market town

Not begun construction

yet 0

Mobile line km 69

Xiangyan new

market town

Under construction

83 It is predicted to complete in 2010

Telecommunication line

km 2.3

Xiangyan new

market town

Construction completed

100 Completed

Natural gas pipeline

km 12.859 Xiangyan Baoling Temple

Under construction


Pingjiang Highway km 10.05 In

Pingwu Construction completed

100 Completed

km 16.387 In

Jiangyou Under

construction 100

By the end of June 2010, Jiangyou section of Shanshui Highway has been fully opened to traffic.

Shanshui Highway

km 12.073 In

Pingwu Under

construction 70

Subgrade of each bid section has been basically shaped up. Now pavement culvert pipes and bridges are being prefabricated and installed. Pingwu section of Shanshui Highway has already completed 80% of total quantities of works

Traffic in reservoir area

km 28.77 In

reservoir area

Under construction

70 It is predicted to complete in 2011

Cultural relics and historic sites

Place 13 In

reservoir area

In progress 80 It is predicted to complete in 2012

Xiaoheba Bridge regulation works

m 23 In

Pingwu Under

construction 100 Completed

Xiangyan new market town

Place In

Pingwu Under

construction 60

Ground leveling works, infrastructure supporting

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construction works, comfortable housing project, greening works and other projects have entered the closing stage, and it is predicted that construction task in Xiangyan new market town will be completely finished in 2010.

Low voltage circuit km In

Pingwu Under

construction 70 Completed in 2010

Wharf in reservoir area

Place 11

In Jiangyou

and Pingwu

Under construction


Tractor road in Xinglong Village

km 4.6 Under

construction 80 Completed in 2010

2.4 Post-resettlement Support Plan 2.4.1 Scope and objects of post-resettlement support

The scope and objects of post-resettlement support are rural agricultural population who have actually relocated or whose farmland have been occupied in areas affected by inundation of Wudu Reservoir, areas occupied by key projects, and areas occupied for the construction of special projects.

This project is a project under construction. Rural resettlers have begun to relocate from 2001. According to regulations in CFF [2006] No. 24, those relocated and resettled before June 30, 2006 are registered as "as is” population and those relocated and resettled after July 1, 2006 are registered as previously located population.

In case of any of the following situation during post-resettlement support period, support objects will not enjoy it any longer:

1 Where support objects are employed by state organs and institutions, support objects who are soldiers in active service (including armed police) are made cadres, and support objects have stable income sources after graduation from junior colleges and technical secondary schools.

2 Where support objects become non-agricultural residents after production resettlement.

3 Where support objects die during post-resettlement support.

4 Where support objects are serving a prison sentence (excluding probation).

2.4.2 Number of people enjoying post-resettlement support

Registration of population for post-resettlement support is based on the principle of “localized management, county based”, with work as the unit. People's Government at the county level breaks down and checks the number of resettlers for each work into resettled households or village groups and then verifies and summarizes level by level, submitting the results to Provincial Government for approval.

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2.4.3 Support standard and duration

For rural resettlers who have been included in the scope of post-resettlement support, verified and registered, they will receive allowance 600 yuan/person/year.

According to regulations in CFF [2006] No. 24 and the implementation of post-resettlement support for Wudu Reservoir, for relocated resettlers, they are granted post-resettlement support funds from July 2006, with a duration of 20 years; for resettlers that have not relocated, they are granted post-resettlement support funds from the day when they finish relocation and resettlement, with a duration of 20 years.

2.4.4 Supporting method

According to the implementation of post-resettlement support for Wudu Reservoir, based on the adequate invitation of resettlers’ thoughts, for post-resettlement support objects who can be verified to person, files and special accounts are established, and the post-resettlement support funds are granted to the accounts timely and adequately and then to each person. This is the main method of post-resettlement support for Wudu Reservoir. When post-resettlement support objects can not be verified to person, the collective organization of the same village determines the method of post-resettlement support according to the thoughts of the majority of resettlers and the opinions of the crowds in the resettled village. The method is implemented after approved by People’s Government at the county level.

2.4.5 Granting of post-resettlement support funds and management of fund use

Post-resettlement support funds are included in financial budget and are managed by Department of Finance at each level by the method of “separation between revenue and expenditure”. For post-resettlement support funds granted to resettlers themselves, according to the principle of “ensuring security, bringing convenience to resettlers, making formalities simple and providing quality service”, personal accounts are established for resettlers in state-owned or state-held Commercial Banks and funds are granted monthly and adequately. At places where there is no state-owned or state-held Commercial Bank, other financial institutions are selected to establish personal accounts for resettlers at the premise that fund security is ensured. However, the mode of service purchasing must be adopted and agreement on closed operation of funds must be signed with People's Government at county level or Department of Finance and agency financial institution to realize that a fixed sum is used for a fixed purpose and that fund security is ensured. Once conditions permit, the funds must be transferred and handled in state-owned or state-held Commercial Banks.

2.4.6 Implementation of post-resettlement support

So far, there are 6,043 people in total who have begun to receive post-resettlement support funds from July 2006, in which 3,943 are from Jiangyou and 2,100 are from Pingwu. The method of payment is local government directly allocating funds to each person at 50 yuan/month. By July 2010, a total of 14,503,200 yuan have been paid.

2.5 Assessment on Implementation of Resettlement 2.5.1 Assessment on resettlement planning

The determination of target and task of resettlement planning conforms to the requirements of relevant regulations, procedures and specifications. The Resettlement Plan has passed national review, and its main indexes have not been changed significantly. The determination of specific standards of resettlement planning conforms to regulations in national specifications. Basic data used in resettlement planning is reliable, with comprehensive contents. The analysis of population scale and main

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planning indexes for rural resettlement is basically accurate. Production Resettlement Planning Scheme is well based, and its analytical method is scientific. The determination of where the resettlers from reservoir area will be resettled and the Resettlement Plan is well based and with reasonable and scientific methods; the content of planning design is comprehensive and the results are accurate.

Under the condition that the time is short, task is heavy and relocation and resettlement are seriously lagging behind, the Employer and local resettlement authority at each level have carried out management according to the Report on Technical Measure Design for Land Acquisition and Resettlement for Construction of Wudu Reservoir issued by Ministry of Water Resources, establishing and perfecting rules and regulations, fully playing their management functions, completing resettlement work by years, and satisfying the requirements of water storage for the project.

However, there are still some problems occurred during the implementation of management. One of the problems is that the compensation standard for the first batch of resettlers from 2001 to 2004 was relatively low, which made the resettlement and recovery unsatisfactory. The second resettlement was performed in 2005. Although the resettler compensation standard was greatly raised compared with that in the first resettlement, the land compensation standard was still low. In addition, the selection of resettlement sites was not satisfactory, thus making the resettlement work between the second half of 2006 and 2007 basically in stagnation. The resettlement work began to advance not until 2008. In previous resettlements, relocation was implemented at the premise that the planning design was not complete and approved, leading to the unplanned implementation of resettlement, the passive situation where resettlement is carried out while being planned, and the situation that the implementation exceeded scale and standard, etc. The main cause for these problems was the lagging of the design and approval of resettlement planning.

The second problem is that the local resettlement authorities didn’t, in their ideas, include resettlement implementation management completely in capital construction procedures.

The third problem is that in the process of resettlement, public participation was obviously lacking, leading to the situation where anticipation in early stage planning was inadequate and conflicts in later stage resettlement were unable to be solved over a long period of time.

2.5.2 Assessment on production and living resettlement for resettlers

According to sample survey on recovery of production and living of resettled resettlers, the resettled phase I and II resettlers have already been accustomed to resettlement places, basically realizing the transition of life from being resettlers to villagers in resettlement places. According to sample survey on recovery of production and living of resettlers, the production and living standards of 95% of all resettlers in the reservoir area have reached or exceeded the original standards. This mainly reflects in the improvement of housing conditions, raising of the quality of life, diversification of economic income sources, and other aspects.

In terms of residential point construction, the number of households building houses and water, power, road and other basic conditions have basically met requirements. However, the construction of Xiangyan new market town is still lagging, and standards in investment budget and engineering design have been exceeded.

In terms of agricultural resettlement, farmland allocation and the number of people for production resettlement are basically in conformity with the planning, but production measures have not been timely implemented absolutely according to the planning.

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Resettlement work for enterprises, institutions and schools have been basically completed, with the resettlement under a good condition.

2.5.3 Assessment on market town relocation and construction

Factors for the selection of new sites of Beicheng market town and Xiangyan market town have been comprehensively considered. The determination of population scale is appropriate; Standards of land for construction, composition proportion and standards of infrastructure planning are well based.

Ground leveling and infrastructure supporting works in new market towns were commenced from June 2006. So far, for infrastructure in relocation and construction planning in Xiangyan new market town, land acquisition and resettlement at the new site have been completed. However, due to impacts of the severe damage of water supply works and other factors caused by the earthquake occurred on May 12, the construction in Xiangyan market town is in slow progress. Pipe network facilities (water, power, road and communication) are still under construction. The plotted resettlement plan for resettlers entering market towns to resettle has not been issued, making residents in Pingyi market town and Xiangyan market town and more than 800 rural resettlers entering the market towns to resettle from Fujiang Village and Datian Village unable to carry out house building in the market towns. Rural resettlers and residents in Xiangyan Town began house building from December 2009, exhibiting a lagging situation.

2.5.4 Assessment on relocation and construction of major special facilities

Major special facilities in the reservoir area have been relocated and constructed successfully according to the original scale and standards (grades) and the requirement of restoring original functions. Each special facility has been planned reasonably, but during the later stage implementation, the works have been lagged and have exceeded standards, scales and investment in different degrees due to the earthquake occurred on May 12.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section III Resettlement Effects and Characteristics

3.1 Resettlement Characteristics and Method Selection For Wudu Reservoir resettlement, according to the characteristics of there being a lot of people but only very little land and grain per capita being inadequate in resettlement areas in Jiangyou City and Pingwu County, the farmland carrying capacity has been analyzed and calculated mainly according to the planning target of 400 kg grain per capita. Under the direction of environmental capacity analysis, for production resettlement for rural resettlers in Wudu Reservoir, based on inward movement and outward relocation, many resettlement channels have been opened. The main methods are such five categories as agricultural resettlement, composite (secondary and tertiary industries) resettlement, agricultural to non-agricultural transferring, finding job by oneself and turning to relatives and friends. The resettlement principle is that for resettlement methods, resettlers’ thoughts shall be respected, and the resettlers shall have the right to select freely the resettlement methods and resettlement places. Each kind of resettlement method is based on survey results on rural resettlers’ thoughts, with spare resettlement capacity reserved. Sometimes one village has adopted several resettlement methods and one household has also adopted several resettlement channels. The methods and patterns are various.

In the aspect of rural resettlement for relocation and construction, 18 townships and towns with relatively good economy, infrastructure, transportation, etc. in 41 townships and towns of the city have been selected as resettlement areas according to the principle of corresponding the production and living conditions of resettlers on their original places of residence to the selection of resettlement places. Each resettler has been allocated contract land, private land and housing land according to the standard per capita not lower than that of farmers on the resettlement place. During the process of specific implementation, the resettlers also have the right to select freely the resettlement places. However, in the case that contract land at resettlement place is less than 0.4 mu on average, the resettlement method of turning to relatives and friends is not acceptable.

Market town resettlement is implemented based on the principle of restoring original scales, standards and functions. The long-term planning target year for new construction scale of market town is 2015. As the economy of Xiangyan market town is relatively good, based on the fully consideration that resettlers are generally not willing to relocate outward, the number of resettlers has been adjusted from 2,913 (2,362 for outward relocation and 551 for inside resettlement) originally to 3,013 (985 for outward relocation and 2,028 for inside resettlement) currently. Although land capacity is adequate, resource conditions are poor, thus a more extensive resettlement implementation plan has been adopted, where various and effective resettlement methods have been applied to resettlers in different village groups, effectively reducing the adverse impact of resettlement capacity reduction due to the enlargement of resettlement scale in the same town.

3.2 Analysis on Effects of Wudu Reservoir Resettlement 3.2.1 Income

After the Wudu Reservoir resettlement is basically completed, detailed monitoring and investigation have been carried out for the recovery of production and living of resettlers in reservoir area, so as to understand the impacts of resettlement policy on income recovery. Take the income recovery of resettlers relocated into the 18 resettlement areas in Jiangyou City for example. At the end of 2001 when they were not relocated, the majority of residents lived in mountain areas, earning income mainly from agriculture, with net income per capita of 2,378 yuan, which was lower than the average level in

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resettlement townships and towns in the whole city. After relocation and construction were implemented in 2007, in 18 resettlement townships and towns, there are 13 Class I townships and towns where farmland per capita was 1.1 mu. There are 5 Class II townships and towns where farmland per capita was 1.3 mu. Because agricultural technical training has been provided in resettlement, the planting of pure grain crops in the past have been changed into the planting mode of combining cash crops, sightseeing crops and agricultural crops. In addition, as resettlement areas have been selected at regions with easy transportation and developed industrial and mining enterprises, commerce and tertiary industry, apart from agricultural income, the resettlers have earned incomes from animal husbandry, trading, going out to work, etc. The way of earning income has been changed from earning income primarily from agriculture in the past to the combination of variously kinds of ways. By 2007, the net income per resettler has been more than 4,000 yuan. According to monitoring and investigation year by year, it is shown that present resettlement policies for Wudu Reservoir have all been implemented and resettlers have all been successfully accustomed to resettlement places with stable income sources and reliable life security. Their main income sources have basically got rid of the dependency on land and the production and living standards of the majority of resettlers have already exceeded the original standards.

For resettlers that have entered the new market towns, they have been engaged mainly in business operation, with each household owning a frontage shop which brings about net income per capita 1,200 yuan/month. Resettlers who are not in business rent the shops out and the income obtained has also increased compared with the original income. For resettlers who are engaged mainly in farming in the past, the average output value of land is 1,000 yuan/mu annually before relocation. After they have been resettled in the town, through soil fertilization and direction in developing quality and efficient agriculture and sightseeing agriculture, the output value of land may be increased to 4,000 – 5,000 yuan/mu. At the same time, the completed construction of Wudu Reservoir will pull the development of tourism, service industry and other related industries in the market town, greatly increasing the channels and opportunities for resettlers to be employed, to be engaged in business and to work outside. On the whole, through getting gradually accustomed to new environment and post-resettlement support of government, the income levels of resettlers in market town have been recovered or have exceeded the levels before relocation.

3.2.2 Land

According to the direction of environmental capacity analysis for reservoir resettlement, before and after the relocation of resettlers in Wudu Reservoir, the quantities of land owned are basically equal and the agricultural incomes also trend to be equal. Therefore, the impact on resettlers in land loss is marginal. Table 8 shows the statistics and analysis on farmland area and agricultural income per capita before and after allocation to resettlement areas.

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Table 8 Analysis and statistics of land and income before and after relocation and construction for resettlers in Wudu Reservoir area

Township and town

Village (Nr.)

Community (Nr.)

Farmland per capita

before resettlement

to resettlement

areas (mu/person)

Income per capita before resettlement

to resettlement

areas (yuan/person)

Land for production per capita

after resettlement (mu/person)

Land for production

for resettlers adjusted


Income per capita after resettlement


Jiangyou 102 278 0.92 3,171 0.4-1.3 1,382.76 3,091-3,374 Youxian District

19 58 1.08 3,514 0.7-2.34 615.43 3,168-3,342

Santai County

8 15 0.91 3,097 0.61-1.51 315 2,933-3,042

Zitong County

22 50 1.31 2,865 0.81-2.81 1,180.5 2,073-2,783

Pingwu County

11 34 2 3,026 1.4 3,148-3,540

3.2.3 Houses

The complete inundation of Wudu Reservoir has affected house areas totaling 359,500 m2. Rural house areas totaling 225,700 m2 (not including new site of Xiangyan market town, the condition that land rather than house has been inundated, and house areas relocated beyond boundary line) have been affected by the complete inundation of reservoir area, with house areas per capita being 36.66 m2. House areas in market town total 64,600 m2 and house areas in industrial and mining enterprises total 69,100 m2. Except houses in industrial and mining enterprises, resettlers’ houses are basically in brick-wood structure and earth-wood structure.

After resettlers have moved out of the reservoir area, Land for construction per capita shall be 55 m2 and that include housing land, land for transportation, land for public facilities, etc., in which the resettlement land for resettlers building houses is 30 m2 per capita for reconstruction. New houses of resettlers have been built basically at places close to highways and market towns and with open infrastructure. Houses are mostly small buildings in brick-concrete or brick-wood structure. The housing conditions have been greatly improved. Due to the convenient transportation and complete supporting facilities around, employment, medical treatment, school, business and other aspects have been significantly improved compared with the time before relocation.

3.2.4 Sustainable development

In order that resettlers in resettlement areas will have life security and ways to develop production to achieve the goal of sustainable development, extensive livelihood restoration works have been carried out according to the actual requirements of resettlement, for example, promoting new agricultural technologies among resettlers and providing production skill training to increase resettlers’ farming skills. In addition, in resettlement areas, planting structure has been adjusted, agricultural hydraulic engineering has been regulated, soil in medium yield and low yield farms has been reformed, and tertiary industry has been actively developed. Seeking jobs for production development has been implemented during slack farming periods. The income of resettlers has been guided to expand from pure agricultural income to diversified income. Moreover, eligible resettlers in reservoir area begin to receive post-resettlement support funds from 2007,

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which advantageously ensures production and living recovery of resettlers after relocation and construction. Currently, income of resettlers in reservoir area has been recovered, even exceeded the level before relocation and construction.

For vulnerable groups, corresponding aiding mechanism has also been established. Those without working capability have been resettled in local geracomium. For households having difficulty in house building, their houses have been rehabilitated using special house building allowance, and various aiding measures have been taken to help them recovery production and living standards.

3.3 Achievements and Impacts of Wudu Reservoir Resettlement

3.3.1 Achievement of resettlement

Resettlement for Wudu Reservoir Project has been completed in 2 phases. Phase I was launched in 2001 and ended in 2004, and Phase II was launched in 2005 and basically ended at the end of 2009. At present, except Pingwu where a few problems left over in resettlement are being dealt with, other resettlement work have already been completed for a long time. Resettlers have already spent many years in production recovery in resettlement areas, with their production, life, income, community organization, social adaptability adjustment, etc. have been considerably recovered and developed. For most resettlers, their living environment, standards and conditions have been significantly improved and raised compared with those before relocation. Resettlers are living and working in peace and contentment with stable emotion. On the whole, the resettlement is successful, achieving good results. However, there are some problems left over. The first problem is that as the farmland capital construction and agricultural development projects start late, production recovery in some villages is unsatisfactory. The second problem is that for resettlement work in Pingwu region, due to various reasons such as defects in early stage resettlement design and impacts of the great earthquake occurred in May 12, 2008, the resettlement is seriously lagged. Currently the construction works for Xiangyan new market town has been strengthened and is predicted to be completely finished at the end of 2010.

3.3.2 Impact assessment Assessment on economic impacts

(1) Adverse impacts

The building of Wudu Reservoir will have significant impacts on townships and towns involved in the inundation of reservoir area, especially village groups that are seriously inundated. The disadvantage of this impact mainly reflects in the reduction of income, damage to transportation and infrastructure, etc. caused by land inundation. Reservoir inundation and resettlement will break the original national economic network, making industrial and agricultural development in resettlement areas more difficult.

Land, as the basic means of production in agricultural production, is a kind of non-renewable resource. However, the areas to be inundated are producing areas with good agro-ecology for major grain and cash crops in Jiangyou City and Pingwu County, with most farmland and garden plots under the inundation line being fertile soil that has been operated for many years. The inundation of land will certainly bring about certain losses in agricultural production in the city and county and other townships and towns involved. According to analysis on statistical data of the city and county and other townships and towns involved in 2004, after the reservoir is built, the annual grain output of the city and county has decreased by 3,336 t in total, taking up 41.43 % of the total grain output of the city and county; the output value in planting of the city and county has decreased by 14.5 million yuan, taking up 71.7 % of the total agricultural income of the city and county.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Wudu Reservoir has inundated provincial roads Pingjiang Highway (7.6 km) and Shanshui Highway (26.7 km). Pingjiang Highway is the main access from Pingwu County to the hinterland of our province and is also the circular tourism fast track from Chengdu and Mianyang to the scenic spot Jiuzhaigou; Shanshui Highway is the only one vital communication line for residents in Pingyi Office in Xiangyan Town and Beicheng Township in Jiangyou City and the peripheral areas to go out, bearing the production, living and material transportation for nearly 10,000 people in this area. The rehabilitation of highways has brought impacts in different degrees to local tourism, transportation and production and living of residents in peripheral areas.

(2) Positive impacts

Positive impacts of Wudu Reservoir resettlement mainly reflect in helping the optimization of industrial structure, enhancing the construction of rural residential points, driving economic growth, etc.

The building of Wudu Reservoir has led to the large scaled relocation and resettlement in reservoir area, relocation and construction of market towns inundated and fund input to reservoir area, providing opportunity for the reasonable resource allocation in reservoir area, optimization of industrial structure and establishment of pillar industries as well as a now-or-never chance for the rearrangement of production of resettlers and deagriculturalization of rural labor force.

Moreover, villages in reservoir area are gradually formed in many years. Due to the lack of united planning, the distribution is not reasonable. After the villages have been inundated by Wudu Reservoir, united planning will be performed for rural residential points, which will make the distribution more reasonable and infrastructure functions close to perfection.

On the whole, as the reservoir resettlement progresses, the construction of related infrastructure has been increased, enhancing the development of local economy and pulling the economic development of related local industries. At the same time, the resettlement has also provided funds, labor force and preferential policies for the rapid development of industry and agriculture in areas around the reservoir and resettlement areas. Assessment on social impacts

Reservoir inundation has upset the order of political, economic and cultural life in the inundated areas and resettlement areas, increasing the psychological conflicts of and social pressure on people. The improper handling of resettlement, if any, may bring adverse impacts to social stability. However, as in Wudu Reservoir resettlement, sufficient attention has been paid to survey on social psychology, social adaptability adjustment, sustainable development and other aspects, social stability is achieved in present resettlement areas and resettlers and residents in resettlement areas can get along well with each other.

But it must be pointed out that there is a need to strengthen the links of resettler complaining and public participation in resettlement. Project sustainability

In Wudu Reservoir resettlement, the issue of sustainable development has been considered in terms of resettlement methods, environmental conditions, economy, society, etc. During the implementation of resettlement, production development measures have been adequately implemented, so as to ensure the life of resettlers is secured and there are ways for production development.

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However, those production development measures are not perfect. For some villages with less land and inadequate production development funds, relevant departments shall make active effort in doing post-resettlement production supporting works, making funds and technical support available to resettlers and ensuring that the economy of resettlers and that of resettlement areas can develop together.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section IV Implementation and Management of Wudu

Reservoir Resettlement

4.1 Management System of Wudu Reservoir Resettlement The management mode of “led by Ministry of Water Resources, managed by the Employer, in the full charge of governments of the relocated cities and counties and governments at city and county levels of resettlement areas, and comprehensively supervised by River Water Conservancy and Hydropower Consulting Center” is adopted for Wudu Reservoir resettlement work. Sichuan Ministry of Water Resources is the leader for the implementation of the project. Sichuan Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. is the Employer (Project Entity). Mianyang Wudu Diversion Project Administration Office has been established as the daily administrative body. The Employer supervises, inspects and manages during the whole process on behalf of the Investor. The Employer and Implementing Organization operate according to the Report on Technical Measure Design for Land Acquisition and Resettlement for Construction of Wudu Reservoir, each performing its own functions and taking its own charges, which ensures that the relocation and resettlement of resettlers in reservoir area is accomplished successfully according to the plan and passes the acceptance.

4.2 Fund Management for Wudu Reservoir Project 4.2.1 Raising and management of funds for Wudu Reservoir Project

The special resettlement funds used by Wudu Reservoir is invested and estimated according to preliminary design approved by the country and the Project Employer, Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., is responsible for the raising of funds. Based on Regulations for Financial Management of Basic Construction, the funds are appropriated timely and adequately according to progress and plan.

Resettlement funds are based on the principle of planning uniformly, managing at different levels, linking up with relocation and resettlement tasks, granting fixed amounts of allowances, lump sum payment, one account for one people and a fixed sum for a fixed purpose. Municipal Resettlement Office prepares united plan for resettlement funds to carry out implementation item by item. The Municipal Resettlement Office appropriates the funds to People’s Governments and related municipal departments of the original places and resettlement places which will take full charge. Special accountants have been selected and bank accounts have been established by Resettlement offices in cities, districts, counties, townships and towns to establish sound management system. Accountant and cashier must be established separately. The payment of resettlement funds have to be approved by charging leaders at each level. The financial procedures and formalities must be strict to reflect financial status truthfully. After the completion of resettlement and relocation and construction of special facilities, Resettlement Offices at each level and each relevant departments have timely handled the final financial settlement, audit and completion acceptance as stipulated, and handed over all final materials to the Project Employer.

4.2.2 Appropriation and use of resettlement funds

According to Mianyang Resettlement Office, the progress payment verified under the supervision of Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. has been confirmed. The resettlement funds started to be appropriated on November 1, 2004, and the appropriation will be basically ended by 2010. The specific flow of fund appropriation is: the Employer, Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd. --- Resettlement

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Offices of Jiangyou City and Pingwu County ---- resettled groups in townships (towns) ---- resettled households. The Employer, Wudu Water Conservancy and Hydropower Co., Ltd., has made accumulated payment to the Municipal Resettlement Office for resettlement, relocation and construction of special facilities in reservoir area, etc., totaling 330.7594 million yuan. The detailed appropriation is as follows:

Table 9 Details of resettlement fund appropriation in Wudu Reservoir area

Year for payment

Allowance for rural

resettlement compensation

Compensation for relocation

and construction of market


Compensation for relocation

and construction of enterprises

and institutions

Rehabilitation fee for special


Fee for clearing reservoir bottom

Fee for setting up

resettlement authority

2004 200 2005 5,800 1,000 500 2006 1,851.39 2,000 2,300 590.226 2007 2,840.93 800 1,215.39 2,878 70 2008 2,250 1,100 2,070 2009 650 500 1,450 2010 1,350 1,600 60 Total 33,075.94

4.3 Organization Setting-up and Management 4.3.1 Organization setting-up and division of work

For organization setting-up and division of work for Wudu Reservoir resettlement, the preparation of project organization for construction is in good time, the organization is perfect, the organizational leadership works are efficient, each working system and job responsibility are clear and have been fulfilled. In the project, all parties cooperate and supervise mutually, each performing its own functions and taking its own charges, which ensures that the relocation and resettlement in reservoir area is completed successful according to the plan and passes the acceptance.

4.3.2 Management of the Employer and local government

For the Wudu Reservoir Project, internal monitoring mechanism and social supervision mechanism have been established in resettlement management organizations at all levels. River Water Conservancy and Hydropower Consulting Center has been entrusted to be the comprehensive supervision organization for Wudu Reservoir resettlement. In the resettlement, attention has been paid to financial management and training; in planning design management, Sichuan Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design has been entrusted to give technical instructions; consulting agency has also been set up in resettlement management, linking up with international management modes. However, as an early stage national water conservancy project, monitoring agency and complaining mechanism have not been established yet.

4.4 Fund payment For the management and use of resettlement funds, the fund management institution is perfect and the fund appropriation channel is transparent. The system of “a fixed sum for a fixed purpose and strict approval” is applied to resettlement funds for each year. Under the joint monitoring of the Employer, Mianyang Resettlement Office and three supervision parties (bank, finance, audit, discipline inspection and supervision

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


departments), the funds have been paid timely in strict accordance with compensation standards, with no funds held back or diverted. However, in the construction of market towns and relocation and construction of special project facilities, standards, scales and investment have been exceeded in several cases.

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


Section V Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1 Comprehensive Assessment For resettlement work in Wudu Reservoir area, the organization setting-up is perfect, management is good, organizational leadership works are efficient and working systems and job responsibilities are clear, ensuring that the resettlement in reservoir area can be completed successfully according to the plan and pass the acceptance. The content of planning design is comprehensive, statistics of material index survey used in resettlement planning are accurate, the resettlement planning is comprehensive in content, and basis, standards and specifications adopted in resettlement basically conform to national regulations on large scaled water conservancy and hydropower projects. Targets and tasks of resettlement planning conform to requirements in related regulations, procedures and specifications. The analysis of population scale and main planning indexes for rural resettlement is basically accurate. Production Resettlement Planning Scheme is well based, and its analytical method is scientific. The determination of where the resettlers from reservoir area will be resettled and the Resettlement Plan is well based and with reasonable and scientific methods; the content of resettlement area planning design is comprehensive and the effect of implementation is good. The production, life, income, community organization, social adaptability adjustment, etc. of early stage resettlers have been considerably recovered and developed; For most resettlers, their living environment, standards and conditions have been significantly improved and raised compared with those before relocation, and their production and living standards have been recovered basically.

However, it needs to be pointed out that problems like decision-making period being long and planning design and approval being lagged exist in the implementation of resettlement, which has caused the serious lagging of resettlement of part of resettlers, unplanned implementation and the phenomena of planning while implementing and exceeding scale and standard in implementation. Importance shall be attached to these problems at the later stage of resettlement, lessons shall be drawn and attention shall be paid to avoid these problems.

5.2 Main Experiences and Lessons Though post-resettlement assessment, experiences and lessons have been drawn. In future

resettlement work, the following problems shall be paid attention to:

z In the stage of planning design, related national laws and regulations shall be extensively disseminated to resettlers and the determination of Resettlement Plan shall have the extensive participation of resettlers, so as to prevent the occurrence of the situation where resettlement work are lagged due to resettlers’ dissatisfaction with resettlement policies in the implementation of resettlement.

z In each design stage, the design organization shall be responsible for the centralized management of technologies, so as to ensure the legality, reasonability, scientificity and effectiveness of planning design and avoid problems being left over in the implementation.

z The timely completion and approval of resettlement planning design is the guarantee to the ordered implementation of resettlement as per rules, which can prevent standards and scales being exceeded due to the fact of planning while implementing.

z� Resettlement planning shall have scientific verification. Once the achievement has been replied, its seriousness shall be maintained. Design principle, design plan and

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


design standard shall not be modified without authorization. For design that certainly needs to be modified or changed, it is a must to handle formalities for reporting and approval and to undergo the review and obtain the approval of experts organized by the Employer or competent department at a higher level. �

z� Great attention shall be paid to the united planning of residential points. Personal housing shall primarily be self-built housing. Production development projects shall undergo sufficient early stage argumentation. The construction of public facilities and special projects in townships and towns shall be strictly controlled and carried out under the united organization of Resettlement Offices at county and city levels. Large scaled special projects shall be managed according to capital construction procedure, so as to avoid the blind expansion of scale and raising of grade which can lead to the situation where expenses have exceeded standard, investment has to be added, production funds and resettler’s personal compensation have been diverted, etc.

5.3 Problems Needing to be Solved z Hurry up to solve problems left over in the process of relocation and resettlement;

directing at the actual situation of the lagged resettlement in Pingwu reservoir area in Wudu Reservoir, it is needed to strengthen house building of resettlers in Pingwu and Xiangyan new market towns and house building beyond boundary line of resettlers in Xinglonggou in reservoir area.

z Fasten the progress of house building of resettled rural residents in Xiangyan Town, so as to ensure the blocking off of diversion tunnel in Wudu Reservoir at the middle of February 2010 and the realization of the target of water storage in the reservoir in June 2010.

z As in part of resettlement areas, the resources, input of support funds and capability to solve problems are limited, special attention shall be paid to basic conditions of existence of part of resettlers, such as transportation, power consumption, children’s schooling, doctor visiting and housing.

z Fasten the construction progress of infrastructure and special facilities to ensure the smoothness of communication and transportation.

5.4 Countermeasures and Suggestions

z Strengthening the direction in handling problems left over in reservoir resettlement

In the economic development and structural adjustment of resettlers, it is required to adapt to the market, adjust measures to local conditions, highlight characteristics, make use of advantages and strengthen information service and technical demonstration approaches; to handle affairs according to laws of market economy and strengthen direction in handling problems left over in reservoir resettlement.

z Including economic development planning for resettlement areas in local economic development planning

Each policy and political measure for local economic development shall be applicable to the development of resettlers. Each policy for supporting the poor shall also be enjoyed by poor resettlers.

z Making preferential policies and pairing assisting measures for resettlers according to present national policies and actual conditions in reservoir area

Wudu Reservoir Project, as a domestic large scaled water conservancy and hydropower project at the early stage, often operates at the cost of sacrificing

Resettlement Report for Wudu Reservoir and Wudu Diversion and Irrigation Project, Phase II


resettlers’ interests and local interests. In the aspect of compensation and resettlement, it is unable to compensate the loss of resettlers in the inundation at the actual prices of market economy. Instead, the policy of pre-resettlement allowance and post-resettlement support is adopted. Therefore, certain preferential policies and pairing-assisting measures shall be made to help resettlers adapt to new environment as soon as possible, to recovery their production and living in the shortest time, and to make the development of their production and living sustainable.

z Establishing supervision, monitoring and assessment mechanisms to ensure the smooth proceeding of relocation and resettlement

As a domestic water conservancy and hydropower project at the early stage, it is not good enough in the aspects of monitoring establishment, public participation and project assessment. Thus it is required to make policy target, progress control target and quality target for relocation and resettlement in reference of procedures stipulated in the Guide of the World Bank for Implementation of Involuntary Resettlement and in combination of our country's national conditions, so as to ensure investment projects for the resettlement project can be implemented smoothly according to planning and specifications; effective monitoring and assessment shall be performed on investment projects for the resettlement project, so as to ensue the economic benefits and social benefits of the construction of the resettlement project and to guarantee the lawful rights and interests of resettlers.

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